
Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from large volume of energy consumption data from residential households and businesses. Together with complementary data, the Energy Brain analysed the data to offer our customers with data-driven solutions. This scenario, described by Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, showcases a future where data science, coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve energy services and business intelligence to customers. “Data is the new currency in our economy. Increasingly, data provides insights and information to solve real-world problems. AI is the way for machines to extract these insights and information automatically. Through the Energy Brain, we successfully helped a shipyard reduce their electricity bills by predicting its electricity load with historical data, and optimising the Energy Storage System (ESS) to deploy energy. This helps to reduce the cost of drawing energy from the grid during peak demand,” explained Dr Hu. “With machine learning, the Energy Brain can make use of data to automate the release of electricity from the batteries, charge it back up when storage runs low,” he added. Another of Dr Hu’s project involves using data science and AI to improve the operational efficiency of SP’s metering and billing processes. By applying machine learning on the retrieval of smart meter data, we can automatically analyse and predict whether a meter reading is reasonable based on customer’s profile and usage patterns. This helps to achieve productivity gains and eliminate unnecessary on-site meter investigations. Over the last 12 months, SP saved close to S$500,000 in productivity costs, and reduced S$15,000 in man-hours. These savings enabled staff to focus on more value-added tasks to better serve our customers. “Another critical function of data and AI is fault diagnosis of our grid. AI-based fault diagnosis enables greater accuracy and shorter response time in locating fault-occurring sections, components or properties. This allows us to safeguard the health of our grid network and enhances our reliability,” shared Dr Hu. The energy sector is evolving and facing digitisation at a very fast pace.  Dr Hu believes that the energy sector can play an important role to combat climate change by adjusting the way energy is being consumed. Prior to joining SP, Dr Hu’s experience spans across academia research and development, banking, payments and e-Commerce. He describes his role at SP as one that can transform a traditional business to a digital enterprise powered by data. People always matter Dr Hu maintains that despite the digital evolution being the way forward, human interpretation of insights is the conduit between data sets and achieving business outcomes. “People matter the most. My goal is to use insights to understand our customers’ needs better, pre-empt issues and fix them before they arise. This, in turn, provides greater value and better service to our customers.” — 28 April 2020 TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSP DIGITALENERGY BRAININNOVATION YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Using GET™ to help Mercatus digitally manage their tenant utilities SP Group is partnering Mercatus Co-operative Limited to deploy SP Digital’s Green Energy Tech (GET™) solutions to Mercatus’ properties. Developing the digital core of sustainable energy solutions From coding to designing systems, Ibrahim develops and manages all the central platforms and systems that power the SP Utilities app, commercial solutions, and internal projects for SP. SP Group awarded BCA grant to power next-gen green buildings SP Group (SP) was awarded a grant by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to develop and implement technologies and digital solutions to push the limits of buildings’ energy efficiency standards. Category: Innovation Search Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from large volume of energy consumption data from residential households and businesses. Together with complementary data, the Energy Brain analysed the data to offer our customers with data-driven solutions. This scenario, described by Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, showcases a future where data science, coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve energy services and business intelligence to customers. “Data is the new currency in our economy. Increasingly, data provides insights and information to solve real-world problems. AI is the way for machines to extract these insights and information automatically. Through the Energy Brain, we successfully helped a shipyard reduce their electricity bills by predicting its electricity load with historical data, and optimising the Energy Storage System (ESS) to deploy energy. This helps to reduce the cost of drawing energy from the grid during peak demand,” explained Dr Hu. “With machine learning, the Energy Brain can make use of data to automate the release of electricity from the batteries, charge it back up when storage runs low,” he added. Another of Dr Hu’s project involves using data science and AI to improve the operational efficiency of SP’s metering and billing processes. By applying machine learning on the retrieval of smart meter data, we can automatically analyse and predict whether a meter reading is reasonable based on customer’s profile and usage patterns. This helps to achieve productivity gains and eliminate unnecessary on-site meter investigations. Over the last 12 months, SP saved close to S$500,000 in productivity costs, and reduced S$15,000 in man-hours. These savings enabled staff to focus on more value-added tasks to better serve our customers. “Another critical function of data and AI is fault diagnosis of our grid. AI-based fault diagnosis enables greater accuracy and shorter response time in locating fault-occurring sections, components or properties. This allows us to safeguard the health of our grid network and enhances our reliability,” shared Dr Hu. The energy sector is evolving and facing digitisation at a very fast pace.  Dr Hu believes that the energy sector can play an important role to combat climate change by adjusting the way energy is being consumed. Prior to joining SP, Dr Hu’s experience spans across academia research and development, banking, payments and e-Commerce. He describes his role at SP as one that can transform a traditional business to a digital enterprise powered by data. People always matter Dr Hu maintains that despite the digital evolution being the way forward, human interpretation of insights is the conduit between data sets and achieving business outcomes. “People matter the most. My goal is to use insights to understand our customers’ needs better, pre-empt issues and fix them before they arise. This, in turn, provides greater value and better service to our customers.” — 28 April 2020 TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSP DIGITALENERGY BRAININNOVATION YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Using GET™ to help Mercatus digitally manage their tenant utilities SP Group is partnering Mercatus Co-operative Limited to deploy SP Digital’s Green Energy Tech (GET™) solutions to Mercatus’ properties. Developing the digital core of sustainable energy solutions From coding to designing systems, Ibrahim develops and manages all the central platforms and systems that power the SP Utilities app, commercial solutions, and internal projects for SP. SP Group awarded BCA grant to power next-gen green buildings SP Group (SP) was awarded a grant by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to develop and implement technologies and digital solutions to push the limits of buildings’ energy efficiency standards. Category: Innovation Search Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from large volume of energy consumption data from residential households and businesses. Together with complementary data, the Energy Brain analysed the data to offer our customers with data-driven solutions. This scenario, described by Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, showcases a future where data science, coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve energy services and business intelligence to customers. “Data is the new currency in our economy. Increasingly, data provides insights and information to solve real-world problems. AI is the way for machines to extract these insights and information automatically. Through the Energy Brain, we successfully helped a shipyard reduce their electricity bills by predicting its electricity load with historical data, and optimising the Energy Storage System (ESS) to deploy energy. This helps to reduce the cost of drawing energy from the grid during peak demand,” explained Dr Hu. “With machine learning, the Energy Brain can make use of data to automate the release of electricity from the batteries, charge it back up when storage runs low,” he added. Another of Dr Hu’s project involves using data science and AI to improve the operational efficiency of SP’s metering and billing processes. By applying machine learning on the retrieval of smart meter data, we can automatically analyse and predict whether a meter reading is reasonable based on customer’s profile and usage patterns. This helps to achieve productivity gains and eliminate unnecessary on-site meter investigations. Over the last 12 months, SP saved close to S$500,000 in productivity costs, and reduced S$15,000 in man-hours. These savings enabled staff to focus on more value-added tasks to better serve our customers. “Another critical function of data and AI is fault diagnosis of our grid. AI-based fault diagnosis enables greater accuracy and shorter response time in locating fault-occurring sections, components or properties. This allows us to safeguard the health of our grid network and enhances our reliability,” shared Dr Hu. The energy sector is evolving and facing digitisation at a very fast pace.  Dr Hu believes that the energy sector can play an important role to combat climate change by adjusting the way energy is being consumed. Prior to joining SP, Dr Hu’s experience spans across academia research and development, banking, payments and e-Commerce. He describes his role at SP as one that can transform a traditional business to a digital enterprise powered by data. People always matter Dr Hu maintains that despite the digital evolution being the way forward, human interpretation of insights is the conduit between data sets and achieving business outcomes. “People matter the most. My goal is to use insights to understand our customers’ needs better, pre-empt issues and fix them before they arise. This, in turn, provides greater value and better service to our customers.” — 28 April 2020 TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSP DIGITALENERGY BRAININNOVATION YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Using GET™ to help Mercatus digitally manage their tenant utilities SP Group is partnering Mercatus Co-operative Limited to deploy SP Digital’s Green Energy Tech (GET™) solutions to Mercatus’ properties. Developing the digital core of sustainable energy solutions From coding to designing systems, Ibrahim develops and manages all the central platforms and systems that power the SP Utilities app, commercial solutions, and internal projects for SP. SP Group awarded BCA grant to power next-gen green buildings SP Group (SP) was awarded a grant by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to develop and implement technologies and digital solutions to push the limits of buildings’ energy efficiency standards. Category: Innovation Search Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from large volume of energy consumption data from residential households and businesses. Together with complementary data, the Energy Brain analysed the data to offer our customers with data-driven solutions. This scenario, described by Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, showcases a future where data science, coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve energy services and business intelligence to customers. “Data is the new currency in our economy. Increasingly, data provides insights and information to solve real-world problems. AI is the way for machines to extract these insights and information automatically. Through the Energy Brain, we successfully helped a shipyard reduce their electricity bills by predicting its electricity load with historical data, and optimising the Energy Storage System (ESS) to deploy energy. This helps to reduce the cost of drawing energy from the grid during peak demand,” explained Dr Hu. “With machine learning, the Energy Brain can make use of data to automate the release of electricity from the batteries, charge it back up when storage runs low,” he added. Another of Dr Hu’s project involves using data science and AI to improve the operational efficiency of SP’s metering and billing processes. By applying machine learning on the retrieval of smart meter data, we can automatically analyse and predict whether a meter reading is reasonable based on customer’s profile and usage patterns. This helps to achieve productivity gains and eliminate unnecessary on-site meter investigations. Over the last 12 months, SP saved close to S$500,000 in productivity costs, and reduced S$15,000 in man-hours. These savings enabled staff to focus on more value-added tasks to better serve our customers. “Another critical function of data and AI is fault diagnosis of our grid. AI-based fault diagnosis enables greater accuracy and shorter response time in locating fault-occurring sections, components or properties. This allows us to safeguard the health of our grid network and enhances our reliability,” shared Dr Hu. The energy sector is evolving and facing digitisation at a very fast pace.  Dr Hu believes that the energy sector can play an important role to combat climate change by adjusting the way energy is being consumed. Prior to joining SP, Dr Hu’s experience spans across academia research and development, banking, payments and e-Commerce. He describes his role at SP as one that can transform a traditional business to a digital enterprise powered by data. People always matter Dr Hu maintains that despite the digital evolution being the way forward, human interpretation of insights is the conduit between data sets and achieving business outcomes. “People matter the most. My goal is to use insights to understand our customers’ needs better, pre-empt issues and fix them before they arise. This, in turn, provides greater value and better service to our customers.” — 28 April 2020 TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSP DIGITALENERGY BRAININNOVATION YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Using GET™ to help Mercatus digitally manage their tenant utilities SP Group is partnering Mercatus Co-operative Limited to deploy SP Digital’s Green Energy Tech (GET™) solutions to Mercatus’ properties. Developing the digital core of sustainable energy solutions From coding to designing systems, Ibrahim develops and manages all the central platforms and systems that power the SP Utilities app, commercial solutions, and internal projects for SP. SP Group awarded BCA grant to power next-gen green buildings SP Group (SP) was awarded a grant by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to develop and implement technologies and digital solutions to push the limits of buildings’ energy efficiency standards. Category: Innovation Search Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from large volume of energy consumption data from residential households and businesses. Together with complementary data, the Energy Brain analysed the data to offer our customers with data-driven solutions. This scenario, described by Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, showcases a future where data science, coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve energy services and business intelligence to customers. “Data is the new currency in our economy. Increasingly, data provides insights and information to solve real-world problems. AI is the way for machines to extract these insights and information automatically. Through the Energy Brain, we successfully helped a shipyard reduce their electricity bills by predicting its electricity load with historical data, and optimising the Energy Storage System (ESS) to deploy energy. This helps to reduce the cost of drawing energy from the grid during peak demand,” explained Dr Hu. “With machine learning, the Energy Brain can make use of data to automate the release of electricity from the batteries, charge it back up when storage runs low,” he added. Another of Dr Hu’s project involves using data science and AI to improve the operational efficiency of SP’s metering and billing processes. By applying machine learning on the retrieval of smart meter data, we can automatically analyse and predict whether a meter reading is reasonable based on customer’s profile and usage patterns. This helps to achieve productivity gains and eliminate unnecessary on-site meter investigations. Over the last 12 months, SP saved close to S$500,000 in productivity costs, and reduced S$15,000 in man-hours. These savings enabled staff to focus on more value-added tasks to better serve our customers. “Another critical function of data and AI is fault diagnosis of our grid. AI-based fault diagnosis enables greater accuracy and shorter response time in locating fault-occurring sections, components or properties. This allows us to safeguard the health of our grid network and enhances our reliability,” shared Dr Hu. The energy sector is evolving and facing digitisation at a very fast pace.  Dr Hu believes that the energy sector can play an important role to combat climate change by adjusting the way energy is being consumed. Prior to joining SP, Dr Hu’s experience spans across academia research and development, banking, payments and e-Commerce. He describes his role at SP as one that can transform a traditional business to a digital enterprise powered by data. People always matter Dr Hu maintains that despite the digital evolution being the way forward, human interpretation of insights is the conduit between data sets and achieving business outcomes. “People matter the most. My goal is to use insights to understand our customers’ needs better, pre-empt issues and fix them before they arise. This, in turn, provides greater value and better service to our customers.” — 28 April 2020 TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSP DIGITALENERGY BRAININNOVATION YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Using GET™ to help Mercatus digitally manage their tenant utilities SP Group is partnering Mercatus Co-operative Limited to deploy SP Digital’s Green Energy Tech (GET™) solutions to Mercatus’ properties. Developing the digital core of sustainable energy solutions From coding to designing systems, Ibrahim develops and manages all the central platforms and systems that power the SP Utilities app, commercial solutions, and internal projects for SP. SP Group awarded BCA grant to power next-gen green buildings SP Group (SP) was awarded a grant by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to develop and implement technologies and digital solutions to push the limits of buildings’ energy efficiency standards. Category: Innovation Search Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from large volume of energy consumption data from residential households and businesses. Together with complementary data, the Energy Brain analysed the data to offer our customers with data-driven solutions. This scenario, described by Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, showcases a future where data science, coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve energy services and business intelligence to customers. “Data is the new currency in our economy. Increasingly, data provides insights and information to solve real-world problems. AI is the way for machines to extract these insights and information automatically. Through the Energy Brain, we successfully helped a shipyard reduce their electricity bills by predicting its electricity load with historical data, and optimising the Energy Storage System (ESS) to deploy energy. This helps to reduce the cost of drawing energy from the grid during peak demand,” explained Dr Hu. “With machine learning, the Energy Brain can make use of data to automate the release of electricity from the batteries, charge it back up when storage runs low,” he added. Another of Dr Hu’s project involves using data science and AI to improve the operational efficiency of SP’s metering and billing processes. By applying machine learning on the retrieval of smart meter data, we can automatically analyse and predict whether a meter reading is reasonable based on customer’s profile and usage patterns. This helps to achieve productivity gains and eliminate unnecessary on-site meter investigations. Over the last 12 months, SP saved close to S$500,000 in productivity costs, and reduced S$15,000 in man-hours. These savings enabled staff to focus on more value-added tasks to better serve our customers. “Another critical function of data and AI is fault diagnosis of our grid. AI-based fault diagnosis enables greater accuracy and shorter response time in locating fault-occurring sections, components or properties. This allows us to safeguard the health of our grid network and enhances our reliability,” shared Dr Hu. The energy sector is evolving and facing digitisation at a very fast pace.  Dr Hu believes that the energy sector can play an important role to combat climate change by adjusting the way energy is being consumed. Prior to joining SP, Dr Hu’s experience spans across academia research and development, banking, payments and e-Commerce. He describes his role at SP as one that can transform a traditional business to a digital enterprise powered by data. People always matter Dr Hu maintains that despite the digital evolution being the way forward, human interpretation of insights is the conduit between data sets and achieving business outcomes. “People matter the most. My goal is to use insights to understand our customers’ needs better, pre-empt issues and fix them before they arise. This, in turn, provides greater value and better service to our customers.” — 28 April 2020 TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSP DIGITALENERGY BRAININNOVATION YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Using GET™ to help Mercatus digitally manage their tenant utilities SP Group is partnering Mercatus Co-operative Limited to deploy SP Digital’s Green Energy Tech (GET™) solutions to Mercatus’ properties. Developing the digital core of sustainable energy solutions From coding to designing systems, Ibrahim develops and manages all the central platforms and systems that power the SP Utilities app, commercial solutions, and internal projects for SP. SP Group awarded BCA grant to power next-gen green buildings SP Group (SP) was awarded a grant by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to develop and implement technologies and digital solutions to push the limits of buildings’ energy efficiency standards. Category: Innovation Search Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from large volume of energy consumption data from residential households and businesses. Together with complementary data, the Energy Brain analysed the data to offer our customers with data-driven solutions. This scenario, described by Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, showcases a future where data science, coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve energy services and business intelligence to customers. “Data is the new currency in our economy. Increasingly, data provides insights and information to solve real-world problems. AI is the way for machines to extract these insights and information automatically. Through the Energy Brain, we successfully helped a shipyard reduce their electricity bills by predicting its electricity load with historical data, and optimising the Energy Storage System (ESS) to deploy energy. This helps to reduce the cost of drawing energy from the grid during peak demand,” explained Dr Hu. “With machine learning, the Energy Brain can make use of data to automate the release of electricity from the batteries, charge it back up when storage runs low,” he added. Another of Dr Hu’s project involves using data science and AI to improve the operational efficiency of SP’s metering and billing processes. By applying machine learning on the retrieval of smart meter data, we can automatically analyse and predict whether a meter reading is reasonable based on customer’s profile and usage patterns. This helps to achieve productivity gains and eliminate unnecessary on-site meter investigations. Over the last 12 months, SP saved close to S$500,000 in productivity costs, and reduced S$15,000 in man-hours. These savings enabled staff to focus on more value-added tasks to better serve our customers. “Another critical function of data and AI is fault diagnosis of our grid. AI-based fault diagnosis enables greater accuracy and shorter response time in locating fault-occurring sections, components or properties. This allows us to safeguard the health of our grid network and enhances our reliability,” shared Dr Hu. The energy sector is evolving and facing digitisation at a very fast pace.  Dr Hu believes that the energy sector can play an important role to combat climate change by adjusting the way energy is being consumed. Prior to joining SP, Dr Hu’s experience spans across academia research and development, banking, payments and e-Commerce. He describes his role at SP as one that can transform a traditional business to a digital enterprise powered by data. People always matter Dr Hu maintains that despite the digital evolution being the way forward, human interpretation of insights is the conduit between data sets and achieving business outcomes. “People matter the most. My goal is to use insights to understand our customers’ needs better, pre-empt issues and fix them before they arise. This, in turn, provides greater value and better service to our customers.” — 28 April 2020 TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSP DIGITALENERGY BRAININNOVATION YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Using GET™ to help Mercatus digitally manage their tenant utilities SP Group is partnering Mercatus Co-operative Limited to deploy SP Digital’s Green Energy Tech (GET™) solutions to Mercatus’ properties. Developing the digital core of sustainable energy solutions From coding to designing systems, Ibrahim develops and manages all the central platforms and systems that power the SP Utilities app, commercial solutions, and internal projects for SP. SP Group awarded BCA grant to power next-gen green buildings SP Group (SP) was awarded a grant by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to develop and implement technologies and digital solutions to push the limits of buildings’ energy efficiency standards. Category: Innovation Search Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from large volume of energy consumption data from residential households and businesses. Together with complementary data, the Energy Brain analysed the data to offer our customers with data-driven solutions. This scenario, described by Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, showcases a future where data science, coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve energy services and business intelligence to customers. “Data is the new currency in our economy. Increasingly, data provides insights and information to solve real-world problems. AI is the way for machines to extract these insights and information automatically. Through the Energy Brain, we successfully helped a shipyard reduce their electricity bills by predicting its electricity load with historical data, and optimising the Energy Storage System (ESS) to deploy energy. This helps to reduce the cost of drawing energy from the grid during peak demand,” explained Dr Hu. “With machine learning, the Energy Brain can make use of data to automate the release of electricity from the batteries, charge it back up when storage runs low,” he added. Another of Dr Hu’s project involves using data science and AI to improve the operational efficiency of SP’s metering and billing processes. By applying machine learning on the retrieval of smart meter data, we can automatically analyse and predict whether a meter reading is reasonable based on customer’s profile and usage patterns. This helps to achieve productivity gains and eliminate unnecessary on-site meter investigations. Over the last 12 months, SP saved close to S$500,000 in productivity costs, and reduced S$15,000 in man-hours. These savings enabled staff to focus on more value-added tasks to better serve our customers. “Another critical function of data and AI is fault diagnosis of our grid. AI-based fault diagnosis enables greater accuracy and shorter response time in locating fault-occurring sections, components or properties. This allows us to safeguard the health of our grid network and enhances our reliability,” shared Dr Hu. The energy sector is evolving and facing digitisation at a very fast pace.  Dr Hu believes that the energy sector can play an important role to combat climate change by adjusting the way energy is being consumed. Prior to joining SP, Dr Hu’s experience spans across academia research and development, banking, payments and e-Commerce. He describes his role at SP as one that can transform a traditional business to a digital enterprise powered by data. People always matter Dr Hu maintains that despite the digital evolution being the way forward, human interpretation of insights is the conduit between data sets and achieving business outcomes. “People matter the most. My goal is to use insights to understand our customers’ needs better, pre-empt issues and fix them before they arise. This, in turn, provides greater value and better service to our customers.” — 28 April 2020 TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSP DIGITALENERGY BRAININNOVATION YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Using GET™ to help Mercatus digitally manage their tenant utilities SP Group is partnering Mercatus Co-operative Limited to deploy SP Digital’s Green Energy Tech (GET™) solutions to Mercatus’ properties. Developing the digital core of sustainable energy solutions From coding to designing systems, Ibrahim develops and manages all the central platforms and systems that power the SP Utilities app, commercial solutions, and internal projects for SP. SP Group awarded BCA grant to power next-gen green buildings SP Group (SP) was awarded a grant by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to develop and implement technologies and digital solutions to push the limits of buildings’ energy efficiency standards. Category: Innovation Search Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from large volume of energy consumption data from residential households and businesses. Together with complementary data, the Energy Brain analysed the data to offer our customers with data-driven solutions. This scenario, described by Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, showcases a future where data science, coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve energy services and business intelligence to customers. “Data is the new currency in our economy. Increasingly, data provides insights and information to solve real-world problems. AI is the way for machines to extract these insights and information automatically. Through the Energy Brain, we successfully helped a shipyard reduce their electricity bills by predicting its electricity load with historical data, and optimising the Energy Storage System (ESS) to deploy energy. This helps to reduce the cost of drawing energy from the grid during peak demand,” explained Dr Hu. “With machine learning, the Energy Brain can make use of data to automate the release of electricity from the batteries, charge it back up when storage runs low,” he added. Another of Dr Hu’s project involves using data science and AI to improve the operational efficiency of SP’s metering and billing processes. By applying machine learning on the retrieval of smart meter data, we can automatically analyse and predict whether a meter reading is reasonable based on customer’s profile and usage patterns. This helps to achieve productivity gains and eliminate unnecessary on-site meter investigations. Over the last 12 months, SP saved close to S$500,000 in productivity costs, and reduced S$15,000 in man-hours. These savings enabled staff to focus on more value-added tasks to better serve our customers. “Another critical function of data and AI is fault diagnosis of our grid. AI-based fault diagnosis enables greater accuracy and shorter response time in locating fault-occurring sections, components or properties. This allows us to safeguard the health of our grid network and enhances our reliability,” shared Dr Hu. The energy sector is evolving and facing digitisation at a very fast pace.  Dr Hu believes that the energy sector can play an important role to combat climate change by adjusting the way energy is being consumed. Prior to joining SP, Dr Hu’s experience spans across academia research and development, banking, payments and e-Commerce. He describes his role at SP as one that can transform a traditional business to a digital enterprise powered by data. People always matter Dr Hu maintains that despite the digital evolution being the way forward, human interpretation of insights is the conduit between data sets and achieving business outcomes. “People matter the most. My goal is to use insights to understand our customers’ needs better, pre-empt issues and fix them before they arise. This, in turn, provides greater value and better service to our customers.” — 28 April 2020 TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSP DIGITALENERGY BRAININNOVATION YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Using GET™ to help Mercatus digitally manage their tenant utilities SP Group is partnering Mercatus Co-operative Limited to deploy SP Digital’s Green Energy Tech (GET™) solutions to Mercatus’ properties. Developing the digital core of sustainable energy solutions From coding to designing systems, Ibrahim develops and manages all the central platforms and systems that power the SP Utilities app, commercial solutions, and internal projects for SP. SP Group awarded BCA grant to power next-gen green buildings SP Group (SP) was awarded a grant by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to develop and implement technologies and digital solutions to push the limits of buildings’ energy efficiency standards. Category: Innovation Search Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation SP Unveils Blockchain-Powered Renewable Energy Certificates Marketplace INNOVATION SP Group presented one of the world’s first blockchain powered marketplace platform that will promote the transaction of renewable energy certificates Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Using GET™ to help Mercatus digitally manage their tenant utilities INNOVATION Dashboard view of GET™ TenantCare, which provides Mercatus with insights on utility usage data. SP Group (SP) is partnering Mercatus Co-operative Limited Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation SP Group to roll out Singapore’s first large-scale smart water metering system INNOVATION SP Group will roll out Singapore’s first large-scale smart water metering project following the award by National Water Agency PUB to supply Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Driving Innovation From Within INNOVATION We are powering transformation with talent in our organisation. SP’s Digital Technology team is swiftly building and deploying digital solutions such as the SP Utilities app and the energy-saving Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation World’s First Blockchain-Powered Rec Marketplace INNOVATION SP Group launched the world’s first blockchain-powered renewable energy certificate (REC) marketplace . SP’s blockchain marketplace enables the trading of REC – for renewable Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation World’s First Index for Smart Grid INNOVATION SP Group launched the world's first smart grid index to help utilities measure and advance in key dimensions of grid development. Using publicly available data, SP applied the framework on 45 Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation SP Group and Hyundai to Accelerate Adoption of EVs in Singapore INNOVATION SP Group (SP) and Hyundai will jointly develop a new business model for battery leasing, or Battery-as-a-Service (BaaS) – a first in Southeast Asia – where EV Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Developing the digital core of sustainable energy solutions INNOVATION Ibrahim Ghouth Wu, Infrastructure and Platforms Lead at SP Digital. Ibrahim first started as a Senior Systems Engineer in IT Operations, ensuring that servers Category: Innovation Search Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation World’s First Index for Smart Grid INNOVATION SP Group launched the world's first smart grid index to help Search /about-us/media-resources/energy-hub/innovation/pushing-the-frontiers-of-innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Pushing The Frontiers Of Innovation INNOVATION Brandon Chia, Managing Director of Investments, at SP’s Concept Lab. A former SP cable-jointing workshop Media Release - Singapore Power Partners International Consortium Of Leading Utilities To Launch The Free Electrons Global Accelerator Programme Power Company (TEPCO). These utilities are leaders in clean energy transition, and have extensive experience in driving technological innovation. Together, the eight utilities represent a global footprint covering 73 million end customers across more than 40 countries, with a combined net income 1 2 3 4 5 ..... 15 Search Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from large volume of energy consumption data from residential households and businesses. Together with complementary data, the Energy Brain analysed the data to offer our customers with data-driven solutions. This scenario, described by Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, showcases a future where data science, coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve energy services and business intelligence to customers. “Data is the new currency in our economy. Increasingly, data provides insights and information to solve real-world problems. AI is the way for machines to extract these insights and information automatically. Through the Energy Brain, we successfully helped a shipyard reduce their electricity bills by predicting its electricity load with historical data, and optimising the Energy Storage System (ESS) to deploy energy. This helps to reduce the cost of drawing energy from the grid during peak demand,” explained Dr Hu. “With machine learning, the Energy Brain can make use of data to automate the release of electricity from the batteries, charge it back up when storage runs low,” he added. Another of Dr Hu’s project involves using data science and AI to improve the operational efficiency of SP’s metering and billing processes. By applying machine learning on the retrieval of smart meter data, we can automatically analyse and predict whether a meter reading is reasonable based on customer’s profile and usage patterns. This helps to achieve productivity gains and eliminate unnecessary on-site meter investigations. Over the last 12 months, SP saved close to S$500,000 in productivity costs, and reduced S$15,000 in man-hours. These savings enabled staff to focus on more value-added tasks to better serve our customers. “Another critical function of data and AI is fault diagnosis of our grid. AI-based fault diagnosis enables greater accuracy and shorter response time in locating fault-occurring sections, components or properties. This allows us to safeguard the health of our grid network and enhances our reliability,” shared Dr Hu. The energy sector is evolving and facing digitisation at a very fast pace.  Dr Hu believes that the energy sector can play an important role to combat climate change by adjusting the way energy is being consumed. Prior to joining SP, Dr Hu’s experience spans across academia research and development, banking, payments and e-Commerce. He describes his role at SP as one that can transform a traditional business to a digital enterprise powered by data. People always matter Dr Hu maintains that despite the digital evolution being the way forward, human interpretation of insights is the conduit between data sets and achieving business outcomes. “People matter the most. My goal is to use insights to understand our customers’ needs better, pre-empt issues and fix them before they arise. This, in turn, provides greater value and better service to our customers.” — 28 April 2020 TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSP DIGITALENERGY BRAININNOVATION YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Using GET™ to help Mercatus digitally manage their tenant utilities SP Group is partnering Mercatus Co-operative Limited to deploy SP Digital’s Green Energy Tech (GET™) solutions to Mercatus’ properties. Developing the digital core of sustainable energy solutions From coding to designing systems, Ibrahim develops and manages all the central platforms and systems that power the SP Utilities app, commercial solutions, and internal projects for SP. SP Group awarded BCA grant to power next-gen green buildings SP Group (SP) was awarded a grant by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to develop and implement technologies and digital solutions to push the limits of buildings’ energy efficiency standards. Category: Innovation Search Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation SP Unveils Blockchain-Powered Renewable Energy Certificates Marketplace INNOVATION SP Group presented one of the world’s first blockchain powered marketplace platform that will promote the transaction of renewable energy certificates Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Using GET™ to help Mercatus digitally manage their tenant utilities INNOVATION Dashboard view of GET™ TenantCare, which provides Mercatus with insights on utility usage data. SP Group (SP) is partnering Mercatus Co-operative Limited Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation SP Group to roll out Singapore’s first large-scale smart water metering system INNOVATION SP Group will roll out Singapore’s first large-scale smart water metering project following the award by National Water Agency PUB to supply Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Driving Innovation From Within INNOVATION We are powering transformation with talent in our organisation. SP’s Digital Technology team is swiftly building and deploying digital solutions such as the SP Utilities app and the energy-saving Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation World’s First Blockchain-Powered Rec Marketplace INNOVATION SP Group launched the world’s first blockchain-powered renewable energy certificate (REC) marketplace . SP’s blockchain marketplace enables the trading of REC – for renewable Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation World’s First Index for Smart Grid INNOVATION SP Group launched the world's first smart grid index to help utilities measure and advance in key dimensions of grid development. Using publicly available data, SP applied the framework on 45 Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation SP Group and Hyundai to Accelerate Adoption of EVs in Singapore INNOVATION SP Group (SP) and Hyundai will jointly develop a new business model for battery leasing, or Battery-as-a-Service (BaaS) – a first in Southeast Asia – where EV Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Developing the digital core of sustainable energy solutions INNOVATION Ibrahim Ghouth Wu, Infrastructure and Platforms Lead at SP Digital. Ibrahim first started as a Senior Systems Engineer in IT Operations, ensuring that servers Category: Innovation Search Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation World’s First Index for Smart Grid INNOVATION SP Group launched the world's first smart grid index to help Search /about-us/media-resources/energy-hub/innovation/pushing-the-frontiers-of-innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Pushing The Frontiers Of Innovation INNOVATION Brandon Chia, Managing Director of Investments, at SP’s Concept Lab. A former SP cable-jointing workshop Media Release - Singapore Power Partners International Consortium Of Leading Utilities To Launch The Free Electrons Global Accelerator Programme Power Company (TEPCO). These utilities are leaders in clean energy transition, and have extensive experience in driving technological innovation. Together, the eight utilities represent a global footprint covering 73 million end customers across more than 40 countries, with a combined net income 1 2 3 4 5 ..... 15 [20191029] The Business Times - Powering Singapore for the future As Singapore continues to strike a balance between providing reliable supply and cost to consumers, it is modernising its grid and exploring opportunities that can be pursued in renewables, data analytics, control and consumer empowerment. This is key to addressing climate change. BT FILE PHOTO Powering Singapore for the future Advances in digital technologies will usher in the use of smart meters within a Smart Grid, communications networks and data management systems. BY SUBODH MHAISALKAR AND AMIT PATHARE CLIMATE change – a key topic during the Singapore International Energy Week – is the existential threat today. The drumbeats are getting louder, and the world is beginning to listen. On the other hand, with improving living standards, growth in global energy demand is seen as inevitable. These seemingly contradictory priorities of growth and reducing environmental impact are prompting governments and corporations to consider the challenges and opportunities presented by green growth where economic expansion is decoupled from energy usage. A large proportion of the global strategy for reduction in emissions intensity will rely on electrification and deployment of renewable energy. The world’s primary energy supply continues to rely on fossil fuels like coal, gas and oil. Renewables contribute only around a quarter of the energy mix, even though their share is growing. Driven by falling costs of solar cells and wind energy (88 per cent and 54 per cent reduction respectively from 2010 to 2019), investments in renewables capacity continue to outstrip those in new capacity of fossil fuel-based power generation. Battery costs have similarly fallen 86 per cent from 2010 to 2019, making electric vehicles progressively cheaper and easier to provide back-up for solar cells for when the sun doesn’t shine. Energy demand delivered by electricity (for example, transportation, cooking, cooling) will double from 19 per cent in 2017 to 40 per cent in 2050. This shift to renewables and electrification will require a fresh look at the power sector. The current “power grid”, designed in the late 19th century, is uni-directional where energy flows from central power plants to the customers. In Singapore, power-generation companies produce electricity which is transported to customers via the power grid owned and operated by SP Group. Integrating renewables and catering for large variable loads (such as charging of electric cars and buses) have created the need for the advent of the “Smart Grid”. THE SMART GRID Recent years have seen numerous advances in digital technologies. These advances include smart meters, communications networks and data management systems that enable two-way communication between utilities and customers. Better monitoring and control have enhanced both energy efficiency and reliability. The Smart Grid is thus an electricity network that enables integration of renewables and uses smart technologies to better serve consumers. SP Group’s Smart Grid Index 2019 compares 75 utilities from 35 countries. US and European utilities were ranked higher than many Asian utilities. This could be attributed to the US/European utilities’ continued focus on green energy adoption. Singapore was ranked 33rd (score of 66 per cent), while utilities from the Asean countries were ranked between the 50s and 60s with scores in the range of 45-50 per cent. Asia-Pacific utilities have also made significant improvements in Distributed Energy Resources, security and customer empowerment and satisfaction. US/European utilities fare better in areas including monitoring and control, data analytics, renewables integration, green energy, security as well as consumer empowerment. By one indicator – the System Average Interruption Duration Index which measures the average duration of interruption in power supply, indicated in minutes per customer – Singapore is the undisputed world leader. The Republic’s grid performance, measured in terms of both the frequency and duration of grid outages, is far better than that of even the other cities in the top 10 – including Tokyo, Frankfurt, London, Taipei and Hong Kong. Singapore’s high performance may be explained by our urban, high-density networks, continuous investments in advanced technological solutions, and the use of underground cables instead of overhead lines that are vulnerable to natural disasters. Singapore’s approach towards Smart Grids prioritises sustainable growth, energy security and affordability. The grid charges in Singapore for the average consumer are among the lowest in the world. Some consumers may be willing to pay more for fewer outages, but it is neither feasible to charge different prices according to the quality of electricity supply nor socially possible to impose high charges on everyone. As Singapore continues to strike a balance between providing reliable supply and cost to consumers, it is modernising its grid and exploring opportunities that can be pursued in renewables, data analytics, control and consumer empowerment. THE SMART GRID OF TOMORROW Source: The Business Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. Levelling up, the Smart Grid of tomorrow is envisioned to be a technology leap that will usher in the Internet of Energy, with the capability to manage millions of connected devices at all levels of the grid. Replacing today’s analog power-line transformers with power electronics will allow bi-directional energy flows, enable intelligent and remote network management, and usher in the era of a fully digital power grid. The grid will also require an added buffer of storage and demand sinks and an array of power devices that will allow it to absorb massive swings in supply and demand and cater for intermittency of renewables. These hardware improvements will be optimised by a range of software solutions driven by stochastic algorithms that integrate supply and demand movements. We can think of it in terms of a new Artificial Intelligence “brain” for the grid that can: ■ absorb and structure the vast amounts of data being continually generated by a multitude of devices; ■ deploy platforms and protocols for these devices to “communicate” with each other; and ■ adapt, learn and evolve in order to keep improving grid efficiency without compromising on security. Transactive platforms could potentially use blockchain technology with embedded encryption for power transactions enabled by ultra-fast 5G telecommunications networks. As Singapore’s challenges are markedly different from America’s and Europe’s, we require a different approach. Feed-in-tariffs, microgrids, natural disasters and transmission over hundreds of kilometres are not top challenges to the Singapore power grid. Instead, Singapore has to deploy and integrate renewables into its power system. Although the architectures of future grids are still emerging, Singapore’s priorities include clean energy generation, energy efficiency and grid resilience. Initiatives to support these include power generation from natural gas and potentially hydrogen in the future, deployment of solar cells coupled with energy storage, building and industrial energy efficiency, and electrification of transport. The time for incremental efforts is gone. A groundbreaking shift in clean energy deployment, underpinned by the right supporting infrastructure for scaleup of these solutions, is the way. In keeping with the Smart Nation vision, the Smart Grid offers an unparalleled opportunity to leverage the full potential of electrification that enhances security, reliability and affordability. This is key to addressing climate change and delivering sustainable development for Singapore. ❚ The writers are from the Energy Research Institute (ERI), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) of Singapore. Subodh Mhaisalkar is associate vice-president and professor at the School of Materials Science and Engineering at NTU, and also executive director of the ERI. Amit Pathare is a senior scientist and programme director at ERI. SP Group Sustainability Review FY2019-2020 SP Group Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Scope of Review This is the annual sustainability review published by SP Group for the financial year 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020. The scope of this review covers SP Group’s Singapore-based operations. Sustainability Strategy SP Group’s mission is to deliver reliable and efficient utilities services to enhance the economy and the quality of life of our consumers. This mission is rooted in our value system of commitment, integrity, passion and teamwork. Sustainability is central to our mission and guides us to achieve our mission in a responsible and committed manner. As a leading energy utilities company, we anchor our sustainability strategy around the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 – to ensure access to reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. For more information, please refer to 7.1 Enhance energy access SDG 7 has three key targets: 7.2 Increase renewable energy 7.3 Promote energy efficiency Industry collaboration in energy technology and investment in energy infrastructure are identified as key enablers to meet these targets. We aspire to be a leading utilities company in a low-carbon future and providing energy that is reliable and sustainable is central to this long-term strategy. We recognise that to enable this clean transition, we need to invest in innovative technologies and infrastructure. We also understand that our actions need to extend beyond our own operations, to those of our customers who can create a large share of the impact through their choices and decisions. With this in mind, we have identified three strategic areas that support our actions towards the achievement of SDG 7: (1) Network Reliability, (2) Innovation and (3) Customer Empowerment. Mission: Deliver reliable and efficient utilities services to enhance the economy and the quality of life Network Reliability Value System: Commitment, Integrity, Passion, Teamwork customer empowerment Innovation 02 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 In addition to helping customers reduce their carbon footprint, SP Group is committed to reducing the environmental impact from our business operations. In 2019, an extensive data collection exercise was completed to calculate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions following the principles in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (revised edition). FY2019/2020 emissions Absolute, tonnesCO 2 e Intensity, kgCO 2 e/MWh sold Scope 1 25,966 0.54 Scope 2, location based 355,110 7.38 The bulk of SP Group’s GHG emissions in Scope 2 resulted from the dissipated energy emissions from technical losses via the distribution network and the transmission system in Singapore. While these emissions are inherent in the operations of the network, SP Group is committed to identifying opportunities to reduce the emissions from other key business activities that we operate and can influence. Value Add 30 Vision 2030 Reduce Carbon 30 We have set ourselves a “30-30-30” target to add at least 30 per cent value to our customers and reduce our carbon footprint by 30 per cent, by 2030. With FY2018/2019 as the baseline year where applicable, selected performance indicators will be measured and tracked in relation to our material topics of network reliability, innovation and customer empowerment. Our SAIDI performance for electricity network improved to 0.56 minute as compared to 0.87 minute in the previous year More than 29,000 tonnesCO 2 e avoided from our various low carbon solutions offered to our customers In FY2019/2020, our System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) for electricity network improved to 0.56 minute as compared to 0.87 minute in the previous year. Commonly used as a reliability indicator by electricity companies, SAIDI measures the average outage duration experienced by each customer served. Our improvement reflects the continuous efforts we have put in place to ensure our customers are provided with reliable electricity supply. We have also facilitated the switch for 46 per cent of residential customers and 43 per cent of small business customers in the Open Electricity Market, enabling them to enjoy savings of 20 per cent to 30 per cent off the regulated tariff. Customers also have the option of a non-standard price plan to buy electricity from the wholesale electricity market. The various initiatives that have resulted from our focus on innovation have helped to reduce the carbon footprint of our customers through avoided emissions. In FY2019/2020, the carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions avoided amounted to more than 29,000 tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (tonnesCO 2 e), which was 19 per cent more than the baseline year of FY2018/2019. 03 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Contributing to SDG 7 Targets SDG targets by 2030 Material topic Our key contributions 7.1 Energy Access Ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services. Network reliability Innovation • Investing in network infrastructure upgrades • Deploying smart grid technologies to improve and maintain network reliability • Increasing electric vehicle charging stations Customer empowerment • Enabling access to the Open Electricity Market by empowering customers to choose electricity packages and enjoy savings • Deploying digital solutions for energy consumers 7.2 Renewable Energy Increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. Innovation • Deploying solar PV projects • Testing green hydrogen • Testing waste-to-energy solutions • Issuing and trading of Renewable Energy Certificates 7.3 Energy Efficiency Double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency. Innovation Customer empowerment • Developing smart building and smart district level solutions • Deploying district cooling and energy saving solutions • Deploying smart technology through advanced electricity meters and SP Utilities mobile app • Spreading environmental awareness through GreenWall, GreenUP, Energy Challenge and My Carbon Footprint Refer to page 17 for more details on these initiatives 04 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Network Reliability Why This is Material SP Group serves a large customer base who expects uninterrupted power and a high-quality maintenance framework. We understand that people and businesses rely on us to provide consistent and reliable power. SP Group aims to deliver a high reliability rate with near-zero downtime. Network reliability will continue to be a key topic to SP Group as we strive to deliver excellence in our service provision and operations. Management Approach Network Maintenance Singapore has one of the best electricity and gas network systems in the world. Despite all our efforts, supply interruption is inevitable. They occur due to various reasons including network failure, damage by third parties, faulty equipment at customer sites or issues with the source of the supply. Electricity Network To minimise occurrence of power failure, SP Group carries out regular maintenance measures. One of the measures is online condition monitoring which checks the network around the clock. Any anomalies detected will trigger a response for the team to carry out rectification works to ensure the continued well-being of the equipment. In 2019, to enhance speed and accuracy in predicting anomalies, we have implemented online condition monitoring for newly installed 230kV and 400kV cable joints, and for all 230kV, 400kV and new 66kV switchgears. We are in the process of doing the same for all 22kV source station’s switchgears, to be completed by 2022. We also carry out physical monitoring every six to nine months. This measures the voltage and equipment condition when the checks are being conducted. If a power failure occurs, we take remediation actions to minimise the impact and downtime. Implemented online condition monitoring for newly installed 230kV and 400kV cable joints, and for all 230kV, 400kV and new 66kV switchgears to enhance speed and accuracy Employees work 24/7 at SP Group’s distribution control centre, the nerve centre of Singapore’s power grid, to ensure supply reliability. 05 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 SP Group’s mobile generator crew is on standby 24/7. 1. Remote switching 2. Manual switching 3. Mobile generators 4. Cable jointing When a power fault is detected, this first course of action disconnects the affected equipment from the network and reconnects it to an alternative supply source. In 2019, we implemented remote switching capabilities for all 6.6kV distribution networks substations, enabling quicker restoration should a supply interruption occur. This is conducted when remote switching is unable to restore power supply. Power faults in low-voltage networks, such as damage to overground boxes that are used to transmit electricity to customers, are usually resolved through manual switching. These generators are deployed when power faults are reported and are used to provide temporary electricity supply while network issues are being resolved. This is conducted when switching is unable to resolve the power fault and the mobile generators cannot access the substation where the fault has occurred. Manual switching 06 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Gas Network SP Group owns and operates the gas network to supply gas to industrial, commercial and residential customers. The high pressure gas transmission system transports the main fuel source for Singapore’s power generation plants. A whole-of-life approach to asset management is adopted to manage risk and ensure that the gas network is developed, maintained and operated in a safe manner. The gas network is monitored round the clock in a system control centre. A Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is deployed on the transmission system to avail remote monitoring and operations capability, which enables immediate response to incidents. When incidents occur, response is centrally managed to ensure that performance recovery is quick and directed, and disruption to customers is minimised. SP Group checks the gas regulators regularly to ensure optimal gas supply pressure for customers. Regular inspections and maintenance are conducted on our assets to maintain reliability. An asset renewal programme tracks asset performance and replaces deteriorating assets efficiently. Patrol and leak survey of the pipelines are conducted to detect third party activities and gas leaks respectively. Dedicated planning of assets, selection of materials, project management and strict testing requirements are in place to maintain the integrity of the gas network. This enables continual good performance to existing consumers and supply to new consumers. International Collaboration In ensuring a more secure, accessible and sustainable energy future, SP Group is an active member of several international and regional working groups which benchmark and share best practices on grid operations. Participants at the 2019 HAPUA Council meeting. SP Group represents Singapore in the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities Authorities (HAPUA) Pantone 2235C C75 M0 Y35 K0 R0 G176 B178 Pantone Red 032C C0 M91 Y87 K0 R239 G63 B54 Pantone 286C C100 M60 Y0 K6 R0 G98 B170 Pantone Process Yellow C C0 M0 Y100 K0 R:255 G242 B0 In the International Utility Working Group that was formed in 2003, SP Group is one of the utilities companies in the 10-member countries that meet annually to address grid reliability and security, integrating clean energy sources and meeting the digital needs of customers. In Southeast Asia, SP Group represents Singapore in the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities Authorities (HAPUA). HAPUA’s key objectives include strengthening regional energy security through interconnection development and enhancing the quality and reliability of the electricity supply system. SP Group is the Chair of the Working Group #3 to focus on the areas of Distribution, Power Reliability and Quality. 07 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 SP Group continues to invest in infrastructure to uphold network reliability. Initiatives Energy Access – SDG 7.1 Investing in Network Infrastructure Upgrades Planning and investing in network infrastructure upgrades is key to ensuring consumers have reliable and safe access to electricity. As part of our accelerated gas mains renewal programme, we have replaced more than 70km of aging ductile iron pipelines with more durable polyethylene pipes. This significantly reduces the risk of gas leaks and improves gas safety. We have embarked on the upgrading of two key operational systems, for gas network monitoring and control, and to support all gas market activities in Singapore. The final connection of our transmission network in the north of Singapore was also completed, enhancing the security and reliability of supply serving Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) customers in the area. Commissioned a new 400kV substation to support more industrial capacity We have a long-term asset renewal strategy – based on the performance, condition and age of our equipment – to ensure that our electricity network remains resilient. We commissioned a new 400kV substation to support more industrial capacity and renewed one of two 230kV interconnections between Singapore and Malaysia. We have also replaced 606 switchgear panels, 158 transformers and 253km of cables in the distribution network. In 2012, we commenced an underground transmission cable tunnel project to support SP Group’s long-term plan of securing reliable and efficient electricity supply for Singapore. The project will allow us to install, repair and replace aging assets, and upgrade our network efficiently, with minimal inconvenience to the public. We have since installed and commissioned seven transmission cable circuits in our cross-island underground cable tunnels that were completed in 2019. These circuits, spanning close to 138km, are part of our long-term plan to replace aging assets and meet Singapore’s future electricity needs. 08 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Smart Grid Index In 2018, we launched the world’s first Smart Grid Index (SGI) to help utilities measure and advance in key dimensions of grid development. The SGI received strong endorsement from industry experts and stakeholders. Covering seven key aspects of an electricity grid – 1) supply reliability; 2) monitoring and control; 3) data analytics; 4) integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER); 5) green energy; 6) security, and 7) customer empowerment and satisfaction – the SGI allows utilities to understand their strengths and areas they can improve in. Today, the SGI measures and benchmarks grid smartness across 75 utilities from 35 countries. In 2019, utilities in Asia Pacific nations made significant improvements in the rankings with an overall improvement of 10 percentage points from 2018. Improvements were most notable in areas of integration of DER, security, and customer empowerment and satisfaction. For further details on the benchmarking scores, please refer to SECURITY & SATISFACTION CUSTOMER EMPOWERMENT Best Practices by Dimensions GREEN ENERGY MONITORING & CONTROL DER INTEGRATION DATA ANALYTICS SUPPLY RELIABILITY Performance Network reliability is an important contributor to the economy and SP Group aims to ensure minimum disruption to electricity and gas supply for all businesses and households. There are two key indicators that our industry measures when assessing performance on network reliability: i) SAIDI, a system index of average duration of interruption in the power supply indicated in minutes per customers, and ii) System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), a system index of average frequency of interruptions in the power supply. In FY2019/2020, our SAIDI for the electricity network improved by over 35 per cent. FY2018/2019 FY2019/2020 Electricity SAIDI (min) 0.87 0.56 SAIFI 0.0307 0.0366 Gas SAIDI (min) 0.0932 0.2637 SAIFI 0.0014 0.0019 To ensure minimal service disruption to our gas network, we have been actively replacing aging ductile iron pipelines with more durable polyethylene pipes to improve our gas SAIFI and SAIDI performance. Future Outlook To meet the 30-30-30 targets and minimise customer supply interruption, we actively invest in infrastructure, technology and engineering capabilities to uphold high performance standards. We continually look for innovative and cost-effective ways to deliver faster and better services and empower our staff with the knowledge they need to increase productivity and bring value to our customers and stakeholders. 09 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Innovation Why This is Material Singapore has pledged to reduce its Emissions Intensity by 36 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030. It has recently committed to enhance its nationally determined contribution to the absolute peak emissions level of 65 million tonnes of CO 2 equivalent around 2030. By 2050, Singapore aims to halve the amount of emissions it produces from its 2030 peak, with the view to achieve net-zero emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century. Innovation and new technologies are central to facilitating this transition. SP Group can be a key facilitator and enabler for this change. Our investments in climate-friendly innovations will not only power a greener tomorrow for our business, they benefit the entire ecosystem, including organisations and individuals trying to reduce their own footprint. Management Approach SP Group takes an active approach to keep at the forefront of new technologies. Our approach has been to tap the global innovation ecosystem for exposure, test new solutions and build new capabilities to enable us to deliver value-added solutions to customers. SP has been actively engaging the global innovation ecosystem through programmes such as the Free Electrons Global Accelerator. In partnership with nine other global utilities, SP Group invites promising energy-related start-ups to apply for the accelerator programme which runs annually. Into its fourth edition in 2020, Free Electrons received a total of more than 850 start-up applications from 86 countries. Since 2017, Free Electrons has received more than 2,300 applications and investments were made in more than 100 pilot programmes while more than S$30 million has been invested in start-ups. SP Group invests in venture capital funds globally to access the innovation ecosystems and keeps abreast of market and technology developments. Our venture capital funds provide SP Group with deal flow access to start-ups globally including Asia, US and Europe. Through this innovation ecosystem, SP Group has been identifying relevant and promising technologies to run pilots. This approach allows us to validate the technologies and performance in our local environment, and build new capabilities as we partner start-ups and organisations to develop new solutions. By 2050, Singapore aims to halve the amount of emissions it produces from its 2030 peak, with the view to achieve net-zero emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century Since 2017, Free Electrons has received more than 2,300 applications from innovative energy startups. More than 100 pilot programmes were initiated between the utilities and start-ups. More than S$30 million has been invested in the start-ups. Free Electrons utilities and start-up participants in Berlin, Germany. 10 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Initiatives Energy Access – SDG 7.1 Electric Vehicle Charging The switch to low-carbon electric vehicles (EVs) is seen as an increasingly viable route for the decarbonisation of the transportation sector globally. With our geographic size, economic landscape and existing infrastructure, Singapore is well-placed to adopt green mobility, and SP Group aims to drive this change. Over the past two years, SP Group has been partnering organisations to set up EV charging stations across the island, in line with the government’s longerterm plan to build 28,000 electric vehicle charging points by 2030. In 2019, the high-speed EV charging network was increased to 200 points across Singapore, including 52 direct current fast chargers. Locating the charging points can be done via the SP Utilities app. Through the app, users can start and stop charging, and pay for the electricity used. This allows for greater convenience to users to access the largest fleet of EV charging points in Singapore. Renewable Energy – SDG 7.2 Solar Panels SP Group has installed solar photovoltaic (PV) panels at our headquarters and district offices and developed storage systems to harness and deploy energy efficiently. This experience enables us to work with partners in the community and industrial customers to achieve similar sustainable outcomes. The Integrated Energy Solutions system includes features like the SP Group’s direct current fast charging points offer our customers a convenient and quick way to charge their electric vehicles. “ We are very pleased to work with SP Group on the enabling infrastructure for EVs at Paya Lebar Quarter. We see EVs as representing a better environmental solution for cars in Singapore and are already seeing demand from our Paya Lebar Quarter office tenants for EV charging stations.” - Mr Richard Paine, Managing Director of Paya Lebar Quarter energy storage capabilities, energy sensors and a real-time digital platform to monitor, analyse and optimise energy usage. Machine learning models were also deployed to better monitor the panels’ condition to reduce the need for regular inspections. One such digital system was developed at the local SembCorp Marine Tuas Boulevard Yard that optimises energy consumption and harnesses solar energy for significant savings. The system is paired with 4.5 MegaWattpeak (MWp) solar panels, the largest single solar rooftop at a shipyard in Southeast Asia. It will provide up to 30 per cent of electricity consumed by the yard’s steel structure fabrication workshop during peak load. 11 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Green Hydrogen While renewable energy such as solar and wind has been at the forefront of clean energy solutions, alternative clean fuels such as hydrogen gas has the potential to offer consumers a viable option for accessing clean energy. With water and energy as the bi-products, hydrogen gas as a fuel offers plenty of potential, more so for Singapore, which has limited renewable options. In 2019, SP Group installed a hydrogen energy system at our training centre at Woodleigh Park in partnership with Marubeni Corporation and Tohoku University. The system generates green hydrogen through electrolysis powered by solar energy. This has helped us convert the training centre into the first zero-emission building in Southeast Asia that is powered by green hydrogen. Since October last year, the building, which consumes about 2,000 kilowatt hours of electricity a month – equivalent to the monthly usage of five four-room Housing Board flats – has been able to operate independently from the national grid. Waste to Energy Waste generation in Singapore has increased seven fold over the past 40 years, putting immense pressure on Singapore’s only landfill at Pulau Semakau which will be full by 2035. With land being a scarce resource, there is urgent need to explore alternatives for waste disposal. SP Group and Gardens by the Bay announced plans to pilot a zero-waste solution at the Gardens. This solution offers an effective alternative to incineration using compact gasification technology to convert waste into thermal energy and biochar. As a result, waste is reduced to only five per cent of its original volume and emissions are reduced by up to 20 per cent. The smart-waste management system could enable sustainable zero-waste districts to be viable in Singapore, bringing the country closer towards a circular economy. In addition to tackling the waste issue, this technology will also allow us to explore efficient alternative solutions to generating energy and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. SP Group harnesses renewable energy to create clean energy solutions for customers. SP Group installed a hydrogen energy system at our training centre at Woodleigh Park in partnership with Marubeni Corporation and Tohoku University SP Group and Gardens by the Bay announced plans to pilot a zero-waste solution at the Gardens. As a result, waste is reduced to only five per cent of its original volume and emissions are reduced by up to 20 per cent. The smart-waste management system is deployed at Gardens by the Bay. 12 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Renewable Energy Certificates Platform In 2018, SP Group launched the world’s first blockchain-powered Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) marketplace. The marketplace enables the trading of RECs – for renewable energy producers to sell, and for consumers wishing to use green energy to purchase. In 2019, an agreement was signed with the International REC Standard Foundation for SP Group to be the first authorised local issuer of I-RECs in the Asia Pacific. This international accreditation means consumers can be assured of the integrity of each REC transaction. With the one-stop digital REC platform, SP Group is removing barriers so that big and small consumers can achieve their green targets seamlessly and securely. Energy Efficiency – SDG 7.3 Smart Building Solutions SP Group actively explores new technologies to support the energy needs of buildings and districts. With 75F, a building intelligence provider harnessing Internet of Things and machine learning, we are A sample of an REC that is issued to consumers. In 2018, SP Group launched the world’s first blockchain-powered Renewable Energy Certificate marketplace offering a micro-climate control solution that can save up to 30 per cent in energy consumption while improving occupant comfort. This solution has been deployed at DBS Asia Hub at Changi Business Park since February 2020. Tenancity was launched in 2019 to provide offices, malls and campuses with an energy-efficient solution in both tenant and common spaces. As part of this product, the consumption insights were also offered for the landlord and tenants to know about unusual deviations from benchmarks, anomalies in usage, and water leakage detection. This allows customers to take concrete steps to save energy and water. The first project was in Changi Airport where smart electricity and water meters were deployed for all tenants in Terminal 3. Data was aggregated through a wireless mesh network, becoming one of the first to integrate smart electricity and water meters in a wireless network within a building. Through the implementation of an energyefficient solution, coupled with advanced meters and operational analytics within the tenant premises, we are able to improve operational efficiency in Changi Airport Group’s utilities billing processes. Since then, similar projects have been undertaken at HDB Connection One and Nanyang Technological University. SP Group is also working with the newly set up Singapore Eco Office from the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources and Temasek Holdings to transform Tampines into an Eco Town. This is part of the Singapore Government’s plans to rejuvenate and transform mature towns and make them more sustainable. SP Group’s micro-climate control solution allows customers to save up to 30 per cent in energy consumption while improving occupant comfort. 13 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 District Cooling and Energy Saving Solutions At Marina Bay Sands, SP Group operates the world’s largest underground district cooling system. Here, chillers centrally produce chilled water during off-peak periods, store the chilled water using a thermal energy storage system, and supply the chilled water for air conditioning use at the buildings in the Marina Bay area. If renewable energy that is used to power the chillers suddenly fluctuates, the lithium ion battery will immediately discharge energy to balance the supply, hence overcoming the challenge of inconsistent renewable energy in a cost-effective way. For the innovative efforts, SP Group was presented with the 2019 Minister for National Development’s R&D Merit Award at the Urban Sustainability R&D Congress 2019. Performance SP Group’s low-carbon initiatives have enabled our customers to avoid more than 29,000 tonnesCO 2 in FY2019/2020, equivalent to planting more than 1.4 million rain trees 1 or taking more than 6,300 cars off the road for a year 2 . Measuring this progress against the target of helping our customers reduce their carbon footprint, these initiatives have achieved 19 per cent increase in the CO 2 avoided since 2018. Future Outlook SP Group recognises that Singapore lacks land to scale up renewable energy systems. However, we plan to work with our neighbouring countries on cross-border power supply. Building transmission lines to connect the countries and using renewable energy credits to facilitate power trading can allow Singapore to use clean power even if it cannot produce it. Furthermore, we will continue to work on our strategic areas for innovation to provide our customers with low-carbon solutions. SP Group’s low carbon initiatives have enabled customers to avoid more than 29,000 tonnesCO 2 in FY19/20, equivalent to planting more than 1.4 million rain trees or taking more than 6,300 cars off the road for a year SP Group operates the world’s largest underground district cooling system that supplies chilled water for air conditioning to buildings in the Marina Bay area. 1 One mature rain tree absorbs 0.0201 tonnesCO 2 a year - data from My Carbon Footprint study by South Pole 2 From US EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator 14 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Customer Empowerment Why This is Material The transition towards a clean energy economy will largely be driven by end-user consumption. Given that SP Group provides electricity and gas transmission and distribution services to consumers in Singapore, customer education and empowerment will support Singapore’s target to transition to a low-carbon future. Beyond this, empowerment of customers can result in energy and cost savings for the customers of SP Group, increasing value to them. Management Approach SP Group’s customers are at the core of our business strategies. Our initiatives for the community and our customers are aligned with our mission – to deliver reliable and efficient utilities services to enhance the economy and the quality of life. Public education is an important aspect of our management approach. SP Heart Workers, the staff volunteers of SP Group, organise interactive workshops and training for members of the community on issues of energy efficiency and safety. In 2019, we engaged students from the Nanyang Polytechnic School of Interactive and Digital Media to develop a series of gas safety awareness videos. These videos were part of a gas safety campaign that we rolled out in September last year. Empowerment Through Technology To provide greater convenience to our customer base, we have embarked on a digital transformation journey. This has resulted in digital products that power internal business units and energy technology products that are available to customers. With energy technology as a tool to drive sustainability, the primary goals are to: 1) inform, 2) enable and 3) add value. Inform Timely data, information and recommendations on your energy use. Enable Take actions through direct control and automation with AI recommendations. Add Value Providing economic value while contributing to sustainabilit
SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from large volume of energy consumption data from residential households and businesses. Together with complementary data, the Energy Brain analysed the data to offer our customers with data-driven solutions. This scenario, described by Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, showcases a future where data science, coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve energy services and business intelligence to customers. “Data is the new currency in our economy. Increasingly, data provides insights and information to solve real-world problems. AI is the way for machines to extract these insights and information automatically. Through the Energy Brain, we successfully helped a shipyard reduce their electricity bills by predicting its electricity load with historical data, and optimising the Energy Storage System (ESS) to deploy energy. This helps to reduce the cost of drawing energy from the grid during peak demand,” explained Dr Hu. “With machine learning, the Energy Brain can make use of data to automate the release of electricity from the batteries, charge it back up when storage runs low,” he added. Another of Dr Hu’s project involves using data science and AI to improve the operational efficiency of SP’s metering and billing processes. By applying machine learning on the retrieval of smart meter data, we can automatically analyse and predict whether a meter reading is reasonable based on customer’s profile and usage patterns. This helps to achieve productivity gains and eliminate unnecessary on-site meter investigations. Over the last 12 months, SP saved close to S$500,000 in productivity costs, and reduced S$15,000 in man-hours. These savings enabled staff to focus on more value-added tasks to better serve our customers. “Another critical function of data and AI is fault diagnosis of our grid. AI-based fault diagnosis enables greater accuracy and shorter response time in locating fault-occurring sections, components or properties. This allows us to safeguard the health of our grid network and enhances our reliability,” shared Dr Hu. The energy sector is evolving and facing digitisation at a very fast pace.  Dr Hu believes that the energy sector can play an important role to combat climate change by adjusting the way energy is being consumed. Prior to joining SP, Dr Hu’s experience spans across academia research and development, banking, payments and e-Commerce. He describes his role at SP as one that can transform a traditional business to a digital enterprise powered by data. People always matter Dr Hu maintains that despite the digital evolution being the way forward, human interpretation of insights is the conduit between data sets and achieving business outcomes. “People matter the most. My goal is to use insights to understand our customers’ needs better, pre-empt issues and fix them before they arise. This, in turn, provides greater value and better service to our customers.” — 28 April 2020 TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSP DIGITALENERGY BRAININNOVATION YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP partners Pyxis to launch direct-current fast charging point for electric harbour crafts Using GET™ to help Mercatus digitally manage their tenant utilities SP Group is partnering Mercatus Co-operative Limited to deploy SP Digital’s Green Energy Tech (GET™) solutions to Mercatus’ properties. Developing the digital core of sustainable energy solutions From coding to designing systems, Ibrahim develops and manages all the central platforms and systems that power the SP Utilities app, commercial solutions, and internal projects for SP.
Category: Innovation
Search Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Driving Innovation From Within INNOVATION We are powering transformation with talent in our organisation. SP’s Digital Technology team is swiftly building and deploying digital solutions such as the SP Utilities app and the energy-saving Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation INNOVATION We build digital, innovative solutions in-house to meet the demands of an ever-changing industrial landscape. We team up with strategic partners to develop new ideas to help our customers. SP partners Pyxis to launch direct Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Ideabox Turns Concepts to Application INNOVATION Imagine a hybrid solar cone that uses solar concentrating lenses to maximise energy absorption and promises to produce more than five times the energy of a conventional solar cell Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation World’s First Blockchain-Powered Rec Marketplace INNOVATION SP Group launched the world’s first blockchain-powered renewable energy certificate (REC) marketplace . SP’s blockchain marketplace enables the trading of REC – for renewable Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation SP Unveils Blockchain-Powered Renewable Energy Certificates Marketplace INNOVATION SP Group presented one of the world’s first blockchain powered marketplace platform that will promote the transaction of renewable energy certificates Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Pushing The Frontiers Of Innovation INNOVATION Brandon Chia, Managing Director of Investments, at SP’s Concept Lab. A former SP cable-jointing workshop at Woodleigh has been upcycled to be the birthplace of cutting-edge discoveries Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Next-Generation Solutions for Your Future Needs INNOVATION Today, cutting-edge energy solutions are closer to you than ever before, and within the reach of everyone in the community. In the heartlands, SP’s digital energy-saving solution Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation SP Group and Hyundai to Accelerate Adoption of EVs in Singapore INNOVATION SP Group (SP) and Hyundai will jointly develop a new business model for battery leasing, or Battery-as-a-Service (BaaS) – a first in Southeast Asia – where EV Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation SP Group to roll out Singapore’s first large-scale smart water metering system INNOVATION SP Group will roll out Singapore’s first large-scale smart water metering project following the award by National Water Agency PUB to supply Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation World’s First Index for Smart Grid INNOVATION SP Group launched the world's first smart grid index to help utilities measure and advance in key dimensions of grid development. Using publicly available data, SP applied the framework on 45 Category: Innovation Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation SP Group awarded BCA grant to power next-gen green buildings INNOVATION SP Group (SP) was awarded a grant by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to develop and implement technologies and digital solutions to push the limits Category: Innovation 1 2 3 4 5 ..... 22
[20191029] The Business Times - Powering Singapore for the future
As Singapore continues to strike a balance between providing reliable supply and cost to consumers, it is modernising its grid and exploring opportunities that can be pursued in renewables, data analytics, control and consumer empowerment. This is key to addressing climate change. BT FILE PHOTO Powering Singapore for the future Advances in digital technologies will usher in the use of smart meters within a Smart Grid, communications networks and data management systems. BY SUBODH MHAISALKAR AND AMIT PATHARE CLIMATE change – a key topic during the Singapore International Energy Week – is the existential threat today. The drumbeats are getting louder, and the world is beginning to listen. On the other hand, with improving living standards, growth in global energy demand is seen as inevitable. These seemingly contradictory priorities of growth and reducing environmental impact are prompting governments and corporations to consider the challenges and opportunities presented by green growth where economic expansion is decoupled from energy usage. A large proportion of the global strategy for reduction in emissions intensity will rely on electrification and deployment of renewable energy. The world’s primary energy supply continues to rely on fossil fuels like coal, gas and oil. Renewables contribute only around a quarter of the energy mix, even though their share is growing. Driven by falling costs of solar cells and wind energy (88 per cent and 54 per cent reduction respectively from 2010 to 2019), investments in renewables capacity continue to outstrip those in new capacity of fossil fuel-based power generation. Battery costs have similarly fallen 86 per cent from 2010 to 2019, making electric vehicles progressively cheaper and easier to provide back-up for solar cells for when the sun doesn’t shine. Energy demand delivered by electricity (for example, transportation, cooking, cooling) will double from 19 per cent in 2017 to 40 per cent in 2050. This shift to renewables and electrification will require a fresh look at the power sector. The current “power grid”, designed in the late 19th century, is uni-directional where energy flows from central power plants to the customers. In Singapore, power-generation companies produce electricity which is transported to customers via the power grid owned and operated by SP Group. Integrating renewables and catering for large variable loads (such as charging of electric cars and buses) have created the need for the advent of the “Smart Grid”. THE SMART GRID Recent years have seen numerous advances in digital technologies. These advances include smart meters, communications networks and data management systems that enable two-way communication between utilities and customers. Better monitoring and control have enhanced both energy efficiency and reliability. The Smart Grid is thus an electricity network that enables integration of renewables and uses smart technologies to better serve consumers. SP Group’s Smart Grid Index 2019 compares 75 utilities from 35 countries. US and European utilities were ranked higher than many Asian utilities. This could be attributed to the US/European utilities’ continued focus on green energy adoption. Singapore was ranked 33rd (score of 66 per cent), while utilities from the Asean countries were ranked between the 50s and 60s with scores in the range of 45-50 per cent. Asia-Pacific utilities have also made significant improvements in Distributed Energy Resources, security and customer empowerment and satisfaction. US/European utilities fare better in areas including monitoring and control, data analytics, renewables integration, green energy, security as well as consumer empowerment. By one indicator – the System Average Interruption Duration Index which measures the average duration of interruption in power supply, indicated in minutes per customer – Singapore is the undisputed world leader. The Republic’s grid performance, measured in terms of both the frequency and duration of grid outages, is far better than that of even the other cities in the top 10 – including Tokyo, Frankfurt, London, Taipei and Hong Kong. Singapore’s high performance may be explained by our urban, high-density networks, continuous investments in advanced technological solutions, and the use of underground cables instead of overhead lines that are vulnerable to natural disasters. Singapore’s approach towards Smart Grids prioritises sustainable growth, energy security and affordability. The grid charges in Singapore for the average consumer are among the lowest in the world. Some consumers may be willing to pay more for fewer outages, but it is neither feasible to charge different prices according to the quality of electricity supply nor socially possible to impose high charges on everyone. As Singapore continues to strike a balance between providing reliable supply and cost to consumers, it is modernising its grid and exploring opportunities that can be pursued in renewables, data analytics, control and consumer empowerment. THE SMART GRID OF TOMORROW Source: The Business Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. Levelling up, the Smart Grid of tomorrow is envisioned to be a technology leap that will usher in the Internet of Energy, with the capability to manage millions of connected devices at all levels of the grid. Replacing today’s analog power-line transformers with power electronics will allow bi-directional energy flows, enable intelligent and remote network management, and usher in the era of a fully digital power grid. The grid will also require an added buffer of storage and demand sinks and an array of power devices that will allow it to absorb massive swings in supply and demand and cater for intermittency of renewables. These hardware improvements will be optimised by a range of software solutions driven by stochastic algorithms that integrate supply and demand movements. We can think of it in terms of a new Artificial Intelligence “brain” for the grid that can: ■ absorb and structure the vast amounts of data being continually generated by a multitude of devices; ■ deploy platforms and protocols for these devices to “communicate” with each other; and ■ adapt, learn and evolve in order to keep improving grid efficiency without compromising on security. Transactive platforms could potentially use blockchain technology with embedded encryption for power transactions enabled by ultra-fast 5G telecommunications networks. As Singapore’s challenges are markedly different from America’s and Europe’s, we require a different approach. Feed-in-tariffs, microgrids, natural disasters and transmission over hundreds of kilometres are not top challenges to the Singapore power grid. Instead, Singapore has to deploy and integrate renewables into its power system. Although the architectures of future grids are still emerging, Singapore’s priorities include clean energy generation, energy efficiency and grid resilience. Initiatives to support these include power generation from natural gas and potentially hydrogen in the future, deployment of solar cells coupled with energy storage, building and industrial energy efficiency, and electrification of transport. The time for incremental efforts is gone. A groundbreaking shift in clean energy deployment, underpinned by the right supporting infrastructure for scaleup of these solutions, is the way. In keeping with the Smart Nation vision, the Smart Grid offers an unparalleled opportunity to leverage the full potential of electrification that enhances security, reliability and affordability. This is key to addressing climate change and delivering sustainable development for Singapore. ❚ The writers are from the Energy Research Institute (ERI), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) of Singapore. Subodh Mhaisalkar is associate vice-president and professor at the School of Materials Science and Engineering at NTU, and also executive director of the ERI. Amit Pathare is a senior scientist and programme director at ERI.
SP Group Sustainability Review FY2019-2020
SP Group Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Scope of Review This is the annual sustainability review published by SP Group for the financial year 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020. The scope of this review covers SP Group’s Singapore-based operations. Sustainability Strategy SP Group’s mission is to deliver reliable and efficient utilities services to enhance the economy and the quality of life of our consumers. This mission is rooted in our value system of commitment, integrity, passion and teamwork. Sustainability is central to our mission and guides us to achieve our mission in a responsible and committed manner. As a leading energy utilities company, we anchor our sustainability strategy around the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 – to ensure access to reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. For more information, please refer to 7.1 Enhance energy access SDG 7 has three key targets: 7.2 Increase renewable energy 7.3 Promote energy efficiency Industry collaboration in energy technology and investment in energy infrastructure are identified as key enablers to meet these targets. We aspire to be a leading utilities company in a low-carbon future and providing energy that is reliable and sustainable is central to this long-term strategy. We recognise that to enable this clean transition, we need to invest in innovative technologies and infrastructure. We also understand that our actions need to extend beyond our own operations, to those of our customers who can create a large share of the impact through their choices and decisions. With this in mind, we have identified three strategic areas that support our actions towards the achievement of SDG 7: (1) Network Reliability, (2) Innovation and (3) Customer Empowerment. Mission: Deliver reliable and efficient utilities services to enhance the economy and the quality of life Network Reliability Value System: Commitment, Integrity, Passion, Teamwork customer empowerment Innovation 02 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 In addition to helping customers reduce their carbon footprint, SP Group is committed to reducing the environmental impact from our business operations. In 2019, an extensive data collection exercise was completed to calculate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions following the principles in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (revised edition). FY2019/2020 emissions Absolute, tonnesCO 2 e Intensity, kgCO 2 e/MWh sold Scope 1 25,966 0.54 Scope 2, location based 355,110 7.38 The bulk of SP Group’s GHG emissions in Scope 2 resulted from the dissipated energy emissions from technical losses via the distribution network and the transmission system in Singapore. While these emissions are inherent in the operations of the network, SP Group is committed to identifying opportunities to reduce the emissions from other key business activities that we operate and can influence. Value Add 30 Vision 2030 Reduce Carbon 30 We have set ourselves a “30-30-30” target to add at least 30 per cent value to our customers and reduce our carbon footprint by 30 per cent, by 2030. With FY2018/2019 as the baseline year where applicable, selected performance indicators will be measured and tracked in relation to our material topics of network reliability, innovation and customer empowerment. Our SAIDI performance for electricity network improved to 0.56 minute as compared to 0.87 minute in the previous year More than 29,000 tonnesCO 2 e avoided from our various low carbon solutions offered to our customers In FY2019/2020, our System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) for electricity network improved to 0.56 minute as compared to 0.87 minute in the previous year. Commonly used as a reliability indicator by electricity companies, SAIDI measures the average outage duration experienced by each customer served. Our improvement reflects the continuous efforts we have put in place to ensure our customers are provided with reliable electricity supply. We have also facilitated the switch for 46 per cent of residential customers and 43 per cent of small business customers in the Open Electricity Market, enabling them to enjoy savings of 20 per cent to 30 per cent off the regulated tariff. Customers also have the option of a non-standard price plan to buy electricity from the wholesale electricity market. The various initiatives that have resulted from our focus on innovation have helped to reduce the carbon footprint of our customers through avoided emissions. In FY2019/2020, the carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions avoided amounted to more than 29,000 tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent (tonnesCO 2 e), which was 19 per cent more than the baseline year of FY2018/2019. 03 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Contributing to SDG 7 Targets SDG targets by 2030 Material topic Our key contributions 7.1 Energy Access Ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services. Network reliability Innovation • Investing in network infrastructure upgrades • Deploying smart grid technologies to improve and maintain network reliability • Increasing electric vehicle charging stations Customer empowerment • Enabling access to the Open Electricity Market by empowering customers to choose electricity packages and enjoy savings • Deploying digital solutions for energy consumers 7.2 Renewable Energy Increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. Innovation • Deploying solar PV projects • Testing green hydrogen • Testing waste-to-energy solutions • Issuing and trading of Renewable Energy Certificates 7.3 Energy Efficiency Double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency. Innovation Customer empowerment • Developing smart building and smart district level solutions • Deploying district cooling and energy saving solutions • Deploying smart technology through advanced electricity meters and SP Utilities mobile app • Spreading environmental awareness through GreenWall, GreenUP, Energy Challenge and My Carbon Footprint Refer to page 17 for more details on these initiatives 04 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Network Reliability Why This is Material SP Group serves a large customer base who expects uninterrupted power and a high-quality maintenance framework. We understand that people and businesses rely on us to provide consistent and reliable power. SP Group aims to deliver a high reliability rate with near-zero downtime. Network reliability will continue to be a key topic to SP Group as we strive to deliver excellence in our service provision and operations. Management Approach Network Maintenance Singapore has one of the best electricity and gas network systems in the world. Despite all our efforts, supply interruption is inevitable. They occur due to various reasons including network failure, damage by third parties, faulty equipment at customer sites or issues with the source of the supply. Electricity Network To minimise occurrence of power failure, SP Group carries out regular maintenance measures. One of the measures is online condition monitoring which checks the network around the clock. Any anomalies detected will trigger a response for the team to carry out rectification works to ensure the continued well-being of the equipment. In 2019, to enhance speed and accuracy in predicting anomalies, we have implemented online condition monitoring for newly installed 230kV and 400kV cable joints, and for all 230kV, 400kV and new 66kV switchgears. We are in the process of doing the same for all 22kV source station’s switchgears, to be completed by 2022. We also carry out physical monitoring every six to nine months. This measures the voltage and equipment condition when the checks are being conducted. If a power failure occurs, we take remediation actions to minimise the impact and downtime. Implemented online condition monitoring for newly installed 230kV and 400kV cable joints, and for all 230kV, 400kV and new 66kV switchgears to enhance speed and accuracy Employees work 24/7 at SP Group’s distribution control centre, the nerve centre of Singapore’s power grid, to ensure supply reliability. 05 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 SP Group’s mobile generator crew is on standby 24/7. 1. Remote switching 2. Manual switching 3. Mobile generators 4. Cable jointing When a power fault is detected, this first course of action disconnects the affected equipment from the network and reconnects it to an alternative supply source. In 2019, we implemented remote switching capabilities for all 6.6kV distribution networks substations, enabling quicker restoration should a supply interruption occur. This is conducted when remote switching is unable to restore power supply. Power faults in low-voltage networks, such as damage to overground boxes that are used to transmit electricity to customers, are usually resolved through manual switching. These generators are deployed when power faults are reported and are used to provide temporary electricity supply while network issues are being resolved. This is conducted when switching is unable to resolve the power fault and the mobile generators cannot access the substation where the fault has occurred. Manual switching 06 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Gas Network SP Group owns and operates the gas network to supply gas to industrial, commercial and residential customers. The high pressure gas transmission system transports the main fuel source for Singapore’s power generation plants. A whole-of-life approach to asset management is adopted to manage risk and ensure that the gas network is developed, maintained and operated in a safe manner. The gas network is monitored round the clock in a system control centre. A Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is deployed on the transmission system to avail remote monitoring and operations capability, which enables immediate response to incidents. When incidents occur, response is centrally managed to ensure that performance recovery is quick and directed, and disruption to customers is minimised. SP Group checks the gas regulators regularly to ensure optimal gas supply pressure for customers. Regular inspections and maintenance are conducted on our assets to maintain reliability. An asset renewal programme tracks asset performance and replaces deteriorating assets efficiently. Patrol and leak survey of the pipelines are conducted to detect third party activities and gas leaks respectively. Dedicated planning of assets, selection of materials, project management and strict testing requirements are in place to maintain the integrity of the gas network. This enables continual good performance to existing consumers and supply to new consumers. International Collaboration In ensuring a more secure, accessible and sustainable energy future, SP Group is an active member of several international and regional working groups which benchmark and share best practices on grid operations. Participants at the 2019 HAPUA Council meeting. SP Group represents Singapore in the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities Authorities (HAPUA) Pantone 2235C C75 M0 Y35 K0 R0 G176 B178 Pantone Red 032C C0 M91 Y87 K0 R239 G63 B54 Pantone 286C C100 M60 Y0 K6 R0 G98 B170 Pantone Process Yellow C C0 M0 Y100 K0 R:255 G242 B0 In the International Utility Working Group that was formed in 2003, SP Group is one of the utilities companies in the 10-member countries that meet annually to address grid reliability and security, integrating clean energy sources and meeting the digital needs of customers. In Southeast Asia, SP Group represents Singapore in the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities Authorities (HAPUA). HAPUA’s key objectives include strengthening regional energy security through interconnection development and enhancing the quality and reliability of the electricity supply system. SP Group is the Chair of the Working Group #3 to focus on the areas of Distribution, Power Reliability and Quality. 07 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 SP Group continues to invest in infrastructure to uphold network reliability. Initiatives Energy Access – SDG 7.1 Investing in Network Infrastructure Upgrades Planning and investing in network infrastructure upgrades is key to ensuring consumers have reliable and safe access to electricity. As part of our accelerated gas mains renewal programme, we have replaced more than 70km of aging ductile iron pipelines with more durable polyethylene pipes. This significantly reduces the risk of gas leaks and improves gas safety. We have embarked on the upgrading of two key operational systems, for gas network monitoring and control, and to support all gas market activities in Singapore. The final connection of our transmission network in the north of Singapore was also completed, enhancing the security and reliability of supply serving Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) customers in the area. Commissioned a new 400kV substation to support more industrial capacity We have a long-term asset renewal strategy – based on the performance, condition and age of our equipment – to ensure that our electricity network remains resilient. We commissioned a new 400kV substation to support more industrial capacity and renewed one of two 230kV interconnections between Singapore and Malaysia. We have also replaced 606 switchgear panels, 158 transformers and 253km of cables in the distribution network. In 2012, we commenced an underground transmission cable tunnel project to support SP Group’s long-term plan of securing reliable and efficient electricity supply for Singapore. The project will allow us to install, repair and replace aging assets, and upgrade our network efficiently, with minimal inconvenience to the public. We have since installed and commissioned seven transmission cable circuits in our cross-island underground cable tunnels that were completed in 2019. These circuits, spanning close to 138km, are part of our long-term plan to replace aging assets and meet Singapore’s future electricity needs. 08 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Smart Grid Index In 2018, we launched the world’s first Smart Grid Index (SGI) to help utilities measure and advance in key dimensions of grid development. The SGI received strong endorsement from industry experts and stakeholders. Covering seven key aspects of an electricity grid – 1) supply reliability; 2) monitoring and control; 3) data analytics; 4) integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER); 5) green energy; 6) security, and 7) customer empowerment and satisfaction – the SGI allows utilities to understand their strengths and areas they can improve in. Today, the SGI measures and benchmarks grid smartness across 75 utilities from 35 countries. In 2019, utilities in Asia Pacific nations made significant improvements in the rankings with an overall improvement of 10 percentage points from 2018. Improvements were most notable in areas of integration of DER, security, and customer empowerment and satisfaction. For further details on the benchmarking scores, please refer to SECURITY & SATISFACTION CUSTOMER EMPOWERMENT Best Practices by Dimensions GREEN ENERGY MONITORING & CONTROL DER INTEGRATION DATA ANALYTICS SUPPLY RELIABILITY Performance Network reliability is an important contributor to the economy and SP Group aims to ensure minimum disruption to electricity and gas supply for all businesses and households. There are two key indicators that our industry measures when assessing performance on network reliability: i) SAIDI, a system index of average duration of interruption in the power supply indicated in minutes per customers, and ii) System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), a system index of average frequency of interruptions in the power supply. In FY2019/2020, our SAIDI for the electricity network improved by over 35 per cent. FY2018/2019 FY2019/2020 Electricity SAIDI (min) 0.87 0.56 SAIFI 0.0307 0.0366 Gas SAIDI (min) 0.0932 0.2637 SAIFI 0.0014 0.0019 To ensure minimal service disruption to our gas network, we have been actively replacing aging ductile iron pipelines with more durable polyethylene pipes to improve our gas SAIFI and SAIDI performance. Future Outlook To meet the 30-30-30 targets and minimise customer supply interruption, we actively invest in infrastructure, technology and engineering capabilities to uphold high performance standards. We continually look for innovative and cost-effective ways to deliver faster and better services and empower our staff with the knowledge they need to increase productivity and bring value to our customers and stakeholders. 09 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Innovation Why This is Material Singapore has pledged to reduce its Emissions Intensity by 36 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030. It has recently committed to enhance its nationally determined contribution to the absolute peak emissions level of 65 million tonnes of CO 2 equivalent around 2030. By 2050, Singapore aims to halve the amount of emissions it produces from its 2030 peak, with the view to achieve net-zero emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century. Innovation and new technologies are central to facilitating this transition. SP Group can be a key facilitator and enabler for this change. Our investments in climate-friendly innovations will not only power a greener tomorrow for our business, they benefit the entire ecosystem, including organisations and individuals trying to reduce their own footprint. Management Approach SP Group takes an active approach to keep at the forefront of new technologies. Our approach has been to tap the global innovation ecosystem for exposure, test new solutions and build new capabilities to enable us to deliver value-added solutions to customers. SP has been actively engaging the global innovation ecosystem through programmes such as the Free Electrons Global Accelerator. In partnership with nine other global utilities, SP Group invites promising energy-related start-ups to apply for the accelerator programme which runs annually. Into its fourth edition in 2020, Free Electrons received a total of more than 850 start-up applications from 86 countries. Since 2017, Free Electrons has received more than 2,300 applications and investments were made in more than 100 pilot programmes while more than S$30 million has been invested in start-ups. SP Group invests in venture capital funds globally to access the innovation ecosystems and keeps abreast of market and technology developments. Our venture capital funds provide SP Group with deal flow access to start-ups globally including Asia, US and Europe. Through this innovation ecosystem, SP Group has been identifying relevant and promising technologies to run pilots. This approach allows us to validate the technologies and performance in our local environment, and build new capabilities as we partner start-ups and organisations to develop new solutions. By 2050, Singapore aims to halve the amount of emissions it produces from its 2030 peak, with the view to achieve net-zero emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century Since 2017, Free Electrons has received more than 2,300 applications from innovative energy startups. More than 100 pilot programmes were initiated between the utilities and start-ups. More than S$30 million has been invested in the start-ups. Free Electrons utilities and start-up participants in Berlin, Germany. 10 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Initiatives Energy Access – SDG 7.1 Electric Vehicle Charging The switch to low-carbon electric vehicles (EVs) is seen as an increasingly viable route for the decarbonisation of the transportation sector globally. With our geographic size, economic landscape and existing infrastructure, Singapore is well-placed to adopt green mobility, and SP Group aims to drive this change. Over the past two years, SP Group has been partnering organisations to set up EV charging stations across the island, in line with the government’s longerterm plan to build 28,000 electric vehicle charging points by 2030. In 2019, the high-speed EV charging network was increased to 200 points across Singapore, including 52 direct current fast chargers. Locating the charging points can be done via the SP Utilities app. Through the app, users can start and stop charging, and pay for the electricity used. This allows for greater convenience to users to access the largest fleet of EV charging points in Singapore. Renewable Energy – SDG 7.2 Solar Panels SP Group has installed solar photovoltaic (PV) panels at our headquarters and district offices and developed storage systems to harness and deploy energy efficiently. This experience enables us to work with partners in the community and industrial customers to achieve similar sustainable outcomes. The Integrated Energy Solutions system includes features like the SP Group’s direct current fast charging points offer our customers a convenient and quick way to charge their electric vehicles. “ We are very pleased to work with SP Group on the enabling infrastructure for EVs at Paya Lebar Quarter. We see EVs as representing a better environmental solution for cars in Singapore and are already seeing demand from our Paya Lebar Quarter office tenants for EV charging stations.” - Mr Richard Paine, Managing Director of Paya Lebar Quarter energy storage capabilities, energy sensors and a real-time digital platform to monitor, analyse and optimise energy usage. Machine learning models were also deployed to better monitor the panels’ condition to reduce the need for regular inspections. One such digital system was developed at the local SembCorp Marine Tuas Boulevard Yard that optimises energy consumption and harnesses solar energy for significant savings. The system is paired with 4.5 MegaWattpeak (MWp) solar panels, the largest single solar rooftop at a shipyard in Southeast Asia. It will provide up to 30 per cent of electricity consumed by the yard’s steel structure fabrication workshop during peak load. 11 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Green Hydrogen While renewable energy such as solar and wind has been at the forefront of clean energy solutions, alternative clean fuels such as hydrogen gas has the potential to offer consumers a viable option for accessing clean energy. With water and energy as the bi-products, hydrogen gas as a fuel offers plenty of potential, more so for Singapore, which has limited renewable options. In 2019, SP Group installed a hydrogen energy system at our training centre at Woodleigh Park in partnership with Marubeni Corporation and Tohoku University. The system generates green hydrogen through electrolysis powered by solar energy. This has helped us convert the training centre into the first zero-emission building in Southeast Asia that is powered by green hydrogen. Since October last year, the building, which consumes about 2,000 kilowatt hours of electricity a month – equivalent to the monthly usage of five four-room Housing Board flats – has been able to operate independently from the national grid. Waste to Energy Waste generation in Singapore has increased seven fold over the past 40 years, putting immense pressure on Singapore’s only landfill at Pulau Semakau which will be full by 2035. With land being a scarce resource, there is urgent need to explore alternatives for waste disposal. SP Group and Gardens by the Bay announced plans to pilot a zero-waste solution at the Gardens. This solution offers an effective alternative to incineration using compact gasification technology to convert waste into thermal energy and biochar. As a result, waste is reduced to only five per cent of its original volume and emissions are reduced by up to 20 per cent. The smart-waste management system could enable sustainable zero-waste districts to be viable in Singapore, bringing the country closer towards a circular economy. In addition to tackling the waste issue, this technology will also allow us to explore efficient alternative solutions to generating energy and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. SP Group harnesses renewable energy to create clean energy solutions for customers. SP Group installed a hydrogen energy system at our training centre at Woodleigh Park in partnership with Marubeni Corporation and Tohoku University SP Group and Gardens by the Bay announced plans to pilot a zero-waste solution at the Gardens. As a result, waste is reduced to only five per cent of its original volume and emissions are reduced by up to 20 per cent. The smart-waste management system is deployed at Gardens by the Bay. 12 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Renewable Energy Certificates Platform In 2018, SP Group launched the world’s first blockchain-powered Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) marketplace. The marketplace enables the trading of RECs – for renewable energy producers to sell, and for consumers wishing to use green energy to purchase. In 2019, an agreement was signed with the International REC Standard Foundation for SP Group to be the first authorised local issuer of I-RECs in the Asia Pacific. This international accreditation means consumers can be assured of the integrity of each REC transaction. With the one-stop digital REC platform, SP Group is removing barriers so that big and small consumers can achieve their green targets seamlessly and securely. Energy Efficiency – SDG 7.3 Smart Building Solutions SP Group actively explores new technologies to support the energy needs of buildings and districts. With 75F, a building intelligence provider harnessing Internet of Things and machine learning, we are A sample of an REC that is issued to consumers. In 2018, SP Group launched the world’s first blockchain-powered Renewable Energy Certificate marketplace offering a micro-climate control solution that can save up to 30 per cent in energy consumption while improving occupant comfort. This solution has been deployed at DBS Asia Hub at Changi Business Park since February 2020. Tenancity was launched in 2019 to provide offices, malls and campuses with an energy-efficient solution in both tenant and common spaces. As part of this product, the consumption insights were also offered for the landlord and tenants to know about unusual deviations from benchmarks, anomalies in usage, and water leakage detection. This allows customers to take concrete steps to save energy and water. The first project was in Changi Airport where smart electricity and water meters were deployed for all tenants in Terminal 3. Data was aggregated through a wireless mesh network, becoming one of the first to integrate smart electricity and water meters in a wireless network within a building. Through the implementation of an energyefficient solution, coupled with advanced meters and operational analytics within the tenant premises, we are able to improve operational efficiency in Changi Airport Group’s utilities billing processes. Since then, similar projects have been undertaken at HDB Connection One and Nanyang Technological University. SP Group is also working with the newly set up Singapore Eco Office from the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources and Temasek Holdings to transform Tampines into an Eco Town. This is part of the Singapore Government’s plans to rejuvenate and transform mature towns and make them more sustainable. SP Group’s micro-climate control solution allows customers to save up to 30 per cent in energy consumption while improving occupant comfort. 13 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 District Cooling and Energy Saving Solutions At Marina Bay Sands, SP Group operates the world’s largest underground district cooling system. Here, chillers centrally produce chilled water during off-peak periods, store the chilled water using a thermal energy storage system, and supply the chilled water for air conditioning use at the buildings in the Marina Bay area. If renewable energy that is used to power the chillers suddenly fluctuates, the lithium ion battery will immediately discharge energy to balance the supply, hence overcoming the challenge of inconsistent renewable energy in a cost-effective way. For the innovative efforts, SP Group was presented with the 2019 Minister for National Development’s R&D Merit Award at the Urban Sustainability R&D Congress 2019. Performance SP Group’s low-carbon initiatives have enabled our customers to avoid more than 29,000 tonnesCO 2 in FY2019/2020, equivalent to planting more than 1.4 million rain trees 1 or taking more than 6,300 cars off the road for a year 2 . Measuring this progress against the target of helping our customers reduce their carbon footprint, these initiatives have achieved 19 per cent increase in the CO 2 avoided since 2018. Future Outlook SP Group recognises that Singapore lacks land to scale up renewable energy systems. However, we plan to work with our neighbouring countries on cross-border power supply. Building transmission lines to connect the countries and using renewable energy credits to facilitate power trading can allow Singapore to use clean power even if it cannot produce it. Furthermore, we will continue to work on our strategic areas for innovation to provide our customers with low-carbon solutions. SP Group’s low carbon initiatives have enabled customers to avoid more than 29,000 tonnesCO 2 in FY19/20, equivalent to planting more than 1.4 million rain trees or taking more than 6,300 cars off the road for a year SP Group operates the world’s largest underground district cooling system that supplies chilled water for air conditioning to buildings in the Marina Bay area. 1 One mature rain tree absorbs 0.0201 tonnesCO 2 a year - data from My Carbon Footprint study by South Pole 2 From US EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator 14 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Customer Empowerment Why This is Material The transition towards a clean energy economy will largely be driven by end-user consumption. Given that SP Group provides electricity and gas transmission and distribution services to consumers in Singapore, customer education and empowerment will support Singapore’s target to transition to a low-carbon future. Beyond this, empowerment of customers can result in energy and cost savings for the customers of SP Group, increasing value to them. Management Approach SP Group’s customers are at the core of our business strategies. Our initiatives for the community and our customers are aligned with our mission – to deliver reliable and efficient utilities services to enhance the economy and the quality of life. Public education is an important aspect of our management approach. SP Heart Workers, the staff volunteers of SP Group, organise interactive workshops and training for members of the community on issues of energy efficiency and safety. In 2019, we engaged students from the Nanyang Polytechnic School of Interactive and Digital Media to develop a series of gas safety awareness videos. These videos were part of a gas safety campaign that we rolled out in September last year. Empowerment Through Technology To provide greater convenience to our customer base, we have embarked on a digital transformation journey. This has resulted in digital products that power internal business units and energy technology products that are available to customers. With energy technology as a tool to drive sustainability, the primary goals are to: 1) inform, 2) enable and 3) add value. Inform Timely data, information and recommendations on your energy use. Enable Take actions through direct control and automation with AI recommendations. Add Value Providing economic value while contributing to sustainability. 15 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Initiatives Energy Access – SDG 7.1 Open Electricity Market In 2018, the electricity market in Singapore opened up, allowing residential consumers to choose their utilities package from new retailers in the market. Regardless of their choice of whether to remain with SP Group at the regulated tariff, or switch to another electricity retailer, SP Group is committed to helping consumers make the right decisions which enable them to save energy and cost. Typical savings are between 20 per cent to 30 per cent off the regulated tariff. To demonstrate our commitment, we have rolled out a price comparison feature on the SP Utilities app, whereby customers can see various price plans at a glance. This makes it easier for consumers to select price plans that best suit their consumption needs. Energy Efficiency – SDG 7.3 SP Group has facilitated the switch for many of our customers to enable them to save 20 per cent to 30 per cent off the regulated tariff Smart Technology SP Group is increasingly shifting its focus to use data science and artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver efficient energy solutions to our customers. We refer to this as an “Energy Brain”. This “Energy Brain” uses intelligence gathered from a large volume of consumption data from both residential homes and businesses to provide customers with data-driven solutions. Beyond this, we are increasing customer empowerment by installing advanced electricity meters for all households, allowing residents to access their half-hourly electricity usage through our SP Utilities app. These advanced meters allow residents to gain a better picture of their consumption patterns, enabling them to implement reduction and efficiency measures in a meaningful manner. SP Group uses data science and artificial intelligence to deliver efficient energy solutions to customers. 16 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Energy Efficiency – SDG 7.3 Environmental Awareness In March 2020, SP Group launched the enhanced Carbon Footprint calculator, called My Carbon Footprint. It enables everyone in Singapore to be more aware of the environmental impact of their daily actions. First launched in December 2019, the initial version allows users to view the carbon emissions resulting from their electricity consumption. The calculator that is available on the SP Utilities app allows everyone in Singapore to measure their environmental impact from their daily lifestyle choices according to their household profile, mode and duration of commute, frequency of holiday travel, spending habits and food consumption. Approximately 13 per cent of SP Utilities app users had participated in GreenUP and completed over 1.3 million activities In addition, SP Group has launched initiatives that allow A screengrab of My Carbon Footprint. consumers to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle through their daily actions. GreenUP, also available on the SP Utilities app, aims to educate and empower customers to go green in a fun and interactive way. As of 31 March 2020, approximately 13 per cent of SP Utilities app users have participated in GreenUP and completed over 1.3 million activities cumulatively since its launch in September 2019. The Energy Savings Challenge was rolled out through various platforms including the SP Utilities app. A partnership between the National Environment Agency and SP Group, the Challenge was first launched in 2017 as a call to households to reduce their electricity use by 1 per cent by practising simple energy saving habits as a way of life to contribute to a sustainable environment. With the GreenUP feature on the SP Utilities app, users can participate in challenges and earn rewards. 17 SP GROUP Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 Performance Customer Empowerment As of 31 March 2020, 46 per cent of households and 43 per cent of eligible businesses have switched to buying electricity from a retailer of their choice. They have since enjoyed savings of about 20 per cent to 30 per cent off the regulated tariff. Customers also have the option of buying electricity from the wholesale electricity market. Under this arrangement, customers buy at the wholesale electricity price which varies every half an hour depending on the prevailing demand and supply situation in Singapore’s wholesale electricity market. SP Group has installed 480,000 smart meters to businesses and households as of March 2020 Customers are empowered with their utilities consumption data via the SP Utilities app. With more than 900,000 app downloads, customers are submitting their meter readings, viewing their bills and paying directly via the SP Utilities app. Customers can pay with all credit cards from over 380 banks and enjoy rebates and rewards offered by banking partners for payment through the app. We have processed over 800,000 unique transactions through the app since 2019, giving customers greater convenience. SP Group has also installed 480,000 smart meters to businesses and households as of March 2020 and will continue to roll these out incrementally over the next five years. Future Outlook SP Group’s overarching goal is to empower everyone with the knowledge and tools to foster a low-carbon future for all. We will continue to harness digital technology to provide our customers with the information and means to lower their electricity consumption and adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. SP Group enables a low-carbon and sustainable future for Singapore. 18 Sustainability Review FY2019/2020 2 Kallang Sector Singapore 349277 T. +65 6916 8888 F. +65 6304 8188
SP Group Sustainability Review FY2020-2021
Sustainability Review FY2020/2021 Scope of review This is the annual sustainability review published by SP Group (SP) for the financial year 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 (“FY20/21”). The scope of this review covers SP’s Singapore-based operations. Sustainability Strategy SP’s mission is to deliver reliable and efficient utilities services to enhance the economy and the quality of life of our customers. This mission is rooted in our core values of commitment, integrity, passion and teamwork. In FY20/21, we maintained our focus on upholding reliability while we charted new paths for the business with Strategy 2030, a 10-year roadmap to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore and become the leading sustainable energy solutions player in Asia Pacific. Sustainability is central to achieving our mission and business objectives in a responsible and committed manner. As a leading energy utilities company, we have anchored our sustainability strategy on the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 to ensure access to reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. In the past year, we have added SDG 9 to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. With this, the specific targets that the Group aims to support are grouped under the two focus areas of Clean and Smart Energy and Reliable and Sustainable Infrastructure. Clean and Smart Energy: SDG 7.1 – Universal Access to Modern Energy (Energy access) SDG 7.2 – Increase Global Percentage of Renewable Energy (Renewable Energy) SDG 7.3 – Double the Improvement in Energy Efficiency (Energy Efficiency) Reliable and Sustainable Infrastructure: SDG 9.1 – Develop Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive Infrastructures (Reliable Infrastructure) SDG 9.4 – Update all Industries and Infrastructure for Sustainability (Sustainable Infrastructure) 2 We have also identified three material topics that support our actions towards the achievement of the targets of SDG 7 and SDG 9: 1) Network Reliability, 2) Innovation and 3) Customer Empowerment. Mission: Deliver reliable and efficient utilities services to enhance the economy and the quality of life NETWORK RELIABILITY Core Values: Commitment, Integrity, Passion, Teamwork CUSTOMER EMPOWERMENT RENEWABLE ENERGY ENERGY ACCESS 7 AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY ENERGY EFFICIENCY RELIABLE INFRASTRUCTURE 9 INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE INNOVATION Creating a sustainable future We aspire to be a leading utilities company in a sustainable future. To achieve this, we invest in innovative technology and infrastructure to ensure that we continue to deliver energy to customers safely and reliably amidst an evolving energy landscape. The following strategic thrusts form the pillars to our future: 1. Upholding our position as a reliable and efficient grid operator With the proliferation of distributed and intermittent energy sources, we continue to invest in innovative technologies to integrate renewables to maintain grid stability and reliability. 2. Providing Sustainable Energy Solutions To create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore, we extend our efforts beyond our own operations to empower both residential, commercial and industrial customers to make changes to their daily habits and operations, with the aim of creating a larger impact. Innovative solutions such as district cooling, centralised cooling system solutions in new HDB towns and promoting electromobility are key to achieving this goal. 3. Be a leading Sustainable Energy Solutions player in Asia Pacific Leveraging our strengths and experience to enable a sustainable energy future for customers in Singapore, we are bringing our solutions and experiences to overseas markets such as China and Vietnam to benefit more customers in the region. 3 Integrating sustainable financing To deepen the integration of our sustainability ambitions within our financing strategy, we have recently established a Green Financing Framework 1 that is benchmarked against relevant international principles and guidelines. Under the Framework, the Group and its subsidiaries will be able to issue green financing instruments to finance and/or refinance eligible green projects in four categories, namely: 1) clean transportation, 2) energy efficiency projects, 3) renewable energy and 4) green buildings. This allows investors and lenders to have greater visibility on the use of proceeds and the positive environmental impact of the Group’s investments in sustainable energy solutions and projects that are funded by green financing instruments. FY20/21 environmental performance SP is committed to reducing the environmental impact of our business operations. Since 2019, we have undertaken annual data collection exercise to calculate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our business activities following the principles in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (revised edition) and GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance. Absolute, tonnesCO 2 e Intensity, kgCO 2 e/MWh sold Emissions FY19/20 FY20/21 FY19/20 FY20/21 Scope 1 25,966 21,098 0.54 0.45 Scope 2 375,987 2 383,846 7.83 8.17 The bulk of SP’s GHG emissions in Scope 2 resulted from the dissipated energy emissions from technical losses from the transmission system and distribution network in Singapore. While this emission is relatively stable and inherent in the operations of the network, SP Group is committed to identify opportunities to reduce the emissions from other key business activities. In the coming years, we will explore new technologies to help us develop our decarbonisation roadmap to reduce our emissions to meet our carbon reduction target. This roadmap will also include an identification of the climate-related risks and opportunities to help us plan for more sustainable and resilient operations into the future. With the launch of My Green Credits TM on the SP Utilities app, SP has pledged to cover 100 per cent of the electricity consumption at our Singapore headquarters with Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) from October 2020 onwards. These actions are in support of the “30-30-30” target that was set to add at least 30 per cent value to our customers and reduce our carbon footprint by 30 per cent, by 2030. With FY18/19 as the baseline year where 1 SP’s Green Financing Framework can be accessed here: 2 Data restated after internal review 4 applicable, selected performance indicators are measured and tracked in relation to our material topics of network reliability, innovation and customer empowerment. In FY20/21, our System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) performance for electricity network recorded an all-time best of 0.15 minute, an improvement from 0.56 minute in the previous year. Commonly used as a reliability indicator by electricity companies, SAIDI measures the average outage duration experienced by each customer served. Our improvement reflects the continuous efforts we have put in place to ensure our customers are provided with reliable electricity supply. We have also facilitated the switch for 49 per cent of residential customers and 47 per cent of small business customers in the Open Electricity Market, enabling them to enjoy savings of 20 to 30 per cent off the regulated tariff. Customers also have the option of a non-standard price plan to buy electricity from the wholesale electricity market. SP’s low carbon initiatives such as district cooling, solar and electromobility have enabled customers to avoid more than 28,000 tonnesCO 2 e in FY20/21, equivalent to planting almost 1.4 million rain trees 3 or taking more than 6,000 cars off the road for a year 4 . Measuring this progress against the target of helping customers reduce their carbon footprint, these initiatives have achieved 18 per cent increase in the CO2 avoided since the baseline year of 2018. There was a slight reduction as compared to the previous year's reduction of 19 per cent due to a decrease in demand of the various sustainable energy solutions amidst the Covid-19 situation in Singapore last year. 3 One mature rain tree absorbs 0.0201 tonnesCO 2 a year - data from My Carbon Footprint study by South Pole 4 From US EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator 5 Contributing to SDG 7 and 9 targets SDG Target by 2030 Material topic Our key contributions 7.1 Energy access Ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services. Innovation Customer Empowerment • Increasing electric vehicle charging stations • Enabling access to the Open Electricity Market by empowering customers with options for electricity packages and to enjoy savings 7.2 Renewable energy Increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. Innovation • Deploying solar PV projects • Testing green hydrogen • Issuing and trading of Renewable Energy Certificates Customer Empowerment • Launch of My Green Credits TM on the SP Utilities app to enable households to match their electricity consumption with an equivalent amount of green energy produced 7.3 Energy efficiency Double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency. Innovation Customer Empowerment • Deploying energy saving solutions like GET TM TenantCare • Deploying smart technology and SP Utilities app to access half-hourly electricity usage • Spreading environmental awareness through Eco-Boards, GreenUP and My Carbon Footprint • Deploying smart technologies for Tengah smart energy town 9.1 Reliable infrastructure Develop quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all. Network Reliability • Investing in network infrastructure upgrades • Deploying smart grid technologies • Developing Asset Health Digital Twin to monitor equipment health • Constructing the first large-scale underground substation in Southeast Asia to optimise space in land-scarce Singapore Innovation • Deploying district cooling and energy saving solutions • Developing urban micro-grid 9.4 Sustainable infrastructure Upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes, with all countries taking action in accordance with their respective capabilities. Network Reliability • Capacity upgrade for the Interconnector between Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia to support a regional grid energy import pilot • Recommissioning of Toh Tuck Gasholder • Developing Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS) to enable the effective integration of renewables • Developing utility-scale energy storage system 6 Network Reliability Why this is material SP serves a large customer base of 1.6 million customers in Singapore, with a rising expectation of uninterrupted power and a high-quality maintenance framework. We invest in capabilities to uphold reliable, efficient power supply to households and businesses. Network reliability is mission critical to SP as we strive to deliver excellence in our service provision and operations and align to the identified targets under SDG 9. Management Approach Network maintenance Despite Singapore having one of the best electricity and gas network systems in the world, supply interruption is inevitable and may occur due to various reasons including network failure, damage by third parties, faulty equipment at customer sites or issues with the source of the supply. Operations run 24/7 at SP’s distribution control centre, the nerve centre of Singapore’s power grid to ensure supply reliability. Electricity network To minimise the possibility of supply interruption, SP follows a systematic regime of maintenance, timely replacement of ageing equipment and close monitoring of equipment performance. For example, our Asset Sensing and Analytics team monitors and checks the health of our network around the clock. Any anomalies detected will trigger a response for the team to carry out rectification works to ensure the continued well-being of the equipment. Our specialists keep a close eye on about 11,800 substations and over 28,000km of cables in the grid. They conduct regular health screening of all electrical assets on the network and recommend deeper investigations or treatment when necessary. 7 To enhance speed and accuracy in predicting anomalies, we have implemented online asset sensing and analysis for newly installed 230kV and 400kV cable joints, and for all 400kV, 230kV and new 66kV switchgears. We are in the process of doing the same for critical 22kV substation’s switchgear which will be completed by 2022. We also carry out physical monitoring every three to six months. This measures the electrical and acoustic signal and temperature of the equipment when the condition checks are being conducted. If a power failure occurs, we take four remediation actions to minimise the impact and downtime. 1. Remote switching When a power fault is detected, this first course of action disconnects the affected equipment from the network and reconnects it to an alternative supply source. Since 2019, we have implemented remote switching capabilities for all 6.6kV distribution networks substations, allowing for quicker restoration should a supply interruption occur. 2. Manual switching This is conducted when remote switching is unable to restore power supply. Power faults in low-voltage networks, such as damage to over ground boxes that are used to transmit electricity to customers, are usually resolved through manual switching. 3. Mobile generators These generators are immediately deployed when power faults are reported and are used to provide temporary electricity supply while the network issues are being resolved. 4. Cable jointing This is conducted when switching is unable to resolve the power fault and the mobile generators cannot access the substation where the fault has occurred. Gas network SP owns and operates the gas network that supplies gas to industrial, commercial and residential customers. The high pressure gas transmission system transports the main fuel source for Singapore’s power generation plants. An asset life cycle approach to asset management is adopted to manage risk and ensure that the gas network is developed, maintained and operated in a safe and reliable manner. The gas network is monitored round the clock in a system control centre. A supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system is deployed on the transmission system to avail remote monitoring and operations capability, which enables us to respond immediately to incidents. When incidents occur, response is centrally managed to ensure that performance recovery is quick and directed, thus minimising disruption to customers. A key component we monitor closely is the network pressure. This is done by deploying pressure sensors across the entire transmission network. SP’s gas network operations team monitors the pressure readings to ensure that the network pressure at different nodes is maintained within an optimal range. To enhance the remote monitoring capability and productivity, we have developed a prototype machine learning solution based on Deep Learning autoencoders that can learn from a vast amount of historical data of transmission 8 pressure readings to detect deviations from the expected pressure levels and alert the operations team of any anomaly in the gas network. Regular inspections and maintenance are also conducted on our assets to maintain reliability. An asset renewal programme tracks asset performance and replaces deteriorating assets efficiently. Patrol and leak survey of the pipelines are conducted to detect third party activities and gas leaks respectively. Dedicated planning of assets, selection of materials, project management and strict testing requirements are conducted to maintain the integrity of the gas network. This enables us to uphold reliable and safe supply of gas to customers. Conducting regular checks to ensure optimal gas supply pressure for customers. International collaboration In ensuring a more secure, accessible and sustainable energy future, SP is an active member of several international and regional working groups to benchmark and share best practices on grid operations. As part of the International Utility Working Group, SP is one of the utilities companies in the 10 member countries that meet annually to address topics on grid reliability and security, integrating clean energy sources and meeting the digital needs of customers. Regionally, SP represents Singapore at the meetings of the Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities (HAPUA). HAPUA’s key objectives include strengthening regional energy security through interconnection development and enhancing the quality and reliability of electricity supply system. SP is the Chair of the Working Group #3 that focuses on Distribution, Power Reliability and Quality. Initiatives Reliable Infrastructure – SDG 9.1 Investing in network infrastructure upgrades Planning and investing in network infrastructure upgrades are key to ensuring customers have reliable and safe access to electricity and gas. We have a long-term asset renewal strategy – based on the performance, condition and age of our equipment – to ensure that our electricity network remains resilient. As part of our accelerated gas mains renewal programme, we have replaced aging ductile iron pipelines with more durable polyethylene pipes. This significantly reduces the risk of gas leaks and improves gas safety. 9 To secure reliable and efficient electricity supply for Singapore in the longer term, we have built cross-island underground transmission cable tunnels. Besides enabling us to better plan for future network requirements, we can install, repair and replace aging assets efficiently, without digging up the roads, which may inconvenience the public. This ensures that Singapore continues to be equipped with optimal electricity supply infrastructure and maintains its position as having one of the best performing electricity networks in the world. Smart Grid Index We have developed the world’s first Smart Grid Index (SGI) to help utilities measure and advance in key dimensions of smart grid development. The SGI, which has received strong endorsement from industry experts and stakeholders, measures the smartness of power grids globally in seven key dimensions: 1) supply reliability; 2) monitoring and control; 3) data analytics; 4) integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER); 5) green energy; 6) security, and 7) customer empowerment and satisfaction. The SGI allows utilities to understand their strengths and areas they can improve in. Today, the SGI measures and benchmarks grid smartness across 85 utilities from 37 countries/markets. In 2020, utilities in Asia Pacific nations made significant improvements in the rankings with an overall improvement by more than five percentage points from the score in 2019. Globally, there is increasing focus on data analytics, with an average of more than 11 percentage points growth. For further details on the benchmarking scores, please refer to In 2020, SP Group improved by almost 9 percentage points from the 2019 score, mainly in the areas of supply reliability and customer empowerment and satisfaction. This was due to its efforts to ensure near-zero downtime in network reliability, provide half-hourly electricity usage with smart meters and achieving higher customer satisfaction scores. Asset Health Digital Twin Harnessing the power of digitalisation, we are applying concepts of digital twin, using digital representation of physical assets to optimise maintenance and renewal, and enhance the reliability of our electricity network. This progressive development aims to put information about asset health and alerts at the fingertips of our officers, enabling them to respond swiftly according to asset conditions. This will strengthen our capabilities in failure prevention and enhance the reliability of the electricity network for our customers. Construction of large-scale underground substation The Group announced in early 2021 the construction of Southeast Asia’s first large-scale underground electrical substation in Labrador, to develop sustainable infrastructure and optimise space in land-scarce Singapore. As part of the Urban Redevelopment Authority’s underground Master Plan 2019, the 230kV Labrador underground substation is scheduled to be completed in 2024. It occupies a land-size of three-hectares, about the area of four football fields. To ensure maximum land optimisation, the land above it will be used for a 34-storey commercial development. 10 The underground substation at Labrador will be integrated with a 34-storey commercial building, as a part of the larger Greater Southern Waterfront. Building a substation underground would be more resource-intensive and require specialised engineering capabilities as compared to the usual above-ground substations. However, the long-term benefits of building substations underground outweigh the costs. In addition to optimising land resources for other purposes, underground substations have a lower risk of being exposed and damaged. This will enhance asset and network security. Sustainable Infrastructure - SDG 9.4 Interconnector between Singapore and Malaysia With the regional power grid identified as one of the ‘Four Switches” in the Singapore Energy Story for the next 50 years, SP is actively supporting the upgrade of infrastructure to tap on regional power grids for cleaner energy resources and further diversify Singapore’s energy supply. We have upgraded the previous two 250 megavolt amperes (MVA) interconnector undersea cables between Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia to a capacity of two 550 MVA in August 2020. With this upgrade, 100 megawatt (MW) of the Interconnector capacity could be set aside for the two-year trial import of electricity from Malaysia as announced in early 2021. Recommissioning of Toh Tuck Gasholder The Toh Tuck Gasholder is critical in managing the town gas supply pressure to consumers during peak hours. We have spent 24 months to enhance the gasholder and successfully recommissioned the gasholder in January 2021. The gasholder will contribute to gas pressure stability as well as cater for future demand. DERMS to enable effective integration of renewables To cater to potential demand for renewable energy sources and maintain reliability in a distributed energy landscape, we have piloted the Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS) to manage the influx of solar photovoltaic, energy storage systems and electric vehicles connected to our electricity network. Through real-time monitoring and smart control capabilities, integration of these distributed energy resources can be optimised while ensuring the reliability of our electricity network. 11 Energy storage systems Energy Storage System (ESS) can be the key to managing intermittency from solar energy and other network applications. ESS provides quick response when solar installations are affected by cloud cover to reduce solar intermittency. In collaboration with the Energy Market Authority of Singapore and industry partners, we have led the deployment of the first-ever utility-scale ESS at a substation in Woodlands. Designed for local conditions, this will enable us to incorporate more renewables and other sustainable energy solutions into our electricity grid. Performance There are two key indicators that our industry measures when assessing performance on network reliability: 1) SAIDI, a system index of average duration of interruption in the power supply indicated in minutes per customers, and 2) System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), a system index of average frequency of interruptions in the power supply. In FY2020/2021, our SAIDI for the electricity network improved by over 73 per cent. FY18/19 FY19/20 FY20/21 Electricity SAIDI (min) SAIFI 0.87 0.0307 0.56 0.0366 0.15 0.0073 Gas SAIDI (min) SAIFI 0.0932 0.0014 0.2637 0.0019 0.4223 0.0024 To ensure minimal service disruption to our gas network, we have been actively replacing aging ductile iron pipelines with more durable polyethylene pipes to improve our gas SAIFI and SAIDI performance. Future outlook To meet our “30-30-30” target to add at least 30 per cent value to our customers and reduce our carbon footprint by 30 per cent by 2030 and uphold supply reliability, we actively invest in infrastructure, technology and engineering capabilities. We continually look for innovative and cost-effective ways to do our work faster, better and more safely, and empower our staff with the knowledge they need to increase productivity and bring value to our customers and stakeholders. 12 Innovation Why this is material Singapore has pledged to reduce its Emissions Intensity by 36 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030. It has committed to enhance its nationally determined contribution (NDC) to the absolute peak emissions level of 65 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent around 2030. By 2050, Singapore aims to halve the amount of emissions it produces from its 2030 peak, with the view to achieving net-zero emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century. In putting the targets into action, the Government has announced the Singapore Green Plan 2030, a whole-of-nation movement, to advance Singapore’s national agenda on sustainable development. Innovation and new technologies are central to facilitating this transition. SP can be a key facilitator and enabler for this change. Our investments in climate friendly innovations will not only power a greener tomorrow for our business, but also benefit the entire ecosystem, including organisations and individuals trying to reduce their own footprint. Management Approach To keep at the forefront of new technologies, we tap on the global innovation ecosystem for exposure, test new solutions and build new capabilities to deliver value-added solutions to our customers. Involvement in Innovation Ecosystem We have been actively engaged in the global innovation ecosystem through initiatives such as the Free Electrons Global Energy Startup Programme. In partnership with eight other global utilities, SP invites promising energy-related start-ups to apply for the programme which runs annually. Into its fifth edition in 2021, Free Electrons has provided numerous opportunities for pilot projects, commercial deployments, investments, learning opportunities, and deals to date exceeding US$50 million. The Group invests in venture capital funds globally to access the innovation ecosystems and keep abreast of market and technology developments. Our venture capital funds provide SP with deal flow access to start-ups globally including Asia, USA and Europe. Through the innovation ecosystem, SP has been actively identifying relevant and promising technologies to run pilots. This approach allows us to trial and validate new technologies to build new capabilities in developing innovative solutions. Research and Development SP Group-NTU Joint Lab SP has embarked on S$30 million in research and education initiatives with Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, to enhance the resilience of Singapore’s electricity network, improve the reliability and efficiency 13 of supply to customers, and nurture experts for the energy sector. Under this collaboration, the SP Group-NTU Joint Lab is exploring energy-related projects in the areas of asset management and network operations. Located on the NTU Smart Campus, the joint lab will house 60 researchers, 85 undergraduates and postgraduate students, and serve as a training platform for SP’s engineers. The lab will conduct studies on equipment components and materials to gauge the equipment’s degradation and lifespan. This helps to optimise equipment maintenance and replacement and achieve network reliability in a cost and operationally effective manner. Researchers from SP and NTU will design and develop a unique scalable system – one of the first in the world – that can detect and pre-empt equipment fault by sensing electrical and sound anomalies within power distribution substations. The research will leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning to conduct comprehensive real-time monitoring and perform trend analysis to predict future network problems before they appear. Vehicle-to-Grid Technology To boost Singapore’s electric mobility capabilities, enabling its energy system to integrate more renewable energy, we are also exploring smart charging (V1G) and vehicle-to grid (V2G) feasibility in Singapore through a strategic investment in The Mobility House AG (TMH). Operating from Munich, Zurich and Belmont (California), TMH is a technology company that provides a software capable of integrating open charging stations through non-proprietary communication protocol. With its hardware-agnostic Charging and Energy Management system, ChargePilot, TMH created the basis for a uni- and bi-directional integration of EVs into the power grid. The collaboration between SP and TMH leads the way for V2G as an integral solution towards transport electrification, paving the way for a zero-emission future. With the Singapore government’s target to increase solar penetration to reach 2 GigaWattpeak (GWp) by 2030, integrating V2G technology into the national grid can be the key to managing the intermittency of renewables while maintaining grid stability and reliability. Initiatives Energy Access – SDG 7.1 Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging The switch to low-carbon EVs is seen as an increasingly viable route for the decarbonisation of the transportation sector globally. With our geographic size, economic landscape and existing infrastructure, Singapore is well placed to adopt green mobility, with SP driving this change. Over the past three years, SP has been partnering organisations to set up EV charging stations across the island, to support the nation’s target to build 60,000 electric vehicle charging points by 2030. As of end March 2021, the high-speed EV charging network increased to 340 points across 71 locations in Singapore. 14 EV drivers can locate our charging points – the largest public network in Singapore - easily via the SP Utilities app. Through the app, users can start and stop charging, and pay for the electricity used. Working with Chevron Singapore Pte. Ltd., which markets the Caltex TM brand, SP will be offering fast EV charging at selected Caltex service stations to provide on-the-go convenience to electric vehicle motorists. Identified Caltex service stations will be equipped with 50kW direct current (DC) fast chargers that can charge up an EV in as short as 30 minutes, versus a few hours required by the more commonly available alternating current (AC) chargers. One of the stations will have two 50kW SP's direct current (DC) fast charging points for electric vehicles (EVs). DC charging points that are designed to allow a compatible car to charge up to a speed of 100kW, provided only one car is utilising the charging points. The chargers will be installed by the second quarter of 2021 and will be incorporated on the SP Utilities app for ease of use. SP supports the development of electromobility in Singapore in line with the Government’s announcement to have all vehicles run on cleaner energy by 2040. In order to promote electromobility, SP has been collaborating with Goldbell and SMRT subsidiary Strides Transportation to extend our charging points to their customers. Assisting customers in their conversion to EVs is instrumental to wide scale adoption in Singapore. Renewable Energy – SDG 7.2 Solar PV SP is looking at ways to harness and deploy energy efficiently. The Group has installed solar photovoltaic (PV) panels at our headquarters and district offices and developed storage systems. This has enabled us to work with partners in the community and industrial customers to achieve similar sustainable outcomes. The Integrated Energy Solutions (IES) system includes features like the energy storage capabilities, energy sensors and a real-time digital platform to monitor, analyse and optimise energy usage. One such digital energy solution was developed at Sembcorp Marine’s Tuas Boulevard Yard’s steel fabrication facility to lower its carbon footprint. SP installed 4.5 MegaWattpeak (MWp) solar panels at the facility to provide up to 30 per cent of electricity consumed during peak load. 15 Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) Platform SP has a one-stop digital Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) platform, the first such blockchain-powered CONVENIENCE marketplace in the world. This removes trading barriers, enabling both big and small customers to achieve their green targets seamlessly and securely. SP’s platform is also accredited by the International REC Standard Foundation as the first authorised local issuer of I-RECs in the Asia Pacific. This provides customers greater assurance of the CROSS BORDER SP REC Platform SAVINGS integrity of each I-REC issued in Singapore. EMPOWERMENT In early 2021, SP was presented with the inaugural Renewable Energy Markets TM Asia Award for smart energy solutions that expand clean energy access in Asia. SECURITY Energy efficiency – SDG 7.3 Smart Building Solutions SP actively explores new technologies to support the energy needs of buildings and districts. Our Green Energy Tech (GET TM ) is a suite of solutions that integrates different building systems and diverse data sources to create a seamless, sustainable energy management experience for our customers. Powered by EnergyTech, the Internet of things (IoT) and AI, GET TM enables building owners and facility managers to make smarter decisions that improve building performance, sustainability and occupant well-being. GET TM Control GET TM TenantCare Self-learning building intelligence that utilises AI and IoT to optimise and regulate air conditioning and maximise energy efficiency based on changes in occupancy and ambient weather conditions. This solution has been deployed at DBS Asia Hub at Changi Business Park since February 2020. Smart and automated tenant submetering solution that enables landlords and owners of offices, malls and campuses to efficiently manage utilities consumption in both tenant and common spaces. This project has been deployed at Changi Airport, HDB Connection One and the Nanyang Technological University Reliable Infrastructure - SDG 9.1 District Cooling and Energy Saving Solutions SP continues to operate the world’s largest underground district cooling system, located at Marina Bay. Here, chillers centrally produce chilled water during off-peak periods, store the chilled water using a thermal energy storage system, and supply the chilled water for air conditioning use at the buildings in the district. If renewable 16 energy that is used to power the chillers suddenly fluctuates, the lithium ion battery will immediately discharge energy to balance the supply, hence overcoming the challenge of inconsistent renewable energy in a cost-effective way. The system serves more than 20 developments in Marina Bay and is 40 per cent more efficient than conventional chillers. Urban Micro-Grid SP is working with Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) to build Singapore’s first multi-energy urban micro-grid at the university’s campus in Punggol Digital District, with a long-term target to achieve zero-emission and ability to operate independently from the national grid in times of emergency. The micro-grid, specially designed for Singapore’s tropical climate, will integrate gas, electricity and thermal energy into a unified smart energy network through multiple phases of execution. It will enable SIT to tap green energy sources such as solar electricity, solar thermal and deploy energy storage technologies, micro-grid controller, smart metering and energy digital management system to optimise energy and reduce carbon emissions. Once achieved, the research and work done on the system can help SIT save energy and eliminate carbon emissions which is equivalent to removing close to 2,000 vehicles off the roads. As a distributed energy system, the micro-grid is designed to have the function to operate independently from the national grid in times of emergency. Insights from the research collaboration in the SIT@Punggol campus will help to develop innovative solutions to enable a more reliable and efficient energy system to meet Singapore’s future needs where customers can save energy and cost while enjoying a high quality, sustainable lifestyle. The collaboration will also facilitate future research and development in smart energy networks and will provide SIT students a platform to gain first-hand experience in honing engineering skills and expertise in micro-grids. The Group plans to work with SIT@Punggol to extend the research work in subsequent phases to study and develop more energy savings solution for campus applications. Performance SP’s low carbon initiatives have enabled our customers to avoid more than 28,000 tonnesCO 2 in FY20/21, equivalent to planting almost 1.4 million rain trees 5 or taking more than 6,000 cars off the road for a year 6 . Measuring this progress against the target of helping our customers reduce their carbon footprint, these initiatives have achieved 18 per cent increase in the CO2 avoided since the baseline year of 2018. Solar Panels – Renewable Energy For our customers, a total of 4.5 MWp of solar panels were installed as of end March 2021. Based on an average estimated generation yield in Singapore, the panels have helped the customers avoided more than 2,000 tonnesCO 2 e, equivalent to planting more than 100,000 rain trees or taking more than 450 vehicles off the road. 5 One mature rain tree absorbs 0.0201 tonnesCO 2 a year - data from My Carbon Footprint study by South Pole 6 From US EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator 17 Across our premises, we have installed almost 1 MWp of solar panels to access renewable energy. Collectively, they have helped us to avoid close to 200 tonnesCO 2 e in FY20/21. District Cooling – Energy Efficiency 2020 was a pandemic year that saw a decrease in the electricity demand in the office buildings in Marina Bay area due to increased work-from-home arrangements. This resulted in the reduction of the carbon emissions avoidance as compared to the baseline year of 2018. However, the chillers within the district cooling plant were working more efficiently than previous years, with the efficiency factor improving by about two per cent since the baseline year. This reduces the electricity required to cool one refrigerant ton. Besides energy savings, the carbon emissions avoidance amounted to more than 20,000 tonnesCO 2 e, equivalent to planting more than 1 million rain trees and taking more than 4,500 cars off the road in FY20/21. Electric Vehicles – Clean Transportation With the 340 charging points across 71 locations in Singapore as of end March 2021, up from 200 points in 2019. Compared to the carbon emissions from a typical internal combustion engine vehicle, the electricity sold from the charging points helped EV customers avoid an estimated amount of more than 900 tonnesCO 2 e, increasing more than 23-fold compared to our baseline year of 2018. Internally, we have gradually converted our fleet of service vehicles from diesel engines to electric. As of March 2021, we have converted around 17 per cent of them to EVs, avoiding an estimated total of more than 75 tonnesCO 2 e since we started with the conversion. Future outlook We will continue our active investment in innovative technology to bring about greater grid reliability and more sustainable energy solutions to our customers. In line with our strategic focus towards 2030, we are leveraging our experience in Singapore to extend our low carbon, smart energy solutions to targeted countries in Asia Pacific for a more sustainable world. We have secured our second district cooling project at Guangzhou Knowledge City and have acquired a 40 per cent stake in Sino-French Energy Services Co. Ltd in Chongqing. In addition, we have signed MOUs with State Grid Shanghai and State Grid Chongqing to bring sustainable energy solutions to these cities. Recently, we have signed a joint venture agreement with Jinko Power to acquire and invest in renewable assets and develop integrated energy solutions in China. 18 Customer Empowerment Why this is material The transition towards a clean energy economy will largely be driven by end-user consumption. Given that SP provides electricity and gas transmission and distribution services to customers in Singapore, customer education and empowerment will support Singapore’s target to transition to a low-carbon future. Beyond this, education and empowerment of customers can result in energy and cost savings for our customers. Management Approach Our initiatives for the community and our customers are aligned with our mission – to improve quality of life and create sustainable solutions for the community, today and for future generations. Volunteerism is an integral part of the SP’s DNA. Our staff volunteers, known as SP Heart Workers, drive outreach activities for the vulnerable and underserved throughout the year. The SP Heartware Fund (the Fund), established in 2005, supports services for vulnerable seniors, in partnership with Community Chest. These include befriending, rehabilitation, counselling and caregiver support. SP underwrites all fund-raising and operational costs of the Fund and programmes, so that all donations will go fully to the social service organisations supported by the Fund. In partnership with Temasek, SP has contributed towards various initiatives to protect and keep Singapore safe during the COVID-19 pandemic last year. We were part of Temasek Foundation initiatives to provide free hand sanitiser and reusable face masks to all residents in Singapore. Our SP Heart Workers helped with distribution at a collection centre and our call centre managed these projects' public phone hotline. Empowerment through Technology To provide greater convenience to our customer base, we have embarked on a digital transformation journey. This has resulted in digital products that power internal business units and energy tech products that are available to our customers. With energy tech as a tool to drive sustainability, the primary goals are to 1) inform, 2) enable and 3) add value. 1) Inform – The aim is to educate and empower our customers by providing data, information and recommendations to help them make good decisions. 2) Enable – Our aim here is to provide our customers with the ability to carry out their decisions. This is done through selected methods such as allowing customers to take direct control over the settings of their SP products, using data and AI to provide recommendations and advices and using automation to provide faster, more accurate responses. 3) Add Value – We aim to provide economic value to our customers, in order to push our sustainability agenda. 19 Initiatives Energy Access – SDG 7.1 Open Electricity Market In supporting the Open Electricity Market where customers can choose to buy electricity from retailers, SP helps customers make the switch which can enable them to save between 20 to 30 per cent off the regulated tariff. To demonstrate our commitment, SP has rolled out a price comparison feature on the SP Utilities app, whereby customers can see all the various price plans at a glance. This makes it easier for customers to select price plans that best suit their consumption needs. Renewable energy – SDG 7.2 My Green Credits TM Expanding from SP’s experience in the management of its REC platform, a new feature, My Green Credits TM , was launched in October 2020 to provide everyone in Singapore with easy access to renewable energy. This feature aims to make it affordable and convenient for anyone in Singapore to match their electricity consumption with an equivalent amount of green energy produced by purchasing RECs in the form of “green credits”. Usually available in multiples of megawatt-hour (MWh), the RECs available for purchase from local and overseas projects on My Green Credits TM are broken down into kilowatt-hours (kWh) which makes them become more accessible to residential customers and individuals and offers the choice to “green” any amount from zero to 100 per cent of monthly electricity consumption. The purchase of these certificates drives the growth of renewable energy and allows customers to play their part in creating a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Step 1: Click on My Green Credits TM on the SP Utilities App. Step 2: Select the preferred green project to support and the percentage of eletricity consumption to “green”. Step 3: Select payment method and complete the purchase. A unique Renewable Energy Certificate will be generated, stating the amount of carbon dioxide emissions you have avoided. Customer journey on My Green Credits TM for anyone who wishes to "green" their electricity consumption 20 Energy efficiency – SDG 7.3 Smart Technology SP is increasingly shifting its focus to use data science and AI to deliver efficient energy solutions to our customers. We refer to this as an “Energy Brain”. This Energy Brain uses intelligence gathered from a large volume of consumption data from both residential homes and business to provide our customers with data-driven solutions. 7 Beyond this, we are increasing our customer empowerment by installing smart electricity meters at all households, allowing residents to access their half-hourly electricity usage through our SP Utilities app. These advanced meters allow residents to gain a better picture of their consumption patterns, enabling them to implement reduction and efficiency measures in a meaningful manner. Environmental Awareness In March 2020, SP launched the enhanced Carbon Footprint calculator, called My Carbon Footprint. It enables everyone in Singapore to be more aware of the environmental impact of their daily actions. First launched in December 2019, the initial version allows users to view their carbon emissions resulting from their electricity consumption. The calculator that is available on the SP Utilities app allows everyone in Singapore to measure their environmental impact from their daily lifestyle choices according to their household profile, mode and duration of commute, frequency of holiday travel, spending habits and food consumption. To make it more accessible for users on laptops and tablets to access My Carbon Footprint, we have also designed and launched the web-based version of the calculator in August 2020. Similar to the app version, this web version allows users to easily calculate the size of their carbon footprint by answering a few simple questions. This is especially useful when used in a classroom setting for students to gain access to the calculator without having the need to download the SP Utilities app and registering for an account. As of end March 2021, across both platforms, we have completed almost 60,000 carbon footprint calculations for the users. SP has launched initiatives that allow customers to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle through their daily actions. GreenUP, found on the SP Utilities app, aims to educate and empower our customer base on the message of sustainability in a fun and interactive way. To date, users have completed over 2.9 million activities cumulatively since launch in September 2019. In 2020, we worked with more than 30 like-minded partners who came onboard the GreenUP sustainability programme to build various challenges to help the app users and the partners’ customers to start practising green habits like forgoing disposable cutlery when ordering food or bringing their own cups when buying coffee. 7 21 Tengah will be Singapore’s model of a digitally inter-connected smart energy town. Spotlight: Tengah – Singapore’s eco-friendly smart energy town Tengah, HDB’s 24th public housing estate is set to be the model showcase of a digitally inter-connected smart energy town where eco-innovations are deployed across HDB blocks and commercial and community facilities, to bring magnified benefits to residents and town operators. With the Singapore government’s plan to make every HDB estate an eco-town by 2030, SP aims to play a central role in enabling everyone to make conscious decisions to lower their carbon footprint and integrate sustainability into the everyday lives of Singaporeans. Centralised Cooling System Powered By The Sun At Tengah, residents can opt for central cooling or stick to conventional air conditioning. Centralised cooling is a smart, eco-friendly cooling technology that replaces inefficient conventional cooling methods. Modular chiller plants placed on top of the HDB roof tops will supply chilled water direct from the riser to the fan coil unit in the homes, replacing the need for the installation of condensers. With the usage of centralised cooling, Tengah can be 30 to 40 per cent more energy efficient than similar estates in Singapore. This is estimated to result in at least energy savings of 30GWh per year, which could power 6,300 four-room flats annually and remove 800,000m 3 of carbon from the air or equivalent to about having 400,000 cars off the road annually. To maximise the limited space available in Tengah, SP is deploying both conventional and vertical solar panels (known as building-integrated photovoltaics, BIPV). Tengah will likely have the largest aggregated installation of BIPV in Singapore when fully developed. 22 Sustainable Lifestyle App Residents will be able to live an eco-friendly and hassle-free lifestyle by using the MyTengah app. They will be able to understand their household utilities consumption, intelligently control their Centralised Cooling usage, browse and purchase energy efficient appliances, and many more. Convenient EV Charging Electric vehicle drivers will be well served by parking facilities all across Tengah having their parking lots equipped with EV charging points from SP. Drivers will be able to find stations, charge, and pay conveniently using the SP Utilties app. By 2030, 10 per cent of all parking lots in Tengah will be equipped with EV charging stations contributing towards the national goal of 60,000 EV charging points. Sustainability Displays Eco-Boards are digital displays to help residents be more aware of their block’s impact on the environment. Installed at the lift lobby, these boards will also provide residents with green tips to lower their electricity and water consumption and will encourage sustainable behaviour with utilities-saving competitions between blocks. Performance Customer Empowerment As of 31 March 2021, 49 per cent of households and 47 per cent of eligible businesses have switched to buying electricity from a retailer of their choice. They have since enjoyed savings of about 20 per cent to 30 per cent off the regulated tariff. Our customers can also opt for a non-standard price plan to buy electricity from the wholesale electricity market. Under this arrangement, the customer buys electricity at the wholesale electricity price which varies every half hour depending on the prevailing demand and supply situation in Singapore’s wholesale electricity market. Customers are empowered with their utility consumption data via the SP Utilities app. With more than 1.2 million app downloads, customers are submitting their meter readings, viewing their bills and paying directly via the SP 23 Utilities app. Customers can pay with all credit cards from over 380 banks and enjoy rebates and rewards offered by banking partners for utilities payment through the app. We have processed over 1 million unique transactions through the app since 2019, giving customers greater convenience. SP has also installed over 500,000 smart meters nationwide as of 31 March 2021 and intends to complete installation for all 1.4 million households by 2024. As of end March 2021, more than 3,500 Tengah households have signed up for the centralised cooling system, which could help homeowners save as much as 30 per cent in life cycle costs. SP Heart Workers preparing the items in the welcome and learning packs for the SP Kids at Heart launch in June 2021. Future outlook SP’s overarching goal is to empower everyone with the knowledge and tools to foster a sustainable future for all. We will continue to harness digital technology to provide our customers with the information and means to lower their electricity consumption and adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. We are also committed to giving back to the community while working towards our environmental goals, the Group will be doubling its annual funding to S$3 million for programmes and expanding its reach to help children, in addition to vulnerable seniors. Under the new SP Kids at Heart programme that was launched in June 2021, SP Group aims to support young children from low-income families in their learning journey. Kickstarting the initiative, SP Group is donating S$1 million to provide educational tools, books and toys in the form of learning and development packs for about 2,000 KidSTART children for a year. The funds will also enable these children to receive electronic devices such as tablets and internet routers to support their online engagement and learning during the pandemic. In addition, SP will provide grocery vouchers and other financial assistance packages including tools and equipment that enable a more conducive home learning environment. 24
| SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 2023 | THE SUNDAY TIMES | A7 FEATURE TITLE In partnership with “ One need not approach volunteering with the mindset that they have to invest lots of time, effort or money. No contribution is too small. One of the biggest hurdles to overcome is simply taking that first step. — Mr Giles Ee, executive engineer, SP Group, and a member of the company’s staff volunteer arm, SP Heart Workers Helping kids starts from the heart National grid operator SP Group expands its CSR efforts to give children from lower-income families a stronger start, and provide more opportunities for staff to volunteer By RACHEL CHIA Atypical work day for Mr Giles Ee, 28, goes something like this: Even as he spends most of his time as executive engineer spearheading gas transmission projects at SP Group, he carves out a few hours planning activities for children. Just last year, Mr Ee helped organise the launch of an interactive play at Aliwal Arts Centre for lower-income families, featuring music, handcrafted sea animal headgears, and a mini carnival. Named KidStart Sea Adventures, the production is one of several corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts supported by Singapore’s national grid operator and sustainable energy solutions provider SP Group, through its initiative for children, SP Kids at Heart. KidStart Singapore is a non-profit organisation supporting children under six years old from lower-income families in early child development. “We were pleasantly surprised by the zest with which the children tackled the craft activities with their parents,” says Mr Ee who, beyond coordinating the event, also helped out at a prop-crafting station as one of 20 staff volunteers on-site. “Many parents shared that this was the first theatre production for their children, and to watch them dance and sing brought lots of joy,” he adds. “It was a heartwarming reminder of the importance of family bonding. This truly touched me, as we may have taken many things in life for granted.” Mr Ee began volunteering when he was in secondary school, spring cleaning rental flats, collecting newspapers, and doing grocery runs for the elderly. Today, his systematic nature and attention to detail are being put to use as a member of the SP Heart Workers committee, SP’s staff volunteer arm, where he oversees event logistics and partnerships with social service agencies. The company provides its employees with opportunities to participate in volunteering activities all year round, often during work hours. “Beyond being able to engage with colleagues from other departments whom I normally do not interact with, I am also able to sharpen my organisational skills through working with various stakeholders to execute events,” says Mr Ee. Joining hands for good Most customers of SP Group may be familiar with its longest-running charity initiative – the SP Heartware Fund, which benefits vulnerable seniors – from its donation appeals on utilities bills twice a year. But SP Kids at Heart, a new initiative, was born amid the Covid-19 pandemic as the organisation looked to expand its outreach to more lower-income families. “Despite the challenges brought on by the pandemic, we scaled up our efforts to fulfil long-standing commitments and set up new programmes to benefit a wider range of social service users, from seniors, to children and youth,” Celebrating Social Service Partners The Ministry of Social and Family Development has designated 2023 as its Year of Celebrating Social Service Partners to recognise the contributions of corporates, social service agencies, professionals, academics, social enterprises, and volunteers. To make a significant impact on the lives of those in need, Singaporeans and companies are encouraged to volunteer, donate, or join the social service sector. says Mr Stanley Huang, group CEO, SP Group. The company has since contributed $2.1 million to benefit more than 5,000 KidStart children and their families. SP Group has been working with the non-profit organisation since 2021. SP Group has sponsored and distributed books, toys and tech tools to about 2,000 Kid- Start families, to improve their home learning environments and ensure that the children’s learning was not disrupted during the pandemic. “For parents, we aim to equip them with soft skills to help them connect better with their children and support them in their holistic education,” Mr Huang adds. “By working with KidStart Singapore, which shares this common vision, it allows us to deliver targeted assistance to the community and achieve greater impact for the beneficiaries.” Last year, apartfrom the marine-themedplay, the company – together with KidStart and independent charity EtonHouse Community Fund – provided books and bookshelves to some 3,000 children to create a conducive space at home to foster strong family bonds. Focusing on bonding SP Kids at Heart’s efforts aim to enhance the social mobility and long-term prospects of children SP Group executive engineer Giles Ee (above) helps plan activities for children as part of the company’s CSR initiative, SP Kids at Heart. The initiative is a partnership with KidStart Singapore, to empower parents like Mdm Jasleasha Ong (left) with skills to better engage their children. PHOTOS: SP GROUP, KIDSTART SINGAPORE from vulnerable backgrounds. Why is the focus on bonding? Research has shown that parent-child bonds significantly influence how a child’s brain develops, and this has an impact on lifelong outcomes, explains Kid- Start Singapore CEO Rahayu Buang. “The parent-child bond is created by applying techniques in nurturing positive interactions and enriched caregiving.” While parents from lower-income families want the best for their child, they may face resource constraints and lack know-how. “Empowering parents with the skills to engage their children builds up their confidence in taking care of them, which in turn helps foster positive developmental outcomes,” adds Mdm Rahayu. That’s been so for Mdm Jasleasha Ong, whose daughter, aged three, was previously not interested in books. “I tried reading to her, but she would flip through the pages quickly,” Mdm Ong, 43, says. But after setting up a reading corner at home with the books from SP-funded KidStart Stories, the little girl’s attitude changed. “I learnt that it was about choosing age-appropriate books,” says Mdm Ong. “My daughter is now so excited when it is reading time, and even asks me to join her. She dances and uses songs to express herself. I now know how to use our interactions to develop her language skills better, and we have a strongbond.” Small things like these can create a great impact, says Mr Ee, who helped pack and deliver the books to families. “Something as simple as lending a listening ear to the beneficiaries, or organising engagement activities, can impact them in a positive manner and effecta difference in their lives.” Everybody has unique skills that can be channelled towards volunteering, he adds. “One need not approach volunteering with the mindset that they have to invest lots of time, effort or money. No contribution is too small. “One of the biggest hurdles to overcome is simply taking that first step.” Foster a culture of giving Volunteerism is an integral part of SP Group’s DNA, says the company, with close to 400 staff volunteering in SP Kids at Heart activities alone. Staff are encouraged to not only participate in volunteering activities during work hours, but are also accorded official leave for volunteering, says group CEO Stanley Huang. Members of senior management play an active role in communicating supportfor and participating in corporate giving, adds Mr Huang. This is something that Mr Giles Ee, an executive engineer at SP Group, can testify to, having witnessed department heads spearheading activities. “Various departments leverage volunteering events as team bonding opportunities,” he says. “I believe the emphasis on the culture of giving is also a point of pride for many staff,” says Mr Ee, who is also part of the SP Heart Workers organising committee. In 2021, SP Group’s CSR contributions – in donations, sponsorships and manpower – totalled $4.5 million. It has a wide range of programmes to support vulnerable groups across ages, from young children under the age of six to tertiary students, and seniors. To Mr Huang, pursuing a common good unifies staff, fosters team building, and cultivates a giving spirit. “We believe that by participating in volunteering efforts, our staff gain a sense of fulfilment, are more engaged in their jobs, and can influence their families and friends to similarly give back to the community in meaningful ways,” he says. By the numbers $2.1m Amount donated by SP Group over the past 2 years to benefit young children from lower-income families 5,000 Number of families that benefited from the SP Kids at Heart programme to date 8,000 Total volunteering hours clocked by SP Group staff in 2022 For more information on how to contribute, visit sg/YCPartners
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We speak to Benjamin Festin, Vice President of Human Resource and Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli, Technical Officer from Gas Operations at SP Group (SP). Benjamin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Ariff shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. What are your responsibilities at SP Group? Benjamin (B): I lead the talent development unit in the Human Resource department at SP. We are constantly on the lookout for people with diverse and unique skills who can contribute to the organisation’s rapid expansion locally and in the region. To build a strong and committed team, we ensure our workforce is equipped with current and future-ready capabilities, stay relevant and help groom our next generation of leaders. We invest in our staff’s professional growth, through training and development programmes. I also enjoy the role I double-hat in, as Chairman of the ReCharge Committee. Our team organises a range of activities to enhance and enrich staff well-being, such as sports, recreation, wellness and even our company’s Family Day! Ariff (A): I am part of the Gas Operations team that renews gas pipes for residential and commercial projects to ensure reliable gas supply for customers’ daily needs. We work closely with authorities and contractors, often completing projects within a tight timeline. An example would be a tunnelling project where we had to use a special digging machine at 30 meters beneath ground level to pave the way for laying of gas pipes. A key motivator for me is knowing that what I do impacts the daily lives of people in Singapore.   What’s one memorable work experience you’ve had? B: During the Covid-19 pandemic I was touched to witness the selflessness of our colleagues. They continued to carry out their work and endure long hours in hot protective gear to ensure critical services continue to be made available. I developed a newfound respect for our colleagues working on power grid services! Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli (in yellow outfit), with contractors working on commissioning works during the pandemic. A: When most people could work from home during the pandemic to keep safe, our team and the contractors continued to expedite urgent gas renewal works. This was a particularly challenging as the daily rise in infection cases affected the number of workers available for work. Looking back, I am so proud we managed to push through during that period. What would you say to people considering a career at SP? Benjamin Festin (third from left) with the ReCharge committee at the SP Fun Walk 2023. B: It’s an exciting time to join us as we are expanding our presence in Singapore and the region. If you’re looking for a role that allows you to play a part in securing Singapore’s energy future, consider SP! We also play an active role in social and community service, with outreach programmes growing from strength to strength catering to seniors, kids and youth, that YOU can be part of. Ariff: We are always encouraged to upgrade ourselves with easy access to a variety of courses to prepare us for future challenges and demands. The team spirit is also high. It’s like working in a big family where we always have each other’s back! TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSUSTAINABILITYRELIABILITY YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Mentor gives out tough assignments to sharpen skills of next generation On any given day, Senior Principal Engineer and Technical Expert Chua Khim Mong, would pose a hypothetical engineering problem in a group chat, challenging his team of technical officers and technicians to solve it. Partnership with PUB in EMA’s Demand Response and Interruptible Load programmes SP Group SP has partnered PUB to participate in EMA’s Demand Response DR and Interruptible Load IL programmes. PUB is the first government agency to participate in the programmes. He connects the nation to Singapore’s electricity grid Electricity is crucial to sustaining life, quite literally, as SP PowerGrid (SPPG) Principal Technical Officer Abdul Latiff Muhamed Abdullah would tell you. Category: Reliability Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Empowering talent RELIABILITY With a staff strength of more than 3,700, how do the People of SP stay connected and build a collaborative culture to achieve synergistic outcomes? We speak to Benjamin Festin, Vice President of Human Resource and Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli, Technical Officer from Gas Operations at SP Group (SP). Benjamin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Ariff shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. What are your responsibilities at SP Group? Benjamin (B): I lead the talent development unit in the Human Resource department at SP. We are constantly on the lookout for people with diverse and unique skills who can contribute to the organisation’s rapid expansion locally and in the region. To build a strong and committed team, we ensure our workforce is equipped with current and future-ready capabilities, stay relevant and help groom our next generation of leaders. We invest in our staff’s professional growth, through training and development programmes. I also enjoy the role I double-hat in, as Chairman of the ReCharge Committee. Our team organises a range of activities to enhance and enrich staff well-being, such as sports, recreation, wellness and even our company’s Family Day! Ariff (A): I am part of the Gas Operations team that renews gas pipes for residential and commercial projects to ensure reliable gas supply for customers’ daily needs. We work closely with authorities and contractors, often completing projects within a tight timeline. An example would be a tunnelling project where we had to use a special digging machine at 30 meters beneath ground level to pave the way for laying of gas pipes. A key motivator for me is knowing that what I do impacts the daily lives of people in Singapore.   What’s one memorable work experience you’ve had? B: During the Covid-19 pandemic I was touched to witness the selflessness of our colleagues. They continued to carry out their work and endure long hours in hot protective gear to ensure critical services continue to be made available. I developed a newfound respect for our colleagues working on power grid services! Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli (in yellow outfit), with contractors working on commissioning works during the pandemic. A: When most people could work from home during the pandemic to keep safe, our team and the contractors continued to expedite urgent gas renewal works. This was a particularly challenging as the daily rise in infection cases affected the number of workers available for work. Looking back, I am so proud we managed to push through during that period. What would you say to people considering a career at SP? Benjamin Festin (third from left) with the ReCharge committee at the SP Fun Walk 2023. B: It’s an exciting time to join us as we are expanding our presence in Singapore and the region. If you’re looking for a role that allows you to play a part in securing Singapore’s energy future, consider SP! We also play an active role in social and community service, with outreach programmes growing from strength to strength catering to seniors, kids and youth, that YOU can be part of. Ariff: We are always encouraged to upgrade ourselves with easy access to a variety of courses to prepare us for future challenges and demands. The team spirit is also high. It’s like working in a big family where we always have each other’s back! TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSUSTAINABILITYRELIABILITY YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Mentor gives out tough assignments to sharpen skills of next generation On any given day, Senior Principal Engineer and Technical Expert Chua Khim Mong, would pose a hypothetical engineering problem in a group chat, challenging his team of technical officers and technicians to solve it. Partnership with PUB in EMA’s Demand Response and Interruptible Load programmes SP Group SP has partnered PUB to participate in EMA’s Demand Response DR and Interruptible Load IL programmes. PUB is the first government agency to participate in the programmes. He connects the nation to Singapore’s electricity grid Electricity is crucial to sustaining life, quite literally, as SP PowerGrid (SPPG) Principal Technical Officer Abdul Latiff Muhamed Abdullah would tell you. Category: Reliability Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Empowering talent RELIABILITY With a staff strength of more than 3,700, how do the People of SP stay connected and build a collaborative culture to achieve synergistic outcomes? We speak to Benjamin Festin, Vice President of Human Resource and Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli, Technical Officer from Gas Operations at SP Group (SP). Benjamin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Ariff shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. What are your responsibilities at SP Group? Benjamin (B): I lead the talent development unit in the Human Resource department at SP. We are constantly on the lookout for people with diverse and unique skills who can contribute to the organisation’s rapid expansion locally and in the region. To build a strong and committed team, we ensure our workforce is equipped with current and future-ready capabilities, stay relevant and help groom our next generation of leaders. We invest in our staff’s professional growth, through training and development programmes. I also enjoy the role I double-hat in, as Chairman of the ReCharge Committee. Our team organises a range of activities to enhance and enrich staff well-being, such as sports, recreation, wellness and even our company’s Family Day! Ariff (A): I am part of the Gas Operations team that renews gas pipes for residential and commercial projects to ensure reliable gas supply for customers’ daily needs. We work closely with authorities and contractors, often completing projects within a tight timeline. An example would be a tunnelling project where we had to use a special digging machine at 30 meters beneath ground level to pave the way for laying of gas pipes. A key motivator for me is knowing that what I do impacts the daily lives of people in Singapore.   What’s one memorable work experience you’ve had? B: During the Covid-19 pandemic I was touched to witness the selflessness of our colleagues. They continued to carry out their work and endure long hours in hot protective gear to ensure critical services continue to be made available. I developed a newfound respect for our colleagues working on power grid services! Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli (in yellow outfit), with contractors working on commissioning works during the pandemic. A: When most people could work from home during the pandemic to keep safe, our team and the contractors continued to expedite urgent gas renewal works. This was a particularly challenging as the daily rise in infection cases affected the number of workers available for work. Looking back, I am so proud we managed to push through during that period. What would you say to people considering a career at SP? Benjamin Festin (third from left) with the ReCharge committee at the SP Fun Walk 2023. B: It’s an exciting time to join us as we are expanding our presence in Singapore and the region. If you’re looking for a role that allows you to play a part in securing Singapore’s energy future, consider SP! We also play an active role in social and community service, with outreach programmes growing from strength to strength catering to seniors, kids and youth, that YOU can be part of. Ariff: We are always encouraged to upgrade ourselves with easy access to a variety of courses to prepare us for future challenges and demands. The team spirit is also high. It’s like working in a big family where we always have each other’s back! TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSUSTAINABILITYRELIABILITY YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Mentor gives out tough assignments to sharpen skills of next generation On any given day, Senior Principal Engineer and Technical Expert Chua Khim Mong, would pose a hypothetical engineering problem in a group chat, challenging his team of technical officers and technicians to solve it. Partnership with PUB in EMA’s Demand Response and Interruptible Load programmes SP Group SP has partnered PUB to participate in EMA’s Demand Response DR and Interruptible Load IL programmes. PUB is the first government agency to participate in the programmes. He connects the nation to Singapore’s electricity grid Electricity is crucial to sustaining life, quite literally, as SP PowerGrid (SPPG) Principal Technical Officer Abdul Latiff Muhamed Abdullah would tell you. Category: Reliability Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Empowering talent RELIABILITY With a staff strength of more than 3,700, how do the People of SP stay connected and build a collaborative culture to achieve synergistic outcomes? We speak to Benjamin Festin, Vice President of Human Resource and Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli, Technical Officer from Gas Operations at SP Group (SP). Benjamin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Ariff shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. What are your responsibilities at SP Group? Benjamin (B): I lead the talent development unit in the Human Resource department at SP. We are constantly on the lookout for people with diverse and unique skills who can contribute to the organisation’s rapid expansion locally and in the region. To build a strong and committed team, we ensure our workforce is equipped with current and future-ready capabilities, stay relevant and help groom our next generation of leaders. We invest in our staff’s professional growth, through training and development programmes. I also enjoy the role I double-hat in, as Chairman of the ReCharge Committee. Our team organises a range of activities to enhance and enrich staff well-being, such as sports, recreation, wellness and even our company’s Family Day! Ariff (A): I am part of the Gas Operations team that renews gas pipes for residential and commercial projects to ensure reliable gas supply for customers’ daily needs. We work closely with authorities and contractors, often completing projects within a tight timeline. An example would be a tunnelling project where we had to use a special digging machine at 30 meters beneath ground level to pave the way for laying of gas pipes. A key motivator for me is knowing that what I do impacts the daily lives of people in Singapore.   What’s one memorable work experience you’ve had? B: During the Covid-19 pandemic I was touched to witness the selflessness of our colleagues. They continued to carry out their work and endure long hours in hot protective gear to ensure critical services continue to be made available. I developed a newfound respect for our colleagues working on power grid services! Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli (in yellow outfit), with contractors working on commissioning works during the pandemic. A: When most people could work from home during the pandemic to keep safe, our team and the contractors continued to expedite urgent gas renewal works. This was a particularly challenging as the daily rise in infection cases affected the number of workers available for work. Looking back, I am so proud we managed to push through during that period. What would you say to people considering a career at SP? Benjamin Festin (third from left) with the ReCharge committee at the SP Fun Walk 2023. B: It’s an exciting time to join us as we are expanding our presence in Singapore and the region. If you’re looking for a role that allows you to play a part in securing Singapore’s energy future, consider SP! We also play an active role in social and community service, with outreach programmes growing from strength to strength catering to seniors, kids and youth, that YOU can be part of. Ariff: We are always encouraged to upgrade ourselves with easy access to a variety of courses to prepare us for future challenges and demands. The team spirit is also high. It’s like working in a big family where we always have each other’s back! TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSUSTAINABILITYRELIABILITY YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Mentor gives out tough assignments to sharpen skills of next generation On any given day, Senior Principal Engineer and Technical Expert Chua Khim Mong, would pose a hypothetical engineering problem in a group chat, challenging his team of technical officers and technicians to solve it. Partnership with PUB in EMA’s Demand Response and Interruptible Load programmes SP Group SP has partnered PUB to participate in EMA’s Demand Response DR and Interruptible Load IL programmes. PUB is the first government agency to participate in the programmes. He connects the nation to Singapore’s electricity grid Electricity is crucial to sustaining life, quite literally, as SP PowerGrid (SPPG) Principal Technical Officer Abdul Latiff Muhamed Abdullah would tell you. Category: Reliability Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Empowering talent RELIABILITY With a staff strength of more than 3,700, how do the People of SP stay connected and build a collaborative culture to achieve synergistic outcomes? We speak to Benjamin Festin, Vice President of Human Resource and Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli, Technical Officer from Gas Operations at SP Group (SP). Benjamin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Ariff shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. What are your responsibilities at SP Group? Benjamin (B): I lead the talent development unit in the Human Resource department at SP. We are constantly on the lookout for people with diverse and unique skills who can contribute to the organisation’s rapid expansion locally and in the region. To build a strong and committed team, we ensure our workforce is equipped with current and future-ready capabilities, stay relevant and help groom our next generation of leaders. We invest in our staff’s professional growth, through training and development programmes. I also enjoy the role I double-hat in, as Chairman of the ReCharge Committee. Our team organises a range of activities to enhance and enrich staff well-being, such as sports, recreation, wellness and even our company’s Family Day! Ariff (A): I am part of the Gas Operations team that renews gas pipes for residential and commercial projects to ensure reliable gas supply for customers’ daily needs. We work closely with authorities and contractors, often completing projects within a tight timeline. An example would be a tunnelling project where we had to use a special digging machine at 30 meters beneath ground level to pave the way for laying of gas pipes. A key motivator for me is knowing that what I do impacts the daily lives of people in Singapore.   What’s one memorable work experience you’ve had? B: During the Covid-19 pandemic I was touched to witness the selflessness of our colleagues. They continued to carry out their work and endure long hours in hot protective gear to ensure critical services continue to be made available. I developed a newfound respect for our colleagues working on power grid services! Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli (in yellow outfit), with contractors working on commissioning works during the pandemic. A: When most people could work from home during the pandemic to keep safe, our team and the contractors continued to expedite urgent gas renewal works. This was a particularly challenging as the daily rise in infection cases affected the number of workers available for work. Looking back, I am so proud we managed to push through during that period. What would you say to people considering a career at SP? Benjamin Festin (third from left) with the ReCharge committee at the SP Fun Walk 2023. B: It’s an exciting time to join us as we are expanding our presence in Singapore and the region. If you’re looking for a role that allows you to play a part in securing Singapore’s energy future, consider SP! We also play an active role in social and community service, with outreach programmes growing from strength to strength catering to seniors, kids and youth, that YOU can be part of. Ariff: We are always encouraged to upgrade ourselves with easy access to a variety of courses to prepare us for future challenges and demands. The team spirit is also high. It’s like working in a big family where we always have each other’s back! TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSUSTAINABILITYRELIABILITY YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Mentor gives out tough assignments to sharpen skills of next generation On any given day, Senior Principal Engineer and Technical Expert Chua Khim Mong, would pose a hypothetical engineering problem in a group chat, challenging his team of technical officers and technicians to solve it. Partnership with PUB in EMA’s Demand Response and Interruptible Load programmes SP Group SP has partnered PUB to participate in EMA’s Demand Response DR and Interruptible Load IL programmes. PUB is the first government agency to participate in the programmes. He connects the nation to Singapore’s electricity grid Electricity is crucial to sustaining life, quite literally, as SP PowerGrid (SPPG) Principal Technical Officer Abdul Latiff Muhamed Abdullah would tell you. Category: Reliability Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Empowering talent RELIABILITY With a staff strength of more than 3,700, how do the People of SP stay connected and build a collaborative culture to achieve synergistic outcomes? We speak to Benjamin Festin, Vice President of Human Resource and Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli, Technical Officer from Gas Operations at SP Group (SP). Benjamin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Ariff shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. What are your responsibilities at SP Group? Benjamin (B): I lead the talent development unit in the Human Resource department at SP. We are constantly on the lookout for people with diverse and unique skills who can contribute to the organisation’s rapid expansion locally and in the region. To build a strong and committed team, we ensure our workforce is equipped with current and future-ready capabilities, stay relevant and help groom our next generation of leaders. We invest in our staff’s professional growth, through training and development programmes. I also enjoy the role I double-hat in, as Chairman of the ReCharge Committee. Our team organises a range of activities to enhance and enrich staff well-being, such as sports, recreation, wellness and even our company’s Family Day! Ariff (A): I am part of the Gas Operations team that renews gas pipes for residential and commercial projects to ensure reliable gas supply for customers’ daily needs. We work closely with authorities and contractors, often completing projects within a tight timeline. An example would be a tunnelling project where we had to use a special digging machine at 30 meters beneath ground level to pave the way for laying of gas pipes. A key motivator for me is knowing that what I do impacts the daily lives of people in Singapore.   What’s one memorable work experience you’ve had? B: During the Covid-19 pandemic I was touched to witness the selflessness of our colleagues. They continued to carry out their work and endure long hours in hot protective gear to ensure critical services continue to be made available. I developed a newfound respect for our colleagues working on power grid services! Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli (in yellow outfit), with contractors working on commissioning works during the pandemic. A: When most people could work from home during the pandemic to keep safe, our team and the contractors continued to expedite urgent gas renewal works. This was a particularly challenging as the daily rise in infection cases affected the number of workers available for work. Looking back, I am so proud we managed to push through during that period. What would you say to people considering a career at SP? Benjamin Festin (third from left) with the ReCharge committee at the SP Fun Walk 2023. B: It’s an exciting time to join us as we are expanding our presence in Singapore and the region. If you’re looking for a role that allows you to play a part in securing Singapore’s energy future, consider SP! We also play an active role in social and community service, with outreach programmes growing from strength to strength catering to seniors, kids and youth, that YOU can be part of. Ariff: We are always encouraged to upgrade ourselves with easy access to a variety of courses to prepare us for future challenges and demands. The team spirit is also high. It’s like working in a big family where we always have each other’s back! TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSUSTAINABILITYRELIABILITY YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Mentor gives out tough assignments to sharpen skills of next generation On any given day, Senior Principal Engineer and Technical Expert Chua Khim Mong, would pose a hypothetical engineering problem in a group chat, challenging his team of technical officers and technicians to solve it. Partnership with PUB in EMA’s Demand Response and Interruptible Load programmes SP Group SP has partnered PUB to participate in EMA’s Demand Response DR and Interruptible Load IL programmes. PUB is the first government agency to participate in the programmes. He connects the nation to Singapore’s electricity grid Electricity is crucial to sustaining life, quite literally, as SP PowerGrid (SPPG) Principal Technical Officer Abdul Latiff Muhamed Abdullah would tell you. Category: Reliability Search Search Reliability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Empowering talent RELIABILITY With a staff strength of more than 3,700, how do the People of SP stay connected and build a collaborative culture to achieve synergistic outcomes? We speak to Benjamin Festin, Vice President of Human Resource and Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli, Technical Officer from Gas Operations at SP Group (SP). Benjamin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Ariff shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. What are your responsibilities at SP Group? Benjamin (B): I lead the talent development unit in the Human Resource department at SP. We are constantly on the lookout for people with diverse and unique skills who can contribute to the organisation’s rapid expansion locally and in the region. To build a strong and committed team, we ensure our workforce is equipped with current and future-ready capabilities, stay relevant and help groom our next generation of leaders. We invest in our staff’s professional growth, through training and development programmes. I also enjoy the role I double-hat in, as Chairman of the ReCharge Committee. Our team organises a range of activities to enhance and enrich staff well-being, such as sports, recreation, wellness and even our company’s Family Day! Ariff (A): I am part of the Gas Operations team that renews gas pipes for residential and commercial projects to ensure reliable gas supply for customers’ daily needs. We work closely with authorities and contractors, often completing projects within a tight timeline. An example would be a tunnelling project where we had to use a special digging machine at 30 meters beneath ground level to pave the way for laying of gas pipes. A key motivator for me is knowing that what I do impacts the daily lives of people in Singapore.   What’s one memorable work experience you’ve had? B: During the Covid-19 pandemic I was touched to witness the selflessness of our colleagues. They continued to carry out their work and endure long hours in hot protective gear to ensure critical services continue to be made available. I developed a newfound respect for our colleagues working on power grid services! Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli (in yellow outfit), with contractors working on commissioning works during the pandemic. A: When most people could work from home during the pandemic to keep safe, our team and the contractors continued to expedite urgent gas renewal works. This was a particularly challenging as the daily rise in infection cases affected the number of workers available for work. Looking back, I am so proud we managed to push through during that period. What would you say to people considering a career at SP? Benjamin Festin (third from left) with the ReCharge committee at the SP Fun Walk 2023. B: It’s an exciting time to join us as we are expanding our presence in Singapore and the region. If you’re looking for a role that allows you to play a part in securing Singapore’s energy future, consider SP! We also play an active role in social and community service, with outreach programmes growing from strength to strength catering to seniors, kids and youth, that YOU can be part of. Ariff: We are always encouraged to upgrade ourselves with easy access to a variety of courses to prepare us for future challenges and demands. The team spirit is also high. It’s like working in a big family where we always have each other’s back! TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSUSTAINABILITYRELIABILITY YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Mentor gives out tough assignments to sharpen skills of next generation On any given day, Senior Principal Engineer and Technical Expert Chua Khim Mong, would pose a hypothetical engineering problem in a group chat, challenging his team of technical officers and technicians to solve it. Partnership with PUB in EMA’s Demand Response and Interruptible Load programmes SP Group SP has partnered PUB to participate in EMA’s Demand Response DR and Interruptible Load IL programmes. PUB is the first government agency to participate in the programmes. He connects the nation to Singapore’s electricity grid Electricity is crucial to sustaining life, quite literally, as SP PowerGrid (SPPG) Principal Technical Officer Abdul Latiff Muhamed Abdullah would tell you. Category: Reliability Careers OverviewScholarship & InternshipsMeet Our PeopleContact Us Careers Empowering Talent Fuel your passion in engineering. Join us and take pride in upholding Singapore's world-class network and drive sustainable energy solutions. We are looking for talent with the passion and agility to strive for high quality performance and develop cutting-edge innovative solutions for our customers in Singapore and the region. View Job Opportunities For a dynamic career in the energy industry click the appropriate hyperlink to view the available job opportunities. Administrative Positions Assistant Engineer/Technical Positions Corporate Function Positions Digital/Info Technology Positions Engineer Positions Scholarship Watch Our People at Work Watch how our people lead transformation and make their mark in their careers and fulfil their ambitions. Play Video Our Scholarship & Internship Programmes​ Harness the power of the SP scholarship Fulfil your ambition, lead transformation and make your mark in national-level initiatives and the global arena. As a scholar with SP Group, you are headed for a strong start in your engineering career. ​ Our engineers will go through a customised structured development programme varying from classroom, online and on-the-job training to accelerate the learning process. At the end of the structured training, they will be posted to key areas within SP Group, such as SP PowerGrid, Sustainable Energy Solutions or SP Services.​ We are looking for students pursuing a Diploma / Degree related to Electrical or Mechanical Engineering, with strong academic and co-curricular activities record. ​ Contact us at to find out more!​ Apply Online Energise your internship experience SP Internships offer a holistic experience for students with the desire to join the energy industry. Interns will be exposed to different aspects of our organisation, acquire practical skills through on-the-job training and build technical expertise by learning from dedicated mentors. We offer multidisciplinary internship roles in:​ Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical, etc.)​ Computing and Infocomm Technology (Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Software Development, Information Security, etc.)​ Business (Human Resources, Finance, Marketing & Communications, etc.)​ Students from Universities, Polytechnics and Institute of Technical Education (ITE) are welcome to join our internship programme.​ Send your CV to to apply today! Meet our People Innovation SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Data Science and AI Deliver Efficient Energy Solutions to Customers INNOVATION Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, solves energy challenges using innovative solutions. Imagine this: An Energy Brain, brimming with intelligence amassed from large volume of energy consumption data from residential households and businesses. Together with complementary data, the Energy Brain analysed the data to offer our customers with data-driven solutions. This scenario, described by Dr Hu Yiqun, Director, SP Digital, showcases a future where data science, coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve energy services and business intelligence to customers. “Data is the new currency in our economy. Increasingly, data provides insights and information to solve real-world problems. AI is the way for machines to extract these insights and information automatically. Through the Energy Brain, we successfully helped a shipyard reduce their electricity bills by predicting its electricity load with historical data, and optimising the Energy Storage System (ESS) to deploy energy. This helps to reduce the cost of drawing energy from the grid during peak demand,” explained Dr Hu. “With machine learning, the Energy Brain can make use of data to automate the release of electricity from the batteries, charge it back up when storage runs low,” he added. Another of Dr Hu’s project involves using data science and AI to improve the operational efficiency of SP’s metering and billing processes. By applying machine learning on the retrieval of smart meter data, we can automatically analyse and predict whether a meter reading is reasonable based on customer’s profile and usage patterns. This helps to achieve productivity gains and eliminate unnecessary on-site meter investigations. Over the last 12 months, SP saved close to S$500,000 in productivity costs, and reduced S$15,000 in man-hours. These savings enabled staff to focus on more value-added tasks to better serve our customers. “Another critical function of data and AI is fault diagnosis of our grid. AI-based fault diagnosis enables greater accuracy and shorter response time in locating fault-occurring sections, components or properties. This allows us to safeguard the health of our grid network and enhances our reliability,” shared Dr Hu. The energy sector is evolving and facing digitisation at a very fast pace.  Dr Hu believes that the energy sector can play an important role to combat climate change by adjusting the way energy is being consumed. Prior to joining SP, Dr Hu’s experience spans across academia research and development, banking, payments and e-Commerce. He describes his role at SP as one that can transform a traditional business to a digital enterprise powered by data. People always matter Dr Hu maintains that despite the digital evolution being the way forward, human interpretation of insights is the conduit between data sets and achieving business outcomes. “People matter the most. My goal is to use insights to understand our customers’ needs better, pre-empt issues and fix them before they arise. This, in turn, provides greater value and better service to our customers.” — 28 April 2020 TAGS PEOPLE OF SPSP DIGITALENERGY BRAININNOVATION YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Using GET™ to help Mercatus digitally manage their tenant utilities SP Group is partnering Mercatus Co-operative Limited to deploy SP Digital’s Green Energy Tech (GET™) solutions to Mercatus’ properties. Developing the digital core of sustainable energy solutions From coding to designing systems, Ibrahim develops and manages all the central platforms and systems that power the SP Utilities app, commercial solutions, and internal projects for SP. SP Group awarded BCA grant to power next-gen green buildings SP Group (SP) was awarded a grant by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to develop and implement technologies and digital solutions to push the limits of buildings’ energy efficiency standards. Category: Innovation Sustainability Empowering Green Capabilities SUSTAINABILITY With a staff strength of over 3,700, how do the People of SP stay connected and build a collaborative culture to achieve synergistic outcomes? We speak to Satinderpal Singh, Head of Sales of SP Digital – the digital arm of SP Group – and Fong Yi Kit, Deputy Director of Sustainable Energy Solutions. They deal with the polarising “hot” and “cold” elements, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. Tell us about your role at SP Group and what a regular workday is like. Satinderpal (ST): My team deploys green energy tech solutions for commercial and industrial buildings, to enhance energy efficiency, lower cooling costs, and reduce carbon emissions. Yi Kit (YK): In my role, I help companies achieve their sustainability goals by leveraging renewable energy technologies such as solar photovoltaic (PV) solutions and Energy Storage Systems. ST: I am constantly on the go, engaging prospects and customers to understand their green goals and offer them Green Energy Tech solutions to overcome their challenges. I also keep abreast of the latest industry trends and developments and coach my team on strategic selling and customer management skills. Yi Kit: You can often find me on rooftops, not to chill and have a drink, but to design and develop the best solar PV solutions. On other days, I meet customers over coffee to discuss how best we can provide sustainable energy solutions that add value to their businesses. Beyond that, I always make time to catch up with colleagues over lunch or a game of basketball! Head of Sales of SP Digital, Satinderpal Singh (right), discussing the implementation of Green Energy Tech solutions with his colleagues. What is your most significant project to date? ST: One of the most significant projects is the upcoming Labrador Tower mixed-use development that will be launched next year. Fully equipped with our suite of in-house sustainable energy solutions, the project attained the Super Low Energy Building certification awarded by the Building and Construction Authority – the highest sustainability rating for buildings. Yi Kit: We recently installed rooftop solar PV systems at six of the properties under AIMS APAC REIT, a major industrial real estate investment trust. The project involved installing about 20,000 solar panels that will help reduce the company’s carbon emissions by 5,900 tonnes and generate 14,500 Megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy each year, enough to power more than 4,000 three-room HDB flats yearly. Deputy Director of Sustainable Energy Solutions, Fong Yi Kit, pursued his Masters in Renewable Energy in the UK, sponsored by SP Group. Describe in one sentence your deepest impression about SP your company. ST: A vibrant and energetic team with a can-do mindset and a thirst for knowledge.  Yi Kit: Strong focus on engineering excellence with safety as our highest priority, and camaraderie as second nature among our people. What would you say to fresh graduates or mid-career switchers looking to join the energy industry? Satinderpal: This is an extremely exciting phase for the energy industry as it plays an eminent role in the energy transition towards cleaner and greener sources.  I encourage our younger generation to sign up and join what we do! Yi Kit: A sustainable energy future is no longer an ambition. It is a future we need to make a reality. Take the leap and you will reap what you sow. TAGS PEOPLE OF SP YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ SP’s first batch of agrivoltaic assets in Guangdong Province, China In China, we are helping customers sustainably maximise farm yields – solar and agriculture – as we invest in our first batch of agrivoltaic assets in Guangdong Province. Expansion of SP’s district cooling network at Marina Bay SP’s district cooling network at Marina Bay will be expanded to include the developments of four customers – Marina View, Clifford Centre, OUE Bayfront and The Fullerton Heritage, which includes Fullerton Bay Hotel, Clifford Pier and Customs House, – increasing the network’s installed capacity to 75,000 refrigeration tonnes (RT) by 2027. Agreement with SABECO to install rooftop solar panels SP Group (SP) signed an agreement with Saigon Beer Alcohol Beverage Corporation (SABECO) to install 10.44MWp of rooftop solar panels across its nine factories in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Category: Sustainability SP Energy Hub SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Forging ahead for a greener future Click button below to read our Chairman’s Message for the year 2023 Read more Decarbonising Singapore one solar panel at a time SP Group’s Principal Engineer Xcel Lai is excited about the prospect of unlocking the viability of solar energy in Singapore. Read more International Women's Day: Priscilla Liu on taking a leap of faith Six years ago, Priscilla was looking for an opportunity to do something more meaningful in her career. Today, she leads a team of User Experience (UX) designers at SP. Read more Making air-conditioning greener: Helping Singaporean's reduce carbon footprint Sustainable Energy Solutions (SES) Principal Engineer Liu Yue is the deputy lead for the construction of the centralised cooling system in Tengah eco-town. Read more Empowering talent Benjamin Festin describes how SP is constantly designing programmes for employees to grow and upskill, while Muhammad Ariff Bin Ramli shares how he feels empowered to assume greater responsibilities in his job role. People of SpSustainabilityReliability Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. People of Sp Mentor gives out tough assignments to sharpen skills of next generation On any given day, Senior Principal Engineer and Technical Expert Chua Khim Mong, would pose a hypothetical engineering problem in a group chat, challenging his team of technical officers and technicians to solve it. Reliability view more Hor+Thon+Hern+SP+Group.pdf Powering the Future SP Group, with its world-class power transmission networks and services, is expanding into the region and Executive Engineer Hor Thon Hern is proud to be part of it. Hor Thon Hern implements equipment renewal projects across Singapore in his role as Executive Engineer. He is an SP Mid-Term Scholar and he holds a Bachelor of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) with First Class Honours from Nanyang Technological University. Hor Thon Hern’s love for electrical engineering since young fueled his passion to kickstart a career in the energy sector. When he interned with SP in 2015, he went behind the scenes to uncover first-hand, the importance of maintaining the reliability of the national grid so families can maintain their quality of life. His stint at the substation reaffirmed his decision to jumpstart his career with SP. The success of SP would not have been possible without its skilled and dedicated employees like 27-year-old Hor Thon Hern. The Executive Engineer shared with BrightSparks his engaging work with SP, and the opportunities presented to him as a recipient of the SP Mid-Term Scholarship. How did you get interested in power transmission? When I was a child, I always wondered how a power outlet could power appliances plugged into it. I also enjoyed fixing home appliances like electric fan and extension cord with my father when I was in primary school. It was not until secondary school when I learned about the science behind the flow of electricity which probably laid the foundation of my pursuit of a degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering in Nanyang Technological University (NTU). During my internship at SP in 2015, I witnessed first-hand the process of the 66kV switchgear installation. From the delivery of the switchgear equipment to the rigorous testing, I was intrigued by the complexity of our transmission system. I had to be at the substation every day during the internship but I actually found it very fulfilling! You are a SP Mid-Term Scholar. In your opinion, why should students pursue a scholarship? Everyone needs a goal in life to stay motivated. A scholarship is like an engine that keeps you moving and driven throughout your undergraduate studies and eventually lands you your dream job! Rewinding a bit, how did you discover the scholarship and why did you shortlist it? I came across the SP scholarship programme while scrolling through the BrightSparks website for career opportunities. After researching on SP, I was particularly inspired by SP’s commitment in renewable energy to safeguard the environment for the future generations. What was the defining factor that made you apply for the scholarship? I felt that SP, as the national grid operator for Singapore, would be an excellent training ground for me to hone my technical skills to become a well-rounded engineer. And, what led to your decision to apply for a mid-term scholarship? It was when I was at a crossroads in my second year of undergraduate studies, uncertain on which modules to specialise in. The SP scholarship included an internship opportunity which I believed would offer a realistic insight into the workings of the energy industry which will help narrow my choice of specialisation. What was your biggest takeaway during your university days at NTU? Looking back, I deeply appreciate the opportunity to learn and discuss ideas with like-minded peers. I was born in a small town in Malaysia and furthered my tertiary education in NTU. University life was an eye-opener as I stepped out of my comfort zone and interacted with people from all walks of life. I slowly honed my life skills such as interpersonal, people management and social intelligence skills. It prepared me for the different situations posed to me during the daily work life now. How did you apply what you have learnt to your current work? My mentor at SP once told me that “every complex system you see is built from fundamentals”. I finally understood what he meant when I saw how our network system works. Whenever I face any engineering challenges, I always return to the fundamentals I’ve learnt to troubleshoot and derive practical solutions. I am so thankful to have a mentor who helped me navigate the first leg of my career! Tell us more about your role and responsibilities. I currently work in the Distribution Projects section which implements equipment renewal projects across Singapore. Our work encompass the renewal and replacement of aging equipment such as switchgear, cables and transformers ahead of time. To do this smoothly, we have to analyze network configurations for risk assessments before implementing the replacement work. The entire process is critical to ensure reliable services to our customers. What is your most significant career achievement to date? I attained the 22kV switching certificate in 2018 which was sponsored by SP. With the certification, it allows me to operate high tension equipment in the SP PowerGrid network. To attain such certification, we had to undergo comprehensive in-house training and one year of practical experience. This is to ensure that we are adequately trained and armed with sufficient technical knowledge before handling the equipment. The training deepened my skillsets and I was able to expand my job scope. What is the work culture at SP? At SP, safety is our highest priority. We are trained to keep ourselves safe at work and also ensure the safety of stakeholders whom we work closely with. SP also embraces innovation. Employees are encouraged to learn new skills such as building apps to improve productivity. One of the apps that I built is used to automate the submission of allowance claims. Now that I am more proficient in building apps, I am being tasked as a trainer for my colleagues who are keen to be app developers too! What possibilities are there for scholars working at your organisation? SP believes in investing in its people to help them be future-ready. Apart from our core engineering work, we are given the opportunity to attend senior management meetings to understand the strategic directives in this dynamic industry. One of SP’s growth areas is in renewable energies. Fresh graduates who share the passion should consider joining SP. What advice would you give to aspiring scholars looking to join SP? If you are inspired to be part of the team to power the nation, SP is the organization to realise your ambition. You will play an important part to maintain a world-class power network that reaches more than 1.6 million residential and business clients in Singapore. SP’s EDGE Programme, which caters to fresh graduates, aims to groom new engineers to grow with the energy utility industry with a structured multi-disciplinary training programme. Fellow engineers whom I speak to exude a sense of pride in upholding the nation’s grid and I believe you will feel the same if you join SP. This article was first published in BrightSparks Magazine July 2020. Republished with permission from CareerBuilder Singapore. SP Group Annual Report FY0506 Our Core, Our Future ANNUAL REPORT 2005 Singapore Power Annual Report 2005 1 Contents Chairman’s Statement 7 Board of Directors 10 Corporate Governance 14 Senior Management 18 Corporate Highlights 20 Group Financial Highlights 23 Operational Review 25 • Singapore Power At Home 25 – SP PowerGrid 27 – PowerGas 37 – SP Services 45 • Singapore Power Overseas 51 – SP AusNet 53 – Asia 59 Our People, Our Community 61 2 Singapore Power Annual Report 2005 Our Mission We provide reliable and efficient energy utility services to enhance the economy and the quality of life. Our Values Commitment We commit to creating value for our customers, our people and our shareholders. We uphold the highest standards of service and performance. Integrity We act with honesty. We practise the highest ethical standards. Passion We take pride and ownership in what we do. Teamwork We support, respect and trust each other. We continually learn, and share ideas and knowledge. Singapore Power Annual Report 2005 3 Our Core, Our Future “ Growth, new challenges and adaptability are symbolised in this ceramic wall mural (facing page). The pillars depict the strength which is gained from unity, while the concentric configurations, made up of separate pieces, represent the role that each person has to play in contributing to the whole. Like the individuals who make up the organisation, each piece is unique. ” By Mural Artist Hasan Zolkifly Rahim 4 Singapore Power Annual Report 2005 Wall mural of stoneware with gold ash glaze at Singapore Power Building Singapore Power Annual Report 2005 5 Building on our strengths, we continued to achieve significant progress on many fronts during FY2005. It was a very successful year — SP AusNet was simultaneously listed in Australia and Singapore; network performance improved, maintaining world-class standards; continued investments were made to enhance and expand our electricity and gas networks; partnerships with customers were deepened; and new service initiatives launched. 6 Singapore Power Annual Report 2005 Chairman’s Statement Our Core, Our Future We celebrated our 10th Anniversary during the year under review. It was a significant milestone for all of us at Singapore Power (SP), marking a decade of changes, challenges, and achievements. In the relatively short span of 10 years, we have seen the liberalisation of the electricity industry in Singapore and the transformation of the market to one that is based on competition. The restructuring of the industry and the new rules of a competitive electricity market have had a profound impact on the nature and structure of our business and organisation. We can be justifiably proud of our achievements and our evolution in the liberalised electricity sector. We have done this by strengthening and deepening our core capabilities and expertise to enhance our standing and performance. Today, we are the sole electricity and gas transmission and distribution company in Singapore. Our Australian subsidiary, SP AusNet, owns the sole electricity transmission network and one of the electricity and gas distribution networks in Victoria. We also provide integrated utilities support services for electricity, gas, water and refuse collection in Singapore. And we have maintained our good credit ratings of “AA” from Standard & Poor’s and “Aa1” from Moody’s. Building on our strengths, we continued to achieve significant progress on many fronts during FY2005. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE For the financial year ended 31 March 2006, SP Group reported a proforma net profit of $726 million, excluding exceptional and nonrecurring items, up 6% from a year ago. Total revenue rose 17.1% to $4.84 billion. Total assets stood at $18.7 billion. Currently, the Group has close to 3,800 staff. SP AUSNET LISTING A SUCCESS A major corporate highlight was the successful simultaneous listing of SP AusNet on the Australian and Singapore stock exchanges. The Initial Public Offering was greeted by enthusiastic response and support from investors in Australia, Singapore, United States and Europe. BIG GAINS IN ELECTRICITY NETWORK PERFORMANCE In Singapore, our network performance achieved considerable improvements, reflecting our commitment to maintaining a world-class power network. There was a shorter system average interruption time; fewer supply interruptions; and lower interruption frequency as well as interruption duration indices. Singapore Power Annual Report 2005 7 Chairman’s Statement Meanwhile, feedback from our second annual customer survey showed better customer satisfaction than that of the first survey in 2004. CONTINUING INVESTMENTS AND EXPANSION Without letting up, we continued to push ahead with investments in our electricity infrastructure to ensure an efficient and reliable delivery of quality power into the future. We also increased the capacity of our natural gas transmission network and expanded the reach of our natural gas and town gas distribution. Priming ourselves for increasing opportunities beyond Singapore, we launched a new initiative called SP Global Solutions (SPGS). It will leverage upon the Group’s core competencies and intellectual property to provide management consultancy to overseas utilities as a means to enter into new markets and seize new expansion opportunities. The natural gas projects could potentially see up to 15,000 properties having access to natural gas for the first time while the transmission network augmentation projects are intended to support and meet load growth in Victoria’s metropolitan and regional areas. DEEPENING PARTNERSHIP WITH CUSTOMERS We are also deepening our relationship with customers in Singapore, working in close partnership with individual companies as well as industry sectors. A high-level Power Quality Advisory Panel, which includes chief executives from industry as members, was formed to address power quality issues at a macro and strategic level. At the industry level, the Electronics & Semiconductor Power Quality Interest Group was inaugurated. Interest groups for the Pharmaceutical and the Chemical & Petrochemical sectors will be launched in the coming year. In Victoria, Australia, SP AusNet further entrenched itself as a leader in electricity transmission and electricity and gas distribution. This follows its success in securing a natural gas extension programme to supply natural gas to a dozen regional towns, in tendering for two major transmission network augmentation projects, and the further expansion and development of its electricity transmission and distribution networks. NEW SERVICE INITIATIVES We continued to move towards improving customer services. A Pay-As-You-Use (PAYU) metering scheme was successfully launched, enabling customers whose utility payments are in arrears to better manage their consumption while discharging their outstanding bills over a period of time. 8 Singapore Power Annual Report 2005 We also made it even easier and more convenient for customers to pay their utility bills by expanding the channels to include the island-wide 7-Eleven convenience store chain. Customers can now pay their utility bills at any 7-Eleven convenience store, at any time — day or night — using cash, NETS or CashCard. A new common utility enquiry hotline was also introduced for the convenience of customers. An independent “mystery” audit last year found that overall service level improved from 77% to 85% over a 12-month period. A Customer Satisfaction Survey reinforced this finding, with results showing that 83% of customers were satisfied with our services. SERVING THE COMMUNITY We have always strived to be a part of the community in which we operate, contributing to charities and worthwhile causes. We are happy that we were able to commemorate our 10th Anniversary Celebrations with the launch of the Singapore Power Heartware Fund. We have raised more than $1 million so far to support Home Help Service programmes administered by the Community Chest. We are committed to raising $1 million a year for three years. My fellow members on the SP Board of Directors have faithfully and diligently carried out their duties, and have been unstinting in their valuable counsel. I would like to extend my deep appreciation to Ms Engeline Teh Guek Ngor who retired from the Board in July 2005. Our achievements in FY2005 were also made possible because of the dedication and commitment of our staff, all of whom can be proud of their role and position in the organisation and its success. The Union of Power and Gas Employees (UPAGE) has been highly effective in representing our staff through their responsible dialogue and partnership with Management to further improve employee relations for the benefit of all. We are also fortunate to have customers and business partners who are willing and responsive in working closely with us. I look forward to your continued support as Singapore Power builds on its core competencies to secure its future. LAST BUT NOT LEAST It has, indeed, been a very busy year for the SP Group, and a very fruitful one too. It is with great pleasure that I acknowledge and thank all those who have been a part of it. NG KEE CHOE Chairman Singapore Power Annual Report 2005 9 Board of Directors MR NG KEE CHOE, CHAIRMAN Mr Ng Kee Choe, 61, is the non-executive Chairman of Singapore Power Limited. He was appointed Director on 1 September 2000 and became its Chairman on 15 September 2000. He is also the nonexecutive Chairman of SP AusNet*. Mr Ng’s other current board directorships include his position as Chairman of NTUC Income Insurance Cooperative Ltd, and Director of Singapore Airport Terminal Services Ltd and Singapore Exchange Limited. He is also the President Commissioner of PT Bank Danamon Tbk of Indonesia, a member of the Temasek Advisory Panel and a member of the Advisory Council of China Development Bank. For his contributions to public service, Mr Ng was awarded the Public Service Star Award in 2001. MR TAN GUONG CHING Mr Tan Guong Ching, 59, is a nonexecutive independent Director of Singapore Power Limited. He was appointed Director on 1 June 2000. He is the Chairman of various companies, including SP PowerGrid Limited, Singapore Technologies Aerospace Ltd, Singapore Technologies Telemedia Pte Ltd, STT Communications Ltd and StarHub Ltd. He is also a Director of Allco (Singapore) Limited and Singapore Pools (Private) Limited. Mr Tan was formerly the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Home Affairs. 10 Singapore Power Annual Report 2005 MR ALAN CHAN HENG LOON Mr Alan Chan Heng Loon, 53, is a non-executive independent Director of Singapore Power Limited. He was appointed Director on 1 June 2001 and is also the Chairman of SP PowerAssets Limited. Mr Chan is currently the Chief Executive Officer and a Director of Singapore Press Holdings Ltd. He is the Chairman of Urban Redevelopment Authority and is a member of the External Review Panel (Quality Assurance Framework for Universities), the Board of Trustees, Courage Fund, Board of Governors of The Singapore-China Foundation, INSEAD Singapore Council and INSEAD France. Previously, Mr Chan was the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Transport and held directorships in DBS Group Holdings Ltd, The Development Bank of Singapore Ltd and PSA Corporation Ltd. He is currently on the boards of MediaCorp TV Holdings Pte Ltd, MediaCorp Press Ltd, Singapore Press Holdings Foundation Limited and TOM Outdoor Media Group Limited. MR ERIC GWEE TECK HAI Mr Eric Gwee Teck Hai, 67, is a nonexecutive independent Director of Singapore Power Limited. He was appointed Director on 1 January 2001. He is the Chairman of SP Services Limited and a Director of SP AusNet*. Mr Gwee is also a Director of WorleyParsons Ltd and the Melbourne Business School Ltd. In addition, he is the Chairman of the Board of Governors for the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) and ITE Holding Pte Ltd. Mr Gwee was the Chairman of the Public Transport Council from 1989 to 2005. He was also the Chairman of CPG Corporation Pte Ltd and was a Director of ExxonMobil Singapore Pte Ltd till 2001. For his many years of dedicated service to the community, Mr Gwee was awarded the Public Service Star in 1994 and the Public Service Star (Bar)[BBM(L)] in 2004. DR GEORGE ALLISTER LEFROY Dr George Allister Lefroy, 66, is a non-executive independent Director of Singapore Power Limited. He was appointed Director of Singapore Power Limited on 1 June 2000. He is also a Director of SP AusNet* and Cobar Consolidated Resources Ltd, as well as the President/Commissioner of PT Chandra Asri. Dr Lefroy is the Chairman of the Cambridge Australian Trust, Victorian Committee and a State Councillor of St John Ambulance Australia (Victoria) Pty Ltd. He also founded the Bruce Lefroy Centre for Genetic Health Research. Dr Lefroy was formerly the Executive Vice-President of Shell Chemicals Ltd and held directorships in Shell Eastern Petroleum Ltd, Petrochemical Corporation of Singapore Pte Ltd, Basell Eastern Pte Ltd and Saudi Petrochemical Company Ltd. Singapore Power Annual Report 2005 11 Board of Directors MR KEITH TAY AH KEE Mr Keith Tay Ah Kee, 62, is a nonexecutive independent Director of Singapore Power Limited. He joined the Board on 1 January 2002. He currently serves on the boards of several public companies, including Singapore Reinsurance Corporation Ltd, Singapore Post Limited and Stirling Coleman Capital Limited, of which he is Chairman. He is also the Chairman of Aviva Ltd. Mr Tay is currently a board member of the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, of which he was Chairman from 1995 to 1997. He is also Vice Chairman of the Singapore Institute of Directors. He was the President of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore from 1982 to 1992 and was the Singapore Representative on the Council of the International Federation of Accountants from 1987 to 1990. Mr Tay was also Chairman and Managing Partner of KPMG Peat Marwick from 1984 to 1993. MR HO TIAN YEE Mr Ho Tian Yee, 54, is a non-executive independent Director of Singapore Power Limited. He joined the Board on 1 May 2003. Currently, Mr Ho is the Executive Director of Pacific Asset Management (S) Pte Ltd and holds directorships in publicly-listed companies, including Fraser & Neave Ltd, Singapore Exchange Limited and Great Eastern Holdings Ltd. He also sits on the boards of non-listed companies — The Overseas Assurance Corporation Ltd, Times Publishing Ltd and The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company Ltd. Mr Ho was awarded the Public Service Medal in 1997. Mr Tay qualified as a Chartered Accountant in London, UK, in 1968, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He was conferred the first International Award for outstanding contribution to the profession by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales in 1988 and the BBM Public Service Star in 1990. The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore also conferred on Mr Tay the Gold Medal for distinguished service to the profession and made him an Honorary Fellow in 1993. 12 Singapore Power Annual Report 2005 MR TAN CHEE MENG Mr Tan Chee Meng, 49, is a nonexecutive independent Director of Singapore Power Limited. He was appointed Director on 1 August 2005. He is also a Director of SP PowerAssets Limited. Currently, he is the Managing Partner of Harry Elias Partnership and was appointed a Senior Counsel in 2006. Mr Tan is a member of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators and an Accredited Adjudicator of the Singapore Mediation Centre. He is also on the Panel of Accredited Arbitrators of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre, and of Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia. MR BOBBY CHIN YOKE CHOONG Mr Bobby Chin Yoke Choong, 54, is a non-executive independent Director of Singapore Power Limited. He was appointed Director on 23 January 2006. Currently, he is the Chairman of Singapore Totalisator Board and Changi Airports International Pte Ltd. Mr Chin serves on the boards of the Competition Commission of Singapore and several publicly-listed companies including Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited, AV Jennings Limited, The Straits Trading Company Limited, Yeo Hiap Seng Limited and Stamford Land Corporation Ltd. He also sits on the Boards of Trustees of the Singapore Management University and the Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA). He was the Managing Partner of KPMG Singapore from 1992 to 2005 and Chairman of Urban Redevelopment Authority from April 2001 to March 2006. In 2003, Mr Chin was awarded the Public Service Medal. MR QUEK POH HUAT Mr Quek Poh Huat, 59, is the Group Chief Executive Officer and a Director of Singapore Power Limited. Within the Singapore Power Group, Mr Quek serves as Director on the boards of SP PowerAssets Limited, SP PowerGrid Limited and SP Services Limited. He is the Chairman and a Director of PowerGas Limited and SPI Management Services Pty Ltd. Mr Quek is also a Director of SP AusNet*. He is a board director of publicly-listed Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd. Mr Quek is Singapore’s non-resident Ambassador to Sweden. He was awarded the Public Serv
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MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Climate Services for Individuals OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Climate Services for Individuals My Green Credits By purchasing My Green Credits, you go green by supporting the need for more renewable energy! On the SP app, you can choose which renewable energy projects you wish to support and decide how green you want to be by selecting the percentage of your monthly electricity consumption - up to 100 per cent - to match with the credits. This will be based on the user's previous utilities bill consumption. The purchase will generate a REC indicating the estimated amount of carbon dioxide emissions the buyer has avoided. Help green Singapore by greening your electricity consumption! In support of going green and the nation's initiatives, SP Group will be donating 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green Credits under the OneMillionTrees category to support the NPark's movement. * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. My Carbon Footprint Calculator What is a carbon calculator? My Carbon Footprint is a carbon calculator that helps individuals analyse their emissions and aim to lead a greener lifestyle. This easy-to-use calculator tabulates and track the emissions that results from your daily activities and holiday travels. Why should we calculate our emissions? The emissions that results from our daily activities pose a negative impact on the environment  that we live in. Our emissions contribute toclimate change rising temperatures, rising sea levels and extreme weather patterns.Therefore,we need to know our emissions in order to know what we can reduce. How do I get started? Click here to calculate your carbon footprint. Or, track your emissions monthly through the SP app. Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Climate Services for Individuals OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Climate Services for Individuals My Green Credits By purchasing My Green Credits, you go green by supporting the need for more renewable energy! On the SP app, you can choose which renewable energy projects you wish to support and decide how green you want to be by selecting the percentage of your monthly electricity consumption - up to 100 per cent - to match with the credits. This will be based on the user's previous utilities bill consumption. The purchase will generate a REC indicating the estimated amount of carbon dioxide emissions the buyer has avoided. Help green Singapore by greening your electricity consumption! In support of going green and the nation's initiatives, SP Group will be donating 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green Credits under the OneMillionTrees category to support the NPark's movement. * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. My Carbon Footprint Calculator What is a carbon calculator? My Carbon Footprint is a carbon calculator that helps individuals analyse their emissions and aim to lead a greener lifestyle. This easy-to-use calculator tabulates and track the emissions that results from your daily activities and holiday travels. Why should we calculate our emissions? The emissions that results from our daily activities pose a negative impact on the environment  that we live in. Our emissions contribute toclimate change rising temperatures, rising sea levels and extreme weather patterns.Therefore,we need to know our emissions in order to know what we can reduce. How do I get started? Click here to calculate your carbon footprint. Or, track your emissions monthly through the SP app. Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Launch of My Green Credits for a Low-carbon, Smart Energy Singapore SUSTAINABILITY SP has launched My Green CreditsTM on the SP Utilities app, to enable everyone to contribute to a low-carbon, smart energy Singapore. With My Green Credits, anyone with a utilities account can purchase Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to counter the impact of their electricity consumption in a convenient, affordable and secure way. There is a choice to “green” any amount from zero to 100 per cent of monthly electricity consumption, at the click of a button. As part of our commitment to create a low-carbon future, SP is covering 100 per cent of the electricity consumption at our Kallang HQ with RECs. Group CEO Stanley Huang said: “Many in Singapore are keen to make green practices part of their everyday life. However, they may be deterred by relatively high costs and the lack of easy access to green sources on a sustained basis. With My Green Credits, everyone can counter the impact of their electricity consumption and create a low-carbon, smart energy Singapore. We are putting the green power back in the consumer’s hands, in a convenient, affordable and secure way.” Head of Sustainability and Innovation, May Liew, added, “Sustainability is more than a buzz word – based on our observations and interactions with people around us, there is a high level of environmental consciousness to do our part to protect our planet.  With My Green Credits, we are empowering consumers to take that step towards making sustainability a way of life.” My Green Credits is jointly developed by our Sustainable Energy Solutions and SP Digital teams. They have designed a simple journey for anyone who wishes to “green” their electricity consumption: For more information on My Green Credits, contact the team at — 2 October 2020 TAGS DISTRICT COOLINGCENTRALISED COOLING SYSTEM YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Empowering change Jerome Choong shares the extent of work behind the scenes that goes towards upholding Singapore’s electricity network reliability, while Jennifer Ong elaborates on SP’s expansion into overseas markets. Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. SP’s first batch of agrivoltaic assets in Guangdong Province, China In China, we are helping customers sustainably maximise farm yields – solar and agriculture – as we invest in our first batch of agrivoltaic assets in Guangdong Province. Category: Sustainability Search Search Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-mega watt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources such as solar, wind and others. Affordable and Convenient You can buy My Green Credits for as low as S$1 directly from the SP app. Go as green as you want by selecting any portion of your monthly electricity consumption to green. Encourage the development of Renewable Energy Generation Your demand for My Green Credits signals a demand for renewable energy such as solar and wind energy. Make a positive impact to climate change Greening your electricity consumption means reduced carbon emissions. Under our new partnership with OneMillionTrees movement, more trees will be planted to green Singapore. Buy My Green Credits Now! 15% of your purchase under the OneMillionTrees category will be donated to the movement * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. Step-by-step guide to buying My Green Credits Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Climate Services for Individuals OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Climate Services for Individuals My Green Credits By purchasing My Green Credits, you go green by supporting the need for more renewable energy! On the SP app, you can choose which renewable energy projects you wish to support and decide how green you want to be by selecting the percentage of your monthly electricity consumption - up to 100 per cent - to match with the credits. This will be based on the user's previous utilities bill consumption. The purchase will generate a REC indicating the estimated amount of carbon dioxide emissions the buyer has avoided. Help green Singapore by greening your electricity consumption! In support of going green and the nation's initiatives, SP Group will be donating 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green Credits under the OneMillionTrees category to support the NPark's movement. * Tap or scan QR code to open the SP app. My Carbon Footprint Calculator What is a carbon calculator? My Carbon Footprint is a carbon calculator that helps individuals analyse their emissions and aim to lead a greener lifestyle. This easy-to-use calculator tabulates and track the emissions that results from your daily activities and holiday travels. Why should we calculate our emissions? The emissions that results from our daily activities pose a negative impact on the environment  that we live in. Our emissions contribute toclimate change rising temperatures, rising sea levels and extreme weather patterns.Therefore,we need to know our emissions in order to know what we can reduce. How do I get started? Click here to calculate your carbon footprint. Or, track your emissions monthly through the SP app. Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Sustainability SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Launch of My Green Credits for a Low-carbon, Smart Energy Singapore SUSTAINABILITY SP has launched My Green CreditsTM on the SP Utilities app, to enable everyone to contribute to a low-carbon, smart energy Singapore. With My Green Credits, anyone with a utilities account can purchase Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to counter the impact of their electricity consumption in a convenient, affordable and secure way. There is a choice to “green” any amount from zero to 100 per cent of monthly electricity consumption, at the click of a button. As part of our commitment to create a low-carbon future, SP is covering 100 per cent of the electricity consumption at our Kallang HQ with RECs. Group CEO Stanley Huang said: “Many in Singapore are keen to make green practices part of their everyday life. However, they may be deterred by relatively high costs and the lack of easy access to green sources on a sustained basis. With My Green Credits, everyone can counter the impact of their electricity consumption and create a low-carbon, smart energy Singapore. We are putting the green power back in the consumer’s hands, in a convenient, affordable and secure way.” Head of Sustainability and Innovation, May Liew, added, “Sustainability is more than a buzz word – based on our observations and interactions with people around us, there is a high level of environmental consciousness to do our part to protect our planet.  With My Green Credits, we are empowering consumers to take that step towards making sustainability a way of life.” My Green Credits is jointly developed by our Sustainable Energy Solutions and SP Digital teams. They have designed a simple journey for anyone who wishes to “green” their electricity consumption: For more information on My Green Credits, contact the team at — 2 October 2020 TAGS DISTRICT COOLINGCENTRALISED COOLING SYSTEM YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED TO READ Empowering Green Capabilities Satinderpal Singh and Fong Yi Kit deal with the polarising "hot" and "cold" elements at work, but share one thing in common: empowering organisations with tools to create a low carbon, smart energy Singapore. SP’s first batch of agrivoltaic assets in Guangdong Province, China In China, we are helping customers sustainably maximise farm yields – solar and agriculture – as we invest in our first batch of agrivoltaic assets in Guangdong Province. Expansion of SP’s district cooling network at Marina Bay SP’s district cooling network at Marina Bay will be expanded to include the developments of four customers – Marina View, Clifford Centre, OUE Bayfront and The Fullerton Heritage, which includes Fullerton Bay Hotel, Clifford Pier and Customs House, – increasing the network’s installed capacity to 75,000 refrigeration tonnes (RT) by 2027. Category: Sustainability Search Search The One Million Trees Movement OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us The OneMillionTrees Movement Be A Part Of The OneMillionTrees Movement Green the electricity consumption of your household and you will contribute to greening Singapore. In partnership with Garden City Fund under NParks, SP Group is pledging to donate 15% of proceeds from every purchase of My Green CreditsTM under the OneMillionTrees category to support the movement*. The OneMillionTrees movement aims to restore nature back into our city through the planting of a million more trees across Singapore over the next 10 years. This is part of NParks' efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature, which is a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. Community is key to the success of this movement — so join us to play an active role in the greening of Singapore. * Effective from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025 My Green CreditsTM My Green Credits is a feature on SP app that gives household owners a choice to support the growth of renewable energy projec ts through the purchase of renewable energy certificates (RECs). RECs is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the env
Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Together with our network of partners, we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia, and P Philippines with a variety of generation technologies. We advise on market boundary requirements from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CD P and GHG protocol. Register your project to supply RECs Have a renewable project that is generating clean and green energy? From residential rooftop solar systems in Singapore to utility-scale wind and solar farms in the region, we are here to help optimise returns from each project and support the growth of renewable energy investments. Contact Us Have a business inquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Our Integrated Energy Solutions District Cooling & Heating Electric Vehicle Solutions Digital Products Renewable Energy Climate Services Hide Search Search Renewable Energy Certificates OverviewBusinessesIndividualsRECsCarbon CreditsSustainability ConsultingThe OneMillionTrees MovementContact Us Renewable Energy Certificates Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources. Benefits of RECs: Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once. Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. How we can assist you Making creditable claims SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation. One stop service provider for ASEAN RECs Togethe
New Energy Story Exhibition to Supercharge Singapore’s Energy Future The exhibition seeks to advance the little red dot’s agenda on sustainable development by accelerating awareness and adoption of efficient energy practices amongst the public SINGAPORE, 11 August 2021 - Science Centre Singapore (SCS) today launches Energy Story, a new exhibition exploring the sources, transformation, and uses of energy, from natural cycles to modern applications. Jointly presented by SCS, the Energy Market Authority (EMA) and SP Group, this is a net-zero showcase where the energy consumption of the interactive space is fully matched with an equivalent amount of green energy produced, through the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates 1 (RECs). The exhibition was conceptualised to raise awareness of the critical role that cleaner energy plays in charting a more sustainable future and accelerating the adoption of energy efficient practices amongst the public. Associate Professor Lim Tit Meng, Chief Executive of Science Centre Board said, “The sustainability mandate is not a new one, it has just been brought into focus in the face of the ongoing economic and environmental crises. Efficient energy consumption, on a larger scale can significantly impact immediate capital and climate recovery to help us realise the long-term vision of a truly sustainable society. With Energy Story exhibition, we hope that guests from all walks of life will gain a better understanding of the importance of growing green energy and be inspired to play a part in the nation’s “energy reset” movement. From institutions to authorities, companies to the public, we all need to work together to change the future of our world.” Mr Ngiam Shih Chun, Chief Executive, Energy Market Authority added, “Singapore’s energy landscape has evolved significantly over the last 50 years. We switched from the use of oil-fired power plants to cleaner sources such as natural gas. Singapore is also one of the most solar energy-dense cities in the world. We plan to decarbonise our power sector further with the deployment of more low-carbon options. We hope Singaporeans and especially students can learn about Singapore’s energy transformation and play a part in creating a sustainable energy future for all.” Mr Stanley Huang, Group Chief Executive Officer, SP Group, commented, “Through this exhibition, visitors can learn about Singapore’s world-class energy network, and what goes into making it reliable, secure and sustainable for generations to come. As we empower the future of energy, we put knowledge and tools in the hands of the public, so that everyone can take steps 1 Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are tradable green energy attributes that represent units of electricity generated from renewable energy generation facilities. With each megawatt-hour of green energy produced, one REC is recorded and tracked. A buyer can purchase RECs to show proof that an equivalent amount of green energy has been consumed to offset the same amount of electricity used. to contribute towards a greener world. This exhibition will also be a net-zero showcase, through the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates on the SP REC Platform 2 . The electricity consumption of the interactive space will be fully matched with an equivalent amount of green energy produced.” Six zones of multimedia displays, interactives, and poster panels tell the story of how humankind has progressed off the back of energy discovery, and must now work towards a cleaner, more sustainable future. Visitors can explore global, regional, and local energy data, interact with models of different technologies, and demonstrate relevant physics concepts. A key feature of the exhibition is Singapore’s Energy Story, a zone dedicated to raising awareness of our four energy switches and how we are working towards greater sustainability. It highlights the progress of our nation’s energy revolution over the past 50 years and how we balance energy trade-offs to power our future. The exhibition is also aligned with the Ministry of Education (MOE)’s Science syllabus to support learning for lower secondary students, with the exhibits reinforcing textbook topics ranging from the fundamentals of energy in physics to Singapore’s pursuit of technological advancements through research and development. It follows EMA’s earlier collaboration with MOE on a series of energy education videos from 2019, four of which are featured within the exhibition. Finally, the exhibition addresses our responsibility as energy consumers. This call-to-action can be seen throughout the 400-square metre exhibition space, inviting visitors to be more energy conscious in their everyday life. These collective small steps can spur a big impact in building a sustainable future for Singapore. The Energy Story Exhibition is now running at the Science Centre Singapore and is accessible with a general admission ticket. Tickets are available for purchase through the online ticketing platform at View the appendix for descriptions of the six zones and visit for more details on the exhibition. -End- 2 The SP REC Platform operates as a neutral engine that facilitates the transaction of RECs, where buyers and sellers from around the globe are automatically matched based on respective requirements. APPENDIX The Energy Story Exhibition spans six interactive zones exploring the sources, transformation and uses of energy, from natural cycles to modern applications. Zone 1: Evolution of Energy Sources This zone chronicles how energy sources have developed over centuries and how energy continues to drive human civilisation. It includes visualisation of the story of energy over time, from the Industrial Revolution to the present day, and the impact of climate change on energy transition. Zone 2: Fundamentals of Energy This zone highlights physics concepts related to energy, to support learning and education in MOE schools. Interactive exhibits in this space illustrate the Law of Conservation of Energy, including a fun “shadow flash” wall where visitors power a flashing lamp by pedalling a stationary bike in order to “freeze” shadows against a luminescent wall. Zone 3: Modern Energy Sources This zone sheds light on the pros and cons of various energy sources, such as natural gas,solar energy and wind energy, and explains the trade-offs involved in the Energy Trilemma. Learn about how different countries use energy through an interactive data visualisation world map and get competitive in a multi-player “Future Power” game, in which participants “gather” energy while navigating challenges caused by cost and pollution. Zone 4: Singapore’s Energy Story This zone introduces Singapore’s energy transformation as guided by the ‘Four Switches’ - Natural Gas, Solar, Regional Power Grids, and Low-Carbon Alternatives. Learn about how photovoltaic panels work and how Singapore is working to achieve its target of deploying at least two-gigawatt peak (GWp) of solar energy by 2030. Zone 5: Energising the Future This zone shines a spotlight on Singapore’s latest research and development (R&D) efforts in energy, in tandem with the global transition to a sustainable energy future. The focus is on how we are working with the local industry and research community to undertake R&D and pilot solutions to improve how energy is generated, distributed and used. Zone 6: Playing Your Part This zone is a call-to-action for citizens to play a part in national energy conservation efforts, complete with practical energy efficient tips that can be harnessed in everyday life. It includes an “Energy Conservation at Home” game, in which one strives to achieve the highest energy savings by choosing and employing various electrical appliances. Before leaving the exhibition, visitors can share their thoughts and ideas on how Singapore can achieve an energy efficient future on a photobooth-cum-pledge wall. -End- About Science Centre Singapore Science Centre Singapore, a non-formal educational institution and leading regional Science Centre, along with its group of attractions, brings out the wonders of science, technology, engineering and mathematics through its unique blend of exhibitions, educational programmes and events. A custodian of creativity and innovation, Science Centre Singapore has captured the evolution of scientific developments for nearly four decades. The Centre and its partners have played a pivotal role in transforming the way students and the public interact with and learn about science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Since 1977, the Centre has welcomed over 30 million visitors and inspired them with more than 1,000 exhibits spread across 14 exhibition galleries and outdoor exhibition spaces. The Centre’s group of attractions include Omni-Theatre, Snow City and KidsSTOP™. The Omni- Theatre is an immersive dual-technology edutainment destination fitted with Southeast Asia’s largest seamless dome screen and featuring the latest and brightest 8k digital full dome system in the world. Snow City is Singapore’s only permanent indoor snow centre offering an Arctic inspired experience at Singapore’s first ice gallery and snow chamber. KidsSTOP™ - Where every child gets to Imagine, Experience, Discover and Dream - is Singapore’s first children’s science centre offering an enriching experience through purposeful play for children aged 18 months to 8 years old. For more information, please visit About the Energy Market Authority The Energy Market Authority (EMA) is a statutory board under the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Our main goals are to ensure a reliable and secure energy supply, promote effective competition in the energy market and develop a dynamic energy sector in Singapore. Through our work, EMA seeks to forge a progressive energy landscape for sustained growth. Website: | Follow us: Instagram: @EMA_Singapore | Facebook: | Twitter: @EMA_sg About SP Group SP Group is a leading utilities group in the Asia Pacific, empowering the future of energy with lowcarbon, smart energy solutions for its customers. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and sustainable energy solutions in Singapore and China. As Singapore’s national grid operator, about 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers benefit from its world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. Beyond traditional utilities services, SP Group provides a suite of sustainable and renewable energy solutions such as microgrids, cooling and heating systems for business districts and residential townships, solar energy solutions, electric vehicle fast charging and digital energy solutions for customers in Singapore and the region. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at, on LinkedIn at and on Twitter @SPGroupSG.
New Energy Story Exhibition to Supercharge Singapore’s Energy Future
Media Release New Energy Story Exhibition to Supercharge Singapore’s Energy Future The exhibition seeks to advance the little red dot’s agenda on sustainable development by accelerating awareness and adoption of efficient energy practices amongst the public SINGAPORE, 11 August 2021 - Science Centre Singapore (SCS) today launches Energy Story, a new exhibition exploring the sources, transformation, and uses of energy, from natural cycles to modern applications. Jointly presented by SCS, the Energy Market Authority (EMA) and SP Group, this is a net-zero showcase where the energy consumption of the interactive space is fully matched with an equivalent amount of green energy produced, through the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates1 (RECs). The exhibition was conceptualised to raise awareness of the critical role that cleaner energy plays in charting a more sustainable future and accelerating the adoption of energy efficient practices amongst the public. Associate Professor Lim Tit Meng, Chief Executive of Science Centre Board said, “The sustainability mandate is not a new one, it has just been brought into focus in the face of the ongoing economic and environmental crises. Efficient energy consumption, on a larger scale can significantly impact immediate capital and climate recovery to help us realise the long-term vision of a truly sustainable society. With Energy Story exhibition, we hope that guests from all walks of life will gain a better understanding of the importance of growing green energy and be inspired to play a part in the nation’s “energy reset” movement. From institutions to authorities, companies to the public, we all need to work together to change the future of our world.” Mr Ngiam Shih Chun, Chief Executive, Energy Market Authority added, “Singapore’s energy landscape has evolved significantly over the last 50 years. We switched from the use of oil-fired power plants to cleaner sources such as natural gas. Singapore is also one of the most solar energy-dense cities in the world. We plan to decarbonise our power sector further with the deployment of more low-carbon options. We hope Singaporeans and especially students can learn about Singapore’s energy transformation and play a part in creating a sustainable energy future for all.” Mr Stanley Huang, Group Chief Executive Officer, SP Group, commented, “Through this exhibition, visitors can learn about Singapore’s world-class energy network, and what goes into making it reliable, secure and sustainable for generations to come. As we empower the future of energy, we put knowledge and tools in the hands of the public, so that everyone can take steps to contribute towards a greener world. This exhibition will also be a net-zero showcase, through the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates on the SP REC Platform2. The electricity consumption of the interactive space will be fully matched with an equivalent amount of green energy produced.” Six zones of multimedia displays, interactives, and poster panels tell the story of how humankind has progressed off the back of energy discovery, and must now work towards a cleaner, more sustainable future. Visitors can explore global, regional, and local energy data, interact with models of different technologies, and demonstrate relevant physics concepts. A key feature of the exhibition is Singapore’s Energy Story, a zone dedicated to raising awareness of our four energy switches and how we are working towards greater sustainability. It highlights the progress of our nation’s energy revolution over the past 50 years and how we balance energy trade-offs to power our future. The exhibition is also aligned with the Ministry of Education (MOE)’s Science syllabus to support learning for lower secondary students, with the exhibits reinforcing textbook topics ranging from the fundamentals of energy in physics to Singapore’s pursuit of technological advancements through research and development. It follows EMA’s earlier collaboration with MOE on a series of energy education videos from 2019, four of which are featured within the exhibition. Finally, the exhibition addresses our responsibility as energy consumers. This call-to-action can be seen throughout the 400-square metre exhibition space, inviting visitors to be more energy conscious in their everyday life. These collective small steps can spur a big impact in building a sustainable future for Singapore. The Energy Story Exhibition is now running at the Science Centre Singapore and is accessible with a general admission ticket. Tickets are available for purchase through the online ticketing platform at View the appendix for descriptions of the six zones and visit for more details on the exhibition. -End- APPENDIX The Energy Story Exhibition spans six interactive zones exploring the sources, transformation and uses of energy, from natural cycles to modern applications. Zone 1: Evolution of Energy Sources This zone chronicles how energy sources have developed over centuries and how energy continues to drive human civilisation. It includes visualisation of the story of energy over time, from the Industrial Revolution to the present day, and the impact of climate change on energy transition. Zone 2: Fundamentals of Energy This zone highlights physics concepts related to energy, to support learning and education in MOE schools. Interactive exhibits in this space illustrate the Law of Conservation of Energy, including a fun “shadow flash” wall where visitors power a flashing lamp by pedalling a stationary bike in order to “freeze” shadows against a luminescent wall. Zone 3: Modern Energy Sources This zone sheds light on the pros and cons of various energy sources, such as natural gas,solar energy and wind energy, and explains the trade-offs involved in the Energy Trilemma. Learn about how different countries use energy through an interactive data visualisation world map and get competitive in a multi-player “Future Power” game, in which participants “gather” energy while navigating challenges caused by cost and pollution. Zone 4: Singapore’s Energy Story This zone introduces Singapore’s energy transformation as guided by the ‘Four Switches’ - Natural Gas, Solar, Regional Power Grids, and Low-Carbon Alternatives. Learn about how photovoltaic panels work and how Singapore is working to achieve its target of deploying at least two-gigawatt peak (GWp) of solar energy by 2030. Zone 5: Energising the Future This zone shines a spotlight on Singapore’s latest research and development (R&D) efforts in energy, in tandem with the global transition to a sustainable energy future. The focus is on how we are working with the local industry and research community to undertake R&D and pilot solutions to improve how energy is generated, distributed and used. Zone 6: Playing Your Part This zone is a call-to-action for citizens to play a part in national energy conservation efforts, complete with practical energy efficient tips that can be harnessed in everyday life. It includes an “Energy Conservation at Home” game, in which one strives to achieve the highest energy savings by choosing and employing various electrical appliances. Before leaving the exhibition, visitors can share their thoughts and ideas on how Singapore can achieve an energy efficient future on a photobooth-cum-pledge wall. -End- About Science Centre Singapore Science Centre Singapore, a non-formal educational institution and leading regional Science Centre, along with its group of attractions, brings out the wonders of science, technology, engineering and mathematics through its unique blend of exhibitions, educational programmes and events. A custodian of creativity and innovation, Science Centre Singapore has captured the evolution of scientific developments for nearly four decades. The Centre and its partners have played a pivotal role in transforming the way students and the public interact with and learn about science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Since 1977, the Centre has welcomed over 30 million visitors and inspired them with more than 1,000 exhibits spread across 14 exhibition galleries and outdoor exhibition spaces. The Centre’s group of attractions include Omni-Theatre, Snow City and KidsSTOPTM. The Omni- Theatre is an immersive dual-technology edutainment destination fitted with Southeast Asia’s largest seamless dome screen and featuring the latest and brightest 8k digital full dome system in the world. Snow City is Singapore’s only permanent indoor snow centre offering an Arctic inspired experience at Singapore’s first ice gallery and snow chamber. KidsSTOPTM - Where every child gets to Imagine, Experience, Discover and Dream - is Singapore’s first children’s science centre offering an enriching experience through purposeful play for children aged 18 months to 8 years old. For more information, please visit About the Energy Market Authority The Energy Market Authority (EMA) is a statutory board under the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Our main goals are to ensure a reliable and secure energy supply, promote effective competition in the energy market and develop a dynamic energy sector in Singapore. Through our work, EMA seeks to forge a progressive energy landscape for sustained growth. Website: | Follow us: Instagram: @EMA_Singapore | Facebook: | Twitter: @EMA_sg About SP Group SP Group is a leading utilities group in the Asia Pacific, empowering the future of energy with low- carbon, smart energy solutions for its customers. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and sustainable energy solutions in Singapore and China. As Singapore’s national grid operator, about 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers benefit from its world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. Beyond traditional utilities services, SP Group provides a suite of sustainable and renewable energy solutions such as microgrids, cooling and heating systems for business districts and residential townships, solar energy solutions, electric vehicle fast charging and digital energy solutions for customers in Singapore and the region. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at, on LinkedIn at and on Twitter @SPGroupSG. 1 Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are tradable green energy attributes that represent units of electricity generated from renewable energy generation facilities. With each megawatt-hour of green energy produced, one REC is recorded and tracked. A buyer can purchase RECs to show proof that an equivalent amount of green energy has been consumed to offset the same amount of electricity used. 2 The SP REC Platform operates as a neutral engine that facilitates the transaction of RECs, where buyers and sellers from around the globe are automatically matched based on respective requirements.