SP Group Accelerates Betagro's Clean Energy Transition with Large-Scale Rooftop Solar Deployment


SP Group is empowering the green transition of Betagro, a leading integrated food company in Thailand, by installing close to 13,000 rooftop solar panels across seven of its factories. When operational in Q3 this year, this large-scale photovoltaic project will reduce Betagro’s carbon emissions by 4,400 tons and help the brand achieve about 17 million baht (or S$630,500) in annual cost savings.

The solar panels will generate about 11 Gigawatt-Hours (GWh) of clean energy per year – equivalent to about eight per cent of the total electricity consumed across the seven factories. This partnership strengthens Betagro’s commitment of using renewable energy sources to power its operations and cut carbon emissions.

Read more here.

- 25 July 2024