
SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP to design, build and operate a district cooling and heating system for the new international sports park city in Chengdu, China SP partners Capitaland to deploy distributed district cooling network at the new Geneo life sciences and innovation cluster at Singapore Science Park SP invests and builds 90-megawatt aquavoltaic farm in Shandong China
Category: Sustainability
SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Going Green while Staying at Home with My Carbon Footprint SUSTAINABILITY Each of us can actively reduce the harmful effects of global warming and combat climate change. SP has launched its Carbon Footprint calculator - My Carbon Footprint, available now on the SP Utilities App.  The upgraded calculator promotes behaviour and lifestyle changes to reduce carbon emissions through greater awareness of the environmental impact from everyday habits such as transportation, use of electrical appliances and even food consumption. Designed and built in-house, My Carbon Footprint comes with additional features from the original version that was launched in December. Users can now track their emissions from not just electricity, but also from water and gas. They can also calculate the total amount of carbon emissions of their daily activities, according to their household profile, mode and duration of commute, frequency of holiday travel, as well as spending and dining habits. This is useful especially with a Singapore household consuming an average of seven per cent more electricity during the months of April to August, due to the hotter months when there is higher usage of air conditioning. With an increase of people staying at home, it also points to higher electricity and water consumption. On average, a consumer in Singapore emits more than eight tonnes of carbon emissions annually due to their lifestyle and consumption patterns. More than 400 rain trees are required to absorb this impact on the environment. What’s your carbon footprint?  Download the SP Utilities app and find out now! —  5 May 2020 TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP to design, build and operate a district cooling and heating system for the new international sports park city in Chengdu, China SP partners Capitaland to deploy distributed district cooling network at the new Geneo life sciences and innovation cluster at Singapore Science Park SP invests and builds 90-megawatt aquavoltaic farm in Shandong China
Category: Sustainability
Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP to design, build and operate a district cooling and heating system for the new international sports park city in Chengdu, China SP partners Capitaland to deploy distributed district cooling network at the new Geneo life sciences and innovation cluster at Singapore Science Park SP invests and builds 90-megawatt aquavoltaic farm in Shandong China Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP to design, build and operate a district cooling and heating system for the new international sports park city in Chengdu, China SP partners Capitaland to deploy distributed district cooling network at the new Geneo life sciences and innovation cluster at Singapore Science Park SP invests and builds 90-megawatt aquavoltaic farm in Shandong China Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP to design, build and operate a district cooling and heating system for the new international sports park city in Chengdu, China SP partners Capitaland to deploy distributed district cooling network at the new Geneo life sciences and innovation cluster at Singapore Science Park SP invests and builds 90-megawatt aquavoltaic farm in Shandong China Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP to design, build and operate a district cooling and heating system for the new international sports park city in Chengdu, China SP partners Capitaland to deploy distributed district cooling network at the new Geneo life sciences and innovation cluster at Singapore Science Park SP invests and builds 90-megawatt aquavoltaic farm in Shandong China Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP to design, build and operate a district cooling and heating system for the new international sports park city in Chengdu, China SP partners Capitaland to deploy distributed district cooling network at the new Geneo life sciences and innovation cluster at Singapore Science Park SP invests and builds 90-megawatt aquavoltaic farm in Shandong China Category: Sustainability Search Search Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP to design, build and operate a district cooling and heating system for the new international sports park city in Chengdu, China SP partners Capitaland to deploy distributed district cooling network at the new Geneo life sciences and innovation cluster at Singapore Science Park SP invests and builds 90-megawatt aquavoltaic farm in Shandong China Category: Sustainability Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP to design, build and operate a district cooling and heating system for the new international sports park city in Chengdu, China SP partners Capitaland to deploy distributed district cooling network at the new Geneo life sciences and innovation cluster at Singapore Science Park SP invests and builds 90-megawatt aquavoltaic farm in Shandong China Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Going Green while Staying at Home with My Carbon Footprint SUSTAINABILITY Each of us can actively reduce the harmful effects of global warming and combat climate change. SP has launched its Carbon Footprint calculator - My Carbon Footprint, available now on the SP Utilities App.  The upgraded calculator promotes behaviour and lifestyle changes to reduce carbon emissions through greater awareness of the environmental impact from everyday habits such as transportation, use of electrical appliances and even food consumption. Designed and built in-house, My Carbon Footprint comes with additional features from the original version that was launched in December. Users can now track their emissions from not just electricity, but also from water and gas. They can also calculate the total amount of carbon emissions of their daily activities, according to their household profile, mode and duration of commute, frequency of holiday travel, as well as spending and dining habits. This is useful especially with a Singapore household consuming an average of seven per cent more electricity during the months of April to August, due to the hotter months when there is higher usage of air conditioning. With an increase of people staying at home, it also points to higher electricity and water consumption. On average, a consumer in Singapore emits more than eight tonnes of carbon emissions annually due to their lifestyle and consumption patterns. More than 400 rain trees are required to absorb this impact on the environment. What’s your carbon footprint?  Download the SP Utilities app and find out now! —  5 May 2020 TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Going Green while Staying at Home with My Carbon Footprint SUSTAINABILITY Each of us can actively reduce the harmful effects of global warming and combat climate change. SP has launched its Carbon Footprint calculator - My Carbon Footprint, available now on the SP Utilities App.  The upgraded calculator promotes behaviour and lifestyle changes to reduce carbon emissions through greater awareness of the environmental impact from everyday habits such as transportation, use of electrical appliances and even food consumption. Designed and built in-house, My Carbon Footprint comes with additional features from the original version that was launched in December. Users can now track their emissions from not just electricity, but also from water and gas. They can also calculate the total amount of carbon emissions of their daily activities, according to their household profile, mode and duration of commute, frequency of holiday travel, as well as spending and dining habits. This is useful especially with a Singapore household consuming an average of seven per cent more electricity during the months of April to August, due to the hotter months when there is higher usage of air conditioning. With an increase of people staying at home, it also points to higher electricity and water consumption. On average, a consumer in Singapore emits more than eight tonnes of carbon emissions annually due to their lifestyle and consumption patterns. More than 400 rain trees are required to absorb this impact on the environment. What’s your carbon footprint?  Download the SP Utilities app and find out now! —  5 May 2020 TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Search Search Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Going Green while Staying at Home with My Carbon Footprint SUSTAINABILITY Each of us can actively reduce the harmful effects of global warming and combat climate change. SP has launched its Carbon Footprint calculator - My Carbon Footprint, available now on the SP Utilities App.  The upgraded calculator promotes behaviour and lifestyle changes to reduce carbon emissions through greater awareness of the environmental impact from everyday habits such as transportation, use of electrical appliances and even food consumption. Designed and built in-house, My Carbon Footprint comes with additional features from the original version that was launched in December. Users can now track their emissions from not just electricity, but also from water and gas. They can also calculate the total amount of carbon emissions of their daily activities, according to their household profile, mode and duration of commute, frequency of holiday travel, as well as spending and dining habits. This is useful especially with a Singapore household consuming an average of seven per cent more electricity during the months of April to August, due to the hotter months when there is higher usage of air conditioning. With an increase of people staying at home, it also points to higher electricity and water consumption. On average, a consumer in Singapore emits more than eight tonnes of carbon emissions annually due to their lifestyle and consumption patterns. More than 400 rain trees are required to absorb this impact on the environment. What’s your carbon footprint?  Download the SP Utilities app and find out now! —  5 May 2020 TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, Here’s Why it Matters SUSTAINABILITY Countries are experiencing cleaner skies due to slowdown in air travel during COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought air travel almost to a halt since the start of this year. As countries begin to ease air travel restrictions, many local residents may be looking forward to a much-needed getaway to their favourite vacation spots. According to a Guardian article in 2019, a long-haul flight emits more carbon emissions than the total emissions produced in a year by the citizens of some countries[1]. Besides air travel, there has been a huge surge in single-use plastics. Based on a TODAY Online report, an extra 1,334 tonnes of plastic waste was generated from takeaway and delivery meals in Singapore, during the Circuit Breaker period[2]. This is equivalent to the weight of 92 double-decker buses! Of all the plastic waste generated last year, ninety-six per cent was incinerated[3]. Around 3 per cent of our total greenhouse gas emissions were generated from the waste incineration process in Singapore[4]. So, how can individuals track and reduce their carbon emissions? SP Group (SP) has developed a carbon footprint calculator, which anyone can use to track the impact of daily activities and lifestyle. My Carbon Footprint enables consumers to keep tabs on the environmental impact of their energy consumption and lifestyle choices. Called My Carbon Footprint, this new feature in the SP Utilities app enables users to calculate their carbon emissions and the results are referenced against the national average. These projections are based on local data such as food consumption, driving conditions and air travel originating from Singapore. The calculator also draws its projection from common lifestyle and spending habits in Singapore, such as purchase of clothing and footwear, recreational activities or communication, to name a few. Most importantly, the calculator provides practical tips on reducing carbon footprint. My Carbon Footprint is the latest feature in the app, which also equips users to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. The SP Utilities app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To directly access the calculator, click here. — 27 August 2020 [1] [2] [3] [4]     TAGS SUSTAINABILITYCARBON FOOTPRINT TRACKER YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thai
[20191024] Media Release - SP Group Empowers All In Singapore To Track And Reduce Carbon Footprint
Media Release SP GROUP EMPOWERS ALL IN SINGAPORE TO TRACK AND REDUCE CARBON FOOTPRINT Singapore, 24 October 2019 – SP Group today announced plans to enable all Singapore households and businesses to track and reduce their carbon footprint. The Carbon Footprint Tracker will enable all 1.6 million consumers to track their carbon footprint, based on their power consumption and lifestyle. It will be available on the SP Utilities App (the App) by December this year. Mr Wong Kim Yin, Group Chief Executive Officer, SP Group, said: “With our Carbon Footprint Tracker, consumers can see how their actions impact the environment. Armed with this knowledge, they can take action to improve their habits towards a higher quality, sustainable lifestyle.” The Carbon Footprint Tracker is designed to create awareness, provide tools to take action, and effect changes that will reduce carbon emissions. Additional features will be progressively added in the first half of 2020. Consumers can use simulation tools to calculate their emissions based on daily activities such as mode of transport, air travel, consumption habits, buying habits and energy use. The tool will also incorporate gamification for consumers to engage in healthy competition with other household members, neighbours and friends to achieve their green targets. Anyone with an SP utilities account can download the App and use the Carbon Footprint Tracker and tools, regardless of their electricity retail provider or meter type. -Ends- 1 About SP Group SP Group is a leading energy utilities group in the Asia Pacific. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and district cooling businesses in Singapore and China. SP Group is committed to providing customers with reliable and efficient energy utilities services. About 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore benefit from SP Group’s world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. SP Group also drives digital solutions to empower customers to manage their utilities, reduce consumption and save cost. For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @SPGroupSG. 2
SPD23_6450 SP App Digital Brochure_R4
Managing your utilities is easy, quick, and green! Download the SP app now! Convenience and sustainability, all within the app! Submit meter readings Explore sustainable products on Green Marketplace Green your electricity consumption with My Green Credits™ Locate an EV charger, charge and pay View and pay bills Track your carbon footprint Open account, link and track your consumption Utilities Management with Consumption Insights Manage your utilities account anywhere, anytime. Monitor your utilities consumption through dynamic insights and save energy. You can: • Open and close your utilities account • Link your utilities account to track your consumption • View your consumption in an hourly, monthly and yearly comparison • Submit meter readings for electricity, water and gas • Reschedule appointments My Carbon Footprint A calculator that helps you understand the impact of your actions on the environment, this tracker promotes changes in behaviour and lifestyle to reduce your carbon emissions. Calculate your carbon footprint based on your lifestyle choices such as in food, transportation and the use of electrical appliances. View and pay bills Never worry again about missing a payment, queuing to pay or finding your past or present bills. View and pay your bills on the go with your preferred card or via PayNow QR. You may also choose to set it on recurring payment. Adhoc payments STEP 1 Select the Bills tab > Select a bill. STEP 2 Select a payment method. STEP 3 Complete your payment. Recurring payments Have the option to set it on automatic monthly recurring payment to avoid missing a payment. STEP 1 Select the Profile tab. STEP 2 Select your Payment Method. STEP 3 Select your default card for recurring payments. STEP 4 Choose the Account to set up recurring and select Submit. Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Your green mobility journey is an easy ride with Singapore’s largest fast-charging network via the app. Search for the nearest available charging points, receive updates about your charging sessions and make payments seamlessly. My Green Credits™ Support the growth of renewable energy projects through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs), that represent the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. With every purchase of My Green Credits from the OneMillionTrees Initiative category, SP Group pledges to donate 15% of proceeds to support the OneMillionTrees movement in partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks. Green Marketplace Welcome to Green Marketplace, where you can find greener choices for your planned purchases. These include financial services which encourage green living, for instance a home loan with incentives for solar panel installation, or a car insurance plan that rewards you for driving less! You can look for car loans specifically designed for the purchase of Electric Vehicles (EVs). You can choose home loans that encourage greener living, for instance with incentives for solar panel installation, or rewards if your home incorporates sustainability features. You can even choose financial services that encourage green behaviour, including an innovative car insurance plan that rewards you for driving less! In the meantime, you’ll gain insights on how your choices can reduce your carbon footprint and save costs. © 2023 Singapore Power Ltd. All Rights Reserved Information is accurate as of July 2023 publication.
Climate Services for Individuals
OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Climate Services for Individuals My Green Credits By purchasing My Green Credits, you go green by supporting the need for more renewable energy! On the SP app, you can choose which renewable energy projects you wish to support and decide how green you want to be by selecting the percentage of your monthly electricity consumption - up to 100 per cent - to match with the credits. This will be based on the user's previous utilities bill consumption. The purchase will generate a REC indicating the estimated amount of carbon dioxide emissions the buyer has avoided. Help green Singapore by greening your electricity consumption! In support of going green and the nation's initiatives, SP Group will be donating 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green Credits under the OneMillionTrees category to support the NPark's movement. * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. My Carbon Footprint Calculator What is a carbon calculator? My Carbon Footprint is a carbon calculator that helps individuals analyse their emissions and aim to lead a greener lifestyle. This easy-to-use calculator tabulates and track the emissions that results from your daily activities and holiday travels. Why should we calculate our emissions? The emissions that results from our daily activities pose a negative impact on the environment  that we live in. Our emissions contribute toclimate change rising temperatures, rising sea levels and extreme weather patterns.Therefore,we need to know our emissions in order to know what we can reduce. How do I get started? Click here to calculate your carbon footprint. Or, track your emissions monthly through the SP app. Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide
[20200505] Media Release - My Carbon Footprint - Go Green While Beating The Heat and Staying Home
News Release SP’S MY CARBON FOOTPRINT: GO GREEN WHILE BEATING THE HEAT AND STAYING HOME Singapore, 5 May 2020 – SP Group (SP) today launched its newly enhanced Carbon Footprint calculator, called My Carbon Footprint. It enables everyone in Singapore to (1) be more aware of the environmental impact of their daily actions, and (2) adopt behaviour that saves energy and cost. This is especially useful with electricity consumption rising during the hotter period of the year and people staying at home to limit the spread of COVID-19. Typically, the average household in Singapore consumes seven per cent 1 more electricity during the months of April to August. This is attributed to the hotter months when there is higher usage of air conditioning. With an increase of work-from-home arrangements and the month-long school holiday being brought forward to May, it also points to higher electricity and water consumption. To enable everyone in Singapore to go green and consume energy more efficiently, SP Group has introduced an enhanced My Carbon Footprint which is available on the SP Utilities App. My Carbon Footprint promotes behaviour and lifestyle changes to reduce carbon emissions through greater awareness of the environmental impact from one’s lifestyle. First launched in December 2019, the previous version allows users to view their carbon emissions resulting from their electricity consumption. In the enhanced version, users will be able to track their emissions from not just electricity, but also their water and gas consumption. They will also be able to calculate the total amount of carbon emissions of their daily activities, according to their household profile, mode and duration of commute, frequency of holiday travel, spending habits and food consumption. Designed and built in-house at SP, the calculator is also programmed on localised emission factors. Screengrab of the result page from My Carbon Footprint can be found in Annex A. 1 Based on average electricity consumption figures for Mar 2019-Feb 2020, available at 1 Ms May Liew, Head (Sustainability & Open Innovation), SP Group said: “Using SP Group’s My Carbon Footprint, everyone can see how their actions impact the environment. Users can take steps to be energyefficient while staying home and sustain green lifestyle choices to reduce their carbon footprint. Through this, everyone can play a role in contributing towards a greener, cleaner environment for Singapore.” The average consumption patterns of a consumer in Singapore result in more than eight tonnes of carbon emissions annually 2 . To absorb this impact on the environment, more than 400 rain trees are required. On a household level, the average annual electricity consumption of a four-room HDB household is equivalent to about 1.8 3 tonnes of carbon emissions – requiring approximately 90 rain trees per household. The My Carbon Footprint enables everyone to take simple actions to lower carbon emission every day. Anyone can download the App and use My Carbon Footprint and tools, regardless of their electricity retail provider or meter type. -Ends- 2 Data calculated using My Carbon Footprint based on consumption habits by an average Singaporean as published on, or from other credible sources. 3 Based on 2018’s grid emission factor of 0.4188 kgCO2/kWh. Average monthly electricity use for a 4-room flat based on EMA figures in 2018 is 353.9 kWh. 2 About SP Group SP Group is a leading energy utilities group in the Asia Pacific. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and district cooling businesses in Singapore and China. SP Group is committed to providing customers with reliable and efficient energy utilities services. About 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore benefit from SP Group’s world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. SP Group also drives digital solutions to empower customers to manage their utilities, reduce consumption and save cost. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @SPGroupSG. 3 Annex A – Result page of My Carbon Footprint 4
Climate Services
OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Climate Services Enabling Your Transition to Net-Zero Countries globally have committed to the Paris Agreement. Businesses and individuals are rallying towards the collective goals of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and achieving carbon neutrality by mid-century. Our comprehensive range of carbon solutions will enable businesses and individuals embark on their sustainability journeys, supporting baseline measurements, developing carbon-reduction roadmap, target setting, implementation and end-to-end reporting. Get in touch with us Our Solutions Integrated Climate Services for Business Climate Services for Individuals Renewable Energy Certificates Sustainability Consulting All-in-one Platform Business Explore how your organisation can measure, reduce and offset emissions today. Read more Individuals Green your monthly electricity consumption with renewable energy. Read more Register Your Project Register your project for Renewable Energy Certificates and enhance your project returns. Read more Our Solutions Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) Make creditable claims for renewable energy to offset Scope 2 emissions through our range of RECs in Asia. Find out more Carbon Credits Align your sustainability goals and ambitions with Carbon Credits from reputable sources. Find out more Sustainability Consulting Measure your company’s carbon footprint and develop an inventory of your emissions based on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocol for Scope 1, 2 and 3 to start your sustainability journey and formulate your carbon-reduction roadmap. Find out more My Carbon Footprint & My Green Credits For individuals and households wanting to play their part to help the environment, My Carbon Footprint and My Green Credits allow you to track your emissions and green your electricity consumption. Start your journey by heading over to the SP app! Find out more Latest News Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide
My Carbon Footprint: Go Green while Beating the Heat and Staying Home
Media Release My Carbon Footprint: Go Green while Beating the Heat and Staying Home 16 June 2020 FACTSHEET Households’ Electricity Consumption During the Circuit-Breaker Period Singapore households’ electricity consumption typically increases from April through August. This is because the weather tends to be hotter in these months, and households use more electricity to power their fans or air-conditioners to stay cool. 2.    During the Circuit Breaker (CB) period, most Singaporeans have been staying, working, or studying from home. This, coupled with the hotter weather, has led to higher electricity usage as well. For example, we saw an average increase of 22% in daily household electricity consumption in May 2020, compared to February 2020. How Households Are Billed During the Circuit-Breaker Period 3.    Under normal circumstances, SP Group will send meter readers to visit households to record their electricity, water and gas consumption every alternate month. From 7 April to 1 June 2020, SP Group suspended physical meter reading services in line with the safe distancing measures to minimise the transmission of Covid-19. 4.    For households who do not have advanced electricity meters and also did not submit their own meter readings, their April and May consumption were estimated based on previous months’ consumption data. This would result in an underestimation of their bills for these months. When SP Group resumed its pre-CB physical meter reading routine from 2 June 2020, the accumulated underestimated amount of consumption will be adjusted in the June or July bill. Therefore, the June or July utility bills could be higher than the April and May bills. See below for the illustration. Illustration: For consumers whose electricity meters are read during odd months 5.    About 300,000 households have advanced electricity meters, and their electricity consumption is read remotely. They would be billed based on their actual consumption for April and May. Support to Households 6.  As part of the Budget 2020 Care and Support Package, eligible HDB households will receive double their regular GST Voucher U-Save this year, through a one-off GST Voucher U-Save Special Payment. Eligible households with five or more members will receive an additional GST Voucher – U-Save rebate. The next round of disbursement of the regular GST Voucher U-Save rebate and GST Voucher U-Save Special Payment will be in July 2020. The first disbursement of the additional GST Voucher U-Save rebate for eligible larger households with five or more members will be in October 2020. For more information, visit 7.   As part of the recently announced Fortitude Budget, each household with at least one Singapore Citizen will receive a one-off $100 Solidarity Utilities Credit for doing their part in staying home during the CB period. This amount will be credited in the July or August utilities bill with SP Group and covers all property types. 8.   In support of the Government’s Resilience Budget 2020 measures to freeze all government fees and charges for one year, SP Group has deferred grid charges amounting to S$343 million and maintained its grid fee to customers. What Households Can Do to Be Billed According to Actual Consumption 9.   Households are encouraged to submit their own meter readings so as to be billed based on their actual consumption. 10.   They can submit their meter readings via the following channels: SP Utilities app - Download the app from Go to “Explore” and select “Submit Meter”. SP Utilities Portal - Log on to SP Utilities Portal at Go to “Usage” and select “Submit Meter Readings”. WhatsApp - Take a photo of the meter (with the meter number and meter reading clearly shown) and send to 8482 8636. Email – Email the meter readings to Automated Phone System – Call 1800 222 2333 to submit meter readings via the automated option.   11.   Households can refer to their SP bills for their meter submission period (refer to image below). They can submit their meter readings up to three days (by 5pm) from the scheduled meter reading date. For those who have downloaded the SP Utilities app, they can also set an alert for their meter reading submission period.
Search Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Search Search Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Doing More to Help Singapore Save Energy SUSTAINABILITY For the second year running, SP Group is partnering the National Environment Agency (NEA) to encourage households to save energy through the Energy-Saving Challenge. SP is the main sponsor of the challenge. Through last year’s Challenge, over 3 months, about 7,000 participating households saved 330,000kWh, enough to power 1,000 three-room flats for more than a month. SP Services Managing Director Chuah Kee Heng joined Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli, North West Community Development Council Mayor Dr Teo Ho Pin, NEA CEO Ronnie Tay at the launch of the challenge on 5 May 2018. — 5 May 2018 Chuah Kee Heng, Managing Director, SP Services (left) with Minister for the Environment & Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli Members of the public finding out about the Energy-Saving Challenge. TAGS SUSTAINABILITYSAVE ENERGY SAVE COST YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Search Search Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability [20161001] The Electricity Times - Save Energy, Stay Safe Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Doing More to Help Singapore Save Energy SUSTAINABILITY For the second year running, SP Group is partnering the National Environment Agency (NEA) to encourage households to save energy through the Energy-Saving Challenge. SP is the main sponsor of the challenge. Through last year’s Challenge, over 3 months, about 7,000 participating households saved 330,000kWh, enough to power 1,000 three-room flats for more than a month. SP Services Managing Director Chuah Kee Heng joined Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli, North West Community Development Council Mayor Dr Teo Ho Pin, NEA CEO Ronnie Tay at the launch of the challenge on 5 May 2018. — 5 May 2018 Chuah Kee Heng, Managing Director, SP Services (left) with Minister for the Environment & Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli Members of the public finding out about the Energy-Saving Challenge. TAGS SUSTAINABILITYSAVE ENERGY SAVE COST YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability [20161001] The Electricity Times - Save Energy, Stay Safe Joint Media Release - Outdoor Cooling Innovation Made In Singapore By ST Engineering And SP Group For National Day Parade Joint Media Release OUTDOOR COOLING INNOVATION MADE IN SINGAPORE BY ST ENGINEERING AND SP GROUP FOR NATIONAL DAY PARADE Singapore, 27 July 2017 – In a first for Singapore’s National Day Parade (NDP), segments of audiences will enjoy cool air comfort outdoors at the Floating Platform, through a made-in- Singapore innovation that ST Engineering and SP Group (SP) have created. This engineering solution builds on ST Engineering’s Airbitat Smart Cooler’s revolutionary deep cooling technology and SP’s underground district cooling network at Marina Bay that provides chilled water for air-conditioning of buildings in Marina Bay. This solution functions on chilled water running from SP’s same underground system, which is more energy-efficient than electricitypowered cooling devices. This low-cost outdoor cooling saves 90 per cent in energy consumption compared to conventional air-conditioning. Launched at the NDP Preview show on Saturday 29 July, there are 29 sets at and around the Floating Platform. In this first roll-out, the sets will be placed closest to the audience sections occupied by spectators with special needs, such as those in wheelchairs, and at areas where spectator queues may form. This unprecedented system unlocks the potential of urban spaces in land-scarce Singapore and transforms the way communities live, work and play. It also demonstrates how industry collaboration can scale up urban solutions quickly and actively deploy innovative concepts to help build an environmentally sustainable Singapore. Gareth Tang, General Manager of Innosparks, an Open Lab by ST Engineering, said, “We believe in solving complex problems of society through engineering. This innovative collaboration is one way ST Engineering pushes boundaries to create breakthrough, energy-efficient and sustainable solutions to improve daily lives.” Managing Director of SP Group’s Singapore District Cooling, Jimmy Khoo, said, “This gamechanging technology makes outdoor cooling viable in Singapore’s climate. Tapping on SP Group’s underground district cooling system that serves several buildings in Marina Bay, we are developing sustainable solutions that will help consumers save energy and cost.” 1 About ST Engineering ST Engineering (Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd) is an integrated defence and engineering group specialising in the aerospace, electronics, land systems and marine sectors. It has global presence with offices in Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Middle East and employs about 22,000 employees. Across the globe, its employees bring innovation and technology together to create smart engineering solutions for its customers in the defence, government and commercial segments. Headquartered in Singapore, ST Engineering reported revenue of S$6.68b in FY2016 and ranks among the largest companies listed on the Singapore Exchange. It is a component stock of the FTSE Straits Times Index, MSCI Singapore and the SGX Sustainability Leaders Index. Please visit for more information. About SP Group SP Group is a leading energy utilities group in the Asia Pacific. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and district cooling businesses in Singapore and China. SP Group is committed to providing customers with reliable and efficient energy utilities services. More than 1.5 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore benefit from SP Group’s world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook at 2 Annex 1 Outdoor Cooling Innovation By ST Engineering & SP Group – How It Works 3 Annex 2 The Airbitat Smart Cooler The Airbitat Smart Cooler, created by Innosparks (an Open Lab by ST Engineering), is a proven product with an innovative two-stage cooling technology – it can save up to 80 percent energy when compared to the average air conditioner of an equivalent capacity. Airbitat is effective all-day and adapts intelligently to varying conditions throughout the day to deliver ultra-efficient cooling. Unlike conventional one-mode coolers, Airbitat’s intelligent system detects the ambient environment and engages the right cooling mode to deliver the right level of thermal comfort. Most importantly, the Airbitat Smart Cooler is engineered to be eco-friendly, with negligible waste heat generation when compared to conventional air conditioning, and energy-smart as well. A typical 8- hour cooling cycle registers a combined energy and water cost as low as $2.50 a day. Singapore District Cooling’s Underground System Singapore District Cooling (SDC) operates the world’s largest underground district cooling system that provides reliable and efficient air conditioning 24/7, 365 days to 23 iconic buildings in the Marina Bay area. District cooling contributes to a sustainable Singapore. The system saves as much as 40 per cent in electricity consumption, and reduces 34,500 tonnes carbon dioxide emissions annually – equivalent to removing 10,000 cars from Singapore’s roads. The electricity savings in the Marina Bay area are equivalent to powering 23,718 3-room HDB flats for a year. Engineering and design makes SDC’s operations unique, enabling this huge industrial facility to be housed underground, freeing up space for more important use in land-scarce Singapore. Overseas, SDC is building a district cooling system for CapitaLand’s Raffles City Chongqing. Once completed, the system will enable the development to save 50 per cent in energy savings and reduce utility costs by about S$30 million over the next 20 years. 4 Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Saving Energy and Cost RELIABILITY You can have power in your hands to save energy and cost. The SP Utilities app and the new SP bill are designed to serve you better. You have tools at your fingertips to track your electricity, water and gas usage, and even compare your consumption pattern with that of your neighbours. More features are coming your way, to help you do more with less. We’ll keep raising the bar, to help you keep consumption and cost down. With SP, your bill is designed to help you track past consumption, compare your power usage with that of your neighbours’ and receive tips on saving energy. TAGS SERVICE EXCELLENCESP UTILITIES MOBILE APPYEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. Category: Reliability Joint Media Release - Outdoor Cooling Innovation Made In Singapore By ST Engineering And SP Group For National Day Parade Joint Media Release OUTDOOR COOLING INNOVATION MADE IN SINGAPORE BY ST ENGINEERING AND SP GROUP FOR NATIONAL DAY PARADE Singapore, 27 July 2017 – In a first for Singapore’s National Day Parade (NDP), segments of audiences will enjoy cool air comfort outdoors at the Floating Platform, through a made-in- Singapore innovation that ST Engineering and SP Group (SP) have created. This engineering solution builds on ST Engineering’s Airbitat Smart Cooler’s revolutionary deep cooling technology and SP’s underground district cooling network at Marina Bay that provides chilled water for air-conditioning of buildings in Marina Bay. This solution functions on chilled water running from SP’s same underground system, which is more energy-efficient than electricitypowered cooling devices. This low-cost outdoor cooling saves 90 per cent in energy consumption compared to conventional air-conditioning. Launched at the NDP Preview show on Saturday 29 July, there are 29 sets at and around the Floating Platform. In this first roll-out, the sets will be placed closest to the audience sections occupied by spectators with special needs, such as those in wheelchairs, and at areas where spectator queues may form. This unprecedented system unlocks the potential of urban spaces in land-scarce Singapore and transforms the way communities live, work and play. It also demonstrates how industry collaboration can scale up urban solutions quickly and actively deploy innovative concepts to help build an environmentally sustainable Singapore. Gareth Tang, General Manager of Innosparks, an Open Lab by ST Engineering, said, “We believe in solving complex problems of society through engineering. This innovative collaboration is one way ST Engineering pushes boundaries to create breakthrough, energy-efficient and sustainable solutions to improve daily lives.” Managing Director of SP Group’s Singapore District Cooling, Jimmy Khoo, said, “This gamechanging technology makes outdoor cooling viable in Singapore’s climate. Tapping on SP Group’s underground district cooling system that serves several buildings in Marina Bay, we are developing sustainable solutions that will help consumers save energy and cost.” 1 About ST Engineering ST Engineering (Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd) is an integrated defence and engineering group specialising in the aerospace, electronics, land systems and marine sectors. It has global presence with offices in Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Middle East and employs about 22,000 employees. Across the globe, its employees bring innovation and technology together to create smart engineering solutions for its customers in the defence, government and commercial segments. Headquartered in Singapore, ST Engineering reported revenue of S$6.68b in FY2016 and ranks among the largest companies listed on the Singapore Exchange. It is a component stock of the FTSE Straits Times Index, MSCI Singapore and the SGX Sustainability Leaders Index. Please visit for more information. About SP Group SP Group is a leading energy utilities group in the Asia Pacific. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and district cooling businesses in Singapore and China. SP Group is committed to providing customers with reliable and efficient energy utilities services. More than 1.5 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore benefit from SP Group’s world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook at 2 Annex 1 Outdoor Cooling Innovation By ST Engineering & SP Group – How It Works 3 Annex 2 The Airbitat Smart Cooler The Airbitat Smart Cooler, created by Innosparks (an Open Lab by ST Engineering), is a proven product with an innovative two-stage cooling technology – it can save up to 80 percent energy when compared to the average air conditioner of an equivalent capacity. Airbitat is effective all-day and adapts intelligently to varying conditions throughout the day to deliver ultra-efficient cooling. Unlike conventional one-mode coolers, Airbitat’s intelligent system detects the ambient environment and engages the right cooling mode to deliver the right level of thermal comfort. Most importantly, the Airbitat Smart Cooler is engineered to be eco-friendly, with negligible waste heat generation when compared to conventional air conditioning, and energy-smart as well. A typical 8- hour cooling cycle registers a combined energy and water cost as low as $2.50 a day. Singapore District Cooling’s Underground System Singapore District Cooling (SDC) operates the world’s largest underground district cooling system that provides reliable and efficient air conditioning 24/7, 365 days to 23 iconic buildings in the Marina Bay area. District cooling contributes to a sustainable Singapore. The system saves as much as 40 per cent in electricity consumption, and reduces 34,500 tonnes carbon dioxide emissions annually – equivalent to removing 10,000 cars from Singapore’s roads. The electricity savings in the Marina Bay area are equivalent to powering 23,718 3-room HDB flats for a year. Engineering and design makes SDC’s operations unique, enabling this huge industrial facility to be housed underground, freeing up space for more important use in land-scarce Singapore. Overseas, SDC is building a district cooling system for CapitaLand’s Raffles City Chongqing. Once completed, the system will enable the development to save 50 per cent in energy savings and reduce utility costs by about S$30 million over the next 20 years. 4 Media Release - SP Group Joins Global Blockchain Initiative Media Release SP GROUP JOINS GLOBAL BLOCKCHAIN INITIATIVE Singapore, 16 May 2017 – SP Group (SP) today announced that it will collaborate with a consortium of global energy players to develop blockchain solutions that will help customers save cost and to drive greater integration of renewable energy sources on the electricity grid. It will partner the Energy Web Foundation (EWF) and utilities – Centrica PLC, Engie, Sempra Energy, Stedin, Technical Works Ludwigshafen AG (TWL) and Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco); oil & gas companies – Royal Dutch Shell and Statoil ASA; and transmission system operator, Elia. Together, they will identify, develop, pilot and integrate promising blockchain applications. SP’s collaboration with EWF allows it to leverage a global network of industry expertise to gain experience and in-depth understanding of blockchain technology. Blockchain technology can transform the energy sector by lowering transaction costs thus reducing the cost of utility bills. For consumers, it allows energy devices (i.e. HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems, electric vehicles, batteries and solar photovoltaic (PV) installations) to transact with each other, while supporting utilities and grid operators to integrate more renewable sources at a much lower cost. The unique attributes of Blockchain technology could also provide much higher levels of cybersecurity for the industry. “At SP Group, we constantly seek new technologies and solutions to create a future-ready and sustainable network. We are working towards transformational solutions to serve customers better, as we transition towards a cleaner, more resilient and cost-effective energy future. We look forward to working with respected industry partners to accelerate the deployment of blockchain to help our consumers save energy and cost, and enhance their quality of life.” – May Liew, Director of Strategic Development, SP Group EWF is a partnership between Rocky Mountain Institute, an independent non-profit organization focused on driving the efficient and restorative use of resources to create a clean, prosperous, and secure low-carbon future, and Grid Singularity, a blockchain technology developer specializing in energy sector applications. About SP Group SP Group is a leading energy utilities group in the Asia Pacific. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and district cooling businesses in Singapore and China. SP Group is committed to providing customers with reliable and efficient energy utilities services. More than 1.4 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore benefit from SP Group’s world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook at Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Doing More to Help Singapore Save Energy SUSTAINABILITY For the second year running, SP Group is partnering the National Environment Agency (NEA) to encourage households to save energy through the Energy-Saving Challenge. SP is the main sponsor of the challenge. Through last year’s Challenge, over 3 months, about 7,000 participating households saved 330,000kWh, enough to power 1,000 three-room flats for more than a month. SP Services Managing Director Chuah Kee Heng joined Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli, North West Community Development Council Mayor Dr Teo Ho Pin, NEA CEO Ronnie Tay at the launch of the challenge on 5 May 2018. — 5 May 2018 Chuah Kee Heng, Managing Director, SP Services (left) with Minister for the Environment & Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli Members of the public finding out about the Energy-Saving Challenge. TAGS SUSTAINABILITYSAVE ENERGY SAVE COST YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP Group’s Integrated Energy Solutions to Power Rangsit University’s Green Energy Transformation SP is partnering Rangsit University (RSU) in Thailand to transform RSU’s main campus into a smart energy, low-carbon academic environment. Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Category: Sustainability Media Release - JTC and SP Group to develop and operate Singapore's first Smart Grid for Business Parks at Punggol Digital District's+first+Smart+Grid+for+Business+Parks+at+Punggol+Digital+District.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID= News Release JTC AND SP GROUP TO DEVELOP AND OPERATE SINGAPORE’S FIRST SMART GRID FOR BUSINESS PARKS AT PUNGGOL DIGITAL DISTRICT Partnership will help the District optimise energy consumption, reduce carbon footprint and save cost for businesses and consumers Singapore, 31 October 2018 – A Smart Grid system that provides green energy and increases energy efficiency will serve businesses and consumers in the upcoming Punggol Digital District (PDD). JTC and SP Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate on the Smart Grid at the Asia Clean Energy Summit 2018 today, witnessed by Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Mr Masagos Zulkifli. This partnership will drive the design of smart energy solutions comprising the areas of renewable energy and electric mobility, that will be integrated with the Open Digital Platform in the District, announced in July this year. 2. Under the MoU, JTC and SP Group will develop and implement a Smart Grid within PDD. Companies in PDD can look forward to adopting clean sources of energy, such as solar energy generated from building roofs, and take advantage of new technologies, such as electric vehicle charging and smart metering. Through the Smart Grid, about 1,700 tonnes of carbon emissions could be reduced per year, equivalent to taking 270 cars off the road. 3. The Smart Grid will be integrated with the Open Digital Platform, allowing communication and interaction with other building systems in the District, such as the District Cooling System (DCS) and the Building Management System (BMS). For instance, on a hot sunny day, the Smart Grid will register an increase in electricity consumption as the air conditioning systems consume more energy to maintain the temperature in the building. It automatically sends a signal to the Open Digital Platform, which detects the specific rooms where the temperature has increased. The Open Digital Platform then activates the Building Management System within the building to lower the blinds in those rooms, reducing heat gain and conserving energy. 1 4. JTC’s Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Mr. David Tan, said, “Beyond utilities and technologies, it is about giving the community the data and tools to make informed decisions about their energy consumption, be it adopting clean sources of energy or optimising usage to reduce costs. Aggregated data on energy consumption from the Smart Grid will be made available for academics, researchers, start-ups and enterprises to encourage innovation in the domains of clean energy and energy management.” 5. Mr Goh Chee Kiong, Head, Strategic Development of SP Group said, “SP Group is committed to design and implement smart energy solutions, driven by our deep energy integration and digital capabilities. We are pleased to work with JTC to help businesses in the Punggol Digital District save cost and go green through our innovative smart grid.” 6. At the forefront of Singapore’s Smart Nation push, PDD is envisioned to be a vibrant and inclusive district where cutting-edge technology and social innovation transform the way we work, live, learn and play in the future. PDD will house key growth sectors such as digital and cybersecurity, and will also be the first district in Singapore to be fully integrated with Internet of Things systems from the ground up. This infrastructure will create conducive testbed environments for businesses and entrepreneurs, allowing them to thrive in a digital economy, while the enhanced experience brought about by the digitalisation will provide a sustainable and connected environment for the community. The first buildings in District are expected to be completed by 2023. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 About JTC Set up in 1968, JTC is the lead government agency responsible for the planning and development of industrial infrastructure to support and catalyse the growth of industries and enterprises in Singapore. Landmark projects by JTC include the Jurong Industrial Estate; the Jurong Island for energy and chemical industries; business and specialised parks such as the International and Changi Business Parks, Seletar Aerospace Park and Tuas Biomedical Park; a work-live-play-&-learn development called one-north; next generation districts including Jurong Innovation District and the Punggol Digital District, as well as the Jurong Rock Caverns, Southeast Asia’s first commercial underground storage facility for liquid hydrocarbons. JTC also develops innovative space such as the JTC Surface Engineering Hub, JTC MedTech Hub, JTC Food Hub @ Senoko, and TimMac @ Kranji which incorporate innovative features and shared infrastructure and services to enable industrialists to start their operations quickly and enhance productivity. For more information on JTC and its products and services, please visit About SP Group SP Group is a leading energy utilities group in the Asia Pacific. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and district cooling businesses in Singapore and China. SP Group is committed to providing customers with reliable and efficient energy utilities services. About 1.5 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore benefit from SP Group’s world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. SP Group also drives digital solutions to empower customers to manage their utilities, reduce consumption and save cost. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @SPGroupSG. 3 [20161001] The Electricity Times - Save Energy, Stay Safe [20191205] Media Release -Smart building solution by SP Group and 75F News Release SMART BUILDING SOLUTION BY SP GROUP AND 75F HELPS BUILDINGS ACHIEVE MORE THAN 30% ENERGY SAVINGS Singapore, 5 December 2019 – SP Group (SP), a leading energy utilities group and 75F, a building intelligence solutions provider, are offering a micro-climate control solution that can save more than 30 per cent in energy consumption while improving occupant comfort. The solution uses applied Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and Internet of Things (IoT) to reduce energy consumption in a building. It takes into consideration factors like occupancy and weather and optimises air-flow to evenly cool areas. SP partnered with 75F to customise and test the performance and viability of the solution for Singapore’s tropical environment. The solution was trialled for a year at Singapore Institute of Technology’s (SIT) campus at Dover, and the Mercatus Co-operative Limited’s corporate office at One Marina Boulevard in Raffles Place. Both locations achieved more than 30 per cent in energy savings, while improving comfort for occupants by ensuring that the indoor temperature, and air quality were optimal. With the validated outcomes, SP and 75F will offer the solution to customers in Singapore, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Australia. Air-conditioning contributes 60 per cent of a building’s electricity consumption. With buildings consuming a third of Singapore’s total electricity consumption 1 , this new solution will help Singapore reduce electricity consumption and support the goal of cutting national emissions intensity by 36 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030. Mr Brandon Chia, Head, Centre of Excellence, SP Group said: “SP Group has partnered with 75F on this micro-climate control solution that leverages A.I. and IoT. It enables customers to enjoy cooler comfort in buildings while lowering their carbon footprint. We look forward to developing more next-generation technologies to help customers in Singapore and the region save energy and cost.” The micro-climate control solution is a self-learning, intuitive building intelligence system that optimises and regulates air-conditioning in buildings to improve operational efficiency and occupant experience. The system’s central control unit divides large open spaces into smaller 1 Source: The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Super Low Energy Technology Roadmap Report 1 zones that balances the temperature, air flow, carbon dioxide (CO 2) within each zone. It also optimises the air-conditioning operation by using the least amount of energy to achieve the required comfort. Gaurav Burman, APAC President, 75F said: “Both 75F and SP are committed to saving energy and reducing the carbon footprint of commercial buildings. The Asia Pacific market, especially Singapore, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Australia, represent a huge opportunity given their economic growth, rising energy costs and the growing focus to improve occupant experience and operational efficiency. This partnership combines 75F’s award-winning technology with SP’s capabilities and track record in the region, allowing both companies to accelerate our growth.” SP’s partnership with 75F first started as part of SP’s Energy Advanced Research and Development (SPEAR) programme, under the SP Centre of Excellence (SP CoE). SP CoE is an initiative supported by the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), and drives the research, development, and integration of cutting-edge solutions and next-generation technologies for Singapore’s energy infrastructure network. -Ends- Notes to Editor: About SP Group SP Group is a leading energy utilities group in the Asia Pacific. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and district cooling businesses in Singapore and China. SP Group is committed to providing customers with reliable and efficient energy utilities services. About 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore benefit from SP Group’s world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. SP Group also drives digital solutions to empower customers to manage their utilities, reduce consumption and save cost. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @SPGroupSG. 2 About SP Centre of Excellence The SP Centre of Excellence (CoE) is an initiative by SP Group (SP) to drive the innovation and commercialisation of next-generation energy network technologies for the greater reliability and efficiency of Singapore’s infrastructure. Supported by the Singapore Economic Development Board, the CoE aims to establish SP as a thought leader in the utility industry forefront and build future-ready energy networks and resource capabilities. This allows SP to stay ahead of global trends such as the drive for smarter and greener performance, and to sustainably meet evolving customer needs. About 75F 75F is an award-winning, IoT and Machine Learning company taking a fresh approach to HVAC, lighting and controls in commercial buildings. Founded in 2012, 75F offers data-driven, proactive, predictive building intelligence and controls. 75F is backed by investment groups including billionaire-led Breakthrough Energy Ventures and Oil & Gas Climate Initiative. 75F has delivered hundreds of energy-efficient, comfortable and healthy spaces to enthusiastic customers who rave about the results. 75F launched its operations in India in August 2016 and has been growing steadily since with companies such as Firstsource Solutions, Flipkart, Bennett-Coleman Group, Mercedes Benz, Mapletree, HP, Shell, Smartworks and other leading brands in India, joining US customers such as HOM Furniture, Border Foods, Magnet 360, Rockler and Yoga Fit. 3 [20200505] Media Release - My Carbon Footprint - Go Green While Beating The Heat and Staying Home News Release SP’S MY CARBON FOOTPRINT: GO GREEN WHILE BEATING THE HEAT AND STAYING HOME Singapore, 5 May 2020 – SP Group (SP) today launched its newly enhanced Carbon Footprint calculator, called My Carbon Footprint. It enables everyone in Singapore to (1) be more aware of the environmental impact of their daily actions, and (2) adopt behaviour that saves energy and cost. This is especially useful with electricity consumption rising during the hotter period of the year and people staying at home to limit the spread of COVID-19. Typically, the average household in Singapore consumes seven per cent 1 more electricity during the months of April to August. This is attributed to the hotter months when there is higher usage of air conditioning. With an increase of work-from-home arrangements and the month-long school holiday being brought forward to May, it also points to higher electricity and water consumption. To enable everyone in Singapore to go green and consume energy more efficiently, SP Group has introduced an enhanced My Carbon Footprint which is available on the SP Utilities App. My Carbon Footprint promotes behaviour and lifestyle changes to reduce carbon emissions through greater awareness of the environmental impact from one’s lifestyle. First launched in December 2019, the previous version allows users to view their carbon emissions resulting from their electricity consumption. In the enhanced version, users will be able to track their emissions from not just electricity, but also their water and gas consumption. They will also be able to calculate the total amount of carbon emissions of their daily activities, according to their household profile, mode and duration of commute, frequency of holiday travel, spending habits and food consumption. Designed and built in-house at SP, the calculator is also programmed on localised emission factors. Screengrab of the result page from My Carbon Footprint can be found in Annex A. 1 Based on average electricity consumption figures for Mar 2019-Feb 2020, available at 1 Ms May Liew, Head (Sustainability & Open Innovation), SP Group said: “Using SP Group’s My Carbon Footprint, everyone can see how their actions impact the environment. Users can take steps to be energyefficient while staying home and sustain green lifestyle choices to reduce their carbon footprint. Through this, everyone can play a role in contributing towards a greener, cleaner environment for Singapore.” The average consumption patterns of a consumer in Singapore result in more than eight tonnes of carbon emissions annually 2 . To absorb this impact on the environment, more than 400 rain trees are required. On a household level, the average annual electricity consumption of a four-room HDB household is equivalent to about 1.8 3 tonnes of carbon emissions – requiring approximately 90 rain trees per household. The My Carbon Footprint enables everyone to take simple actions to lower carbon emission every day. Anyone can download the App and use My Carbon Footprint and tools, regardless of their electricity retail provider or meter type. -Ends- 2 Data calculated using My Carbon Footprint based on consumption habits by an average Singaporean as published on, or from other credible sources. 3 Based on 2018’s grid emission factor of 0.4188 kgCO2/kWh. Average monthly electricity use for a 4-room flat based on EMA figures in 2018 is 353.9 kWh. 2 About SP Group SP Group is a leading energy utilities group in the Asia Pacific. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and district cooling businesses in Singapore and China. SP Group is committed to providing customers with reliable and efficient energy utilities services. About 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore benefit from SP Group’s world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. SP Group also drives digital solutions to empower customers to manage their utilities, reduce consumption and save cost. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @SPGroupSG. 3 Annex A – Result page of My Carbon Footprint 4 Search Search How Does Thermal Energy Storage System Support Demand Response? Media Release How Does Thermal Energy Storage System Support Demand Response? What is Demand Response? It is a programme that enables electricity customers to voluntarily reduce or shift their electricity consumption, thereby balancing the nation's supply and demand and contributing to grid stability and resilience. When is Demand Response Required? Benefits of Demand Response How Does It Work? SP Group Stands By Singapore Against COVID-19 News Release SP Group Stands By Singapore Against COVID-19 Singapore, 6 March 2020 - Backing Singapore's fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, SP Group (SP) today announced a series of initiatives to show solidarity with the nation, and to support its staff and the wider community. Taking the lead, SP's Board of Directors will reduce their director fees by five per cent. The senior management team, comprising Vice Presidents and above, will reduce their performance bonuses for this financial year by one to two months. This translates to eight to 15 per cent of annual base salaries, increasing in quantum with staff seniority. In recognition of the dedication of frontline officers and to encourage them during this period, SP will make a special one-time payment of S$1,500 to more than 400 of its frontline officers. At the same time, SP would like to support the less privileged. SP is calling on its employees to contribute to the SP Heartware Fund. The company will match dollar-for-dollar for all staff donations. Started in 2005, the SP Heartware Fund supports programmes for senior citizens from low-income families. To date, it has raised more than S$14 million and reached out to more than 25,000 beneficiaries. -Ends- About SP Group SP Group is a leading energy utilities group in the Asia Pacific. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and district cooling businesses in Singapore and China. SP Group is committed to providing customers with reliable and efficient energy utilities services. About 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore benefit from SP Group’s world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. SP Group also drives digital solutions to empower customers to manage their utilities, reduce consumption and save cost. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @SPGroupSG. Advisory: COVID-19: Gradual Resumption of Utilities Meter Readings Media Release Advisory: COVID-19: Gradual Resumption of Utilities Meter Readings Singapore, 2 June 2020 – SP Group is gradually resuming the manual reading of utilities meters from 2 June, in line with the easing of circuit breaker measures outlined by the Singapore government. Our meter readers will be visiting your premises to check your electricity, water and gas meters to record your monthly utilities consumption except for the following scenarios: — If you are opening a utilities account for premises with existing electricity, water or gas supply, the opening meter readings will be estimated. To avoid being billed on estimated consumption, please submit photos of the meter readings (clearly reflecting the meter reading and meter number) up to 3 days before or after your account opening date via email to — If you are closing a utilities account and/or have received a Takeover Notification, your final utilities bill will be estimated. To avoid being billed on estimated consumption, please submit photos of the meter readings up to 3 days before or after your account closing date via email to SP Group continues to provide essential services such as operating the national power grid and delivering electricity and gas supply to you. Our officers are on standby 24/7 to attend to any electricity/gas supply disruption. -Ends- About SP Group SP Group is a leading energy utilities group in the Asia Pacific. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and district cooling businesses in Singapore and China. SP Group is committed to providing customers with reliable and efficient energy utilities services. About 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore benefit from SP Group’s world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. SP Group also drives digital solutions to empower customers to manage their utilities, reduce consumption and save cost. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @SPGroupSG. Electricity Tariff Revision For The Period 1 April to 30 June 2020 Media Release Electricity Tariff Revision For The Period 1 April to 30 June 2020 Singapore, 31 March 2020 - For the period from 1 April to 30 June 2020, electricity tariffs (before 7% GST] will decrease by an average of 5.1% or 1.22 cents per kWh compared with the previous quarter. This is due to lower energy costs compared with the previous quarter. For households, the electricity tariff (before 7% GST] will decrease from 24.24 to 23.02 cents per kWh for 1 April to 30 June 2020. The average monthly electricity bill for families living in four-room HDB flats will decrease by $3.89 (before 7% GST] [see Appendix 3 for the average monthly electricity bill for different household types]. *before 7% GST SP Group supports the government’s Resilience Budget 2020 measures to support businesses and manage costs. In the same spirit, SP Group will do its part to defer increasing its network cost to transport electricity through the power grid for 1 year. This will reduce electricity tariff for households by 2.5%. SP Group reviews the electricity tariffs quarterly based on guidelines set by the Energy Market Authority (EMA), the electricity industry regulator. The tariffs shown in Appendix 1 have been approved by the EMA. Appendix 1   Appendix 2 BREAKDOWN OF ELECTRICITY TARIFF 1. The electricity tariff consists of the following four components: Energy costs (paid to the generation companies): This component is adjusted quarterly to reflect changes in the cost of fuel and power generation. The fuel cost is the cost of imported natural gas, which is tied to oil prices by commercial contracts. The cost of power generation covers mainly the costs of operating the power stations, such as the manpower and maintenance costs, as well as the capital cost of the stations. Network costs (paid to SP PowerAssets): This fee is reviewed annually. This is to recover the cost of transporting electricity through the power grid. Market Support Services Fee (paid to SP Services): This fee is reviewed annually. This is to recover the costs of billing and meter reading, data management, retail market systems as well as for market development initiatives. Market Administration and Power System Operation Fee (paid to Energy Market Company and Power System Operator): This fee is reviewed annually to recover the costs of operating the electricity wholesale market and power system. Appendix 3 Factsheet: Households' Electricity Consumption During the Circuit Breaker Period Media Release Factsheet: Households' Electricity Consumption During the Circuit Breaker Period Singapore households’ electricity consumption typically increases from April through August. This is because the weather tends to be hotter in these months, and households use more electricity to power their fans or air-conditioners to stay cool. 2. During the Circuit Breaker (CB) period, most Singaporeans have been staying, working, or studying from home. This, coupled with the hotter weather, has led to higher electricity usage as well. For example, we saw an average increase of 22% in daily household electricity consumption in May 2020, compared to February 2020. How Households Are Billed During the Circuit-Breaker Period 3. Under normal circumstances, SP Group will send meter readers to visit households to record their electricity, water and gas consumption every alternate month. From 7 April to 1 June 2020, SP Group suspended physical meter reading services in line with the safe distancing measures to minimise the transmission of Covid-19. 4. For households who do not have advanced electricity meters and also did not submit their own meter readings, their April and May consumption were estimated based on previous months’ consumption data. This would result in an underestimation of their bills for these months. When SP Group resumed its pre-CB physical meter reading routine from 2 June 2020, the accumulated underestimated amount of consumption will be adjusted in the June or July bill. Therefore, the June or July utility bills could be higher than the April and May bills. See below for the illustration For consumers whose electricity meters are read during odd months 5. About 300,000 households have advanced electricity meters, and their electricity consumption is read remotely. They would be billed based on their actual consumption for April and May. Support to Households 6. As part of the Budget 2020 Care and Support Package, eligible HDB households will receive double their regular GST Voucher U-Save this year, through a one-off GST Voucher U-Save Special Payment. Eligible households with five or more members will receive an additional GST Voucher – U-Save rebate. The next round of disbursement of the regular GST Voucher U-Save rebate and GST Voucher U-Save Special Payment will be in July 2020. The first disbursement of the additional GST Voucher U-Save rebate for eligible larger households with five or more members will be in October 2020. For more information, visit 7. As part of the recently announced Fortitude Budget, each household with at least one Singapore Citizen will receive a one-off $100 Solidarity Utilities Credit for doing their part in staying home during the CB period. This amount will be credited in the July or August utilities bill with SP Group and covers all property types. 8. In support of the Government’s Resilience Budget 2020 measures to freeze all government fees and charges for one year, SP Group has deferred grid charges amounting to S$343 million and maintained its grid fee to customers. What Households Can Do to Be Billed According to Actual Consumption 9. Households are encouraged to submit their own meter readings so as to be billed based on their actual consumption. 10. They can submit their meter readings via the following channels: a) SP Utilities app - Download the app from Go to “Explore” and select “Submit Meter”. b) SP Utilities Portal - Log on to SP Utilities Portal at Go to “Usage” and select “Submit Meter Readings”. c) WhatsApp - Take a photo of the meter (with the meter number and meter reading clearly shown) and send to 8482 8636. d) Email – Email the meter readings to e) Automated Phone System – Call 1800 222 2333 to submit meter readings via the automated option. 11. Households can refer to their SP bills for their meter submission period (refer to image below). They can submit their meter readings up to three days (by 5pm) from the scheduled meter reading date. For those who have downloaded the SP Utilities app, they can also set an alert for their meter reading submission period. Electricity Tariff Revision For The Period 1 July to 30 Sep 2023 Media Release Electricity Tariff Revision For The Period 1 July to 30 Sep 2023 Singapore, 30 June 2023 – For the period from 1 July to 30 September 2023, electricity tariff (before GST) will increase by an average of 1.2% or 0.31 cent per kWh compared with the previous quarter. This is due to higher energy costs (as detailed in Appendix 1) compared with the previous quarter. For households, the electricity tariff (before GST) will increase from 27.43 to 27.74 cents per kWh for the period 1 July to 30 September 2023. The average monthly electricity bill for families living in HDB four-room flats will increase by $1.14 (before GST). SP Group reviews the electricity tariffs every quarter based on guidelines set by the electricity industry regulator, Energy Market Authority (EMA). Please refer to Appendix 1 for the components of the electricity tariff, Appendix 2 for the tariffs approved by EMA, and Appendix 3 for the average monthly electricity bills for households.   Issued by: SP Group 2 Kallang Sector Singapore 349277 Appendix 1 BREAKDOWN OF ELECTRICITY TARIFF 1. The electricity tariff consists of the following four components: Energy costs (paid to the generation companies): This component is adjusted quarterly to reflect changes in the cost of fuel and power generation. The fuel cost is the cost of imported natural gas, which is tied to oil prices by commercial contracts. The cost of power generation covers mainly the costs of operating the power stations, such as the manpower and maintenance costs, as well as the capital cost of the stations. Network costs (paid to SP Group): This is to recover the cost of transporting electricity through the power grid. Market Support Services Fee (paid to SP Group): This is to recover the costs of billing and meter reading, data management, retail market systems as well as market development initiatives. Market Administration and Power System Operation Fee (paid to Energy Market Company and Power System Operator): This fee is reviewed annually to recover the costs of operating the electricity wholesale market and power system. Appendix 2 Appendix 3 AVERAGE MONTHLY ELECTRICITY BILLS FOR HOUSEHOLDS TARIFF WEF 1 JULY 2023 (before GST) Microsoft Word - Form Letter of Consent for Submission of Application for Electricity Supply 16.06.2022_SL (004) Matt Letter of Consent for Submission of Application for Electricity Supply Date: ____________ I / We, (Name) ___________________________________ of UEN No.: ___________________ or NRIC/FIN No: of (Address): (Name of Applicant) Note : Please state the last 4 characters (i.e. last three digits and alphabet) of NRIC / FIN / passport or other personal identification number. Tel: Email: (A) Hereby declare: - � � That I have at least one (1) small and embedded generating unit (e.g. solar photovoltaic) at the Premises and I am NOT GST registered. I attach herewith a copy of non - GST registration from IRAS: That I have at least one (1) small and embedded generating unit (e.g. solar photovoltaic) at the Premises and I am GST registered. My GST registration number and date are as follows and I attach herewith a copy of the GST registration letter from IRAS: GST registration number: ________________________ GST registration date: ________________________ I agree that I will not issue any tax invoice for electricity sold to SP Services Ltd but hereby authorize SP Services Ltd to issue tax invoices on my behalf. I will notify SP Services Ltd immediately if my GST registration is cancelled or if I am issued with a new GST registration number. **That I have informed the Building Licensed Electrical Worker of the building where the Premises is situated (“Building LEW”) of the installation of the solar photovoltaic system at the Premises and the Building LEW has consented and agreed to such installation. (B) Hereby give full consent to the below-named Licensed Electrical Worker: - � To submit an application for electricity supply to the premises at (“Premises”): (C) Hereby declare: - Please select one of the following: � That I am / we are the legal owner / authorized occupier of the Premise; � That I am /we are not the legal owner / authorized occupier of the Premise. The contact details of the legal owner / authorized occupier of the Premise are Full Name: __________________________, Email: __________________________________ and Contact Number: ________________ That I am / we are agreeable for any the correspondence on the above application to be sent to me via email at the following email address provided : I (Name) of (Address) (Name of Licensed Electrical Worker) of License No: Tel: Hereby declare that the legal owner / authorized occupier of the Premises has given permission for my submission of the application for electricity supply. **For Building LEW’s completion only for solar photovoltaic system application: I (Name) of License No: (Name of Building LEW) I have reviewed the application for electricity connection to transmission system and its supporting documents submitted by __________________. I consent to the solar photovoltaic system to be installed at ___________________________________________with LEI ___________________. Signature of Applicant and Date Signature of LEW and Date ______________________________ **Rubber stamp imprint required for corporate customers Signature of Legal Owner of Premise and Date (if applicable) ___________________________ ______________________________ Signature of Building LEW and Date ______________________________ Updated Jun 2022 Change of Ownership Tenancy Form.pdf Change of Ownership/ Tenancy Utilities Account Transfer Form SP SERVICES LTD Contact Log Ref: ________________ (Acting for itself and as agent for and on behalf of PUB and City Energy Pte. Ltd. (as Trustee of City Energy Trust) for the supply of utilities, and as agent for Veolia ES Singapore Pte Ltd, Colex Environmental Pte Ltd, SembWaste Pte Ltd, 800 Super Waste Management Pte Ltd, TEE Environmental Pte. Ltd. and Alba W&H Smart City Pte. Ltd. in relation to the collection of refuse.) NEW ACCOUNT HOLDER’S PARTICULARS (Co. Registration No. 199504470N) For Application in Personal name: Name of Transferee (Mr/Mrs/Mdm/Ms/Dr):______________________________ (“the Consumer”) Declaration Please check here if you are an undischarged bankrupt. NRIC/FIN (Copy of NRIC/FIN is required):_______________ For the purpose of application for water, gas and electricity only Date of Birth (DDMMYY): __________________________ Bankruptcy Number: _____________________________ For Application in Company name: Name of Company (Transferee): ____________________________________ Co Reg No.: _____________ Co Reg Date: _____________ (“the Consumer”) Contact Person: ______________________________ Principal Activities (I) No.: __________________________________ (As shown on your ACRA Business Profile) DETAILS OF PREMISES a. Premises Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ S ________________ b. Type of Occupancy: Owner Tenant c. Type of Account: Domestic Non-Domestic d. Use of Premises (See Annex): (indicate index no.) (Security Deposit required. Please make cheque payable to SP Services Ltd) e. GST Reg No. & GST Reg Date: _________________________ ____ (DD)_______(MM)_________(YYYY) Only applicable to premises with PV (ie. Photovoltaics) installed WARNING: IT IS AN OFFENCE UNDER THE PUBLIC UTILITIES ACT (CAP 261) TO MAKE ANY FALSE STATEMENT, REPRESENTATION OR DECLARATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE APPLICATION FOR WATER SUPPLIED BY THE PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD. Utilities Account Number of Transferor (outgoing customer) (A new account number will be given to the transferee upon process of the application) Meter Reading Date DDMMYY (This form is to be submitted within 3 days from the reading date) ELECTRICITY* WATER** GAS (if any) - (Record only the white numbers) (Record only the first five numbers from the left – four black and one red.) (Record only the black numbers) The above meter readings are required to facilitate the billing of both transferor and transferee utilities accounts. Invalid readings will be rejected. *I/We acknowledge that I/we am/are required to engage a licensed electrical worker (LEW) to inspect and test my electrical installation if I have made any alteration or rewiring to it. Thereafter, the LEW will lodge a copy of Certificate of Compliance (CoC) together with this application to SPGroup to check my electrical installation if the electrical installation is exempted from an Electrical Installation Licence. **I/We acknowledge that I/we am/are required to engage a licensed plumber (LP) to submit the notification for water service installation (WSI) work if I have made any addition or alteration to existing piping. As the account holder, please ensure that you and your contractor (if any) do not tamper with or remove PUB’s water meter without PUB’s prior approval. Upon completion, please submit this form with the following documents: a. Copy of NRIC/ FIN card of transferee In addition to (a), the following documents are required for Commercial accounts: b. Copy of Business/ Company Registration Certificate c. Proof of ownership/ Tenancy agreement d. Letter of authorisation (required if signatory is not a Director according to ACRA listing) e. Initial security deposit (please visit for more details) Note: This form is not applicable for master accounts, accounts starting with “930”, electricity supply above 45kVA for non-domestic accounts and temporary supply of utilities. For payment of deposit via cheque, please make the cheque payable to SP Services Ltd. For Gas Turn-on /Installation, please call City Energy Pte. Ltd. (as Trustee of City Energy Trust) at 1800-555 1661 for an appointment. Installation and Termination of gas supply fees apply. You need not call if the gas supply for the previous occupant is connected. 1. I/We agree that each application for a utility, when accepted, will constitute a binding contract between myself/ourselves and PUB / SP Services Ltd / City Energy Pte. Ltd. (as Trustee of City Energy Trust) / Veolia ES Singapore Pte Ltd / Colex Environmental Pte Ltd / SembWaste Pte Ltd / 800 Super Waste Management Pte Ltd / TEE Environmental Pte. Ltd. and/or Alba W&H Smart City Pte. Ltd. (as the case may be) and I/we agree that such contract shall be separate and independent from each other and shall be separately enforceable. 2. In the event that I/we make an application for gas at a later date, I/we agree to be bound by the terms and conditions for supply of gas set out in Part III overleaf and such other terms and conditions which City Energy Pte. Ltd. (as Trustee of City Energy Trust) may, at its absolute discretion, notify and impose. I/We understand that no
SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Green your electricity consumption for a cleaner and healthier world SUSTAINABILITY So, you want to live greener, and in a way that makes a difference to the world we live in. You want to know that your lifestyle choices can make a positive impact – and you need to be able to do it affordably. SP Group’s newly launched My Green Credits™ may just be the answer. My Green Credits, a new feature on the SP Utilities app, lets you purchase “green credits” from local and overseas renewable energy projects to counter the carbon emissions from your electricity consumption. Here are three reasons why you should consider greening your electricity consumption with My Green Credits: 1) Reduce your carbon footprint, your way With My Green Credits, you get to decide how much of your energy consumption you want to green. Simply click on the “My Green Credits” feature on the SP Utilities app, select the renewable energy project, then purchase the amount of “green credits”[1] in the form of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). RECs are internationally-recognised instruments that validate the amount of green energy produced from renewable energy sources. When you purchase green credits in the form of RECs, the amount of energy you choose to green is matched by an equivalent amount of energy produced at a verified and credible renewable energy source. You can also view the approximate reduction in your carbon emissions as a result of the purchase. This means you can measure your actual contribution towards lowering carbon emissions. Click here to find out how RECs work. 2) Help generate demand for renewable energy When you purchase RECs, you are creating demand for renewable energy. You are also sending a clear signal to the market that you care about where your energy comes from. We’ve seen a growing demand for RECs from companies seeking to reduce their carbon footprint and prioritise their sustainability goals. Studies have shown that more people are buying RECs and supporting the growth of renewable energy projects. With more green energy generated, our reliance on fossil fuels will decrease as a result. Now Singapore households can do the same, and play their part in creating a low carbon, smart energy Singapore by purchasing My Green Credits. 3) Support local and global green energy projects With My Green Credits, you can choose to purchase RECs from local or international renewable energy projects. In Singapore, the government has announced that we are on track to ramp up solar capacity by more than seven times in the next decade. The increased capacity will produce enough solar energy to power up 350,000 households annually[2] by 2030.  My Green Credits also lets you purchase RECs from green projects beyond Singapore’s borders. This spurs more renewable energy generation to surface globally and brings about social benefits such as job creation and infrastructure development to local communities. A low carbon future is critical – and SP is committed to making it happen and empowering everyone to do the same. With My Green Credits, anyone with a utilities account in Singapore can make a difference, conveniently and affordably.  Purchase My Green Credits on the SP Utilities App here. [1] The cost of purchasing My Green Credits is in addition to electricity bill charges. [2] TAGS MY GREEN CREDITSSUSTAINABILITYRECS YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP to design, build and operate a district cooling and heating system for the new international sports park city in Chengdu, China SP partners Capitaland to deploy distributed district cooling network at the new Geneo life sciences and innovation cluster at Singapore Science Park SP invests and builds 90-megawatt aquavoltaic farm in Shandong China
Category: Sustainability
Tampines Town First in Singapore to Get Eco Boards with Real-time Updates on Utilities Consumption
Media Release Tampines Town First in Singapore to Get Eco Boards with Real-time Updates on Utilities Consumption Tampines Town Council and SP Group boost efforts to transform Tampines into an Eco-Town Singapore, 12 December 2020 – About 633 households in Tampines will be the first in Singapore to have digital Eco Boards installed at their blocks and receive real-time updates on their blocks’ electricity and water consumption and carbon emissions. Tampines Town Council (TTC) and SP Group (SP), with support from Temasek and the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, today unveiled the Eco Boards which have been installed at five HDB blocks. Minister for Social and Family Development, Second Minister for Health and Minister-incharge of Muslim Affairs, Mr. Masagos Zulkifli witnessed the launch held at Block 878A, Tampines Avenue 8. He was accompanied by his fellow Members of Parliament for Tampines GRC - Ms. Cheng Li Hui, Chairman of Tampines Town Council; Mr. Desmond Choo, Mayor of North East District and Vice-Chairman of Tampines Town Council, and Mr. Baey Yam Keng, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Transport. Building a Sustainable Future for Tampines The introduction of the Eco Boards is a pilot programme to build sustainability awareness among residents and encourage them to adopt eco-friendly habits. The pilot is part of a larger national effort to bring sustainability to the community and transform HDB towns into EcoTowns. A total of 10 Eco Boards will be rolled out in Tampines over the next two months. Designed and developed in-house by SP’s team of energy tech experts, the Eco Boards provide residents with real-time updates on the block’s aggregated water and electricity consumption, and the resulting carbon emissions. They will be installed at the lift lobby of each block, giving residents easy access to green tips on lowering their utilities consumption. Residents can also participate in energy-saving challenges such as block-level competitions. A sample screen grab of the Eco Board can be found in Annex A. The Town Council can use insights from the Eco Boards to plan and achieve more efficient estate management. There are also plans to enhance the Town Council’s operations with an artificial intelligence-enabled anomaly detection component that will alert the Town Council to any resource wastage or inefficient consumption patterns. The Chairman of Tampines Town Council, Ms. Cheng Li Hui commented: "Our efforts to transform Tampines into a model Eco-Town continue to be a priority. We will always engage with our residents and gather inputs from different stakeholders." "With the support from our residents, grassroots organisations and SP Group, I am confident that the Eco Boards will be a success," Ms. Cheng added. Empowering Residents to Make Sustainable Choices Mr. Stanley Huang, Group Chief Executive Officer, SP Group said: “At SP Group, we enable everyone to play a part in building a low-carbon future for Singapore. Through the Eco Boards, we provide useful data and solutions for residents and estate managers to make eco-friendly choices and reduce their carbon footprint.” The Eco Boards complement the SP Utilities App to further encourage individuals to adopt a greener lifestyle. With the App, residents can track their household’s utilities consumption and use the My Carbon Footprint calculator to be more aware of their own impact on the environment. Residents will also be rewarded for their eco-friendly choicesthrough the App’s GreenUP programme, which empower and incentivise consumers to go green through sustainability challenges and earn rewards when bringing their own mugs or food containers to selected partner merchants. The App can be downloaded at Screen grabs of the App can be found in Annex B. -Ends- Annex A: Sample of Eco Board Annex B: My Carbon Footprint calculator and GreenUP challenge via SP's Utilities App About Tampines Town Council Tampines Town Council was set up in 1990 to manage and maintain common property of HDB housing estates in Tampines which consists five divisions, namely, Central, East, West, North and Changkat. Tampines is fast becoming Singapore's model Eco Town. The town will see enhancements making it more green and environmentally sustainable. Some green initiatives include projects like Sustainability@Tampines Park. It is Singapore's first community-based circular ecosystem. Tampines has also implemented community- based projects to encourage on-the-ground sustainability initiatives. There are Reverse Vending Machines in selected parts of Tampines where residents are incentivised with FairPrice discount coupons to practise recycling. The Town Council is also working with relevant agencies to recruit Resident Gardeners to maintain and enhance our community gardens. About SP Group SP Group is a leading utilities group in the Asia Pacific, enabling a low-carbon, smart energy future for its customers. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and sustainable energy solutions in Singapore and China. As Singapore's national grid operator, about 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers benefit from its world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. Beyond traditional utilities services, SP Group provides a suite of sustainable energy solutions such as cooling and heating systems for business districts and residential townships, electric vehicle fast charging and green digital energy management tools for customers in Singapore and the region. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at, on Linkedln at and on Twitter @SPGroupSG.