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SP Energy HubAnnual ReportReliabilitySustainabilityInnovation Ideabox Turns Concepts to Application INNOVATION Imagine a hybrid solar cone that uses solar concentrating lenses to maximise energy absorption and promises to produce more than five times the energy of a conventional solar cell
Category: Innovation
[20180404] The Straits Times - New platform helps students bring energy-efficient ideas to life
and showcased yesterday at the launch of ideaBox, a platform which offers students the space and resources to crystallise their ideas into energy- and costsaving technologies. An initiative by SP and Singapore Power Group (SP Group), ideaBox selects ideas with potential from tertiary-level competitions
[20180403] Media Release - IdeaBox
-concentrating lenses to maximise energy absorption onto a solar cell. This prototype, called SCONE, is among the first to be produced by ideaBox, an idea translation lab set up by Singapore Polytechnic and SP Group. ideaBox is a platform to turn promising ideas by tertiary students and SP Group employees
Annual Report Year 2018/2019
Polytechnic to develop an idea translation lab – ideaBox. Through ideaBox, Singapore Polytechnic students will draw on concepts generated from ideation competitions to turn innovative ideas into real-world solutions. Building on strong labour-management relations, we signed three collective agreements
SP Annual Report 2018 Archive
of Understanding with two start-ups in the areas of digital solutions and renewables. To nurture future engineering talent, we have partnered Singapore Polytechnic to launch ideaBox, an idea translation lab that will turn promising ideas into real-world green applications. Students will be exposed to industry