SP invests and builds 90-megawatt aquavoltaic farm in Shandong China

Signing Ceremony

SP partners with Qingdao Daneng Environmental Protection Equipment to invest in and build a 90-Megawatt aquavoltaic farm in Shandong, China. At an investment value of over S$76 million, the project will be connected with a hydrogen production facility to sustainably power Shandong’s first green hydrogen production plant in Qingdao City. It will incorporate renewable energy generation, grid integration, demand-side management, and energy storage. Solar PV panels will be deployed across 300 acres (around the size of 161 soccer fields) of an aquafarm and is on track to be connected to the grid by the end of the year. It is projected to produce 162 million kilowatt-hour of green electricity annually, while reducing carbon emissions by 160,000 tons.

Read more: https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/singapore/sp-group-partners-chinese-environmental-company-build-90mw-aquavoltaic-farm

- 23 May 2024