Media Release

SP Group receives NTUC’s top award for employers, for advancing future-ready skills and career pathways

Singapore, 3 May 2024 – At this year’s May Day Awards, SP Group (SP) is receiving the highest award for employers – the Plaque of Commendation (Star) – conferred by the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC).

This recognition is underpinned by SP’s long-standing partnership with the Union of Power and Gas Employees (UPAGE) in advancing continuous skills upgrading and career pathways for SP’s 3,700 employees, sustainable wage growth and age-friendly work environments.

Several notable initiatives have been introduced over the years. In 2018, SP launched Project FUSION, which stands for Future Skills in Everyone, with a structured career and development road map to enhance employability of staff. This has resulted in workers undergoing continuous training and upskilling in readiness for evolving industry needs, and benefitting from job transformation. Since then, SP has invested $52 million in its employees’ training and development, with 1.1 million training hours clocked. Technical officers Goh Yap Meng and Muhammad Shamil bin Abu Bakar are among SP’s employees who have undergone further education and training to be equipped for career progression and job transformation.

The most recent joint effort between SP and UPAGE is Project Silver+ to pre-emptively address potential challenges faced by mature workers at the workplace. Key solutions implemented include modifications to facilities at work areas, the provision of age-friendly work tools and aids, and programmes that boost wellness and retirement adequacy.

In tandem with skills upgrading and systematic job progression, SP regularly reviews and revises its employees’ wages to ensure these remain competitive and in line with Progressive Wage Model guidelines. Working closely with UPAGE, SP started a scheme to uplift the earnings of lower income earners by doubling their annual wage increment as part of efforts to provide meaningful wage growth for lower wage employees.  

Receiving SP Group’s award at a ceremony on 10 May 2024, Group Chief Executive Officer Stanley Huang said, “We are honoured to receive this highest award for employers, with strong endorsement from UPAGE. It serves as a testament to our long-standing union-management partnership towards building a workforce well-equipped for the diverse and evolving needs of the industry. Our employees are instrumental in upholding Singapore’s world-class energy network reliability, and advancing SP’s sustainable energy solutions for customers.”    

General Secretary of UPAGE Abdul Samad Abdul Wahab echoed the Union’s shared commitment to enhancing employability and welfare of workers. He said, “Our journey with SP Group has resulted in joint initiatives to meet the needs and aspirations of workers across the ranks. These holistic efforts have enabled workers to level up their competencies and perform roles that are valuable for the energy sector today and in the future. Our workers are also assured of competitive wages and having their well-being cared for.

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