
Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Media Coverage Media Coverage Catch the latest news on SP All Years 18 May 2022 The Business Times - SP Group in US$370m deal that can cut emissions by up to 120,000 tonnes a year Source: The Business Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. 08 May 2022 The Business Times - SP Group donates S$1.35m to support 450 disadvantaged ITE students The Business Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. 20 Apr 2022 Lianhe Zaobao - Marina Bay District Cooling Network to be expanded Source: Lianhe Zaobao © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. 20 Apr 2022 The Straits Times - Jurong Lake District to get centralised cooling system Source: The Straits Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. 20 Apr 2022 The Business Times - Five more buildings opt in on Marina Bay district cooling network Source: The Business Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. 18 Apr 2022 Lianhe Zaobao - Tampines to build district cooling network and help 7 buildings achieve energy savings Source: Lianhe Zaobao © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. 18 Apr 2022 The Business Times Online - SP Group to invest S$40-60m in new district cooling system Source: The Business Times Online © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. 18 Apr 2022 The Straits Times - Tampines to get cooling system by 2025 Source: The Straits Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. 12 Apr 2022 The Straits Times - 450 ITE engineering students to benefit from new study award Source: The Straits Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. 12 Apr 2022 Lianhe Zaobao - SP Group sets aside $1.35m to set up Awards, 450 ITE students to benefit Source: Lianhe Zaobao © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. 1 ... 6 7 8 ... 40 FY2223-CPMS-Annual-Results.pdf CPMS Annual Assessment FY22/23 (1 st April 2022– 31 st March 2023) For FY22/23, the top 5 contractors who obtained the highest overall Annual Score are as listed below in alphabetical order and not in any ranking sequence - Top 5 Contractors HIAP ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION PTE LTD HYUNDAI ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD LIH MING CONSTRUCTION PTE LTD MO GUAN CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING PTE LTD YEW ANN CONSTRUCTION PTE LTD As per our CPMS Policy, the top 5 contractors for the assessment year will be given an incentive of 2% of the total annual value of their respective contracts capped at S$100,000.00 per year per contractor. The bottom 2 contractors (listed in alphabetical order) for the annual assessment are as shown below: Last 2 Contractors HI POWER PTE LTD TAIHAN CABLE & SOLUTION CO., LTD. With immediate effect, as per CPMS Policy 6.0, the 2 contractors with the lowest annual scores will be subjected to a penalty deduction to their PQS scores in all subsequent SP Group tenders published during the next Assessment Year. In addition, they would also have to comply with performance improvement requirements specified by SP Group to address areas of deficiency. SP Group 2 Kallang Sector, Singapore 349277, Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search 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Reflecting on SP Group’s performance, it has been a remarkable year on several counts. Despite unprecedented challenges and constraints posed by the pandemic, supply chain disruptions and a labour crunch, we concluded the year with a record electricity supply interruption performance, exceeded targets for gas operations and workplace safety, and attained an all-time high employee engagement. As a provider of essential energy services, SP Group has been steadfast in ensuring reliable and secure supply of electricity and gas for our customers, amidst change and transformation around us. With the gradual easing of safe management measures, we have doubled our efforts in asset maintenance and renewal works to ensure long-term network reliability. Recognising climate change imperatives, we have stepped up efforts in developing sustainable energy solutions. We have expanded our low-carbon footprint in Singapore and overseas, providing energy solutions through district cooling, electromobility and renewable energy investments. The difficult operating environment has not deterred us from continued investment in building capabilities as we pursue technology, people development and process innovation, and maintain a strong financial position to meet future needs. MANAGING RELIABLE NETWORKS Our teams work round the clock to run robust operations of the grid, delivering reliable power and gas supply to more than 1.6 million commercial, industrial and residential customers in Singapore. - 2 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 Efforts spanning asset planning, renewal and maintenance have contributed to a record network reliability performance. On average last year, a customer experienced a record low 6.6 seconds of electricity interruption and 11.9 seconds of gas interruption. In the past year, we completed 18 renewal projects, and replaced 140km of cables, 263 transformers and 1,044 switchgear panels in our electricity distribution infrastructure. We invest in infrastructure and technology such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. This enables us to conduct comprehensive real-time monitoring, trend analysis and diagnostics so as to predict and manage future network problems before they occur. Forty critical distribution substations have been installed with online condition monitoring equipment, with another 99 more in the pipeline. In anticipation of growth in electricity demand, electrification and renewable and distributed energy deployment, there is a need for a - 3 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 high-fidelity digital replica of Singapore’s future electricity grid. SP is developing a Grid Digital Twin, an innovative in-house creation to better plan, operate and maintain the national power grid through modelling, simulations, condition monitoring and asset health analysis. We draw on up-to-date information from over 12,000 substations across our entire electricity network. As part of our gas asset renewal and maintenance programme, we concluded an open tank inspection for a gas holder and successfully completed the renewal of two town gas offtake stations. Another seven stations are scheduled for completion in the next three years. Our Technical Officer performing condition monitoring of our electricity asset We carried out projects to lay more than 70km of durable polyethylene pipes to replace ageing ductile iron pipelines, thereby reducing the risk of gas leakage. Another key milestone was the completion of the in-line inspection operations for a subsea gas pipeline connecting Indonesia to Singapore to ensure integrity of the pipeline. We have adopted new technologies such as the implementation of a new gas enterprise asset management system. These initiatives will optimise operational effectiveness and enable us to better assess the condition of our assets in order to facilitate timely replacement and minimise unplanned interruption. SP is driving the national rollout of smart meters to help customers optimise their energy efficiency. We have installed 648,000 advanced electricity meters for businesses and households. Under the project awarded by PUB in 2021 to supply, install and manage smart water meters, we are making steady progress in rolling out 309,100 smart water meters under the first phase of PUB’s Smart Water Meter Programme. With these meters, commercial and residential customers can track their electricity and water consumption, better understand their usage patterns and achieve better efficiency. - 4 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 UPHOLDING SAFETY STANDARDS We carried out projects to lay more than 70km of durable polyethylene pipes to replace ageing ductile iron pipelines, thereby reducing the risk of gas leakage. Another key milestone was the completion of the in-line inspection operations for a subsea gas pipeline connecting Indonesia to Singapore to ensure integrity of the pipeline. We have adopted new technologies such as the implementation of a new gas enterprise asset management system. These initiatives will optimise operational effectiveness and enable us to better assess the condition of our assets in order to facilitate timely replacement and minimise unplanned interruption. SP is driving the national rollout of smart meters to help customers optimise their energy efficiency. We have installed 648,000 advanced electricity meters for businesses and households. Under the project awarded by PUB in 2021 to supply, install and manage smart water meters, we are making steady progress in rolling out 309,100 smart water meters under the first phase of PUB’s Smart Water Meter Programme. With these meters, commercial and residential customers can track their electricity and water consumption, better understand their usage patterns and achieve better efficiency. ACHIEVING STRONG FINANCIAL OUTLOOK As with all industries and markets around the world, we have grappled with a challenging and rapidly changing external environment. Despite this, SP has delivered another year of solid financial performance, staying the course in achieving our Strategy 2030 launched two years ago. For the year ended 31 March 2022, the Group recorded a Net Profit After Tax of S$2 billion after a one-time gain of S$1.1 billion (net of tax) due to the divestment of our stake in our investment in AusNet Services, to Brookfields Group. Including a special dividend of S$2 billion arising from the divestment, we will be declaring a record dividend of S$2.47 billion in the next financial year. Moody’s has raised the long-term credit ratings of Singapore Power, SP PowerAssets and SP Group Treasury from Aa2 to Aa1. Together with the upgrade by S&P in July 2021, SP Group is now rated Aa1 by Moody’s and AA+ by S&P. This signals the strong financial position of the SP Group. The updated ratings also represent the highest credit ratings that SP Group has achieved since 2003. - 5 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 TOWARDS A LOW CARBON, SMART ENERGY FUTURE We develop and invest in solutions to enable the integration of more renewable energy sources in Singapore’s energy mix. We are accelerating the development of greener buildings and cities to achieve Singapore’s ambitious sustainability targets. outcomes captured under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 7 and 9 which are to ensure access to affordable, clean and sustainable energy for all, build reliable infrastructure, promote inclusion and industrialisation, and foster innovation. In our Sustainability Review, we outline progress in our Strategy 2030, with initiatives and SP is the largest district cooling solutions provider in Singapore. In the past year, we welcomed five - 6 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 new upcoming developments to our flagship Marina Bay network, expanding our district cooling services to a total of 28 buildings that will benefit from our energy-efficient cooling services by 2026. This will help reduce almost 20,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually, equivalent to removing 17,672 cars off our roads. SP continues to make progress with the expansion of our district cooling solutions to residential areas including Tampines and the upcoming Tengah housing estate by 2023. We are building Singapore’s largest industrial district cooling system that will serve ST Microelectronics (ST) at its Ang Mo Kio Technopark premises. Built in partnership with Daikin, it will have a cooling capacity of up to 36,000 refrigerant tonnes (RT), reaping 20 per cent savings in cooling-related electricity consumption for ST annually. When operational in 2025, the system will enable ST to reduce carbon emissions by up to 120,000 tonnes a year at the premises, equivalent to taking 109,090 cars off the road. Tampines will be Singapore’s first town centre to be retrofitted with SP’s cooling solution. Seven buildings will be plugged into SP’s distributed district cooling network, which is specially engineered for brownfield developments. The network will be completed and operational in 2025. In collaboration with the Housing and Development Board, we are progressing well in developing Singapore’s first residential centralised - 7 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 cooling system for up to 22,000 households at the upcoming Tengah housing estate by 2023. As at 31 May 2022, there are 7,616 households – 90 per cent of units allocated – that have opted for SP’s centralised cooling solution. When these projects are completed, SP will be operating a total of 158,200 RT of cooling capacity, reinforcing SP’s position as the largest provider of district cooling solutions in Singapore. SP is the operator of Singapore's largest public high-speed EV charging network. SP is making strides in decarbonising Singapore’s transportation system. To accelerate our nation’s transition to electric mobility, we are building an extensive and highly accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging network across Singapore. With 525 EV charging points at over 100 locations as at 31 May 2022, SP is the operator of Singapore's largest public high-speed EV charging network. A first in Southeast Asia, SP rolled out a vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology trial in 2021 to test and verify the possibility of tapping energy stored in EVs. This is to enhance grid reliability in order to support more than 600,000 vehicles when Singapore phases out internal combustion engine vehicles by 2040. - 8 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 A first in Southeast Asia, SP rolled out the vehicle-to-grid technology trial to enhance grid reliability as Singapore phases out internal combustion engine vehicles. We are partnering Sembcorp Industries and Sarawak Energy to undertake a feasibility study for the development of cross-border transmission infrastructure for power exchange between Sarawak and Singapore. SP is deploying expertise in renewable energy solutions across several industrial and commercial properties. Last year, we deepened our partnership with Sembcorp Marine to deploy 4 MWp of solar energy across seven rooftops at the Tuas Boulevard Yard. With the additional rooftop solar installation, the yard’s solar power capacity of 8.5 MWp will deliver up to 10,400 MWh of electricity annually – enough to power more than 2,300 four-room flats per year. The solar energy generated will be integrated and optimised via SP’s Green Energy Tech (GETTM) to provide intelligent and reliable energy management to realise significant energy savings. With solutions like GET TenantCare, a smart and automated tenant sub-metering solution powered by SP Digital’s advanced metering infrastructure, we are empowering commercial customers, building owners and landlords to manage tenant utilities consumption efficiently. To date, 31 buildings, including Tampines Town Council, Defence Science and Technology Agency and Mercatus Co-operative Limited (Mercatus), are onboard the GET programme. Mercatus will deploy SP’s GET solutions and more than 700 smart electricity meters at three of its properties, namely AMK Hub, One Marina Boulevard and Jurong Point. Our suite of digital - 9 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 solutions will help building owners enhance their operational efficiency, allowing them to deliver greater value to their tenants while advancing their own sustainability agenda. The SP app is a key enabler for our sustainable energy solutions to be accessible and convenient for consumers. As at 31 May 2022, the app has been downloaded 1.58 million times. Users benefit from tools, developed by SP Digital, that shape green lifestyle practices. Ground-up initiatives like GreenUp encourage users to take up sustainable and practical challenges and earn rewards. LEADING IN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SOLUTIONS IN ASIA PACIFIC SP will deploy district cooling and heating, smart metering, energy management and monitoring solutions to transform the city of Wuhou to a smart eco-district. With our established track record in Singapore, there is growing demand for SP’s expertise in sustainable energy solutions in regional markets. In China, SP is partnering the Wuhou district, to transform the largest of five city centre districts in Chengdu, to a smart eco-district. SP will deploy district cooling and heating, smart metering, energy management and monitoring solutions to accelerate the city’s urban renewal masterplan. The project is a testament of SP’s expertise and capabilities in these low-carbon, smart energy solutions. Also underway are distributed solar projects in Shandong and Sichuan provinces. In Vietnam, we established our presence in Ho Chi Minh City and entered into a joint venture with Bamboo Capital Group Energy to develop 500MWp of rooftop solar assets power for - 10 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 commercial and industrial customers. The joint venture has been welcomed by the market, as evidenced by the agreement with Vinamilk – Vietnam’s largest dairy company – for us to install rooftop solar across its nine factories and seven farms. We have inked a memorandum of understanding with Banpu NEXT to develop sustainable energy solutions in Thailand including district cooling, cross-border renewable energy certificates platform and distributed solar projects. EMPOWERING OUR PEOPLE We believe an engaged workforce is one where people are valued and equipped to contribute optimally. Notwithstanding the challenges of working with pandemic restrictions, our all-time high Employee Engagement Survey score of 87 per cent gives confidence of the strong commitment of our workforce to Strategy 2030 and our brand position of empowering the future of energy. We concluded four Collective Agreements with the Union of Power and Gas Employees. Various enhancements have been introduced including salary ranges, medical subsidies, and benefits to promote health, fitness and family bonding. As we develop the capabilities of our people and equip them for transformation in the energy landscape, we invested S$8 million and a total of 179,000 training hours last year. SP appointed seven senior engineers as Technical Experts to groom the next generation of engineers in emerging areas such as High-Pressure Gas Engineering, Condition Monitoring and Power Quality. - 11 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 To deepen engineering knowledge and capabilities, we have introduced a Technical Expert development scheme and appointed seven senior engineers as our initial batch of Technical Experts. Backed by their wealth of knowledge and experience, they are mentors in grooming the next generation of engineers in emerging areas such as High-Pressure Gas Engineering, Condition Monitoring and Power Quality. With growing concerns about mental well-being, we have introduced a holistic series of initiatives under SP’s Workplace Health Programme for our 3,600 strong workforce. An Employee Assistance Programme was set up to offer a counselling channel to help staff deal with personal and work-related issues. Close to 100 of our staff have been trained as Care Ambassadors to render peer support and provide relevant assistance to colleagues who wish to seek professional help. SUPPORTING VULNERABLE COMMUNITIES SP has donated S$1.35 million to the Institute of Technical Education to set up the SP Group Engineering Study Award. We have remained steadfast in giving back to the community, through staff volunteerism, philanthropy and skills-based contributions. Last year, SP’s corporate social responsibility contributions totalled S$4.5 million in donations, sponsorships and volunteer manpower. In our annual SP Power Packs Charity Drive, we have committed a record high S$1.1 million to benefit 10,000 families, many of whom are seniors from low-income household. This five-fold increase from previous years enables us to provide more vulnerable families with essentials and care kits to guard against the pandemic. - 12 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 SP has extended support to youth by donating S$1.35 million to the Institute of Technical Education to set up the SP Group Engineering Study Award. The funds will provide monthly financial support to 450 engineering school students from low-income families over the next three years. Since the launch of SP Kids at Heart in July 2021, SP Heart Workers – our staff volunteers – have put in time and effort to pack and deliver learning resources to pre-schoolers from low-income families, as part of our ongoing support to KidSTART. With the support of our business associates and the public, we raised S$1.8 million for the SP Heartware Fund towards programmes for seniors and pre-schoolers last year, making it a total of S$18 million since 2005. United in Singapore’s pandemic defence, our team of call agents doubled up as Home Recovery Buddies at MOH’s Case Management Contact Centre, to support those who have tested positive for COVID-19. Our call centre has also served as the public hotline for Temasek Foundation’s Stay Prepared initiatives and handled more than 180,000 phone calls during the provision of free face masks, hand sanitiser, oximeters and mouth gargle to all households in Singapore. IN APPRECIATION I would like to record my appreciation to Mr Ng Kwan Meng, who retired from the Board on 29 July 2022, for his invaluable contributions. I welcome Prof Yaacob bin Ibrahim who joined the Board in September 2021. I am also grateful to all Board members for your guidance and counsel. On behalf of the Board, I would like to express my appreciation to the management and staff for your unwavering efforts, pivoting to seize new opportunities for growth and transformation. I thank our shareholder, business partners, union and regulator for their close collaboration and continuous support. As we rise above the challenges of the past two years and embrace new opportunities, the future remains uncertain. However, I believe that with the strong partnership forged with our stakeholders, we will remain committed to creating greater value for our customers and empowering the future of energy together. Mohd Hassan Marican Chairman August 2022 - 13 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 Microsoft Word - Info+T_C+for+the+Use+of+SPSRM+System_v2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 Contents 1 Definitions .................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2 Singapore Power Supplier Relationship Management System (SPSRM)............................................. 5 3 Security, Access and Use of SPSRM .................................................................................................................. 6 4 Representations and Warranties ........................................................................................................................ 9 5 Service of Notices Under the Agreement ...................................................................................................... 9 6 Off-line Communication .......................................................................................................................................11 7 Evidence and Validity .............................................................................................................................................11 8. Formation of Contract through SPSRM ...........................................................................................................11 9 Calling of Tender (“COT”) .................................................................................................................................... 12 10 Term Contracts ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 11 Request for Quotation (“RFQ”)........................................................................................................................... 12 12 Termination of Agreement ................................................................................................................................13 13 Revocation of Authorisation of Supplier’s Representative ..................................................................... 15 14 Liability and Indemnity ........................................................................................................................................ 15 15 Confidentiality ........................................................................................................................................................ 17 16 Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................ 17 17 Waiver ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18 18 Independent Parties ............................................................................................................................................ 18 19 Assignment ............................................................................................................................................................. 18 20 Severance .............................................................................................................................................................. 18 21 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction ..................................................................................................................... 18 22 Variation of Agreement .................................................................................................................................... 19 23 Application ............................................................................................................................................................ 19 24 Third Party Rights ................................................................................................................................................. 19 25 Mediation ............................................................................................................................................................... 19 Page 2 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE OF SP SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) 1 Definitions 1.1 For the purposes of this document, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them except where the context otherwise requires: "Agreement" means this Agreement on the Terms and Conditions for use of the SPSRM as amended by SP from time to time. “Authentication Device” means any or any combination of Login ID, password, electronic device with encoded electronic strip and/or chip, digital signature or such other device, method, item or machine prescribed by SP for access and/or use of SPSRM or any part thereof by the Supplier. “Certification Authority” shall have the same meaning as in the Electronic Transactions Act. “Contract(s)” shall unless otherwise specified in this Agreement refer to Contract(s) concluded by Parties through SPSRM. “Contractor” means the person or persons or firm which has a Contract and/or Term Contract with SP, and includes the Contractor’s duly appointed representatives, successors at law and permitted assigns. Where there are references to “Contractor” in SPSRM, this shall be read as referring to “Supplier”. “Designated Place” means the Website Page(s) designated by SP from time to time for the purpose of the Supplier accessing and viewing information transmitted by SP through SPSRM. “Digital Signature” shall have the same meaning as in the Electronic Transactions Act. "SPSRM" means SP Supplier Relationship Management system, a structured electronic system operated by SP via the Internet which facilitates the procurement of goods and/or services by SP through electronic means. "Message(s)" means data structured in accordance with SPSRM and the Website and transmitted electronically through SPSRM between the Parties and/or generated by SPSRM, including where the context admits any part of such data. “Party” means either SP or the Supplier and “Parties” mean both SP and the Supplier. Page 3 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 “Term Contract” means a binding contract between SP and the Supplier for the provision of specified goods and/or services on pre-agreed terms over a fixed period. The Term Contract represents a standing offer by the Supplier to provide the specified goods and/or services to SP on the pre-agreed terms as and when SP issues a Purchase Order to the Supplier for the purchase of the specified goods and/or services. When SP issues a Purchase Order for the purchase of the specified goods and/or services, the resulting contract between SP and the Supplier shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Term Contract. “Purchase Order” means an order from SP for the purchase of goods and/or services pursuant to a Term Contract in accordance with Clause 10 below, as the case may be. “Representative” means any person authorised by the Supplier in accordance with this Agreement to access and use SPSRM on the Supplier’s behalf. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement, any person who uses and/or enters the correct Authentication Device as prescribed by SP shall be deemed to be a Representative of the Supplier. “Request to Quote” is defined in Clause 11.2. “SP” means Singapore Power Limited and any company that is fully or partially owned by Singapore Power Limited, whether beneficially or otherwise or under its management or control, including all its subsidiaries, affiliates and related companies. “Supplier” means any person who has applied for and granted by SP the right to access and use SPSRM upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall, where the context so admits, include its Representatives. "Website" means the Internet web site of SPSRM maintained by the SP and shall include but not limited to all its pages and all information, text, forms, items, images, links, sound and graphics displayed therein. 1.2 Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa. 1.3 The headings are for convenient reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of this interpretation. 1.4 Words importing a gender include any other gender. 1.5 A reference to a person includes individuals, partnerships and other bodies, whether corporate or otherwise. Page 4 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 1.6 Any reference to any statute or legislation shall be deemed to be a reference to such statute or legislation as amended from time to time and be deemed to include any subsidiary legislation made thereunder. 1.7 All references to date and time in this Agreement or pursuant to this Agreement (including but not limited to the date and time of delivery of Messages) shall be Singapore date and time. 2 Singapore Power Supplier Relationship Management System (SPSRM) 2.1 SP agrees to grant the Supplier the right to access and use SPSRM on the terms set out herein and such other terms as may be amended by SP from time to time. 2.2 The Supplier agrees to fully comply with and observe all the terms of this Agreement. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Supplier agrees not to transmit any Message or make any communication to SP under this Agreement which is in any way inconsistent with or derogates from the terms of this Agreement. The Supplier further agrees that if any such Message or communication contains or includes anything which is inconsistent with or derogates from the terms of this Agreement, SP shall be entitled to treat and act on such Message or communication as if it did not contain or include any such inconsistency or derogation and such inconsistency or derogation shall not have any legal effect. 2.3 Where any Contract has been concluded between SP and the Supplier, Parties agree that the terms of this Agreement shall be subject to the terms of the Contract and any inconsistency shall be resolved in favour of the Contract. 2.4 Where SP procures or seeks to procure any goods and/or services from the Trading Partner through SPSRM, Parties agree that, subject to Clause 2.3, the terms of any resulting Contract between SP and the Supplier for the purchase and supply of the specified goods and/or services shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement and any inconsistency between this Agreement and the Contract shall be resolved in favour of the Contract. 2.5 Parties agree that subject to Clause 2.3, the form and contents of Messages shall be subject to this Agreement and any inconsistency between any Message and this Agreement shall be resolved in favour of this Agreement. 2.6 Parties further agree that subject to Clause 2.4 the form and contents of Messages transmitted pursuant to Contracts concluded through SPSRM shall be subject to such Contracts and any inconsistency shall be resolved in favour of such Contracts. Page 5 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 2.7 Where a Message contains any document as an attachment, Parties agree that subject to Clause 2.5 and 2.6, the contents of the attachment shall be subject to the form and contents of the Message and any inconsistency shall be resolved in favour of the Message. 2.8 The Parties agree that, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement or by SP, all transactions pertaining to the formation of contracts between the Parties for the procurement of goods and/or services by SP shall only be conducted through SPSRM by transmission of Messages. 2.9 In the event that SPSRM is unavailable due to reasons solely attributable to the operations of SPSRM and is likely to remain so for a reasonable period of time (which shall be determined solely at the discretion of SP), SP shall notify the Supplier of the unavailability of SPSRM by posting a notice on the Website (which shall constitute sufficient notice to the Trading Partner). In such an event, the Parties may transact with each other in writing through conventional means if SP expressly specifies in its notice that the Parties may do so. However, once SPSRM becomes available, the Parties shall immediately revert to transacting with each other through SPSRM. 3 Security, Access and Use of SPSRM 3.1 The Supplier shall access and use SPSRM in the manner and with the use of such Authentication Device as are or as may be prescribed by SP from time to time. 3.2 SP reserves the right to prescribe different Authentication Devices for accessing and/or using SPSRM or any part thereof, including but not limited to prescribing different Authentication Device(s) for accessing and/or using different parts of SPSRM. SP also reserves the right to vary, from time to time, the Authentication Device(s) and/or the manner of accessing and/or using SPSRM or any part thereof. SP will inform the Supplier by posting a notice on the Website of any change(s) in the Authentication Device(s) and/or the manner of accessing and/or using SPSRM or any part thereof and such posting notice shall constitute sufficient notice to the Supplier. It shall be the sole duty of the Supplier to check the Website for any such change(s). SP shall be under no obligation to furnish any reason for actions or decisions taken under Clause 3.2. 3.3 Without prejudice to Clause 3.2, SP reserves the right to prescribe password(s) and Login ID(s) for the Supplier and its Representatives as well as any combination and/or sequence of letters and/or numerals for the password(s) and Login ID(s). SP shall also have the right to amend such password(s) and Login ID(s) from time to time upon giving the Supplier at least 2 weeks’ notice. SP shall be under no obligation to furnish any reason for actions or decisions taken under Clause 3.3. Page 6 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 3.3 SP shall be entitled to deactivate or revoke: a. passwords and/or Login IDs of the Supplier and its Representatives upon termination of this Agreement; b. passwords and/or Login IDs of Representatives whose authorisation has been revoked; and c. passwords and/or Login IDs which SP knows or suspects to have been compromised. 3.4 The Supplier shall authorise Representative(s) to access and use SPSRM on its behalf. The Supplier shall notify SP in writing of its Representative(s) in the form and manner prescribed by SP from time to time. The Supplier’s Representative(s) shall not be allowed to access and use SPSRM on the Supplier’s behalf until the SP activates the account(s) of the Representative(s) in SPSRM and gives written notice to the Supplier of the same. The effective date of the activation of the account(s) of the Supplier’s Representative(s) shall be the date of SP’s written notice. 3.5 The Supplier shall also immediately notify SP in writing in the form and manner prescribed by SP from time to time of any changes in its particulars or the particulars of its Representative(s). SP shall make the necessary changes in SPSRM and give written notice to the Supplier of the same. The changes shall only take effect on the date of SP’s written notice to the Supplier. The Supplier’s Representative may make changes to his own particulars in SPSRM and the changes shall take effect immediately upon execution of the changes in SPSRM by the Representative. 3.6 The actions, failures, omissions and defaults of the Supplier’s Representative(s) shall be constructed and be given legal effect as if they are the actions, failures, omissions and defaults of the Supplier and the Supplier shall be fully responsible for all such matters. 3.7 The Supplier shall do all things necessary to preserve and maintain the integrity and security of SPSRM, including but not limited to ensuring that there is no unauthorised access and/or use of SPSRM or any Authentication Device and that the Authentication Devices are treated with extreme care and are available to and used by only its authorised Representatives. Each Authentication Device is issued to a specific individual authorised Representative of the Trading Partner and it shall remain confidential and shall not be shared with any other person. 3.8 The Supplier shall ensure that all Messages transmitted by it or its Representative(s) are duly authorised. The Supplier shall in any event be fully responsible for all Messages transmitted by it or by its Representatives(s). 3.9 The Supplier agrees, after taking into account all relevant factors, that the security procedure for SPSRM constitutes a commercially reasonable security procedure. Page 7 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 3.10 The Supplier agrees that SP is entitled to rely on the correct use and/or entry of the prescribed Authentication Device(s) by the Supplier or its Representative(s) as conclusive evidence of the authenticity of the Message and the authority of the originator of such Message. 3.11 Subject to SP’s obligation only to verify that Messages were transmitted by the Supplier or its Representative(s) using the appropriate Authentication Device prescribed by SP, SP shall be entitled to rely on Messages and the Supplier shall be bound by them. 3.12 SP shall be entitled to prescribe such codes and abbreviations for use in SPSRM and may delete, amend or make additions to such codes and abbreviations from time to time. The codes and abbreviations used in SPSRM shall be set out and explained in the Website. 3.13 The Supplier shall provide its own facilities (including but not limited to computer terminals, modem, software, hardware, systems, subscription to services of Certification Authority, subscription to the services of Internet Service Provider and telecommunications facilities) for accessing and using SPSRM and shall be fully responsible for ensuring that such facilities are adequate, suitable, compatible and appropriate for the purposes of accessing and using SPSRM in accordance with this Agreement. 3.14 Where the prescribed Authentication Device is a Digital Signature, the Supplier shall subscribe to public certification services provided by the Certification Authority prescribed by the SP. The Supplier shall fully comply with the directions, instructions and/or requirements of SP and/or the Certification Authority in relation to use of the Authentication Device. 3.15 SP may from time to time upgrade, alter or modify SPSRM or any part thereof. SP will inform the Supplier by posting a notice on the Website of any change(s) in SPSRM and/or any hardware, software or other facilities required to access and/or use SPSRM and such posting notice shall constitute sufficient notice to the Supplier. It shall be the sole duty of the Supplier to check the Website for any such change(s). The Supplier shall also be solely responsible for making the necessary upgrades, alterations or modifications to its systems, hardware, software and other facilities to ensure its continued access and use of SPSRM. SP shall be under no obligation to furnish any reason for actions or decisions taken under Clause 3.16. 3.16 The Supplier shall bear all costs and expenses in relation to its access and use of SPSRM, including but not limited to the costs and expenses incurred in ensuring its continued access and use of SPSRM. Page 8 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM [SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 4 Representations and Warranties 4.1 The Supplier represents and warrants at all times as follows: a. all particulars of the Supplier and its Representatives given and to be given to SP from time to time are accurate; b. the Supplier is validly existing, not insolvent or bankrupt and has the legal capacity and power to enter into, perform and comply with its obligations under this Agreement; and c. all actions, conditions and things required to be taken, fulfilled and done in order to enable the Supplier to enter into, perform and comply with its obligations under this Agreement and to ensure that those obligations are valid, legally binding on the Trading Partner and enforceable against the Supplier have been taken, fulfilled and done. 4.2 The Supplier undertakes to ensure and hereby represents and warrants at all times that Messages and other communications sent to SP using SPSRM and/or pursuant to this Agreement are and shall be a. complete, accurate, true and correct; and b. transmitted or sent by such persons as are duly authorised by the Supplier to transmit or send the Messages and communications. 4.3 The Supplier represents and warrants at all times to be bound by all Messages and other communications transmitted or sent by the Supplier and/or its Representatives. The Supplier further agrees that SP is under no obligation to check any Messages or other communications to ascertain their completeness, veracity and accuracy. 4.4 In the event that there are any changes to the matters represented or warranted under Clause 4.1 above, the Supplier shall within one [1) working day provide written notification to the SP in the manner set out in Clause 5.1 of this Agreement. 5 Service of Notices Under the Agreement 5.1 Unless otherwise expressly provided under this Agreement, any notice which SP is required to give to the Supplier under this Agreement shall only be deemed to have been served on the Supplier if the notice is sent by a. post to the address provided by the Supplier in its SPSRM Supplier Registration Form or such other address as may be specified in writing by the Trading Partner to SP, whichever is the latest in time; b. facsimile transmission to the facsimile number provided by the Supplier in its SPSRM Supplier Registration Form or such other facsimile number as may be specified in writing by the Supplier to SP, whichever is the latest in time; or Page 9 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 c. email to the email address provided by the Supplier in its SPSRM Supplier Registration Form or such other email address as may be specified in writing by the Trading Partner to SP, whichever is the latest in time. 5.2 It shall be the duty of the Supplier to immediately notify SP of any change in its correspondence address, facsimile number and email address and those of its Representatives. 5.3 Unless otherwise expressly provided under this Agreement or unless otherwise specified by the SP pursuant to Clause 5.4, any notice which the Supplier is required to give to SP under this Agreement shall only be deemed to have been served on SP if the notice is sent by post or email to: Procurement Branch SP Group Ltd 2 Kallang Sector Singapore 349277 Email: 5.4 SP may specify from time to time changes in its correspondence address or email for purposes of service of notices under this Agreement. Any such changes shall be posted on the Website and such posting shall constitute sufficient notice to the Supplier of the changes. The changes shall take effect on the date of posting of the changes on the Website. It shall be the sole duty of the Supplier to check the Website for any changes in SP’s corresponding address or facsimile number. 5.5 For the purposes of Clause 5, notices required to be served under this Agreement shall not include Messages. 5.6 Where this Agreement requires SP to serve a notice on the Supplier by posting the notice on the Website, the following shall apply: a. such posting on the Website shall constitute sufficient notice to the Supplier notwithstanding that the Supplier may not have viewed the notice; and b. the notice shall, unless otherwise specified by SP, take effect from the time of posting on the Website. Page 10 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 6 Off-line Communication 6.1 The Supplier may direct queries, comments or difficulties encountered with the access and/or use of SPSRM in the manner specified in Clauses 5.3 and 5.4 or to SP’s Internet e-mail address specified in the Website for the purposes of receiving such off-line communication. 6.2 SP may likewise conduct off-line communication with the Supplier in the manner specified in and in accordance with Clause 5.1. 6.3 Any communication under Clause 6 shall not have any legal effect between the Parties and without prejudice to the foregoing, shall not constitute a Message or evidence of any action, transaction or notice under this Agreement or any contract or performance of any contract concluded through SPSRM. 7 Evidence and Validity 7.1 Information in the form of an electronic record shall be given legal effect, validity and enforceability. 7.2 Messages transmitted and/or generated on the basis of and in accordance with this Agreement shall have, between the Parties, a comparable evidential value to that accorded to written documents. 7.3 Without prejudice to Clause 7.4, the Parties expressly accept and agree that any and all Messages transmitted through and/or generated by SPSRM are final, conclusive and binding for all purposes and shall be relevant and admissible in evidence. The Parties further expressly agree that they shall not dispute the authority, accuracy and/or authenticity of any Message (or any part thereof) on the ground that the Message is transmitted and/or generated electronically. 7.4 The Parties expressly accept that Contracts are validly formed by Message(s) transmitted through and/or generated by SPSRM, and expressly waive any right to bring any action challenging the validity of a Contract concluded between themselves solely on the ground that the Contract was concluded through SPSRM. 8. Formation of Contract through SPSRM 8.1 Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, a Contract may only be formed in the manner specified in this Agreement. Page 11 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 9 Calling of Tender (“COT”) 9.1 SP may at any time invite Suppliers to submit offers in response to a COT for the supply of goods and services through SPSRM. This is referred to hereafter as electronic COT. 9.2 All electronic COTs from SP shall be issued to Suppliers through SPSRM. 9.3 A Supplier may, in response to the COT, submit its offer to SP through SPSRM within the time specified in the COT. The issuance of the Offer Message shall constitute the Supplier’s binding offer to SP. 9.4 If SP decides to accept the Supplier’s offer, it shall convey its acceptance by issuing a letter of award to the Supplier. 9.5 SP reserves the right to disregard any offers which is submitted after the time specified in the COT, regardless of whether the delay in the submission of the tender was occasioned wholly or in part by any unavailability of SPSRM, interruption in the access and/or use of SPSRM or any other factor attributable to the operations of SPSRM, except where the delay is caused solely by mishandling on the part of SP. 10 Term Contracts 10.1 Term Contracts may be concluded between Parties through SPSRM. When there is an existing Term Contract between SP and the Supplier, the Supplier shall be deemed to have made standing offers to SP for the provision of goods and/or services specified in the Term Contract for the price agreed upon in the Term Contract and in accordance with the terms of the Term Contract. 10.2 All Purchase Orders from SP for the purchase of specified goods and/or services under a Term Contract shall be issued to the Supplier through SPSRM. The e-mail constituting a Purchase Order is referred to as “Purchase Order Email”. The issuance of the Purchase Order Email(s) shall constitute SP’s acceptance of the standing offer(s) of the Supplier under the Term Contract. 11 Request for Quotation (“RFQ”) 11.1 SP may at any time invite Suppliers to submit offers in response to an RFQ for specified goods and/or services through SPSRM. For the avoidance of doubt, an RFQ is not pursuant to any existing or underlying Term Contract between the Parties and is referred to hereafter as electronic RFQ Page 12 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM [SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 11.2 All electronic RFQs from SP shall be issued to the Supplier through SPSRM. The RFQ shall not constitute an offer or acceptance by SP but shall only represent an invitation to treat from SP to the Supplier. 11.3 The Supplier may, in response to the RFQ, submit its offer to SP through SPSRM within the time specified by SP. The issuance of the offer shall constitute the Supplier’s binding offer to SP. 11.4 If SP decides to accept the Supplier’s offer, it shall convey its acceptance by issuing a Purchase Order to the Supplier via the Purchase Order Email 11.5 SP reserves the right to disregard any offer which is submitted after the time specified by SP, regardless of whether the delay in the submission of the Quote was occasioned wholly or in part by any unavailability of SPSRM, interruption in the access and/or use of SPSRM or any other factor attributable to the operations of SPSRM, except where the delay is caused solely by mishandling on the part of SP. 12 Termination of Agreement 12.1 Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement and in addition to its other rights and remedies under this Agreement or at law, SP may terminate this Agreement on the occurrence of any of the following events at any time by giving the Supplier at least one [1] working day’s notice in writing: a. if the Supplier breaches anything in this Agreement and neglects or otherwise fails to remedy such breach within seven [7) working days of being required in writing to do so by SP; b. if the Supplier become insolvents or is adjudged bankrupt, wound up or is placed under judicial management, receivership or voluntary arrangement or if a petition for bankruptcy, winding up or appointment of judicial manager has been presented against the Supplier or a resolution is passed for its winding up or if the Supplier enters into any composition or arrangement with its creditors; c. if the Supplier is convicted of fraud or corruption in or outside Singapore or of any offence under the Computer Misuse Act [Cap. 50A); or 12.2 In addition to its rights under Clause 12.1, SP may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving seven [7] working days’ notice in writing to the Supplier. 12.3 SP’s notice of termination shall be sent to the Supplier in accordance with Clause 5.1a or Clause 5.1b and the Supplier shall be deemed to have received the notice of termination on the date it is sent by SP. Page 13 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM [SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 12.4 SP shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement in accordance with Clause 12 without being liable for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation, whether direct or indirect. 12.5 Subject to Clause 12.6, the Supplier may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving seven [7) working days’ notice in writing to SP. The Supplier’s notice of termination shall not take effect except in accordance with Clause 12.8. 12.6 The Supplier shall not be entitled to terminate this Agreement if there is any existing Period Contract or Framework Agreement between SP and the Supplier which has not expired or otherwise been determined. 12.7 The Supplier’s notice of termination shall be sent to SP in accordance with Clause 5.3. 12.8 After receiving the Supplier’s notice of termination, SP shall determine the date on which the Supplier’s notice of termination shall take effect and shall notify the Supplier in accordance with Clause 5.1 of the effective date of termination of this Agreement. The date of termination of this Agreement as determined by SP shall not exceed seven (7) working days from SP’s actual receipt of the Supplier’s notice of termination. 12.9 The following consequences shall immediately follow upon notice of termination being given in accordance with this Clause 12: a. The Supplier may make new offers to SP through SPSRM any time before the termination of this Agreement. b. SP may at any time before the termination of this Agreement, accept through SPSRM any offer made by the Supplier before or after service of the notice of termination and such acceptance shall constitute a binding Contract between the Parties. 12.10 The following consequences shall immediately follow upon termination of this Agreement: a. The Parties shall not be able to transact with each other through SPSRM. b. The Supplier’s obligations under all Contracts concluded through SPSRM before the termination of this Agreement shall continue and shall not be affected in any way by the termination of this Agreement. c. The Supplier’s obligations under existing Period Contracts and Framework Agreements shall continue and shall not be affected in any way by the termination of this Agreement. d. The termination of this Agreement shall not affect any rights and liabilities accruing immediately before the date of termination. Page 14 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 13 Revocation of Authorisation of Supplier’s Representative 13.1 The revocation of the authorisation given by the Supplier to its Representative for the purposes of transacting through SPSRM on the Supplier’s behalf shall be effected in SPSRM in one of the following ways only: a. The Supplier shall notify SP in writing of the revocation of the authorisation given to its specified Authorised Representative. SP shall delete the Supplier’s Representative’s account in SPSRM and shall send a written notice to this effect to the Supplier by post, facsimile or email in accordance with Clause 5. The revocation of the authorisation of the Supplier’s Representative shall only take effect on the date of SP’s written notice; or b. The Supplier’s Representative may delete his account in SPSRM and the revocation of the authorisation of the Supplier’s Representative shall take effect immediately upon the deletion of the account. 13.2 The Supplier shall be fully responsible for the actions, failures, omissions and defaults of its Representative until the effective date of the revocation of the Representative’s authorisation. 13.3 The following consequences shall immediately follow upon the revocation of the authorisation of the Supplier’s Representative: a. The Representative shall not be allowed to access and use SPSRM on the Supplier’s behalf. b. The revocation of the Representative’s authorisation shall not in any way affect the Trading Partner’s obligations under this Agreement, Contracts concluded through SPSRM and existing Period Contracts and Framework Agreements. c. It shall be the sole duty of the Supplier to ensure that it is able to continue to access and use SPSRM and fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, all contracts concluded through SPSRM and existing Period Contracts and Framework Agreements, despite the revocation of its Representative’s authorisation. 13.4 SP shall not be liable in any way for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation, whether direct or indirect, which arise from or are referable in any way to the revocation of the authorisation of the Supplier’s Representative. 14 Liability and Indemnity 14.1 The Supplier acknowledges that there are security, corruption, transmission error and access availability risks associated with using open networks and Internet websites and hereby expressly assumes such risks. 14.2 Without prejudice to the foregoing, SP does not make any warranty or representation that the access and/or use of SPSRM or any part thereof will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, free from virus or Page 15 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, programme or macro, free from transmission errors or otherwise error-free. 14.3 No warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, satisfactory quality and/or fitness for a particular purpose, is given in conjunction with SPSRM. 14.4 Any hyperlink to any other website or any reference to any website, entity, product or service is not an endorsement or verification by SP of such website, entity, product or service. Any access, use or engagement of or other dealings with such website, entity, product or service shall be solely at the Supplier’s own risks. 14.5 SP shall not be liable in any way for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation, whether direct or indirect, which arise from or are referable to, regardless of the form of action, any breach of security, delay, corruption or destruction of data or systems (including due to but not limited to causes such as virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, programme or macro), transmission error and unavailability of access associated with accessing and/or using SPSRM or any part thereof even if SP is advised as to the possibility. 14.6 SP shall not be liable in any way for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation, whether direct or indirect, which arise from or are referable to, regardless of the form of action, any difficulty whatsoever encountered in accessing and/or using SPSRM or any part thereof arising out of or in connection to the Supplier’s facilities (including but not limited to computer terminals, modem, software, hardware, systems, subscription to services of Certification Authority, subscription to the services of Internet Service Provider and telecommunications facilities). 14.7 SP shall not be liable in any way for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation, whether direct or indirect, which arise from or are referable to, regardless of the form of action, any difficulty whatsoever encountered by the Supplier in accessing and/or using SPSRM or any part thereof or any upgrading, modification or alteration made to SPSRM (including but not limited to changes to Authentication Devices). 14.8 The Supplier shall solely be responsible and liable and shall hold SP free of liability for the acts, failures, omissions and defaults of the Supplier and its Representatives, including but not limited to unauthorised access and/or use of SPSRM or any part thereof, unauthorised disclosure or use of any Authentication Device, access and/or use of SPSRM or any part thereof in a manner inconsistent with this Agreement, doing anything contrary to this Agreement and failing to act in accordance with this Agreement. Page 16 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 14.9 SP shall not be liable in any way, regardless of the form of action for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation, whether direct or indirect, in the event of the termination or suspension of SPSRM (whether notice is given to Supplier or not) due to events beyond SP’s control. 14.10 Without prejudice to the foregoing, SP shall not be liable, regardless of the form of action, for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation whatsoever (whether direct, indirect, special or consequential or economic loss and whether foreseeable or not) arising from or in connection with or referable to the access and/or use of SPSRM. 14.11 The Supplier hereby agrees to indemnify and hold SP harmless against all damages, losses, costs (including legal costs), expenses and liabilities suffered or incurred by the SP arising out of or referable to any claims, suits or proceedings brought against the SP by third parties arising out of or in connection to the Supplier’s and/or its Representative’s access and/or use (including but not limited to unauthorised access and/or use) of SPSRM or any part thereof. 14.12 The word “SP” in Clause 14 shall include SP’s servants and agents. 15 Confidentiality 15.1 The Supplier shall ensure that any Message (including part thereof) from SP is maintained in confidence and is not disclosed to any unauthorised person or used by the Supplier other than for the purposes to which the Message relates. Messages or any part thereof shall not be regarded as containing confidential information to the extent that such information is in the public domain. 15.2 Clause 15 shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 16 Intellectual Property Rights 16.1 The copyright in SPSRM and the Website is owned by SP or its licensors. The SPSRM and/or the Website or any part thereof shall not be reproduced, distributed, adapted, modified, republished, displayed, broadcasted, hyperlinked, framed or transmitted in any manner or by any means or stored in an information retrieval system or “mirrored” on any other server without SP’s prior written permission. 16.2 Clause 16 shall survive the termination of this Agreement. Page 17 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 17 Waiver 17.1 No waiver of any breach shall be effective unless made in writing by the Party granting such waiver and given to the other Party in accordance with Clause 5. 17.2 Unless otherwise expressly provided, the extent of any waiver granted shall be restricted to the specific breach concerned and shall not extend to any further occurrence of such breach or any other breach. 17.3 The rights and remedies provided to the Parties under this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies available in law. 18 Independent Parties 18.1 For the purposes of this Agreement, the Supplier shall be and shall be deemed to be, independent and not an agent or employee of SP. 18.2 Neither Party shall have the authority to make any statement, representation or commitment of any kind, or to take any action which shall
Search Record S$700,000 raised at SP Charity Golf 2023 Media Release Record S$700,000 raised at SP Charity Golf 2023 Donations will support 25,000 seniors through the SP Heartware Fund Singapore, 8 September 2023 – The annual SP Charity Golf returned in full swing today as SP Group (SP) and its business associates teed off for a worthy cause. This year’s event raised a record S$700,000 for the SP Heartware Fund which supports programmes for 25,000 seniors from lower-income backgrounds. The event also saw more than 50 of SP’s business partners making donations in cash and kind. A total of 140 golfers took to the greens at Tanah Merah Country Club. Ms Leong Wai Leng, Chairman of SP Group, said, “We are grateful to our corporate partners whose support for the SP Heartware Fund has grown from strength to strength each year. This has enabled us to meet the needs of more than 25,000 seniors from low-income backgrounds, through programmes and services under Community Chest. From fund-raising to staff volunteerism, we are committed to creating sustained impact in improving quality of life for communities in need.” Mr Chew Sutat, Chairman of Community Chest, added, “The annual SP Charity Golf exemplifies how corporates can rally their networks to do good. As social service needs become more complex, such sustained partnerships ensure that we can continue to empower those in need to fulfil their potential, despite their life challenges. I am heartened by SP Group’s continued strong support of Community Chest and hope others will also be inspired to adopt sustainable philanthropy practices.” To date, more than S$20 million has been raised for the SP Heartware Fund, which was established in 2005. Contributions by SP, its staff, customers and business partners support critical programmes and activities under Community Chest such as befriending, counselling and coaching, caregiver support and care in community homes. SP matches all its staff donations dollar for dollar. The company also underwrites the cost to run the event and other fund-raising operating expenses, so that every dollar raised goes directly to the beneficiaries. One of the Fund’s beneficiaries is Mdm Connie Lim, 90, a resident of AWWA Senior Community Home. When Mdm Lim lost her mobility after suffering a fall at work, fracturing her hip and spine, she was referred by a medical social worker to the Community Home in 1995.  The Home provides her with rehabilitation and financial support. Paying it forward, Mdm Lim has not only forged strong friendships with fellow residents, but also taken on the role of a caregiver by accompanying residents to medical appointments, despite her limited mobility. For more information on SP Group’s community outreach, visit - Ends - About SP Group SP Group is a leading utilities group in the Asia Pacific, empowering the future of energy with low-carbon, smart energy solutions for its customers. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, as well as sustainable energy solutions in Singapore, China, Thailand and Vietnam. As Singapore’s national grid operator, about 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers benefit from its world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective worldwide. Beyond traditional utilities services, SP Group provides a suite of sustainable and renewable energy solutions such as microgrids, cooling and heating systems for business districts and residential townships, solar energy solutions, electric vehicle fast-charging stations and digital energy solutions for customers in Singapore and the region. For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook at, LinkedIn at and Instagram at Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search [20210424] The Business Times - Corporate Digest - SP Group CORPORATE DIGEST SP Group SP Group has struck an agreement to provide Goldbell Group’s commercial fleet with its electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions, both companies said on Friday. The Singapore utilities provider will make its EV charging network available to Goldbell’s customers and install EV charging infrastructure on Goldbell’s customers’ premises, where feasible. Both companies also said they will explore a partnership for the leasing of commercial electric vehicles. SP Group and Nuriflex to Install Rooftop Solar Power for TKG Taekwang Vina News Release SP Group and Nuriflex to Install Rooftop Solar Power for TKG Taekwang Vina With the agreement, SP and NuriFlex target to install up to 20MWp of rooftop solar power for TKG Taekwang Vina’s mega factories   SP Group and NuriFlex sign power purchase agreements with TKG Taekwang Vina in the presence of representatives from Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry.(*) Ho Chi Minh City, 16 May 2022 – SP Group (SP), a leading utilities group and sustainable energy solutions provider in Singapore and the Asia Pacific, and South Korean smart grid developer and system integrator NuriFlex have signed power purchasing agreements (PPAs) with TKG Taekwang Vina, a manufacturing leader in Vietnam, to develop and install up to 20 Megawatt-peak (MWp) of rooftop solar power at three mega factories for TKG Taekwang Vina. Representatives from the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry were present at the signing ceremony. The total deployment of 20MWp of rooftop solar solutions for TKG Taekwang Vina’s manufacturing plants marks the company’s first large-scale injection of solar power into its energy mix. The 20MWp rooftop solar power, which is set to be operational by October 2022, is expected to deliver up to 28,000 Megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity annually, providing more than 10 per cent of electricity for the three factories and offsetting more than 22,000 tons of carbon emission annually. In addition, TKG Taekwang Vina will receive all the Renewable Energy Credits such as GHG emission credits generated by the 20MWp rooftop solar system. Mr. Brandon Chia, Managing Director, Sustainable Energy Solutions (Southeast Asia & Australia), SP Group, said, “The partnership with NuriFlex and TKG Taekwang Vina marks another milestone of SP Group in our commitment to empower the future of energy in Vietnam. We are honoured by the trust and support by TKG Taekwang Vina, NuriFlex and the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry and look forward to further collaborations to accelerate adoption of digital and sustainable energy solutions within the manufacturing community to jointly push for a greener supply chain for global products manufactured in Vietnam.” The partnership is aligned with SP’s ambitions to leverage its capabilities in sustainable energy and digital solutions to create value-added solutions for its customers in Vietnam and solidify its position as the leading sustainable energy solutions player in Asia Pacific. It also supports Vietnam’s green ambitions, which include doubling the country’s existing wind and solar power generation capacity by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. In a recent visit to Vietnam, Group CEO of SP Group, Mr Stanley Huang reinforced SP’s commitment to Vietnam by committing to invest SGD$750 million (approximately USD540$ million) towards sustainable energy projects in Vietnam by 2025. (*)Signing ceremony with (from left to right): Mr Kim Jin Young – Chief Executive Officer of Nuriflex Vietnam Mr Kang Yun Seok – Deputy General Director of TKG Taekwang Vina Mr Nam Jung Dae – Chief Executive Officer of TKG Taekwang Vina Mr Kim Young Hwan – Chairman of Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KOCHAM) in Dong Nai Mr Brandon Chia – Managing Director, Sustainable Energy Solutions (Southeast Asia & Australia), SP Group Mr Lee Yong Beom – Vice Chairman of Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KOCHAM) in Dong Nai Mr Thanh Phat Nguyen – Managing Director of SP Energy Vietnam - Ends - About SP Group SP Group is a leading utilities group in the Asia Pacific, empowering the future of energy with low-carbon, smart energy solutions for its customers. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and sustainable energy solutions in Singapore, China and Vietnam. As Singapore’s national grid operator, about 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers benefit from its world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective worldwide. Beyond traditional utilities services, SP Group provides a suite of sustainable and renewable energy solutions such as microgrids, cooling and heating systems for business districts and residential townships, solar energy solutions, electric vehicle fast charging and digital energy solutions for customers in Singapore and the region. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at, on LinkedIn at and on Twitter @SPGroupSG. About TKG Taekwang Vina TKG Taekwang Vina was established in Vietnam in 1994. It also opened a second factory in 2008 and a development center in 2009, which gave it the capability to develop and manufacture at the same time. The company now operates 56 production lines with 65,000 employees. In addition to the company's contribution to the economy of Vietnam, TKG Taekwang Vina is active in performing its social responsibilities as a model of successful localization. With such success, TKG Taekwang Vina received two awards as an Excellent FDI company in the country. About NuriFlex NuriFlex provides intelligent metering infrastructure, smart grid, software, and IoT solutions for the utility industry. NuriFlex’s solutions are being adopted by 49 overseas electric power companies including KEPCO. The company is rapidly adopting new and advanced technology, such as IoT for AMI, to advance its global footprint and to contribute to the enhancement of Korea's IT industry. In Vietnam, NuriFlex has evolved into one of the country’s top solar rooftop developers and smart O&M service providers.   Youth Guidance Outreach Services receives largest single donation of $750,000 from SP Group Media Release Youth Guidance Outreach Services receives largest single donation of $750,000 from SP Group ⁃ Funding set up first-of-its-kind mobile youth engagement outpost with an electric vehicle ⁃ Donation enabled full refurbishment of youth centres in Woodlands and Ang Mo Kio to expand service delivery and outreach programmes ⁃ This milestone comes as YGOS marks its 40th founding anniversary this year Celebrating the launch of the Mobile Outreach Support Team and the opening of the upgraded Woodlands youth centre. (L-R) Chairman of Community Chest Mr Chew Sutat, CEO of SP PowerGrid Mr Jimmy Khoo, MP for Jurong GRC Mr Xie Yao Quan, SPS Eric Chua, MP for Sembawang GRC Ms Mariam Jaafar, and Board Chairman of YGOS Mr Timothy Hia. Singapore, 29 May 2023 – SP Group (SP) has partnered Youth Guidance Outreach Services (YGOS) to expand preventive outreach services through a S$750,000 contribution. This is the largest single donation YGOS has received since it was established to support youths-at-risk and their families through caring relationships and developmental opportunities, enabling them to integrate with mainstream society and to make positive contributions to their schools and community. The funding went towards setting up the first-of-its-kind Mobile Outreach Support Team (MOST) 青年社区移动站 with an electric vehicle (EV) and ramping up operations at a new youth centre in Jurong, which has one of the highest concentrations of youth in Singapore. SP is sponsoring charging credits for the MOST EV, enabling the team to scale up operations with Singapore’s largest EV fast-charging network. SP’s support has also enabled the refurbishment of YGOS youth centres at Woodlands and Ang Mo Kio, catering for more youth. At the launch of the upgraded YGOS Woodlands centre, Guest-of-Honour, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Social and Family Development & Culture, Community and Youth, Mr Eric Chua said, “SP Group has demonstrated how corporates can lead the charge in building a culture of sustained giving, and working with social service agencies like YGOS, to meet needs in the community. With 2023 being the Year of Celebrating Social Service Partners, I hope more partners will come onboard to give generously, so that we can empower communities-in-need to achieve their fullest potential, despite the challenges they face.” Group CEO of SP Group, Mr Stanley Huang said, “SP Group is pleased to partner YGOS to provide more youths with safe spaces, nurturing mentorship and professional guidance to build confidence and find practical pathways to realise their potential. We are also glad to help YGOS incorporate sustainability in its operations with the added dimension of the mobile outreach powered by an electric vehicle and having access to SP’s island-wide charging network.” Mobile Outreach YGOS is pioneering a new concept - Mobile Outreach Support Team (MOST) - in Singapore. Powered by an electric vehicle, MOST is envisioned as a mobile outpost to extend YGOS’s existing suite of services. Staff and volunteers onboard the MOST currently pan out to youth hotspots in Jurong, with plans to expand these services to the Geylang vicinity in the future. By providing a space for youths to hang out, YGOS aims to deliver guidance and support on the move. The MOST vehicle is fully equipped with offerings to engage with youth, including mobile Wi-Fi, entertainment offerings and more. Trained staff and volunteers will be on-site to provide outreach services which covers career guidance, smoking and vaping cessation, mentoring, mental wellness, family relations and more. New Youth Offerings The revamped youth centres at Woodlands and Ang Mo Kio provide a safe environment for youth to enjoy meaningful engagements, form positive peer relationships and build character, to serve them well in their teen and young adult life stages. The new centres feature an open layout, modern concepts as well as multi-use spaces that cater to a wide range of activities including group-based mentoring, workshops, cooking, crafting, as well as music and dance. YGOS’ services now cover all regions in Singapore, with its centres in Woodlands, Ang Mo Kio, Geylang and Jurong. These youth centres currently offer drop-in services twice weekly, and benefits close to 1,000 youths annually. Mr Wilson Tan, Executive Director of YGOS, added, “We are greatly appreciative of SP Group’s support in enabling YGOS to expand our service delivery. With the refurbishment of our centres and the launch of the Mobile Outreach Services Team, we can now proactively reach out to youths in precincts in which our centres are based. Since the soft launch of MOST in March, we have seen keen interest from youths and a steady inflow of new participants to our programmes. We hope to continue building on this momentum, and to expand this service to more precincts in Singapore.” SP Group staff volunteers, known as SP Heart Workers, have also been actively engaged with youth from YGOS. Engineers at the Marina Bay District Cooling Plant conducted a “below-thescenes” tour showcasing the world’s largest underground district cooling network and sustainability concepts to a group of 30 youths, aged 10-16, during the March school holidays. Building connections through the common language of sports, SP Heart Workers have also been building rapport with more than 80 youths through basketball sessions, befriending and inspiring them to pursue their life interests and a fulfilling education. C Tharani, 16, who joined YGOS in 2021, shared, “I have gained a lot from YGOS, forging new friendships with the trusted staff and volunteers. They have helped me build a support system outside of school and that has given me the confidence to pursue both my personal and academic interests. I hope to pursue a career in the medical or biomedical sector in the future, as I gear up for my GCE ‘N’ Levels this year.” Edmund Pang, 20, an ex-beneficiary who was part of YGOS’ programme in 2018, said, “The YGOS centre in Woodlands is like a second home to me, as I could look forward to a healthy and caring relationship with the staff, who listened and helped with my personal issues. I discovered newfound confidence in myself and in my abilities to pursue the things I have always wanted to do. I am also inspired to lead my best life and look forward to giving back to the community.” SP’s donation is channelled through the SP Heartware Fund, which is managed by Community Chest, in support of YGOS’ programmes. -Ends- About SP Group SP Group is a leading utilities group in the Asia Pacific, empowering the future of energy with low-carbon, smart energy solutions for its customers. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, as well as sustainable energy solutions in Singapore, China, Thailand and Vietnam. As Singapore’s national grid operator, about 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers benefit from its world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective worldwide. Beyond traditional utilities services, SP Group provides a suite of sustainable and renewable energy solutions such as microgrids, cooling and heating systems for business districts and residential townships, solar energy solutions, electric vehicle fast-charging stations and digital energy solutions for customers in Singapore and the region. For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook at, LinkedIn at and Instagram at About Youth Guidance Outreach Services (YGOS) Youth Guidance Outreach Services (YGOS) is a non-profit charitable organisation that has been serving troubled youths in the community since 1983. We aim to provide them and their families hope through caring relationships and developmental opportunities for the whole person. Our core focus and programmes include preventive (Drop-in Centres), developmental (School Social Work), remedial (Guidance Programmes) and rehabilitative work. Developing people, diversifying partnerships and remembering our distinctive purpose in the work we do are key factors that drive us forward. We have centres in Woodlands, Ang Mo Kio, Geylang, Jurong and also manage a Community Rehabilitation Centre, where we are able to share our vision and impact lives more effectively. YGOS gained membership with the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) and since 1997, held the status of an institution of Public Character (IPC). For more information, please visit or follow us on Instagram at @ygos_sg, Facebook at and LinkedIn at Annex Cheque Presentation [From left to right] Mr Jimmy Khoo, CEO, SP PowerGrid, SPS Eric Chua, Mr Chew Sutat, Chairman, Community Chest, and Mr Timothy Hia, Board Chairman, YGOS. Supported by SP Group, YGOS launched Singapore's first-of-its-kind Mobile Outreach Support Team (MOST), powered by an electric vehicle. SP is also providing free access for MOST to its island-wide charging network. Currently plying the Jurong precinct twice a week, this outreach outpost hosts a suite of offerings to engage youths in the community. SP’s support also enabled the refurbishment of YGOS youth centres in Woodlands and Ang Mo Kio, creating a safe environment for youths to develop holistically. The new centres feature open and multi-purpose spaces, catering to a wide range of services offered by YGOS. SP Group volunteers, known as SP Heart Workers, engaged with YGOS youth through basketball sessions during drop-in sessions at the youth centres. Through these engagements, SP Heart Workers built rapport with YGOS youths During the March school holidays, the youths also visited SP’s district cooling system - the world's largest underground district cooling network - at Marina Bay, hosted by SP Group engineers. There, youths got to learn more about the operational aspects of district cooling and sustainability concepts. -Contractor-Performance-Management-System-Policy.pdf Contractor Performance Management System Introduction 1. With effect from 1 October 2016, Singapore Power Limited and its Singaporeincorporated subsidiaries (SP Group) has implemented the SP Group’s Contractor Performance Management System (CPMS) to strengthen its partnership with and improve the safety and quality performance of its contractors. 2. Through the CPMS, SP Group aims to take a holistic approach to the selection of its contractors as part of enhancing procurement process, by looking at the performance of its contractors at a quarterly and annual basis and not only based at performance at each individual contract basis. The previous demerit scheme in respect of each contract will be abolished while an incentive and mitigation scheme that goes towards enabling contractors to improve their performance on a longer term basis is now implemented. Objectives 3. The objectives of the CPMS are: (a) (b) (c) to adopt a more holistic approach in reviewing contractors’ overall performance; to work with contractors to raise safety and quality standards; and to encourage an environment of continuous improvement by contractors. 4. In order to achieve the above objectives, CPMS will utilise the following 3 main components: (a) (b) (c) Contractor Performance Assessment (CPA); Business Under Surveillance (BUS) Programme; and Tender Evaluation Framework (TEF). SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 1 Applicability 5. The CPMS will be applicable for procurement in relation of the following services and works: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) cable installation, cable jointing and road reinstatement; gas pipe-laying; milling and patching; transmission cable-laying; building and construction; and other road opening-related works (e.g., manhole access works). SP Group intends to broaden the scope of the CPMS to eventually apply the CPMS for procurement of other engineering-related works and services. 6. The CPMS will apply to contracts awarded on or after 1 October 2016 and any ongoing contracts which fall in any of the above categories set out in paragraph 5. All aspects of the CPMS, such as the BUS Programme and rewards and mitigations, will apply to such contracts. Contractor Performance Assessment 7. For each contract, a contractor will be assessed by the relevant SP Group project team in the following four (4) areas: (a) (b) (c) (d) Safety. Quality of Work; Project & Risk Management; and Value Added Services. These scores for each contract (Contract Quarterly Score) will be tabulated at fixed quarterly basis. The individual Contract Quarterly Scores applicable for each contract will then be averaged to derive the Contractor Quarterly Score. SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 2 The criteria have a direct impact on risk mitigation which helps to review the way work activities are planned and executed. The objective of the enhancements is to reduce risk and improve safety at work sites. The PSR shall review the risk identification and mitigation measures to be taken during the design & construction for all contracts within SP Group. Emphasis will be given to the PSR communication to workers through the Risk Management workshops on site. ABSIS will be used to engage with the worker level to improve work processes and create a safer environment to work in. SP Group will assess the contractors’ senior management engagement with their workers through various in-house activities. 8. Examples of the factors taken into consideration in determining the individual Contract Quarterly Score are as follows Safety • Safety Performance • Site Safety Management • Safety Engagement by Management • Project Safety Review (PSR) • Risk Management workshop • Activity Based Safety Improvement System (ABSIS) Quality of Work • Documentation • Workmanship • Any damage to properties Project & Risk Management • Incident management • Cooperativeness • Meeting schedules Value Added Services • Initiatives to improve productivity and efficiency SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 3 9. In addition to the above criteria, SP Group will also take into account the occurrence of any Critical Incidents when determining the Contractor’s Quarterly Score by applying a corresponding adjustment factor to their score. (a) The Critical Incidents includes: Critical Incidents Smoking or open flame in gas installations and electricity transmission substations Not adhering strictly to isolation procedures for live electricity or gas equipment and machinery at site Damage to Transmission Cables / Gas Pipes Damage to Distribution Cables / Gas Pipes Not anchoring safety harness while working at heights exceeding 3 metres Working in a confined space without conducting mandatory gas check Working under suspended load during lifting or excavator operations Fatality or serious injury Where Serious Injury is defined as: Serious Injuries Loss of 2 limbs Loss of both hands or of all fingers and both thumbs Loss of both feet Total loss of sight, including the loss of sight to such extent as to render the employee unable to perform any work for which eyesight is essential Total paralysis Injuries requiring more than 20 days of hospitalization. (Hospitalization refers to the period where injured remains warded in a hospital) Loss of arm at shoulder Loss of arm between elbow and shoulder Injuries resulting in being permanently bedridden Loss of arm at elbow Loss of arm between wrist and elbow SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 4 Loss of hand at wrist Loss of 4 fingers and thumb of one hand Loss of 4 fingers Loss of leg • At or above knee • Below knee Loss of foot Loss of sight of one eye Total loss of hearing (b) The Serious Incidents includes: Serious Incidents Damage to Distribution Cables/ Gas pipes affecting less than or equal to 300 customers Damage to Public assets (e.g., PUB pipes, streetlights) Note: Contractors shall not be penalised for damages to the public assets if it was unavoidable due to Authorities’ drawings that provided inaccurate factual information and the Contractor’s detection works did not provide better information. 10. At the end of each quarter, SP Group will provide each contractor a grade relative to their score to provide them timely information on their performance. The names and grades for each contractor scored in each quarter shall be available on the SP Group corporate website. 11. In the event the Contractor’s Quarterly Score is lower than 50, the contractor will be suspended from participating in any new procurement activities for the next 3 months. In the event of an occurrence of a fatality or serious injury at his work site, the main contractor and its subcontractor will be suspended from participating in any new procurement activities for 12 months from the incident date. The suspended contractors and their subsidiaries are also not allowed to apply to be sub-contractors for any SP Group contracts during the suspension period. SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 5 12. The Contractor Quarterly Scores will be aggregated on an annual basis [Contractor Annual Score]. Contractors must have at least two (2) Contractor Quarterly Scores to be included for the Contractor Annual Score computation. 13. At the end of each Assessment Year, the 5 contractors with the highest Contractor Annual Score for the year will be given an incentive of 2% of the total annual value of their respective contracts capped at $100,000.00 per year per contractor. The annual value of each contract is computed as follows: where: ACV is the annual value of a contract; ACV = A X B A is the Contract Sum divided by the Contract Period [weeks]; and B is the number of weeks [or part thereof] where Works carried out in that year under that contract. 14. The 2 contractors with the lowest annual scores will be subjected to a penalty deduction to their PQS scores in all subsequent SP Group tenders published during the next Assessment Year. In addition, they would also have to comply with performance improvement requirements specified by SP Group to address areas of deficiency. SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 6 Business Under Surveillance (BUS) Programme 15. The BUS Programme is an educational and correctional tool aimed to partner contractors to address safety and quality issues encountered by contractors in the course of their work for the SP Group and in the longer term help improve their safety and quality standards. The BUS Programme and will be activated in the following situations: (a) (b) Occurrence of any Critical Incident; and/or 3 or more safety inspections at the project sites where major safety-related non-conformances (safety non-conformance) are observed. 16. In the event of the activation of the BUS Programme, the Contractor will be required to undergo the activities as follows: 17. Stopping work at the affected site[s] during a BUS Programme is important to allow contractors to review its safety practices and focus on its operational methods and processes with the aim of preventing further incidents from occurring again. 18. If the contractor placed on a BUS Programme is unable to meet the exit requirements at the end of the 5 th week, a further 2 weeks extension will be granted. If the contractor is still unable to meet the exit requirements at the end of the 7 th week, the contractor will be placed on a second BUS Programme to address the failure of the first BUS Programme. SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 7 19. In the event the contractor is placed on the BUS Programme more than 2 times in a calendar quarter, the contractor will be suspended from participating in any new procurement activities for the next three months. The suspended contractors and their subsidiaries are also not allowed to apply to be sub-contractors for any SP Group contracts during the suspension period. 20. From 1 Apr 2023, Contractor shall not be under MOM’s Business Under Surveillance programme (BUS) OR not accumulated 25 or more demerit points under MOM’s DPS as at the Tender Closing Date and before the Tender Award Date. Tender Evaluation Framework 21. The CPMS adopts a tender evaluation framework that comprises the following 3 Stages: 22. Stage 1 (SET) aims to inculcate a mindset of safety being the highest priority among our contractors, by selecting only likeminded contractors who have adequate safety management system and track records to work on our projects. Contractors who meet the SET requirements will be pre-qualified to participate in SP Group’s tenders for works described in paragraph 5 above. Once such pre-qualification is granted by SP to the contractors, it shall be valid for the entire Assessment Year. Any contractor which fails the Stage 1 assessment can apply for re-assessment at the start of new calendar quarter after being notified of its failure to pre-qualify. SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 8 23. In the subsequent Stage 2 and 3 of the evaluation of bids submitted for CPMS applicable tenders, each bidder’s Contractor Quarterly scores over the past 2 years will be taken into account to determine the successful bidder. Where a bidder does not have sufficient records of past Contractor Quarterly Scores (e.g. new contractors) a default score will be used instead. Amendments and FAQs 24. SP Group may modify the CPMS at any time and such amendments shall be deemed immediately applicable to the contracts that are ongoing at the time of such amendments. Contractors are strongly encouraged to check for amendments, updates and FAQs relating to the CPMS. 25. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding the CPMS, please email to us at the following address: SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 9 SP Group renews commitment to nurture early literacy for KidSTART children with donation of S$1.1 million Media Release SP Group renews commitment to nurture early literacy for KidSTART children with donation of S$1.1 million New initiatives KidSTART Sea Adventure and KidSTART Stories will nurture reading habits KidSTART Sea Adventures Cheque Presentation [From left to right] Mr Stanley Huang, Group CEO, SP Group, MOS Sun Xueling, Mr Chew Sutat, Vice Chairman, Community Chest, Mdm Rahayu Buang, CEO, KidSTART Singapore Limited Singapore, 21 June 2022 - SP Group (SP) has reaffirmed its commitment to KidSTART for a second year with a fresh injection of S$1.1 million donation to meet the learning and developmental needs of children from low-income families. SP Kids at Heart, which supports causes for children from vulnerable backgrounds, is continuing its partnership with KidSTART Singapore, the nationwide programme for early childhood support, to give every child a good start in life. Expanding on the initial S$1million SP donated last year, which benefitted over 2,000 KidSTART children, this year’s donation will provide 3,000 children and their families with new programmes that focus on strengthening parent-child interactions. These include the KidSTART Sea Adventures interactive play and the upcoming KidSTART Stories to nurture reading habits and early literacy among the children. The new initiative is on top of existing forms of assistance that SP Group has been providing, such as learning resources and IT tools for child developmental needs and financial support to address urgent essential needs. SP’s staff volunteers, known as SP Heart Workers, have been packing and delivering the tools and resources to each child and will continue to do so with the items purchased with SP’s donations this year. KidSTART mother of five children, Madam Roziana Binte Ramli used to have to sit with her children at the common corridor and sought permission from neighbours to share their internet access for the children’s online learning. With the sponsored IT tools, her children can now attend online programmes and learn in the comfort of their home. Another KidSTART caregiver, Mdm Moey Choy Yin also benefited from SP Group’s sponsorship as it allowed her grandchildren to participate in engaging activities online, such as storytelling. Being a caregiver of a six-year-old child and two older children with developmental issues, the IT support helped the children participate in useful learning activities beyond school. KidSTART and SP launched the new initiative today at Aliwal Arts Centre - the first KidSTART Sea Adventures, with 30 KidSTART families enjoying the interactive production, soaking up the pre-show activities such as making sea-themed head gears, hand puppetry, lanterns and even dressing up as sea creatures at the photobooths, facilitated by SP Heart Workers. The event was graced by Ms Sun Xueling, Minister of State, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Social and Family Development. Group CEO of SP Group, Stanley Huang said, “Through our fruitful partnership with KidSTART, we are heartened that children from low-income families can benefit from quality learning in their formative years. SP Group has been pleased to contribute towards resources, digital tools and activities to enrich their development journey. We look forward to extending more support this year, through SP’s funding and volunteering with children in programmes that are engaging, educational and fun for the whole family.” Madam Rahayu Buang, Chief Executive Officer, KidSTART Singapore said, “KidSTART is happy to reaffirm our partnership with SP Group, and we are very grateful for their sustained and generous support which enables us to continue empowering families. With KidSTART expanding its reach nationwide, we are glad to work together with SP Group on new and fun initiatives that support children’s development.” SP’s S$1.1 million donation will be administered by Community Chest to support the above KidSTART programmes. The event images can be found here, and for more information, please visit the KidSTART website here.   4. Gas Distribution Connection Application Forms (wef 1 Apr 24).pdf Gas Distribution Connection Forms Updated 1 Apr 24 Gas Distribution Connection Forms S/No. Form No. Description 1 GD1 Application for Gas Distribution Connection 2 GD2 Application for Admittance of Gas 3 GD3 Certificate of Proof Test 4 GD4 Authorisation to Turn On Gas Meter Control Valve FORM GD1 - APPLICATION FOR GAS DISTRIBUTION CONNECTION To: PowerGas Ltd c/o HOS (Gas Distribution Planning) SP PowerGrid Ltd Through Retailer ____________________________ Signature, Name & Designation of Retailer Representative ____________________________ Name of Retailer GAS CONNECTION TO: _______________________________________________________ (Project Name) _______________________________________________________ (Address of Gas Installation) I would like to apply for connection to the PowerGas’ gas distribution pipeline network for the above project. I hereby submit the following documents and certify that the information provided is correct: • Consumer Project Data Sheet (GD1 Appendix 1). • Location / site plan showing the project site and proposed connection point(s). • Location of Meter Installation & indicative pipe route from property boundary to the Meter Installation (Applicable for Natural Gas connections only). Name of Applicant : ______________________ Designation : ___________________________ Company : _____________________________ Signature/ Date: _________________________ GD1 (0424) GD1 Appendix 1 CONSUMER PROJECT DATA SHEET Consumer Information Project Name : Address of Premises / Development : Request Type : New supply connection / Retailer switch (NG only) * Consumption Information Type of Gas : Town Gas / Natural Gas * Consumer Type : Residential / Non-residential * Application of Gas : Co-Gen / Tri-Gen / Boiler / Cooking / Water Heating / Others * If Others, please specify : ___________________________ (NG only) Retailer Name : (NG only) Injection Point : Gas Consumption Duration per Day : Expected Gas Admittance Date : Gas Usage : 8 / 12 / 24 * hours or otherwise, please specify : ____________ If gas supply is meant for interim use (less than 5 yrs), please specify duration of gas usage in years : ____________ (DD/MM/YY) Delivery Pressure and Flowrate Year 1 mmBtu / year Year 2 mmBtu / year Applicable to NG projects only * Load profile Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 mmBtu / year mmBtu / year mmBtu / year Applicable to TG projects only * Design pressure of gas installation : Maximum Instantaneous Flowrate : Minimum Flowrate : Average Monthly Consumption : Maximum Instantaneous Flowrate : Sm 3 /hr Sm 3 /hr kWh/mth Sm 3 /hr barg Submitted by Applicant Confirmation by Retailer Name of Company : Name of Retailer : Name of Officer : Name of Officer : Designation : Designation : Date : Date : Signature : Signature : I agree with the above information provided by the applicant. Note : The above is for information purposes only. PowerGas may not be able and/or obliged to fulfil any of the above requirements. The minimum committed delivery pressure at the outlet of the GSIV 1barg (NG projects), 10kPa (TG LPB projects) and 1kPa (TG LP projects). However, the gas user may receive higher than the minimum committed pressure which is based on the prevailing network supply pressure. *Delete where applicable GD1 (0424) FORM GD2 - APPLICATION FOR ADMITTANCE OF GAS PowerGas Ltd c/o HOS (Gas Distribution Projects) SP PowerGrid Ltd Through Retailer _______________________________ Signature, Name & Designation of Retailer Representative ____________________________ Name of Retailer ________________________________________ (Project Name) ________________________________________ (Address of Premises / Development) (A) I, the Designated Representative (DR) of the above project, certify that, i. The gas installation from the GSIV up to the Meter Installation (excluding GSIV and Meter) is ready to receive gas. ii. iii. iv. The consumer internal pipe is not connected to the meter installation. I attached the following forms for your reference please: - GD2 Appendix 1 - “Certificate of Completion” - GD2 Appendix 2 - “Certificate of Final Pressure Test” All end points are capped / blanked / plugged off. v. I undertake to conduct Proof Test and submit GD3 immediately prior to the connection. - GD3 “Certificate of Proof Test” ____________________________ Signature and Stamp of DR / Date Name : _______________________________ PE / LGSW * No. : ______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (B) I hereby request for admittance of gas to the gas installation up to, but excluding, the Meter Installation on _______________. _____________________________ Signature of Applicant / Date Name : _____________________________ To the Retailer: This is to confirm gas admittance shall be carried out on ______________ (date) at _____________ (time). Please notify all relevant personnel to be present on site. Designation : ________________________ _____________________ SPPG Officer-in-charge GD2 (0424) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION GD2 Appendix 1 PowerGas Ltd c/o HOS (Gas Distribution Projects) SP PowerGrid Ltd Through Retailer _______________________________ Signature, Name & Designation of Retailer Representative ____________________________ Name of Retailer __________________________________________ (Project Name) ___________________________________________ (Address of Premises / Development) I, the Designated Representative (DR) of the above project, hereby certify that the Gas Installation for the above project from the GSIV up to the Meter Installation (excluding GSIV and Meter) have been designed and constructed in compliance with the requirements of the latest revision of the following, where applicable: • Gas Act (Cap 116A); • Gas (Supply) Regulations; • Gas Supply Code; • Singapore Standard, SS 608 – Code of Practice for gas Installation; • Other relevant code / standard : ______________________ • All relevant acts, regulations and rules which are applicable to the gas installation; • All statutory and relevant codes which are applicable to the gas installation; • All statutory requirements in government laws and relevant regulations of government departments. 2. The design pressure of the Gas Installation is __________ barg. ____________________________ Signature and Stamp of DR / Date Name : _______________________________ PE / LGSW * No. : ______________________ GD2 (0424) CERTIFICATE OF FINAL PRESSURE TEST GD2 Appendix 2 PowerGas Ltd c/o HOS (Gas Distribution Projects) SP PowerGrid Ltd Through Retailer _______________________________ Signature, Name & Designation of Retailer Representative ____________________________ Name of Retailer ___________________________________________ (Project Name) ___________________________________________ (Address of Premises / Development) 1. I, Designated Representative (DR) of the above project, hereby certify that the Gas Installation from the GSIV up to the Meter Installation (excluding GSIV and Meter) has been successfully tested and passed the final pressure test in accordance with the requirements of: Codes / Standards □ □ (Please tick below where applicable) Singapore Standard, SS 608 – Code of Practice for Gas Installation; or Other relevant code / standard: Pressure Test □ □ □ Test Pressure (Barg) Duration (Hour) Date Passed First test Second test Other test 2. I hereby declare that the design pressure and maximum instantaneous flowrate for the above Gas Installation is in accordance the submission stated in our GD1 form. Should there be changes to the parameters, the DR shall inform Gas Distribution Planning Section (through the gas retailer) to evaluate changes before they are implemented. 3. I shall notify all parties concerned that the Gas Installation has been completed and pressure tested. _______________________________ Signature and Stamp of DR / Date Name : _______________________________ PE / LGSW * No. : ______________________ * Delete where applicable GD2 (0424) PowerGas Ltd c/o HOS (Gas Distribution Projects) SP PowerGrid Ltd Through Retailer FORM GD3 - CERTIFICATE OF PROOF TEST _______________________________ Signature, Name & Designation of Retailer Representative ____________________________ Name of Retailer ___________________________________________ (Project Name) ___________________________________________ (Address of Premises / Development) I, Designated Representative (DR) of the above project, hereby certify that the Gas Installation for the above project from the GSIV up to the Meter Installation (excluding GSIV and Meter) have been tested and successfully passed the proof test 1 on _____________ (date). 2. I further certify that the test pressure has been released and the said Gas Installation is currently at atmospheric pressure. Accordingly, I hereby request to proceed with the connection and gas admittance. 3. I shall undertake to purge and commission the Gas Installation from the GSIV up to the Meter Installation (excluding GSIV and Meter) immediately after the gas admittance. _______________________________ Signature and Stamp of DR / Date Name : _______________________________ PE / LGSW * No. : ______________________ 1 Proof test shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Singapore Standard SS 608 for installation designed to operate up to 50 kPa or 20 kPa respectively, otherwise, proof test shall be carried out at 100 kPa or the operating pressure, whichever is lower, for a period of 30mins. REQUEST FOR INTERIM ADMITTANCE OF GAS I, Designated Representative (DR) of the above project, hereby certify that the Gas Installation for the above project from the GSIV up to the Meter Installation (excluding GSIV and Meter) have been prepared and is ready for purging and commissioning. Please proceed to admit gas for the purpose of purging and commissioning. ______________________________ Signature and Stamp of DR / Date Name : _______________________________ PE / LGSW * No. : ______________________ * Delete where applicable GD3 (0424) FORM GD4 - AUTHORISATION TO TURN ON GAS METER CONTROL VALVE Date : ________________ PowerGas Ltd c/o HOS (Gas Distribution Projects) SP PowerGrid Ltd ________________________________________ (Project Name) ________________________________________ (Address of Premises / Development) I, Project Coordinator (PC) of the above project, certify that all legal requirements pertaining to gas safety have been complied with, including (but not limited to) (*) Regulation 3(4)(b) of the Gas (Supply) Regulations. 2. I hereby authorise PowerGas to turn on the Gas Meter Control Valve on my behalf now on ____________ (date) at ______________ (time). ____________________________________ Signature of PC Name : _____________________________ Designation : ________________________ Name of Retailer : ____________________ * Regulation 3(4)(b) of the Gas (Supply) Regulations states that – where an application for a supply of gas (or for an increase to an existing supply) is made to a gas retailer – the relevant gas retailer shall prior to turning on the gas supply at the relevant gas meter control valve, ensure that the appropriate test as specified in the Gas Supply Code is conducted on the gas appliance and the consumer’s internal pipe including the meter installation to ascertain that it is safe to turn on the gas supply. GD4 (0424) Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search 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The Singapore utilities provider will make its EV charging network available to Goldbell’s customers and install EV charging infrastructure on Goldbell’s customers’ premises, where feasible. Both companies also said they will explore a partnership for the leasing of commercial electric vehicles. SP Group and Nuriflex to Install Rooftop Solar Power for TKG Taekwang Vina News Release SP Group and Nuriflex to Install Rooftop Solar Power for TKG Taekwang Vina With the agreement, SP and NuriFlex target to install up to 20MWp of rooftop solar power for TKG Taekwang Vina’s mega factories   SP Group and NuriFlex sign power purchase agreements with TKG Taekwang Vina in the presence of representatives from Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry.(*) Ho Chi Minh City, 16 May 2022 – SP Group (SP), a leading utilities group and sustainable energy solutions provider in Singapore and the Asia Pacific, and South Korean smart grid developer and system integrator NuriFlex have signed power purchasing agreements (PPAs) with TKG Taekwang Vina, a manufacturing leader in Vietnam, to develop and install up to 20 Megawatt-peak (MWp) of rooftop solar power at three mega factories for TKG Taekwang Vina. Representatives from the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry were present at the signing ceremony. The total deployment of 20MWp of rooftop solar solutions for TKG Taekwang Vina’s manufacturing plants marks the company’s first large-scale injection of solar power into its energy mix. The 20MWp rooftop solar power, which is set to be operational by October 2022, is expected to deliver up to 28,000 Megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity annually, providing more than 10 per cent of electricity for the three factories and offsetting more than 22,000 tons of carbon emission annually. In addition, TKG Taekwang Vina will receive all the Renewable Energy Credits such as GHG emission credits generated by the 20MWp rooftop solar system. Mr. Brandon Chia, Managing Director, Sustainable Energy Solutions (Southeast Asia & Australia), SP Group, said, “The partnership with NuriFlex and TKG Taekwang Vina marks another milestone of SP Group in our commitment to empower the future of energy in Vietnam. We are honoured by the trust and support by TKG Taekwang Vina, NuriFlex and the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry and look forward to further collaborations to accelerate adoption of digital and sustainable energy solutions within the manufacturing community to jointly push for a greener supply chain for global products manufactured in Vietnam.” The partnership is aligned with SP’s ambitions to leverage its capabilities in sustainable energy and digital solutions to create value-added solutions for its customers in Vietnam and solidify its position as the leading sustainable energy solutions player in Asia Pacific. It also supports Vietnam’s green ambitions, which include doubling the country’s existing wind and solar power generation capacity by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. In a recent visit to Vietnam, Group CEO of SP Group, Mr Stanley Huang reinforced SP’s commitment to Vietnam by committing to invest SGD$750 million (approximately USD540$ million) towards sustainable energy projects in Vietnam by 2025. (*)Signing ceremony with (from left to right): Mr Kim Jin Young – Chief Executive Officer of Nuriflex Vietnam Mr Kang Yun Seok – Deputy General Director of TKG Taekwang Vina Mr Nam Jung Dae – Chief Executive Officer of TKG Taekwang Vina Mr Kim Young Hwan – Chairman of Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KOCHAM) in Dong Nai Mr Brandon Chia – Managing Director, Sustainable Energy Solutions (Southeast Asia & Australia), SP Group Mr Lee Yong Beom – Vice Chairman of Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KOCHAM) in Dong Nai Mr Thanh Phat Nguyen – Managing Director of SP Energy Vietnam - Ends - About SP Group SP Group is a leading utilities group in the Asia Pacific, empowering the future of energy with low-carbon, smart energy solutions for its customers. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and sustainable energy solutions in Singapore, China and Vietnam. As Singapore’s national grid operator, about 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers benefit from its world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective worldwide. Beyond traditional utilities services, SP Group provides a suite of sustainable and renewable energy solutions such as microgrids, cooling and heating systems for business districts and residential townships, solar energy solutions, electric vehicle fast charging and digital energy solutions for customers in Singapore and the region. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at, on LinkedIn at and on Twitter @SPGroupSG. About TKG Taekwang Vina TKG Taekwang Vina was established in Vietnam in 1994. It also opened a second factory in 2008 and a development center in 2009, which gave it the capability to develop and manufacture at the same time. The company now operates 56 production lines with 65,000 employees. In addition to the company's contribution to the economy of Vietnam, TKG Taekwang Vina is active in performing its social responsibilities as a model of successful localization. With such success, TKG Taekwang Vina received two awards as an Excellent FDI company in the country. About NuriFlex NuriFlex provides intelligent metering infrastructure, smart grid, software, and IoT solutions for the utility industry. NuriFlex’s solutions are being adopted by 49 overseas electric power companies including KEPCO. The company is rapidly adopting new and advanced technology, such as IoT for AMI, to advance its global footprint and to contribute to the enhancement of Korea's IT industry. In Vietnam, NuriFlex has evolved into one of the country’s top solar rooftop developers and smart O&M service providers.   Youth Guidance Outreach Services receives largest single donation of $750,000 from SP Group Media Release Youth Guidance Outreach Services receives largest single donation of $750,000 from SP Group ⁃ Funding set up first-of-its-kind mobile youth engagement outpost with an electric vehicle ⁃ Donation enabled full refurbishment of youth centres in Woodlands and Ang Mo Kio to expand service delivery and outreach programmes ⁃ This milestone comes as YGOS marks its 40th founding anniversary this year Celebrating the launch of the Mobile Outreach Support Team and the opening of the upgraded Woodlands youth centre. (L-R) Chairman of Community Chest Mr Chew Sutat, CEO of SP PowerGrid Mr Jimmy Khoo, MP for Jurong GRC Mr Xie Yao Quan, SPS Eric Chua, MP for Sembawang GRC Ms Mariam Jaafar, and Board Chairman of YGOS Mr Timothy Hia. Singapore, 29 May 2023 – SP Group (SP) has partnered Youth Guidance Outreach Services (YGOS) to expand preventive outreach services through a S$750,000 contribution. This is the largest single donation YGOS has received since it was established to support youths-at-risk and their families through caring relationships and developmental opportunities, enabling them to integrate with mainstream society and to make positive contributions to their schools and community. The funding went towards setting up the first-of-its-kind Mobile Outreach Support Team (MOST) 青年社区移动站 with an electric vehicle (EV) and ramping up operations at a new youth centre in Jurong, which has one of the highest concentrations of youth in Singapore. SP is sponsoring charging credits for the MOST EV, enabling the team to scale up operations with Singapore’s largest EV fast-charging network. SP’s support has also enabled the refurbishment of YGOS youth centres at Woodlands and Ang Mo Kio, catering for more youth. At the launch of the upgraded YGOS Woodlands centre, Guest-of-Honour, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Social and Family Development & Culture, Community and Youth, Mr Eric Chua said, “SP Group has demonstrated how corporates can lead the charge in building a culture of sustained giving, and working with social service agencies like YGOS, to meet needs in the community. With 2023 being the Year of Celebrating Social Service Partners, I hope more partners will come onboard to give generously, so that we can empower communities-in-need to achieve their fullest potential, despite the challenges they face.” Group CEO of SP Group, Mr Stanley Huang said, “SP Group is pleased to partner YGOS to provide more youths with safe spaces, nurturing mentorship and professional guidance to build confidence and find practical pathways to realise their potential. We are also glad to help YGOS incorporate sustainability in its operations with the added dimension of the mobile outreach powered by an electric vehicle and having access to SP’s island-wide charging network.” Mobile Outreach YGOS is pioneering a new concept - Mobile Outreach Support Team (MOST) - in Singapore. Powered by an electric vehicle, MOST is envisioned as a mobile outpost to extend YGOS’s existing suite of services. Staff and volunteers onboard the MOST currently pan out to youth hotspots in Jurong, with plans to expand these services to the Geylang vicinity in the future. By providing a space for youths to hang out, YGOS aims to deliver guidance and support on the move. The MOST vehicle is fully equipped with offerings to engage with youth, including mobile Wi-Fi, entertainment offerings and more. Trained staff and volunteers will be on-site to provide outreach services which covers career guidance, smoking and vaping cessation, mentoring, mental wellness, family relations and more. New Youth Offerings The revamped youth centres at Woodlands and Ang Mo Kio provide a safe environment for youth to enjoy meaningful engagements, form positive peer relationships and build character, to serve them well in their teen and young adult life stages. The new centres feature an open layout, modern concepts as well as multi-use spaces that cater to a wide range of activities including group-based mentoring, workshops, cooking, crafting, as well as music and dance. YGOS’ services now cover all regions in Singapore, with its centres in Woodlands, Ang Mo Kio, Geylang and Jurong. These youth centres currently offer drop-in services twice weekly, and benefits close to 1,000 youths annually. Mr Wilson Tan, Executive Director of YGOS, added, “We are greatly appreciative of SP Group’s support in enabling YGOS to expand our service delivery. With the refurbishment of our centres and the launch of the Mobile Outreach Services Team, we can now proactively reach out to youths in precincts in which our centres are based. Since the soft launch of MOST in March, we have seen keen interest from youths and a steady inflow of new participants to our programmes. We hope to continue building on this momentum, and to expand this service to more precincts in Singapore.” SP Group staff volunteers, known as SP Heart Workers, have also been actively engaged with youth from YGOS. Engineers at the Marina Bay District Cooling Plant conducted a “below-thescenes” tour showcasing the world’s largest underground district cooling network and sustainability concepts to a group of 30 youths, aged 10-16, during the March school holidays. Building connections through the common language of sports, SP Heart Workers have also been building rapport with more than 80 youths through basketball sessions, befriending and inspiring them to pursue their life interests and a fulfilling education. C Tharani, 16, who joined YGOS in 2021, shared, “I have gained a lot from YGOS, forging new friendships with the trusted staff and volunteers. They have helped me build a support system outside of school and that has given me the confidence to pursue both my personal and academic interests. I hope to pursue a career in the medical or biomedical sector in the future, as I gear up for my GCE ‘N’ Levels this year.” Edmund Pang, 20, an ex-beneficiary who was part of YGOS’ programme in 2018, said, “The YGOS centre in Woodlands is like a second home to me, as I could look forward to a healthy and caring relationship with the staff, who listened and helped with my personal issues. I discovered newfound confidence in myself and in my abilities to pursue the things I have always wanted to do. I am also inspired to lead my best life and look forward to giving back to the community.” SP’s donation is channelled through the SP Heartware Fund, which is managed by Community Chest, in support of YGOS’ programmes. -Ends- About SP Group SP Group is a leading utilities group in the Asia Pacific, empowering the future of energy with low-carbon, smart energy solutions for its customers. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, as well as sustainable energy solutions in Singapore, China, Thailand and Vietnam. As Singapore’s national grid operator, about 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers benefit from its world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective worldwide. Beyond traditional utilities services, SP Group provides a suite of sustainable and renewable energy solutions such as microgrids, cooling and heating systems for business districts and residential townships, solar energy solutions, electric vehicle fast-charging stations and digital energy solutions for customers in Singapore and the region. For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook at, LinkedIn at and Instagram at About Youth Guidance Outreach Services (YGOS) Youth Guidance Outreach Services (YGOS) is a non-profit charitable organisation that has been serving troubled youths in the community since 1983. We aim to provide them and their families hope through caring relationships and developmental opportunities for the whole person. Our core focus and programmes include preventive (Drop-in Centres), developmental (School Social Work), remedial (Guidance Programmes) and rehabilitative work. Developing people, diversifying partnerships and remembering our distinctive purpose in the work we do are key factors that drive us forward. We have centres in Woodlands, Ang Mo Kio, Geylang, Jurong and also manage a Community Rehabilitation Centre, where we are able to share our vision and impact lives more effectively. YGOS gained membership with the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) and since 1997, held the status of an institution of Public Character (IPC). For more information, please visit or follow us on Instagram at @ygos_sg, Facebook at and LinkedIn at Annex Cheque Presentation [From left to right] Mr Jimmy Khoo, CEO, SP PowerGrid, SPS Eric Chua, Mr Chew Sutat, Chairman, Community Chest, and Mr Timothy Hia, Board Chairman, YGOS. Supported by SP Group, YGOS launched Singapore's first-of-its-kind Mobile Outreach Support Team (MOST), powered by an electric vehicle. SP is also providing free access for MOST to its island-wide charging network. Currently plying the Jurong precinct twice a week, this outreach outpost hosts a suite of offerings to engage youths in the community. SP’s support also enabled the refurbishment of YGOS youth centres in Woodlands and Ang Mo Kio, creating a safe environment for youths to develop holistically. The new centres feature open and multi-purpose spaces, catering to a wide range of services offered by YGOS. SP Group volunteers, known as SP Heart Workers, engaged with YGOS youth through basketball sessions during drop-in sessions at the youth centres. Through these engagements, SP Heart Workers built rapport with YGOS youths During the March school holidays, the youths also visited SP’s district cooling system - the world's largest underground district cooling network - at Marina Bay, hosted by SP Group engineers. There, youths got to learn more about the operational aspects of district cooling and sustainability concepts. -Contractor-Performance-Management-System-Policy.pdf Contractor Performance Management System Introduction 1. With effect from 1 October 2016, Singapore Power Limited and its Singaporeincorporated subsidiaries (SP Group) has implemented the SP Group’s Contractor Performance Management System (CPMS) to strengthen its partnership with and improve the safety and quality performance of its contractors. 2. Through the CPMS, SP Group aims to take a holistic approach to the selection of its contractors as part of enhancing procurement process, by looking at the performance of its contractors at a quarterly and annual basis and not only based at performance at each individual contract basis. The previous demerit scheme in respect of each contract will be abolished while an incentive and mitigation scheme that goes towards enabling contractors to improve their performance on a longer term basis is now implemented. Objectives 3. The objectives of the CPMS are: (a) (b) (c) to adopt a more holistic approach in reviewing contractors’ overall performance; to work with contractors to raise safety and quality standards; and to encourage an environment of continuous improvement by contractors. 4. In order to achieve the above objectives, CPMS will utilise the following 3 main components: (a) (b) (c) Contractor Performance Assessment (CPA); Business Under Surveillance (BUS) Programme; and Tender Evaluation Framework (TEF). SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 1 Applicability 5. The CPMS will be applicable for procurement in relation of the following services and works: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) cable installation, cable jointing and road reinstatement; gas pipe-laying; milling and patching; transmission cable-laying; building and construction; and other road opening-related works (e.g., manhole access works). SP Group intends to broaden the scope of the CPMS to eventually apply the CPMS for procurement of other engineering-related works and services. 6. The CPMS will apply to contracts awarded on or after 1 October 2016 and any ongoing contracts which fall in any of the above categories set out in paragraph 5. All aspects of the CPMS, such as the BUS Programme and rewards and mitigations, will apply to such contracts. Contractor Performance Assessment 7. For each contract, a contractor will be assessed by the relevant SP Group project team in the following four (4) areas: (a) (b) (c) (d) Safety. Quality of Work; Project & Risk Management; and Value Added Services. These scores for each contract (Contract Quarterly Score) will be tabulated at fixed quarterly basis. The individual Contract Quarterly Scores applicable for each contract will then be averaged to derive the Contractor Quarterly Score. SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 2 The criteria have a direct impact on risk mitigation which helps to review the way work activities are planned and executed. The objective of the enhancements is to reduce risk and improve safety at work sites. The PSR shall review the risk identification and mitigation measures to be taken during the design & construction for all contracts within SP Group. Emphasis will be given to the PSR communication to workers through the Risk Management workshops on site. ABSIS will be used to engage with the worker level to improve work processes and create a safer environment to work in. SP Group will assess the contractors’ senior management engagement with their workers through various in-house activities. 8. Examples of the factors taken into consideration in determining the individual Contract Quarterly Score are as follows Safety • Safety Performance • Site Safety Management • Safety Engagement by Management • Project Safety Review (PSR) • Risk Management workshop • Activity Based Safety Improvement System (ABSIS) Quality of Work • Documentation • Workmanship • Any damage to properties Project & Risk Management • Incident management • Cooperativeness • Meeting schedules Value Added Services • Initiatives to improve productivity and efficiency SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 3 9. In addition to the above criteria, SP Group will also take into account the occurrence of any Critical Incidents when determining the Contractor’s Quarterly Score by applying a corresponding adjustment factor to their score. (a) The Critical Incidents includes: Critical Incidents Smoking or open flame in gas installations and electricity transmission substations Not adhering strictly to isolation procedures for live electricity or gas equipment and machinery at site Damage to Transmission Cables / Gas Pipes Damage to Distribution Cables / Gas Pipes Not anchoring safety harness while working at heights exceeding 3 metres Working in a confined space without conducting mandatory gas check Working under suspended load during lifting or excavator operations Fatality or serious injury Where Serious Injury is defined as: Serious Injuries Loss of 2 limbs Loss of both hands or of all fingers and both thumbs Loss of both feet Total loss of sight, including the loss of sight to such extent as to render the employee unable to perform any work for which eyesight is essential Total paralysis Injuries requiring more than 20 days of hospitalization. (Hospitalization refers to the period where injured remains warded in a hospital) Loss of arm at shoulder Loss of arm between elbow and shoulder Injuries resulting in being permanently bedridden Loss of arm at elbow Loss of arm between wrist and elbow SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 4 Loss of hand at wrist Loss of 4 fingers and thumb of one hand Loss of 4 fingers Loss of leg • At or above knee • Below knee Loss of foot Loss of sight of one eye Total loss of hearing (b) The Serious Incidents includes: Serious Incidents Damage to Distribution Cables/ Gas pipes affecting less than or equal to 300 customers Damage to Public assets (e.g., PUB pipes, streetlights) Note: Contractors shall not be penalised for damages to the public assets if it was unavoidable due to Authorities’ drawings that provided inaccurate factual information and the Contractor’s detection works did not provide better information. 10. At the end of each quarter, SP Group will provide each contractor a grade relative to their score to provide them timely information on their performance. The names and grades for each contractor scored in each quarter shall be available on the SP Group corporate website. 11. In the event the Contractor’s Quarterly Score is lower than 50, the contractor will be suspended from participating in any new procurement activities for the next 3 months. In the event of an occurrence of a fatality or serious injury at his work site, the main contractor and its subcontractor will be suspended from participating in any new procurement activities for 12 months from the incident date. The suspended contractors and their subsidiaries are also not allowed to apply to be sub-contractors for any SP Group contracts during the suspension period. SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 5 12. The Contractor Quarterly Scores will be aggregated on an annual basis [Contractor Annual Score]. Contractors must have at least two (2) Contractor Quarterly Scores to be included for the Contractor Annual Score computation. 13. At the end of each Assessment Year, the 5 contractors with the highest Contractor Annual Score for the year will be given an incentive of 2% of the total annual value of their respective contracts capped at $100,000.00 per year per contractor. The annual value of each contract is computed as follows: where: ACV is the annual value of a contract; ACV = A X B A is the Contract Sum divided by the Contract Period [weeks]; and B is the number of weeks [or part thereof] where Works carried out in that year under that contract. 14. The 2 contractors with the lowest annual scores will be subjected to a penalty deduction to their PQS scores in all subsequent SP Group tenders published during the next Assessment Year. In addition, they would also have to comply with performance improvement requirements specified by SP Group to address areas of deficiency. SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 6 Business Under Surveillance (BUS) Programme 15. The BUS Programme is an educational and correctional tool aimed to partner contractors to address safety and quality issues encountered by contractors in the course of their work for the SP Group and in the longer term help improve their safety and quality standards. The BUS Programme and will be activated in the following situations: (a) (b) Occurrence of any Critical Incident; and/or 3 or more safety inspections at the project sites where major safety-related non-conformances (safety non-conformance) are observed. 16. In the event of the activation of the BUS Programme, the Contractor will be required to undergo the activities as follows: 17. Stopping work at the affected site[s] during a BUS Programme is important to allow contractors to review its safety practices and focus on its operational methods and processes with the aim of preventing further incidents from occurring again. 18. If the contractor placed on a BUS Programme is unable to meet the exit requirements at the end of the 5 th week, a further 2 weeks extension will be granted. If the contractor is still unable to meet the exit requirements at the end of the 7 th week, the contractor will be placed on a second BUS Programme to address the failure of the first BUS Programme. SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 7 19. In the event the contractor is placed on the BUS Programme more than 2 times in a calendar quarter, the contractor will be suspended from participating in any new procurement activities for the next three months. The suspended contractors and their subsidiaries are also not allowed to apply to be sub-contractors for any SP Group contracts during the suspension period. 20. From 1 Apr 2023, Contractor shall not be under MOM’s Business Under Surveillance programme (BUS) OR not accumulated 25 or more demerit points under MOM’s DPS as at the Tender Closing Date and before the Tender Award Date. Tender Evaluation Framework 21. The CPMS adopts a tender evaluation framework that comprises the following 3 Stages: 22. Stage 1 (SET) aims to inculcate a mindset of safety being the highest priority among our contractors, by selecting only likeminded contractors who have adequate safety management system and track records to work on our projects. Contractors who meet the SET requirements will be pre-qualified to participate in SP Group’s tenders for works described in paragraph 5 above. Once such pre-qualification is granted by SP to the contractors, it shall be valid for the entire Assessment Year. Any contractor which fails the Stage 1 assessment can apply for re-assessment at the start of new calendar quarter after being notified of its failure to pre-qualify. SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 8 23. In the subsequent Stage 2 and 3 of the evaluation of bids submitted for CPMS applicable tenders, each bidder’s Contractor Quarterly scores over the past 2 years will be taken into account to determine the successful bidder. Where a bidder does not have sufficient records of past Contractor Quarterly Scores (e.g. new contractors) a default score will be used instead. Amendments and FAQs 24. SP Group may modify the CPMS at any time and such amendments shall be deemed immediately applicable to the contracts that are ongoing at the time of such amendments. Contractors are strongly encouraged to check for amendments, updates and FAQs relating to the CPMS. 25. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding the CPMS, please email to us at the following address: SP Group CPMS V6.0 19 Jul 2023 9 SP Group renews commitment to nurture early literacy for KidSTART children with donation of S$1.1 million Media Release SP Group renews commitment to nurture early literacy for KidSTART children with donation of S$1.1 million New initiatives KidSTART Sea Adventure and KidSTART Stories will nurture reading habits KidSTART Sea Adventures Cheque Presentation [From left to right] Mr Stanley Huang, Group CEO, SP Group, MOS Sun Xueling, Mr Chew Sutat, Vice Chairman, Community Chest, Mdm Rahayu Buang, CEO, KidSTART Singapore Limited Singapore, 21 June 2022 - SP Group (SP) has reaffirmed its commitment to KidSTART for a second year with a fresh injection of S$1.1 million donation to meet the learning and developmental needs of children from low-income families. SP Kids at Heart, which supports causes for children from vulnerable backgrounds, is continuing its partnership with KidSTART Singapore, the nationwide programme for early childhood support, to give every child a good start in life. Expanding on the initial S$1million SP donated last year, which benefitted over 2,000 KidSTART children, this year’s donation will provide 3,000 children and their families with new programmes that focus on strengthening parent-child interactions. These include the KidSTART Sea Adventures interactive play and the upcoming KidSTART Stories to nurture reading habits and early literacy among the children. The new initiative is on top of existing forms of assistance that SP Group has been providing, such as learning resources and IT tools for child developmental needs and financial support to address urgent essential needs. SP’s staff volunteers, known as SP Heart Workers, have been packing and delivering the tools and resources to each child and will continue to do so with the items purchased with SP’s donations this year. KidSTART mother of five children, Madam Roziana Binte Ramli used to have to sit with her children at the common corridor and sought permission from neighbours to share their internet access for the children’s online learning. With the sponsored IT tools, her children can now attend online programmes and learn in the comfort of their home. Another KidSTART caregiver, Mdm Moey Choy Yin also benefited from SP Group’s sponsorship as it allowed her grandchildren to participate in engaging activities online, such as storytelling. Being a caregiver of a six-year-old child and two older children with developmental issues, the IT support helped the children participate in useful learning activities beyond school. KidSTART and SP launched the new initiative today at Aliwal Arts Centre - the first KidSTART Sea Adventures, with 30 KidSTART families enjoying the interactive production, soaking up the pre-show activities such as making sea-themed head gears, hand puppetry, lanterns and even dressing up as sea creatures at the photobooths, facilitated by SP Heart Workers. The event was graced by Ms Sun Xueling, Minister of State, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Social and Family Development. Group CEO of SP Group, Stanley Huang said, “Through our fruitful partnership with KidSTART, we are heartened that children from low-income families can benefit from quality learning in their formative years. SP Group has been pleased to contribute towards resources, digital tools and activities to enrich their development journey. We look forward to extending more support this year, through SP’s funding and volunteering with children in programmes that are engaging, educational and fun for the whole family.” Madam Rahayu Buang, Chief Executive Officer, KidSTART Singapore said, “KidSTART is happy to reaffirm our partnership with SP Group, and we are very grateful for their sustained and generous support which enables us to continue empowering families. With KidSTART expanding its reach nationwide, we are glad to work together with SP Group on new and fun initiatives that support children’s development.” SP’s S$1.1 million donation will be administered by Community Chest to support the above KidSTART programmes. The event images can be found here, and for more information, please visit the KidSTART website here.   4. Gas Distribution Connection Application Forms (wef 1 Apr 24).pdf Gas Distribution Connection Forms Updated 1 Apr 24 Gas Distribution Connection Forms S/No. Form No. Description 1 GD1 Application for Gas Distribution Connection 2 GD2 Application for Admittance of Gas 3 GD3 Certificate of Proof Test 4 GD4 Authorisation to Turn On Gas Meter Control Valve FORM GD1 - APPLICATION FOR GAS DISTRIBUTION CONNECTION To: PowerGas Ltd c/o HOS (Gas Distribution Planning) SP PowerGrid Ltd Through Retailer ____________________________ Signature, Name & Designation of Retailer Representative ____________________________ Name of Retailer GAS CONNECTION TO: _______________________________________________________ (Project Name) _______________________________________________________ (Address of Gas Installation) I would like to apply for connection to the PowerGas’ gas distribution pipeline network for the above project. I hereby submit the following documents and certify that the information provided is correct: • Consumer Project Data Sheet (GD1 Appendix 1). • Location / site plan showing the project site and proposed connection point(s). • Location of Meter Installation & indicative pipe route from property boundary to the Meter Installation (Applicable for Natural Gas connections only). Name of Applicant : ______________________ Designation : ___________________________ Company : _____________________________ Signature/ Date: _________________________ GD1 (0424) GD1 Appendix 1 CONSUMER PROJECT DATA SHEET Consumer Information Project Name : Address of Premises / Development : Request Type : New supply connection / Retailer switch (NG only) * Consumption Information Type of Gas : Town Gas / Natural Gas * Consumer Type : Residential / Non-residential * Application of Gas : Co-Gen / Tri-Gen / Boiler / Cooking / Water Heating / Others * If Others, please specify : ___________________________ (NG only) Retailer Name : (NG only) Injection Point : Gas Consumption Duration per Day : Expected Gas Admittance Date : Gas Usage : 8 / 12 / 24 * hours or otherwise, please specify : ____________ If gas supply is meant for interim use (less than 5 yrs), please specify duration of gas usage in years : ____________ (DD/MM/YY) Delivery Pressure and Flowrate Year 1 mmBtu / year Year 2 mmBtu / year Applicable to NG projects only * Load profile Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 mmBtu / year mmBtu / year mmBtu / year Applicable to TG projects only * Design pressure of gas installation : Maximum Instantaneous Flowrate : Minimum Flowrate : Average Monthly Consumption : Maximum Instantaneous Flowrate : Sm 3 /hr Sm 3 /hr kWh/mth Sm 3 /hr barg Submitted by Applicant Confirmation by Retailer Name of Company : Name of Retailer : Name of Officer : Name of Officer : Designation : Designation : Date : Date : Signature : Signature : I agree with the above information provided by the applicant. Note : The above is for information purposes only. PowerGas may not be able and/or obliged to fulfil any of the above requirements. The minimum committed delivery pressure at the outlet of the GSIV 1barg (NG projects), 10kPa (TG LPB projects) and 1kPa (TG LP projects). However, the gas user may receive higher than the minimum committed pressure which is based on the prevailing network supply pressure. *Delete where applicable GD1 (0424) FORM GD2 - APPLICATION FOR ADMITTANCE OF GAS PowerGas Ltd c/o HOS (Gas Distribution Projects) SP PowerGrid Ltd Through Retailer _______________________________ Signature, Name & Designation of Retailer Representative ____________________________ Name of Retailer ________________________________________ (Project Name) ________________________________________ (Address of Premises / Development) (A) I, the Designated Representative (DR) of the above project, certify that, i. The gas installation from the GSIV up to the Meter Installation (excluding GSIV and Meter) is ready to receive gas. ii. iii. iv. The consumer internal pipe is not connected to the meter installation. I attached the following forms for your reference please: - GD2 Appendix 1 - “Certificate of Completion” - GD2 Appendix 2 - “Certificate of Final Pressure Test” All end points are capped / blanked / plugged off. v. I undertake to conduct Proof Test and submit GD3 immediately prior to the connection. - GD3 “Certificate of Proof Test” ____________________________ Signature and Stamp of DR / Date Name : _______________________________ PE / LGSW * No. : ______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (B) I hereby request for admittance of gas to the gas installation up to, but excluding, the Meter Installation on _______________. _____________________________ Signature of Applicant / Date Name : _____________________________ To the Retailer: This is to confirm gas admittance shall be carried out on ______________ (date) at _____________ (time). Please notify all relevant personnel to be present on site. Designation : ________________________ _____________________ SPPG Officer-in-charge GD2 (0424) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION GD2 Appendix 1 PowerGas Ltd c/o HOS (Gas Distribution Projects) SP PowerGrid Ltd Through Retailer _______________________________ Signature, Name & Designation of Retailer Representative ____________________________ Name of Retailer __________________________________________ (Project Name) ___________________________________________ (Address of Premises / Development) I, the Designated Representative (DR) of the above project, hereby certify that the Gas Installation for the above project from the GSIV up to the Meter Installation (excluding GSIV and Meter) have been designed and constructed in compliance with the requirements of the latest revision of the following, where applicable: • Gas Act (Cap 116A); • Gas (Supply) Regulations; • Gas Supply Code; • Singapore Standard, SS 608 – Code of Practice for gas Installation; • Other relevant code / standard : ______________________ • All relevant acts, regulations and rules which are applicable to the gas installation; • All statutory and relevant codes which are applicable to the gas installation; • All statutory requirements in government laws and relevant regulations of government departments. 2. The design pressure of the Gas Installation is __________ barg. ____________________________ Signature and Stamp of DR / Date Name : _______________________________ PE / LGSW * No. : ______________________ GD2 (0424) CERTIFICATE OF FINAL PRESSURE TEST GD2 Appendix 2 PowerGas Ltd c/o HOS (Gas Distribution Projects) SP PowerGrid Ltd Through Retailer _______________________________ Signature, Name & Designation of Retailer Representative ____________________________ Name of Retailer ___________________________________________ (Project Name) ___________________________________________ (Address of Premises / Development) 1. I, Designated Representative (DR) of the above project, hereby certify that the Gas Installation from the GSIV up to the Meter Installation (excluding GSIV and Meter) has been successfully tested and passed the final pressure test in accordance with the requirements of: Codes / Standards □ □ (Please tick below where applicable) Singapore Standard, SS 608 – Code of Practice for Gas Installation; or Other relevant code / standard: Pressure Test □ □ □ Test Pressure (Barg) Duration (Hour) Date Passed First test Second test Other test 2. I hereby declare that the design pressure and maximum instantaneous flowrate for the above Gas Installation is in accordance the submission stated in our GD1 form. Should there be changes to the parameters, the DR shall inform Gas Distribution Planning Section (through the gas retailer) to evaluate changes before they are implemented. 3. I shall notify all parties concerned that the Gas Installation has been completed and pressure tested. _______________________________ Signature and Stamp of DR / Date Name : _______________________________ PE / LGSW * No. : ______________________ * Delete where applicable GD2 (0424) PowerGas Ltd c/o HOS (Gas Distribution Projects) SP PowerGrid Ltd Through Retailer FORM GD3 - CERTIFICATE OF PROOF TEST _______________________________ Signature, Name & Designation of Retailer Representative ____________________________ Name of Retailer ___________________________________________ (Project Name) ___________________________________________ (Address of Premises / Development) I, Designated Representative (DR) of the above project, hereby certify that the Gas Installation for the above project from the GSIV up to the Meter Installation (excluding GSIV and Meter) have been tested and successfully passed the proof test 1 on _____________ (date). 2. I further certify that the test pressure has been released and the said Gas Installation is currently at atmospheric pressure. Accordingly, I hereby request to proceed with the connection and gas admittance. 3. I shall undertake to purge and commission the Gas Installation from the GSIV up to the Meter Installation (excluding GSIV and Meter) immediately after the gas admittance. _______________________________ Signature and Stamp of DR / Date Name : _______________________________ PE / LGSW * No. : ______________________ 1 Proof test shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Singapore Standard SS 608 for installation designed to operate up to 50 kPa or 20 kPa respectively, otherwise, proof test shall be carried out at 100 kPa or the operating pressure, whichever is lower, for a period of 30mins. REQUEST FOR INTERIM ADMITTANCE OF GAS I, Designated Representative (DR) of the above project, hereby certify that the Gas Installation for the above project from the GSIV up to the Meter Installation (excluding GSIV and Meter) have been prepared and is ready for purging and commissioning. Please proceed to admit gas for the purpose of purging and commissioning. ______________________________ Signature and Stamp of DR / Date Name : _______________________________ PE / LGSW * No. : ______________________ * Delete where applicable GD3 (0424) FORM GD4 - AUTHORISATION TO TURN ON GAS METER CONTROL VALVE Date : ________________ PowerGas Ltd c/o HOS (Gas Distribution Projects) SP PowerGrid Ltd ________________________________________ (Project Name) ________________________________________ (Address of Premises / Development) I, Project Coordinator (PC) of the above project, certify that all legal requirements pertaining to gas safety have been complied with, including (but not limited to) (*) Regulation 3(4)(b) of the Gas (Supply) Regulations. 2. I hereby authorise PowerGas to turn on the Gas Meter Control Valve on my behalf now on ____________ (date) at ______________ (time). ____________________________________ Signature of PC Name : _____________________________ Designation : ________________________ Name of Retailer : ____________________ * Regulation 3(4)(b) of the Gas (Supply) Regulations states that – where an application for a supply of gas (or for an increase to an existing supply) is made to a gas retailer – the relevant gas retailer shall prior to turning on the gas supply at the relevant gas meter control valve, ensure that the appropriate test as specified in the Gas Supply Code is conducted on the gas appliance and the consumer’s internal pipe including the meter installation to ascertain that it is safe to turn on the gas supply. GD4 (0424) Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search 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ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Powering Future Engineering Talent SUSTAINABILITY All set for the race are Singapore Polytechnic’s SunSPEC team (from left), Ng Qianhui, Roy Leung, Effy Chang and Lau Lok Yee. SP Group has been SunSPEC’s presenter and main sponsor since Category: Sustainability Search -saydie” spirit in our younger generation. Singapore can be proud of our SunSPEC team as they hold our flag high in Australia!” Besides being Singapore’s sole entry, SunSPEC4 is the only team from a polytechnic, competing alongside leading global universities such as Stanford University, Cambridge Search in the programmes. Category: Reliability Search Search [20170721] Media Release - Singapore Polytechnic And SP Group Launch Next-Generation Solar Car For World Solar Challenge Search Polytechnic and SP Group launch next-generation solar car for World Solar Challenge 2017 SP Group adds $2 million sponsorship to groom engineering talent Singapore, 21 July 2017 – Singapore Polytechnic and SP Group today unveiled their most advanced solar car, SunSPEC 5, designed and built Search to participate in the programmes. Category: Reliability Search Search [20170721] Media Release - Singapore Polytechnic And SP Group Launch Next-Generation Solar Car For World Solar Challenge Media Release - Singapore Polytechnic Students Rebuild Solar Car After S
Registration Number: 199406577N | SP Power Limited and its subsidiaries CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 “I believe that with the strong partnership forged with our stakeholders, we will remain committed to creating greater value for our customers and empowering the future of energy together.” The past year has been a test of resilience, agility and unity. Reflecting on SP Group’s performance, it has been a remarkable year on several counts. Despite unprecedented challenges and constraints posed by the pandemic, supply chain disruptions and a labour crunch, we concluded the year with a record electricity supply interruption performance, exceeded targets for gas operations and workplace safety, and attained an all-time high employee engagement. As a provider of essential energy services, SP Group has been steadfast in ensuring reliable and secure supply of electricity and gas for our customers, amidst change and transformation around us. With the gradual easing of safe management measures, we have doubled our efforts in asset maintenance and renewal works to ensure long-term network reliability. Recognising climate change imperatives, we have stepped up efforts in developing sustainable energy solutions. We have expanded our low-carbon footprint in Singapore and overseas, providing energy solutions through district cooling, electromobility and renewable energy investments. The difficult operating environment has not deterred us from continued investment in building capabilities as we pursue technology, people development and process innovation, and maintain a strong financial position to meet future needs. MANAGING RELIABLE NETWORKS Our teams work round the clock to run robust operations of the grid, delivering reliable power and gas supply to more than 1.6 million commercial, industrial and residential customers in Singapore. - 2 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 Efforts spanning asset planning, renewal and maintenance have contributed to a record network reliability performance. On average last year, a customer experienced a record low 6.6 seconds of electricity interruption and 11.9 seconds of gas interruption. In the past year, we completed 18 renewal projects, and replaced 140km of cables, 263 transformers and 1,044 switchgear panels in our electricity distribution infrastructure. We invest in infrastructure and technology such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. This enables us to conduct comprehensive real-time monitoring, trend analysis and diagnostics so as to predict and manage future network problems before they occur. Forty critical distribution substations have been installed with online condition monitoring equipment, with another 99 more in the pipeline. In anticipation of growth in electricity demand, electrification and renewable and distributed energy deployment, there is a need for a - 3 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 high-fidelity digital replica of Singapore’s future electricity grid. SP is developing a Grid Digital Twin, an innovative in-house creation to better plan, operate and maintain the national power grid through modelling, simulations, condition monitoring and asset health analysis. We draw on up-to-date information from over 12,000 substations across our entire electricity network. As part of our gas asset renewal and maintenance programme, we concluded an open tank inspection for a gas holder and successfully completed the renewal of two town gas offtake stations. Another seven stations are scheduled for completion in the next three years. Our Technical Officer performing condition monitoring of our electricity asset We carried out projects to lay more than 70km of durable polyethylene pipes to replace ageing ductile iron pipelines, thereby reducing the risk of gas leakage. Another key milestone was the completion of the in-line inspection operations for a subsea gas pipeline connecting Indonesia to Singapore to ensure integrity of the pipeline. We have adopted new technologies such as the implementation of a new gas enterprise asset management system. These initiatives will optimise operational effectiveness and enable us to better assess the condition of our assets in order to facilitate timely replacement and minimise unplanned interruption. SP is driving the national rollout of smart meters to help customers optimise their energy efficiency. We have installed 648,000 advanced electricity meters for businesses and households. Under the project awarded by PUB in 2021 to supply, install and manage smart water meters, we are making steady progress in rolling out 309,100 smart water meters under the first phase of PUB’s Smart Water Meter Programme. With these meters, commercial and residential customers can track their electricity and water consumption, better understand their usage patterns and achieve better efficiency. - 4 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 UPHOLDING SAFETY STANDARDS We carried out projects to lay more than 70km of durable polyethylene pipes to replace ageing ductile iron pipelines, thereby reducing the risk of gas leakage. Another key milestone was the completion of the in-line inspection operations for a subsea gas pipeline connecting Indonesia to Singapore to ensure integrity of the pipeline. We have adopted new technologies such as the implementation of a new gas enterprise asset management system. These initiatives will optimise operational effectiveness and enable us to better assess the condition of our assets in order to facilitate timely replacement and minimise unplanned interruption. SP is driving the national rollout of smart meters to help customers optimise their energy efficiency. We have installed 648,000 advanced electricity meters for businesses and households. Under the project awarded by PUB in 2021 to supply, install and manage smart water meters, we are making steady progress in rolling out 309,100 smart water meters under the first phase of PUB’s Smart Water Meter Programme. With these meters, commercial and residential customers can track their electricity and water consumption, better understand their usage patterns and achieve better efficiency. ACHIEVING STRONG FINANCIAL OUTLOOK As with all industries and markets around the world, we have grappled with a challenging and rapidly changing external environment. Despite this, SP has delivered another year of solid financial performance, staying the course in achieving our Strategy 2030 launched two years ago. For the year ended 31 March 2022, the Group recorded a Net Profit After Tax of S$2 billion after a one-time gain of S$1.1 billion (net of tax) due to the divestment of our stake in our investment in AusNet Services, to Brookfields Group. Including a special dividend of S$2 billion arising from the divestment, we will be declaring a record dividend of S$2.47 billion in the next financial year. Moody’s has raised the long-term credit ratings of Singapore Power, SP PowerAssets and SP Group Treasury from Aa2 to Aa1. Together with the upgrade by S&P in July 2021, SP Group is now rated Aa1 by Moody’s and AA+ by S&P. This signals the strong financial position of the SP Group. The updated ratings also represent the highest credit ratings that SP Group has achieved since 2003. - 5 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 TOWARDS A LOW CARBON, SMART ENERGY FUTURE We develop and invest in solutions to enable the integration of more renewable energy sources in Singapore’s energy mix. We are accelerating the development of greener buildings and cities to achieve Singapore’s ambitious sustainability targets. outcomes captured under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 7 and 9 which are to ensure access to affordable, clean and sustainable energy for all, build reliable infrastructure, promote inclusion and industrialisation, and foster innovation. In our Sustainability Review, we outline progress in our Strategy 2030, with initiatives and SP is the largest district cooling solutions provider in Singapore. In the past year, we welcomed five - 6 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 new upcoming developments to our flagship Marina Bay network, expanding our district cooling services to a total of 28 buildings that will benefit from our energy-efficient cooling services by 2026. This will help reduce almost 20,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually, equivalent to removing 17,672 cars off our roads. SP continues to make progress with the expansion of our district cooling solutions to residential areas including Tampines and the upcoming Tengah housing estate by 2023. We are building Singapore’s largest industrial district cooling system that will serve ST Microelectronics (ST) at its Ang Mo Kio Technopark premises. Built in partnership with Daikin, it will have a cooling capacity of up to 36,000 refrigerant tonnes (RT), reaping 20 per cent savings in cooling-related electricity consumption for ST annually. When operational in 2025, the system will enable ST to reduce carbon emissions by up to 120,000 tonnes a year at the premises, equivalent to taking 109,090 cars off the road. Tampines will be Singapore’s first town centre to be retrofitted with SP’s cooling solution. Seven buildings will be plugged into SP’s distributed district cooling network, which is specially engineered for brownfield developments. The network will be completed and operational in 2025. In collaboration with the Housing and Development Board, we are progressing well in developing Singapore’s first residential centralised - 7 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 cooling system for up to 22,000 households at the upcoming Tengah housing estate by 2023. As at 31 May 2022, there are 7,616 households – 90 per cent of units allocated – that have opted for SP’s centralised cooling solution. When these projects are completed, SP will be operating a total of 158,200 RT of cooling capacity, reinforcing SP’s position as the largest provider of district cooling solutions in Singapore. SP is the operator of Singapore's largest public high-speed EV charging network. SP is making strides in decarbonising Singapore’s transportation system. To accelerate our nation’s transition to electric mobility, we are building an extensive and highly accessible electric vehicle (EV) charging network across Singapore. With 525 EV charging points at over 100 locations as at 31 May 2022, SP is the operator of Singapore's largest public high-speed EV charging network. A first in Southeast Asia, SP rolled out a vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology trial in 2021 to test and verify the possibility of tapping energy stored in EVs. This is to enhance grid reliability in order to support more than 600,000 vehicles when Singapore phases out internal combustion engine vehicles by 2040. - 8 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 A first in Southeast Asia, SP rolled out the vehicle-to-grid technology trial to enhance grid reliability as Singapore phases out internal combustion engine vehicles. We are partnering Sembcorp Industries and Sarawak Energy to undertake a feasibility study for the development of cross-border transmission infrastructure for power exchange between Sarawak and Singapore. SP is deploying expertise in renewable energy solutions across several industrial and commercial properties. Last year, we deepened our partnership with Sembcorp Marine to deploy 4 MWp of solar energy across seven rooftops at the Tuas Boulevard Yard. With the additional rooftop solar installation, the yard’s solar power capacity of 8.5 MWp will deliver up to 10,400 MWh of electricity annually – enough to power more than 2,300 four-room flats per year. The solar energy generated will be integrated and optimised via SP’s Green Energy Tech (GETTM) to provide intelligent and reliable energy management to realise significant energy savings. With solutions like GET TenantCare, a smart and automated tenant sub-metering solution powered by SP Digital’s advanced metering infrastructure, we are empowering commercial customers, building owners and landlords to manage tenant utilities consumption efficiently. To date, 31 buildings, including Tampines Town Council, Defence Science and Technology Agency and Mercatus Co-operative Limited (Mercatus), are onboard the GET programme. Mercatus will deploy SP’s GET solutions and more than 700 smart electricity meters at three of its properties, namely AMK Hub, One Marina Boulevard and Jurong Point. Our suite of digital - 9 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 solutions will help building owners enhance their operational efficiency, allowing them to deliver greater value to their tenants while advancing their own sustainability agenda. The SP app is a key enabler for our sustainable energy solutions to be accessible and convenient for consumers. As at 31 May 2022, the app has been downloaded 1.58 million times. Users benefit from tools, developed by SP Digital, that shape green lifestyle practices. Ground-up initiatives like GreenUp encourage users to take up sustainable and practical challenges and earn rewards. LEADING IN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SOLUTIONS IN ASIA PACIFIC SP will deploy district cooling and heating, smart metering, energy management and monitoring solutions to transform the city of Wuhou to a smart eco-district. With our established track record in Singapore, there is growing demand for SP’s expertise in sustainable energy solutions in regional markets. In China, SP is partnering the Wuhou district, to transform the largest of five city centre districts in Chengdu, to a smart eco-district. SP will deploy district cooling and heating, smart metering, energy management and monitoring solutions to accelerate the city’s urban renewal masterplan. The project is a testament of SP’s expertise and capabilities in these low-carbon, smart energy solutions. Also underway are distributed solar projects in Shandong and Sichuan provinces. In Vietnam, we established our presence in Ho Chi Minh City and entered into a joint venture with Bamboo Capital Group Energy to develop 500MWp of rooftop solar assets power for - 10 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 commercial and industrial customers. The joint venture has been welcomed by the market, as evidenced by the agreement with Vinamilk – Vietnam’s largest dairy company – for us to install rooftop solar across its nine factories and seven farms. We have inked a memorandum of understanding with Banpu NEXT to develop sustainable energy solutions in Thailand including district cooling, cross-border renewable energy certificates platform and distributed solar projects. EMPOWERING OUR PEOPLE We believe an engaged workforce is one where people are valued and equipped to contribute optimally. Notwithstanding the challenges of working with pandemic restrictions, our all-time high Employee Engagement Survey score of 87 per cent gives confidence of the strong commitment of our workforce to Strategy 2030 and our brand position of empowering the future of energy. We concluded four Collective Agreements with the Union of Power and Gas Employees. Various enhancements have been introduced including salary ranges, medical subsidies, and benefits to promote health, fitness and family bonding. As we develop the capabilities of our people and equip them for transformation in the energy landscape, we invested S$8 million and a total of 179,000 training hours last year. SP appointed seven senior engineers as Technical Experts to groom the next generation of engineers in emerging areas such as High-Pressure Gas Engineering, Condition Monitoring and Power Quality. - 11 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 To deepen engineering knowledge and capabilities, we have introduced a Technical Expert development scheme and appointed seven senior engineers as our initial batch of Technical Experts. Backed by their wealth of knowledge and experience, they are mentors in grooming the next generation of engineers in emerging areas such as High-Pressure Gas Engineering, Condition Monitoring and Power Quality. With growing concerns about mental well-being, we have introduced a holistic series of initiatives under SP’s Workplace Health Programme for our 3,600 strong workforce. An Employee Assistance Programme was set up to offer a counselling channel to help staff deal with personal and work-related issues. Close to 100 of our staff have been trained as Care Ambassadors to render peer support and provide relevant assistance to colleagues who wish to seek professional help. SUPPORTING VULNERABLE COMMUNITIES SP has donated S$1.35 million to the Institute of Technical Education to set up the SP Group Engineering Study Award. We have remained steadfast in giving back to the community, through staff volunteerism, philanthropy and skills-based contributions. Last year, SP’s corporate social responsibility contributions totalled S$4.5 million in donations, sponsorships and volunteer manpower. In our annual SP Power Packs Charity Drive, we have committed a record high S$1.1 million to benefit 10,000 families, many of whom are seniors from low-income household. This five-fold increase from previous years enables us to provide more vulnerable families with essentials and care kits to guard against the pandemic. - 12 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022 CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2022 SP has extended support to youth by donating S$1.35 million to the Institute of Technical Education to set up the SP Group Engineering Study Award. The funds will provide monthly financial support to 450 engineering school students from low-income families over the next three years. Since the launch of SP Kids at Heart in July 2021, SP Heart Workers – our staff volunteers – have put in time and effort to pack and deliver learning resources to pre-schoolers from low-income families, as part of our ongoing support to KidSTART. With the support of our business associates and the public, we raised S$1.8 million for the SP Heartware Fund towards programmes for seniors and pre-schoolers last year, making it a total of S$18 million since 2005. United in Singapore’s pandemic defence, our team of call agents doubled up as Home Recovery Buddies at MOH’s Case Management Contact Centre, to support those who have tested positive for COVID-19. Our call centre has also served as the public hotline for Temasek Foundation’s Stay Prepared initiatives and handled more than 180,000 phone calls during the provision of free face masks, hand sanitiser, oximeters and mouth gargle to all households in Singapore. IN APPRECIATION I would like to record my appreciation to Mr Ng Kwan Meng, who retired from the Board on 29 July 2022, for his invaluable contributions. I welcome Prof Yaacob bin Ibrahim who joined the Board in September 2021. I am also grateful to all Board members for your guidance and counsel. On behalf of the Board, I would like to express my appreciation to the management and staff for your unwavering efforts, pivoting to seize new opportunities for growth and transformation. I thank our shareholder, business partners, union and regulator for their close collaboration and continuous support. As we rise above the challenges of the past two years and embrace new opportunities, the future remains uncertain. However, I believe that with the strong partnership forged with our stakeholders, we will remain committed to creating greater value for our customers and empowering the future of energy together. Mohd Hassan Marican Chairman August 2022 - 13 - SP GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2022
SP Group Annual Report FY1516
O OU UR R F FU UT TU UR RE E O OU UR R MII IS SS SII IO ON N SINGAPORE POWER ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16 CONTENTS 2 Corporate Profile Our Mission Our Values 3 Financial Highlights 6 Chairman’s Message 10 Board of Directors 14 Senior Management 15 Group Structure 16 Corporate Governance 19 Risk and Business Continuity Management 20 Certification and Accreditation 21 Awards 22 Remembering Lee Kuan Yew 24 Reliability Powerhouse 32 Driving Innovation 38 Striving for Service Excellence 42 An Energised Workplace 48 Promoting a Culture of Safety 54 Powering a Better World 63 Financial Summary CORPORATE PROFILE OUR MISSION Singapore Power (SP) Limited is a leading energy utility company in Asia Pacific. One of Singapore’s largest corporations, SP recorded revenues of We provide reliable and efficient energy utility services to enhance the economy and the quality of life. S$4.0 billion and assets of S$16.7 billion in FY 15/16. SP owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia. It also owns and operates the world’s largest underground district cooling network in Singapore, and is setting up district cooling operations in China. More than 1.4 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore benefit from SP’s world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. The SP networks in Singapore are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective worldwide. In Australia, SP’s 40 per cent-owned SGSPAA, a diversified energy utility company, and 31.1 per cent-owned AusNet Services, which is publicly listed on the Australian and Singapore Stock Exchanges, collectively serve 3.9 million customers. OUR VALUES COMMITMENT • We commit to creating value for our customers, our people, and our shareholders. • We uphold the highest standards of service and performance. INTEGRITY • We act with honesty. • We practise the highest ethical standards. PASSION • We take pride and ownership in what we do. TEAMWORK • We support, respect and trust each other. • We continually learn, and share ideas and knowledge. 2 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS REVENUE FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (S$million) 4,793 4,840 3,964 TOTAL ASSETS (S$million) 16,980* 15,635 16,716 FY2013/14 FY2014/15 FY2015/16 FY2013/14 FY2014/15 FY2015/16 NET PROFIT AFTER TAX (S$million) 922* 991 924 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (S$million) 9,221* 8,528 9,088 FY2013/14 FY2014/15 FY2015/16 FY2013/14 FY2014/15 FY2015/16 ECONOMIC VALUE ADDED (EVA) (S$million) 235 284 300 RETURN ON EQUITY (%) 10.4* 11.2 10.5 FY2013/14 FY2014/15 FY2015/16 FY2013/14 FY2014/15 FY2015/16 * Restated 3 BOOSTING PRODUCTIVITY AT WORK • Embarked on more than 100 improvement initiatives in 2015, with projected savings of S$16 million when implemented • Leaner work processes from the use of new technology tools and applications has reduced manpower and manhours required. One example is the Automated Coiling Machine which sees fewer people needed (from 7 men to 4 men) and less time used (from 60 minutes to about 30 minutes) to re-coil cables • Pilot project to put Lean tools into practice at Pasir Panjang District Office Inventory Management store led to 5 per cent reduction in man-hours, and S$1.3 million in outright savings S$16 million in projected savings with the implementation of more than 100 improvement initiatives From Left Michael Tan Mien Duan Deputy Director, Productivity (Maximus) Herman Bin Harun Storekeeper, Procurement Gurcharan Singh Manager, Procurement Tommy Lim Soon Kong Deputy Director, Procurement Law Chin Ho Head, Procurement CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE ”The year turned out to be a very memorable one not only for us at SP but also for Singapore as we journeyed through unprecedented developments, surmounted difficult challenges and recorded notable achievements while continuing to forge ties that further advanced our mission to improve quality of life.” n behalf of the Board of O Directors of Singapore Power (SP), it gives me great pleasure to present the SP Annual Report 2015/2016. The year turned out to be a very memorable one not only for us at SP but also for Singapore as we journeyed through unprecedented developments, surmounted difficult challenges and recorded notable achievements while continuing to forge ties that further advanced our mission to improve quality of life. 2015 was a double joy for us as we celebrated our 20th Anniversary while Singapore celebrated her 50th birthday. We proudly participated in all major National Day events including the historic National Day Parade and made sure all related events were backed by 24/7 power reliability. Our SG50 Gift of Power to Singapore provides the public with power on the go, with free charging of mobile devices at 200 locations island-wide. We continue to give back to the community through our 20 Good Deeds of community service and volunteer outreach programmes to commemorate our 20th anniversary, which was very well received and exceeded expectations. The SP family stood with the nation at the passing of Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, joining millions in the tremendous outpouring of tributes to a luminary who has and will continue to inspire generations. To commemorate the first year anniversary of his passing, we collaborated with Mapletree Investments to publish and distribute a workbook, “Follow That Rainbow, Go Ride It” for secondary school students so that they may build on Mr Lee’s legacy to create an even brighter future for themselves, their families and the country. At SP, we are focused on meeting the needs of future generations of customers in a rapidly changing environment, through innovation and collaborations within the power industry and across sectors. Our unwavering commitment is to uphold the standing of Singapore’s power network as one of the top utility networks in the world, and to create sustainable solutions to improve quality of life. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE For the financial year 2015/2016, the Group’s net profit was S$924 million. Strong operating performance from our transmission and distribution businesses contributed to this result. There was also higher profit contribution from our investment in Australia, mainly AusNet Services, largely due to one-off tax consolidation benefit arising from a corporate restructuring. Despite a volatile market backdrop, we successfully raised a benchmark 10-year US$700 million S144A bond in November 2015 to refinance maturing debt and fund future capital expenditure. This issuance, our first S144A bond since 2003, was well received 6 by a diverse range of high quality investors, including a strong participation from US institutional investors, resulting in a strong order book of US$1.4 billion. The strong endorsement by investors reflected their confidence in our high credit quality. POWERING SUSTAINABILITY Singapore’s electricity and gas networks have remained among the world’s highest-rated in reliability and efficiency. Last year, the average electricity customer experienced 0.56 minute of electricity interruption. We achieved zero transmission minutes loss, which means there was no supply interruption at the electricity transmission network level. The average gas customer experienced 0.16 minute of gas interruption. We continued to expand our gas transmission network by adding pipelines to ensure that gas is delivered to our customers safely and reliably. District cooling is another important area where we are leading the charge in sustainable development, as buildings are among the biggest energy consumers in Singapore. Singapore District Cooling (SDC), a wholly owned subsidiary of SP, owns and operates the world’s largest underground district cooling network. In March 2016, the entire Marina Bay district cooling network was commissioned with the completion of the third phase of capacity expansion. Its two main plants and one satellite plant supply chilled water for air conditioning in the Marina Bay financial district, including Marina Bay Sands Integrated Resort, Marina Bay Financial Centre and Gardens by the Bay. Customers have reported energy savings of up to 40 per cent. We look forward to welcoming new customers in the district, and we are currently working with the Urban Redevelopment Authority and Building and Construction Authority to expand the use of district cooling in Singapore. In China, we are building a district cooling system for CapitaLand’s Raffles City development in Chongqing. In our effort to maximise land utilisation to meet Singapore’s growing urban environment, our first 66kV underground transmission substation at Changi Business Park was commissioned on 31 December 2015. We will continue to explore more underground power installations for the future. Our cross island Transmission Cable Tunnel Project is 85 per cent complete and Jurong Island- Pioneer Cable Tunnel project is 40 per cent complete. The tunnels are a cost-effective long-term solution for the provision of reliable, quality electricity supply to the future. Our engineering capabilities and commitment to sustainable development in Singapore received a major endorsement when the public voted three of our projects as Singapore’s top 50 engineering feats. All three SP entries to the Institution of Engineers Singapore’s competition made the list – underground district cooling system, underground cable tunnels and world-class electricity grid. AT YOUR E-SERVICE We continue to uphold our “One Call, One Click, One Stop, in One Day” promise to all customers. Besides providing convenience to our customers, we empowered them in our broader drive for sustainability and in using energy efficiently, while helping them bring down the cost of their utilities. Following a successful pilot programme last year in which 27,000 households had access to e-services that allowed them to keep closer tabs on their energy and water consumption, we have rolled out the service to all our customers. With the service, our customers will be able to view their consumption patterns, set their own consumption targets, and reduce their energy consumption. Since May 2016, our SP Services mobile application, website and e-bill summary have included user-friendly features that allow consumers to audit their own energy consumption and even compare it against their neighbours’. It also provides tips for efficient energy and water use. These new features have been incorporated into our newlydesigned SP Services bill which is simpler and clearer, with information at a glance, easy ways to track consumption, and ways to bring down both consumption and cost. 7 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE In supporting the move towards full retail competition and enabling customers a greater choice of power retailers, SP has rolled out approximately 84,000 Advanced Metering Infrastructure meters which measures contestable customers’ usage at half-hour intervals, to help consumers decide on the best service provider for them. So far, we have achieved a read rate of about 99.7 per cent. PEOPLE POWER Over the course of the year, we continue to build on investments we have made in growing the talent pipeline. We have since 2012 awarded more than 100 scholarships to students with a passion for engineering in the energy sector as we seek to broaden our talent pool. Our Engineering Development for Graduates (EDGE) programme, which was started in 2013, has provided 121 fresh graduates with structured training and job rotation to critical operations to gain broad-based exposure and diverse technical expertise. We remain committed to staff upgrading, handing out 419 sponsorships for SP staff to pursue part-time education since 2002, including four who are pursuing their Master’s degree overseas. Towards strengthening our engineering bench, we now have 100 certified Professional Engineers, who make up 18.5 per cent of our total engineering pool, above the national average of 1.7 per cent. We will continue to sponsor the certification journey for more of our engineers. SP has made strides in creating a culture of innovation among our employees. On the digital frontier, we have made technology tools available to all staff, automating processes and approvals, and streamlining workflows. This is part of a continuing effort to create an agile, collaborative and mobile workforce. We embarked on new projects such as an enhanced electronic vendor procurement management system, a condition monitoring app to ensure power supply reliability and a cable and gas pipeline patrolling app. These initiatives helped to boost productivity and improve the quality of life at work. We also set out to devise leaner work processes and undertook more than 100 improvement initiatives in 2015, with projected savings of S$16 million when implemented. These were ground-up initiatives by staff which contributed towards more productive ways of working. We are boosting our capabilities from within, through initiatives that allow our employees to take charge of their own development. With the launch of the iTalent human resource tool in January 2016 and its inclusion on their mobile tablets, employees have easy access to learning and development resources, channels for engagement and feedback, and their performance appraisals. This promotes “development on the go”, allows employees to stay engaged, and will have a positive impact on productivity. ACCELERATING GROWTH We are seeing rapid changes in the power industry. On the horizon, we foresee that sustainability, energy technology and urbanisation are key global trends that will shape the future of our business. We have developed strategies to leverage on solutions and innovations that can help us to better serve customers’ needs and lifestyles. Supported by Singapore’s Economic Development Board, SP launched the S$30 million SP Centre of Excellence in April 2015 to drive the innovation and commercialisation of nextgeneration network technologies. During the Singapore International Energy Week in October 2015, the SP Centre of Excellence entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Omnetric Group, 3M Singapore and the Economic Development Board under the Singapore Power Energy Advanced Research and Development programme to build and pilot next-generation technologies to enhance Singapore’s power value chain. Other initiatives that we are working on include converting our fleet of vehicles to electric vehicles and developing solar and storage solutions at our facilities. We are also going underground – building underground substations and housing our network cables deep beneath in the cable tunnels – to optimise space in our landscarce city. SAFETY AS A PRIORITY Safety affects the well-being of our workers as well as the public, the 8 working environment and project costs, and remains an important focus for us. Our Gas Safety Awareness campaign, launched in August 2015, aims to raise public awareness on the risks and ways to prevent accidents arising from gas fires. The campaign leverages touch points such as the Ministry of Manpower Foreign Domestic Worker training sessions, community events, grassroots platforms and schools. We have participated in 13 community road shows to date. The campaign videos have garnered more than 1.19 million views on YouTube as of March 2016. We are happy to have seen our efforts in this area show tangible results. Of particular note is our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR), which dropped to 0.77 per million man-hours in FY15/16, a significant improvement on 1.10 the year before. This improvement reflects the commitment to safety that we have in place and the constant improvements we have made in our safety transformation journey. It has also brought us closer to our “world-class” target LTIFR of 0.57 per million man-hours several years ahead of schedule. Our contractors play a critical role in creating a safety culture for all. In the past year, we established targeted programmes and processes to help our contractors uphold safe work practices. The Hand Safety Campaign exemplifies our efforts to engage contractors to improve safety processes. The campaign was launched in September 2015 to promote safe practices of hand-related operations and prevent hand and finger injury among workers. Activities carried out include conducting in-house training on hand safety to increase awareness. SP PowerGrid’s Cable Tunnel team’s Gold Award for Health and Safety 2016 from the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) affirmed our steady efforts. The award is an endorsement of the Cable Tunnel team’s strategic initiatives, the support of management and our collective passion for raising safety standards in the tunneling industry. Our shared commitment to safety, and ensuring we are all aligned in terms of safety requirements and expectations, means our workers are safe, our projects are well managed, and our risks are contained. THE POWER OF GOOD SP celebrated SG50 by presenting Singapore with a Gift of Power in July 2015, providing free charging of mobile devices at 200 locations island-wide. Just as SP serves the nation by striving to keep the lights on 24/7, the Gift of Power affirms SP’s commitment to always be there for Singapore, by helping Singaporeans to stay connected. This was one of two major projects SP undertook to celebrate Singapore’s 50th birthday. The other was the Love from the Stars charity gala dinner and concert in May 2015 featuring international artistes like Jackie Chan. The event raised close to S$6.4 million for 6 charities, which provided assistance to about 160,000 beneficiaries. These two projects were part of 20 Good Deeds, a volunteerled initiative to give back to the community through 20 acts of community service for SP’s 20th anniversary in 2015. These activities included programmes to encourage energy-efficiency, outings with underprivileged children and visits to homes and activity centres for the elderly. The activities were driven by our staff volunteers – SP Heart Workers – and every business unit spearheaded at least one good deed. Collectively, we far exceeded our target, rounding off the year with a grand total of 30 good deeds and putting in almost 9,000 volunteer hours across the events. IN APPRECIATION On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank the management and staff union, as well as regulators, government agencies and shareholder, for their valuable advice and support in the last financial year. To the members of the Board, thank you for your guidance and counsel. To my colleagues at Singapore Power, thank you for your tireless efforts and I look forward to powering tomorrow’s possibilities with you. MOHD HASSAN MARICAN Chairman July 2016 9 BOARD OF DIRECTORS TAN SRI MOHD HASSAN MARICAN HO TIAN YEE TAN CHEE MENG Tan Sri Mohd Hassan Marican is the Chairman of Singapore Power Ltd. He joined the Board on 15 February 2011 and was appointed Chairman on 30 June 2012. Tan Sri Hassan is also the Chairman of Pavilion Energy Pte Ltd, Pavilion Gas Pte Ltd, Sembcorp Marine Ltd, Lan Ting Holdings Pte Ltd; and a Director of Sembcorp Industries Ltd, Regional Economic Development Authority of Sarawak, Sarawak Energy Berhad, Lambert Energy Advisory Ltd and mh Marican Advisory Sdn Bhd. He is also a Senior International Advisor of Temasek International Advisors, a subsidiary of Temasek Holdings. Tan Sri Hassan was the President & CEO of Malaysia’s Petroliam Nasional (PETRONAS) from 1995 until his retirement in February 2010, with over 30 years of experience in the energy sector, finance and management. Mr Ho Tian Yee joined the Board in May 2003. He is also a Director of AusNet Services Ltd, Managing Director of Pacific Asset Management (S) Pte Ltd, and an Investment Advisor at Blue Edge Advisors Pte Ltd. He serves on the Board of Mount Alvernia Hospital, and is the Chairman of Fullerton Fund Management Co Ltd. Mr Ho is also a director of two public-listed companies in the DBS Group, DBS Group Holdings Ltd and DBS Bank Ltd. He has over 30 years of experience in managing financial products and organisational management, and has served on the Boards of several companies. Mr Tan Chee Meng joined the Board in August 2005. Mr Tan was appointed as a Director of AusNet Services Ltd on 11 May 2016. A Senior Counsel, Mr Tan is Deputy Chairman of WongPartnership LLP. Mr Tan sits on the boards of Urban Redevelopment Authority, Jurong Town Corporation, St Gabriel’s Foundation, All Saints Home, WOPA Services Pte Ltd, TJ Holdings (III) Pte Ltd and the Arts House Ltd. He is also the Chairman of the School Management Committee of Assumption English School. 10 CHOI SHING KWOK OON KUM LOON Mr Choi Shing Kwok joined the Board in August 2006. He is the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources. Mr Choi was formerly the Chairman of PowerGas Ltd and a Director of SP PowerAssets Ltd. He has also served on the boards of many other companies and statutory boards in the past. Formerly the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Transport, Mr Choi has had a long career in government and was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal in 2000 and the Long Service Award in 2004 by the Government of Singapore. He has also received state awards from foreign governments. Mrs Oon Kum Loon joined the Board in April 2010. She is also a Director on the boards of Keppel Land Ltd and Jurong Port Pte Ltd. Mrs Oon has about 30 years of extensive experience with DBS Bank Ltd, and held positions including Chief Financial Officer, Managing Director and Head of Group Risk Management. During her career with the bank, she was responsible for treasury and markets operations, corporate finance, and credit management and for the development and implementation of a group-wide integrated risk management framework. 11 BOARD OF DIRECTORS TAN PUAY CHIANG ONG YEW HUAT TIMOTHY CHIA CHEE MING Mr Tan Puay Chiang joined the Board in April 2012. Mr Ong Yew Huat joined the Board in February 2013. Mr Timothy Chia joined the Board in June 2014. Mr Tan is the Chairman of SP Services Ltd and is also a Director on the boards of Neptune Orient Lines Ltd and Keppel Corporation Ltd. Mr Tan was the Chairman of ExxonMobil (China) Investments Co from 2001 to 2007. During his 37-year career with Mobil and later ExxonMobil, he held extensive executive management roles in Australia, Singapore and the United States. Mr Tan had been a member of various business and industry boards including the Australian Institute of Petroleum, the Washington, D.C.-based National Policy Association, and the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. He is the Chairman of United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd, the National Heritage Board, Singapore Tyler Print Institute and the Tax Academy of Singapore. He also serves on the boards of United Overseas Bank Limited, Singapore Mediation Center and Ascendas- Singbridge Pte Ltd. Mr Ong, a former board member of the Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, and the Public Accountants Oversight Committee, retired as the Executive Chairman of Ernst & Young Singapore after serving 33 years with the firm. Mr Chia is Chairman of Gracefield Holdings Limited and Hup Soon Global Corporation Private Limited. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of Singapore Management University, Advisory Council Member of the ASEAN Business Club (“ABC”) and the co-chair of ABC Singapore. Mr Chia also serves on the boards of several private and public-listed companies in Singapore as well as in the region. Mr Chia was instrumental in the founding of Hup Soon Global. Prior to Hup Soon Group. Mr Chia was a director of PAMA Group Inc from 1986 to 2004 where he was responsible for private equity investments and from 1995 to 2004, he was President of PAMA. Mr Chia also previously served as Vice President of the Investment Department of American International Assurance Company Ltd, President of Unithai Oxide Company Ltd and Chairman – Asia for UBS Investment Bank. 12 NG KWAN MENG WONG KIM YIN Mr Ng Kwan Meng joined the Board in June 2014. He is the Chairman of Aestiwood Pte. Ltd. and a Director of Tasek Jurong Limited. Mr Ng retired in August 2013 as Managing Director and Head, Group Global Markets at United Overseas Bank after serving 30 years with the bank. He was also an Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of UOB Bullion and Futures Ltd, and a Director of Tuas Power Ltd. Mr Ng was involved in the promotion of the forex and debt capital markets in Singapore. He was a member of the Singapore Foreign Exchange Market Committee, the working group on Financial Industry Competency Standards and National Integration Working Group for the Community. Mr Wong Kim Yin is the Group Chief Executive Officer of Singapore Power Ltd. He is also the Chairman of SP PowerAssets Ltd, PowerGas Ltd, SP Telecommunications Pte Ltd, Singapore District Cooling Pte Ltd, SPI Management Services Pty Ltd and Enterprise Business Services (Australia) Pty Ltd as well as a Director of SP Services Ltd. Mr Wong is also a Director of SeaTown Holdings Pte Ltd, a member of the Board of Governors, Singapore Polytechnic and the Council for Private Education. Mr Wong was formerly Senior Managing Director, Investments at Temasek International (Pte) Ltd, where he had been responsible for investments in various sectors, including the energy, transportation and industrial clusters. Prior to Temasek, he was with the AES Corporation, a global power company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. 13 SENIOR MANAGEMENT IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER AMELIA CHAMPION Head Corporate Affairs JIMMY KHOO Managing Director Singapore District Cooling SIM KWONG MIAN Executive Vice President Chairman, SP Engineering Board JEANNE CHENG Chief Risk Officer PETER LEONG Managing Director SP PowerGrid TAN WEI KEONG Head Internal Audit LENA CHIA Chief Legal Officer & General Counsel LIM CHOR HOON Chief Talent Officer Human Resource SAMUEL TAN Chief Information Officer MICHAEL CHIN Managing Director Special Projects SP PowerGrid CHUAH KEE HENG Managing Director SP Services STANLEY HUANG Chief Financial Officer LIM HOWE RUN Head Regulatory Management and Strategic Investments CHRIS LIM Managing Director SP Training and Consultancy Company POH MUI HOON Chief Executive Officer SP Telecommunications SAMUEL TSO Head Group Safety and Health WONG CHIT SIENG Chief Corporate Officer WONG KIM YIN Group Chief Executive Officer 14 GROUP STRUCTURE SP PowerAssets SINGAPORE OPERATIONS Singapore District Cooling AUSTRALIA INVESTMENTS SGSP (Australia) Assets (40%) SP Cross Island Tunnel Trust PowerGas SP Training and Consultancy Company SP Telecommunications AusNet Services (31.1%) SP PowerGrid Power Automation (51%) SP Services We own and operate Singapore’s electricity and gas transmission and distribution networks. We also provide meter reading, billing and customer service support for the utilities market. SP PowerAssets owns the electricity transmission and distribution assets, while PowerGas owns the gas transmission and distribution assets. SP Cross Island Tunnel Trust is a business trust with a portfolio comprising the North-South and East-West transmission cable tunnel assets. SP PowerGrid manages the electricity and gas transmission and distribution networks owned by SP PowerAssets and PowerGas. SP Services provides market support services to customers for electricity, gas, water and refuse removal, and facilitates electricity retail market competition. Singapore District Cooling provides chilled water services for airconditioning in buildings. SP Training and Consultancy Company provides consultancy and training, leveraging SP’s expertise in developing and operating energy utility infrastructure and businesses. SP Telecommunications provides telecommunication infrastructure services. Power Automation is a joint-venture systems integration company providing power system control, smart grid/metering, protection system and substation automation solutions. SGSP (Australia) Assets (SGSPAA) and AusNet Services form the two main arms of our business in Australia. Together, their presence spans eastern Australia, and includes electricity and gas transmission and distribution ownership and operation, as well as related services. SGSPAA comprises Jemena, which owns and operates gas transmission pipelines, and gas and electricity distribution networks in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory, and Zinfra Group, which provides engineering, operations, maintenance and construction services to Jemena and external clients. AusNet Services owns and operates Victoria’s electricity transmission network, an electricity distribution network in eastern Victoria, and a gas distribution network in western Victoria. 15 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ETHICS & ACCOUNTABILITY The Group endeavours to enhance shareholder value by ensuring the highest standards of corporate governance, transparency, accountability and integrity. The Group adheres closely to the principles and guidelines set out in the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance 2012 (the Code) for listed companies. The Company has adopted the Code as its guide for best practice standards and put in place an internal framework to ensure good corporate governance in its business practices and activities. The Whistleblower Policy, implemented since 2005, seeks to strengthen ethical business conduct in the Group. SETTING DIRECTION The Board provides broad strategic directions for the Group and undertakes key investment and funding decisions. In addition, the Board ensures that Management maintains a robust system of internal controls to protect the Group’s assets and reviews the Group’s financial performance. The Board typically meets at least four times a year. Special Board meetings may be convened as and when necessary to consider urgent corporate actions or specific issues of importance. During the financial year, two Board Strategic Reviews were also held. Directors with potential conflict in specific subject matters are recused from the relevant information flow, deliberation and decisions of such matters. ACCESS TO INFORMATION The Board is provided with relevant information prior to Board meetings and on an ongoing basis so as to enable them to make informed decisions to discharge their duties and responsibilities. Board papers include management financial reports, annual budgets and performance against budget, updates on key outstanding issues and updates on new legislative developments. The Board has separate and independent access to Senior Management. Should the Directors, whether as a group or individually, require independent professional advice to carry out their duties, the Company will arrange to appoint, at the Company’s expense, professional advisors to render due advice. Newly-appointed Directors attend an orientation programme to familiarise themselves with the Group’s business and governance practices. Directors are encouraged to attend appropriate courses, conferences and seminars so as to be better equipped to effectively discharge their duties as Directors. BOARD COMPOSITION There is a strong element of independence in the Board composition. Other than Mr Wong Kim Yin, who is the Group CEO, all the directors are independent. The Nominating Committee reviews the independence of each Director annually and provides its views to the Board for the Board’s consideration in accordance with the Code. It also evaluates the Board’s performance on an annual basis. The current Board size of 10 is appropriate for effective decision-making, taking into account the scope and nature of the Group’s operations. Collectively, the Directors have a wealth of expertise and experience in the management of business at senior and international levels. BOARD COMMITTEES The SP Board is supported by board committees to facilitate effective supervision of the Management. These are the Board Executive Committee, the Audit Committee, the Board Risk Management Committee, the Nominating Committee and the Staff Development and Compensation Committee. 16 As and when required for specific projects, special board steering committees and due diligence committees are formed to provide support and guidance to Management. BOARD EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Board Executive Committee (ExCo) comprises five Directors, four of whom are independent. The ExCo assists the Board in overseeing the performance of the Company, its subsidiaries and its associated companies. It also reviews, endorses, approves or recommends to the Board for approval, acquisitions, financing plans, and the annual operating and capital expenditure budgets of the Group. The ExCo typically meets at least four times a year. AUDIT COMMITTEE Currently, the Audit Committee (AC) comprises five independent Directors. Members of the AC have recent and relevant accounting or related financial management expertise and experience to discharge their responsibilities. The main function of the AC is to assist the Board in discharging its statutory and oversight responsibilities relating to the financial reporting and audit processes, the systems of internal controls and the process of monitoring compliance within applicable laws, regulations and codes of conduct. Responsibilities of the AC include: • Review and approval of the audit plans of external and internal auditors; • Review of the adequacy of the internal audit function; • Review of the financial statements of the Group and the Company; • Review of the independence and objectivity of the external auditors; and • Nomination of external auditors for reappointment. BOARD RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The Board Risk Management Committee (BRMC) comprises five members, four of whom are independent. The BRMC assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities by reviewing: • the type and level of business risks that the Company, its subsidiaries and associated companies undertake on an integrated basis to achieve their business strategy; and • the policies, procedures and methodologies for identifying, assessing, quantifying (where appropriate), monitoring and mitigating risks. The BRMC is supported by the Group Risk Management Office in its risk governance responsibilities. While the BRMC oversees the SP Group’s risk management framework and policies, the risk ownership remains with the business groups. The BRMC typically meets at least three times a year. NOMINATING COMMITTEE The Nominating Committee (NC) comprises four Directors, all of whom are independent. The NC is responsible for formulating policies and guidelines on matters relating to Board appointments, reappointments, retirement and rotation of Directors. The NC, in consultation with the Chairman of the Board, considers and makes recommendations to the Board on the appropriate size and needs of the Board. New Directors are appointed by the Board after the NC has endorsed their appointment. New Directors must submit themselves for re-election at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company pursuant to the Constitution of the Company. The Constitution of the Company also require not less than one-third of the Directors to retire by rotation at every AGM. The NC typically meets at least twice a year. The AC typically meets at least three times a year. 17 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STAFF DEVELOPMENT AND COMPENSATION COMMITTEE The Staff Development and Compensation Committee (SDCC) comprises four Directors, all of whom are independent Directors. The SDCC oversees the remuneration of the Group Chief Executive Officer and senior executives. The SDCC establishes and maintains an appropriate and competitive level of remuneration to attract, retain and motivate senior executives to manage the Group successfully. No Director is involved, or has participated, in any proceedings with respect to his or her own remuneration. The SDCC typically meets at least twice a year. COMPOSITION OF BOARD AND BOARD COMMITTEES Board Members Audit Committee Board Executive Committee Board Risk Management Committee Nominating Committee Staff Development & Compensation Committee Tan Sri Mohd Hassan Marican, Chairman - Chairman - Member Chairman Mr Ho Tian Yee - Member Chairman - - Mr Tan Chee Meng Member Member - Chairman - Mr Choi Shing Kwok Member - - Member - Mrs Oon Kum Loon Member - Member - Member Mr Tan Puay Chiang - Member Member - - Mr Ong Yew Huat Chairman - - Member - Mr Timothy Chia Chee Ming - - Member - Member Mr Ng Kwan Meng Member - - - Member Mr Wong Kim Yin* - Member Ex-officio - - * Non-independent 18 RISK AND BUSINESS CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT SP is committed to ensuring that a strong and robust risk management system is in place for effective corporate governance, sound decision-making and efficient operational management. In addition to the generic framework of risk identification, assessment and treatment, SP proactively considers emerging risks in order to ensure business resilience. All this has translated into sustainable business performance that enables reliable and efficient utilities supply all year round. The SP Group’s guiding principle is that every employee is a risk manager in his respective area of work. Key risk issues and mitigation plans are proactively highlighted to the Risk Management Committees of the respective subsidiaries, as well as to the Board Risk Management Committee (BRMC). Key risk issues are monitored and necessary actions are taken, including remediation and business continuity planning. We continue to promote a culture of risk awareness amongst staff through initiatives such as induction courses and workshops, publishing relevant articles in company periodicals, and regular interaction between risk management teams and risk owners. KEY INITIATIVES OF RISK AND BUSINESS CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT (BCM) IN FY15/16 • Conducted risk assessment workshops with SP principal operating subsidiaries • Conducted a review of SP’s Enterprise Risk Management framework • Enhanced existing risk management processes • Maintained risk governance oversight of major projects including Full Retail Competition • Distributed N95 respirators and digital thermometers to staff, and installed air purifiers as part of the haze response plan • Successfully conducted business continuity exercises, including mobile power sub-station deployment and contact tracing, to ensure emergency preparedness and operational resilience in the event of any major incident or business disruption from local power outages to outbreaks of pandemics. • Conducted monthly BCM briefings for 460 new staff 19 CERTIFICATION AND ACCREDITATION BCA-IDA Green Mark SS564 (Energy & Environment Management System) Singapore Power Group by Building Construction Authority, 2015 ISO50001 (Energy Management) Singapore Power Group by Building Construction Authority, 2015 Singapore Innovation Class Certification, Singapore Quality Class Certification (STAR) Singapore Service Class Certification SP Services by SPRING Singapore, 2010 to 2018 People Developer Standard Singapore Power, 2000 to 2017 SP PowerGrid, 2005 to 2017 SP Services, 2005 to 2018 by SPRING Singapore ISO/IEC 17025:2005 in Electrical Testing for Electricity Meters SP PowerGrid by the Singapore Accreditation Council – Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme, 2000 to present ISO/IEC 17025:2005 in Electrical Testing for Current Transformers SP PowerGrid by the Singapore Accreditation Council – Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme, 2000 to present ISO 9001:2008 Certification For Quality Management System SP PowerGrid (Distribution Control & Customer Services Section) by Certification International, FY06/07 to present SP PowerGrid (Network Development) (Electricity) by Certification International, FY02/03 to present SP PowerGrid (Network Management) (Electricity) by Certification International, FY02/03 to present SP PowerGrid (Gas Operations) by SGS International Certification Services Singapore Pte Ltd, FY00/01 to present SP Services by BSI Management Systems, FY04/05 to present ISO/IEC 17025:2005 in Calibration and Measurement for Gas Flow Meters SP PowerGrid by the Singapore Accreditation Council – Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme, 2005 to present ISO/IEC 27001:2013 in Operations and Maintenance of Downstream Gas Transmission and Distribution SP PowerGrid (Gas Operations) by TÜV SÜD PSB Pte Ltd, 2014 to 2017 ISO/IEC 27001:2013 SP PowerGrid (SCADA Section) by DNV GL Business Assurance, 2016 to 2019 BS OHSAS18001:2007 Certification for Occupational Health & Safety Management System SP Services by Bureau Veritas, 2014 to 2017 Singapore District Cooling by TÜV SÜD PSB Pte Ltd, 2014 to 2017 SS506 Part 1:2009 BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Certification for Occupational Health and Safety Management System SP PowerGrid by Certification International, 2014 to 2017 SS 506 Part 3:2013 Certification for Occupational Safety & Health Management System SP PowerGrid (Gas Operations) by Certification International, 2015 to 2018 20 AWARDS Top 50 Engineering Feats District Cooling System for Marina Bay Singapore District Cooling Cross-Island and Jurong Island - Pioneer Cable Tunnels SP PowerGrid (Special Projects – Cable Tunnels Section) World Class Electricity Grid Reliability Singapore Power Group by Institute of Engineering Singapore (IES), 2016 District Cooling Utility of the Year Award (2015) Singapore District Cooling by Fleming Gulf, 4th Asia Pacific District Cooling Conference, 2015 MND Minister’s Award (Team) Singapore District Cooling by Ministry of National Development (MND), 2016 Asian Utility Week Awards: Best Customer Engagement Project Award for SP Services App SP Services, 2016 Gold Award – Community Service SP Services by Mob-Ex Awards, 2016 Gold Award – Health & Safety SP PowerGrid (Special Projects – Cable Tunnels Section) by Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents, 2016 Minister’s Honour Roll (Star) Singapore Power Group by the Ministry of Home Affairs, 2013 to 2018 Advocate of NS (Organisations) Singapore Power Group by the Ministry of Defence, 2015 to 2018 Singapore H.E.A.L.T.H. Platinum Award Singapore Power Group by the Health Promotion Board, 2004 to 2018 Most Innovative Project in The Energy Sector for Knowledge Management (KM) System Singapore Power by OpenText Elite Awards, 2015 International APEX award Award of Excellence for Design and Illustration – Print Ads and Advertorials The Electricity Times Singapore Power by Communications Concept, 2016 International APEX award for Gas Safety Awareness campaign: Award of Excellence for Campaigns, Programs and Plans – Public Service Gas Safety Awareness Campaign Singapore Power by Communications Concept, 2016 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards: Bronze Award for Innovation in Community Relations or Public Service Communications Gift of Power campaign Singapore Power 2016 International APEX award Grand Award for Design and Illustration – Design and Layout 20 Power Facts for spectrum Magazine (Feb/Mar 2015) Singapore Power by Communications Concept, 2016 21 REMEMBERING LEE KUAN YEW Right Chairman Tan Sri Mohd Hassan Marican delivered a message and led staff in a minute of silence on 23 March 2015. Above Staff penned tributes in the Condolence Book before the SP delegation went to Parliament House to pay their last respects. ingapore’s founding Prime Minister S Lee Kuan Yew was a trailblazer in every way. Under his visionary leadership, Singapore was transformed from a third to a first world country in a single generation. When he passed away on 23 March 2015, Singapore Power stood alongside the nation to pay tribute to him and honour his legacy. Condolences penned by staff across the SP Group were compiled into a book that was delivered to the Prime Minister’s Office. A delegation of SP staff also paid their last respects to Mr Lee at Parliament House. SP’s senior management joined representatives from other Temasek portfolio companies to distribute umbrellas to members of the public waiting in line to enter Parliament House. Our electricity and gas operations officers were also on standby during both the week-long lying-in-state at Parliament House and the state funeral on 29 March 2015 to ensure that proceedings went smoothly. 22 Top Left Mrs Josephine Teo, with UPAGE General Secretary Abdul Samad bin Abdul Wahab (in blue SP polo), listens to Bendemeer Secondary School students share their aspirations. Top Right UPAGE leaders and SP senior management prepare the books for distribution. Left Mrs Josephine Teo unveils the cover of the book, ‘LKY: Follow that Rainbow, Go Ride It’. LKY’S LIFE LESSONS FOR STUDENTS SP commemorated the first anniversary of the passing of Singapore’s first Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew by partnering with Mapletree Investments to give all secondary school students a copy of “LKY: Follow that Rainbow, Go Ride It”, published by Straits Times Press. Mrs Josephine Teo, Senior Minister of State, Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Transport, launched the book with SP and Mapletree on 23 March 2016 at Bendemeer Secondary School. Union of Power & Gas Employees (UPAGE) and Building Construction and Timber Industries Employees’ Union (BATU) leaders attended the launch. Targeted at teenagers between 13 and 17-years old, it chronicles the life of Mr Lee, and is structured around the four key guiding values – idealism, courage, resilience and tenacity – that helped him and Singapore’s other Founding Fathers overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. It also captures how Mr Lee led his life through extracts from newspaper articles and interviews, quotes and historical photographs. We hope that new generations of Singaporeans will be inspired by Mr Lee’s character, values and vision, and contribute to making Singapore shine even more brightly. 23 RELIABILITY POWERHOUSE • Commissioned the world’s largest underground district cooling network in Marina Bay in March 2016. Singapore District Cooling helps customers achieve up to 40 per cent in energy savings • Remained among the world’s highest-rated utility companies in terms of reliability and efficiency, with our customers experiencing just 0.56 minute of electricity interruption and 0.16 minute of gas interruption in FY15/16 • Three SP projects were voted among Singapore’s top 50 Engineering Feats in the Institution of Engineers (IES) Singapore’s IES-SG50 competition – Our World Class Electricity Grid Reliability, District Cooling System for Marina Bay and Cross-Island and Jurong Island-Pioneer Cable Tunnels Singapore District Cooling helps customers achieve up to 40% in energy savings From Left Benjamin Ng Jet Hon Executive Engineer, Network Management, Gas Operations Ken Kong Chee Keen Principal Engineer, Network Management, Gas Operations RELIABILITY POWERHOUSE R eliable energy infrastructure is vital for the smooth running of households, businesses and cities. In Singapore, ensuring that this service is dependable, uninterrupted and safe is a key priority for SP, and a critical component of our business strategy. We continually invest in improving our systems and processes, and seize opportunities to create sustainable growth. In FY15/16, we broke new ground with a number of major projects. We completed our first underground substation at Changi Expo and commissioned the Changi East and Upper Jurong II 230kV substations. We also commissioned the world’s largest underground district cooling network, run by our subsidiary Singapore District Cooling (SDC), which keeps Marina Bay cool. We upgraded and expanded critical power and gas networks, and network monitoring systems. We also took steps to ensure stable and reliable power supply for the future with major new transmission projects planned, and are on track to complete our Transmission Cable Tunnel Project by 2018. Our commitment to fulfilling our reliability promise has helped us record among the lowest incidence of power and gas supply interruption in the world. Last year, our customers experienced an average 0.56 minute of electricity interruption. We achieved zero transmission minutes lost, which means there was no supply interruption at the electricity transmission network level. Our gas customers experienced an average 0.16 minute of gas interruption. We continually look for innovative and cost-effective Minister for National Development Lawrence Wong toured the Singapore District Cooling’s Marina Bay plant during the commissioning event on 3 March 2016. 26 ways to do our work faster, better and more safely, and empower our staff with the knowledge they need to increase productivity and bring value to our customers and stakeholders. COUNTING ON SOLID NETWORKS Cooling down the Bay In March 2016, we commissioned the entire Marina Bay district cooling network following the third phase of capacity expansion. With the expansion, SDC now operates the world’s largest underground district cooling network. Buildings consume some 30 per cent of Singapore’s energy, and air-conditioning accounts for half their consumption. SDC’s services translate into energy savings of up to 40 per cent for customers. It also means that gardens, restaurants and infinity pools can take the place of unsightly rooftop cooling towers. The plants have a total installed capacity of 217MW, and serve 1.7 million square metres of Gross Floor Area. This idea, more than a decade in the making and supported by a robust network design, strong engineering team and high operational standards, contributes to realising the vision of an environmentally sustainable Marina Bay – and ultimately, a sustainable Singapore. Even as we look forward to welcoming new customers in the district, we are already working with the Urban Redevelopment Authority and Building and Construction Authority to expand the use of district cooling in Singapore. Overseas, we are building a district cooling system for CapitaLand’s Raffles City development in Chongqing, China. Once completed, the system will enable the development to achieve up to 50 per cent energy savings, and reduce utility cost by about S$30 million over 20 years. Raffles City Chongqing is the largest single investment by any Singapore firm in China, with total development cost expected to be around S$4.2 billion. Powering for Growth On 31 December 2015, we commissioned our first underground transmission substation, the Changi Expo 66kV substation, at Changi Business Park. It will provide 66kV intake supply to the MRT Downtown Line 3 Extension, and to multinational corporations and industries in the area. To meet growing electricity demand in the Jurong and Changi areas, 230kV substations were commissioned in Upper Jurong II and Changi East in June 2015 and July 2015, respectively. Enhanced distribution management We have upgraded our Distribution Management System (DMS), a critical system for remote monitoring and control functions for our entire 22kV network of 6,600 substations. The system also provides monitoring and control for 3,420 substations in our 6.6kV network. Following the upgrading, the DMS now includes a biometric access control system. Engineers can use artificial intelligence instead of desktop planning exercises to run contingency scenarios for equipment maintenance. The system also automatically produces and broadcasts reports on network faults as soon as they occur. Since June 2015, we have progressively implemented remote monitoring and control capabilities at our 6.6kV substations. The system has been upgraded to protect against cyber-attacks, improve system robustness, and streamline network database updating processes. 27 RELIABILITY POWERHOUSE Expanded Gas Network Infrastructure We expanded our gas transmission network towards Senoko in the North. Approximately 14km of pipelines – from Jalan Bahar to Mandai and the Mandai Offtake Station II – were completed and commissioned in March 2016. Another 12km of pipelines – from Mandai to Senoko and the Woodlands East Offtake Station – will be constructed by December 2016. This enables the safe and reliable delivery of gas from the Singapore LNG Terminal located at Jurong Island to existing and new customers in the northern part of the island, including power plants. More Capital Projects To meet customers’ growing power needs and ensure timely renewal of aging assets, we plan to roll out several major transmission projects over the next five years. These include the development of a 400/230kV substation at Jurong Island, and the progressive replacement of 230kV circuits through the North-South and East- West underground cable tunnels. The new West Jurong 400/230kV Substation, to be commissioned in December 2018, will reinforce our 400kV network and help meet the growth in demand in the western part of Singapore. This will facilitate and increase the transmission of power from Jurong Island to the mainland. Technical Officer Mohamad Ridhwan Bin Mansor conducting a gas leak survey as part of our regular maintenance to ensure the integrity of our network. Interconnecting Gas Networks Singapore’s two medium pressure gas networks that serve customers in the Jurong and Tuas areas were successfully interconnected in November 2015. The interconnection improves network supply reliability, and promotes contestability among gas shippers and retailers. Transmission Cable Tunnel Project Milestones The North-South and East-West cable tunnels, which will allow the efficient installation and replacement of underground cables, sit below the MRT underground system and are unprecedented in scale. When completed in 2017 and 2018 respectively, they will provide a cost-effective, long-term solution for the supply of reliable, quality electricity to future generations of customers. We have completed close to 85 per cent of the tunnelling for the project, with distances of 15,327m and 13,643m achieved on the North-South and East-West tunnels respectively as of March 2016. 28 Our engineers behind the Cable Tunnel project – one of three SP projects named among Singapore’s top 50 engineering feats. (From left) Koh Keng Boon, Tuem Heng Seng, Jack Puang, Shawn Seah, Weng Liwei, Yew Mun Cheong and Winston Lian. Close to 40 per cent of the Jurong Island-Pioneer Cable Tunnel, which connects the 400kV substation at Jurong Island to mainland Singapore, has also been completed. In all, we have achieved seven tunnel boring machine (TBM) breakthroughs, negotiating the tightest tunnel curvatures in Singapore. On 31 January 2016, we made history with the first ever docking of two TBMs in Singapore, 60m under the Holland Village MRT station. All tunnelling for the remaining 11 TBM drives are scheduled for completion by March 2017. Visit to SP’s Cable Tunnel North Buona Vista shaft on 28 January 2016 by Chan Chun Sing, NTUC Secretary- General, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office, and Member of Parliament for Tanjong Pagar GRC. 29 RELIABILITY POWERHOUSE Our standby crew provides the support that enables major events, such as the 28th SEA Games Singapore 2015, to run smoothly. At the right place, right time The upgrading of our SP Services Wireless Workforce Management System (WWMS) was completed in December 2015. The WWMS is an integral part of our service delivery operations. It ensures that our technicians arrive at the right location at the right time for supply activation or termination, installation inspection or meter readings. With the latest upgrade, our field services teams can use the WWMS app on their iPads to get more information on the job while on-the-go. New features, including camera and video functions, have also improved productivity, allowing site photos to be uploaded directly into the system via tablets. Our engineering feats Three SP projects – underground district cooling system, underground cable tunnels and world-class electricity grid – were voted by the public to be among Singapore’s top 50 engineering feats. This is an endorsement of our engineering capabilities and our commitment to Singapore’s sustainability drive. This competition was organised by the Institution of Engineers Singapore as part of its 50th anniversary celebrations. Leading by example SP’s Senior Management team are on a 24-hour roster and will be activated to go onsite when there are serious electricity supply disruptions, regardless of the cause of the incident. Together with our engineers, they will be ready to tackle issues and address concerns at the site. Green enterprise data centre Our SP Services enterprise data centre received three certifications – BCA-IDA Green Mark, SS564 (Energy & Environment Management System), and ISO50001 (Energy Management). The data centre was designed and built with environmentallyfriendly features, adopting industry best practices and the latest technologies to reduce energy consumption and its carbon footprint. Prominent green features include a cold aisle containment system, highly efficient power equipment, precision cooling and chilled water systems, and the use of natural lighting and LEDs with motion sensors. These features will reduce power consumption at the data centre by 15 per cent every month. PRODUCTIVITY A better way to work We have created a suite of training programmes at our Lean Academy to educate and equip our staff with the necessary skill sets to eliminate wasteful work processes. More 30 than 95 per cent of our staff have completed the DOWNTIME online training programme, which addresses waste that could be caused by Defects, Overproduction, Waiting, Not utilising talent, Transportation, Inventory, Motion and Extra processing. Customised workshops and forums strengthened our managers’ and leaders’ understanding of Lean techniques, which seek to maximise customer value while minimising waste. Armed with Lean insights, our staff shared ideas and best practices on the VOICES staff suggestion portal. More than 3,700 ideas were submitted and 100 improvement initiatives pursued in 2015. They are expected to collectively save the company S$16 million. Delivering Sustainability In September 2015, we embarked on an ambitious pilot project – Project Maximus – to embed Lean tools and practices into our operations over a nineweek induction period. The project kicked off at our Pasir Panjang District Office Inventory Management store. Staff came up with 26 ideas and six improvement projects that would potentially lead to a 5 per cent reduction in terms of man-hours, and S$1.3 million in outright savings for SP. Following the successful pilot, we identified 32 core sections that will undergo the same programme over the next two years. To sustain SP’s transformation into a Lean organisation, we integrated productivity with staff reward programmes, and simplified existing policies to make it easier to recognise staff efforts. Process Automation To improve turnaround time for cable preparation during installation, maintenance and repair work, SP invested in an Automated Coiling Machine. This significantly reduces the amount of time needed to prepare cables, and requires only a fraction of the manpower to perform the task manually. The machine comes with a hydraulic lifting mechanism and a digital measuring system, improving both safety and the accuracy of the coiled lengths to minimise re-coiling. Supporting national events We supported several national and major events in FY15/16. Close to 500 officers from Electricity and Gas Operations were mobilised for standby duty during National Day and the SG50 celebrations, the National Day Rally, the Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix, the 28th SEA Games Singapore 2015, and the 8th ASEAN Para Games Singapore 2015. Our teams were involved in planning, discussions, practices and rehearsals to ensure there were no electricity or gas interruption during these events. Another poignant example was when our officers were also at hand to support the lying-in-state and state funeral of founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew as we mourned alongside the nation on his passing in March 2015. The Automated Coiling Machine supports our productivity process by reducing the manpower required and time taken to re-coil cables. 31 DRIVING INNOVATION • Developed 17 apps, including iTalent and the Condition Monitoring inspection app, to boost productivity and collaboration among staff • Rolled out an e-biz portal to make it more convenient for potential partners to work with us • SP Services’ mobile app for customers picked up the Gold Award at Mob-Ex 2016 and was named “Best Customer Engagement Project” at Asian Utility Week 2016 S$3.4 million Projected productivity savings over two years as a result of the new electronic and digital tools for all staff. Standing from left Than Keng Hwa, Kenny Chiang Kwok Hoo, Leong Fai Choy, Chua Bing Sheng, Lam Yee Ki, Steven Chew Lai Keat Front row from left Ng Kim Yi Technical Officer, Network Management, Electricity Operations Ng Guan Jie Technical Officer, Network Management, Electricity Operations Lee Kok Kin Deputy Director, Group CEO’s Office Standing from left Chua Zhi Xin, Teo Yi Qian, Melvin Ng Cheng Li, Malcolm Samuel, Kee Yan Hong, Pyae Ko Ko, Bryan Lee Zhen Yuan, Daniel Quick Rui Wen Front row from left Darryl Ng Zhi Wei, Chen Jing Wen DRIVING INNOVATION The team from the InfoComm Technology Department Human Resource Systems section behind the iTalent talent management system – (from left) Puli Bhuvaneswari, Chua Hwee Nee, Andrew Soh, Chee Chee Kin and Cheng Wen Sen. nnovation is the driving force for change. Each I wave of progress propels the global economy forward and delivers improvement to the quality of life of our customers. The first industrial revolution was driven by steam power. The introduction of electricity transformed the way people live. Innovation has continued to provide us with significant advances in electronics, computing, digital networks and communications. We are starting to see the potential of sustainable energy. SP is committed to remain at the forefront of these developments and is driving innovation in every part of our operations so that we are able to continuously improve the quality of life for consumers. In the past year, as part of our innovation roadmap, we continued to digitalise SP to put power in the hands of our customers, partners and employees by providing them with the tools that give added convenience, increased productivity and support our drive towards greater sustainability. Beyond actively integrating new technologies for better customer experience and system performance, we are going a step further, already considering the future needs of our customers. To that end, we set up the SP Centre of Excellence to partner companies, research institutes and other innovative parties to co-develop and commercialise next-generation energy network technologies and solutions. The SP Services team receiving the Gold Award in the “Best Mobile App – Community Service” category at the Mob-Ex 2016. They are: (from left) Chin Wai Tieng, Bertina Cheong, Jacqueline Chew, Melvin Wong, Lynette Tan, SP Services Managing Director Chuah Kee Heng, Seng Siew Foong, Liong Chee Wei, Saskia Tan and Chief Information Officer Samuel Tan. 34 One of the key components in enabling innovation to cater to customer’s future needs is the ability to have fast and secure connections. SP is using its expertise in providing safe and reliable power in the area of telecommunications, providing consumers more choice in this age of increasing data flow. Together, SP’s innovation efforts in energy and communications networks will form the backbone that supports Singapore’s Smart Nation Vision. DIGITALISING SP Award-winning mobile apps We have introduced a number of mobile apps for our customers and staff. Customers have benefited from the SP Services mobile app, which enables them to monitor their utilities consumption patterns, and compare these patterns against those of their neighbours and the national average. They are also able to conduct their own home utilities audits, get energy-saving tips and set targets for lower consumption. The app picked up a Gold Award at Mob-Ex 2016 in the “Best Mobile App – Community Service” category. The Mob-Ex Awards recognises mobile marketing excellence across South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Australia and New Zealand. The app was also named the “Best Customer Engagement Project” during Asian Utility Week 2016, which was held in Bangkok. Providing convenience to our partners We rolled out our own e-biz portal, the Supplier Relationship Management system. Our vendors, developers and government agencies can expect greater convenience and better service when they process tenders, approvals, permits and other documents. Putting Power in the Hands of our Staff A key initiative for our 20th anniversary was to empower every staff with electronic tools that improve the way they work and interact with colleagues and partners. All 3,700 SP staff now have an electronic tablet which provides them with information at their fingertips, enabling them to work on the go. Projected productivity savings from this effort is estimated at S$3.4 million over two years. Our union, the Union of Power and Gas Employees (UPAGE), is a strong advocate of this initiative, which will also see staff benefit from a better quality of life at work. The iPad tablet has also allowed staff to access a number of productivity apps. We have launched a Cable and Gas Pipe Patrolling app, a Gas Meter Replacement app and a Condition Monitoring app. The Cable and Gas Pipe Patrolling app makes earthworks site monitoring more efficient by enabling staff doing patrols and site checks to create real-time recordings and instantly upload time-stamped photographs into a central database, facilitating investigation work. The mobile app also provides access to site maps and the required forms. With the Condition Monitoring inspection app, field staff can submit their inspection records immediately. They can also access live data to guide decision-making in the field. The app, implemented from 1 February 2016, is expected to achieve cost savings of approximately S$300,000, or 404 man days, during its projected lifespan of five years. In all, 17 apps have been developed since August 2013 and more are in the pipeline to help drive the efficiency of our operations. Besides boosting productivity and collaboration, better information and communications channels have helped improve employee engagement. The tools have also sped up the adoption of SP’s customised apps such as SParkle, a peer appreciation and recognition software, and iTalent, a talent management app that allows a wide range of functions, such as performance appraisal, to be done anytime, anywhere. Promoting knowledge exchange Having their own tablets also means our staff can easily access our newly-launched Knowledge Management (KM) System, an online social community where SP staff can share knowledge and discuss work-related topics. Our engineers collect and collate content on the job, including standard processes and procedures, case studies and lessons learnt. The KM System allows for this knowledge to be shared, promoting a culture of continuous learning. Knowledge from more experienced SP engineers benefits the newer members of our community. 35 DRIVING INNOVATION Some 74 online communities had been formed as of March 2016, including the Professional Engineers Guild House, which provides peer support for aspiring engineers working towards professional certification; the Safety Community, which promotes awareness around safety issues and shares observations and audits; and the Cyber Security forum, where discussions about IT risks and threats on the Internet take place. The system was recognised as the “Most Innovative Project for Energy Sector” by OpenText, a global leader in Enterprise Information Management solutions, in November 2015. Documents Registry for better accountability In line with our mission to proactively improve and add value through systems and processes, SP launched the SP Group Critical Documents Registry last year with representatives from each SP business unit, ensuring all critical documents within the SP Group are properly accounted for and stored, and can be easily traced in a common repository. This improves efficiency and productivity in tracking and retrieval, and ensures accountability. Leveraging on data analytics The Data Analytics Task Force was set up in October 2014 for various business units to develop Proof of Value (PoV) projects that use Data Analytics Tools. Our Data Analytics Resources Lab, helps take the successful PoVs to the next stage of development. These projects include Network Management, Geospatial Gas Leak Location Analysis, and Customer Contract and Debt Recovery, among others. One success story is the Geospatial Gas Leaks Location Analysis project, with a pilot completed in February 2016. Using Geospatial Data Analytics Tools, the Gas Asset Strategy and Condition Monitoring Section built a prototype that analyses historical data of gas leaks to determine areas that have a higher propensity for recurrence. This helps to optimise inspection resources. The results of this project are being adopted in gas leak inspections. Consolidating asset management systems We completed the first phase of Project NOVA, an enterprisewide asset management system, in January 2016. The system consolidates and automates manual work processes maintained by the different business units. NOVA will enable remote access of information via mobile apps, and increases staff productivity and effectiveness of workflow processes. It also paves the way for the development of a future-proof system that will drive business process automation within the organisation. SEEING POTENTIAL Next-Generation Solutions In April 2015, we launched the SP Centre of Excellence (CoE), a S$30 million collaboration with the Economic Development Board to drive the innovation and commercialisation of nextgeneration energy network technologies. Mr Neo Kim Hai (middle), Head, Knowledge Management, receiving the ‘Most Innovative Project in the Energy Sector’ award at the OpenText Elite Awards 2015. SP CoE will work with industry partners to co-develop, pilot and proof emerging technologies in SP’s networks. This collaboration does not just develop internal capabilities, but also helps SP’s partners bring their products and solutions to market. Our partners also benefit from SP’s operational expertise, and are able to test their products and solutions in actual networks, in real-time and with real consumers, measure the impact of these innovations, and commercialise them. It also brings to market solutions that improve our customers’ quality of life. Current areas being worked on include energy network digitisation, smart energy management, network sensing and big data analytics. Leveraging power experience for fibre networks Besides providing Singapore with reliable power supply, SP is also providing greater choice as a trusted partner of enterprises in 36 the telecommunications industry. Our telecommunications network arm SP Telecommunications (SPTel), whose extensive optical fibre network runs alongside SP’s nation-wide power lines, will offer connectivity and enabling-technologies to telecommunications carriers, retail service providers, data centres and enterprises. SPTel’s customers include carriers such as China Telecom and HKT, as well as enterprises such as MediaCorp. Through its extensive OpticNet dark fibre network, SPTel also allows data centres, landlords and property developers to strengthen their offerings to their end-customers – enabling organisations, from emerging InfoComm companies to e-commerce brands and entrepreneurs, to be futureready. Its SmartConnect service combines the power of Ethernet with the reliability of optical fibre to optimise connectivity for high quality, secure and speedy connections – whether between people and businesses, or between data centres and key interconnection hubs. In addition, SPTel will provide fibre links to the Woodlands Causeway and the Tuas Second Link, adding to diversity with off-shore connections outside of Singapore. DigiHub, Equinix, Global Switch, 1Net and Kingsland. Seeding the sustainable future SP actively promotes renewables and innovation in technology developments. Among our initiatives is a S$1 million, 5-year sponsorship to help Singapore Polytechnic build solar vehicles and participate in three editions of the World Solar Challenge in 2015, 2017 and 2019. Just three weeks before their scheduled departure to compete in the 2015 edition of the 3,000km solar car race across Australia, the Singapore Polytechnic team’s selfbuilt solar car, SunSPEC4, was destroyed in a fire. With additional funding and logistical support from SP, as well as our undertaking to air freight the SunSPEC4 to save time, both the team and their car were at the starting line on time to be flagged off. SP’s staff, who are also alumni of the polytechnic, travelled with the SunSPEC team to provide additional support and advice on logistics and safety. SP also sponsored a satellite phone with call and data features so the team could keep in touch with families and friends even when in remote areas. SP also launched the SunSPEC Polytechnic & University Sponsorship scheme, that offers SP academic sponsorship to the Singapore Polytechnic students who were part of the SunSPEC solar car team last year. The SunSPEC academic sponsorship scheme recognises the determination, tenacity and strong engineering passion of the students, and expands our pool of enthusiastic future engineers. As the role of data centres grows, with business applications becoming more data-intensive and requiring more bandwidth, SPTel is on track to meet the increasing demand for connectivity, speed, diversity and reliability by creating a data centre fibre fabric linking the nation’s key data centres. To date, SPTel’s customers include Keppel Singapore Polytechnic’s SunSPEC team, sponsored by Singapore Power, at the finishing line of the World Solar Challenge 2015 in Adelaide, Australia. 37 STRIVING FOR SERVICE EXCELLENCE • Customers benefit from our “one-call, one-click and onestop service in one business day” promise when they apply for utilities services • SP Services mobile app empowers customers to be more energy-efficient by helping them track consumption, compare it with their neighbours and set goals to save energy • 84,000 smart meters installed as of April 2016, out of a total 280,000 by 2021, in preparation for full liberalisation of the electricity market 1.4 million The number of customers we serve each month, including fielding some 80,000 calls. Our team reads a total of 3.6 million electricity, water and gas meters every other month. We also process some S$6 billion in utility payments annually. Customers will receive their new utilities bill in August 2016. STRIVING FOR SERVICE EXCELLENCE The app won the Gold Award – Community Service at the 2016 Mob-Ex Awards, a premier event that celebrates mobile marketing excellence across South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand. The app also won the “Best Customer Engagement Project” award during Asian Utility Week 2016, held in Bangkok. CLEANER, CLEARER BILLS Melvin Chan, Customer Care Officer, helping new condominium homeowners open their utility accounts on-site when they collect their keys. F rom individuals and families to companies and industrial customers, ensuring a convenient, efficient and hassle-free service experience has always been a priority for SP. Whether through technology and innovation, or simply by listening to our customers, we continually strengthen our service culture and strive to enhance every encounter at our service touchpoints. This includes simplifying our bills so they are clear, helping customers make energy-efficient choices, putting utilities management at their fingertips, and providing easy access to assistance and self-help channels. UTILITIES AUDITS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Following a successful pilot run, we rolled out enhanced e-services to all customers, designed to help them adopt more energy-efficient practices. From May 2016, all our customers are able to keep tabs on their energy and water consumption patterns more easily through the SP Services mobile application, website and email bill summary. The app, available from iTunes and the Google Play Store, lets customers compare their current consumption against that of their neighbours, the national average and their own past consumption. They can also conduct their own home utilities audits, get energy-saving tips, and set targets for lower consumption. Customers now receive their utilities bill in a new design, intended to promote more efficient utilities consumption and help customers better understand billing information. Past consumption and comparisons with that of neighbours and the national average are also available at a glance. The new bill offers utilities-saving tips and advice that can help customers become more energy and water efficient. Several different versions of the new design were tested with customers before the final design, which is simpler and clearer, was selected. EASY UTILITIES APPLICATION FOR NEW HOMEOWNERS Setting up a new utilities account with SP Services has become even more convenient. Customers can apply for utilities services by making one call to our hotline, one click to our website, visiting any of our three customer service centres for one-stop services, and having their utilities connected in one business day. New homeowners can now also open their utility accounts on-site at their new condominiums when they collect the keys. This means having immediate access 40 Thomas Goh (standing), Assistant Director, manages call centre operations, which includes handling about 80,000 phone calls monthly. to electricity and water without having to contact SP Services to open an account and then booking a separate appointment for the utilities to be activiated. This initiative has been very well received. ENGAGING COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS As part of ongoing efforts to build a stronger partnership with our key customers, SP PowerGrid conducted six Power Quality Interest Group (PQIG) meetings between October 2015 and February 2016 for voltage-sensitive customers from seven sectors: Semiconductor & Electronics, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical & Chemical, Banking, Essential Services, Tourism & Hospitality, and Data Centres. The newly-formed Data Centres cluster was added to the PQIG in view of the sector’s rapid growth. The new cluster’s members had their first meeting in December 2015. GEARING UP FOR FULL LIBERALISATION OF ELECTRICITY RETAIL We continue to gear up for full liberalisation of the electricity market in Singapore, scheduled for the second half of 2018. By then, more than 1.4 million consumers, mainly households, will be able to buy electricity from the retailer of their choice or from the wholesale market. The contestability threshold has been progressively lowered since 2014. With the downward revision in July 2015, commercial and industrial consumers with an average monthly electricity consumption of at least 2,000 kWh became eligible for contestability. SP continues to work closely with new electricity retailers, helping them with the registration and activation of customer accounts. We are also making major upgrades to our systems, including equipping them with the technology and automated processes necessary to handle a higher volume of dealings between consumers and electricity retailers. More Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meters, or smart meters, will be deployed to cope with the larger number of opt-in customers. A total of 280,000 smart meters are expected to be installed by 2021, up from about 84,000 as of April 2016. AMI meters are capable of measuring contestable customers’ electricity consumption at half-hourly intervals, allowing customers to better manage their consumption and lower their electricity bills. Beyond that, more communication equipment such as Access Points and Relays will be installed to expand and strengthen the existing Radio Frequency communication network. This will not only support retail competition but also future Smart Grid developments. 41 AN ENERGISED WORKPLACE • Strengthened our engineering bench through sponsorship for Professional Engineer certification. To date, we have 100 certified engineers • Welcomed 121 fresh graduates to our in-house leadership training programme, Engineering Development for Graduates (EDGE) since 2013 • Awarded more than 100 scholarships since 2012 • Sponsored 419 staff in their part-time education since 2002 100 certified engineers This makes up 18.5 per cent of our total engineering pool who have their Professional Engineer certification, above the national average of 1.7 per cent. We have the most number of certified engineers inhouse in Singapore. * Figures updated as of March 2016. From Left Jason Chan Wei Hao Manager, Human Resource Anna Ng Lay Tin Director, Human Resource Chua Hwee Nee Assistant Director, Infocomm Technology AN ENERGISED WORKPLACE ur people are integral to O our success. We focus on attracting the best talent, developing them with diverse exposure and training, and ensuring that they have enriching and rewarding careers. We provide our staff with career development and training programmes that are tailored to their strengths and help them keep pace with our digital transformation, even as we continue to reach out to young graduates and other talent through scholarships, awards and internships. Investing in our people ensures both a dedicated workforce and the long-term sustainability of our business. Senior Engineer Lian Zijuan (left) mentors younger engineers like Chen Zhiyi (middle) and Muhammad Shahid bin Mohamed Jailani. As our industry continues to evolve and grow, we are committed to building an engaged and experienced workforce that will fuel and sustain the utilities sector in Singapore. CONTINUAL TALENT DEVELOPMENT As part of our sustained efforts to groom future-ready leaders, we partnered with Singapore Management University to run two leadership programmes aimed at equipping emerging leaders with critical skills such as decisionmaking, change leadership and communication skills, to help them navigate the ever-changing business environment. Our core leadership competencies – Strategic Perspective, People Orientation, Result Focus and Change Leadership – and SAIL (Safety, Accountability, Institution First and Learning Continuously) principles are woven into the programmes to reinforce their importance in achieving our vision, mission and strategic thrusts in Commercial, Operations, People and Stakeholders. Our leadership pipeline programme, Engineering Development for Graduates (EDGE), provides fresh graduates with structured training and job rotation to critical operations so they can gain broad-based exposure and diverse technical expertise. We developed the Enterprise-Tune Up programme for the 2013 cohort of EDGE Engineers as they entered the third year of their careers with SP. This rigourous programme is aimed at helping 44 Singapore Power is among 17 companies that signed a Memorandum of Understanding with three polytechnics and the Institute of Technical Education to place students on internships in the power sector. them improve their personal effectiveness and leadership skills, as well as enhancing their core knowledge in Safety, Regulatory Management, Risk Management and emerging trends in the utilities sector. For new technical staff, we launched the Learning Through Technical Accelerated Programme (LEAP), which will provide them with structured training before they embark on their jobs. We awarded 419 sponsorships to staff to pursue further education, including to four staff members for their Master’s degree in the United Kingdom. Of these, 54 per cent have been appointed to positions of higher responsibility, having performed well in their jobs. We have invested more than S$2 million to date in upgrading our staff. We developed a World Class Engineering Bench by complementing core engineering work with continual learning. Mentors and fellow engineers share their experiences with their younger counterparts on SP’s Knowledge Management Portal. We continue to offer our engineers sponsorship for their Professional Engineering certification. To date, we have 100 certified engineers who make up 18.5 per cent of our total engineering pool, above the national average of 1.7 per cent. This makes us the organisation with the most number of certified engineers in-house. Our investment in the energy sector starts early. Most recently, we committed ourselves to granting S$10,000 in awards over five years to Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) students who demonstrate outstanding performance in their Electric Power Systems and Design module. This is in addition to targeted efforts to reach out to students to fuel interest not just in SP but in the energy sector as a whole. A total of 97 sponsorships and book prizes were awarded to students from tertiary institutions. Since 2012, we have also awarded more than 100 scholarships to students with a passion for engineering in the energy sector. ITALENT AND SPARKLE In January 2016, we rolled out iTalent, a user-friendly App that allows our staff to take charge of their career development. Accessible via the office workstation or SP-issued iPads, iTalent helps employees identify 45 AN ENERGISED WORKPLACE The EDGE programme has nurtured Executive Engineer Gary Tan’s leadership skills. He leads a team of 29 technical staff that deals with Gas Operations emergency responses. their career goals and provides them with “development on the go” – online access to the tools and training that can help them achieve their career goals. Staff can also access their performance appraisals, view their profiles and update their performance on the platform. For managers, iTalent’s dashboard and data-on-demand provides a sound overview of their teams’ progress and where their capabilities stand, as well as opportunities for better communication. We believe that iTalent will result in greater work efficiency and productivity as information becomes more available and accessible. SParkle is a new channel for staff to provide timely recognition to any colleague – peer, supervisor or subordinate. The SParkle App enables staff to send a compliment, word of thanks or commendation at any time, quickly and easily. Since its launch in December 2015, more than 16,000 stars have been sent out. We believe timely affirmation goes a long way in strengthening morale and motivating staff to perform their best. SAFETY FOR EVERYONE Safety also continues to feature prominently on SP’s agenda, with the implementation of safety courses not just for management and staff, but extending to our contractors as well. Such courses ensure that SP is primed to further enhance safety management and practices, and reinforce SP’s safety culture. 46 Since December 2015, more than 16,000 SParkle stars have been awarded by staff in recognition of their colleagues. FUELLING SKILLS DEVELOPMENT As a major player in the energy sector, we established the Singapore Institute of Power and Gas (SPIG) in 2014 as a one-stop training and development centre. SPIG also offers courses to power generation companies to build capabilities within Singapore’s energy industry. We believe such initiatives fuel employee engagement as we build a resilient and adaptable organisation together. We also continued to recognise staff who displayed exemplary customer service through awards, including the annual Super Star Awards. In May 2016, we launched the two-day “Sulphur-Hexafluoride SF6: Benefits, Application and Safe Handling” course to boost knowledge and understanding of SF6, a gas used as an insulating medium in electrical equipment, among the technical professionals and technicians handling it. We also continued to train staff working towards switching certification and began offering a cable jointing expertise course. Attendees of the “Sulphur-Hexafluoride SF6: Benefits, Application and Safe Handling” course learn to measure gas quality. SG50 AND SP20 STAFF INCENTIVES During the year, we rolled out initiatives to motivate staff and boost engagement. To celebrate Singapore’s 50th birthday and to commemorate SP’s 20th anniversary, we launched the SG50/SP20 Bonus. Staff qualified for this bonus when they fulfilled three meaningful engagement tasks on their SP-issued iPads or SP’s mobile apps. They had to award SParkle “Stars” to colleagues exhibiting the SAIL principles, vote on the top three Good Deeds performed by SP Heart Workers and post blog entries on the topics of safety and productivity. 47 PROMOTING A CULTURE OF SAFETY • Lowered our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate* (LTIFR) – a global measure of safety standards – to 0.77 per million man-hours in FY15/16. We are closer to our goal of attaining the world-class standard LTIFR of 0.57 by FY18/19 • Achieved zero controllable traffic accident for FY15/16 since launch of the SP Services Motorcycle Helmet Camera for all field staff in May 2015 • SPPG’s Cable Tunnel team received the Gold Award for Health and Safety 2016 from the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents, an endorsement of our team’s efforts to raise safety standards in the tunnelling industry 0.77 per million man-hours our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate* – a 30% improvement from the year before. * Lost Time Injury (LTI) is a work related injury which results in a person being unfit for work on any day after the day of occurrence of the injury. Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) is the number of lost time injuries per 1,000,000 man-hours worked. Back row, from left Ragunath Balamurugan S/O Paulsamy Principal Engineer, Group Safety and Health Leslie Neo Wei Han Manager, Group Safety and Health with employees of a contractor’s company. PROMOTING A CULTURE OF SAFETY t SP, safety is a team effort A requiring commitment from every player. It is driven by our management with active staff involvement. Staying free of accident and injury is an important part of our culture, for the public, our staff and our contractors. In FY15/16, we continued to enhance our safety culture and improve our safety performance. We focussed on building long-term partnerships with our contractors, ensuring that they share our safety philosophy and maintain stringent safety standards. SP has more than 6,500 workers from over 130 contractor companies involved in critical transmission and distribution network projects across Singapore. We conducted regular safety workshops and campaigns as well as weekly safety inspections and reviews, and involved workers in our efforts to improve on safety. We continue to raise the standards of our contractor safety management practices and strengthen our partnership with contractors to reduce injuries at work. We are pleased to report tangible results from our joint efforts. In FY15/16, our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) was 0.77 per million man-hours worked, a 30 per cent improvement over the previous year. Beyond worker health and wellbeing, alignment with our partners on safety also contributed to the success of our projects and helped us better manage risks. The Gas Safety Awareness committee members (from left, in blue SP polo) Gary Tan, Andrew Ang, Ken Kong, Tan Lih Hong and Joanne Ong with Home Affairs and Law Minister K Shanmugam at a community outreach event in Yishun. 50 Mr Hawazi Daipi (middle), then Senior Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Manpower and Education, SP Chairman Tan Sri Mohd Hassan Marican and Group Chief Executive Officer, Mr Wong Kim Yin, launching the Gas Safety Awareness campaign during the inaugural Group Safety Summit. SAFETY AS A WAY OF LIFE We held our inaugural Group Safety Summit in July 2015 with the theme Safety is Our Way of Life. During the event, Group CEO Wong Kim Yin reiterated SP’s priorities on safety and highlighted our journey to becoming a Safety Champion. He shared our five-year roadmap to attaining the worldclass safety target LTIFR of 0.57. He joined Guest of Honour Mr Hawazi Daipi, then Senior Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Manpower and Education, and SP Chairman Tan Sri Mohd Hassan Marican, in launching SP’s Gas Safety Awareness campaign for the public. We also presented awards for sound safety culture and best practices, as well as for a video competition for the best “safety story” at the Summit. The Cable Tunnel team from Special Projects, SP PowerGrid, walked away with both awards, and won for its video entry, “Family Values”, a story about the importance of safety and the safe return of our employees to their families at the end of the workday. GAS SAFETY AWARENESS CAMPAIGN Launched at the Group Safety Summit, the Gas Safety Awareness campaign aims to equip the public with the knowledge they need to respond safely to a gas leak. It specifically addresses the gaps in gas safety knowledge derived from the findings of a survey conducted in February 2015. We produced and publicised messages through posters and pamphlets, as well as a series of three videos on the “dos and don’ts” in the event of a gas leak. As of March 2016, the campaign videos had garnered more than 1.19 million views on YouTube. We also collaborated with partners such as the Ministry of Manpower and Town Councils to educate the public on gas safety issues. Since July 2015, we have participated in 13 such events. IT’S IN YOUR HANDS In September 2015, we launched a Hand Safety Campaign to promote safe practices in hand-related operations, and prevent hand and finger injuries among workers. 51 PROMOTING A CULTURE OF SAFETY The introduction of the Motorcycle Helmet Camera has helped SP Services achieve zero controllable traffic accidents for FY15/16. We conducted workshops for contractors to share hand safety statistics and incidents from the previous year. We also discussed the root causes of such injuries and control measures that could be taken. Other campaign activities included conducting risk assessments, reviewing safe work procedures and participating in SP’s in-house training on hand safety. As of March 2016, some 125 contractors’ supervisors and safety coordinators had undergone the train-the-trainer session, and more than 2,100 workers had been through hand safety briefings. Within six months of the campaign’s launch, we saw a 63 per cent improvement in our LTIFR for hand-related injuries. ACTIVITY BASED SAFETY IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM (ABSIS) In March 2015, the Cable Tunnel team from Special Projects, SP PowerGrid, introduced the Activity Based Safety Improvement System (ABSIS), a systematic approach to ensuring the safety of our workers as they carry out critical tunnel construction operations. Throughout the year, the team captured video footage as workers conducted tunnelling activities, focussing on one specific activity each week. The 52 videos are used to educate workers on safe work procedures, enhancing their safety awareness and vigilance. This form of audio visual communication cuts across the various languages our workers speak and provides them with essential information to stay safe. The initiative has been well received by contractors and project consultants. DRIVING HOME THE SAFETY MESSAGE Our goal of zero safety accident means ensuring that our field staff are aware of the hazards that might exist in any given situation, and are well-equipped to minimise the risk of accidents. We introduced the SP Services Motorcycle Helmet Camera in May 2015 for all field 52 staff to help us evaluate their safety awareness of riding behaviour. Using the footage collected, we were able to identify gaps in riding safety and establish appropriate safety measures while raising safety awareness among our riders. Since its launch, SP Services has achieved zero controllable traffic accident for FY15/16. CUSTOMISED SAFETY EFFORTS The Singapore Institute of Power and Gas conducts safety training courses for SP’s contractors. The courses help them understand the importance of workplace safety and health, and enable them to apply safe practices at the worksite. The courses are customised, specifically for cable tunnel operations, building construction and for SPPG’s road works and installations. They are conducted in English as well as in Tamil, Bengali and Mandarin. In FY15/16, there were 6,500 contractors who underwent safety training at SIPG. BREAKING NEW GROUND FOR SAFETY The Cable Tunnel team from Special Projects, SP PowerGrid, received the Gold Award for Health and Safety 2016 from the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA). The UK-based company has a more than 100- year history of promoting health and safety around the world. This is an endorsement of the team’s strategic initiatives, the support of management and our collective passion for raising safety standards in the tunneling industry. The video-based ABSIS system educates workers on safe work procedures, enhancing their safety awareness and vigilance. Mr Michael Chin (right), Managing Director (Special Projects) receiving the RoSPA Gold Award for Health and Safety from RoSPA Trustee Harpeet Kondel. 53 POWERING A BETTER WORLD • For SG50, we gave Singapore the Gift of Power – free mobile device charging stations at 200 locations island-wide • For SP’s 20th anniversary, we rallied SP staff to carry out 20 Good Deeds of community service through 6,000 volunteer hours to help the less fortunate. We exceeded the target, with 30 deeds in almost 9,000 hours of service • More than S$10 million has been raised for the SP Heartware Fund over the past 10 years, helping more than 31,000 beneficiaries through 26 programmes annually 9,000 The number of hours clocked by SP Heart Workers participating in 30 community service initiatives in FY15/16. From left, in blue SP polo Thor Wen Lei Senior Engineer, Network Development, Electricity Operations Gavin Ong Hongjie Senior Engineer, Network Management, Electricity Operations Tiong Heng Liong Assistant Director, Strategic Development POWERING A BETTER WORLD CELEBRATING SG50 n 2015, we celebrated I Singapore’s 50th birthday and SP’s 20th anniversary with a series of unprecedented initiatives. To the nation, we presented a Gift of Power, setting up free mobile device charging stations at 200 locations islandwide. Through Love from the Stars, a charity gala dinner and concert featuring international artistes like Jackie Chan, we helped raise close to S$6.4 million for six charities. These initiatives were among the “20 Good Deeds” of community service which we had committed to undertake to mark SP’s 20th anniversary. Our staff volunteers, also known as SP Heart Workers, initially set a target of 6,000 volunteer hours to accomplish 20 Good Deeds. They far exceeded this target, putting in almost 9,000 hours to perform 30 Good Deeds. Our community service initiatives benefitted low-income families, children with special needs, and the needy elderly. To help the public save energy and contribute to a sustainable Singapore, SP also initiated programmes to promote energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. We celebrated Singapore’s 50th birthday by presenting the nation with a Gift of Power in July 2015 – 200 mobile device charging stations in high traffic locations across the city-state. Our aim is to help Singaporeans stay connected on the go, and our gift reflected our commitment to always be there for Singapore. The charging stations can be found at hospitals, polyclinics, universities, polytechnics, supermarkets and libraries, among other places. Besides giving mobil
SP Group Annual Report FY1415
SINGAPORE POWER ANNUAL REPORT 2014/15 POWERING OUR NATION 20/20 BUILDING OUR FUTURE The black & white photo featured on the cover was obtained from the Kouo Shang-wei Collection 郭 尚 慰 收 集 . All rights reserved, family of Kouo Shang-wei and National Library Board Singapore 2007. CONTENTS Financial Highlights 03 Chairman’s Message 06 Board Of Directors 10 Senior Management 14 Group Structure 15 Corporate Governance 18 Risk Management 21 Awards & Accolades 22 Building on Trust 26 Serving Up Power with a Smile 34 Power People 40 Powering with Heart 46 Safety First 50 Financial Summary 54 Pictured from top to bottom Picture 1 JONATHAN OOI WEI HSIN Director, Legal & Corp Secretariat MARY ELLAMAH ABISHAGAM Senior Admin Assistant, Metering Data Management Picture 2 YUSLANE BIN ISHAK Engineering Officer, Singapore District Cooling Picture 3 MUHAMMAD REDZUAN BIN SULAIMAN (STANDING) Engineer, Gas Operations THE SINGAPORE POWER GROUP Singapore Power (SP) Limited is a leading energy utility company in Asia Pacific. One of Singapore’s largest corporations, SP recorded revenues of S$4.8 billion and assets of S$15.6 billion in FY 14/15. SP owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia. It also owns and operates the world’s largest underground district cooling network in Singapore, and is setting up district cooling operations in China. More than 1.4 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore benefit from SP’s world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. The SP networks in Singapore are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective worldwide. In Australia, SP’s 40 per cent-owned SGSPAA, a diversified energy utility company, and 31.1 per cent-owned AusNet Services, which is publicly listed on the Australian and Singapore Stock Exchanges, collectively serve 3.8 million customers. OUR MISSION We provide reliable and efficient energy utility services to enhance the economy and the quality of life. OUR VALUES COMMITMENT • We commit to creating value for our customers, our people, and our shareholders. • We uphold the highest standards of service and performance. INTEGRITY • We act with honesty. • We practise the highest ethical standards. PASSION • We take pride and ownership in what we do. TEAMWORK • We support, respect and trust each other. • We continually learn, and share ideas and knowledge. From left to right TAN HUNG KHING Principal Engineer, Electricity Operations, SP PowerGrid DR LYNDA YAO DAILIN Executive Engineer, Asset Management, SP PowerGrid FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS REVENUE FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS (S$million) TOTAL ASSETS (S$million) 6,000 5,000 4,000 4,942 4,840 4,793^ 40,000 30,000 34,456 3,000 2,000 1,000 20,000 10,000 16,980^ 15,635 0 0 FY2012/13 FY2013/14 FY2014/15 FY2012/13 FY2013/14 FY2014/15 NET PROFIT AFTER TAX (S$million) SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (S$million) 1,000 800 991 10,000 922^ 878 * 8,000 8,464 9,221^ 8,528 600 6,000 400 4,000 200 2,000 0 0 FY2012/13 FY2013/14 FY2014/15 FY2012/13 FY2013/14 FY2014/15 ECONOMIC VALUE ADDED (EVA) (S$million) 400 RETURN ON EQUITY (%) 20 300 257 235 284 15 10.5 * 10.4^ 11.2 200 10 100 5 0 0 FY2012/13 FY2013/14 FY2014/15 FY2012/13 FY2013/14 FY2014/15 ^ Restated * Excludes exceptional items on impairment 03 THEN ENERGISED FOR GROWTH From lighting up kampongs to illuminating skyscrapers and powering high-tech industries, Singapore Power has grown alongside our nation, energising Singapore’s dynamic landscape, and transforming the way we live, work and play. SOURCE: THE STRAITS TIMES © SINGAPORE PRESS HOLDINGS LIMITED. PERMISSION REQUIRED FOR REPRODUCTION. NOW More than 1.4 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore count on Singapore Power for reliable power supply and efficient services. CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE Currently, Singapore’s electricity and gas networks stand amongst the world’s best in terms of reliability and efficiency. As we celebrate our 50th National Day (SG50) and Singapore Power’s 20th anniversary, let us reflect on and acknowledge the achievements of this young nation and the contributions made by the company. It is an honour for us to contribute to the economic growth of Singapore and the quality of life that we enjoy. We have planned a number of initiatives for the community, led by our employees, centred on bringing the Gift of Power to Singapore. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE For the financial year 2014/15, the Group’s net profit increased by 7.52 per cent to S$991 million, largely due to the strong operating performance of our transmission and distribution businesses. However, the increase was partially offset by the lower profit contribution from our associate companies in Australia, particularly AusNet Services, which made several tax-related provisions in the financial year. During the year, the company made a S$1 billion capital repayment to our shareholder and continued to invest in Singapore’s electricity and gas networks. INVESTING IN PEOPLE Currently, Singapore’s electricity and gas networks stand amongst the world’s best in terms of reliability and efficiency. At the core of our service is our focus on people – helping our employees achieve their highest potential, and ensuring that they work safely to deliver the quality and value expected by our customers and the community. In October 2014, we established the Singapore Institute of Power and Gas to support the training and development needs of the power and gas sector. All major power players in Singapore will be invited to provide input into developing the curriculum. In the future, the institute can expand to provide training to power sector employees from around the region. We awarded our second batch of SP Nithiah Nandan Polytechnic and ITE scholarships to 21 students. These scholarships will provide for the students education and a career with the company upon graduation. In developing the next generation of engineers, our EDGE (Engineering Development for Graduates) programme provides holistic, structured training and development for new graduates. Within the group, a development plan of continuous learning for all staff ensures that staff capabilities are enhanced and that their skill sets remain relevant in a rapidly evolving industry. RELIABILITY AND SERVICES The economy of Singapore and lifestyle of its people depend on 06 reliable energy supply. As such, employees must be vigilant and disciplined in operating and maintaining our networks. In terms of reliability and efficiency, Singapore consumers enjoy the fewest and shortest outages in the world. We are happy to report that last year, the average electricity customer experienced 0.34 minute of electricity interruption – a 54 per cent improvement over the previous year – while the average gas customer experienced 0.14 minute of interruption, an improvement of 76 per cent. In keeping up with the digital economy, we have taken steps towards making our services more accessible and convenient for our customers, who can now conduct utilities transactions via a mobile app at their convenience. Household customers are able to check their consumption of energy and water, and compare their usage against their neighbours’. Our goal is to help them manage their consumption more efficiently, and by doing so, save money and energy. Our newly-opened Customer Service Centre at Cross Street and our Service Centres at Woodlands and HDB Hub in Toa Payoh offer improved facilities, including selfservice kiosks. At the national level, we continue to play a significant role in the implementation of retail contestability, which provides flexibility to customers to choose the company they wish to buy their electricity from. We enhanced our back-end and IT systems and, as of 31 May this year, 45,000 smart meters have been installed. The smart meters relay energy use and pricing information to consumers and energy providers, and measure customers’ usage at half-hourly intervals. As testimony to our efforts to deliver service excellence, an independent customer satisfaction survey ranked SP Services as the best among Singapore’s major service providers. Customers also rated our staff as the most courteous, helpful and knowledgeable among the eight service providers included in the survey. In planning for the future and to enhance supply reliability, we recently completed the 230kV Upper Jurong substation to meet increasing demand and facilitate connections to customers and power generation companies. We reached a major milestone with the Singapore Power Cable Tunnel Project when our boring machines broke through in Paya Lebar and Rangoon in February 2015. This five-year project, scheduled for completion in 2018, is one our longest and largest infrastructural projects, and will Last year, the average electricity customer experienced 0.34 minute of electricity interruption – a 54 per cent improvement over the previous year – while the average gas customer experienced 0.14 minute of interruption, an improvement of 76 per cent ensure that Singapore continues to enjoy reliable power supply in the future. A PART OF SINGAPORE’S SUSTAINABILITY VISION Supporting the growth of new, environmentally friendly and sustainable power sources remains an important goal at Singapore Power. Singapore District Cooling (SDC) is the largest underground districtcooling network in the world. Offering a more efficient cooling system than conventional building cooling systems, SDC helps its customers in the Marina Bay district achieve significant energy savings. SDC recorded zero accident and supply disruptions for the second 07 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE consecutive year, a record for both reliability and quality of supply that we are proud of. During the year, we acquired the remaining 40 per cent of SDC. As a fully-owned subsidiary, SDC will be able to leverage our extensive technical and commercial networks, and strong and diverse bench strength to pursue new opportunities in and outside the country. In May 2015, SDC signed an agreement with CapitaLand Limited (CapitaLand) to provide district cooling for the Raffles City Chongqing in China. We will design, During the year, our safety performance improved by 50 per cent compared to the previous year, as measured by the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) build, own and operate an advanced energy-efficient cooling system for the development. In the renewable energy sector, we continue to support solar energy. We have reduced the processing time for PV integration into Singapore’s grid from 27 days to seven days and established a PV registry to ensure grid stability. We continue to assist small PV users in selling excess power to the national grid by removing the need for them to register with the Energy Market Company. In October 2014, we partnered with the Energy Market Authority to launch “Energy Heroes: It’s Your Power”, an energy efficiency campaign for school children. The campaign educates students on energy conservation in a fun and interactive way. We believe that by engaging with our younger consumers, we will create an “energy-aware” population for the future. The Singapore Power Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Energy Development and Piloting was launched during the year. The CoE will drive the innovation and commercialisation of nextgeneration energy network technologies as we work towards greater reliability and efficiency of Singapore’s infrastructure. Supported by the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), the CoE will develop, test and integrate cutting-edge technologies such as remote sensors and intelligent drones into Singapore’s infrastructure networks. SAFETY CHAMPION The safety of our employees, contractors and customers is of utmost importance to us, and we will continue to improve our performance in this area. During the year, our safety performance improved by 50 per cent compared to the previous year, as measured by the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR). Over the course of FY 14/15, we introduced various new safety initiatives including the Vehicle and Driving Safety Programme, and took steps to enhance the safety of our contractors as well. The Safety@SPPG (SP PowerGrid) programme, for example, is aimed at helping all workers on our sites learn how to perform common tasks safely. SP PowerGrid formed four safety committees to monitor various aspects of workplace safety. In recognition of our efforts, SP PowerGrid received the bizSAFE Partner Award last year, while SP Services received the bizSAFE Star, the highest level of accreditation under the Workplace Safety and Health Council’s BizSAFE framework. 08 GIVING BACK TO SINGAPORE As part of the SG50 celebrations, the company undertook the following activities:– We are providing mobile device charging stations at hospitals, libraries, tertiary institutions, supermarkets and other selected public places. Recognising that mobile devices have become a necessity of modern living, “Gift of Power” will provide easy access for the public to charge their devices. We were the main sponsor and presenter of the “Love from the STARS” charity dinner and concert, which featured international artistes Jackie Chan, Wakin Chau, Jonathan Lee and Eric Tsang. This high profile event raised about S$6.4 million for six local charities including the Singapore Power Heartware Fund, which supports the Community Chest’s 31 programmes for the elderly. In total, we raised more than S$1.2 million for the SP Heartware Fund in the last financial year, S$600,000 of which was from our SP Charity Golf 2014, a record in the nine-year history of the event. IN APPRECIATION We welcome to the senior management Chief Legal Officer Lena Chia, Chief Financial Officer Stanley Huang, SP Telecommunications CEO Poh Mui Hoon and Head of Group Safety and Health Samuel Tso. We thank former Chief Financial Officer Lim Lay Hong for her contributions to the company during her 10 years of service, until 31 March 2015. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank the management and the staff unions, as well as regulators and government agencies in Singapore and Australia for their valuable advice and support in the last financial year. To the members of the Board, thank you for your guidance and counsel. To Singapore, all of us at Singapore Power wish you a Happy 50th Birthday. We look forward to many more years of Powering The Nation to new heights. As part of the SG50 celebrations… we are providing mobile device charging booths located at hospitals, libraries, tertiary institutions, supermarkets and other selected public places. At the individual level, our employees volunteered a total of 5,000 hours to community service, far exceeding the 3,000 hours target. MOHD HASSAN MARICAN Chairman July 2015 09 BOARD OF DIRECTORS TAN SRI MOHD HASSAN MARICAN HO TIAN YEE TAN CHEE MENG Tan Sri Mohd Hassan Marican is the Chairman of Singapore Power Ltd. He joined the Board on 15 February 2011 and was appointed Chairman on 30 June 2012. Tan Sri Hassan is also the Chairman of Pavilion Energy Pte Ltd, Pavilion Gas Pte Ltd, Sembcorp Marine Ltd and Lan Ting Holdings Pte Ltd; and a Director of Sembcorp Industries Ltd, Regional Economic Development Authority of Sarawak, Sarawak Energy Berhad, Lambert Energy Advisory Ltd and mh Marican Advisory Sdn Bhd. He is also a Senior International Advisor of Temasek International Advisors, a subsidiary of Temasek Holdings. Tan Sri Hassan was the President & CEO of Malaysia’s Petroliam Nasional (PETRONAS) from 1995 until his retirement in February 2010, with over 30 years of experience in the energy sector, finance and management. Mr Ho Tian Yee joined the Board in May 2003. He is also a Director of AusNet Services Ltd (which became the new single head entity of AusNet Services in place of its triple-stapled structure). Mr Ho is the Managing Director of Pacific Asset Management (S) Pte Ltd. He has been appointed as Investment Advisor of Blue Edge Advisors Pte Ltd and holds directorships in publicly-listed companies including DBS Group Holdings Ltd and DBS Bank Ltd. He is also a Director of Fullerton Fund Management Co Ltd and was formerly a Director of Fraser and Neave Ltd and Singapore Exchange Ltd. Mr Ho has over 30 years’ experience in managing global financial products and in organisational management. Mr Tan Chee Meng joined the Board in August 2005. A Senior Counsel, Mr Tan is the Deputy Chairman of WongPartnership LLP. Mr Tan sits on the boards of Urban Redevelopment Authority, Jurong Town Corporation, St Gabriel’s Foundation, All Saints Home, WOPA Services Pte Ltd and TJ Holdings (III) Pte Ltd. He is also the Chairman of the School Management Committee of Assumption English School. 10 CHOI SHING KWOK OON KUM LOON Mr Choi Shing Kwok joined the Board in August 2006. He is the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources. Mr Choi was also the Chairman of PowerGas Ltd and a Director of SP PowerAssets Ltd. Formerly the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Transport, Mr Choi has had a long career in government and was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal in 2000 and the Long Service Award in 2004 by the Government of Singapore. He has also received state awards from foreign governments. Mrs Oon Kum Loon joined the Board in April 2010. She is also a Director on the boards of Keppel Corporation Ltd, Keppel Land Ltd and Jurong Port Pte Ltd. Mrs Oon is a member of the Securities Industry Council. Mrs Oon has about 30 years of extensive experience with DBS Bank Ltd, and held positions including Chief Financial Officer, Managing Director and Head of Group Risk Management. During her career with the bank, she was responsible for treasury and markets operations, corporate finance, and credit management and for the development and implementation of a group-wide integrated risk management framework. 11 BOARD OF DIRECTORS TAN PUAY CHIANG ONG YEW HUAT TIMOTHY CHIA CHEE MING Mr Tan Puay Chiang joined the Board in April 2012. Mr Ong Yew Huat joined the Board in February 2013. Mr Timothy Chia joined the Board in June 2014. Mr Tan is the Chairman of SP Services Ltd and is also a Director on the boards of SP Services Ltd, Neptune Orient Lines Ltd, Keppel Corporation Ltd, and the Energy Studies Institute at the National University of Singapore. Mr Tan was Chairman, ExxonMobil (China) Investments Co from 2001 to 2007. During his 37-year career with Mobil and later ExxonMobil, he held extensive executive management roles in Australia, Singapore and the United States. Mr Tan has been a member of various business and industry boards including the Australian Institute of Petroleum, the Washington, D.C.- based National Policy Association, and the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. 12 He is the Chairman of United Overseas Bank Berhad, the National Heritage Board, Singapore Tyler Print Institute and the Tax Academy of Singapore. He also serves on the boards of United Overseas Bank Ltd, Singapore Mediation Center and Ascendas-Singbridge Pte Ltd. Mr Ong, a former board member of the Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, and the Public Accountants Oversight Committee, retired as the Executive Chairman of Ernst & Young Singapore after serving 33 years with the firm. Mr Chia is Chairman of Gracefield Holdings Ltd and Hup Soon Global Corporation Ltd. A Senior Advisor of EQT Funds Management Ltd, Chairman – Asia for Coutts & Co. Ltd and a member of the Board of Trustees of Singapore Management University, Mr Chia also serves on the boards of several private and public-listed companies in Singapore as well as in the region. Mr Chia was instrumental in the founding of Hup Soon Global. Prior to Hup Soon Group, Mr Chia was a director of PAMA Group Inc from 1986 to 2004 where he was responsible for private equity investments and from 1995 to 2004, he was President of PAMA. Mr Chia also previously served as Vice President of the Investment Department of American International Assurance Company Ltd, President of Unithai Oxide Company Ltd and Chairman – Asia for UBS Investment Bank. NG KWAN MENG WONG KIM YIN Mr Ng Kwan Meng joined the Board in June 2014. He is the Chairman of Aestiwood Pte. Ltd. and a Director of Tasek Jurong Limited. Mr Ng retired in August 2013 as Managing Director and Head, Group Global Markets at United Overseas Bank after serving 30 years with the bank. He was also an Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of UOB Bullion and Futures Ltd, and a Director of Tuas Power Ltd. Mr Ng was involved in the promotion of the forex and debt capital markets in Singapore. He was a member of the Singapore Foreign Exchange Market Committee, the working group on Financial Industry Competency Standards and National Integration Working Group for the Community. Mr Wong Kim Yin is the Group Chief Executive Officer of Singapore Power Ltd. He is also the Chairman of SP PowerAssets Ltd, PowerGas Ltd, SP Telecommunications Pte Ltd, SPI Management Services Pty Ltd and Enterprise Business Services (Australia) Pty Ltd as well as a Director of SP Services Ltd. Mr Wong is also a Director of CITIC Resources Holdings Ltd and SeaTown Holdings Pte Ltd and a member of the Board of Governors, Singapore Polytechnic. Mr Wong was formerly Senior Managing Director, Investments at Temasek International (Pte) Ltd, where he had been responsible for investments in various sectors, including the energy, transportation and industrial clusters. Prior to Temasek, he was with The AES Corporation, a global power company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. 13 SENIOR MANAGEMENT IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER AMELIA CHAMPION Head Corporate Affairs STANLEY HUANG 2 Chief Financial Officer POH MUI HOON Chief Executive Officer SP Telecommunications JEANNE CHENG Managing Director SP Services JIMMY KHOO Managing Director Singapore District Cooling SIM KWONG MIAN Executive Vice President Chairman, SP Engineering Board LENA CHIA Chief Legal Officer & General Counsel PETER LEONG Managing Director SP PowerGrid TAN WEI KEONG 4 Head Internal Audit MICHAEL CHIN Managing Director Special Projects SP PowerGrid CHUAH KEE HENG Head Strategic Development MADALENE HEE 1 Head Internal Audit LIM CHOR HOON Head Human Resource LIM HOWE RUN Head Regulatory Management and Strategic Investments LIM LAY HONG 3 Chief Financial Officier CHRIS LIM Managing Director SP Training and Consultancy Company SAMUEL TSO Head Group Safety and Health WONG CHIT SIENG Chief Information Officer WONG KIM YIN Group Chief Executive Officer 1 Till 21 February 2015 2 From 1 May 2015 3 Till 31 March 2015 4 From 13 March 2015 14 GROUP STRUCTURE SP PowerAssets SINGAPORE OPERATIONS Singapore District Cooling AUSTRALIA OPERATIONS SGSP (Australia) Assets (40%) SP Cross Island Tunnel Trust PowerGas SP Training and Consultancy Company SP Telecommunications AusNet Services (31.1%) SP PowerGrid Power Automation (51%) SP Services SINGAPORE OPERATIONS We own and operate Singapore’s electricity and gas transmission and distribution networks. We also provide meter reading, billing and customer service support for the utilities market. SP PowerAssets owns the electricity transmission and distribution assets, while PowerGas owns the gas transmission and distribution assets. SP Cross Island Tunnel Trust is a business trust with a portfolio comprising the North-South and East-West transmission cable tunnel assets. SP PowerGrid manages the electricity and gas transmission and distribution networks owned by SP PowerAssets and PowerGas. SP Services provides market support services to customers for electricity, gas, water and refuse removal, and facilitates electricity retail market competition. Singapore District Cooling provides chilled water services for airconditioning in buildings. SP Training and Consultancy Company provides consultancy and training, leveraging SP’s expertise in developing and operating energy utility infrastructure and businesses. SP Telecommunications provides telecommunication infrastructure services. Power Automation is a joint- venture systems integration company providing power system control, smart grid/metering, protection system and substation automation solutions. AUSTRALIA OPERATIONS SGSP (Australia) Assets (SGSPAA) and AusNet Services form the two main arms of our business in Australia. Together, their presence spans eastern Australia, and includes electricity and gas transmission and distribution ownership and operation, as well as related services. SGSPAA comprises Jemena, which owns and operates gas transmission pipelines, and gas and electricity distribution networks in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory, and Zinfra Group, which provides engineering, operations, maintenance and construction services to Jemena and external clients. AusNet Services (formerly known as SP AusNet) owns and operates Victoria’s electricity transmission network, an electricity distribution network in eastern Victoria, and a gas distribution network in western Victoria. 15 THEN SIMPLE JOYS, RICH TREASURES The bell of the ice-cream man and his trusty peddle-cart meant a welcome respite from the heat. From sweet corn to strawberry, the flavours tasted best when shared. NOW Best friends stick by us through every season of life. They light up a dark day, cheer us through our victories and are right there with us through life’s special moments. From left to right SALIMAH BINTE SULAIMAN Executive Assistant, Customer Relationship Management, SP Services KELLEY TAN YUE KEE Manager, Finance, Singapore Power CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ETHICS & ACCOUNTABILITY The Group endeavours to enhance shareholder value by ensuring the highest standards of corporate governance, transparency, accountability and integrity. The Group adheres closely to the principles and guidelines set out in the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance 2012 (the Code) for listed companies. The Company has adopted the Code as its guide for best practice standards and put in place an internal framework to ensure good corporate governance in its business practices and activities. The Whistleblower Policy, implemented in 2005, seeks to strengthen ethical business conduct in the Group. SETTING DIRECTION The Board provides broad strategic directions for the Group and undertakes key investment and funding decisions. In addition, the Board ensures that Management maintains a robust system of internal controls to protect the Group’s assets and reviews the Group’s financial performance. The Board meets at least four times a year to review the Group’s business performance. Special Board meetings may be convened as and when necessary to consider urgent corporate actions or specific issues of importance. During the financial year, the Board met four times and held a Board Strategic Review in November 2014. Directors with potential conflict in specific subject matter are recused from the relevant information flow, deliberation and decisions of such matters. ACCESS TO INFORMATION The Board is provided with relevant information prior to Board meetings and on an ongoing basis so as to enable them to make informed decisions to discharge their duties and responsibilities. Board papers include management financial reports, annual budgets and performance against budget, updates on key outstanding issues and updates on new legislative developments. The Board has separate and independent access to Senior Management. Should the Directors, whether as a group or individually, require independent professional advice to carry out their duties, the Company will arrange to appoint, at the Company’s expense, professional advisors to render due advice. Newly-appointed Directors attend an orientation programme to familiarise themselves with the Group’s business and governance practices. Directors are encouraged to attend appropriate courses, conferences and seminars so as to be better equipped to effectively discharge their duties as Directors. BOARD COMPOSITION There is a strong element of independence in the Board composition. Other than Mr Wong Kim Yin who is also the Group CEO, all the directors are independent. The Nominating Committee reviews the independence of each Director annually and provides its views to the Board for the Board’s consideration in accordance with the Code. It also evaluates the Board’s performance on an annual basis. The current Board size of 10 is appropriate for effective decisionmaking, taking into account the scope and nature of the Group’s operations. Collectively, the Directors have a wealth of expertise and experience in the management of business at senior and international levels. BOARD COMMITTEES The SP Board is supported by board committees to facilitate effective supervision of the Management. These are the Board Executive Committee, the Audit Committee, the Board Risk Management Committee, the Nominating Committee 18 and the Staff Development and Compensation Committee. As and when required for specific projects, special board steering committees and due diligence committees are formed to provide support and guidance to Management. BOARD EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Board Executive Committee (ExCo) comprises five Directors, four of whom are independent. The ExCo assists the Board in overseeing the performance of the Company, its subsidiaries and its associated companies. It also reviews, endorses, approves or recommends to the Board for approval acquisitions, financing plans, and the annual operating and capital expenditure budgets of the Group. The ExCo meets at least four times a year. AUDIT COMMITTEE Currently, the Audit Committee (AC) comprises five independent Directors. Members of the AC have recent and relevant accounting or related financial management expertise and experience to discharge their responsibilities. The main function of the AC is to assist the Board in discharging its statutory and oversight responsibilities relating to the financial reporting and audit processes, the systems of internal controls and the process of monitoring compliance within applicable laws, regulations and codes of conduct. Responsibilities of the AC include: • Review and approval of the audit plans of external and internal auditors; • Review of the adequacy of the internal audit function; • Review of the financial accounts of the Group and the Company; • Review of the independence and objectivity of the external auditors; and • Nomination of external auditors for re-appointment The AC holds at least three meetings a year. BOARD RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Currently, the Board Risk Management Committee (BRMC) comprises five members, four of whom are independent. The BRMC assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities by reviewing: • The type and level of business risks that the Company, its subsidiaries and associated companies undertake on an integrated basis to achieve their business strategy; • The policies, procedures and methodologies for identifying, assessing, quantifying (where appropriate), monitoring and managing risks The BRMC is supported by the Group Risk Management Office in its risk governance responsibilities. While the BRMC oversees the SP Group’s risk management framework and policies, the risk ownership remains with the business groups. The BRMC meets at least three times a year. NOMINATING COMMITTEE The Nominating Committee (NC) comprises four Directors, all of whom are independent. The NC is responsible for formulating policies and guidelines on matters relating to Board appointments, reappointments, retirement and rotation of Directors. The NC, in consultation with the Chairman of the Board, considers and makes recommendations to the Board on the appropriate size and needs of the Board. New Directors are appointed by the Board after the NC has endorsed their appointment. New Directors must submit 19 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (CONT’D) themselves for re-election at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company pursuant to the Articles of Association of the Company. The Articles of Association of the Company also require no less than one-third of the Directors to retire by rotation at every AGM. The NC meets at least twice a year. STAFF DEVELOPMENT AND COMPENSATION COMMITTEE The Staff Development and Compensation Committee (SDCC) comprises four Directors, all of whom are independent Directors. The SDCC oversees the remuneration of the Group Chief Executive Officer and senior executives. The SDCC establishes and maintains an appropriate and competitive level of remuneration to attract, retain and motivate senior executives to manage the Group successfully. No Director is involved, or has participated, in any proceedings with respect to his or her own remuneration. The SDCC meets at least twice a year. COMPOSITION OF BOARD AND BOARD COMMITTEES AS AT 31 JULY 2015 Board Members Audit Committee Board Executive Committee Board Risk Management Committee Nominating Committee Staff Development & Compensation Committee Tan Sri Mohd Hassan Marican, Chairman – Chairman – Member Chairman Mr Ho Tian Yee – Member Chairman – – Mr Tan Chee Meng Member Member – Chairman – Mr Choi Shing Kwok Member – – Member – Mrs Oon Kum Loon Member – Member – Member Mr Tan Puay Chiang – Member Member – – Mr Ong Yew Huat Chairman – – Member – Mr Timothy Chia Chee Ming – – Member – Member Mr Ng Kwan Meng Member – – – Member Mr Wong Kim Yin, non-independent – Member Ex–officio – – 20 RISK MANAGEMENT The SP Group’s guiding principle is that every employee is a risk manager in his respective area of work. Key risk issues and mitigation plans are proactively highlighted to the Risk Management Committees of the respective subsidiaries as well as to the BRMC. We continue to promote a culture of risk awareness amongst staff through initiatives such as induction courses and workshops, publishing relevant articles in company periodicals, and regular interaction between risk management teams and risk owners. KEY RISK MANAGEMENT INITIATIVES IN FY14/15 • Enhancement of existing risk management processes • Update on the impact of Full Retail Contestability on SP Services • Fraud Risk Assessment Review for SP Services, the Infocomm Technology Department (ITD) and the Finance Department (Treasury and Settlement) • Review of SP PowerGrid’s key operational risks – Network & Tunnel Construction • Review of IT risk – Cyber Security & Personal Data Protection Act Compliance • Review of Singapore District Cooling’s key operational risk – Plant, piping and system network • Participation as an observer and suggested areas for improvement in Business Continuity Management Exercises. 21 AWARDS & ACCOLADES ISO 9001:2008 Certification For Quality Management System SP PowerGrid (Distribution Control & Customer Services Section) by Certification International, FY06/07 to present SP PowerGrid (Network Development) (Electricity) by Certification International, FY02/03 to present SP PowerGrid (Network Management) (Electricity) by Certification International, FY02/03 to present SP PowerGrid (Gas Operations) by SGS International Certification Services Singapore Pte Ltd, FY00/01 to present SP Services by BSI Management Systems, FY04/05 to present ISO/IEC 17025:2005 in Electrical Testing for Electricity Meters SP PowerGrid by the Singapore Accreditation Council – Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme, 2000 to present ISO/IEC 17025:2005 in Electrical Testing for Current Transformers SP PowerGrid by the Singapore Accreditation Council – Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme, 2000 to present ISO/IEC 27001:2013 in Operations and Maintenance of Downstream Gas Transmission and Distribution SP PowerGrid (Gas Operations) by TÜV SÜD PSB Pte Ltd, 2014 to 2017 ISO/IEC 17025:2005 in Calibration and Measurement for Gas Flow Meters SP PowerGrid by the Singapore Accreditation Council – Singapore Laboratory Accreditation Scheme, 2005 to present bizSAFE Partner Award SP PowerGrid by Workplace Safety and Health Council, 2015 SS506 Part 1:2009 BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Certification of Occupational Health & Safety Management System SP PowerGrid by Certification International, 2014 to 2017 SS506 Part 3:2013 Certification for Occupational Safety & Health Management System SP PowerGrid (Gas Operations) by Certification International, 2015 to 2018 Construction Excellence Award (For Submarine Gas Transmission Pipeline Crossing West Jurong Channel) SP PowerGrid (Gas Operations) by Building Construction Authority, 2015 Singapore Innovation Class Certification SP Services by SPRING Singapore, 2015 to 2018 Singapore Quality Class Certification (STAR) SP Services by SPRING Singapore, 2010 to 2018 Singapore Service Class Certification SP Services by SPRING Singapore, 2010 to 2018 22 BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Certification for Occupational Health & Safety Management System SP Services by Bureau Veritas, 2014 to 2017 Achiever Award, Work-Life Excellence Awards SP Services by Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP), 2014 ‘Best Companies For Mums’ SG50 Special Award SP Services by National Trades Union Congress Women’s Development Secretariat (NTUC WDS) and TAFEP Most Innovative Use of Infocomm Technology Award, National Infocomm Awards Singapore District Cooling by IDA and SiTF, 2014 BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Certification for Occupational Health & Safety Management System Singapore District Cooling by TÜV SÜD PSB Pte Ltd, 2014 to 2017 People Developer Standard Singapore Power, 2000 to 2017 SP PowerGrid, 2005 to 2017 SP Services, 2005 to 2018 by SPRING Singapore NKF Extraordinary Employer Award Singapore Power by National Kidney Foundation, 2014 Minister’s Honour Roll (Star) Singapore Power Group by the Ministry of Home Affairs, 2013 to 2018 NS Advocate Award for Organisations Singapore Power Group by the Ministry of Defence, 2015 to 2018 Singapore H.E.A.L.T.H. Platinum Award Singapore Power Group by the Health Promotion Board, 2004 to 2018 10-Year Outstanding Special Events Award Singapore Power Group by the Community Chest, 2015 Special Events Platinum Award Singapore Power Group by the Community Chest, 2015 SHARE Corporate Silver Award Singapore Power Group by the Community Chest, 2015 Prism awards: Excellence Award in Outstanding Internal Communications Campaign Singapore Power by the Institute of Public Relations of Singapore, 2015 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards: Gold Award, Communications/PR - Campaign: Internal Communications Singapore Power, 2015 International APEX awards for spectrum staff magazine: Grand Award, Design & Illustration. (Feb/Mar 14) Excellence Awards, Most Improved Magazines (Dec 14/Jan 15) and Feature Writing (Dec 13/Jan 14) Singapore Power by Communications Concept, Inc., 2015 23 THEN SETTING ELECTRIFYING STANDARDS Behind Singapore’s resilient power infrastructure is a team that knows what goes into building a world-class system. They walk the ground, keep a keen eye on quality and safety, and anticipate the nation’s power needs decades into the future. TAN LYE SOON Principal Engineer, Gas Operations NOW Most customers in Singapore have never experienced an electricity disruption. In 2014, the average person encountered just 20 seconds of outage a year, if at all. By monitoring the health of our network and drawing on advanced technologies, we’ve kept the lights on. From left to right MOHAMMED HAIKAL BIN ROSLAN Operation Officer, Electricity Operations, SP PowerGrid KOH CHEE KEONG Head of Section, Electricity Operations, SP PowerGrid TOK PEK CHEW Head of Section, Electricity Operations, SP PowerGrid BUILDING ON TRUST gas supply for our customers. This year, we are laying a new 14 km gas transmission pipeline from Jalan Bahar to Mandai that will deliver natural gas from the Singapore LNG Terminal to customers in the northern part of Singapore. The final portion of this new transmission pipeline is targeted for completion in September 2016. OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE Mobilising and tracking the deployment of service crew for supply restoration are Assistant Operation Officer Rosli Bin Ramli (left) and Operation Officer Tan Chi Keong Power disruptions in Singapore are already among the lowest in the world. In the last financial year FY14/15, SP reduced that even further, and continued to work towards further improving network reliability. We have grown our electricity network capacity with the completion of the new 230kV Tembusu substation in Jurong Island. Three more transmission substations are currently under construction, and another three are being planned. As our electricity network expands, so will our ability to support Singapore’s growth, including the next phase of development for the energy hub on Jurong Island. We continue to embrace new technologies in our operations. We have installed and improved upon a number of conditioning monitoring technologies that have helped to ensure the health of our various systems. More substations have been fitted out with wireless remote monitoring and control devices, which allows us to quickly check that they are performing as well as they should. One of our largest investments to this effect, the Transmission Cable Tunnel Project, is now three years away from completion. Located 60 metres underground, deeper than the MRT tunnels, these two cross-island deep cable tunnels will help us maintain Singapore’s electricity network as one of the most reliable in the world. We continue to expand our gas network to ensure safe and secure World-class Network Performance Singapore’s power supply, already one of the most reliable in the world, became more so last year. In FY14/15, we have improved Singapore’s electricity network TWENTYPOWERFACTS “GAS” HOW WE FIRST STARTED? 01 Singapore Power has its roots in the Singapore Gas Company, which was formed in 1864 to provide piped gas to light Singapore’s street lamps. Back then, workers had to climb ladders to physically light the street lamps. When the locals first saw gas-lit street lights, they were mystified and would touch the posts gingerly in anticipation of finding them hot. At their peak, there were more than 4,000 gas-lit street lights in Singapore. It wasn’t until 1956 that the last gas street lights were replaced by electric ones. 26 reliability, as measured by the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), by 54 per cent. A customer in Singapore would have experienced 0.34 minute of supply interruption for the full year on average, compared to 0.74 minute the previous year. This further strengthened Singapore’s lead in the 2014 global benchmark study on network reliability conducted by DNV GL. By comparison, a customer residing in Hong Kong, Tokyo, New York City or London would have experienced supply interruptions lasting 2.3 minutes, 5 minutes, 14 minutes or 50 minutes, respectively, on average. The performance of our gas network also fell within set targets. The SAIDI and SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index) scores for last year were 0.14 minute and 0.00073 interruptions per customer per year respectively. INVESTMENT IN INFRASTRUCTURE Electricity Network Development On 3 September 2014, we officially opened the Tembusu 230kV substation on Jurong Island. The S$162 million facility is the first and only substation in Singapore that has installed 500MVA 230kV series reactors, which ensured safe and stable power supply in an area of high demand. The new substation will help meet the growing needs of Jurong Island’s energy and petrochemicals industries. The construction of a second major project, a 400kV substation, is still underway on the island. Scheduled to be completed in FY18/19, this new substation will decrease the load on the current substations serving Jurong, TWENTYPOWERFACTS WORLD-CLASS RELIABILITY Singapore has the shortest and fewest electricity outages in the world, according to a global benchmark study in 2014. The average customer in Singapore experienced a total of about 44 seconds of unplanned electricity outage that year, compared to 5 minutes in Tokyo, 14 minutes in New York and 50 minutes in London. 44 02 Our customers in the heart of Singapore’s financial district continued to enjoy an uninterrupted, cost-effective and reliable alternative to conventional cooling systems. For the second consecutive year, Singapore District Cooling (SDC) provided chilled water at a constant 6 degrees Celsius to buildings without any disruption, cooling the air within. SDC’s safety record also remains unbroken, with zero accidents for the second consecutive year. Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean talking to SP staff about mobilisation responses during power supply disruptions 27 BUILDING ON TRUST (CONT’D) and help meet an anticipated increase in power demand from upcoming Jurong Island developments over the next five years. It will also supply power to Jurong and Tuas on the mainland via undersea cable tunnels. • Upper Jurong II 230kV substation This substation serves as a primary source to meet the demand growth at the Jurong area. It will also support the future Tuaspring power plant connection. • Changi Expo 66kV underground substation Our first underground substation will be located under Changi Business Park (CBP) in Singapore. It will power the proposed Downtown Line (DTL). The underground transformers at the Changi Expo substation are scheduled to be commissioned by end December 2015. The Changi East 230kV substation meets the rapidly growing demand in Eastern Singapore TWENTYPOWERFACTS AROUND THE WORLD AND BACK Singapore’s electricity cable network has grown almost 60 per cent in the past 20 years – from 16,610 km in 1995 to 26,458 km today. That’s 1995 16,610 km 2015 26,458 km 03 almost the distance from Singapore to San Francisco and back! Other electricity projects in progress include: • Changi East 230kV substation This substation will meet the rapidly growing demand for power in eastern Singapore. The region is currently served by the Paya Lebar 230kV substation, which also serves the industrial and commercial parks in Changi South and Changi North, as well as other major developments in the vicinity including the Changi Water Reclamation Plant (CWRP), Changi General Hospital and St. Andrew’s Community Hospital. Gas Network Development The natural gas network was extended by 5.66 km to connect to more industrial customers, while the town gas network was extended by 47.12 km to serve residential and commercial premises mainly in the Bukit Batok, Choa Chu Kang, Marina, Sengkang, Yishun, Punggol and Tampines housing estates. Since the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Terminal commenced operations in May 2013, SPPG has continued to extend the gas transmission pipeline connected to the LNG Terminal. This year, a new gas transmission pipeline of approximately 14 km is being laid from Bahar Offtake Station to Mandai Offtake Station II. The project is targeted for completion in September 2016. Intelligent 28 To overcome the construction complexities of this project, we employed new design and tunnelling techniques, and an Instrumentation Data Management System (IDMS) jointly developed by SP and our contractors. The IDMS provides realtime updates from the tunnels to all parties involved, and allows swifter and more coordinated responses, better risk management and the adoption of mitigation measures where necessary. For the construction of the cross-island cable tunnel, the tunnel boring machine excavates through soil and rock strata underground Pigging was carried out for the newly commissioned gas transmission pipeline from Tuas South Offtake Station to Bahar Offtake Station. Two transmission customers, namely Sembcorp Tembusu Cogen and Evonik, were connected to the gas transmission network this year. The Gas Market Operations Section of the Transporter manages the operations and transactions of market participants via the Gas Transportation IT System Solution (GTSS), an IT application system designed with the requirements of the Gas Network Code (GNC) in mind. This year, SPPG implemented 27 GNC modifications that were approved by the Energy Market Authority. A major GTSS modification was undertaken to facilitate the changing of 4-hourly to 1-hourly gas nomination for injection at the SLNG Terminal. Transmission Cable Tunnel Project We made good progress on the Transmission Cable Tunnel Project, achieving two major milestones when the project team witnessed the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) breakthrough at the Paya Lebar and Rangoon shafts in February 2015. A five-year project scheduled to be completed in 2018, it is one of our longest and biggest infrastructural projects, and will ensure that Singapore continues to enjoy uninterrupted power for years to come. When completed, the two 35 km tunnels being laid 60 m (about 18 storeys) underground will hold transmission cables sending power to households, offices and factories. Cables can be accessed through the two tunnels, allowing them to be maintained and replaced more easily, and reducing the need for excavation at ground level. Improved Health Checks on Electricity Assets We remained vigilant about conducting condition monitoring or “health checks” on our power networks, successfully pre-empting 72 network failures during FY14/15 which could have cost us S$2.87 million. Condition monitoring is key in helping us prevent supply interruption. One of our condition monitoring technologies, the Oscillating Wave Test System (OWTS), has helped to avert 164 cases of potential cable failure from the time it was implemented in 2006 and the end of FY14/15. We also took further steps to improve the reliability and performance of one of our most valuable assets, the Transmission Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS). We fitted 25 extra high voltage transmission substations with online Partial Discharge Monitoring Systems (PDMS), which helps us detect GIS faults early and avoid equipment failure. We also installed 29 BUILDING ON TRUST (CONT’D) online Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) monitoring systems for 36 transmission transformers and shunt reactors. To aid surveillance and monitoring, we installed wireless remote monitoring and control devices for another 100 units of 6.6kV substations, bringing the total to 1,400 substations. Asset Health Index System We developed the Asset Health Index (AHI) System to assess the condition of our transmission network assets. The AHI System enables us to take a more objective and systematic approach to the planning and prioritising of the renewal of ageing assets. Process Automation & Field Mobility We embarked on many initiatives to improve productivity in SPPG. For example, the Touch2Plan project completed in June 2014, helped digitise the vetting process for substation drawings, eliminating the need for print outs to be physically circulated, and speeding up the entire process within the company. accurately reflected, and there is an updated remarks column. Better Condition Monitoring of Gas Assets We improved the monitoring process for our gas pipelines, introducing a Pipeline Integrity Condition Monitoring System (PICMS) on 27 April 2015. Previously, gas pipeline data was collated and analysed manually. PICMS analyses condition monitoring data and provides risk-based information, thereby supporting safe and reliable operations of our gas transmission assets. The system also pitches the integrity of our pipelines against established engineering standards, and analyses the cathode protection system’s performance along the pipelines, providing a clear report of existing and potential issues. One of our goals is to align maintenance and inspection activities to ensure effective operations. Preventing and Managing Outages Further steps were taken to reduce outage duration in Singapore. In December 2014, we introduced an Outage Management System (OMS) which enables us to respond and restore power faster in the event of a power failure. The OMS cuts our response time by 20 per cent. TWENTYPOWERFACTS NIPPING PROBLEMS IN THE BUD 04 Why is electricity supply in Singapore so reliable? Condition monitoring, or regular health checks of our equipment and infrastructure, has helped us avert more than 800 potential network incidents and disruptions since 2001. We also followed up on the substation inspection app first launched in March 2014 with an improved version in November 2014. This new version comes with further enhancements such as flexible substation listing retrieval including for decommissioned substations. Section names are From Left: Gas Transmission Projects Technical Officer Mohamed Musa bin Abdul Majeed, Executive Engineer Lian Junyue, and Technical Officer Yakob Bin Mahdar preparing to carry out equipment maintenance works at an offtake station 30 With the OMS, several data systems are available at a single source. An officer can now take a customer call, find out which power zone the disruption is located in, dispatch a crew and record details of the power restoration from the same seat. OMS can also flag previous issues to indicate if the outage is a one-time occurrence or a chronic one that requires further investigation. Our future plans include equipping service teams with tablets, so they can receive information wirelessly and fix problems even more quickly. Mr Jimmy Khoo, Managing Director of Singapore District Cooling, receiving the National Infocomm Award from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong Improved Vehicle Tracking System We replaced an ageing computer system used to track the movement of our vehicles with a new Utility Vehicle Management System (UVMS). It enables real-time tracking of all SPPG vehicles, and control centres can now monitor multiple vehicles on one screen. This lowers maintenance costs and improves our operations. Pipeline And Riser Inspection System SPPG embarked on a mobility solution known as the Pipeline And Riser Inspection System (PARIS) in October 2014 to improve productivity. PARIS allows remote assignment of gas riser inspection jobs to field inspectors through the use of electronic tablets. The system also allows inspectors to file inspection reports and site photographs remotely to the servers. This reduces the inefficiencies of manual job assignment and also minimises the use of paper. Since its implementation, PARIS has helped to cut down waste and optimise the deployment of existing resources, achieving productivity and cost savings. Greater Efficiency at Singapore District Cooling An idea from a team at our Singapore District Cooling plant won a National Infocomm Award in the Most Innovative Use of Infocomm Technology (Private Sector – SME) category last year. The team came up with an idea called iTransform, which is a generator of simple apps, integrated with the innovative use of low-cost smart sensors. The initiative will allow technicians and operators to convert paper forms to electronic apps. This not only improves productivity but reduces the cumbersome use of paper forms. This digitisation and IT drive will enable SDC to be a “Smart” company, in line with Singapore’s Smart Nation vision. TWENTYPOWERFACTS COOLEST IN THE WORLD 05 Singapore Power does not just power up the Marina Bay area, it also cools it down. Singapore District Cooling, a subsidiary of Singapore Power, produces chilled water at 6 degrees Celsius that is piped to Marina Bay Sands, Gardens by the Bay, Marina Bay Financial Centre and many other buildings in the premium Marina Bay area for their air-conditioning systems. In fact, Singapore District Cooling runs the largest underground district cooling network in the world. 31 THEN STAR SERVICE We believe in stellar service with a smile, at every encounter. Despite evolving needs, our customers remain at the centre of all we do. Far left CHUA JIE YING Customer Care Officer, SP Services NOW Helping you manage your utilities transactions through just one phone call, one click of a mouse on the computer, one stop at our service centre, and all in one business day. SERVING UP POWER WITH A SMILE From a mobile app allowing customers to better manage their utilities at the touch of a button to supporting the use of greener energy options, SP Services’ commitment to excellence enabled us to once again bring service levels to awardwinning heights last year. We were delighted to be awarded SPRING Singapore’s Innovation Class (I-Class) award in recognition of our service innovations. Customers also enjoyed greater convenience with e-Kiosks at all our customer service centres, a new one-stop mobile app, and faster feedback mechanisms. Customers can use one of the e-Kiosks at SP Services’ Customer Service Centres to carry out their utilities transactions We took our support for solar power generation a step further, and are excited about our participation in the Demand Response Scheme, a national initiative that will increase the reliability and efficiency of Singapore’s energy sector. The results speak for themselves: our customer satisfaction survey last year showed satisfaction at its highest level since we started commissioning the survey in 2005. SERVICE EXCELLENCE External Recognition We were proud to bag the Innovation Class (I-Class) award in October last year from the national standards and accreditation body, SPRING Singapore. The award recognises how our creative new ideas have translated into better service for our customers. It joins other SPRING awards we have received over the years, including the Singapore Quality Class Star, People Developer and Singapore Service Class (S-Class) awards. These awards relate not just to service, but also to business excellence – how our organisation is effectively run to serve our customers well, and to sustain strong business performance. Staying Connected SP also continued to make a concerted effort to stay connected with our customers and in touch with their changing needs. We often meet with representatives from various industries to provide them with updates on our projects and to better understand their needs. In April, SP PowerGrid (SPPG) hosted the 5th Power Quality Interest Group meeting for the banking industry at the Labrador 230kV substation. Members of the group learnt about TWENTYPOWERFACTS ONCE IN A LIFETIME 06 Singapore consumers enjoyed a high level of power reliability experiencing 99.9999% interruption-free electricity supply. For most, that would be no more than one power outage in their lifetime. 34 the continuous improvements SPPG has made to its network performance and reliability, and were given a tour of the Power Quality Centre. That same month, SPPG held the 9th Power Quality Advisory Panel meeting at Sentosa Golf Club. Members of the panel include senior management from various semiconductor, pharmaceutical, petrochemical and chemical companies in Singapore. The panel serves as an avenue for feedback from these industries, and promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing on power quality management. Satisfaction Guaranteed An independent annual customer satisfaction survey showed customer satisfaction levels at a record high. The survey of 1,202 respondents, conducted between October 2014 and February 2015, found that 88 per cent were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the service they received from SP Services, in areas including responsiveness and accuracy of information. SP’s satisfaction rankings were higher than those of seven other large Singapore service providers that our customers frequently interact with. We also outperformed utility providers both in Asia and other parts of the world. ENHANCING CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES Greater Convenience After decades of being located off Orchard Road, SP Services’ Customer Service Centre left its Somerset home in March 2015 to move to the Raffles Place-Chinatown area. Customers can now access our services at our new service centre on Cross Street, conveniently located next to the Telok Ayer MRT station. TWENTYPOWERFACTS MILLIONS OF METERS Each of our 1.4 million customers has meters to measure their electricity, water and gas usage. On average, SP Services’ meter readers read some 75,000 meters a day while our SP technicians install close to 500 new meters a day. 07 All three of our customer service centres – the other two are at Toa Payoh and Woodlands – now have self-service e-Kiosks where customers in a rush can apply for or terminate a residential utilities account, view and print utilities bills and payment slips, and submit meter readings, among other things. Mohamed Asadullah bin Mohd Khalid, Meter Reader, leveraging technology to ensure reliable meter data readings SP On-the-Go While we upgrade our physical locations, we continue to emphasise our digital channels. With more customers going mobile, SP Services has launched a host of service channels for users on the go, from self-service e-Kiosks and online FAQs to e-billing. In January 2015, we introduced a mobile app that will help users reduce their energy and water consumption, lower their utilities bill and do their part in conserving the environment. 35 SERVING UP POWER WITH A SMILE (CONT’D) Teo Kai Zhi, Customer Care Officer (right), assisting a customer at the new SP Services Customer Service Centre at Cross Street With the one-stop app, users can access their past bills, track their power consumption against their neighbours’, find out which of their home utilities is consuming the most energy and water, set savings targets and find ways to reduce their bills. They can also submit meter readings and open or close a utilities account using the app. The app was road-tested by 310,000 customers during the pilot phase in the last quarter of 2014 and was well-received. Quicker Feedback Loop In the pilot trial of our new Electronic Customer Feedback System, customers can look forward to a fuss-free and more convenient way to provide feedback on our services. Instead of having to manually fill up forms, they will be able to send their feedback through a tablet. This touch-button convenience does away with paper forms and also allows for faster responses from SP Services staff. Power to Pay less SP Services has been working closely with the Energy Market Authority and the industry on a national programme that will improve the efficiency and reliability of Singapore’s energy market. The Demand Response (DR) programme will incentivise contestable consumers to adjust their electricity usage in response to high energy prices. The programme will go live in December 15. All contestable consumers who are able to offer a load curtailment of at least 0.1MW can participate in the Demand Response programme. TWENTYPOWERFACTS ONE AND ONLY SP Services is the only utility company in the world that connects residential customers to electricity, water and piped gas within one business day of their application. 08 36 Our key responsibility will be to provide reliable meter data on a daily basis for wholesale and retail settlement. GIVING CUSTOMERS CHOICES Supporting Contestability In the last year, SP Services has provided support and transfer services to a growing pool of contestable customers – commercial or industrial consumers – who can buy electricity from the retailer of their choice or from the wholesale market. We provided retail settlement, meter reading, meter data management, and enabled them to switch seamlessly from one retailer to another to make electricity purchases from the competitive wholesale market. Our recently introduced Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meters measure contestable customers’ usage at half-hour intervals, yielding accurate data to help consumers decide on the best service provider for them. We have also improved our IT systems to provide reliable back-end support. The number of contestable consumers is set to rise again as the contestability threshold is lowered in July 2015 to an average monthly consumption of at least 2,000 kWh. This will bring the pool of consumers eligible for contestability to 90,000, or 84 per cent of total electricity demand. Electricity Futures The EMA had decided to establish the Electricity Futures Market (EFM) to encourage new generation companies and independent retailers to enter into the Singapore electricity market. This will help to mitigate any market power concentration and further facilitate retail competition. SP Services has upgraded its IT system to support the smooth operation of the EFM. SUPPORTING GREEN SOLUTIONS In support of the increasing interest in solar energy adoption, SP now facilitates requests from contestable consumers who wish TWENTYPOWERFACTS SPOILT FOR CHOICE to sell excess solar energy to the national grid. Previously, they would have had to first register with the Energy Market Company (EMC), an onerous process when the amount of energy to be sold was very small. Now, they have the option of receiving payments from SP Services, which will aggregate their meter readings and settle payment with the EMC on their behalf. This move is aimed at simplifying the administrative process for the generation of solar energy, which is classified as an Intermittent Generation Source (IGS). The IGS scheme was introduced in July 2014. Forty years ago, customers had to make a monthly trip to the former Municipal Building at City Hall to pay their utilities bills. Today, our customers have several payment modes to choose from, like credit card, cheque, Giro and e-banking. If you prefer a friendly face to process your payment, you can still make your way to any one of our Customer Service Centres at Cross Street, Toa Payoh or Woodlands. BILL$ 09 37 THEN EMPOWERED TO EXCEL From the classroom to the field, our people are armed with the knowledge, skills and exposure to give their best to their customers, company and country. TAN SWEE SENG Senior Trainer, Training NOW Singapore Power has awarded more than 570 higher education scholarships and sponsorships to emerging engineering talent, helms the Singapore Institute of Power and Gas, and is home to possibly the largest number of certified professional engineers in Singapore. From Left U KAR MING Principal Engineer, Electricity Operations, SP PowerGrid MOHAMED AIDIL BIN SALIM Senior Engineer, Electricity Operations, SP PowerGrid LEE PEIRU Executive Engineer, Electricity Operations, SP PowerGrid SHIVA RAJ S/O RATHA KRISHNAN Executive Engineer, Electricity Operations, SP PowerGrid POWER PEOPLE SP Group CEO Wong Kim Yin with our second batch of SP Nithiah Nandan scholars at the SP Scholarship Award Ceremony 2015 At SP, we believe that people are our most important asset. We take pride in how we care for our people, channelling substantial resources into grooming and building existing and future talents. From nurturing youths in educational institutions, to developing the skills and leadership potential of our staff, our efforts are continuous, and driven by the conviction that it is our people that make us who we are. Our people have been working to power up Singapore even before it was a nation. Last year, six of our power veterans, who joined the organisation in 1964 and 1965, were honoured with 50-years long service awards from SP. They are an inspiration not only to their colleagues, but to all workers in Singapore. BUILDING OUR TALENT PIPELINE Nurturing The Next Generation To ensure a strong pipeline of talent for the power sector, SP awards scholarships, internships and book prizes to students from universities, polytechnics and the Institutes of Technical Education (ITEs) every year. In FY14/15, we awarded Singapore Power undergraduate scholarships to 10 university undergraduates and our second batch of SP Nithiah Nandan scholarships to 21 students from polytechnics and Institutes of Technical Education (ITE). Once they graduate and join us, these scholars will benefit from structured training and job rotations, as well as rich and diverse professional exposure. Since May 2013, we have given out a total of 72 book prizes to students of various tertiary institutions in our ongoing efforts to build mindshare in schools, and to reach out and inspire those with a passion for Engineering. TWENTYPOWERFACTS LEAVE IT TO THE PROFESSIONALS 10 Engineers looking to advance their careers would be in great company at Singapore Power. We have one of the highest number of certified Professional Engineers (95) in Singapore. 40 That year, the scope of the SP Book Prize was expanded to include not just top performers in electrical and power engineering at universities, but also in ITEs and Polytechnics. Ultimately, this will expand the pool of potential engineers and technical staff for the power industry. Hands On Experience We also hosted a record 87 interns from universities, polytechnics, ITEs and junior colleges. The interns – who were assigned a ‘buddy’ to guide them along – were given insights and a first-hand feel of working in the power industry to spark an interest in a career with us. Engineering the Right Skill Sets Our in-house leadership development programme – the Engineering Development for Graduates (EDGE) programme – started its third run for 30 engineers in July 2015. Since EDGE was started in July 2013, over 80 engineers have benefited from the structured programme that trains and develops a pool of multi-skilled engineers to meet SP’s business needs. This not only strengthens the practical engineering foundation of the fresh graduates, but also exposes them to a wide spectrum of our businesses and operations during their formative years. Powering our Leaders In June 2014, we extended a leadership development tool, the 360° Leadership Feedback Survey, to our Deputy Directors and Heads of Section. With this inclusion, 200 of our middle and senior managers are benefitting from feedback on TWENTYPOWERFACTS LIFETIME OF COMMITMENT Through the years, our staff have worked hard to power the nation – even before we were a nation. In 2014, we had three technicians and one meter reading inspector who joined us before Singapore was declared independent in August 1965, back when we were still a part of the Public Utilities Board (PUB ). 2015 1994 11 19841974 1964 Muhammad Redzuan Bin Sulaiman, Gas Operations, Dennis Khah, Electricity Operations, and Leong Qian Wei, Electricity Operations, are part of Singapore Powers EDGE leadership development programme 41 POWER PEOPLE (CONT’D) the effectiveness of their leadership not just from their immediate supervisors, but also from their peers and subordinates. We also conducted four runs of a customised Leadership Milestone Programme – Powering Leaders – to reinforce our leaders’ development in the leadership competencies that address business and management challenges. Participants also benefitted from hearing SP’s senior leaders share their personal leadership experiences relating to strategy, innovation and change management during the programme. STAYING AHEAD WITH OUR LABOUR RELATIONSHIPS In August 2014, SP became the first company in the power and gas industry to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Union of Power and Gas Employees (UPAGE) to extend the scope of the union’s representation in certain areas beyond Non-Executives, to include Executives, Engineers and Managers. This initiative was made in acknowledgement of the changing workforce profile in the SP Group of Companies where there has been a growing number of executive employees. CARING FOR OUR PEOPLE With an eye on our employees’ well-being, we re-designed our employee wellness programme to the more holistic StepUp! programme. Launched last year, StepUp! encourages employees to take charge of their personal health and wellness by attending programmes covering areas such as health, parenting, workplace bonding and financial planning. This more holistic approach to total wellness seeks to encourage healthy lifestyle habits within a total wellness framework. Our inaugural Health and Wellness Celebration Week was held in October 2014. Participating staff members were given a healthy snack starter pack and a pedometer to measure the number of steps they walked each day. They also took part in sporting activities, including a mass Telematch event at the Bedok Sports Hall, and the first-ever SP Games which saw more than 400 staff members participate in various competitive team sports. MEETING INDUSTRY NEEDS In September 2014, the Singapore Institute of Power and Gas (SIPG) was established as a one-stop training and development centre for professionals in the power and gas sector. One of the key milestones of SIPG was its recognition as an Approved Training Organisation by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) in June 2015. This will enable SIPG to leverage the Energy Training Fund administered by EMA. NTUC Secretary-General Mr Chan Chun Sing (centre) interacting with SP’s Manangement and UPAGE Delegates To broaden existing training in the area of transmission and distribution (T&D) of electricity and gas, four new courses have been developed. We have started 42 new course development work not only in T&D but also for Power Generation Plants, with industry support. All courses in SIPG will be mapped to the National Energy Competency Framework launched by EMA to ensure that they meet the competency needs of the industry. In addition, to address the emerging and increasingly pervasive use of solar power in Singapore, SIPG has introduced a new course on the Installation and Commissioning of Grid Tied Photovoltaic System. TWENTYPOWERFACTS ALL AROUND YOU Have you ever noticed Singapore Power’s substations or electricity overground boxes in your neighbourhood? There are more than 37,000 overground boxes and almost 11,000 substations across the nation that help to transmit and distribute electricity to our buildings and facilities – combined, that’s 10 times more than the number of bus stops in Singapore. 12 Over the past year, more than 280 training sessions across 100 courses have been organised to develop and deepen the skills of our staff and the industry. SIPG is working with local and global industry players to enhance local capabilities for the present and future needs of the industry. Executive Engineer Zac Teo Zi Cheng (right) cheering his team on during the annual Sports for Life event 43 THEN LIGHTING UP LIVES A helping hand when it’s least expected, and a smile when it matters most. The friends we can count on will get us through each day and are right by our side when we need them. Right TOH BEE HOON JANICE Executive Assistant, Regulatory Management, Singapore Power NOW We flex our muscles and reach out as far as we can – to our pioneers, little ones and families-in-need. Giving our time and energy to create joyful memories that last a lifetime. From left, in blue SP t-shirt JONATHAN OOI WEI HSIN Director, Legal & Corp Secretariat, Singapore Power KOON SWEE LING Manager, Finance, Singapore Power INDRA SHUN Administrative Assistant, Electricity Operations, SP PowerGrid POWERING WITH HEART Just as we power the nation’s growth and economy, SP is also proud to be able to light up the lives of those who need it most. Our efforts centre around donations to the needy elderly through the Singapore Power Heartware Fund, and active volunteerism by employees who devote time to causes such as care for the needy elderly, energy efficiency and safety for the community. Whether through the contribution of funds or time, we play our part in improving the quality of life of communities-in-need, and provide Staff volunteers assembling Power Packs of food essentials, to be distributed to beneficiaries of the Singapore Power Heartware Fund TWENTYPOWERFACTS POWERING THE HEART 13 Powering the Nation is about more than just keeping the lights on and the gas flowing. It’s also about improving the lives of the underprivileged. Since its inception in 2005, the Singapore Power Heartware Fund has supported the delivery of more than 4.9 million warm meals to the doorsteps of needy seniors and made sure seniors were accompanied on more than 82,000 trips for medical and rehabilitation care. sustainable solutions that reinforce our commitment to nation-building. RAISING FUNDS SP Heartware Fund Last year, the SP Heartware Fund reached out to 31,000 beneficiaries of 26 elderly programmes managed by the Community Chest. We were able to provide warm, nutritious meals and medical transport for those who live alone, dementia day care, hospice care, caregiver support, and living expenses for those who live in community homes. In FY14/15, we raised over S$1.2 million for the Fund. This was made possible by staff donations, fundraising events and contributions from members of the public who responded generously to our letters of appeal. Our annual Charity Golf Event, now in its 9th year, raised a record S$600,000 for the Fund last September. Under the Care and Share movement, funds were matched dollar-for-dollar by the Government. Our consistent efforts to raise funds for the Heartware Fund earned us the 2014 Special Events Platinum Award from the Community Chest. More than 30 per cent of our staff make monthly contributions to the Community Chest’s SHARE programme, which provides a stable source of funds to its beneficiaries. In recognition of these contributions, we received the SHARE Silver Award in September 2014. 46 GIVING TIME Besides donating money, our staff were also generous with their time. In FY 14/15, SP staff members spent 5,000 volunteer hours giving back to the community, far exceeding the 3,000-hour target we set for the year. The broad range of volunteer activities undertaken by our staff included presenting a charity gala dinner and concert, distributing emergency preparedness kits to Singapore households, and organising festive outings and celebrations for families from lowincome backgrounds. One highlight was packing and distributing 3,000 Power Packs of food essentials for needy seniors across Singapore. More than 370 staff volunteers spent over 1,600 hours on this activity, some driving their own SP volunteers bringing smiles to the faces of the elderly residents of All Saints Home through games and music vehicles to deliver the kits to destinations island-wide. Another first for SP was our Community Day event on 22 November 2014, held in partnership with Central Singapore and PEACE- Connect. More than 120 staff visited elderly residents living in North Bridge Road and cleaned their one- and two-room rental flats, decluttering, giving the homes fresh coats of paint, and even fumigating to rid some units of bed bugs. We also gave the elderly advice on how to use their electrical appliances safely, and conducted an enjoyable terrarium-making workshop for them. Volunteers and children alike enjoying the magic show during the outreach at Viva Foundation for Children with Cancer 47 POWERING WITH HEART (CONT’D) TWENTYPOWERFACTS 14 NATURAL GOODNESS SP Group CEO Wong Kim Yin (right) with representatives from various partners at the launch of our “Gift of Power” for SG50 CELEBRATING SG50 Free Charging Of Mobile Devices To commemorate the nation’s 50th birthday, SP is giving Singapore a “Gift of Power” to help people stay connected on the go. Two hundred mobile device charging stations are being set up at public hospitals and polyclinics, libraries, tertiary institutions and supermarkets throughout Singapore. These stations offer free charging services for members of the public to give their mobile devices a power boost on us. The stations will also screen public service videos on safety, energy efficiency, charitable causes and other useful topics. Love From The Stars In May 2015, SP was the presenter and main sponsor of Love from the STARS, a charity gala dinner and concert held in conjunction Singapore generates 90 per cent of our electricity today by burning natural gas, which is cleaner than fuel oil. This is up from just 10 per cent less than five years ago. We at Singapore Power are doing our part by transporting natural gas from our neighbours Malaysia and Indonesia through undersea pipes, and transporting it to the power generation companies. SP was the presenter and main sponsor of Love from the STARS which raised $6.4 million for six charities 48 with SG50. Proceeds from the event went to more than 160,000 beneficiaries of six local charities: Singapore Power Heartware Fund, All Saints Home, Sian Chay Medical Institution, Singapore University of Technology and Design scholarship fund, Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities and Viva Foundation for Children with Cancer. For the first time, international artistes Jackie Chan, Wakin Chau, Jonathan Lee and Eric Tsang collaborated on the same stage for a good cause. Guests included Guest of Honour President Tony Tan and Mrs Mary Tan, Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and Mrs Goh, corporate leaders, sponsors and donors, as well as beneficiaries and their families. Singapore Power contributed more than S$500,000 towards the operating expenses of Love from the Stars and ran the event secretariat, helping to organise and promote the event. SP staff also volunteered their time to bring cheer to the beneficiaries of the charities by organising entertaining activities for them. Through the sale of dinner tables, an auction and outright donations, we helped to raise close to S$6.4 million, exceeding the S$6 million target. Energy Efficiency Taskforce Co-Lead Mike Chan Siang Chin (left) and Electricity Efficiency Centre Executive Assistant Haameshwaran s/o Panirselvam (third from left) show Second Minister for Trade and Industry S Iswaran (second from left) how the Great Energy Challenge is played during the launch of the “Energy Heroes: It’s your Power!” campaign at the Singapore International Energy Week Energy Heroes: It’s Your Power In October 2014, during the Singapore International Energy Week, SP launched a campaign to bring energy awareness to schools. Throughout 2015, some 16,000 students will be treated to an interactive roving exhibit where they will get the chance to learn about energy conservation through interactive games. This joint initiative by Singapore Power and the Energy Market Authority (EMA) is aimed at educating students in a fun and interactive way and inspiring them to take action in energy conservation. TWENTYPOWERFACTS JUST IN CASE 15 Have you ever noticed a giant, bright yellow metallic sphere in the Toh Tuck area? That iconic structure is the Toh Tuck gasholder, opened in 1998, which serves as a contingency store of town gas. The Toh Tuck gasholder can supply the nation with gas for up to 6 to 8 hours, should a backup be needed for the main gas supply from Senoko Gasworks. 49 SAFETY FIRST A PLEDGE TO SAFETY Safety excellence is essential to the responsible delivery of energy. At all our staff events, we reaffirm our pledge to safety. Safety is our highest priority. Every life is precious. Every accident is avoidable. We uphold safe practices and strive for zero accident. TWENTYPOWERFACTS FROM START TO FINISH SP Services processes about 31,000 requests monthly to open and close utilities accounts - that’s more than 1,000 a day on average. Powering the nation is busy work! 17 While delivering a power network that stands amongst the world’s best in terms of reliability and efficiency, we also emphasise the safety of our colleagues, our contractors and our community. Last year, everyone from the senior management to workers on the ground continued to drive home TWENTYPOWERFACTS REACHING DEEP 16 By 2018, Singapore Power will have built the deepest of any utilities or transportation tunnel in Singapore. Our tunnels for electricity transmission cables reach up to 60 m deep – more than the height of a 30-storey HDB block! the safety message by upholding rules and procedures, and through training, regular inspections and personal diligence. We pay special heed to road safety, ensuring that our workers navigate the roads without compromising their own safety or that of the public. Our efforts were recognised by the Workplace Safety and Health Council (WSHC) at their annual industry awards. Taking Care of our People In 2014, our safety performance improved by 50 per cent compared to 2013, as measured by the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR). Our safety efforts are led by line management, who walk the talk to demonstrate their commitment to safety. Each month, our senior management conducts safety walkabouts at our work sites. This initiative has not only created traction with the rest of the line organisation but has also sent a strong message to both staff and contractors that we make safety a priority. In 2014, we conducted more than 50 senior management walkabouts, and over 15,000 safety observations group wide. To keep an even tighter rein on safety, we expanded the window of reporting safety incidents to include those with injuries resulting in between one and three lostwork days, and also included those incidents in our safety performance. Previously, we only included incidents with injuries resulting in more than three lostwork days, in line with Ministry of Manpower requirements. In 2014, we set up the Group Safety & Health department to further 50 to refresh their skills. In future, the requirement will be extended to all employees who have driving licences. Before setting off for work, the vehicles of the workers are inspected by their supervisor, to ensure that each vehicle does not pose a threat to the driver, passengers or other road-users. Singapore Power Senior Management at a work-site safety walkabout raise safety standards across SP. It we launched a group-wide Vehicle develops and spearheads initiatives and Driving Safety Campaign within the company. These include in February 2015, where risk sharing of lessons learnt from past assessment, safety briefings and incidents and the enhancement training were a key part. Contests of near-miss reporting. This new were organised to encourage staff department’s work complements participation in the campaign. the annual Safety Roadshow that our safety officers have rolled out Safety on the Move at all district offices and the Safety We installed video cameras in our Refresher Course that covered fleet of vehicles, including motor more than 1,700 workers last year. cars and motorcycles. The ‘eye’ in the vehicle encourages our drivers TARGETED SAFETY MEASURES to drive more safely, while the high definition graphics captured For specific activities with high provides an impartial record in the perceived risks, we implemented case of an accident. targeted safety measures to mitigate the risks. A new guideline was also developed that requires all field staff with a Many of our employees have to be driving or riding licence to attend on the road as part of their work. defensive driving or riding training In order to enhance driving safety, respectively once every five years Working at Heights Programme We introduced a Work-at-Height (WAH) programme for staff who often perform tasks high above the ground, for example examining substation roofs or maintaining transformers and switchgears within our substations. The programme covers topics such as fall prevention measures and the safe use of work-at-height equipment like ladders. We also conducted briefings on related safety equipment and WAH regulations, and shared industry best practices. TWENTYPOWERFACTS UNDER THE SEA When an undersea tunnel linking Jurong Island to the mainland is completed in 2018, Singapore Power staff carrying out their work there will be able to walk under the sea to get to Jurong Island – all 4,500 steps or so. 18 51 SAFETY FIRST (CONT’D) TWENTYPOWERFACTS CARVING OUT SPACE To construct two crossisland underground cable tunnels to house the high-voltage transmission cables of the future, we will have to excavate more than 1.1 million cubic metres of dirt, soil and rocks – enough to fill more than 450 Olympic-sized swimming pools! 19 System Certifications We were pleased to receive the following certifications in the past year, in recognition of our safety management system: The safety management systems of both SP PowerGrid and SP Services were certified under SS 506 (Singapore Standard on Occupational Safety and Health Management System) and OHSAS 18001:2007 (International Standard on Occupational Health and Safety Management System). Both systems were subsequently awarded the bizSAFE Star, the highest level of certification under the Workplace Safety and Health Council’s bizSAFE framework. Taking Care of our Contractors We continued to improve the safety of our contractors through frequent communication sessions, safety induction, safety orientation courses, safety inspections, and a post-contract performance evaluation at the end of each project. As part of our contractor safety efforts, our project and safety officers conducted regular safety audits and shared their findings with our contractors, who then carried out corrective actions to improve their own safety. We also had regular dialogues with our contractors to identify areas that may pose a danger to their workers. Through these dialogues, we discovered that workers faced a higher risk of leg injury when doing road works with heavy machinery nearby. We have since installed both rear-view and other additional mirrors on our excavators to remove blind spots. This reduces the chances of excavator operators accidentally injuring their fellow workers performing jobs nearby. We also installed alarms that beep while the machines are in operation, so that surrounding workers are constantly aware that the machine is close by. Safety is a concerted multi-level effort between SPPG, its partners and contractors Safety programmes In July 2014, we initiated a compulsory safety programme for our contractor workers. Safety@ SPPG is conducted in the various native languages of the workers so 52 that the safety message is easily embraced by the workers. Our goal is to raise their safety awareness when performing common jobs like road works. Since the launch of the programme, we have trained more than 1,500 workers. In February 2015, the SP Training Institute customised this course for workers involved in our transmission cable tunnel project. In addition to classroom training, the workers are taken on a tour of a cable tunnel site to see the twostorey-high Tunnel Boring Machine up close. This helps them better understand the need for safety. About 800 cable tunnel workers have undergone this course by the SP Training Institute. We have also conducted briefings on the importance of wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – including helmets, reflective vests and safety boots – to standardise practices among our contractors. Mr Peter Leong (right) Managing Director, SP PowerGrid, receiving the bizSAFE Partner Award from then Manpower Minister Mr Tan Chuan-Jin have obtained at least bizSAFE Level 4 certification. SP PowerGrid won the bizSAFE Partner Award in February 2015. The award is testimony to SP PowerGrid’s continuous efforts in helping contractors and partners improve safety at both the company and national level. behaviour among our workers as well as to identify and rectify unsafe practices. The footage will also help us share and learn from incidents and near-misses. TWENTYPOWERFACTS 20 AWARDS AND RECOGNITION All contractors who work with us must join the bizSAFE programme, a nation-wide five-step safety programme run by the Workplace Safety and Health Council (WSHC). Since last year, we have required all our contractors and subcontractors to be at least bizSAFE Level 4-certified, up from our previous requirement of bizSAFE Level 3. To date, over 130 of our contractors Recognising Safety To promote a culture of safety, we reward our contractor workers for adopting safe practices by giving them supermarket vouchers on the spot. We also give cash awards to those contractors who have made measurable progress in their safety performance. We will be installing closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras at critical work sites to encourage safe A POWERFUL HISTORY Some of Singapore’s most prominent arts and entertainment buildings used to be power facilities. One is The Substation at Bras Basah, and another is St James Power Station near Sentosa, which was Singapore’s first coal-fired power plant. 53 FINANCIAL SUMMARY CONTENTS Summary Directors’ Report 55 Independent Auditor’s Report 57 Balance Sheets 58 Income Statements 59 Statements of Comprehensive Income 60 Statements of Changes in Equity 61 Notes to the Summary Financial Statements 63 54 SUMMARY DIRECTORS’ REPORT YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2015 IMPORTANT NOTE The summary financial statements as set out on pages 58 to 67 contains only a summary of the information in the directors’ report and financial statements of Singapore Power Limited’s (the “Company”) annual report. It does not contain sufficient information to allow for a full understanding of the results and the state of affairs of the Company or of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively the “Group”). The full annual report, including the independent auditor’s report on those financial statements and the directors’ report, can be found on the Group’s website 1. DIRECTORS The directors in office at the date of this report are as follows: Tan Sri Mohd Hassan Marican Mr Ho Tian Yee Mr Tan Chee Meng Mr Choi Shing Kwok Mrs Oon Kum Loon Mr Tan Puay Chiang Mr Ong Yew Huat Mr Timothy Chia Chee Ming (Appointed on 16 June 2014) Mr Ng Kwan Meng (Appointed on 16 June 2014) Mr Wong Kim Yin 2. PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES The principal activities of the Company are that of investment holding and provision of management support services. Its subsidiaries are engaged principally in the transmission and distribution of electricity and gas, provision of related consultancy services and investments in related projects. 3. UNUSUAL ITEMS DURING AND AFTER FINANCIAL YEAR In the opinion of the directors, no item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature has arisen during the financial year or in the interval between the end of the financial year and the date of this report which would substantially affect the results of the operations of the Group and the Company for the financial year in which this report is made, or render any item in the financial statements of the Group and the Company for the current financial year misleading, and/or affect the ability of the Group and the Company in meeting the obligations as and when they fall due, except as disclosed in the notes to the full financial statements. 55 SUMMARY DIRECTORS’ REPORT YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2015 The summary financial statements set out on pages 58 to 67 was approved by the Board of Directors on 11 June 2015 and was signed on its behalf by: TAN SRI MOHD HASSAN MARICAN Chairman MR WONG KIM YIN Group Chief Executive Officer/Director 11 June 2015 56 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT ON THE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS REPORT TO THE MEMBER OF SINGAPORE POWER LIMITED The accompanying summary financial statements of Singapore Power Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (the “Group”), which comprise the consolidated balance sheet of the Group and the balance sheet of the Company as at 31 March 2015, the consolidated income statement, statement of comprehensive income and statement of changes in equity of the Group and the income statement and statement of comprehensive income of the Company for the year then ended, and related notes as set out on pages 58 to 67, are derived from the audited financial statements of the Group for the year then ended. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those audited financial statements in our report dated 11 June 2015. The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards. Reading the summary financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial statements of the Group. Management’s responsibility for the summary financial statements Management is responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited financial statements on the basis described in note 1. Auditors’ responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Singapore Standard on Auditing 810 “Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements”. Opinion In our opinion, the accompanying summary financial statements derived from the audited financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2015 are consistent, in all material respects, with those audited financial statements, on the basis described in note 1. Other Matter The summary financial statements of the Group and Company for the year ended 31 March 2014 were audited by another auditor who expressed an unmodified opinion on those statements on 30 May 2014. ERNST & YOUNG LLP Public Accountants and Chartered Accountants Singapore 11 June 2015 57 BALANCE SHEETS AS AT 31 MARCH 2015 Group Company 2015 2014 2015 2014 $ million $ million $ million $ million (restated)* (restated)* Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment 10,292.1 9,437.5 22.3 24.0 Intangible assets 117.7 106.6 7.6 7.6 Subsidiaries – – 6,854.9 6,779.5 Associates and joint venture 3,010.3 3,354.3 1.3 1.3 Other non-current assets 227.3 170.5 60.3 1.1 Deferred tax assets 8.3 12.1 – – Other investments 197.2 – 197.2 – 13,852.9 13,081.0 7,143.6 6,813.5 Current assets Other investments 3.8 – 3.8 – Inventories 53.0 48.3 – – Trade and other receivables 522.0 730.3 3,827.6 2,689.1 Cash and cash equivalents 1,203.3 3,120.4 544.6 2,872.4 1,782.1 3,899.0 4,376.0 5,561.5 Total assets 15,635.0 16,980.0 11,519.6 12,375.0 Equity Share capital 2,911.9 3,911.9 2,911.9 3,911.9 Reserves (265.9) 39.7 (0.6) – Accumulated profits 5,882.0 5,269.4 4,918.1 4,886.5 Equity attributable to owner of the Company 8,528.0 9,221.0 7,829.4 8,798.4 Non-controlling interests – 46.9 – – Total equity 8,528.0 9,267.9 7,829.4 8,798.4 Non-current liabilities Bank loans 79.7 100.0 – – Debt obligations 3,174.5 3,715.3 – – Other financial liabilities 71.6 111.6 9.4 – Other non-current liabilities 364.7 470.7 3.5 3.6 Deferred tax liabilities 1,150.9 1,099.8 0.4 1.4 4,841.4 5,497.4 13.3 5.0 Current liabilities Trade and other payables 1,531.9 1,886.8 3,668.7 3,567.1 Debt obligations 582.4 162.1 – – Other financial liabilities 13.2 34.0 – – Current tax payable 138.1 131.8 8.2 4.5 2,265.6 2,214.7 3,676.9 3,571.6 Total liabilities 7,107.0 7,712.1 3,690.2 3,576.6 Total equity and liabilities 15,635.0 16,980.0 11,519.6 12,375.0 * See note 2 58 INCOME STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2015 Group Company 2015 2014 2015 2014 $ million $ million $ million $ million (restated)* Continuing operations Revenue 4,840.3 4,793.1 477.3 198.3 Other income 191.7 265.6 5.0 10.3 Expenses - Purchased power (2,873.4) (3,202.7) – – - Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (502.4) (456.2) (4.9) (5.8) - Amortisation of intangible assets (23.8) (21.7) (2.1) (2.6) - Maintenance (87.4) (97.4) (5.9) (4.6) - Staff costs (259.0) (337.0) (60.7) (57.7) - Property taxes (44.1) (56.3) (0.3) (0.3) - Other operating expenses (132.8) (163.0) (24.3) (13.8) Operating profit 1,109.1 724.4 384.1 123.8 Finance income 20.1 13.5 27.9 21.9 Finance costs (88.8) (82.5) (4.8) (6.9) Share of profit of associates, net of tax 146.3 33.3 – – Share of profit of joint venture, net of tax 1.5 3.1 – – Profit before taxation 1,188.2 691.8 407.2 138.8 Tax (expense)/credit (191.8) (151.9) (5.6) 4.9 Profit from continuing operations 996.4 539.9 401.6 143.7 Discontinued operations Profit from discontinued operations, net of tax – 344.6 – – Exceptional items - Gain on derivatives used for economic hedge – 129.0 – – Profit for the year 996.4 1,013.5 401.6 143.7 Profit attributable to: Owner of the Company 991.1 921.8 401.6 143.7 Non-controlling interests
Annual Report
SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Chairman’s Message ANNUAL REPORT The mission of SP Group is anchored on key pillars of safety, reliability and sustainability in providing quality energy services to our customers. Beyond operating world-class electricity and gas networks, we are driving transformation towards a low-carbon future that contributes to the green goals of Singapore and the countries in which we operate. Building resilient networks We ended the year on a strong note with outstanding performance in safety and reliability. With an established bedrock of engineering expertise and diligent round-the-clock operations, we continued to provide reliable electricity and gas supply for the nation. For the year ending March 2023, this has resulted in an excellent System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) score of 0.176 for electricity and 0.1335 for gas supply. This means that on average, a customer experienced just 11 seconds of electricity interruption and 8 seconds of gas interruption. Despite challenges from global economic, political and environmental developments, our teams have supported rising energy demand and sustained high network reliability. Our engineers and technical specialists manage over 12,000 substations, vigilantly inspecting vital assets such as cables, transformers and switchgears. In the past year, we renewed 139 km​ of cables, 1,204 switchgears ​ and 304 transformers. We delivered growth and renewal projects such as the replacement of ductile iron gas pipelines with durable polyethylene pipes, and achieved key milestones on the underground electricity substation. To shape the grid of the future, we are laying the foundation for a digitalised network. We are expanding our online condition sensing and monitoring to an additional 40 source stations, and scaling up on two pilots – distributed energy resources management (DERMS) and the Digital Twin.  We are also exploring and implementing digital technologies in various areas like advanced control and monitoring, sensing, artificial intelligence and edge computing. SP was recognised at the regional Power & Energy Awards for “Building the Energy Metaverse with A Digital Twin” and “Improving SAIDI with Condition Monitoring Systems and Engineering”. These affirmed the team’s efforts in building a smart grid that supports the transition towards a low-carbon energy future. We will continue to prioritise the transformation of our grid into one that remains resilient while supporting renewable energy deployment to meet the country’s energy needs. Maintaining safety focus Safety remains our highest priority and is firmly ingrained in all aspects of our business. This comes through in consistent practices on the ground, across the ranks and with our contractors, augmented by digital tools for real-time monitoring and timely reporting and reviews. These have contributed to SP’s safety target achieved for the fourth consecutive year, with a Loss time Injury Frequency Rate of 0.37 last year. Our commitment to safety has earned global recognition as SP has been awarded the British Safety Council’s International Safety Award (Merit) for maintaining exceptional safety standards and keeping the workplace safe for our staff and contractors. SP has also been certified as a Global Health Workplace by the Global Centre for Healthy Workplaces. With digitalisation as an intrinsic part of business operations and customer engagement, we maintain our focus on strengthening cyber resilience and promoting awareness across the organisation. This is in tandem with industry best practices and in close partnership with government agencies and experts. Elevating customer experience The digital transformation of our business has enhanced service capacity and efficiency for the 1.6 million commercial, industrial and residential customers we serve. We have integrated more user-friendly features and services, like the PayNow payment function on the SP app, which has over 1.87 million downloads as at 31 March 2023. Beyond utilities and billing transactions, we are empowering users to track and reduce their carbon footprint through climate-oriented features like Green Goals. These were among the efforts of our customer experience teams who were recognised with the Excellent Service Award (EXSA) 2022.  Attaining strong financial results Amidst a backdrop of volatile environment, slowing global growth, inflation and higher interest rates, SP Group recorded a strong performance in FY22/23.  The Group achieved a net profit of S$1.033 billion and Return of Equity of 7.9 per cent.  The Group’s net revenue rose by five per cent to S$2.7 billion, driven by a higher Regulated Asset base and stronger results in Sustainable Energy Solutions.  Regulated business remains stable, recording S$2.6 billion of revenue in FY22/23.  Sustainable Energy Solutions revenue grew by 29 per cent to S$106 million. With the stable financial result and positive outlook, Moody's and S&P have maintained the credit ratings for SP Group at Aa1 and AA+ respectively.  Scaling up sustainable energy solutions for Singapore We have created a strong path of growth in green solutions and decarbonisation for Singapore and the region. Our Sustainability Review details the progress in our multi-pronged strategies that are aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.  These also contribute to achieving key aspects of Singapore’s Green Plan. Our portfolio of district cooling solutions has been extended to more commercial, industrial and residential properties. With a total cooling capacity of 170,000 refrigeration tonnes (RT), SP is the largest district cooling provider in Southeast Asia.  We are expanding our flagship network at the Marina Bay business district to provide energy efficient cooling to 32 developments by 2027. In our joint venture with Daikin, we have kicked off development of STMicroelectronics’s (STM) district cooling facility at Ang Mo Kio Technopark – Singapore’s largest industrial district cooling system with a capacity of up to 36,000 RT. We have also deepened our collaboration with STM with an integrated approach – providing electric vehicle charging points and smart water metering solutions to support their journey towards carbon neutrality by 2027. In our first large-scale residential centralised cooling project located at the new Tengah estate, we have developed the infrastructure and are putting in place our customer service systems to operationalise the facility for the 10,000 households that have signed up. Efforts are also in progress in our first brownfield project to equip seven commercial, retail and community buildings in Tampines town with distributed district cooling, as part of its eco-town masterplan. SP is taking the lead in charting the decarbonisation journey at our own premises and facilities. We have started installing rooftop solar panels on 37 electrical substations across Singapore. A first in Southeast Asia, we have embarked on a pilot to test the viability of a thermal energy storage system at the George Street substation and install additional chillers to support future expansion of the Marina Bay district cooling network, bringing sustainable cooling to more buildings. This initiative, with the support of the Energy Market Authority, will pave the way for more green projects that leverage our energy networks. SP is empowering corporate customers such as AIMS APAC REIT (AA REIT) with our capabilities to generate renewable energy for their business needs. Work is underway to install rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems across six of AA REIT’s industrial, logistics and warehouse properties, making it one of the largest rooftop solar installations by any Singapore-listed real estate investment trust.  To bolster electric vehicle (EV) adoption in Singapore, SP is scaling up charging facilities across the island. We operate Singapore’s largest EV charging network, with more than 750 charging points in close to 185 locations, as at 30 June 2023. SP has also been awarded the Land Transport Authority’s tender to install up to 4,800 charging points across more than 400 Housing Development Board carparks. This marks our first and biggest rollout of EV charging points in the public residential space. In addition, we are teaming up with Surbana Jurong to turn its premises into the largest on‐campus EV charging hub in Southeast Asia. We are partnering National Water Agency PUB to participate in the Energy Market Authority’s Demand Response and Interruptible Load programmes. This means PUB will voluntarily reduce its energy use or temporarily shift usage during periods of peak usage or when supply from renewable energy sources is intermittent. This will help balance demand and supply on the national power grid at critical times, while facilitating the integration of more renewables. As a demand response aggregator, SP has the unique opportunity to facilitate electricity load curtailment across multiple sites for suitable companies. SP is equipping businesses with digital and smart metering solutions, to enhance operational efficiency, hence advancing the sustainability agenda at scale. Last year, key partners including Changi Airport Group, Singapore Land Group, Singapore Pools, Trelleborg, Shaw Organisation, UE Square, Frasers Properties and Ministry of Education, adopted SP’s Green Energy Tech (GET™) to drive greater energy efficiency and reduce carbon footprint in their daily operations. Our carbon solutions business has taken flight, with a record 1.6 million renewable energy certificates sold to local and regional customers. We have also secured an exclusive partnership with Turnkey, a climate tech company, to provide carbon accounting and climate advisory services to customers in these regions. Expanding sustainable solutions for the region With our established track record in Singapore, SP is well placed to extend our sustainable energy solutions and capabilities abroad. We have grown our presence in China, Vietnam and Thailand in the last two years, resulting in a three-fold increase in net revenue for these businesses. Following our first foray into Chongqing, China, a strong pipeline of projects has taken root across 11 provinces in China including major cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu, making SP well placed to be among the top foreign players in the country’s energy sector. In the past year, we secured our first brownfield district cooling project in Chengdu, Wuhou. We have acquired 110 Megawatts-peak (MWp) of rooftop PV assets from Shanghai Unisun New Energy Co Ltd, that will generate more than 111 Gigawatt-hours (GWh) of green electricity annually, amounting to an avoidance of more than 64,000 tonnes in carbon emissions annually. From Sichuan to Shandong, we are supporting industrial parks and factories to incorporate clean energy, by designing solar rooftop solutions that maximise yield, enhance energy savings and lower carbon emissions. In Vietnam, where we have offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, SP is one of the country’s largest rooftop solar players, partnering respected brands like Sabeco, Saitex, Vinamilk and CJ Group. We acquired our first solar farm assets of 100 Megawatts-peak collectively, generating 130 GWh of green electricity, leading to an avoidance of 105,000 tonnes in carbon emissions annually. Our most recent regional expansion has taken us to Thailand, where we have set up an office in Bangkok. Our rooftop and utility-scale solar capacity in all markets has grown, with a secured capacity of 930 MWp – 545MWp in China, 330MWp in Vietnam, 10MWp in Thailand and 45MWp in Singapore, of which 273 MWp is operational and 657MWp is under development. Purpose-driven workforce To fulfil our mandate to empower the future of energy, our people need to constantly stay ahead with skills and knowledge to drive impactful solutions and service. In the past year, we invested S$8 million and 155,000 training hours to fortify our future-ready workforce. This included funding five technical officers for their full-time Electrical Power Engineering degree course at Singapore Institute of Technology. To shore up our in-house capabilities and create a pathway for knowledge transfer, we have increased our pool of technical experts from seven to 23 in nine domain areas to mentor our emerging engineering talent and help them stay at the forefront of industry transformation. In SP’s signature FUSION programme, 150 staff completed upskilling courses customised for specific operational needs to achieve better efficiency and enrich job exposure. Partnering the Union of Power and Gas, we launched Project Silver+ with a view to enhance employability of mature workers and help them address opportunities and challenges in this season of their careers. In the past year, our employees signalled their strong support for SP’s vision and strategic direction with a record score of 87.6 per cent in our annual employee engagement survey. We will continue to invest in developing our people and equip them for the critical services and transformational outcomes of their contributions. Empowering the community Even as we celebrate success, we remain committed to sustained giving and meeting the evolving needs of our community. SP has funded and set up programmes to benefit vulnerable groups in society across the age spectrum, from seniors, to children and youth. In our stepped-up efforts last year, we contributed about S$5 million in donations and staff volunteerism towards various community causes and industry initiatives. SP Kids at Heart is a key pillar of our corporate giving, supporting children from lower-income families. We reaffirmed our support for the 3,000 children under KidSTART Singapore through a S$1.1 million donation in June 2022 – an extension of the S$1 million donation the year before. The contribution went towards the launch of two new initiatives to foster parent-child bonding and early childhood literacy during their formative years. The children and their families benefited from KidSTART Sea Adventures, an interactive marine play that gave children their first theatrical experience, and KidSTART Stories, where families received a mini library to help nurture reading habits from young. SP also funded new children’s programmes – digital tablets to support after-school learning for children under AMKFSC Community Services and more than 60,000 meals for children at Care Corner’s student care centres. We expanded our outreach in supporting at-risk youth in Singapore, through a S$750,000 donation to Youth Guidance Outreach Services (YGOS), a social service agency that strives to inspire youth in pursuing a fulfilling education and to give back to the community. This funding covered the purchase of an electric vehicle for a new mobile outreach support team and the refurbishment of two youth centres as well as enables YGOS to bring its programmes to more youths. We maintained our support for seniors through programmes that help them to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives in their silver years. About S$1 million was raised for the SP Heartware Fund last year, reaching out to 23,000 vulnerable seniors. This totalled close to S$20 million raised since the Fund was established in 2005 in partnership with Community Chest. These programmes support services for 25,000 vulnerable seniors. At Toa Payoh West – Thomson, we provided close to 70,000 meals for seniors and engaged them in activities and outings to promote active aging and prevent social isolation. SP also maintained our scaled-up annual SP Power Packs charity drive, providing 10,000 lower-income families with daily necessities. The engine behind our community outreach is our pool of staff volunteers, known as SP Heart Workers. They are committed to organising activities throughout the year, such as outings, grocery shopping, befriending sessions as well as the delivery of Power Packs and SP Kids at Heart learning packs. SP is honoured to be recognised for these efforts through the Community Chest Platinum, Volunteer Partner and Enabler Awards, as well as the Champions of Good by the National Volunteerism and Philanthropy Centre, and the Ministry of Social and Family Development’s Community Cares Award. Giving new meaning to service with a heart, SP received national recognition for contributing to the nation’s pandemic relief efforts. Supporting the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Home Recovery Buddy Hotline, team leader Tan Jun Huang and assistant leader Eddie Neo, who both carry out customer experience roles at SP Services, received the Public Service Medal (COVID-19). They were also among 16 staff who received the COVID-19 Resilience Medal. As an organisation, SP was recognised with COVID-19 Resilience Certificate, as well as the President’s Certificate of Commendation for sustained support and contributions to the community through donations and volunteerism during the pandemic. In appreciation On behalf of the Board, I thank Tan Sri Hassan Marican for his leadership as Chairman of SP’s Board till 1 January 2023 and his contributions on the Board since February 2011. The SP Group has gained tremendously from his vast experience, and people-centric stewardship. I am also grateful to my fellow Board members for their support and counsel. In addition, I welcome Mr Antonio Volpin and Mr Ching Wei Hong who joined the SP Board on 1 April 2023 and 1 June 2023 respectively. I commend the management and staff of SP Group for their steadfast efforts in providing reliable and trusted services in our core responsibilities, and paving new pathways towards decarbonisation in all aspects of our business and operations. I also thank our shareholder, business and community partners, union, and regulator for their support and collaboration. As a leading utilities and sustainable energy solutions provider, we will forge ahead with conviction to empower more initiatives and outcomes for a greener future.   Leong Wai Leng Chairman August 2023 Financial Statements SP Group > SP PowerAssets > TAGS CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ
Category: Annual Report
SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Transforming to Serve You Better RELIABILITY In providing customers greater convenience, we aim to deliver a more unified, seamless experience, bringing savings in energy, time and cost. Instrumental in making these possible are digital technologies that will power future-ready solutions. Transforming to serve customers better Singapore Power and all members of the group now serve the public as SP Group. We are transforming to serve customers better. With disruption sweeping through every industry and facet of society, we strive to meet customers’ evolving needs by innovating and building capabilities for the future. Pivotal in realising this goal is bringing our employees from different work locations together in our new premises at Kallang Sector. This enables our people to collaborate and co-create more easily, and reaps savings in property and facilities management at our own building instead of rented offices spaces. Projecting a unified identity as SP Group is also important in providing our customers a seamless, unified experience at all touch points. Our efforts are anchored on our mission to improve quality of life for individuals of all ages, families, industries and the community. Our goal is to empower customers with sustainable lifestyle solutions to meet their needs and aspirations. In fulfilling our commitment, we have upheld strong network performance that enables Singapore to enjoy world-class reliability and efficiency. We have also maintained financial discipline and governance, closing the year on 31 March 2017 with a net profit of S$948.8 million, with our Australian associates contributing S$216.4 million. Going digital to do more with less In providing customers greater convenience, we aim to deliver a more unified, seamless experience, bringing savings in energy, time and cost. Instrumental in making these possible are digital technologies that will power future-ready solutions. Our SP Utilities mobile application is centred on customers’ growing needs and changing lifestyle. Launched in March 2017, SP Utilities enables customers to make transactions on the go, get timely reminders on bill payment, track their utilities consumption and compare it with their past usage as well as that of their neighbours. Progressively, new features are being added, such as the “live” chat for customers to have their queries addressed promptly. This is supported by our one-stop Digital Contact Centre, that also attends to customers on phone calls and email. Digital applications have also transformed the way we carry out our operations. We are better able to perform real-time monitoring of assets and network performance, establish secure protocols, avert interruption and down-time, streamline processes, respond speedily to irregularities, plan efficiently, be responsive to dynamic events and optimise resources for greater productivity and reliability. Our employees have embraced new ways of working, in order to do more with less and bring greater value to customers. They are equipped with digital tools and workspaces to perform their roles and connect with each other and our customers, regardless of where they are. We have continued to build engineering talent and bench strength, with SP’s own EDGE, iGRAD and LEAP scholarships for students in tertiary, polytechnic and technical institutes, as well as incumbent professionals making the transition to higher level responsibilities and roles that have evolved with the changing landscape. In all our undertakings, we keep an unwavering focus on the safety of the public, our staff and contractors. We have strengthened contractor partnership and management programmes to reward good safety practices and encourage improvement in areas we have identified. Powering a greener future We are developing green technologies and adopting more sustainable practices in our operations. In the last year, we started our journey towards converting our service fleet to Electric Vehicles. To maintain the fleet, we have installed a robust network of charging stations at various locations in Singapore. We have also installed solar panels at our headquarters and district offices and developed storage systems to harness and deploy energy efficiently. Our experience will enable us to work with partners in the community to achieve similar sustainable outcomes. For a start, we have helped Bukit Panjang Community Club reduce electricity usage with solar panels and a real-time monitoring system at its premises. In district cooling, where customers have reported savings of up to 40 per cent in energy consumption, we have progressed beyond indoor air-conditioning in commercial buildings at the central business district. We have taken this expertise to Chongqing, China, where we are managing the district cooling system for the new Raffles City Chongqing that is run by CapitaLand. At this year’s National Day Parade, we introduced outdoor cooling facilities, tapping on the same technologies and infrastructure powered by our Singapore District Cooling. We look forward to exploring wider-scale adoption of district cooling in the community. Innovation to deliver greater value To deliver value to our customers for the long-run, it is imperative to invest in projects and partnerships that will nurture the spirit of innovation and test promising ideas. In the past year, we embarked on a collaboration with General Electric to develop Industrial Internet of Things capabilities and intelligent applications to enhance our power network reliability and efficiency. Together with seven other leading international utilities, we are driving the first global utilities accelerator programme, Free Electrons, for start-ups to develop game-changing products. We are also part of a consortium of global energy players to develop blockchain solutions aimed at helping customers achieve energy efficient results. Through the SP Centre of Excellence, we continue to invest in next-generation technologies aimed at helping customers attain a high quality, sustainable way of life. Steady growth and commitment Our journey of transformation is only possible with the right mindset, conviction and commitment to adapt and grow. I thank the Management and staff for their leadership and tireless resolve to transform to serve customers better. I am also grateful to our shareholder, business partners, staff union and regulator, for your partnership that is rooted on our mission to improve quality of life for our customers. To the members of the Board, thank you for your guidance and counsel. In line with our digital focus, I hope you enjoy this interactive review of our performance. Thank you for your support. Mohd Hassan Marican Chairman  August 2017 TAGS CHAIRMAIN'S MESSAGE 2017YEAR IN REVIEW 2017 YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Underground wonders Hasinah leads in the coordination between LTA and SP Group on island-wide projects such the Thomson-East Coast Line and the integrated North South Corridor. Guardians of the Grid Executive Engineer Mohamad Elmi Sha Bin Mohamad Nasir and his colleagues at SP Group's Distribution Control Centre are part of the unit that oversees Singapore’s electricity grid round the clock. Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role.
Category: Reliability
Microsoft Word - Info+T_C+for+the+Use+of+SPSRM+System_v2
TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 Contents 1 Definitions .................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2 Singapore Power Supplier Relationship Management System (SPSRM)............................................. 5 3 Security, Access and Use of SPSRM .................................................................................................................. 6 4 Representations and Warranties ........................................................................................................................ 9 5 Service of Notices Under the Agreement ...................................................................................................... 9 6 Off-line Communication .......................................................................................................................................11 7 Evidence and Validity .............................................................................................................................................11 8. Formation of Contract through SPSRM ...........................................................................................................11 9 Calling of Tender (“COT”) .................................................................................................................................... 12 10 Term Contracts ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 11 Request for Quotation (“RFQ”)........................................................................................................................... 12 12 Termination of Agreement ................................................................................................................................13 13 Revocation of Authorisation of Supplier’s Representative ..................................................................... 15 14 Liability and Indemnity ........................................................................................................................................ 15 15 Confidentiality ........................................................................................................................................................ 17 16 Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................ 17 17 Waiver ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18 18 Independent Parties ............................................................................................................................................ 18 19 Assignment ............................................................................................................................................................. 18 20 Severance .............................................................................................................................................................. 18 21 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction ..................................................................................................................... 18 22 Variation of Agreement .................................................................................................................................... 19 23 Application ............................................................................................................................................................ 19 24 Third Party Rights ................................................................................................................................................. 19 25 Mediation ............................................................................................................................................................... 19 Page 2 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE OF SP SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) 1 Definitions 1.1 For the purposes of this document, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them except where the context otherwise requires: "Agreement" means this Agreement on the Terms and Conditions for use of the SPSRM as amended by SP from time to time. “Authentication Device” means any or any combination of Login ID, password, electronic device with encoded electronic strip and/or chip, digital signature or such other device, method, item or machine prescribed by SP for access and/or use of SPSRM or any part thereof by the Supplier. “Certification Authority” shall have the same meaning as in the Electronic Transactions Act. “Contract(s)” shall unless otherwise specified in this Agreement refer to Contract(s) concluded by Parties through SPSRM. “Contractor” means the person or persons or firm which has a Contract and/or Term Contract with SP, and includes the Contractor’s duly appointed representatives, successors at law and permitted assigns. Where there are references to “Contractor” in SPSRM, this shall be read as referring to “Supplier”. “Designated Place” means the Website Page(s) designated by SP from time to time for the purpose of the Supplier accessing and viewing information transmitted by SP through SPSRM. “Digital Signature” shall have the same meaning as in the Electronic Transactions Act. "SPSRM" means SP Supplier Relationship Management system, a structured electronic system operated by SP via the Internet which facilitates the procurement of goods and/or services by SP through electronic means. "Message(s)" means data structured in accordance with SPSRM and the Website and transmitted electronically through SPSRM between the Parties and/or generated by SPSRM, including where the context admits any part of such data. “Party” means either SP or the Supplier and “Parties” mean both SP and the Supplier. Page 3 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 “Term Contract” means a binding contract between SP and the Supplier for the provision of specified goods and/or services on pre-agreed terms over a fixed period. The Term Contract represents a standing offer by the Supplier to provide the specified goods and/or services to SP on the pre-agreed terms as and when SP issues a Purchase Order to the Supplier for the purchase of the specified goods and/or services. When SP issues a Purchase Order for the purchase of the specified goods and/or services, the resulting contract between SP and the Supplier shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Term Contract. “Purchase Order” means an order from SP for the purchase of goods and/or services pursuant to a Term Contract in accordance with Clause 10 below, as the case may be. “Representative” means any person authorised by the Supplier in accordance with this Agreement to access and use SPSRM on the Supplier’s behalf. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement, any person who uses and/or enters the correct Authentication Device as prescribed by SP shall be deemed to be a Representative of the Supplier. “Request to Quote” is defined in Clause 11.2. “SP” means Singapore Power Limited and any company that is fully or partially owned by Singapore Power Limited, whether beneficially or otherwise or under its management or control, including all its subsidiaries, affiliates and related companies. “Supplier” means any person who has applied for and granted by SP the right to access and use SPSRM upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall, where the context so admits, include its Representatives. "Website" means the Internet web site of SPSRM maintained by the SP and shall include but not limited to all its pages and all information, text, forms, items, images, links, sound and graphics displayed therein. 1.2 Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa. 1.3 The headings are for convenient reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of this interpretation. 1.4 Words importing a gender include any other gender. 1.5 A reference to a person includes individuals, partnerships and other bodies, whether corporate or otherwise. Page 4 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 1.6 Any reference to any statute or legislation shall be deemed to be a reference to such statute or legislation as amended from time to time and be deemed to include any subsidiary legislation made thereunder. 1.7 All references to date and time in this Agreement or pursuant to this Agreement (including but not limited to the date and time of delivery of Messages) shall be Singapore date and time. 2 Singapore Power Supplier Relationship Management System (SPSRM) 2.1 SP agrees to grant the Supplier the right to access and use SPSRM on the terms set out herein and such other terms as may be amended by SP from time to time. 2.2 The Supplier agrees to fully comply with and observe all the terms of this Agreement. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Supplier agrees not to transmit any Message or make any communication to SP under this Agreement which is in any way inconsistent with or derogates from the terms of this Agreement. The Supplier further agrees that if any such Message or communication contains or includes anything which is inconsistent with or derogates from the terms of this Agreement, SP shall be entitled to treat and act on such Message or communication as if it did not contain or include any such inconsistency or derogation and such inconsistency or derogation shall not have any legal effect. 2.3 Where any Contract has been concluded between SP and the Supplier, Parties agree that the terms of this Agreement shall be subject to the terms of the Contract and any inconsistency shall be resolved in favour of the Contract. 2.4 Where SP procures or seeks to procure any goods and/or services from the Trading Partner through SPSRM, Parties agree that, subject to Clause 2.3, the terms of any resulting Contract between SP and the Supplier for the purchase and supply of the specified goods and/or services shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement and any inconsistency between this Agreement and the Contract shall be resolved in favour of the Contract. 2.5 Parties agree that subject to Clause 2.3, the form and contents of Messages shall be subject to this Agreement and any inconsistency between any Message and this Agreement shall be resolved in favour of this Agreement. 2.6 Parties further agree that subject to Clause 2.4 the form and contents of Messages transmitted pursuant to Contracts concluded through SPSRM shall be subject to such Contracts and any inconsistency shall be resolved in favour of such Contracts. Page 5 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 2.7 Where a Message contains any document as an attachment, Parties agree that subject to Clause 2.5 and 2.6, the contents of the attachment shall be subject to the form and contents of the Message and any inconsistency shall be resolved in favour of the Message. 2.8 The Parties agree that, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement or by SP, all transactions pertaining to the formation of contracts between the Parties for the procurement of goods and/or services by SP shall only be conducted through SPSRM by transmission of Messages. 2.9 In the event that SPSRM is unavailable due to reasons solely attributable to the operations of SPSRM and is likely to remain so for a reasonable period of time (which shall be determined solely at the discretion of SP), SP shall notify the Supplier of the unavailability of SPSRM by posting a notice on the Website (which shall constitute sufficient notice to the Trading Partner). In such an event, the Parties may transact with each other in writing through conventional means if SP expressly specifies in its notice that the Parties may do so. However, once SPSRM becomes available, the Parties shall immediately revert to transacting with each other through SPSRM. 3 Security, Access and Use of SPSRM 3.1 The Supplier shall access and use SPSRM in the manner and with the use of such Authentication Device as are or as may be prescribed by SP from time to time. 3.2 SP reserves the right to prescribe different Authentication Devices for accessing and/or using SPSRM or any part thereof, including but not limited to prescribing different Authentication Device(s) for accessing and/or using different parts of SPSRM. SP also reserves the right to vary, from time to time, the Authentication Device(s) and/or the manner of accessing and/or using SPSRM or any part thereof. SP will inform the Supplier by posting a notice on the Website of any change(s) in the Authentication Device(s) and/or the manner of accessing and/or using SPSRM or any part thereof and such posting notice shall constitute sufficient notice to the Supplier. It shall be the sole duty of the Supplier to check the Website for any such change(s). SP shall be under no obligation to furnish any reason for actions or decisions taken under Clause 3.2. 3.3 Without prejudice to Clause 3.2, SP reserves the right to prescribe password(s) and Login ID(s) for the Supplier and its Representatives as well as any combination and/or sequence of letters and/or numerals for the password(s) and Login ID(s). SP shall also have the right to amend such password(s) and Login ID(s) from time to time upon giving the Supplier at least 2 weeks’ notice. SP shall be under no obligation to furnish any reason for actions or decisions taken under Clause 3.3. Page 6 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 3.3 SP shall be entitled to deactivate or revoke: a. passwords and/or Login IDs of the Supplier and its Representatives upon termination of this Agreement; b. passwords and/or Login IDs of Representatives whose authorisation has been revoked; and c. passwords and/or Login IDs which SP knows or suspects to have been compromised. 3.4 The Supplier shall authorise Representative(s) to access and use SPSRM on its behalf. The Supplier shall notify SP in writing of its Representative(s) in the form and manner prescribed by SP from time to time. The Supplier’s Representative(s) shall not be allowed to access and use SPSRM on the Supplier’s behalf until the SP activates the account(s) of the Representative(s) in SPSRM and gives written notice to the Supplier of the same. The effective date of the activation of the account(s) of the Supplier’s Representative(s) shall be the date of SP’s written notice. 3.5 The Supplier shall also immediately notify SP in writing in the form and manner prescribed by SP from time to time of any changes in its particulars or the particulars of its Representative(s). SP shall make the necessary changes in SPSRM and give written notice to the Supplier of the same. The changes shall only take effect on the date of SP’s written notice to the Supplier. The Supplier’s Representative may make changes to his own particulars in SPSRM and the changes shall take effect immediately upon execution of the changes in SPSRM by the Representative. 3.6 The actions, failures, omissions and defaults of the Supplier’s Representative(s) shall be constructed and be given legal effect as if they are the actions, failures, omissions and defaults of the Supplier and the Supplier shall be fully responsible for all such matters. 3.7 The Supplier shall do all things necessary to preserve and maintain the integrity and security of SPSRM, including but not limited to ensuring that there is no unauthorised access and/or use of SPSRM or any Authentication Device and that the Authentication Devices are treated with extreme care and are available to and used by only its authorised Representatives. Each Authentication Device is issued to a specific individual authorised Representative of the Trading Partner and it shall remain confidential and shall not be shared with any other person. 3.8 The Supplier shall ensure that all Messages transmitted by it or its Representative(s) are duly authorised. The Supplier shall in any event be fully responsible for all Messages transmitted by it or by its Representatives(s). 3.9 The Supplier agrees, after taking into account all relevant factors, that the security procedure for SPSRM constitutes a commercially reasonable security procedure. Page 7 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 3.10 The Supplier agrees that SP is entitled to rely on the correct use and/or entry of the prescribed Authentication Device(s) by the Supplier or its Representative(s) as conclusive evidence of the authenticity of the Message and the authority of the originator of such Message. 3.11 Subject to SP’s obligation only to verify that Messages were transmitted by the Supplier or its Representative(s) using the appropriate Authentication Device prescribed by SP, SP shall be entitled to rely on Messages and the Supplier shall be bound by them. 3.12 SP shall be entitled to prescribe such codes and abbreviations for use in SPSRM and may delete, amend or make additions to such codes and abbreviations from time to time. The codes and abbreviations used in SPSRM shall be set out and explained in the Website. 3.13 The Supplier shall provide its own facilities (including but not limited to computer terminals, modem, software, hardware, systems, subscription to services of Certification Authority, subscription to the services of Internet Service Provider and telecommunications facilities) for accessing and using SPSRM and shall be fully responsible for ensuring that such facilities are adequate, suitable, compatible and appropriate for the purposes of accessing and using SPSRM in accordance with this Agreement. 3.14 Where the prescribed Authentication Device is a Digital Signature, the Supplier shall subscribe to public certification services provided by the Certification Authority prescribed by the SP. The Supplier shall fully comply with the directions, instructions and/or requirements of SP and/or the Certification Authority in relation to use of the Authentication Device. 3.15 SP may from time to time upgrade, alter or modify SPSRM or any part thereof. SP will inform the Supplier by posting a notice on the Website of any change(s) in SPSRM and/or any hardware, software or other facilities required to access and/or use SPSRM and such posting notice shall constitute sufficient notice to the Supplier. It shall be the sole duty of the Supplier to check the Website for any such change(s). The Supplier shall also be solely responsible for making the necessary upgrades, alterations or modifications to its systems, hardware, software and other facilities to ensure its continued access and use of SPSRM. SP shall be under no obligation to furnish any reason for actions or decisions taken under Clause 3.16. 3.16 The Supplier shall bear all costs and expenses in relation to its access and use of SPSRM, including but not limited to the costs and expenses incurred in ensuring its continued access and use of SPSRM. Page 8 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM [SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 4 Representations and Warranties 4.1 The Supplier represents and warrants at all times as follows: a. all particulars of the Supplier and its Representatives given and to be given to SP from time to time are accurate; b. the Supplier is validly existing, not insolvent or bankrupt and has the legal capacity and power to enter into, perform and comply with its obligations under this Agreement; and c. all actions, conditions and things required to be taken, fulfilled and done in order to enable the Supplier to enter into, perform and comply with its obligations under this Agreement and to ensure that those obligations are valid, legally binding on the Trading Partner and enforceable against the Supplier have been taken, fulfilled and done. 4.2 The Supplier undertakes to ensure and hereby represents and warrants at all times that Messages and other communications sent to SP using SPSRM and/or pursuant to this Agreement are and shall be a. complete, accurate, true and correct; and b. transmitted or sent by such persons as are duly authorised by the Supplier to transmit or send the Messages and communications. 4.3 The Supplier represents and warrants at all times to be bound by all Messages and other communications transmitted or sent by the Supplier and/or its Representatives. The Supplier further agrees that SP is under no obligation to check any Messages or other communications to ascertain their completeness, veracity and accuracy. 4.4 In the event that there are any changes to the matters represented or warranted under Clause 4.1 above, the Supplier shall within one [1) working day provide written notification to the SP in the manner set out in Clause 5.1 of this Agreement. 5 Service of Notices Under the Agreement 5.1 Unless otherwise expressly provided under this Agreement, any notice which SP is required to give to the Supplier under this Agreement shall only be deemed to have been served on the Supplier if the notice is sent by a. post to the address provided by the Supplier in its SPSRM Supplier Registration Form or such other address as may be specified in writing by the Trading Partner to SP, whichever is the latest in time; b. facsimile transmission to the facsimile number provided by the Supplier in its SPSRM Supplier Registration Form or such other facsimile number as may be specified in writing by the Supplier to SP, whichever is the latest in time; or Page 9 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 c. email to the email address provided by the Supplier in its SPSRM Supplier Registration Form or such other email address as may be specified in writing by the Trading Partner to SP, whichever is the latest in time. 5.2 It shall be the duty of the Supplier to immediately notify SP of any change in its correspondence address, facsimile number and email address and those of its Representatives. 5.3 Unless otherwise expressly provided under this Agreement or unless otherwise specified by the SP pursuant to Clause 5.4, any notice which the Supplier is required to give to SP under this Agreement shall only be deemed to have been served on SP if the notice is sent by post or email to: Procurement Branch SP Group Ltd 2 Kallang Sector Singapore 349277 Email: 5.4 SP may specify from time to time changes in its correspondence address or email for purposes of service of notices under this Agreement. Any such changes shall be posted on the Website and such posting shall constitute sufficient notice to the Supplier of the changes. The changes shall take effect on the date of posting of the changes on the Website. It shall be the sole duty of the Supplier to check the Website for any changes in SP’s corresponding address or facsimile number. 5.5 For the purposes of Clause 5, notices required to be served under this Agreement shall not include Messages. 5.6 Where this Agreement requires SP to serve a notice on the Supplier by posting the notice on the Website, the following shall apply: a. such posting on the Website shall constitute sufficient notice to the Supplier notwithstanding that the Supplier may not have viewed the notice; and b. the notice shall, unless otherwise specified by SP, take effect from the time of posting on the Website. Page 10 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 6 Off-line Communication 6.1 The Supplier may direct queries, comments or difficulties encountered with the access and/or use of SPSRM in the manner specified in Clauses 5.3 and 5.4 or to SP’s Internet e-mail address specified in the Website for the purposes of receiving such off-line communication. 6.2 SP may likewise conduct off-line communication with the Supplier in the manner specified in and in accordance with Clause 5.1. 6.3 Any communication under Clause 6 shall not have any legal effect between the Parties and without prejudice to the foregoing, shall not constitute a Message or evidence of any action, transaction or notice under this Agreement or any contract or performance of any contract concluded through SPSRM. 7 Evidence and Validity 7.1 Information in the form of an electronic record shall be given legal effect, validity and enforceability. 7.2 Messages transmitted and/or generated on the basis of and in accordance with this Agreement shall have, between the Parties, a comparable evidential value to that accorded to written documents. 7.3 Without prejudice to Clause 7.4, the Parties expressly accept and agree that any and all Messages transmitted through and/or generated by SPSRM are final, conclusive and binding for all purposes and shall be relevant and admissible in evidence. The Parties further expressly agree that they shall not dispute the authority, accuracy and/or authenticity of any Message (or any part thereof) on the ground that the Message is transmitted and/or generated electronically. 7.4 The Parties expressly accept that Contracts are validly formed by Message(s) transmitted through and/or generated by SPSRM, and expressly waive any right to bring any action challenging the validity of a Contract concluded between themselves solely on the ground that the Contract was concluded through SPSRM. 8. Formation of Contract through SPSRM 8.1 Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, a Contract may only be formed in the manner specified in this Agreement. Page 11 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 9 Calling of Tender (“COT”) 9.1 SP may at any time invite Suppliers to submit offers in response to a COT for the supply of goods and services through SPSRM. This is referred to hereafter as electronic COT. 9.2 All electronic COTs from SP shall be issued to Suppliers through SPSRM. 9.3 A Supplier may, in response to the COT, submit its offer to SP through SPSRM within the time specified in the COT. The issuance of the Offer Message shall constitute the Supplier’s binding offer to SP. 9.4 If SP decides to accept the Supplier’s offer, it shall convey its acceptance by issuing a letter of award to the Supplier. 9.5 SP reserves the right to disregard any offers which is submitted after the time specified in the COT, regardless of whether the delay in the submission of the tender was occasioned wholly or in part by any unavailability of SPSRM, interruption in the access and/or use of SPSRM or any other factor attributable to the operations of SPSRM, except where the delay is caused solely by mishandling on the part of SP. 10 Term Contracts 10.1 Term Contracts may be concluded between Parties through SPSRM. When there is an existing Term Contract between SP and the Supplier, the Supplier shall be deemed to have made standing offers to SP for the provision of goods and/or services specified in the Term Contract for the price agreed upon in the Term Contract and in accordance with the terms of the Term Contract. 10.2 All Purchase Orders from SP for the purchase of specified goods and/or services under a Term Contract shall be issued to the Supplier through SPSRM. The e-mail constituting a Purchase Order is referred to as “Purchase Order Email”. The issuance of the Purchase Order Email(s) shall constitute SP’s acceptance of the standing offer(s) of the Supplier under the Term Contract. 11 Request for Quotation (“RFQ”) 11.1 SP may at any time invite Suppliers to submit offers in response to an RFQ for specified goods and/or services through SPSRM. For the avoidance of doubt, an RFQ is not pursuant to any existing or underlying Term Contract between the Parties and is referred to hereafter as electronic RFQ Page 12 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM [SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 11.2 All electronic RFQs from SP shall be issued to the Supplier through SPSRM. The RFQ shall not constitute an offer or acceptance by SP but shall only represent an invitation to treat from SP to the Supplier. 11.3 The Supplier may, in response to the RFQ, submit its offer to SP through SPSRM within the time specified by SP. The issuance of the offer shall constitute the Supplier’s binding offer to SP. 11.4 If SP decides to accept the Supplier’s offer, it shall convey its acceptance by issuing a Purchase Order to the Supplier via the Purchase Order Email 11.5 SP reserves the right to disregard any offer which is submitted after the time specified by SP, regardless of whether the delay in the submission of the Quote was occasioned wholly or in part by any unavailability of SPSRM, interruption in the access and/or use of SPSRM or any other factor attributable to the operations of SPSRM, except where the delay is caused solely by mishandling on the part of SP. 12 Termination of Agreement 12.1 Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement and in addition to its other rights and remedies under this Agreement or at law, SP may terminate this Agreement on the occurrence of any of the following events at any time by giving the Supplier at least one [1] working day’s notice in writing: a. if the Supplier breaches anything in this Agreement and neglects or otherwise fails to remedy such breach within seven [7) working days of being required in writing to do so by SP; b. if the Supplier become insolvents or is adjudged bankrupt, wound up or is placed under judicial management, receivership or voluntary arrangement or if a petition for bankruptcy, winding up or appointment of judicial manager has been presented against the Supplier or a resolution is passed for its winding up or if the Supplier enters into any composition or arrangement with its creditors; c. if the Supplier is convicted of fraud or corruption in or outside Singapore or of any offence under the Computer Misuse Act [Cap. 50A); or 12.2 In addition to its rights under Clause 12.1, SP may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving seven [7] working days’ notice in writing to the Supplier. 12.3 SP’s notice of termination shall be sent to the Supplier in accordance with Clause 5.1a or Clause 5.1b and the Supplier shall be deemed to have received the notice of termination on the date it is sent by SP. Page 13 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM [SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 12.4 SP shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement in accordance with Clause 12 without being liable for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation, whether direct or indirect. 12.5 Subject to Clause 12.6, the Supplier may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving seven [7) working days’ notice in writing to SP. The Supplier’s notice of termination shall not take effect except in accordance with Clause 12.8. 12.6 The Supplier shall not be entitled to terminate this Agreement if there is any existing Period Contract or Framework Agreement between SP and the Supplier which has not expired or otherwise been determined. 12.7 The Supplier’s notice of termination shall be sent to SP in accordance with Clause 5.3. 12.8 After receiving the Supplier’s notice of termination, SP shall determine the date on which the Supplier’s notice of termination shall take effect and shall notify the Supplier in accordance with Clause 5.1 of the effective date of termination of this Agreement. The date of termination of this Agreement as determined by SP shall not exceed seven (7) working days from SP’s actual receipt of the Supplier’s notice of termination. 12.9 The following consequences shall immediately follow upon notice of termination being given in accordance with this Clause 12: a. The Supplier may make new offers to SP through SPSRM any time before the termination of this Agreement. b. SP may at any time before the termination of this Agreement, accept through SPSRM any offer made by the Supplier before or after service of the notice of termination and such acceptance shall constitute a binding Contract between the Parties. 12.10 The following consequences shall immediately follow upon termination of this Agreement: a. The Parties shall not be able to transact with each other through SPSRM. b. The Supplier’s obligations under all Contracts concluded through SPSRM before the termination of this Agreement shall continue and shall not be affected in any way by the termination of this Agreement. c. The Supplier’s obligations under existing Period Contracts and Framework Agreements shall continue and shall not be affected in any way by the termination of this Agreement. d. The termination of this Agreement shall not affect any rights and liabilities accruing immediately before the date of termination. Page 14 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 13 Revocation of Authorisation of Supplier’s Representative 13.1 The revocation of the authorisation given by the Supplier to its Representative for the purposes of transacting through SPSRM on the Supplier’s behalf shall be effected in SPSRM in one of the following ways only: a. The Supplier shall notify SP in writing of the revocation of the authorisation given to its specified Authorised Representative. SP shall delete the Supplier’s Representative’s account in SPSRM and shall send a written notice to this effect to the Supplier by post, facsimile or email in accordance with Clause 5. The revocation of the authorisation of the Supplier’s Representative shall only take effect on the date of SP’s written notice; or b. The Supplier’s Representative may delete his account in SPSRM and the revocation of the authorisation of the Supplier’s Representative shall take effect immediately upon the deletion of the account. 13.2 The Supplier shall be fully responsible for the actions, failures, omissions and defaults of its Representative until the effective date of the revocation of the Representative’s authorisation. 13.3 The following consequences shall immediately follow upon the revocation of the authorisation of the Supplier’s Representative: a. The Representative shall not be allowed to access and use SPSRM on the Supplier’s behalf. b. The revocation of the Representative’s authorisation shall not in any way affect the Trading Partner’s obligations under this Agreement, Contracts concluded through SPSRM and existing Period Contracts and Framework Agreements. c. It shall be the sole duty of the Supplier to ensure that it is able to continue to access and use SPSRM and fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, all contracts concluded through SPSRM and existing Period Contracts and Framework Agreements, despite the revocation of its Representative’s authorisation. 13.4 SP shall not be liable in any way for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation, whether direct or indirect, which arise from or are referable in any way to the revocation of the authorisation of the Supplier’s Representative. 14 Liability and Indemnity 14.1 The Supplier acknowledges that there are security, corruption, transmission error and access availability risks associated with using open networks and Internet websites and hereby expressly assumes such risks. 14.2 Without prejudice to the foregoing, SP does not make any warranty or representation that the access and/or use of SPSRM or any part thereof will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, free from virus or Page 15 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, programme or macro, free from transmission errors or otherwise error-free. 14.3 No warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, satisfactory quality and/or fitness for a particular purpose, is given in conjunction with SPSRM. 14.4 Any hyperlink to any other website or any reference to any website, entity, product or service is not an endorsement or verification by SP of such website, entity, product or service. Any access, use or engagement of or other dealings with such website, entity, product or service shall be solely at the Supplier’s own risks. 14.5 SP shall not be liable in any way for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation, whether direct or indirect, which arise from or are referable to, regardless of the form of action, any breach of security, delay, corruption or destruction of data or systems (including due to but not limited to causes such as virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, programme or macro), transmission error and unavailability of access associated with accessing and/or using SPSRM or any part thereof even if SP is advised as to the possibility. 14.6 SP shall not be liable in any way for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation, whether direct or indirect, which arise from or are referable to, regardless of the form of action, any difficulty whatsoever encountered in accessing and/or using SPSRM or any part thereof arising out of or in connection to the Supplier’s facilities (including but not limited to computer terminals, modem, software, hardware, systems, subscription to services of Certification Authority, subscription to the services of Internet Service Provider and telecommunications facilities). 14.7 SP shall not be liable in any way for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation, whether direct or indirect, which arise from or are referable to, regardless of the form of action, any difficulty whatsoever encountered by the Supplier in accessing and/or using SPSRM or any part thereof or any upgrading, modification or alteration made to SPSRM (including but not limited to changes to Authentication Devices). 14.8 The Supplier shall solely be responsible and liable and shall hold SP free of liability for the acts, failures, omissions and defaults of the Supplier and its Representatives, including but not limited to unauthorised access and/or use of SPSRM or any part thereof, unauthorised disclosure or use of any Authentication Device, access and/or use of SPSRM or any part thereof in a manner inconsistent with this Agreement, doing anything contrary to this Agreement and failing to act in accordance with this Agreement. Page 16 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 14.9 SP shall not be liable in any way, regardless of the form of action for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation, whether direct or indirect, in the event of the termination or suspension of SPSRM (whether notice is given to Supplier or not) due to events beyond SP’s control. 14.10 Without prejudice to the foregoing, SP shall not be liable, regardless of the form of action, for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or compensation whatsoever (whether direct, indirect, special or consequential or economic loss and whether foreseeable or not) arising from or in connection with or referable to the access and/or use of SPSRM. 14.11 The Supplier hereby agrees to indemnify and hold SP harmless against all damages, losses, costs (including legal costs), expenses and liabilities suffered or incurred by the SP arising out of or referable to any claims, suits or proceedings brought against the SP by third parties arising out of or in connection to the Supplier’s and/or its Representative’s access and/or use (including but not limited to unauthorised access and/or use) of SPSRM or any part thereof. 14.12 The word “SP” in Clause 14 shall include SP’s servants and agents. 15 Confidentiality 15.1 The Supplier shall ensure that any Message (including part thereof) from SP is maintained in confidence and is not disclosed to any unauthorised person or used by the Supplier other than for the purposes to which the Message relates. Messages or any part thereof shall not be regarded as containing confidential information to the extent that such information is in the public domain. 15.2 Clause 15 shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 16 Intellectual Property Rights 16.1 The copyright in SPSRM and the Website is owned by SP or its licensors. The SPSRM and/or the Website or any part thereof shall not be reproduced, distributed, adapted, modified, republished, displayed, broadcasted, hyperlinked, framed or transmitted in any manner or by any means or stored in an information retrieval system or “mirrored” on any other server without SP’s prior written permission. 16.2 Clause 16 shall survive the termination of this Agreement. Page 17 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 17 Waiver 17.1 No waiver of any breach shall be effective unless made in writing by the Party granting such waiver and given to the other Party in accordance with Clause 5. 17.2 Unless otherwise expressly provided, the extent of any waiver granted shall be restricted to the specific breach concerned and shall not extend to any further occurrence of such breach or any other breach. 17.3 The rights and remedies provided to the Parties under this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies available in law. 18 Independent Parties 18.1 For the purposes of this Agreement, the Supplier shall be and shall be deemed to be, independent and not an agent or employee of SP. 18.2 Neither Party shall have the authority to make any statement, representation or commitment of any kind, or to take any action which shall be binding or intended to be binding on the other Party, except as expressly provided in this Agreement or authorised in writing in accordance with Clause 5. 19 Assignment 19.1 The Supplier shall not assign or transfer this Agreement or any part, interest or share herein without the prior written consent of SP given by SP in accordance with Clause 5. 20 Severance 20.1 If any part of this Agreement should be held in law to be void, voidable, unenforceable or illegal, such provision shall be deemed modified to the extent required to comply with such law or, if necessary, shall be severed from the rest of the Agreement and the remainder of the Agreement shall have full force and effect. 21 Applicable Law and Jurisdiction 21.1 This Agreement shall be governed by, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Singapore. Page 18 of 19 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF SINGAPORE POWER SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SPSRM) REVISED 16 MAY 2018 21.2 Each Party agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore Courts as regards any claim or matter arising under or referable to this Agreement. 22 Variation of Agreement 22.1 SP reserves the right to vary this Agreement from time to time by amending, adding onto or deleting any of the terms in this Agreement. 22.2 Any variation of this Agreement shall be posted on the Website and such posting shall constitute sufficient notice to the Supplier of the variation. The variation shall take effect on the date of the posting of the variation on the Website. It shall be the sole duty of the Supplier to check the Website for any variation of this Agreement posted on the Website. 23 Application 23.1 SP shall post the current applicable version of this Agreement on the Website. Any use and/or access of SPSRM shall be governed by the applicable version of the Agreement at the time when the Message is transmitted and any notice required to be given under this Agreement shall be governed by the applicable version of this Agreement at the time when the notice is sent. 23.2 Except as otherwise expressly provided, this Agreement shall apply only to the transmission of data and not to the substance of the Messages transmitted. 24 Third Party Rights 24.1 a person who is not a party to this Agreement shall have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement.” 25 Mediation 25.1 Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement, in the event of any dispute, claim, question or disagreement between SP and the Supplier arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, no Party shall proceed to litigation or any other form of dispute resolution UNLESS the Parties have made reasonable efforts to resolve the same through mediation in accordance with the mediation rules of the Singapore Mediation Centre. 25.2 A Party who receives a notice for mediation from the other Party shall consent and participate in the mediation process in accordance with Clause 25.1. 25.3 Failure to comply with Clauses 25.1 and 25.2 shall be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement. 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Microsoft PowerPoint - UserGuide_OtherUsers_V1.7.1.pptx
User Guide (Other Users) V1.7.1 Last Updated 22 Sep 2022 Contents User Account Dashboard FAQs i. Requirements................................................................................................................................... 4 ii. User Registration............................................................................................................................ 5 iii. Retrieval of Password.................................................................................................................. 12 iv. Re-activation of Locked Account............................................................................................. 16 i. Dashboard Features......................................................................................................................... 21 ii. Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity)……….….............................. 22 iii. Applying for Gas Diversion Works ……………………………........................................................ 29 iv. Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works........................ 37 v. Applying for Revision of Contracted Capacity...................................................................... 45 vi. Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard...................................................................... 49 i. Topic – User Account...................................................................................................................... 61 ii. Topic – Dashboard............................................................................................................................ 62 2 User Account 3 Requirements 1. A computer with the following web browser: � � Google Chrome Microsoft Edge 2. A valid email address 3. A scanner to scan supporting documents in softcopy format for subsequent submissions 4 User Registration Step 1 - 2 of 10 Step 1: Visit Step 2:Click on Create new account link. 2 5 User Registration Step 3 - 4 of 10 Step 3: For “Type of User”, choose “Other Users” from the dropdown list. Step 4: Click “Next”. 3 4 6 User Registration Step 5 - 6 of 10 Step 5: Enter your Preferred User ID. It will be used for subsequent log in. Step 6: Enter all the remaining fields, indicate your consent by checking the declaration box and click “Submit”. 5 6 7 User Registration Step 7 of 10 Step 7: An acknowledgement message will be shown on your screen upon successful submission. 8 User Registration Step 8 of 10 Step 8: An email will be sent to you from to confirm that your account application has been submitted successfully. Click the link in the email to activate your account. If you do not receive the email in your inbox, please check your "spam" or "junk" folder. 9 User Registration Step 9 of 10 Step 9: Enter your preferred password and click Save. 10 User Registration Step 10 of 10 Step 10: The user registration is now completed. You can now close the browser window/tab. The button Continue can be ignored. Optional 11 Retrieval of Password Step 1 of 6 Step 1: If you have forgotten your password, click on the Account login issues link 1 12 Retrieval of Password Step 2 - 4 of 6 Step 2: Enter your registered email address. Step 3: Please select an option that is applicable. Step 4: Click on “Submit”. 2 3 4 13 Retrieval of Password Step 5 of 6 Step 5: An acknowledgement message will be shown on your screen. 14 Retrieval of Password Step 6 of 6 Step 6:You will receive an email with the link for you to reset your password. 15 Re-activation User Registration of Locked Account Step 1 of 6 Step 1: If you have not logged on for 180 days, your account will be locked. If your account is locked, click on the link “Account login issue” to re-activate your account. 1 16 Re-activation User Registration of Locked Account Step 2 - 4 of 6 Step 2: Enter your registered email address. Step 3: Please select an option that is applicable. Step 4: Click on “Submit”. 2 3 4 17 Re-activation User Registration of Locked Account Step 5 of 6 Step 5: An acknowledgement message will be shown on your screen. 18 Re-activation User Registration of Locked Account Step 6 of 6 Step 6:You will receive an email containing the link to reset your password. 19 Dashboard 20 Dashboard Features Log On to Access Dashboard User Particulars New Applications View Details & Perform Activities for the Applications Searched 21 Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity) Step 1 of 10 Step 1: From the dashboard, click on “Gas/Electricity General Consultation” option. 1 22 Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity) Step 2 of 10 Step 2: All the fields in the section “Agency/Requester Details” are auto-populated. 2 23 Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity) Step 3 - 4 of 10 Step 3: Scroll down the page and enter all required fields in the section “Details of Consultation”. Step 4: Click “Next”. 3 4 24 Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity) Step 5 of 10 Step 5: A preview of the completed form will be shown. Please check all the fields and click “Submit” when you have verified the details. 5 25 Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity) Step 6 - 7 of 10 Step 6: A pop-up window will display a message to show that application was successfully submitted and an “Application/Consultation No.” will be generated. Step 7: Click on “Upload” to proceed to the next page to upload your documents 6 7 26 Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity) Step 8 - 9 of 10 Step 8: Click on the dropdown list for “File Description” and select the appropriate option. Browse through your computer for the required document(s) to be uploaded. Successfully uploaded document(s) will be displayed in the table below. Step 9: Click “Submit”. 8 9 27 Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity) Step 10 of 10 Step 10: A pop-up window will display a message to show that the documents have been successfully uploaded for the “Application/Consultation No.”. Click “OK” and you will be redirected to the dashboard. 10 28 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 1 of 12 Step 1: From the dashboard, click on “Gas Diversion Works” option. 1 29 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 2 - 3 of 12 Step 2: The fields in the section “Details of Applicant” are auto-populated. Step 3: Indicate whether the Paymaster is the same as Applicant. 2 3 30 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 4 of 12 Step 4: If Paymaster is notthe same as Applicant, enter all required fields in the section “Details of Paymaster” 31 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 5 - 6 of 12 Step 5: Scroll down the page and enter all required fields in the section “Details of Project”. Step 6: Click “Next”. 5 Select the services for diversion 6 32 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 7 of 12 Step 7: A preview of the completed form will be shown. Please check that all the fields are correct and click “Submit” when the details have been verified. 7 33 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 8 - 9 of 12 Step 8: A pop-up window will display a message to show that application has been successfully submitted and an “Application/Consultation No.” will be generated. Step 9: Click “Upload” to proceed to the next page to upload your documents. 8 9 34 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 10 - 11 of 12 Step 10: Click on the dropdown list for “File Description” and select the appropriate option. Browse through your computer for the required document(s) to be uploaded. Successfully uploaded document(s) will be displayed in the table below. Step 11: Click on “Submit”. 10 11 35 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 12 of 12 Step 12: A pop-up window will display a message to show that the documents have been successfully uploaded for the “Application/Consultation No.”. Click “OK” and th and you will be redirected to the dashboard. 12 36 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 1 of 12 Step 1: From the dashboard, click on “Electricity Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works” option. 1 37 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 2 - 3 of 12 Step 2: The fields in the section “Details of Applicant” are auto-populated. Step 3: Indicate whether the Paymaster is the same as Applicant. 2 3 38 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 4 of 12 Step 4: If the Paymaster is notthe same as the Applicant, enter all required fields in the section “Details of Paymaster” 39 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 5 - 6 of 12 Step 5: Scroll down the page and enter all required fields in the section “Details of Project”. Step 6: Click “Next”. 5 6 40 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 7 of 12 Step 7: A preview of the completed form will be shown. Please check that all the fields are correct and click “Submit” when the details have been verified. 7 41 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 8 - 9 of 12 Step 8: A pop-up window will display a message to show that application has been successfully submitted and an “Application/Consultation No.” will be indicated. Step 9: Click “Upload” to proceed to the next page to upload your documents. 8 9 42 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 10 - 11 of 12 Step 10: Click on the dropdown list for “File Description” and select the appropriate option. Browse through your computer for the required document(s) to be uploaded. Successfully uploaded document(s) will be displayed in the table below. Step 11: Click “Submit”. 10 11 43 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 12 of 12 Step 12: : A pop-up window will display a message to show that the documents have been successfully uploaded for the “Application/Consultation No.”. Click “OK” and you will be redirected to the dashboard. 12 44 Applying for Revision of Contracted Capacity Step 1 of 5 Step 1: From the dashboard, click on “Revision of Contracted Capacity” option. 1 45 Applying for Revision of Contracted Capacity Step 2 - 3 of 5 Step 2: Enter all required fields in “Customer Details” and “Revision Request Details”. Step 3: Click “Next”. You may click on “Save As Draft” to save your changes and continue working on this page later. A reference number will be shown and can be used to search for the draft. 3 46 Applying for Revision of Contracted Capacity Step 4 of 5 Step 4: A preview of the completed form will be shown. Please check that all the fields are correct and click “Submit” when the details have been verified. 4 47 Applying for Revision of Contracted Capacity Step 5 of 5 Step 5: A pop-up window will display a message to show that application has been successfully submitted. The reference number is for temporary use, and the actual Application/Consultation Number will be generated after the application is approved. Click “OK” and you will be redirected to the dashboard. 48 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Dashboard Search Existing Applications View/Edit Application View Progress Download Forms as PDF Upload Documents 49 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Search Existing Applications: Step 1 - 2 of 2 Step 1: Enter the Application Number in “Consultation/Application No” and click “Search”. Step 2: Select an application to view the different activities you can perform at the bottom. 1 2 50 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard View Application: Step 1 of 2 Step 1: To view a previously submitted application, click “View Application”. 1 51 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard View Application: Step 2 of 2 Step 2: The preview of the application will be displayed, as shown in the example below. 52 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Edit Application: Step 1 of 3 Step 1: To edit an application form, click “Edit Application”. 1 53 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Edit Application: Step 2 - 3 of 3 Step 2: Click “Next” after editing the application. Step 3: A preview of the completed form will be shown. Please check that all the fields are correct and click “Submit” when the details have been verified. 2 3 54 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard View Progress: Step 1 - 2 of 2 Step 1: To view progress of a request/application, click “View Progress”. Step 2: A pop-up window will appear and display the progress of the application. Click “OK” to exit the pop-up window. 2 1 55 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Download Form: Step 1 of 1 Step 1: You can click “Download as PDF” to download the form in PDF format. 1 56 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Upload Documents: Step 1 of 4 Step 1: To upload documents, click “Upload Documents”. 1 57 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Upload Documents: Step 2 - 3 of 4 Step 2: Click on the dropdown list for “File Description” and select the appropriate option. Browse through your computer for all the required document(s) to be uploaded. Successfully uploaded document(s) will be displayed in the table below. Step 3: Click “Submit” after uploading all the required document(s). 2 3 58 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Upload Documents: Step 4 of 4 Step 4: A pop-up window will display message to show that documents have been successfully uploaded for the respective “Application/Consultation No.”. Click “OK” and you will be redirected to the dashboard. 59 FAQs 60 FAQs Topic – User Account 1. How will I know that my user registration is successful? You will receive a confirmation email containing a link to activate your account. If you do not see any email from us in your inbox, please check your "spam" or "junk" folder. If your email address is entered wrongly during registration, you should submit a new registration. 2. Which information should I take note for my user registration? You should take note of your preferred user ID, customer number, password and most importantly the email address that you have used for registration. 3. What should I do if I forget my username and password? You should visit the eBusiness Portal login page and click on “Account login issues” button. Follow the on-screen instructions and you will receive an email containing a link for you to reset your password. 4. Why is my account locked? Your account will be locked if you enter your password wrongly for five times or if you do not log in for more than 90 days. For locked account, you can reactivate it by visiting the eBusiness Portal login page and click on “Account login issues” button Follow the on-screen instructions and you will receive an email containing a link to re-activate your account. 61 FAQs Topic – Dashboard 1. What are the functionalities of the dashboard? They are: Submitting new requests, viewing progress, uploading documents, viewing/editing form and downloading forms as PDF. 2. What is the Internet Application Number and when will I receive the Application/Consultation Number? The Application/Consultation Number will only be generated when the application is approved. Meanwhile, you will receive an Internet Application Number which is a reference number for form submission. 3. How do I track my application/consultation status after submission? You may do a search on the dashboard in “View Progress” with the Application/Consultation Number. 4. Can I upload additional documents after submission? Yes, you can search for the request/application and use the “Upload Document” function on the dashboard to upload documents after submission. 5. Who can I contact if I need assistance with the portal? Please email us at 6. What can I do if the webpage does not render properly? Please turn off the “Compatibility mode” for the web browser 62
Microsoft PowerPoint - UserGuide_GovAgencies_V1.7.1.pptx
User Guide (Government Agencies) V1.7.1 Last Updated 22 Sep 2022 Contents User Account Dashboard FAQs i. Requirements.................................................................................................................................................. 4 ii. User Registration........................................................................................................................................... 5 iii. Retrieval of Password.................................................................................................................................. 12 iv. Re-activation of Locked Account........................................................................................................... 16 i. Dashboard Features.................................................................................................................................... 21 ii. Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity)……………...................................... 22 iii. Applying for Gas Diversion Works...................................................................................................... 29 iv. Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works................................. 37 v. Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard.............................................................................. 45 i. Topic – User Account............................................................................................................................... 61 ii. Topic – Dashboard.................................................................................................................................... 62 2 User Account 3 Requirements 1. A computer with the following web browser: � � GoogleChrome MicrosoftEdge 2. Your customer number (send an email to if you do not have your customer number) 3. A valid email address 4. A scanner for subsequent submission of supporting documents in softcopy format 4 User Registration Step 1 -2 of 11 Step 1: Visit Step 2:Click on Create new account link. 2 5 User Registration Step 3 -5 of 11 Step 3: For “Type of User”, choose “Government Agencies” from the dropdown list. Step 4: Enter your Customer Number. Note: Send an email to if you do not have your 10-digit customer number customer number. Step 5: Click on “Next”. 3 4 5 6 User Registration Step 6 - 7 of 11 Step 6: Enter your Preferred User ID. It will be used for subsequent log-on. Step 7: Enter all the remaining fields, indicate your consentby checking the declaration box and click on “Submit”. 6 7 7 7 User Registration Step 8 of 11 Step 8: An acknowledgement message will be shown on your screen upon successful submission. 8 User Registration Step 9 of 11 Step 9: An email will be sent to you from to confirm that your account application has been submitted successfully. Click the link in the email to activate your account. If you do not receive the email in your inbox, please check your "spam" or "junk" folder. 9 User Registration Step 10 of 11 Step 10: Enter your preferred password and click Save. 10 User Registration Step 11 of 11 Step 11: The user registration is now completed. You can now close the browser window/tab. The button Continue can be ignored. Optional 11 Retrieval of Password Step 1 of 6 Step 1: If you have forgotten your password, click on the Account login issues link 1 12 Retrieval of Password Step 2 - 4 of 6 Step 2: Enter your registered email address. Step 3: Please select an option that is applicable. Step 4: Click on “Submit”. 2 3 4 13 Retrieval of Password Step 5 of 6 Step 5: An acknowledgement message will be shown on your screen. 14 Retrieval of Password Step 6 of 6 Step 6:You will receive an email with the link for you to reset your password. 15 Re-activation User Registration of Locked Account Step 1 of 6 Step 1: If you have not logged on for 180 days, your account will be locked. If your account is locked, click on the link “Account login issue” to re-activate your account. 1 16 Re-activation User Registration of Locked Account Step 2 - 4 of 6 Step 2: Enter your registered email address. Step 3: Please select an option that is applicable. Step 4: Click on “Submit”. 2 3 4 17 Re-activation User Registration of Locked Account Step 5 of 6 Step 5: An acknowledgement message will be shown on your screen. 18 Re-activation User Registration of Locked Account Step 6 of 6 Step 6:You will receive an email containing the link to reset your password. 19 Dashboard 20 Dashboard Features Log On to Access Dashboard User Particulars New Requests View Details & Perform Activities for the Applications Searched 21 Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity) Step 1 of 10 Step 1: From the dashboard, click on “Gas/Elect/SP Telecom General Consultation”. 1 22 Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity) Step 2 of 10 Step 2: All the fields under the section “Agency/Requester Details” are auto-populated. 2 23 Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity) Step 3 -4 of 10 Step 3: Scroll down the page and enter all required fields under the section “Consultation Details”. Step 4: Click on “Next”. 3 4 24 Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity) Step 5 of 10 Step 5: A preview of the completed form will be shown. Double-check all the fields and click on “Submit” once details have been verified. 5 25 Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity) Step 6 - 7 of 10 Step 6: A pop-up window will display message that application was successfully submitted and indicate the “Application/Consultation No.”. Step 7: Click on “Upload” to go to the documents upload page. 6 7 26 Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity) Step 8 - 9 of 10 Step 8: Click on the dropdown for “File Description” and select option accordingly. Browse for all the required document(s) to upload. Uploaded document(s) will be shown in the table below. Step 9: Click on “Submit”. 8 9 27 Requesting for General Consultation (Gas and Electricity) Step 10 of 10 Step 10: A pop-up window will display message that documents was successfully uploaded for the “Application/Consultation No.”. Click on “OK” and the page will navigate you back to the dashboard. 10 28 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 1 of 12 Step 1: From the dashboard, click on “Application for Gas/SP Tel Diversion Works”. 1 29 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 2 - 3 of 12 Step 2: The fields under the section “Details of Applicant” are auto-populated. Step 3: Select whether the Paymaster is the same as Applicant. 2 3 30 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 4 of 12 Step 4: If Paymaster is notthe same as Applicant, enter all required fields under the section “Details of Paymaster” 31 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 5 -6 of 12 Step 5: Scroll down the page and enter all required fields under the section “Details of Project”. Step 6: Click on “Next”. 5 Select the services for diversion 6 32 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 7 of 12 Step 7: A preview of the completed form will be shown. Double-check all the fields and click on “Submit” once details have been verified. 7 33 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 8 - 9 of 12 Step 8: A pop-up window will display message that application was successfully submitted and indicate the “Application/Consultation No.”. Step 9: Click on “Upload” to go to the documents upload page. 8 9 34 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 10 - 11 of 12 Step 10: Click on the dropdown for “File Description” and select option accordingly. Browse for all the required document(s) to upload. Uploaded document(s) will be shown in the table below. Step 11: Click on “Submit”. 10 11 35 Applying for Gas Diversion Works Step 12 of 12 Step 12: A pop-up window will display message that documents was successfully uploaded for the “Application/Consultation No.”. Click on “OK” and the page will navigate you back to the dashboard. 12 36 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 1 of 12 Step 1: From the dashboard, click on “Application for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works”. 1 37 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 2 - 3 of 12 Step 2: The fields under the section “Details of Applicant” are auto-populated. Step 3: Select whether the Paymaster is the same as the Applicant. 2 3 38 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 4 of 12 Step 4: If the Paymaster is notthe same as the Applicant, enter all required fields under the section “Details of Paymaster” 39 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 5 -6 of 12 Step 5: Scroll down the page and enter all required fields under the section “Details of Project”. Step 6: Click on “Next”. 5 6 40 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 7 of 12 Step 7: A preview of the completed form will be shown. Double-check all the fields and click on “Submit” once details have been verified. 7 41 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 8 - 9 of 12 Step 8: A pop-up window will display message that application was successfully submitted and indicate the “Application/Consultation No.”. Step 9: Click on “Upload” to go to the documents upload page. 8 9 42 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 10 - 11 of 12 Step 10: Click on the dropdown for “File Description” and select option accordingly. Browse for all the required document(s) to upload. Uploaded document(s) will be shown in the table below. Step 11: Click on “Submit”. 10 11 43 Applying for Elect Diversion and Substation Redevelopment Works Step 12 of 12 Step 12: A pop-up window will display message that documents was successfully uploaded for the “Application/Consultation No.”. Click on “OK” and the page will navigate you back to the dashboard. 12 44 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Dashboard Search Existing Requests View Form Edit Form View Progress Download Forms as PDF Upload Documents Request for Cancellation 45 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Search Existing Applications: Step 1 -2 of 2 Step 1: Enter the Application Number in “Consultation/Application No” and click on “Search”. Step 2: Click on the application to view the different activities you can perform at the bottom. 1 2 46 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Advanced Search Function: Step 1 of 2 Step 1:Click on “Advanced Search” if you need to filter and search with more detailed information. 1 47 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Advanced Search Function: Step 2 of 2 Step 2: Enter search criteria. Click on “Search” to display the request(s) that match(es) the criteria. Use asterisk (*) in place of the unknown numbers (e.g., 23* will show Application Numbers starting with 23 while *45 will show Application Numbers ending with 45). 2 48 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard View Form: Step 1 of 2 Step 1: To view a previously submitted requests, click on “View Form”. 1 49 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard View Form: Step 2 of 2 Step 2: The page will navigate to the preview of the application, as shown in the example below. 50 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Edit Form: Step 1 of 3 Step 1: To edit an application form, click on “Edit Form”. 1 51 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Edit Form: Step 2 - 3 of 3 Step 2: Click on “Next” after editing the application. Step 3: A preview of the completed form will be shown. Double-check all the fields and click on “Submit” once details have been verified. 2 3 52 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard View Progress: Step 1 -2 of 2 Step 1: To view progress of a request/application, click on “View Progress”. Step 2: A pop-up window will appear and display the progress of the application. 1 53 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Download Form: Step 1 of 1 Step 1: You can click on “Download as PDF” to download the form in PDF format. 1 54 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Upload Documents: Step 1 of 4 Step 1: To upload documents onto the portal, click on “Upload Documents”. 1 55 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Upload Documents: Step 2 -3 of 4 Step 2: Click on the dropdown for “File Description” and select option accordingly. Browse for all the required document(s) to upload. Uploaded document(s) will be shown in the table below. Step 3: Click on “Submit” after uploading all the required document(s). 2 56 3 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Upload Documents: Step 4 of 4 Step 4: A pop-up window will display message that documents was successfully uploaded for the respective “Application/Consultation No.”. Click on “OK” and the page will navigate you back to the dashboard. 57 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Request For Cancellation: Step 1 -2 of 3 Step 1: To request for cancellation, click on “Request For Cancel”. Step 2: A pop-up window will appear. Click on “Yes”. 2 1 58 Activities You Can Perform on the Dashboard Request For Cancellation: Step 3 of 3 Step 3: Click on “OK” to exit the pop-up window. 3 59 FAQs 60 FAQs Topic – User Account 1. How will I know that my user registration is successful? You will receive a confirmation email containing a link to activate your account. If you do not see any email from us in your inbox, please check your "spam" or "junk" folder. If your email address is entered wrongly during registration, you should submit a new registration. 2. Which information should I take note for my user registration? You should take note of your preferred user ID, customer number, password and most importantly the email address that you have used for registration. 3. What should I do if I forget my username and password? You should visit the eBusinessPortal login page and click on “Account login issues” button. Follow the on-screen instructions and you will receive an email containing a link for you to reset your password. 4. Why is my account locked? Your account will be locked if you enter your password wrongly for five times or if you do not log in for more than 90 days. For locked account, you can reactivate it by visiting the eBusiness Portal login page and click on “Account login issues” button Follow the on-screen instructions and you will receive an email containing a link to re-activate your account. 61 FAQs Topic – Dashboard 1. What are the functionalities of the dashboard? Submitting new requests, viewing progress, uploading documents, viewing/editing form and downloading as PDF. 2. How do I track my application/consultation status after submission? You may search for the Application/Consultation Number on the dashboard. 3. Can I submit more than one type of services for general consultation at the same time? Yes, you can select Elect, Gas and SP Tel when submitting a single general consultation request. 4. Can I upload additional documents after submission? Yes, you can search for the request and use the “Upload Document” function on the dashboard to upload documents after submission. 5. Who can I contact if I need assistance with the portal? Please email us at 6. What can I do if the webpage does not render properly? Please turn off the “Compatibility mode” for the web browser 62
SPSRM User Guide.pdf
__________________________________________________________________________________ SPSRM User Guide __________________________________________________________________________________ (Version 1.04, Apr 2022) S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 5 1.1. Purpose of User Guide ............................................................................................ 5 1.2. SPSRM Portal URL ................................................................................................... 5 1.3. Contact Us .............................................................................................................. 5 2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................. 6 3. IMPORTANT POINTS TO NOTE .......................................................................................... 7 3.1. Avoid last minute submissions ................................................................................ 7 3.2. Do NOT log in at multiple locations with a User ID ................................................... 7 3.3. Always close ALL browser windows after logging out of SRM ................................... 7 3.4. Updating document content (Refresh) .................................................................... 7 3.5. Avoid use of browser’s Close button ....................................................................... 8 3.6. Verify Transaction was successful............................................................................ 9 3.7. System messages .................................................................................................... 9 3.7.1. Error messages .................................................................................................... 9 3.7.2. Warning messages ............................................................................................ 10 3.7.3. Informational messages .................................................................................... 10 4. ACCESS & LOGON ........................................................................................................... 11 4.1. Accessing the Portal .............................................................................................. 11 4.1.1. Direct with SPSRM URL ..................................................................................... 11 4.1.2. From SP Group Corporate website ................................................................... 11 4.2. Log in to the SRM Portal ....................................................................................... 12 5. SUPPLIER SELF-SERVICE .................................................................................................. 13 5.1. Account Types ...................................................................................................... 13 5.1.1. Authorised Representative ............................................................................... 13 5.1.2. Contact Person .................................................................................................. 13 5.1.3. Summary of Authorised Representative and Contact Person Privileges .......... 13 5.2. Self-Service Activities ............................................................................................ 14 5.2.1. Company Data ................................................................................................... 15 5.2.2. Create User [Restricted to Authorised Representative] ................................... 17 5.2.3. Find User [Restricted to Authorised Representative] ....................................... 19 5.2.4. Own Data .......................................................................................................... 25 5.3. Forgot User ID ...................................................................................................... 25 Page 2 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 5.3.1. Authorised Representative Account ................................................................. 25 5.3.2. Contact Person Account .................................................................................... 25 5.4. Forgot Password / Reset Password ........................................................................ 26 5.4.1. Before registration of MFA device .................................................................... 27 5.4.2. After registration of MFA device....................................................................... 28 6. VIEW OPPORTUNITIES .................................................................................................... 30 6.1. Before Logging In .................................................................................................. 30 6.1.1. Display List of Public RFx ................................................................................... 30 6.1.2. Display RFx’s Eligibility and Site Showround ..................................................... 31 6.2. After Logging In .................................................................................................... 33 7. DISPLAYING RFX ............................................................................................................. 34 7.1. RFx Overview ....................................................................................................... 34 7.1.1. Active Queries ................................................................................................... 34 7.1.2. Quick Criteria Maintenance .............................................................................. 35 7.1.3. RFx List Area ...................................................................................................... 36 7.2. Display RFx document ........................................................................................... 38 7.2.1. Display RFx: Method 1 ...................................................................................... 38 7.2.2. Display RFx: Method 2 ...................................................................................... 39 7.3. Understanding RFx/RFx Response Interface .......................................................... 40 7.4. Register Interest & Indicate Participation Intent .................................................... 41 7.4.1. Register Interest ................................................................................................ 41 7.4.2. Indicate Participation Intent ............................................................................. 42 7.5. RFx Header tabs .................................................................................................... 43 7.5.1. RFx Information tab .......................................................................................... 43 7.5.2. RFx Items tab ..................................................................................................... 43 7.5.3. Notes and Attachments tab .............................................................................. 45 8. RFX RESPONSE – CREATE/SAVE/SUBMIT/EDIT/DELETE/WITHDRAW ................................ 47 8.1. Create RFx Response ............................................................................................. 47 8.1.1. Method 1: At RFx Overview .............................................................................. 47 8.1.2. Method 2: From RFx ......................................................................................... 49 8.2. Save vs Submit RFx Response ................................................................................ 51 8.2.1. Save RFx Response ............................................................................................ 51 8.2.2. Submit RFx Response ........................................................................................ 52 8.3. Edit RFx Response ................................................................................................. 54 Page 3 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 8.4. Delete RFx Response............................................................................................. 55 8.5. Withdraw RFx Response ....................................................................................... 57 9. RFX RESPONSE – ENTERING DATA ................................................................................... 60 9.1. Information tab .................................................................................................... 60 9.2. Items tab .............................................................................................................. 61 9.2.1. Enter Price/Selection of Reason for 0.00 value response ................................. 61 9.2.2. Add Item ............................................................................................................ 67 9.2.3. Delete Item ....................................................................................................... 73 9.3. Notes and Attachments tab .................................................................................. 74 9.3.1. Notes ................................................................................................................. 74 9.3.2. Attachments ...................................................................................................... 75 Page 4 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 1. GENERAL INFORMATION SPSRM refers to SP Supplier Relationship Management System, a structured electronic system operated by SP Group via the Internet which facilitates the procurement of goods and/or services by SP Group through electronic means. __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.1. PURPOSE OF USER GUIDE This Guide is intended to guide SPSRM Suppliers on the following: • Logging in to SPSRM • Supplier Self-Service • Display opportunities • Bid submission __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.2. SPSRM PORTAL URL URL to SPSRM Portal: __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.3. CONTACT US If you have any enquiries, please contact us at: SRM Support Telephone: 65 6916 8839 E-mail address: Operating hours (Singapore Time): - Mon to Fri: 8:30am to 12:30pm; 1:30pm to 5:00pm - Closed on Sat, Sun & Public Holidays __________________________________________________________________________________ Page 5 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The following are required to access and perform activities on SPSRM portal. • Internet connection • Computer with the following web browser: o Windows Operating System: Chrome or Edge o Mac Operating System: Safari • Browser settings: o Pop-up blocker must be disabled/turned off o Zoom is set to 100% Page 6 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 3. IMPORTANT POINTS TO NOTE 3.1. AVOID LAST MINUTE SUBMISSIONS Suppliers are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the SPSRM System when they are granted access by way of a User ID and password. Early bid submissions are strongly encouraged. Last minute submissions may induce panic and this increases risk of failure to submit on time. Moreover, if Suppliers encounter any issues while submitting their bids and need to seek our assistance (Contact Us), there may not be sufficient time for us to provide help. Bid submissions after the submission deadline will not be accepted. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2. DO NOT LOG IN AT MULTIPLE LOCATIONS WITH A USER ID Do not log in at multiple locations* with a User ID at the same time. *The following are examples of multiple locations login: e.g.1: At two or more computers and logged in at all respective computers’ browser e.g.2: On a single computer but logged in at two or more different browsers (e.g. Chrome and Safari) Multiple logins with a single User ID may trigger the security feature to lock down the User ID, preventing activities within SPSRM. The time-out for the User ID to be unlocked may take up to 15 minutes from the last activity performed with the User ID. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.3. ALWAYS CLOSE ALL BROWSER WINDOWS AFTER LOGGING OUT OF SRM Suppliers are recommended to close all browser windows after logging out of SRM. This will ensure the session’s cookies/cache is fully cleared. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.4. UPDATING DOCUMENT CONTENT (REFRESH) The Refresh button may be used to update content in a particular area or the entire document. For faster update processing, it is recommended to use the Refresh button if it is available within the window (avoid using the browser’s refresh function). The Refresh button may be displayed in icon or in text: __________________________________________________________________________________ Page 7 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 3.5. AVOID USE OF BROWSER’S CLOSE BUTTON Note: Use the browser’s Close button only if there is no Close button within the window. Using the browser’s Close button may terminate the system’s processing prematurely. As the processing was interrupted, the system may not recognise the activity has been completed and this will lock the SPSRM document that was closed with the browser’s Close button. It may take up to 15 minutes for the lock to time out. To prevent this, use the Close button within the window if available. The pop-up box on the right will be displayed in two scenarios: i. The document in edit mode is already opened in another browser window. Solution: Check through the browser windows for the same document and continue with the required activities at that window. ii. The document was previously closed with the browser’s Close button. Solution: Check that there was no other opened browser window for the document. If so, wait for 15 minutes for the lock to time out before proceeding with the required activities again. __________________________________________________________________________________ Page 8 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 3.6. VERIFY TRANSACTION WAS SUCCESSFUL To detect unexpected error/failure, for important transactions, please verify the transaction was successful. For example: Response submission, please refresh the RFx List and check that the Response Number column against the RFx has a number and the Response Status is “Submitted”. Successful submissions will have RFx Response number with “Submitted” status __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.7. SYSTEM MESSAGES System messages are displayed at the top of the screen. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.7.1. Error messages Error messages are indicated with the red icon . All errors in the document must be resolved before submission is allowed. Example of error message __________________________________________________________________________________ Page 9 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 3.7.2. Warning messages Warning messages are indicated with the yellow icon . The warning message is an alert to check the areas indicated. Please review/check the areas indicated and proceed if no issues found. Submission is allowed regardless the presence of warning message(s). Example of warning message __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.7.3. Informational messages Informational messages are indicated with the green icon . This is for information which requires no action to be taken. Example of informational message __________________________________________________________________________________ Page 10 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 4. ACCESS & LOGON 4.1. ACCESSING THE PORTAL 4.1.1. Direct with SPSRM URL SPSRM Portal may be accessed directly with URL __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.1.2. From SP Group Corporate website Alternatively, go to SP Group Corporate website with URL At the homepage, click on Login. At the pop-up box, click on Supplier Relationship Management System (SRM). The SPSRM Portal will be displayed in a separate window/tab (depending on your browser settings). Page 11 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 4.2. LOG IN TO THE SRM PORTAL With effect from 21 March 2022, the mandatory Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) has been enabled for login to SRM portal. All Users must be authenticated with their password and the passcode generated from their registered mobile device before they can be logged in to the SRM portal. Refer to the SPSRM MFA User Guide or the SPSRM MFA Quick Start Guide available at __________________________________________________________________________________ Page 12 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 5. SUPPLIER SELF-SERVICE 5.1. ACCOUNT TYPES There are two account types for SRM: Authorised Representative; Contact Person. For each entity, only one (1) Authorised Representative account is issued (refer to SPSRM Supplier Registration Guide for details on the registration process). The maximum number of Contact Person accounts allowed for each entity is ninety-nine (99). __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.1.1. Authorised Representative The Authorised Representative is assigned with Administrator rights to perform the following activities in SPSRM System: • Maintain Company Data (Product Category selection) • Create Contact Person Account • Maintain Contact Person Data (Name, Phone/Fax Numbers, E-mail Address) • Lock / Unlock Contact Person Account • View RFx • RFx Response related activities (e.g. Create, Submit, etc) Note: Please Contact Us if there are updates needed to the Company Data (e.g. address change) or to the Authorised Representative (e.g. change of Authorised Representative’s particulars). __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.1.2. Contact Person Contact Person Account is a non-Administrator role which will only have basic rights such as display Company/Own Data and bidding activities (e.g. View RFx, RFx Response related activities). __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.1.3. Summary of Authorised Representative and Contact Person Privileges Activity Description Reset Own Password Create Contact Person Account Display Company Data Edit Company Data: Product Category Edit Company Data: Company Details, Address Data, Contact Data Display Own Data Edit Own Data Display Other Contact Person Data Edit Other Contact Person Data Lock/Unlock Contact Person Account Display RFx Create/Display/Edit RFx Response Authorised Representative Account Contact Person Account Page 13 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 5.2. SELF-SERVICE ACTIVITIES Suppliers may experience a pop-up at the bottom of the screen for allowing an add-on. Please note that this add-on is NOT REQUIRED for SRM. Suppliers may click on the grey “X” to close the pop-up notice whenever it appears. Note: If the add-on was allowed and enabled, Suppliers may experience a time lag of up to 10 seconds when navigating between the links/performing activities under the Supplier Data tab. Page 14 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 5.2.1. Company Data Company data pertaining to address and contact details cannot be changed by the Authorised Representative. Please Contact Us if there are updates needed to the Company Data (e.g. address change). The data under Company Details, Address Data and Contact Data cannot be edited. Page 15 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Scroll down the page to view the Product Categories section. Selection updates can only be done by the Authorised Representative. Notifications will be sent to the Authorised Representative’s e-mail address when there are opportunities published that matches the selected category. Page 16 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.2.2. Create User [Restricted to Authorised Representative] This allows the Authorised Representative to create the Contact Person. The User ID and password will be sent to the Contact Person’s e-mail address upon successful creation. Page 17 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Page 18 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 5.2.3. Find User [Restricted to Authorised Representative] Administrative maintenance (update Contact Person data; lock/unlock Contact Person) of Contact Person accounts may be done using this function. Page 19 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Status User Status: Active User Status: Inactive Lock Status: Locked Lock Status: Not Locked What it means User has successfully logged in to SPSRM User has never logged in to SPSRM since creation of User User has been locked and cannot log into SPSRM User can log in to SPSRM and perform RFx related activities Page 20 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Display Selected Contact Person’s details Page 21 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Edit Selected Contact Person’s details Page 22 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Lock/Unlock selected Contact Person Contact Person accounts that are no longer active may be locked. The locked Contact Person account will not be able to log into the SRM portal. A locked Contact Person account may be unlocked any time by clicking on the Unlock button. Lock Contact Person Page 23 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Unlock Contact Person Page 24 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 5.2.4. Own Data Authorised Representatives/Contact Persons may view their own details here. Please Contact Us if there are updates needed to the Authorised Representative’s data (e.g. change of e-mail address). Contact Person’s data may be updated by the Authorised Representative. Please refer to Edit Selected Contact Person’s details. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.3. FORGOT USER ID 5.3.1. Authorised Representative Account Please send e-mail to with the Authorised Representative’s e-mail address containing: E-mail Subject E-mail Content Request for Authorised Representative’s User ID Full Company Name: [Supplier to insert] Company’s Unique Entity Number: [Supplier to insert] Authorised Representative’s Name: [Supplier to insert] Note: Please Contact Us at our hotline if you are in urgent need of the User ID. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.3.2. Contact Person Account Please approach your Authorised Representative to obtain your Contact Person User ID. Authorised Representative account possesses administrator rights to retrieve all Contact Persons created for the Company. Please refer to 5.2.3 Find User. Page 25 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 5.4. FORGOT PASSWORD / RESET PASSWORD MFA Registration This website is best experienced on Chrome or Edge or Safari Page 26 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Sample of password reset email __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.4.1. Before registration of MFA device Proceed to MFA registration page at 1 Enter User ID 3 Click Log On button 2 Enter password indicated in the email Page 27 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Prompt to change password. User will be logged in to the MFA registration screen once the password is successfully changed. User may proceed to set up the mobile device. Once mobile is successfully set up, User can log in to SRM portal with the password and passcode (generated from the SAP Authenticator App on the mobile device). 1 Enter password indicated in the email 3 Click Change button to confirm password 2 Enter password of your choice. Repeat the password at Confirm Password __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.4.2. After registration of MFA device Proceed to SRM login at 2 Enter password indicated in the email Page 28 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Prompt to enter the PASSCODE from the SAP Authenticator App on the registered mobile device. 1 Enter passcode generated from the SAP Authenticator App on the registered mobile device 2 Click on Log On button Prompt to change password. User will be logged in to the SRM portal once the password is successfully changed. 1 Enter password indicated in the email __________________________________________________________________________________ Page 29 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 6. VIEW OPPORTUNITIES Opportunities are referred to as “RFx” (Request For x). Header Name What it means 1. Event Number RFx reference number 2. Event Description Description of the purchase 3. Start Date / Start Time Date and time the RFx was published 4. End Date / End Time Closing date and time of the RFx (Submission Deadline) __________________________________________________________________________________ 6.1. BEFORE LOGGING IN Suppliers may display all active public opportunities prior to logging in. Note: Public viewing of RFx details (i.e. before logging in to the portal with User ID) is limited to the Site Showround and Eligibility. 6.1.1. Display List of Public RFx Enter this URL in the browser’s address field: Page 30 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.1.2. Display RFx’s Eligibility and Site Showround Page 31 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Example of Site Showround pop-up box displaying the RFx’s site showround details: Example of Eligibility pop-up box displaying the RFx’s eligibility details: Page 32 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 6.2. AFTER LOGGING IN After logging in, Suppliers will be able to display all details of RFxs. Note: RFxs that have closed (i.e. Submission Deadline already over) will only be displayed if Suppliers had saved/submitted RFx Response for the RFx. MFA Registration This website is best experienced on Chrome or Edge or Safari RFx Overview screen will be displayed after clicking on the RFx tab. The Overview screen displays the list of RFxs. Page 33 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) From Section 7 onwards, Suppliers must be logged in to SPSRM for the functions to be available 7. DISPLAYING RFX 7.1. RFX OVERVIEW __________________________________________________________________________________ 7.1.1. Active Queries The query is defaulted to eRFxs All. All Published Ended Completed All queries under eAuctions Lists all RFxs (Published, Ended and Completed) Lists active RFxs (i.e. submission deadline not over) Lists RFxs which submission deadline is over (must have RFx Response created) Lists RFxs which submission deadline is over (must have RFx Response created with Event Status: Transaction Completed Not applicable Page 34 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 7.1.2. Quick Criteria Maintenance This is an optional feature which allows Supplier to further filter RFxs based on the criteria selection. Note: Event Status is the same function as 7.1.1 Active Queries Suppliers are recommended to use the following Search Criteria: Event Number Deadline Date Flag Status (of RFx Response) Enter RFx Reference Number. It should be 10 characters in length. Wildcard search is possible by including asterisks (e.g. QO118*). Possible selections: • Today: Lists RFxs ending on the current date • Next 7 Days: Lists RFxs ending within the next 7 days • Next 30 Days: Lists RFxs ending within the next 30 days • Next 90 Days: Lists RFxs ending within the next 90 days • Next 12 Month: Lists RFxs ending within the next 12 months Possible selections: • Saved: Lists RFxs with RFx Response having Saved status • Bid Submitted: Lists RFxs with RFx Response having Submitted status • Bid Rejected: Lists RFxs with RFx Response having Rejected status • Bid Accepted: Lists RFxs with RFx Response having Accepted status • Transaction Completed: Lists RFxs with RFx Response having Transaction Completed status • Deleted: Not applicable • Bid returned: Not applicable Page 35 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 7.1.3. RFx List Area For better visibility, the RFx List Area will be presented in two parts. Part 1 Note: Other than Refresh and Export buttons, the rest of the buttons will become active only when RFx is selected Button Action A new window will pop-up displaying the RFx Response window in edit mode Note: This action is only active if there is NO existing RFx Response created for the selected RFx (i.e. Response Number field does not contain any RFx Response Number) A new window will pop-up displaying the selected RFx A new window will pop-up displaying the RFx Response window in display mode Note: This action is only active if there is existing RFx Response created for the selected RFx (i.e. Response Number field contains RFx Response Number) Generates a pdf extract of the Response Note: This action is only active if there is existing RFx Response created for the selected RFx (i.e. Response Number field contains RFx Response Number) Refreshes the RFx listing Exports the current listing of RFxs into an excel file Header Name Event Number Event Description Event Status Start Date End Date Response Number What it means RFx reference number Description of the purchase Status of RFx Date the RFx was published Closing date of the RFx (Submission Deadline) Supplier’s RFx Response reference number (e.g. 62xxxxxxxx) Note: This field will be empty unless RFx Response has been created and saved and/or submitted Page 36 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Part 2 Header Name Response Status Event Version Response Version Q&A Start Time End Time RFx Long Description What it means Status of RFx Response RFx version (i.e. number of changes to RFx) RFx Response version (i.e. number of changes to RFx Response) Not applicable Time the RFx was published Closing time of the RFx (Submission Deadline) Detailed description of the purchase Note: It is possible for this field to be blank if detailed description is unnecessary for the RFx Page 37 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 7.2. DISPLAY RFX DOCUMENT 7.2.1. Display RFx: Method 1 Page 38 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 7.2.2. Display RFx: Method 2 Page 39 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 7.3. UNDERSTANDING RFX/RFX RESPONSE INTERFACE RFx and RFx Response are presented in a similar layout as detailed below: 1. Document Description - Document Mode: Display or Edit - Document Type: RFx or RFx Response 2. Header Buttons Buttons for activities relating to the document are displayed here 3. Header Document Info Provides a brief of key information (e.g. RFx Number, Submission Deadline, etc) 4. Header tabs Tab separators for different Header areas 5. Item tabs Tab separators for different area of Item details 1. Document Description 2. Header Buttons 3. Header Document Info 4. Header tabs 5. Item tabs Items tab: Click on Details button or Line Number hyperlink to display the Item Details area Item overview table Display Item Details: Click Details or Line Number hyperlink Page 40 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 7.4. REGISTER INTEREST & INDICATE PARTICIPATION INTENT 7.4.1. Register Interest • Registration is only applicable for public RFxs; not required for closed RFxs • Registration is mandatory before a RFx Response can be created for public RFxs Suppliers who have registered interest for a RFx will be kept informed of updates (if any) to the RFx. The e-mail notification will be sent to the e-mail address of the User ID used in the RFx registration. Page 41 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 7.4.2. Indicate Participation Intent Suppliers may indicate their participation intent at the RFx. The selected participation intent may be changed any time before the RFx’s submission deadline. Example: Supplier is interested to submit a Response, clicks on the Participate button. Subsequently, due to some reason, Supplier is now unable to submit a Response. Therefore, Supplier displays the RFx and clicks on the Do Not Participate button to change participation intent. Page 42 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 7.5. RFX HEADER TABS 7.5.1. RFx Information tab RFx information tab contains vital information pertaining to the RFx. Suppliers are reminded to take note of the dates stated herein when preparing for the RFx Response submission. Note: For avoidance of doubt, all date and time displayed are subject to Supplier’s computer’s Time Zone in the Date and Time settings. Singapore time zone is displayed with UTC+8. __________________________________________________________________________________ 7.5.2. RFx Items tab RFx Items tab contains item(s) which will be copied over to the RFx Response. Supplier will need to enter the applicable rate/price for the item. Note: For certain RFxs (e.g. Offer is to be made in Percentage Variation on the established Schedule of Rates/Prices; etc), Suppliers may be required to enter a mock value of S$1.00 in order to submit the RFx Response. Page 43 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Page 44 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 7.5.3. Notes and Attachments tab __________________________________________________________________________________ Notes Notes contains Site showround/Briefing Detail and Tender Eligibility. To display either of the notes, click on the relevant note’s hyperlink to view the complete details. Page 45 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________ Attachments The RFx Documents (e.g. Specifications; Schedules; Conditions of Contract; etc) will be available for download under this section. Page 46 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 8. RFX RESPONSE – CREATE/SAVE/SUBMIT/EDIT/DELETE/WITHDRAW To respond to a RFx, RFx Response must be submitted. The RFx Response allows Suppliers to enter their offer and upload attachments. 8.1. CREATE RFX RESPONSE • Supplier must have already registered interest for the RFx to be able to see the “Create Response” button (See 7.4.1) • “Create Response” button is available only within the Submission Deadline date and time 8.1.1. Method 1: At RFx Overview Page 47 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Page 48 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 8.1.2. Method 2: From RFx Page 49 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________ Page 50 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 8.2. SAVE VS SUBMIT RFX RESPONSE 8.2.1. Save RFx Response RFx Response may be saved any time after the creation. RFx Response in “Saved” status is a draft version which is only available to the Supplier; SP Group will not be able to receive/view it. • RFx Response in “Saved” status is a draft version which is viewable only by Supplier; SP Group will not be able to receive/view the RFx Response • Saving is possible only within the Submission Deadline date and time After a RFx Response is created (see 8.1) or edited (see 8.3), Supplier may save it any time by clicking the Save button. This allows the changes/updates to the RFx Response thus far to be saved and Supplier may edit the saved RFx Response any time as long as it’s done before the Submission Deadline. Note: Suppliers are encouraged to save their edits to the RFx Response to prevent any loss due to system time-out (occurs when there’s inactivity of 15 mins) or disruption to internet connectivity. Page 51 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 8.2.2. Submit RFx Response RFx Response must be submitted prior to the Submission Deadline for SP Group to receive and view the RFx Response after the Submission Deadline. • Supplier MUST submit their RFx Response so that after the Submission Deadline, SP Group is able to receive and view the RFx Response • No one other than Supplier is able to view their RFx Response (in any status) before the Submission Deadline • Submission is possible only within the Submission Deadline date and time Once Supplier is satisfied with the RFx Response and ready to submit it, click on the Submit button. Page 52 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) If the RFx Response was previously saved, the Submit button is available only when the RFx Response is in the edit mode (i.e. click the Edit button). Page 53 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 8.3. EDIT RFX RESPONSE • There must be an existing RFx Response to edit it • RFx Response with “Submitted” status may be edited (before Submission Deadline) but the updated RFx Response must be submitted again • Edit is possible only within the Submission Deadline date and time Page 54 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 8.4. DELETE RFX RESPONSE Suppliers may use this function (before the Submission Deadline) to delete a RFx Response that is no longer required. • Delete is available for RFx Response that was not submitted (i.e. RFx Response does not have any prior active version in “Submitted” status) • Deletion is possible only within the Submission Deadline date and time Page 55 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________ Page 56 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 8.5. WITHDRAW RFX RESPONSE Suppliers may use this function (before the Submission Deadline) to retract their RFx Response if they are no longer able to offer the goods/services. When the RFx Response is in the “Withdrawn” status, SP Group will not be able to view Supplier’s RFx Response nor any of the attachment(s) in it. • Withdraw can only be done for RFx Response that was submitted • Withdraw is possible only within the Submission Deadline date and time • Suppliers may re-submit RFx Response after withdraw, but it must be done within the Submission Deadline date and time Page 57 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Withdraw activities completed, this window may be closed. Re-submit RFx Response: Page 58 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________ Page 59 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 9. RFX RESPONSE – ENTERING DATA To submit an RFx Response, the key tabs for data entry are Information, Items and Notes and Attachments. The other tabs are for information purposes (e.g. Summary; Tracking) or not in use (e.g. Business Workspace; Business Attachments). 9.1. INFORMATION TAB Field Name Action required? 1. Currency This field will be in display mode if selection of foreign currency is not activated for the RFx. If foreign currency selection has been activated, Suppliers may select the required currency as available from the dropdown list. 2. Target Value of RFx Response Note: Currency should be left in Singapore Dollars if the RFx Response contains mix of various currencies (e.g. Item 1 offered in SGD, Item 2 offered in USD) No entry required from Supplier. Offer value should be completed in the Form of Base/Alternative Tender/Quotation, whichever applicable (available in the RFx Documents). Note: This field may not be visible for some RFxs 3. Terms of Payment No entry required and Supplier may disregard this field. Terms of Payment shall be as per specified in the Conditions of Contract (available in the RFx Documents). 4. Incoterm No entry required from Supplier. Incoterm (if applicable) shall be specified in Supplier’s bid document that should be uploaded under the Attachments section (see xxx). 5. Supplier’s Contact Person Data 6. Bidder Defect Liability Period Optional entry. Contact Person to be entered in event SP Group needs to contact Supplier on matters pertaining to the RFx. These fields are optional as the Contact Person and contact details may be specified in Supplier’s bid document that should be uploaded under the Attachments section (see xxx). This field is defaulted to the Defect Liability Period required by SP Group but it may be updated by the Supplier as required. Page 60 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 9.2. ITEMS TAB Item(s) is/are copied over from the RFx upon creation of the RFx Response. Suppliers are required to enter their offer rate(s)/price(s) for the item(s). Note: For certain RFxs (e.g. Offer is to be made in Percentage Variation on the established Schedule of Rates/Prices; etc), Suppliers may be required to enter a mock value of S$1.00 in order to submit the RFx Response. __________________________________________________________________________________ 9.2.1. Enter Price/Selection of Reason for 0.00 value response Material Material Items can be identified by this icon under the “Line Number” column. i. Foreign Currency selection DEACTIVATED Item Overview table: Unit Rate/Price may be entered in the “Price” field for the item. OR Page 61 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Item Data tab: Unit Rate/Price may be entered in the “Price” field for the item. For selection of the reason for 0.00 value, scroll down the window, it will be available below the Delivery Days field: Page 62 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) ii. Foreign Currency selection ACTIVATED Item Overview table: Entry of Unit Rate/Price is not allowed. Page 63 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________ Service (under Outline) Under the “Line Number” column: - Outline Items identified by this icon . Price cannot be entered for Outline Items. - Service Items identified by this icon . Price must be entered at Service Items. Page 64 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________ i. Foreign Currency selection DEACTIVATED Item Overview table: Unit Rate/Price may be entered in the “Price” field for the Service Item. Item Data tab: Unit Rate/Price may be entered in the “Price” field for the Service Item. OR Page 65 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________ ii. Foreign Currency selection ACTIVATED Item Overview table: Entry of Unit Rate/Price is not allowed. Page 66 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________ 9.2.2. Add Item • If the “Add New” button in the RFx Response is inactive, this function is not available Add New Item This function may be used to add new items into the RFx Response. Page 67 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________ Add Alternative Item This function may be used to add alternative items to SP Group Buyer’s created items into the RFx Response. E.g. Supplier offers value “1.00” for Item A and there is an alternative offer for Item A at “0.90”. Use this function to add the alternative “0.90” offer for Item A. Page 68 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________ Page 69 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Add Substitute Item This function may be used to add substitute items to SP Group Buyer’s created items into the RFx Response. E.g. Supplier has no offer for Item A, however, there is a substitution item which may function the same as Item A at “1.00”. Use this function to add the substitute item at “1.00” offer for Item A. Page 70 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________ Add Supplement Item This function may be used to add supplement items to SP Group Buyer’s created items into the RFx Response. E.g. Supplier has offer for Item A and in addition to that, there are supplementary items which SP Group Buyer may wish to consider along with Item A. Use this function to add the supplementary item for Item A. Page 71 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________ Page 72 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 9.2.3. Delete Item Only items added by Suppliers may be deleted. __________________________________________________________________________________ Page 73 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) 9.3. NOTES AND ATTACHMENTS TAB 9.3.1. Notes Suppliers may add remarks for their RFx Response using this function. However, Suppliers are encouraged to enter offer-related remarks in their proposal/write-up submission in the attachments. Page 74 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________ 9.3.2. Attachments • Maximum file size is limited to 20MB per file • Allowed file types: .bmp, .doc, .docx, .jpeg, .jpg, .ods, .odt, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .xls, .xlsx, .zip • Files encrypted with password cannot be uploaded • Suppliers are encouraged to zip up the files (not exceeding 20MB per zip file) for ease of upload Proposals, brochures, etc in softcopy may be added to the RFx Response under this section. Add Attachment Page 75 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Page 76 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) Delete Attachment Page 77 of 78 S SRM User Guide Version 1.04 (Apr 2022) __________________________________________________________________________________ - End of Document - Page 78 of 78