
Open Electricity Market
OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Open Electricity Market The Open Electricity Market is an initiative by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) that allows you to enjoy more choices and flexibility when buying electricity. You can benefit from competitive pricing and innovative offers from retailers. With the Open Electricity Market, you have the choice of buying electricity from: SP Group at the regulated tariff (no action is required if you choose this option); or An electricity retailer at a price plan that best meets your needs; or The wholesale electricity market at half-hourly wholesale electricity prices through SP Group. Regardless of who you buy your electricity from, your electricity supply will stay the same. This is because SP Group will continue to operate the national power grid and deliver electricity to everyone. Working with Retailers Our goal is to make processes convenient and efficient for all customers. SP will facilitate customer transfers between retailers and offer retailers one-stop utilities billing and call centre services. As the Market Support Services Licensee, SP continues to provide services such as: Opening of utilities account Meter reading Meter data management Billing services If your Retailer Exits the Market You will be transferred to buy electricity from SP Group as a last resort.  Households and small businesses with an average monthly consumption of less than 4MWh will buy electricity at the regulated tariff rate. Larger businesses with an average monthly consumption of at least 4MWh will buy electricity at the wholesale electricity price. There will be no disruption to your electricity supply. You will continue to receive your electricity supply through the national power grid that is operated by SP Group. Making the Switch to a Retailer Residential Consumers Business Consumers For more information on Open Electricity Market Visit Have a business enquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry, and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form
The Sunday Times - Open Electricity Market - How to save energy and money
B14 | The Sunday Times | Sunday, September 1, 2019 Me & My Property Before investing in properties, entrepreneur Gerald Tan researches extensively such as viewing listings online. B11 The Energy Market Authority stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 electricity retailers pay a rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. ST FILE PHOTO Open electricity market: How to save energy and money About 34% of household consumers made switch, most on 24-month standard price plan Lorna Tan Invest Editor The nationwide roll-out of the Open Electricity Market (OEM) has been completed so consumers have the power to choose who to buy electricity from and potentially lower their power bills. The roll-out started with a soft launch to households and businesses in Jurong in April last year and ended with the last zone in May, with around 1.6 million accounts or households connected. You would have received a notification package and a booklet on how to switch out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 retailers. The option to choose from these electricity retailers comes with benefits like competitive pricing and innovative offers such as cash rebates if paying via selected credit cards. About 34 per cent of household consumers have made a switch. The Energy Market Authority (EMA) stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched pay an electricity rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. Retailers are offering rates ranging from 17.66 cents/kWh (kilowatt hour ) to 23.01 cents/kWh for their fixed price plans and discounts ranging from 14.5 per cent to 25 per cent off the regulated tariff plans. Most households that switched signed up for 24-month standard price plans. The fixed-price plans have seen a higher take-up than the discount off the regulated tariff plans, the EMA said. Bear in mind that you should buy electricity only from retailers authorised by the EMA. And buying electricity from a retailer does not change the way power is physically supplied to you because SP will continue to operate the national grid. For those who have not switched to an electricity retailer, there is no time pressure as you can change at any time and you can continue to buy electricity from SP at the regulated tariff as you do today. The Sunday Times highlights the role of SP, and the various plans and factors to consider so you can make an informed decision on the price plan that best suits your needs. SP’s role in OEM SP does not generate or sell electricity. It buys it from power generation companies and distributes it to consumers at zero markup. SP has continued to own, operate and maintain the national electricity grid since the OEM. It transmits and distributes electricity to all consumers. This ensures a reliable supply, regardless of your choice of retailer. SP also acts as a safeguard. If a retailer ceases operations, SP Group will take over the accounts at the default tariff price and continue to supply electricity to consumers. SP’s Wholesale Price Plan Consumers can choose from any of the 12 retailers (the list may change over time), selecting one of the many price plans that best suits their needs. Some consumers may not be aware that they can also buy directly from the wholesale electricity market via SP. This is because SP offers two price plans – the regulated tariff and a wholesale price. Consumers who prefer to keep How they compare Name Best Electricity Diamond Electric Geneco iSwitch Keppel Electric Ohm Electricity PacificLight SembCorp Power Senoko Energy Sunseap Tuas Power Union Power NOTE: Table as at Aug 26, 2019. Type of plans offered Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Wholesale market rate plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan the status quo can choose to remain with SP on the regulated tariff that is set by the EMA. When the market was progressively liberalised from 2001, commercial and industrial customers with higher consumptions already had a choice of buying electricity at a tariffed rate or at a wholesale price Contract length 6 months/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 2 years No contract/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 3 months/2 years 2 years No contract/6 months/ 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year No contract 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 1 year No contract 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 1.5 years/2 years/3 years 6 months/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/2 years Source: SEEDLY.SG SUNDAY TIMES GRAPHICS from SP Group, or at retail price from the big generation companies such as Sembcorp, Tuas, Senoko and Geneco (formerly Seraya). Residential customers had the option of the wholesale price when their respective zones opened up, starting with Jurong in April last year. Price plans available to consumers REGULATED TARIFF This price plan is regulated and set by the EMA quarterly. The tariff takes into consideration the longterm cost of producing electricity and looks to protect consumers from volatile oil and gas prices. As this is a regulated price, SP does not have the flexibility of lowering it by bundling with other offers and service partners. Who is suited for this? Typically, consumers with low electricity consumption prefer to stick to the option they are familiar with and not bother with gimmicks or additional terms and conditions. The tariffed price is stable and regulated. WHOLESALE ELECTRICITY PRICE You can choose to buy electricity directly from the wholesale market at no mark-up. As the prices are determined by market forces, they are the lowest price out there. However, prices fluctuate due to demand and supply of real-time electricity consumption across Singapore. On a day when heavy industries consume a lot of electricity, the demand is high and hence the price is higher compared with night hours when these heavy industries shut down. Who is suited for this? This can be considered by consumers who are more savvy, who do not mind the volatility of real-time electricity costs that change every 30 minutes, and if they tend to consume power more in the night (for example, by using air conditioning) when prices are cheaper than in the day time. In addition, there is no fixed term tied to this option so you can terminate as and when you want. RETAIL PRICE There are multiple plans that are offered by retailers. They can be grouped into: • Fixed price – A fixed price per kilowatt of electricity. A household on this plan will pay a constant rate (for example, 20 cents/kWh) throughout the contract duration. Note that the rates retailers offer may be higher or lower than the regulated tariff. • Discount-off tariff – Discount based on a fixed percentage off the regulated tariff. The family that opts for this plan will get a fixed discount off the prevailing regulated tariff (for example, 5 per cent) throughout the contract duration. The regulated tariff is reviewed by SP Group quarterly and approved by the EMA. While these two plans are relatively cheaper compared with the regulated tariff and could be creatively bundled with other offerings and service partners, they look at the short-term cost of producing electricity, which is why they tend to be tied to a one- or two-year lock-up period. Who is suited for this? It is important that you understand the terms and conditions before signing up for a plan. Check things like whether you need to pay a fee if you terminate the plan and make a switch. Do not make the decision to switch to a retailer simply based on price. Assess your lifestyle needs and consumption patterns. In general, if you are looking at locking up a fixed price for the next one or two years, getting a fixedpriced plan is an option. Others who would like a fixed discount over the regulated tariff can opt for the discount-off tariff plan. Some retailers also offer green-energy plans that are catered towards consumers who want to do their part for the environment. Making comparisons There are more than 100 different plans offered by electricity retailers. You can visit to make price comparisons. Seedly has also launched an Electricity Market price comparison tool which compares the plans based on user reviews, rates, housing type, promotional codes and deals in the market. Over at UOB Bank, its UOB Utility Marketplace makes it easy for consumers to compare providers and plans through its Electricity Price Plan Recommender. Understanding the electricity tariff SP Group does not have a retailer licence and can only supply electricity to consumers at the regulated tariff rate. About 75 per cent of the tariff goes directly to generation companies as SP passes down the cost directly without any mark-up. Approximately 24 per cent of the regulated tariff goes to SP for grid charges and a market-support services fee. This component of the tariff works out to approximately five to six cents, and goes towards operating, maintaining and upgrading the national electricity grid. While energy costs have gone up and down through the years, SP says the fees for maintaining the grid have been kept stable over the past decade. SP Group is believed to be the most reliable energy distributor in the world, based on the average length of electricity interruption experienced by users. According to the System Average Interruption Duration Index, Singapore’s score is under a minute, next best is Osaka at five minutes. Energy-saving tips Electricity is generated here by burning natural gas and oil, which releases pollutants and greenhouse gases. These trap heat from the sun and keep it from escaping, causing the earth to become warmer, which in turn changes climates everywhere. When we use electricity wisely, there will be less pollution and fewer greenhouse gases. So it’s important to do our part to practise good energy conservation habits. Here are some household energy-savings tips from Singapore Power and the National Environment Agency. LIVING ROOM • Choose energy-saving lighting such as LED bulbs instead of incandescent lamps. • Always switch off electrical appliances at the power socket. Standby power can account for up to 10 per cent of home energy use. BEDROOM • Service your air-conditioners and clean the filters regularly to ensure optimal working condition. • Set the air-conditioner temperature to 25 deg C or higher. The lower the temperature, the more electricity is used. • Close doors and windows when the air-conditioning is on. • Use a laptop instead of desktop as it uses less electricity. KITCHEN • Cover liquids and food stored in the refrigerator. Uncovered items release moisture, forcing the compressor to work harder to keep the temperature low. • Allow food to cool before putting it into the refrigerator. Hot food causes the compressor to work harder to keep the temperature low. • Match the size of the pot with the size of the burner. This is because energy is lost when small pots are used on larger burners. • Wash with an optimal load to maximise energy savings. Lorna Tan Publishedandprinted bySingapore Press Holdings Limited. Co. Regn.No. 198402868E. Amember of AuditBureauof CirculationsSingapore. CustomerService(Circulation): 6388-3838,, Fax 6746-1925.
Search Open Electricity Market OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Open Electricity Market The Open Electricity Market is an initiative by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) that allows you to enjoy more choices and flexibility when buying electricity. You can benefit from competitive pricing and innovative offers from retailers. With the Open Electricity Market, you have the choice of buying electricity from: SP Group at the regulated tariff (no action is required if you choose this option); or An electricity retailer at a price plan that best meets your needs; or The wholesale electricity market at half-hourly wholesale electricity prices through SP Group. Regardless of who you buy your electricity from, your electricity supply will stay the same. This is because SP Group will continue to operate the national power grid and deliver electricity to everyone. Working with Retailers Our goal is to make processes convenient and efficient for all customers. SP will facilitate customer transfers between retailers and offer retailers one-stop utilities billing and call centre services. As the Market Support Services Licensee, SP continues to provide services such as: Opening of utilities account Meter reading Meter data management Billing services If your Retailer Exits the Market You will be transferred to buy electricity from SP Group as a last resort.  Households and small businesses with an average monthly consumption of less than 4MWh will buy electricity at the regulated tariff rate. Larger businesses with an average monthly consumption of at least 4MWh will buy electricity at the wholesale electricity price. There will be no disruption to your electricity supply. You will continue to receive your electricity supply through the national power grid that is operated by SP Group. Making the Switch to a Retailer Residential Consumers Business Consumers For more information on Open Electricity Market Visit Have a business enquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry, and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form The Sunday Times - Open Electricity Market - How to save energy and money B14 | The Sunday Times | Sunday, September 1, 2019 Me & My Property Before investing in properties, entrepreneur Gerald Tan researches extensively such as viewing listings online. B11 The Energy Market Authority stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 electricity retailers pay a rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. ST FILE PHOTO Open electricity market: How to save energy and money About 34% of household consumers made switch, most on 24-month standard price plan Lorna Tan Invest Editor The nationwide roll-out of the Open Electricity Market (OEM) has been completed so consumers have the power to choose who to buy electricity from and potentially lower their power bills. The roll-out started with a soft launch to households and businesses in Jurong in April last year and ended with the last zone in May, with around 1.6 million accounts or households connected. You would have received a notification package and a booklet on how to switch out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 retailers. The option to choose from these electricity retailers comes with benefits like competitive pricing and innovative offers such as cash rebates if paying via selected credit cards. About 34 per cent of household consumers have made a switch. The Energy Market Authority (EMA) stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched pay an electricity rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. Retailers are offering rates ranging from 17.66 cents/kWh (kilowatt hour ) to 23.01 cents/kWh for their fixed price plans and discounts ranging from 14.5 per cent to 25 per cent off the regulated tariff plans. Most households that switched signed up for 24-month standard price plans. The fixed-price plans have seen a higher take-up than the discount off the regulated tariff plans, the EMA said. Bear in mind that you should buy electricity only from retailers authorised by the EMA. And buying electricity from a retailer does not change the way power is physically supplied to you because SP will continue to operate the national grid. For those who have not switched to an electricity retailer, there is no time pressure as you can change at any time and you can continue to buy electricity from SP at the regulated tariff as you do today. The Sunday Times highlights the role of SP, and the various plans and factors to consider so you can make an informed decision on the price plan that best suits your needs. SP’s role in OEM SP does not generate or sell electricity. It buys it from power generation companies and distributes it to consumers at zero markup. SP has continued to own, operate and maintain the national electricity grid since the OEM. It transmits and distributes electricity to all consumers. This ensures a reliable supply, regardless of your choice of retailer. SP also acts as a safeguard. If a retailer ceases operations, SP Group will take over the accounts at the default tariff price and continue to supply electricity to consumers. SP’s Wholesale Price Plan Consumers can choose from any of the 12 retailers (the list may change over time), selecting one of the many price plans that best suits their needs. Some consumers may not be aware that they can also buy directly from the wholesale electricity market via SP. This is because SP offers two price plans – the regulated tariff and a wholesale price. Consumers who prefer to keep How they compare Name Best Electricity Diamond Electric Geneco iSwitch Keppel Electric Ohm Electricity PacificLight SembCorp Power Senoko Energy Sunseap Tuas Power Union Power NOTE: Table as at Aug 26, 2019. Type of plans offered Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Wholesale market rate plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan the status quo can choose to remain with SP on the regulated tariff that is set by the EMA. When the market was progressively liberalised from 2001, commercial and industrial customers with higher consumptions already had a choice of buying electricity at a tariffed rate or at a wholesale price Contract length 6 months/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 2 years No contract/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 3 months/2 years 2 years No contract/6 months/ 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year No contract 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 1 year No contract 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 1.5 years/2 years/3 years 6 months/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/2 years Source: SEEDLY.SG SUNDAY TIMES GRAPHICS from SP Group, or at retail price from the big generation companies such as Sembcorp, Tuas, Senoko and Geneco (formerly Seraya). Residential customers had the option of the wholesale price when their respective zones opened up, starting with Jurong in April last year. Price plans available to consumers REGULATED TARIFF This price plan is regulated and set by the EMA quarterly. The tariff takes into consideration the longterm cost of producing electricity and looks to protect consumers from volatile oil and gas prices. As this is a regulated price, SP does not have the flexibility of lowering it by bundling with other offers and service partners. Who is suited for this? Typically, consumers with low electricity consumption prefer to stick to the option they are familiar with and not bother with gimmicks or additional terms and conditions. The tariffed price is stable and regulated. WHOLESALE ELECTRICITY PRICE You can choose to buy electricity directly from the wholesale market at no mark-up. As the prices are determined by market forces, they are the lowest price out there. However, prices fluctuate due to demand and supply of real-time electricity consumption across Singapore. On a day when heavy industries consume a lot of electricity, the demand is high and hence the price is higher compared with night hours when these heavy industries shut down. Who is suited for this? This can be considered by consumers who are more savvy, who do not mind the volatility of real-time electricity costs that change every 30 minutes, and if they tend to consume power more in the night (for example, by using air conditioning) when prices are cheaper than in the day time. In addition, there is no fixed term tied to this option so you can terminate as and when you want. RETAIL PRICE There are multiple plans that are offered by retailers. They can be grouped into: • Fixed price – A fixed price per kilowatt of electricity. A household on this plan will pay a constant rate (for example, 20 cents/kWh) throughout the contract duration. Note that the rates retailers offer may be higher or lower than the regulated tariff. • Discount-off tariff – Discount based on a fixed percentage off the regulated tariff. The family that opts for this plan will get a fixed discount off the prevailing regulated tariff (for example, 5 per cent) throughout the contract duration. The regulated tariff is reviewed by SP Group quarterly and approved by the EMA. While these two plans are relatively cheaper compared with the regulated tariff and could be creatively bundled with other offerings and service partners, they look at the short-term cost of producing electricity, which is why they tend to be tied to a one- or two-year lock-up period. Who is suited for this? It is important that you understand the terms and conditions before signing up for a plan. Check things like whether you need to pay a fee if you terminate the plan and make a switch. Do not make the decision to switch to a retailer simply based on price. Assess your lifestyle needs and consumption patterns. In general, if you are looking at locking up a fixed price for the next one or two years, getting a fixedpriced plan is an option. Others who would like a fixed discount over the regulated tariff can opt for the discount-off tariff plan. Some retailers also offer green-energy plans that are catered towards consumers who want to do their part for the environment. Making comparisons There are more than 100 different plans offered by electricity retailers. You can visit to make price comparisons. Seedly has also launched an Electricity Market price comparison tool which compares the plans based on user reviews, rates, housing type, promotional codes and deals in the market. Over at UOB Bank, its UOB Utility Marketplace makes it easy for consumers to compare providers and plans through its Electricity Price Plan Recommender. Understanding the electricity tariff SP Group does not have a retailer licence and can only supply electricity to consumers at the regulated tariff rate. About 75 per cent of the tariff goes directly to generation companies as SP passes down the cost directly without any mark-up. Approximately 24 per cent of the regulated tariff goes to SP for grid charges and a market-support services fee. This component of the tariff works out to approximately five to six cents, and goes towards operating, maintaining and upgrading the national electricity grid. While energy costs have gone up and down through the years, SP says the fees for maintaining the grid have been kept stable over the past decade. SP Group is believed to be the most reliable energy distributor in the world, based on the average length of electricity interruption experienced by users. According to the System Average Interruption Duration Index, Singapore’s score is under a minute, next best is Osaka at five minutes. Energy-saving tips Electricity is generated here by burning natural gas and oil, which releases pollutants and greenhouse gases. These trap heat from the sun and keep it from escaping, causing the earth to become warmer, which in turn changes climates everywhere. When we use electricity wisely, there will be less pollution and fewer greenhouse gases. So it’s important to do our part to practise good energy conservation habits. Here are some household energy-savings tips from Singapore Power and the National Environment Agency. LIVING ROOM • Choose energy-saving lighting such as LED bulbs instead of incandescent lamps. • Always switch off electrical appliances at the power socket. Standby power can account for up to 10 per cent of home energy use. BEDROOM • Service your air-conditioners and clean the filters regularly to ensure optimal working condition. • Set the air-conditioner temperature to 25 deg C or higher. The lower the temperature, the more electricity is used. • Close doors and windows when the air-conditioning is on. • Use a laptop instead of desktop as it uses less electricity. KITCHEN • Cover liquids and food stored in the refrigerator. Uncovered items release moisture, forcing the compressor to work harder to keep the temperature low. • Allow food to cool before putting it into the refrigerator. Hot food causes the compressor to work harder to keep the temperature low. • Match the size of the pot with the size of the burner. This is because energy is lost when small pots are used on larger burners. • Wash with an optimal load to maximise energy savings. Lorna Tan Publishedandprinted bySingapore Press Holdings Limited. Co. Regn.No. 198402868E. Amember of AuditBureauof CirculationsSingapore. CustomerService(Circulation): 6388-3838,, Fax 6746-1925. Search Search Open Electricity Market OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Open Electricity Market The Open Electricity Market is an initiative by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) that allows you to enjoy more choices and flexibility when buying electricity. You can benefit from competitive pricing and innovative offers from retailers. With the Open Electricity Market, you have the choice of buying electricity from: SP Group at the regulated tariff (no action is required if you choose this option); or An electricity retailer at a price plan that best meets your needs; or The wholesale electricity market at half-hourly wholesale electricity prices through SP Group. Regardless of who you buy your electricity from, your electricity supply will stay the same. This is because SP Group will continue to operate the national power grid and deliver electricity to everyone. Working with Retailers Our goal is to make processes convenient and efficient for all customers. SP will facilitate customer transfers between retailers and offer retailers one-stop utilities billing and call centre services. As the Market Support Services Licensee, SP continues to provide services such as: Opening of utilities account Meter reading Meter data management Billing services If your Retailer Exits the Market You will be transferred to buy electricity from SP Group as a last resort.  Households and small businesses with an average monthly consumption of less than 4MWh will buy electricity at the regulated tariff rate. Larger businesses with an average monthly consumption of at least 4MWh will buy electricity at the wholesale electricity price. There will be no disruption to your electricity supply. You will continue to receive your electricity supply through the national power grid that is operated by SP Group. Making the Switch to a Retailer Residential Consumers Business Consumers For more information on Open Electricity Market Visit Have a business enquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry, and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form Search Search Open Electricity Market OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Open Electricity Market The Open Electricity Market is an initiative by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) that allows you to enjoy more choices and flexibility when buying electricity. You can benefit from competitive pricing and innovative offers from retailers. With the Open Electricity Market, you have the choice of buying electricity from: SP Group at the regulated tariff (no action is required if you choose this option); or An electricity retailer at a price plan that best meets your needs; or The wholesale electricity market at half-hourly wholesale electricity prices through SP Group. Regardless of who you buy your electricity from, your electricity supply will stay the same. This is because SP Group will continue to operate the national power grid and deliver electricity to everyone. Working with Retailers Our goal is to make processes convenient and efficient for all customers. SP will facilitate customer transfers between retailers and offer retailers one-stop utilities billing and call centre services. As the Market Support Services Licensee, SP continues to provide services such as: Opening of utilities account Meter reading Meter data management Billing services If your Retailer Exits the Market You will be transferred to buy electricity from SP Group as a last resort.  Households and small businesses with an average monthly consumption of less than 4MWh will buy electricity at the regulated tariff rate. Larger businesses with an average monthly consumption of at least 4MWh will buy electricity at the wholesale electricity price. There will be no disruption to your electricity supply. You will continue to receive your electricity supply through the national power grid that is operated by SP Group. Making the Switch to a Retailer Residential Consumers Business Consumers For more information on Open Electricity Market Visit Have a business enquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry, and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form The Sunday Times - Open Electricity Market - How to save energy and money B14 | The Sunday Times | Sunday, September 1, 2019 Me & My Property Before investing in properties, entrepreneur Gerald Tan researches extensively such as viewing listings online. B11 The Energy Market Authority stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 electricity retailers pay a rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. ST FILE PHOTO Open electricity market: How to save energy and money About 34% of household consumers made switch, most on 24-month standard price plan Lorna Tan Invest Editor The nationwide roll-out of the Open Electricity Market (OEM) has been completed so consumers have the power to choose who to buy electricity from and potentially lower their power bills. The roll-out started with a soft launch to households and businesses in Jurong in April last year and ended with the last zone in May, with around 1.6 million accounts or households connected. You would have received a notification package and a booklet on how to switch out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 retailers. The option to choose from these electricity retailers comes with benefits like competitive pricing and innovative offers such as cash rebates if paying via selected credit cards. About 34 per cent of household consumers have made a switch. The Energy Market Authority (EMA) stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched pay an electricity rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. Retailers are offering rates ranging from 17.66 cents/kWh (kilowatt hour ) to 23.01 cents/kWh for their fixed price plans and discounts ranging from 14.5 per cent to 25 per cent off the regulated tariff plans. Most households that switched signed up for 24-month standard price plans. The fixed-price plans have seen a higher take-up than the discount off the regulated tariff plans, the EMA said. Bear in mind that you should buy electricity only from retailers authorised by the EMA. And buying electricity from a retailer does not change the way power is physically supplied to you because SP will continue to operate the national grid. For those who have not switched to an electricity retailer, there is no time pressure as you can change at any time and you can continue to buy electricity from SP at the regulated tariff as you do today. The Sunday Times highlights the role of SP, and the various plans and factors to consider so you can make an informed decision on the price plan that best suits your needs. SP’s role in OEM SP does not generate or sell electricity. It buys it from power generation companies and distributes it to consumers at zero markup. SP has continued to own, operate and maintain the national electricity grid since the OEM. It transmits and distributes electricity to all consumers. This ensures a reliable supply, regardless of your choice of retailer. SP also acts as a safeguard. If a retailer ceases operations, SP Group will take over the accounts at the default tariff price and continue to supply electricity to consumers. SP’s Wholesale Price Plan Consumers can choose from any of the 12 retailers (the list may change over time), selecting one of the many price plans that best suits their needs. Some consumers may not be aware that they can also buy directly from the wholesale electricity market via SP. This is because SP offers two price plans – the regulated tariff and a wholesale price. Consumers who prefer to keep How they compare Name Best Electricity Diamond Electric Geneco iSwitch Keppel Electric Ohm Electricity PacificLight SembCorp Power Senoko Energy Sunseap Tuas Power Union Power NOTE: Table as at Aug 26, 2019. Type of plans offered Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Wholesale market rate plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan the status quo can choose to remain with SP on the regulated tariff that is set by the EMA. When the market was progressively liberalised from 2001, commercial and industrial customers with higher consumptions already had a choice of buying electricity at a tariffed rate or at a wholesale price Contract length 6 months/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 2 years No contract/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 3 months/2 years 2 years No contract/6 months/ 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year No contract 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 1 year No contract 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 1.5 years/2 years/3 years 6 months/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/2 years Source: SEEDLY.SG SUNDAY TIMES GRAPHICS from SP Group, or at retail price from the big generation companies such as Sembcorp, Tuas, Senoko and Geneco (formerly Seraya). Residential customers had the option of the wholesale price when their respective zones opened up, starting with Jurong in April last year. Price plans available to consumers REGULATED TARIFF This price plan is regulated and set by the EMA quarterly. The tariff takes into consideration the longterm cost of producing electricity and looks to protect consumers from volatile oil and gas prices. As this is a regulated price, SP does not have the flexibility of lowering it by bundling with other offers and service partners. Who is suited for this? Typically, consumers with low electricity consumption prefer to stick to the option they are familiar with and not bother with gimmicks or additional terms and conditions. The tariffed price is stable and regulated. WHOLESALE ELECTRICITY PRICE You can choose to buy electricity directly from the wholesale market at no mark-up. As the prices are determined by market forces, they are the lowest price out there. However, prices fluctuate due to demand and supply of real-time electricity consumption across Singapore. On a day when heavy industries consume a lot of electricity, the demand is high and hence the price is higher compared with night hours when these heavy industries shut down. Who is suited for this? This can be considered by consumers who are more savvy, who do not mind the volatility of real-time electricity costs that change every 30 minutes, and if they tend to consume power more in the night (for example, by using air conditioning) when prices are cheaper than in the day time. In addition, there is no fixed term tied to this option so you can terminate as and when you want. RETAIL PRICE There are multiple plans that are offered by retailers. They can be grouped into: • Fixed price – A fixed price per kilowatt of electricity. A household on this plan will pay a constant rate (for example, 20 cents/kWh) throughout the contract duration. Note that the rates retailers offer may be higher or lower than the regulated tariff. • Discount-off tariff – Discount based on a fixed percentage off the regulated tariff. The family that opts for this plan will get a fixed discount off the prevailing regulated tariff (for example, 5 per cent) throughout the contract duration. The regulated tariff is reviewed by SP Group quarterly and approved by the EMA. While these two plans are relatively cheaper compared with the regulated tariff and could be creatively bundled with other offerings and service partners, they look at the short-term cost of producing electricity, which is why they tend to be tied to a one- or two-year lock-up period. Who is suited for this? It is important that you understand the terms and conditions before signing up for a plan. Check things like whether you need to pay a fee if you terminate the plan and make a switch. Do not make the decision to switch to a retailer simply based on price. Assess your lifestyle needs and consumption patterns. In general, if you are looking at locking up a fixed price for the next one or two years, getting a fixedpriced plan is an option. Others who would like a fixed discount over the regulated tariff can opt for the discount-off tariff plan. Some retailers also offer green-energy plans that are catered towards consumers who want to do their part for the environment. Making comparisons There are more than 100 different plans offered by electricity retailers. You can visit to make price comparisons. Seedly has also launched an Electricity Market price comparison tool which compares the plans based on user reviews, rates, housing type, promotional codes and deals in the market. Over at UOB Bank, its UOB Utility Marketplace makes it easy for consumers to compare providers and plans through its Electricity Price Plan Recommender. Understanding the electricity tariff SP Group does not have a retailer licence and can only supply electricity to consumers at the regulated tariff rate. About 75 per cent of the tariff goes directly to generation companies as SP passes down the cost directly without any mark-up. Approximately 24 per cent of the regulated tariff goes to SP for grid charges and a market-support services fee. This component of the tariff works out to approximately five to six cents, and goes towards operating, maintaining and upgrading the national electricity grid. While energy costs have gone up and down through the years, SP says the fees for maintaining the grid have been kept stable over the past decade. SP Group is believed to be the most reliable energy distributor in the world, based on the average length of electricity interruption experienced by users. According to the System Average Interruption Duration Index, Singapore’s score is under a minute, next best is Osaka at five minutes. Energy-saving tips Electricity is generated here by burning natural gas and oil, which releases pollutants and greenhouse gases. These trap heat from the sun and keep it from escaping, causing the earth to become warmer, which in turn changes climates everywhere. When we use electricity wisely, there will be less pollution and fewer greenhouse gases. So it’s important to do our part to practise good energy conservation habits. Here are some household energy-savings tips from Singapore Power and the National Environment Agency. LIVING ROOM • Choose energy-saving lighting such as LED bulbs instead of incandescent lamps. • Always switch off electrical appliances at the power socket. Standby power can account for up to 10 per cent of home energy use. BEDROOM • Service your air-conditioners and clean the filters regularly to ensure optimal working condition. • Set the air-conditioner temperature to 25 deg C or higher. The lower the temperature, the more electricity is used. • Close doors and windows when the air-conditioning is on. • Use a laptop instead of desktop as it uses less electricity. KITCHEN • Cover liquids and food stored in the refrigerator. Uncovered items release moisture, forcing the compressor to work harder to keep the temperature low. • Allow food to cool before putting it into the refrigerator. Hot food causes the compressor to work harder to keep the temperature low. • Match the size of the pot with the size of the burner. This is because energy is lost when small pots are used on larger burners. • Wash with an optimal load to maximise energy savings. Lorna Tan Publishedandprinted bySingapore Press Holdings Limited. Co. Regn.No. 198402868E. Amember of AuditBureauof CirculationsSingapore. CustomerService(Circulation): 6388-3838,, Fax 6746-1925. Search Search Open Electricity Market OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Open Electricity Market The Open Electricity Market is an initiative by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) that allows you to enjoy more choices and flexibility when buying electricity. You can benefit from competitive pricing and innovative offers from retailers. With the Open Electricity Market, you have the choice of buying electricity from: SP Group at the regulated tariff (no action is required if you choose this option); or An electricity retailer at a price plan that best meets your needs; or The wholesale electricity market at half-hourly wholesale electricity prices through SP Group. Regardless of who you buy your electricity from, your electricity supply will stay the same. This is because SP Group will continue to operate the national power grid and deliver electricity to everyone. Working with Retailers Our goal is to make processes convenient and efficient for all customers. SP will facilitate customer transfers between retailers and offer retailers one-stop utilities billing and call centre services. As the Market Support Services Licensee, SP continues to provide services such as: Opening of utilities account Meter reading Meter data management Billing services If your Retailer Exits the Market You will be transferred to buy electricity from SP Group as a last resort.  Households and small businesses with an average monthly consumption of less than 4MWh will buy electricity at the regulated tariff rate. Larger businesses with an average monthly consumption of at least 4MWh will buy electricity at the wholesale electricity price. There will be no disruption to your electricity supply. You will continue to receive your electricity supply through the national power grid that is operated by SP Group. Making the Switch to a Retailer Residential Consumers Business Consumers For more information on Open Electricity Market Visit Have a business enquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry, and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form The Sunday Times - Open Electricity Market - How to save energy and money B14 | The Sunday Times | Sunday, September 1, 2019 Me & My Property Before investing in properties, entrepreneur Gerald Tan researches extensively such as viewing listings online. B11 The Energy Market Authority stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 electricity retailers pay a rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. ST FILE PHOTO Open electricity market: How to save energy and money About 34% of household consumers made switch, most on 24-month standard price plan Lorna Tan Invest Editor The nationwide roll-out of the Open Electricity Market (OEM) has been completed so consumers have the power to choose who to buy electricity from and potentially lower their power bills. The roll-out started with a soft launch to households and businesses in Jurong in April last year and ended with the last zone in May, with around 1.6 million accounts or households connected. You would have received a notification package and a booklet on how to switch out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 retailers. The option to choose from these electricity retailers comes with benefits like competitive pricing and innovative offers such as cash rebates if paying via selected credit cards. About 34 per cent of household consumers have made a switch. The Energy Market Authority (EMA) stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched pay an electricity rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. Retailers are offering rates ranging from 17.66 cents/kWh (kilowatt hour ) to 23.01 cents/kWh for their fixed price plans and discounts ranging from 14.5 per cent to 25 per cent off the regulated tariff plans. Most households that switched signed up for 24-month standard price plans. The fixed-price plans have seen a higher take-up than the discount off the regulated tariff plans, the EMA said. Bear in mind that you should buy electricity only from retailers authorised by the EMA. And buying electricity from a retailer does not change the way power is physically supplied to you because SP will continue to operate the national grid. For those who have not switched to an electricity retailer, there is no time pressure as you can change at any time and you can continue to buy electricity from SP at the regulated tariff as you do today. The Sunday Times highlights the role of SP, and the various plans and factors to consider so you can make an informed decision on the price plan that best suits your needs. SP’s role in OEM SP does not generate or sell electricity. It buys it from power generation companies and distributes it to consumers at zero markup. SP has continued to own, operate and maintain the national electricity grid since the OEM. It transmits and distributes electricity to all consumers. This ensures a reliable supply, regardless of your choice of retailer. SP also acts as a safeguard. If a retailer ceases operations, SP Group will take over the accounts at the default tariff price and continue to supply electricity to consumers. SP’s Wholesale Price Plan Consumers can choose from any of the 12 retailers (the list may change over time), selecting one of the many price plans that best suits their needs. Some consumers may not be aware that they can also buy directly from the wholesale electricity market via SP. This is because SP offers two price plans – the regulated tariff and a wholesale price. Consumers who prefer to keep How they compare Name Best Electricity Diamond Electric Geneco iSwitch Keppel Electric Ohm Electricity PacificLight SembCorp Power Senoko Energy Sunseap Tuas Power Union Power NOTE: Table as at Aug 26, 2019. Type of plans offered Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Wholesale market rate plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan the status quo can choose to remain with SP on the regulated tariff that is set by the EMA. When the market was progressively liberalised from 2001, commercial and industrial customers with higher consumptions already had a choice of buying electricity at a tariffed rate or at a wholesale price Contract length 6 months/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 2 years No contract/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 3 months/2 years 2 years No contract/6 months/ 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year No contract 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 1 year No contract 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 1.5 years/2 years/3 years 6 months/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/2 years Source: SEEDLY.SG SUNDAY TIMES GRAPHICS from SP Group, or at retail price from the big generation companies such as Sembcorp, Tuas, Senoko and Geneco (formerly Seraya). Residential customers had the option of the wholesale price when their respective zones opened up, starting with Jurong in April last year. Price plans available to consumers REGULATED TARIFF This price plan is regulated and set by the EMA quarterly. The tariff takes into consideration the longterm cost of producing electricity and looks to protect consumers from volatile oil and gas prices. As this is a regulated price, SP does not have the flexibility of lowering it by bundling with other offers and service partners. Who is suited for this? Typically, consumers with low electricity consumption prefer to stick to the option they are familiar with and not bother with gimmicks or additional terms and conditions. The tariffed price is stable and regulated. WHOLESALE ELECTRICITY PRICE You can choose to buy electricity directly from the wholesale market at no mark-up. As the prices are determined by market forces, they are the lowest price out there. However, prices fluctuate due to demand and supply of real-time electricity consumption across Singapore. On a day when heavy industries consume a lot of electricity, the demand is high and hence the price is higher compared with night hours when these heavy industries shut down. Who is suited for this? This can be considered by consumers who are more savvy, who do not mind the volatility of real-time electricity costs that change every 30 minutes, and if they tend to consume power more in the night (for example, by using air conditioning) when prices are cheaper than in the day time. In addition, there is no fixed term tied to this option so you can terminate as and when you want. RETAIL PRICE There are multiple plans that are offered by retailers. They can be grouped into: • Fixed price – A fixed price per kilowatt of electricity. A household on this plan will pay a constant rate (for example, 20 cents/kWh) throughout the contract duration. Note that the rates retailers offer may be higher or lower than the regulated tariff. • Discount-off tariff – Discount based on a fixed percentage off the regulated tariff. The family that opts for this plan will get a fixed discount off the prevailing regulated tariff (for example, 5 per cent) throughout the contract duration. The regulated tariff is reviewed by SP Group quarterly and approved by the EMA. While these two plans are relatively cheaper compared with the regulated tariff and could be creatively bundled with other offerings and service partners, they look at the short-term cost of producing electricity, which is why they tend to be tied to a one- or two-year lock-up period. Who is suited for this? It is important that you understand the terms and conditions before signing up for a plan. Check things like whether you need to pay a fee if you terminate the plan and make a switch. Do not make the decision to switch to a retailer simply based on price. Assess your lifestyle needs and consumption patterns. In general, if you are looking at locking up a fixed price for the next one or two years, getting a fixedpriced plan is an option. Others who would like a fixed discount over the regulated tariff can opt for the discount-off tariff plan. Some retailers also offer green-energy plans that are catered towards consumers who want to do their part for the environment. Making comparisons There are more than 100 different plans offered by electricity retailers. You can visit to make price comparisons. Seedly has also launched an Electricity Market price comparison tool which compares the plans based on user reviews, rates, housing type, promotional codes and deals in the market. Over at UOB Bank, its UOB Utility Marketplace makes it easy for consumers to compare providers and plans through its Electricity Price Plan Recommender. Understanding the electricity tariff SP Group does not have a retailer licence and can only supply electricity to consumers at the regulated tariff rate. About 75 per cent of the tariff goes directly to generation companies as SP passes down the cost directly without any mark-up. Approximately 24 per cent of the regulated tariff goes to SP for grid charges and a market-support services fee. This component of the tariff works out to approximately five to six cents, and goes towards operating, maintaining and upgrading the national electricity grid. While energy costs have gone up and down through the years, SP says the fees for maintaining the grid have been kept stable over the past decade. SP Group is believed to be the most reliable energy distributor in the world, based on the average length of electricity interruption experienced by users. According to the System Average Interruption Duration Index, Singapore’s score is under a minute, next best is Osaka at five minutes. Energy-saving tips Electricity is generated here by burning natural gas and oil, which releases pollutants and greenhouse gases. These trap heat from the sun and keep it from escaping, causing the earth to become warmer, which in turn changes climates everywhere. When we use electricity wisely, there will be less pollution and fewer greenhouse gases. So it’s important to do our part to practise good energy conservation habits. Here are some household energy-savings tips from Singapore Power and the National Environment Agency. LIVING ROOM • Choose energy-saving lighting such as LED bulbs instead of incandescent lamps. • Always switch off electrical appliances at the power socket. Standby power can account for up to 10 per cent of home energy use. BEDROOM • Service your air-conditioners and clean the filters regularly to ensure optimal working condition. • Set the air-conditioner temperature to 25 deg C or higher. The lower the temperature, the more electricity is used. • Close doors and windows when the air-conditioning is on. • Use a laptop instead of desktop as it uses less electricity. KITCHEN • Cover liquids and food stored in the refrigerator. Uncovered items release moisture, forcing the compressor to work harder to keep the temperature low. • Allow food to cool before putting it into the refrigerator. Hot food causes the compressor to work harder to keep the temperature low. • Match the size of the pot with the size of the burner. This is because energy is lost when small pots are used on larger burners. • Wash with an optimal load to maximise energy savings. Lorna Tan Publishedandprinted bySingapore Press Holdings Limited. Co. Regn.No. 198402868E. Amember of AuditBureauof CirculationsSingapore. CustomerService(Circulation): 6388-3838,, Fax 6746-1925. Search Search Open Electricity Market OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Open Electricity Market The Open Electricity Market is an initiative by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) that allows you to enjoy more choices and flexibility when buying electricity. You can benefit from competitive pricing and innovative offers from retailers. With the Open Electricity Market, you have the choice of buying electricity from: SP Group at the regulated tariff (no action is required if you choose this option); or An electricity retailer at a price plan that best meets your needs; or The wholesale electricity market at half-hourly wholesale electricity prices through SP Group. Regardless of who you buy your electricity from, your electricity supply will stay the same. This is because SP Group will continue to operate the national power grid and deliver electricity to everyone. Working with Retailers Our goal is to make processes convenient and efficient for all customers. SP will facilitate customer transfers between retailers and offer retailers one-stop utilities billing and call centre services. As the Market Support Services Licensee, SP continues to provide services such as: Opening of utilities account Meter reading Meter data management Billing services If your Retailer Exits the Market You will be transferred to buy electricity from SP Group as a last resort.  Households and small businesses with an average monthly consumption of less than 4MWh will buy electricity at the regulated tariff rate. Larger businesses with an average monthly consumption of at least 4MWh will buy electricity at the wholesale electricity price. There will be no disruption to your electricity supply. You will continue to receive your electricity supply through the national power grid that is operated by SP Group. Making the Switch to a Retailer Residential Consumers Business Consumers For more information on Open Electricity Market Visit Have a business enquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry, and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form The Sunday Times - Open Electricity Market - How to save energy and money B14 | The Sunday Times | Sunday, September 1, 2019 Me & My Property Before investing in properties, entrepreneur Gerald Tan researches extensively such as viewing listings online. B11 The Energy Market Authority stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 electricity retailers pay a rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. ST FILE PHOTO Open electricity market: How to save energy and money About 34% of household consumers made switch, most on 24-month standard price plan Lorna Tan Invest Editor The nationwide roll-out of the Open Electricity Market (OEM) has been completed so consumers have the power to choose who to buy electricity from and potentially lower their power bills. The roll-out started with a soft launch to households and businesses in Jurong in April last year and ended with the last zone in May, with around 1.6 million accounts or households connected. You would have received a notification package and a booklet on how to switch out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 retailers. The option to choose from these electricity retailers comes with benefits like competitive pricing and innovative offers such as cash rebates if paying via selected credit cards. About 34 per cent of household consumers have made a switch. The Energy Market Authority (EMA) stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched pay an electricity rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. Retailers are offering rates ranging from 17.66 cents/kWh (kilowatt hour ) to 23.01 cents/kWh for their fixed price plans and discounts ranging from 14.5 per cent to 25 per cent off the regulated tariff plans. Most households that switched signed up for 24-month standard price plans. The fixed-price plans have seen a higher take-up than the discount off the regulated tariff plans, the EMA said. Bear in mind that you should buy electricity only from retailers authorised by the EMA. And buying electricity from a retailer does not change the way power is physically supplied to you because SP will continue to operate the national grid. For those who have not switched to an electricity retailer, there is no time pressure as you can change at any time and you can continue to buy electricity from SP at the regulated tariff as you do today. The Sunday Times highlights the role of SP, and the various plans and factors to consider so you can make an informed decision on the price plan that best suits your needs. SP’s role in OEM SP does not generate or sell electricity. It buys it from power generation companies and distributes it to consumers at zero markup. SP has continued to own, operate and maintain the national electricity grid since the OEM. It transmits and distributes electricity to all consumers. This ensures a reliable supply, regardless of your choice of retailer. SP also acts as a safeguard. If a retailer ceases operations, SP Group will take over the accounts at the default tariff price and continue to supply electricity to consumers. SP’s Wholesale Price Plan Consumers can choose from any of the 12 retailers (the list may change over time), selecting one of the many price plans that best suits their needs. Some consumers may not be aware that they can also buy directly from the wholesale electricity market via SP. This is because SP offers two price plans – the regulated tariff and a wholesale price. Consumers who prefer to keep How they compare Name Best Electricity Diamond Electric Geneco iSwitch Keppel Electric Ohm Electricity PacificLight SembCorp Power Senoko Energy Sunseap Tuas Power Union Power NOTE: Table as at Aug 26, 2019. Type of plans offered Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Wholesale market rate plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan the status quo can choose to remain with SP on the regulated tariff that is set by the EMA. When the market was progressively liberalised from 2001, commercial and industrial customers with higher consumptions already had a choice of buying electricity at a tariffed rate or at a wholesale price Contract length 6 months/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 2 years No contract/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 3 months/2 years 2 years No contract/6 months/ 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year No contract 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 1 year No contract 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 1.5 years/2 years/3 years 6 months/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/2 years Source: SEEDLY.SG SUNDAY TIMES GRAPHICS from SP Group, or at retail price from the big generation companies such as Sembcorp, Tuas, Senoko and Geneco (formerly Seraya). Residential customers had the option of the wholesale price when their respective zones opened up, starting with Jurong in April last year. Price plans available to consumers REGULATED TARIFF This price plan is regulated and set by the EMA quarterly. The tariff takes into consideration the longterm cost of producing electricity and looks to protect consumers from volatile oil and gas prices. As this is a regulated price, SP does not have the flexibility of lowering it by bundling with other offers and service partners. Who is suited for this? Typically, consumers with low electricity consumption prefer to stick to the option they are familiar with and not bother with gimmicks or additional terms and conditions. The tariffed price is stable and regulated. WHOLESALE ELECTRICITY PRICE You can choose to buy electricity directly from the wholesale market at no mark-up. As the prices are determined by market forces, they are the lowest price out there. However, prices fluctuate due to demand and supply of real-time electricity consumption across Singapore. On a day when heavy industries consume a lot of electricity, the demand is high and hence the price is higher compared with night hours when these heavy industries shut down. Who is suited for this? This can be considered by consumers who are more savvy, who do not mind the volatility of real-time electricity costs that change every 30 minutes, and if they tend to consume power more in the night (for example, by using air conditioning) when prices are cheaper than in the day time. In addition, there is no fixed term tied to this option so you can terminate as and when you want. RETAIL PRICE There are multiple plans that are offered by retailers. They can be grouped into: • Fixed price – A fixed price per kilowatt of electricity. A household on this plan will pay a constant rate (for example, 20 cents/kWh) throughout the contract duration. Note that the rates retailers offer may be higher or lower than the regulated tariff. • Discount-off tariff – Discount based on a fixed percentage off the regulated tariff. The family that opts for this plan will get a fixed discount off the prevailing regulated tariff (for example, 5 per cent) throughout the contract duration. The regulated tariff is reviewed by SP Group quarterly and approved by the EMA. While these two plans are relatively cheaper compared with the regulated tariff and could be creatively bundled with other offerings and service partners, they look at the short-term cost of producing electricity, which is why they tend to be tied to a one- or two-year lock-up period. Who is suited for this? It is important that you understand the terms and conditions before signing up for a plan. Check things like whether you need to pay a fee if you terminate the plan and make a switch. Do not make the decision to switch to a retailer simply based on price. Assess your lifestyle needs and consumption patterns. In general, if you are looking at locking up a fixed price for the next one or two years, getting a fixedpriced plan is an option. Others who would like a fixed discount over the regulated tariff can opt for the discount-off tariff plan. Some retailers also offer green-energy plans that are catered towards consumers who want to do their part for the environment. Making comparisons There are more than 100 different plans offered by electricity retailers. You can visit to make price comparisons. Seedly has also launched an Electricity Market price comparison tool which compares the plans based on user reviews, rates, housing type, promotional codes and deals in the market. Over at UOB Bank, its UOB Utility Marketplace makes it easy for consumers to compare providers and plans through its Electricity Price Plan Recommender. Understanding the electricity tariff SP Group does not have a retailer licence and can only supply electricity to consumers at the regulated tariff rate. About 75 per cent of the tariff goes directly to generation companies as SP passes down the cost directly without any mark-up. Approximately 24 per cent of the regulated tariff goes to SP for grid charges and a market-support services fee. This component of the tariff works out to approximately five to six cents, and goes towards operating, maintaining and upgrading the national electricity grid. While energy costs have gone up and down through the years, SP says the fees for maintaining the grid have been kept stable over the past decade. SP Group is believed to be the most reliable energy distributor in the world, based on the average length of electricity interruption experienced by users. According to the System Average Interruption Duration Index, Singapore’s score is under a minute, next best is Osaka at five minutes. Energy-saving tips Electricity is generated here by burning natural gas and oil, which releases pollutants and greenhouse gases. These trap heat from the sun and keep it from escaping, causing the earth to become warmer, which in turn changes climates everywhere. When we use electricity wisely, there will be less pollution and fewer greenhouse gases. So it’s important to do our part to practise good energy conservation habits. Here are some household energy-savings tips from Singapore Power and the National Environment Agency. LIVING ROOM • Choose energy-saving lighting such as LED bulbs instead of incandescent lamps. • Always switch off electrical appliances at the power socket. Standby power can account for up to 10 per cent of home energy use. BEDROOM • Service your air-conditioners and clean the filters regularly to ensure optimal working condition. • Set the air-conditioner temperature to 25 deg C or higher. The lower the temperature, the more electricity is used. • Close doors and windows when the air-conditioning is on. • Use a laptop instead of desktop as it uses less electricity. KITCHEN • Cover liquids and food stored in the refrigerator. Uncovered items release moisture, forcing the compressor to work harder to keep the temperature low. • Allow food to cool before putting it into the refrigerator. Hot food causes the compressor to work harder to keep the temperature low. • Match the size of the pot with the size of the burner. This is because energy is lost when small pots are used on larger burners. • Wash with an optimal load to maximise energy savings. Lorna Tan Publishedandprinted bySingapore Press Holdings Limited. Co. Regn.No. 198402868E. Amember of AuditBureauof CirculationsSingapore. CustomerService(Circulation): 6388-3838,, Fax 6746-1925. Search Search Open Electricity Market OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Open Electricity Market The Open Electricity Market is an initiative by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) that allows you to enjoy more choices and flexibility when buying electricity. You can benefit from competitive pricing and innovative offers from retailers. With the Open Electricity Market, you have the choice of buying electricity from: SP Group at the regulated tariff (no action is required if you choose this option); or An electricity retailer at a price plan that best meets your needs; or The wholesale electricity market at half-hourly wholesale electricity prices through SP Group. Regardless of who you buy your electricity from, your electricity supply will stay the same. This is because SP Group will continue to operate the national power grid and deliver electricity to everyone. Working with Retailers Our goal is to make processes convenient and efficient for all customers. SP will facilitate customer transfers between retailers and offer retailers one-stop utilities billing and call centre services. As the Market Support Services Licensee, SP continues to provide services such as: Opening of utilities account Meter reading Meter data management Billing services If your Retailer Exits the Market You will be transferred to buy electricity from SP Group as a last resort.  Households and small businesses with an average monthly consumption of less than 4MWh will buy electricity at the regulated tariff rate. Larger businesses with an average monthly consumption of at least 4MWh will buy electricity at the wholesale electricity price. There will be no disruption to your electricity supply. You will continue to receive your electricity supply through the national power grid that is operated by SP Group. Making the Switch to a Retailer Residential Consumers Business Consumers For more information on Open Electricity Market Visit Have a business enquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry, and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form The Sunday Times - Open Electricity Market - How to save energy and money B14 | The Sunday Times | Sunday, September 1, 2019 Me & My Property Before investing in properties, entrepreneur Gerald Tan researches extensively such as viewing listings online. B11 The Energy Market Authority stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 electricity retailers pay a rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. ST FILE PHOTO Open electricity market: How to save energy and money About 34% of household consumers made switch, most on 24-month standard price plan Lorna Tan Invest Editor The nationwide roll-out of the Open Electricity Market (OEM) has been completed so consumers have the power to choose who to buy electricity from and potentially lower their power bills. The roll-out started with a soft launch to households and businesses in Jurong in April last year and ended with the last zone in May, with around 1.6 million accounts or households connected. You would have received a notification package and a booklet on how to switch out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 retailers. The option to choose from these electricity retailers comes with benefits like competitive pricing and innovative offers such as cash rebates if paying via selected credit cards. About 34 per cent of household consumers have made a switch. The Energy Market Authority (EMA) stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched pay an electricity rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. Retailers are offering rates ranging from 17.66 cents/kWh (kilowatt hour ) to 23.01 cents/kWh for their fixed price plans and discounts ranging from 14.5 per cent to 25 per cent off the regulated tariff plans. Most households that switched signed up for 24-month standard price plans. The fixed-price plans have seen a higher take-up than the discount off the regulated tariff plans, the EMA said. Bear in mind that you should buy electricity only from retailers authorised by the EMA. And buying electricity from a retailer does not change the way power is physically supplied to you because SP will continue to operate the national grid. For those who have not switched to an electricity retailer, there is no time pressure as you can change at any time and you can continue to buy electricity from SP at the regulated tariff as you do today. The Sunday Times highlights the role of SP, and the various plans and factors to consider so you can make an informed decision on the price plan that best suits your needs. SP’s role in OEM SP does not generate or sell electricity. It buys it from power generation companies and distributes it to consumers at zero markup. SP has continued to own, operate and maintain the national electricity grid since the OEM. It transmits and distributes electricity to all consumers. This ensures a reliable supply, regardless of your choice of retailer. SP also acts as a safeguard. If a retailer ceases operations, SP Group will take over the accounts at the default tariff price and continue to supply electricity to consumers. SP’s Wholesale Price Plan Consumers can choose from any of the 12 retailers (the list may change over time), selecting one of the many price plans that best suits their needs. Some consumers may not be aware that they can also buy directly from the wholesale electricity market via SP. This is because SP offers two price plans – the regulated tariff and a wholesale price. Consumers who prefer to keep How they compare Name Best Electricity Diamond Electric Geneco iSwitch Keppel Electric Ohm Electricity PacificLight SembCorp Power Senoko Energy Sunseap Tuas Power Union Power NOTE: Table as at Aug 26, 2019. Type of plans offered Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Wholesale market rate plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan the status quo can choose to remain with SP on the regulated tariff that is set by the EMA. When the market was progressively liberalised from 2001, commercial and industrial customers with higher consumptions already had a choice of buying electricity at a tariffed rate or at a wholesale price Contract length 6 months/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 2 years No contract/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 3 months/2 years 2 years No contract/6 months/ 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year No contract 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 1 year No contract 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 1.5 years/2 years/3 years 6 months/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/2 years Source: SEEDLY.SG SUNDAY TIMES GRAPHICS from SP Group, or at retail price from the big generation companies such as Sembcorp, Tuas, Senoko and Geneco (formerly Seraya). Residential customers had the option of the wholesale price when their respective zones opened up, starting with Jurong in April last year. Price plans available to consumers REGULATED TARIFF This price plan is regulated and set by the EMA quarterly. The tariff takes into consideration the longterm cost of producing electricity and looks to protect consumers from volatile oil and gas prices. As this is a regulated price, SP does not have the flexibility of lowering it by bundling with other offers and service partners. Who is suited for this? Typically, consumers with low electricity consumption prefer to stick to the option they are familiar with and not bother with gimmicks or additional terms and conditions. The tariffed price is stable and regulated. WHOLESALE ELECTRICITY PRICE You can choose to buy electricity directly from the wholesale market at no mark-up. As the prices are determined by market forces, they are the lowest price out there. However, prices fluctuate due to demand and supply of real-time electricity consumption across Singapore. On a day when heavy industries consume a lot of electricity, the demand is high and hence the price is higher compared with night hours when these heavy industries shut down. Who is suited for this? This can be considered by consumers who are more savvy, who do not mind the volatility of real-time electricity costs that change every 30 minutes, and if they tend to consume power more in the night (for example, by using air conditioning) when prices are cheaper than in the day time. In addition, there is no fixed term tied to this option so you can terminate as and when you want. RETAIL PRICE There are multiple plans that are offered by retailers. They can be grouped into: • Fixed price – A fixed price per kilowatt of electricity. A household on this plan will pay a constant rate (for example, 20 cents/kWh) throughout the contract duration. Note that the rates retailers offer may be higher or lower than the regulated tariff. • Discount-off tariff – Discount based on a fixed percentage off the regulated tariff. The family that opts for this plan will get a fixed discount off the prevailing regulated tariff (for example, 5 per cent) throughout the contract duration. The regulated tariff is reviewed by SP Group quarterly and approved by the EMA. While these two plans are relatively cheaper compared with the regulated tariff and could be creatively bundled with other offerings and service partners, they look at the short-term cost of producing electricity, which is why they tend to be tied to a one- or two-year lock-up period. Who is suited for this? It is important that you understand the terms and conditions before signing up for a plan. Check things like whether you need to pay a fee if you terminate the plan and make a switch. Do not make the decision to switch to a retailer simply based on price. Assess your lifestyle needs and consumption patterns. In general, if you are looking at locking up a fixed price for the next one or two years, getting a fixedpriced plan is an option. Others who would like a fixed discount over the regulated tariff can opt for the discount-off tariff plan. Some retailers also offer green-energy plans that are catered towards consumers who want to do their part for the environment. Making comparisons There are more than 100 different plans offered by electricity retailers. You can visit to make price comparisons. Seedly has also launched an Electricity Market price comparison tool which compares the plans based on user reviews, rates, housing type, promotional codes and deals in the market. Over at UOB Bank, its UOB Utility Marketplace makes it easy for consumers to compare providers and plans through its Electricity Price Plan Recommender. Understanding the electricity tariff SP Group does not have a retailer licence and can only supply electricity to consumers at the regulated tariff rate. About 75 per cent of the tariff goes directly to generation companies as SP passes down the cost directly without any mark-up. Approximately 24 per cent of the regulated tariff goes to SP for grid charges and a market-support services fee. This component of the tariff works out to approximately five to six cents, and goes towards operating, maintaining and upgrading the national electricity grid. While energy costs have gone up and down through the years, SP says the fees for maintaining the grid have been kept stable over the past decade. SP Group is believed to be the most reliable energy distributor in the world, based on the average length of electricity interruption experienced by users. According to the System Average Interruption Duration Index, Singapore’s score is under a minute, next best is Osaka at five minutes. Energy-saving tips Electricity is generated here by burning natural gas and oil, which releases pollutants and greenhouse gases. These trap heat from the sun and keep it from escaping, causing the earth to become warmer, which in turn changes climates everywhere. When we use electricity wisely, there will be less pollution and fewer greenhouse gases. So it’s important to do our part to practise good energy conservation habits. Here are some household energy-savings tips from Singapore Power and the National Environment Agency. LIVING ROOM • Choose energy-saving lighting such as LED bulbs instead of incandescent lamps. • Always switch off electrical appliances at the power socket. Standby power can account for up to 10 per cent of home energy use. BEDROOM • Service your air-conditioners and clean the filters regularly to ensure optimal working condition. • Set the air-conditioner temperature to 25 deg C or higher. The lower the temperature, the more electricity is used. • Close doors and windows when the air-conditioning is on. • Use a laptop instead of desktop as it uses less electricity. KITCHEN • Cover liquids and food stored in the refrigerator. Uncovered items release moisture, forcing the compressor to work harder to keep the temperature low. • Allow food to cool before putting it into the refrigerator. Hot food causes the compressor to work harder to keep the temperature low. • Match the size of the pot with the size of the burner. This is because energy is lost when small pots are used on larger burners. • Wash with an optimal load to maximise energy savings. Lorna Tan Publishedandprinted bySingapore Press Holdings Limited. Co. Regn.No. 198402868E. Amember of AuditBureauof CirculationsSingapore. CustomerService(Circulation): 6388-3838,, Fax 6746-1925. Search Search Open Electricity Market OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Open Electricity Market The Open Electricity Market is an initiative by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) that allows you to enjoy more choices and flexibility when buying electricity. You can benefit from competitive pricing and innovative offers from retailers. With the Open Electricity Market, you have the choice of buying electricity from: SP Group at the regulated tariff (no action is required if you choose this option); or An electricity retailer at a price plan that best meets your needs; or The wholesale electricity market at half-hourly wholesale electricity prices through SP Group. Regardless of who you buy your electricity from, your electricity supply will stay the same. This is because SP Group will continue to operate the national power grid and deliver electricity to everyone. Working with Retailers Our goal is to make processes convenient and efficient for all customers. SP will facilitate customer transfers between retailers and offer retailers one-stop utilities billing and call centre services. As the Market Support Services Licensee, SP continues to provide services such as: Opening of utilities account Meter reading Meter data management Billing services If your Retailer Exits the Market You will be transferred to buy electricity from SP Group as a last resort.  Households and small businesses with an average monthly consumption of less than 4MWh will buy electricity at the regulated tariff rate. Larger businesses with an average monthly consumption of at least 4MWh will buy electricity at the wholesale electricity price. There will be no disruption to your electricity supply. You will continue to receive your electricity supply through the national power grid that is operated by SP Group. Making the Switch to a Retailer Residential Consumers Business Consumers For more information on Open Electricity Market Visit Have a business enquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry, and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form The Sunday Times - Open Electricity Market - How to save energy and money B14 | The Sunday Times | Sunday, September 1, 2019 Me & My Property Before investing in properties, entrepreneur Gerald Tan researches extensively such as viewing listings online. B11 The Energy Market Authority stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 electricity retailers pay a rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. ST FILE PHOTO Open electricity market: How to save energy and money About 34% of household consumers made switch, most on 24-month standard price plan Lorna Tan Invest Editor The nationwide roll-out of the Open Electricity Market (OEM) has been completed so consumers have the power to choose who to buy electricity from and potentially lower their power bills. The roll-out started with a soft launch to households and businesses in Jurong in April last year and ended with the last zone in May, with around 1.6 million accounts or households connected. You would have received a notification package and a booklet on how to switch out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 retailers. The option to choose from these electricity retailers comes with benefits like competitive pricing and innovative offers such as cash rebates if paying via selected credit cards. About 34 per cent of household consumers have made a switch. The Energy Market Authority (EMA) stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched pay an electricity rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. Retailers are offering rates ranging from 17.66 cents/kWh (kilowatt hour ) to 23.01 cents/kWh for their fixed price plans and discounts ranging from 14.5 per cent to 25 per cent off the regulated tariff plans. Most households that switched signed up for 24-month standard price plans. The fixed-price plans have seen a higher take-up than the discount off the regulated tariff plans, the EMA said. Bear in mind that you should buy electricity only from retailers authorised by the EMA. And buying electricity from a retailer does not change the way power is physically supplied to you because SP will continue to operate the national grid. For those who have not switched to an electricity retailer, there is no time pressure as you can change at any time and you can continue to buy electricity from SP at the regulated tariff as you do today. The Sunday Times highlights the role of SP, and the various plans and factors to consider so you can make an informed decision on the price plan that best suits your needs. SP’s role in OEM SP does not generate or sell electricity. It buys it from power generation companies and distributes it to consumers at zero markup. SP has continued to own, operate and maintain the national electricity grid since the OEM. It transmits and distributes electricity to all consumers. This ensures a reliable supply, regardless of your choice of retailer. SP also acts as a safeguard. If a retailer ceases operations, SP Group will take over the accounts at the default tariff price and continue to supply electricity to consumers. SP’s Wholesale Price Plan Consumers can choose from any of the 12 retailers (the list may change over time), selecting one of the many price plans that best suits their needs. Some consumers may not be aware that they can also buy directly from the wholesale electricity market via SP. This is because SP offers two price plans – the regulated tariff and a wholesale price. Consumers who prefer to keep How they compare Name Best Electricity Diamond Electric Geneco iSwitch Keppel Electric Ohm Electricity PacificLight SembCorp Power Senoko Energy Sunseap Tuas Power Union Power NOTE: Table as at Aug 26, 2019. Type of plans offered Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Wholesale market rate plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan the status quo can choose to remain with SP on the regulated tariff that is set by the EMA. When the market was progressively liberalised from 2001, commercial and industrial customers with higher consumptions already had a choice of buying electricity at a tariffed rate or at a wholesale price Contract length 6 months/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 2 years No contract/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 3 months/2 years 2 years No contract/6 months/ 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year No contract 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 1 year No contract 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 1.5 years/2 years/3 years 6 months/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/2 years Source: SEEDLY.SG SUNDAY TIMES GRAPHICS from SP Group, or at retail price from the big generation companies such as Sembcorp, Tuas, Senoko and Geneco (formerly Seraya). Residential customers had the option of the wholesale price when their respective zones opened up, starting with Jurong in April last year. Price plans available to consumers REGULATED TARIFF This price plan is regulated and set by the EMA quarterly. The tariff takes into consideration the longterm cost of producing electricity and looks to protect consumers from volatile oil and gas prices. As this is a regulated price, SP does not have the flexibility of lowering it by bundling with other offers and service partners. Who is suited for this? Typically, consumers with low electricity consumption prefer to stick to the option they are familiar with and not bother with gimmicks or additional terms and conditions. The tariffed price is stable and regulated. WHOLESALE ELECTRICITY PRICE You can choose to buy electricity directly from the wholesale market at no mark-up. As the prices are determined by market forces, they are the lowest price out there. However, prices fluctuate due to demand and supply of real-time electricity consumption across Singapore. On a day when heavy industries consume a lot of electricity, the demand is high and hence the price is higher compared with night hours when these heavy industries shut down. Who is suited for this? This can be considered by consumers who are more savvy, who do not mind the volatility of real-time electricity costs that change every 30 minutes, and if they tend to consume power more in the night (for example, by using air conditioning) when prices are cheaper than in the day time. In addition, there is no fixed term tied to this option so you can terminate as and when you want. RETAIL PRICE There are multiple plans that are offered by retailers. They can be grouped into: • Fixed price – A fixed price per kilowatt of electricity. A household on this plan will pay a constant rate (for example, 20 cents/kWh) throughout the contract duration. Note that the rates retailers offer may be higher or lower than the regulated tariff. • Discount-off tariff – Discount based on a fixed percentage off the regulated tariff. The family that opts for this plan will get a fixed discount off the prevailing regulated tariff (for example, 5 per cent) throughout the contract duration. The regulated tariff is reviewed by SP Group quarterly and approved by the EMA. While these two plans are relatively cheaper compared with the regulated tariff and could be creatively bundled with other offerings and service partners, they look at the short-term cost of producing electricity, which is why they tend to be tied to a one- or two-year lock-up period. Who is suited for this? It is important that you understand the terms and conditions before signing up for a plan. Check things like whether you need to pay a fee if you terminate the plan and make a switch. Do not make the decision to switch to a retailer simply based on price. Assess your lifestyle needs and consumption patterns. In general, if you are looking at locking up a fixed price for the next one or two years, getting a fixedpriced plan is an option. Others who would like a fixed discount over the regulated tariff can opt for the discount-off tariff plan. Some retailers also offer green-energy plans that are catered towards consumers who want to do their part for the environment. Making comparisons There are more than 100 different plans offered by electricity retailers. You can visit to make price comparisons. Seedly has also launched an Electricity Market price comparison tool which compares the plans based on user reviews, rates, housing type, promotional codes and deals in the market. Over at UOB Bank, its UOB Utility Marketplace makes it easy for consumers to compare providers and plans through its Electricity Price Plan Recommender. Understanding the electricity tariff SP Group does not have a retailer licence and can only supply electricity to consumers at the regulated tariff rate. About 75 per cent of the tariff goes directly to generation companies as SP passes down the cost directly without any mark-up. Approximately 24 per cent of the regulated tariff goes to SP for grid charges and a market-support services fee. This component of the tariff works out to approximately five to six cents, and goes towards operating, maintaining and upgrading the national electricity grid. While energy costs have gone up and down through the years, SP says the fees for maintaining the grid have been kept stable over the past decade. SP Group is believed to be the most reliable energy distributor in the world, based on the average length of electricity interruption experienced by users. According to the System Average Interruption Duration Index, Singapore’s score is under a minute, next best is Osaka at five minutes. Energy-saving tips Electricity is generated here by burning natural gas and oil, which releases pollutants and greenhouse gases. These trap heat from the sun and keep it from escaping, causing the earth to become warmer, which in turn changes climates everywhere. When we use electricity wisely, there will be less pollution and fewer greenhouse gases. So it’s important to do our part to practise good energy conservation habits. Here are some household energy-savings tips from Singapore Power and the National Environment Agency. LIVING ROOM • Choose energy-saving lighting such as LED bulbs instead of incandescent lamps. • Always switch off electrical appliances at the power socket. Standby power can account for up to 10 per cent of home energy use. BEDROOM • Service your air-conditioners and clean the filters regularly to ensure optimal working condition. • Set the air-conditioner temperature to 25 deg C or higher. The lower the temperature, the more electricity is used. • Close doors and windows when the air-conditioning is on. • Use a laptop instead of desktop as it uses less electricity. KITCHEN • Cover liquids and food stored in the refrigerator. Uncovered items release moisture, forcing the compressor to work harder to keep the temperature low. • Allow food to cool before putting it into the refrigerator. Hot food causes the compressor to work harder to keep the temperature low. • Match the size of the pot with the size of the burner. This is because energy is lost when small pots are used on larger burners. • Wash with an optimal load to maximise energy savings. Lorna Tan Publishedandprinted bySingapore Press Holdings Limited. Co. Regn.No. 198402868E. Amember of AuditBureauof CirculationsSingapore. CustomerService(Circulation): 6388-3838,, Fax 6746-1925. Search Search Open Electricity Market OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Open Electricity Market The Open Electricity Market is an initiative by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) that allows you to enjoy more choices and flexibility when buying electricity. You can benefit from competitive pricing and innovative offers from retailers. With the Open Electricity Market, you have the choice of buying electricity from: SP Group at the regulated tariff (no action is required if you choose this option); or An electricity retailer at a price plan that best meets your needs; or The wholesale electricity market at half-hourly wholesale electricity prices through SP Group. Regardless of who you buy your electricity from, your electricity supply will stay the same. This is because SP Group will continue to operate the national power grid and deliver electricity to everyone. Working with Retailers Our goal is to make processes convenient and efficient for all customers. SP will facilitate customer transfers between retailers and offer retailers one-stop utilities billing and call centre services. As the Market Support Services Licensee, SP continues to provide services such as: Opening of utilities account Meter reading Meter data management Billing services If your Retailer Exits the Market You will be transferred to buy electricity from SP Group as a last resort.  Households and small businesses with an average monthly consumption of less than 4MWh will buy electricity at the regulated tariff rate. Larger businesses with an average monthly consumption of at least 4MWh will buy electricity at the wholesale electricity price. There will be no disruption to your electricity supply. You will continue to receive your electricity supply through the national power grid that is operated by SP Group. Making the Switch to a Retailer Residential Consumers Business Consumers For more information on Open Electricity Market Visit Have a business enquiry? Interested to find out more how our integrated services can serve your business needs? Drop us an online enquiry, and our qualified professionals will reach out to you. Contact Us Form The Sunday Times - Open Electricity Market - How to save energy and money B14 | The Sunday Times | Sunday, September 1, 2019 Me & My Property Before investing in properties, entrepreneur Gerald Tan researches extensively such as viewing listings online. B11 The Energy Market Authority stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 electricity retailers pay a rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. ST FILE PHOTO Open electricity market: How to save energy and money About 34% of household consumers made switch, most on 24-month standard price plan Lorna Tan Invest Editor The nationwide roll-out of the Open Electricity Market (OEM) has been completed so consumers have the power to choose who to buy electricity from and potentially lower their power bills. The roll-out started with a soft launch to households and businesses in Jurong in April last year and ended with the last zone in May, with around 1.6 million accounts or households connected. You would have received a notification package and a booklet on how to switch out of buying electricity from SP Power to one of the 12 retailers. The option to choose from these electricity retailers comes with benefits like competitive pricing and innovative offers such as cash rebates if paying via selected credit cards. About 34 per cent of household consumers have made a switch. The Energy Market Authority (EMA) stated earlier this year that consumers who have switched pay an electricity rate that is about 20 to 30 per cent lower than the regulated tariff. Retailers are offering rates ranging from 17.66 cents/kWh (kilowatt hour ) to 23.01 cents/kWh for their fixed price plans and discounts ranging from 14.5 per cent to 25 per cent off the regulated tariff plans. Most households that switched signed up for 24-month standard price plans. The fixed-price plans have seen a higher take-up than the discount off the regulated tariff plans, the EMA said. Bear in mind that you should buy electricity only from retailers authorised by the EMA. And buying electricity from a retailer does not change the way power is physically supplied to you because SP will continue to operate the national grid. For those who have not switched to an electricity retailer, there is no time pressure as you can change at any time and you can continue to buy electricity from SP at the regulated tariff as you do today. The Sunday Times highlights the role of SP, and the various plans and factors to consider so you can make an informed decision on the price plan that best suits your needs. SP’s role in OEM SP does not generate or sell electricity. It buys it from power generation companies and distributes it to consumers at zero markup. SP has continued to own, operate and maintain the national electricity grid since the OEM. It transmits and distributes electricity to all consumers. This ensures a reliable supply, regardless of your choice of retailer. SP also acts as a safeguard. If a retailer ceases operations, SP Group will take over the accounts at the default tariff price and continue to supply electricity to consumers. SP’s Wholesale Price Plan Consumers can choose from any of the 12 retailers (the list may change over time), selecting one of the many price plans that best suits their needs. Some consumers may not be aware that they can also buy directly from the wholesale electricity market via SP. This is because SP offers two price plans – the regulated tariff and a wholesale price. Consumers who prefer to keep How they compare Name Best Electricity Diamond Electric Geneco iSwitch Keppel Electric Ohm Electricity PacificLight SembCorp Power Senoko Energy Sunseap Tuas Power Union Power NOTE: Table as at Aug 26, 2019. Type of plans offered Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Wholesale market rate plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Peak and off-peak plan Non-standard Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan Fixed-rate plan Discount-off tariff plan the status quo can choose to remain with SP on the regulated tariff that is set by the EMA. When the market was progressively liberalised from 2001, commercial and industrial customers with higher consumptions already had a choice of buying electricity at a tariffed rate or at a wholesale price Contract length 6 months/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 2 years No contract/1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years/3 years 3 months/2 years 2 years No contract/6 months/ 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year No contract 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year 1 year/2 years/3 years 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 1 year No contract 1 year/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 6 months/1 year/2 years 1.5 years/2 years/3 years 6 months/2 years 1 year/2 years 6 months/2 years Source: SEEDLY.SG SUNDAY TIMES GRAPHICS from SP Group, or at retail price from the big generation companies such as Sembcorp, Tuas, Senoko and Geneco (formerly Seraya). Residential customers had the option of the wholesale price when their respective zones opened up, starting with Jurong in April last year. Price plans available to consumers REGULATED TARIFF This price plan is regulated and set by the EMA quarterly. The tariff takes into consideration the longterm cost of producing electricity and looks to protect consumers from volatile oil and gas prices. As this is a regulated price, SP does not have the flexibility of lowering it by bundling with other offers and service partners. Who is suited for this? Typically, consumers with low electricity consumption prefer to stick to the option they are familiar with and not bother with gimmicks or additional terms and conditions. The tariffed price is stable and regulated. WHOLESALE ELECTRICITY PRICE You can choose to buy electricity directly from the wholesale market at no mark-up. As the prices are determined by market forces, they are the lowest price out there. However, prices fluctuate due to demand and supply of real-time electricity consumption across Singapore. On a day when heavy industries consume a lot of electricity, the demand is high and hence the price is higher compared with night hours when these heavy industries shut down. Who is suited for this? This can be considered by consumers who are more savvy, who do not mind the volatility of real-time electricity costs that change every 30 minutes, and if they tend to consume power more in the night (for example, by using air conditioning) when prices are cheaper than in the day time. In addition, there is no fixed term tied to this option so you can terminate as and when you want. RETAIL PRICE There are multiple plans that are offered by retailers. They can be grouped into: • Fixed price – A fixed price per kilowatt of electricity. A household on this plan will pay a constant rate (for example, 20 cents/kWh) throughout the contract duration. Note that the rates retailers offer may be higher or lower than the regulated tariff. • Discount-off tariff – Discount based on a fixed percentage off the regulated tariff. The family that opts for this plan will get a fixed discount off the prevailing regulated tariff (for example, 5 per cent) throughout the contract duration. The regulated tariff is reviewed by SP Group quarterly and approved by the EMA. While these two plans are relatively chea
[20191030] The Straits Times - Wholesale electricity price a cheaper option?
Wholesale electricity price a cheaper option? Consumers can find savings, but it depends on usage and market conditions, say experts Sue-Ann Tan Consumers looking for more bang for their buck have been exploring different retailers of electricity in the Open Electricity Market, but they can also consider buying electricity directly from the wholesale market through energy utilities provider SP Group. Source: The Straits Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. It may be cheaper for consumers, but it comes with higher risks due to fluctuations in price. The Business Times reported yesterday that wholesale rates can allow consumers to pocket up to some 40 per cent savings. An SP spokesman said: “Wholesale electricity prices are determined by market forces and while they are currently the lowest price out there, they tend to fluctuate due to demand and supply of real-time electricity consumption across Singapore.” The wholesale electricity price is an alternative to the typical regulated tariff used by Singapore households which have not switched from SP to another retailer under the Open Electricity Market. The roll-out of the Open Electricity Market started with a soft launch to households and businesses in Jurong in April last year and ended in May, with around 1.6 million customers connected. Residential customers had the option of the wholesale price when their respective zones, starting with Jurong in April last year, opened up. Since 2001 when the market was liberalised progressively, commercial and industrial customers with higher consumption already had a choice of buying electricity at a tariffed rate or at the wholesale price from SP, or at the retail price. Wholesale electricity prices are determined by the Uniform Singapore Energy Price, which varies half-hourly according to supply and demand in the market. An Energy Market Authority spokesman said wholesale price plans are not featured prominently “as the electricity rate which a consumer pays is uncertain”. The rate would typically rise with higher demand and when there is an outage of generating units, the spokesman said, citing how the price ranged between 15.98 cents per kWh and 135.66 cents per kWh in October last year. Experts said consumers can find savings through the wholesale price option, but it all depends on their usage and on market conditions. Singapore University of Social Sciences Associate Professor of Economics Walter Theseira said: “It is a competitive market, but prices can change suddenly when demand surges or when input costs go up. “So although the wholesale price is much lower on average than the regulated tariff, your own pattern of consumption will determine whether your final bill is that much lower.” He added that the higher average price of electricity bought from the retailer rather than the wholesale market includes a payment to the retailer for mitigating the risk of price fluctuations. “For many consumers, the certainty of a fixed price is more important than the possibility of saving some money.” Customers who happen to be consuming electricity at the same time as a spike in the wholesale price also might not save much or may even pay more than the regulated tariff. Associate Professor Lawrence Loh of the National University of Singapore Business School said whether consumers choose the wholesale option depends on their risk appetite. “The half-hourly fluctuations are too complex and cumbersome for many consumers to follow. It is simply too difficult to predict and plan,” he added.
SP Group’s role in electricity industry As published in Straits Times Forum Letter (29 Sept 2018) We thank readers for their letters and the queries they raised (How are new retailers able to offer better prices than SP Group? by Mr Max Leong; Maintaining cost savings tough in the long term by Mr Goh Boon Kai and Many concerns over changes in power market by Mr Ong Soon Yam for their letters, all on Sept 25). SP Group operates and maintains the electricity grid and provides market support services such as billing and meter reading. Under the regulated tariff set by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) for the period of July 1 to Sept 30, SP Group is paid 5.71 cents per kWh (SP Component) for the above services, out of 23.65 cents per kWh paid by residential consumers. The remaining tariff components go to the generation companies, Energy Market Company for market administration, and EMA for power system operator costs. Under the Open Electricity Market (OEM), consumers will be able to buy electricity from retailers, at the retail electricity price, instead of buying under the tariff set by the EMA. The electricity price offered by retailers will also include the SP Component. Whether consumers buy electricity under tariff, or through a retailer, the SP Component collected from consumers is the same. It is regulated by the EMA, and has been stable the past 10 years, even as the electricity tariff fluctuated. Chuah Kee Heng Managing Director SP Services Jan-08 Apr-08 Jul-08 Oct-08 Jan-09 Apr-09 Jul-09 Oct-09 Jan-10 Apr-10 Jul-10 Oct-10 Jan-11 Apr-11 Jul-11 Oct-11 Jan-12 Apr-12 Jul-12 Oct-12 Jan-13 Apr-13 Jul-13 Oct-13 Jan-14 Apr-14 Jul-14 Oct-14 Jan-15 Apr-15 Jul-15 Oct-15 Jan-16 Apr-16 Jul-16 Oct-16 Jan-17 Apr-17 Jul-17 Oct-17 Jan-18 Apr-18 Jul-18 Reference Low Tension Electricity Tariff for Residential Customers 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Grid Charge MSS Fee Market Admin & PSO Energy Cost Q3 2018 TARIFF (July – September) Market Admin & Power System Operator Fee to EMA (No change) 0.05¢/kWh (<1%) Market Support Services Fee to SP Group (No change) 0.40¢/kWh (1. to7%) Network Costs to SP Group (No change) 5.31¢/kWh (22.5%) Energy Costs to electricity generation companies (Increase by 1.50¢/kWh compared to previous quarter) 17.89¢/kWh (75.6%)
[20191029] The Business Times - It's switch and save as SP powers up households with cheaper option
S$1.30 A SINGAPORE PRESS HOLDINGS PUBLICATION | | | @BusinessTimes | CO REGN NO 198402868E | MCI (P) 048/12/2018 Tuesday, October 29, 2019 It’s switch and save as SP powers up households with cheaper option Its wholesale rates are not only the lowest based on prevailing market prices, but also allow consumers to pocket up to some 40% savings By Anita Gabriel @AnitaGabrielBT Singapore SP GROUP’s market share may have contracted since Singapore opened the electricity market for 1.4 million households to pick among more than ten retailers but the national utility should not be off the table as a cheap(est) option for the thrifty. In fact, SP has been powering up some households at wholesale rates that are not only the lowest based on prevailing market prices, but also allow consumers to pocket up to some 40 per cent savings. This is way more than the 20-30 per cent savings that customers who have switched over to any of the 12 electricity retailers are enjoying. “Wholesale electricity prices are determined by market forces. While they are currently the lowest price out there, they tend to fluctuate due to demand and supply of real-time electricity consumption across Singapore,” SP Services chief executive Chuah Kee Heng told The Business Times. SP’s wholesale electricity price (WEP) product is separate from its regulated tariff package – the default option for Singapore households that haven’t switched from the incumbent to any of the retailers under the Open Electricity Market (OEM). This WEP option was made available to households when their respective zones opened up following the soft launch of the OEM in Jurong in April 2018. “Consumers can choose to remain with SP Group at the regulated tariff, that is set by the EMA, or purchase directly from the wholesale electricity Source: The Business Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction. SP Services chief executive Chuah Kee Heng says consumers can stay with the regulated tariff set by the EMA, or buy directly from the wholesale electricity market via SP. market via SP at no mark-up, and with no lock-in period,” said Mr Chuah. In a comparison chart provided on SP Utilities’ app: based on the national average usage (a four-room HDB flat that consumes 376 kWh, or S$94.26 a month), households are able to cut their monthly power bills by some 38 per cent with SP’s WEP product. On the other hand, the regulated tariff offered by SP – this rate reflects the costs of building and operating the power plants and maintaining the power grid – has zero savings for consumers and is unsurprisingly the most pricey option. The next best thing (in terms of pricing) is offered by Union Power’s fixed 12-month plan that came in nearly 30 per cent cheaper. In short, SP’s wholesale package compares favourably when stacked up against all OEM retailers including market leaders Keppel Electric, Geneco and iSwitch, and even the highest rated ones as per EMA’s recent survey on customer satisfaction – Ohm Energy, Sunseap Energy and TuasPower. Mr Chuah declined to provide details on how many households have so far signed up for SP’s wholesale package, but BT understands that “a few thousands” have hopped on to this non-standard price plan that (unlike the variety of plans offered by retailers) has no contract expiry date and is not limited to six, 12 or 24 months. This means consumers are not subject to premature termination charges. Notwithstanding SP’s wholesale option, four out of 10 households have switched over to the retailers, according to a recent update by regulator Energy MarketAuthority (EMA). Continued on Page 2 It’s switch and save as SP powers up households with cheaper option Continued from page 1 However it would seem to defy commercial logic for electricity retailers to also offer wholesale rates to endusers, as that would mean forgoing margins. “The pricing offered by retailers reflect the current market conditions, level of competition and short-term costs of producing electricity. Additionally, retailers can also choose to bundle other products and services for customers (such as grocery vouchers, mobile and broadband plans),” said SP’s Mr Chuah, adding that SP is not allowed to offer any incentive under the WEP plan. As sweet as the numbers seem for SP’s wholesale product, there is one big catch – the element of uncertainty given volatile prices as they are determined based on the Uniform Singapore Energy Price (USEP) which varies half-hourly depending on the prevailing demand and supply situation in the wholesale market. “WEP price plans are not featured prominently as the electricity rate which a consumer pays is uncertain,” said an EMA spokesman in response to BT queries. “It would typically rise with increasing electricity demand and/or outage of generating units. An example of this is in October 2018 when the WEP ranged between 15.98 cents/kWh to 135.66 cents/kWh,” said EMA, adding that switching to buy electricity from a retailer under a fixed price or discount off the regulated tariff plan provides more price certainty than buying at the WEP. The “high level of market risk” involved renders SP’s wholesale product “less attractive” for households, said Andrew Koscharsky, iSwitch’s chief commercial officer. He deemed the wholesale power market in the city state “highly unpredictable”, given the real time oil market risks and electricity supply and demand fundamentals. “This could result in ‘bill shock’ due to the unpredictable pricing calculation. The consumer will never know what rate their electricity will be charged at until after their bill arrives,” he pointed out. “Such an event occurred in New Zealand, where a retailer was offering only wholesale products, rather than a fixed price. A volatile wholesale event occurred and this resulted in thousands of angry customers.” Uncertainty is anathema to Singapore households going by the OEM statistics; six out of 10 have not ditched SP partly due to worries over the financial stability of retailers in general while a majority that have switched have opted for fixed-price plans. A Sunseap spokesman said: “Currently, Sunseap does not have a wholesale plan as we are focused on our fixed price and discount-off-tariff plans. The fact that four in 10 households have already switched to a new electricity retailer attests to the popularity of the new retail plans.” A spokesman for Keppel Electric said: “Keppel Electric chose not to offer wholesale electricity pricing products as wholesale pricing is subject to half-hourly fluctuations of power prices, which are caused by real time demand and supply in the wholesale market. “(Our) fixed price plans offer price certainty to customers over their contract duration, while discount-off-tariff plans offer a fixed discount off quarterly published regulated tariffs. We believe that the certainty, which both types of plans offer, would appeal more to most customers.” Under the OEM, consumers are not compelled to switch to a retailer. Yet, it appears that many who have decided to stay with SP for reasons ranging from inertia, a wait-and-see attitude to negligible savings if they were to switch, are unaware of SP’s cheaper option. One customer, who wanted to be known only as Mr Ng, was peeved: “Oh man, I had no idea there was this cheaper alternative. I can’t change now as I have signed up for a two-year package.” Source: The Business Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction.
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Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search SP Services OverviewUtilities Quick Guide ResidentialUtilities Quick Guide CommercialTariff informationOpen Electricity MarketFAQsForm & ResourcesChat with Us Utilities Quick Guide to Your Utilities Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Utilities Guide Understanding Utilities and Tariffs Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be one of the most stressful life events. With our digital services, you can manage every aspect of your utilities account at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere. Here’s what you need to know. Find out more Quick Links Open Utilities Account Close Utilities Account Reschedule Appointment Check Application SP Utilities Portal Open Electricity Market Towards a greener life SP app Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Latest News Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search 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Singapore Institute of Power and Gas Essential Test Instruments for Low Voltage Course Code: EFD02 COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: • List the test instruments that are commonly used for low voltage (LV) works (e.g., multi-meter, insulation resistance tester, etc.) • Know the applications of the different LV test instruments • Apply the techniques in using the Test Lamp • Explain the purpose of conducting the insulation resistance test • Discern on the status of the equipment or cables under test • Understand the principle of electromagnetic induction used for cable identification • Apply the safety precautions to be taken while using LV test instruments on ‘live’ equipment and cables MAIN CONTENTS • Safety precautions while using test instruments • Multi-meter • Test lamp • Megger or Insulation Resistance Tester • Phase Rotation Meter • Earth Megger • Earth Loop Impedance Tester • Signal Generator • Thermal Gun/Scanner • Voltage Detector METHODOLOGY Lecture and practical session TARGET AUDIENCE Engineering and technical staff working in the electrical power industry COURSE DETAILS Duration : 7 hours Mode of Delivery : Face-to-face or Blended (Face-to-face and Synchronous E-learning) Certification : SIPG Certificate of Completion PDU by PE Board : 4 Additional Requirement/s : Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) must be worn during practical session. PPE includes: • Safety Shoes • Rubber Gloves • Fire Retardant Clothing (FRC) • Face Shield COURSE FEES Full Course Fee : S$700 (before GST) For Singapore Citizens/PR/LTVP+* : Not applicable For Singapore Citizens (40 years old and above) : Not applicable Singapore Institute of Power and Gas Pte Ltd UEN: 201427065Z 2 Kallang Sector, Singapore 349277 Ver 4.0_0323 Singapore Institute of Power and Gas ADDITIONAL REMARKS • Trainee must attain at least 75% attendance rate and pass the assessment to receive Certificate of Completion and funding grant (if applicable). • Subsidy of up to 70% is applicable for Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents or Long-Term Visitor Pass Plus (LTVP+) Holders, subject to funding agency’s approval. • Enhanced subsidy of up to 90% is applicable for Singapore Citizens aged 40 years and above, subject to funding agency’s approval. Note that GST payable will be computed from fee after 70% funding. • Professional Development Unit (PDU) is applicable for Professional Engineers registered under the Professional Engineers (PE) Board only. • All published fees are subject to prevailing GST. CONTACT US For more information, please contact SIPG at +65 6916 7930 or email OTHER SIPG COURSES For more courses, visit our website at: or Scan the QR code below: Singapore Institute of Power and Gas Pte Ltd UEN: 201427065Z 2 Kallang Sector, Singapore 349277 Ver 4.0_0323 Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search [20210709]+The+Business+Times+Online+-+SP+Group+starts+vehicle-to-grid+technology+trial.pdf SP Group starts vehicle-to-grid technology trial � THU, JUL 08, 2021 - 9:24 PM | UPDATED THU, JUL 08, 2021 - 9:35 PM TAY PECK GEK � � @PeckGekBT Jimmy Khoo, chief executive of SP PowerGrid, with the V2G-capable Nissan LEAF and a V2G bi-directional charger that will be used in the Singapore trial. NATIONAL grid operator SP Group (SP) has started its trial of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology and has raised its investment in a V2G technology rm as Singapore progresses towards wider adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). The company aims to test the viability of tapping the energy stored in EVs in the trial to enhance the reliability of the grid, which will need to support more than 600,000 vehicles when Singapore phases out internal combustion engine vehicles by 2040, said SP in its media statement on Thursday. When charged, EVs store energy in their lithium-ion batteries, which serve as small energy storage systems that can transfer energy back to balance the power grid, such as when renewable energy sources such as solar power fluctuate due to weather conditions. If V2G technology is viable, owners of EVs can be paid for the use of their batteries when they are tapped to mitigate the intermittency problem in other energy sources. SP has stepped up its investment in the V2G technology rm The Mobility House (TMH), but did not provide the speci cs. SP only stated that TMH has a presence in Munich, Zurich and Belmont (in California) , and provides a non-proprietary software for integrating vehicle batteries into power grids using intelligent charging and storage solutions. SP is providing four V2G charging points at SP's premises for the trial, which will be completed in June 2022. V2G technology allows energy transfer between the batteries within an EV and the power grid, and so is more sophisticated than uni-directional charging of EVs. Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Tan Sri Hassan Marican to retire as Chairman of SP Group, succeeded by current Deputy Chairman Ms Leong Wai Leng Media Release Tan Sri Hassan Marican to retire as Chairman of SP Group, succeeded by current Deputy Chairman Ms Leong Wai Leng Singapore, 28 December 2022 – SP Group (SP) announced that its Chairman Tan Sri Hassan Marican will be retiring from the SP Board on 1 January 2023. He will be succeeded by Ms Leong Wai Leng, currently Deputy Chairman of the SP Board. Tan Sri Hassan has been a director of SP’s Board since February 2011, and Chairman since June 2012. Under his stewardship, the company has been steadfast in maintaining the world-class performance of Singapore’s electricity and gas networks to ensure reliable and secure utilities supply to more than 1.6 million residential, commercial and industrial customers in Singapore. Beyond essential utilities, SP has expanded its services to a full suite of sustainable energy solutions for customers in Singapore, China, Vietnam and Thailand. Tan Sri Hassan has also paved the way for the expansion of SP’s philanthropy and community outreach efforts, from programmes for seniors to initiatives that benefit children and youth from vulnerable backgrounds. Ms Leong Wai Leng joined SP’s Board in April 2021. She is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Temasek Holdings (TH) and Temasek International (TI), and Head of Singapore Projects at Temasek International. With effect from 1 January 2023, she will be appointed President, Singapore Market TI and relinquish her position as CFO of TH and TI. Ms Leong has extensive experience in both the public and private sectors. Prior to joining Temasek, she has held senior leadership positions in public listed companies in the engineering, industrial, hospitality and real estate sectors. In concluding his tenure at SP, Tan Sri Hassan said, “It has been a privilege to serve on the Board of SP Group for close to 12 years, working with my esteemed fellow Board members, and the committed management team. I salute the employees of the company who provide essential and sustainable services to households and businesses, and have been unwavering in their duties especially in the last three years of challenges and uncertainty. I am confident that under Wai Leng’s stewardship as Chairman, SP will thrive and scale new heights in business and service excellence.” Ms Leong, who assumes her role as SP’s Chairman on 1 January 2023, said, “It is my honour to take up the mantle of Chairman and I am grateful to the Directors of the SP Board for their support. I have witnessed the steady progress of SP Group in its transformational journey, making many notable advancements in the engineering, energy and sustainability sectors. I look forward to working with the Board and management in bringing more of these endeavours to fruition.” SP Group paid tribute to Tan Sri Hassan for his leadership and care for people and the community. An established corporate leader in the international business community, SP said that the management and staff have gained tremendously from his vast experience and counsel in achieving several firsts in engineering excellence and building SP’s position as a leading sustainable energy solutions player in Singapore and the region. SP welcomes Ms Leong to her new role and looks forward to her leadership in guiding the company to achieve even more for all stakeholders. - Ends - About SP Group SP Group is a leading utilities group in the Asia Pacific, empowering the future of energy with low-carbon, smart energy solutions for its customers. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and sustainable energy solutions in Singapore, China, Vietnam and Thailand. As Singapore’s national grid operator, about 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers benefit from its world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. Beyond traditional utilities services, SP Group provides a suite of sustainable and renewable energy solutions such as microgrids, cooling and heating systems for business districts and residential townships, solar energy solutions, electric vehicle fast charging and digital energy solutions for customers in Singapore and the region. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at and LinkedIn at Tan+Sri+Hassan+Marican+to+retire+as+Chairman+of+SP+Group,+succeeded+by+current+Deputy+Chairman+Ms+Leong+Wai+Leng.pdf,+succeeded+by+current+Deputy+Chairman+Ms+Leong+Wai+Leng.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID= Media Release Tan Sri Hassan Marican to retire as Chairman of SP Group, succeeded by current Deputy Chairman Ms Leong Wai Leng Singapore, 28 December 2022 – SP Group (SP) announced that its Chairman Tan Sri Hassan Marican will be retiring from the SP Board on 1 January 2023. He will be succeeded by Ms Leong Wai Leng, currently Deputy Chairman of the SP Board. Tan Sri Hassan has been a director of SP’s Board since February 2011, and Chairman since June 2012. Under his stewardship, the company has been steadfast in maintaining the world-class performance of Singapore’s electricity and gas networks to ensure reliable and secure utilities supply to more than 1.6 million residential, commercial and industrial customers in Singapore. Beyond essential utilities, SP has expanded its services to a full suite of sustainable energy solutions for customers in Singapore, China, Vietnam and Thailand. Tan Sri Hassan has also paved the way for the expansion of SP’s philanthropy and community outreach efforts, from programmes for seniors to initiatives that benefit children and youth from vulnerable backgrounds. Ms Leong Wai Leng joined SP’s Board in April 2021. She is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Temasek Holdings (TH) and Temasek International (TI), and Head of Singapore Projects at Temasek International. With effect from 1 January 2023, she will be appointed President, Singapore Market TI and relinquish her position as CFO of TH and TI. Ms Leong has extensive experience in both the public and private sectors. Prior to joining Temasek, she has held senior leadership positions in public listed companies in the engineering, industrial, hospitality and real estate sectors. In concluding his tenure at SP, Tan Sri Hassan said, “It has been a privilege to serve on the Board of SP Group for close to 12 years, working with my esteemed fellow Board members, and the committed management team. I salute the employees of the company who provide essential and sustainable services to households and businesses, and have been unwavering 1 in their duties especially in the last three years of challenges and uncertainty. I am confident that under Wai Leng’s stewardship as Chairman, SP will thrive and scale new heights in business and service excellence.” Ms Leong, who assumes her role as SP’s Chairman on 1 January 2023, said, “It is my honour to take up the mantle of Chairman and I am grateful to the Directors of the SP Board for their support. I have witnessed the steady progress of SP Group in its transformational journey, making many notable advancements in the engineering, energy and sustainability sectors. I look forward to working with the Board and management in bringing more of these endeavours to fruition.” SP Group paid tribute to Tan Sri Hassan for his leadership and care for people and the community. An established corporate leader in the international business community, SP said that the management and staff have gained tremendously from his vast experience and counsel in achieving several firsts in engineering excellence and building SP’s position as a leading sustainable energy solutions player in Singapore and the region. SP welcomes Ms Leong to her new role and looks forward to her leadership in guiding the company to achieve even more for all stakeholders. - Ends - About SP Group SP Group is a leading utilities group in the Asia Pacific, empowering the future of energy with low-carbon, smart energy solutions for its customers. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and sustainable energy solutions in Singapore, China, Vietnam and Thailand. As Singapore’s national grid operator, about 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers benefit from its world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. 2 Beyond traditional utilities services, SP Group provides a suite of sustainable and renewable energy solutions such as microgrids, cooling and heating systems for business districts and residential townships, solar energy solutions, electric vehicle fast charging and digital energy solutions for customers in Singapore and the region. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at and LinkedIn at 3 [20191205] Media Release -Smart building solution by SP Group and 75F News Release SMART BUILDING SOLUTION BY SP GROUP AND 75F HELPS BUILDINGS ACHIEVE MORE THAN 30% ENERGY SAVINGS Singapore, 5 December 2019 – SP Group (SP), a leading energy utilities group and 75F, a building intelligence solutions provider, are offering a micro-climate control solution that can save more than 30 per cent in energy consumption while improving occupant comfort. The solution uses applied Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and Internet of Things (IoT) to reduce energy consumption in a building. It takes into consideration factors like occupancy and weather and optimises air-flow to evenly cool areas. SP partnered with 75F to customise and test the performance and viability of the solution for Singapore’s tropical environment. The solution was trialled for a year at Singapore Institute of Technology’s (SIT) campus at Dover, and the Mercatus Co-operative Limited’s corporate office at One Marina Boulevard in Raffles Place. Both locations achieved more than 30 per cent in energy savings, while improving comfort for occupants by ensuring that the indoor temperature, and air quality were optimal. With the validated outcomes, SP and 75F will offer the solution to customers in Singapore, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Australia. Air-conditioning contributes 60 per cent of a building’s electricity consumption. With buildings consuming a third of Singapore’s total electricity consumption 1 , this new solution will help Singapore reduce electricity consumption and support the goal of cutting national emissions intensity by 36 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030. Mr Brandon Chia, Head, Centre of Excellence, SP Group said: “SP Group has partnered with 75F on this micro-climate control solution that leverages A.I. and IoT. It enables customers to enjoy cooler comfort in buildings while lowering their carbon footprint. We look forward to developing more next-generation technologies to help customers in Singapore and the region save energy and cost.” The micro-climate control solution is a self-learning, intuitive building intelligence system that optimises and regulates air-conditioning in buildings to improve operational efficiency and occupant experience. The system’s central control unit divides large open spaces into smaller 1 Source: The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Super Low Energy Technology Roadmap Report 1 zones that balances the temperature, air flow, carbon dioxide (CO 2) within each zone. It also optimises the air-conditioning operation by using the least amount of energy to achieve the required comfort. Gaurav Burman, APAC President, 75F said: “Both 75F and SP are committed to saving energy and reducing the carbon footprint of commercial buildings. The Asia Pacific market, especially Singapore, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Australia, represent a huge opportunity given their economic growth, rising energy costs and the growing focus to improve occupant experience and operational efficiency. This partnership combines 75F’s award-winning technology with SP’s capabilities and track record in the region, allowing both companies to accelerate our growth.” SP’s partnership with 75F first started as part of SP’s Energy Advanced Research and Development (SPEAR) programme, under the SP Centre of Excellence (SP CoE). SP CoE is an initiative supported by the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), and drives the research, development, and integration of cutting-edge solutions and next-generation technologies for Singapore’s energy infrastructure network. -Ends- Notes to Editor: About SP Group SP Group is a leading energy utilities group in the Asia Pacific. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and district cooling businesses in Singapore and China. SP Group is committed to providing customers with reliable and efficient energy utilities services. About 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore benefit from SP Group’s world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. SP Group also drives digital solutions to empower customers to manage their utilities, reduce consumption and save cost. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @SPGroupSG. 2 About SP Centre of Excellence The SP Centre of Excellence (CoE) is an initiative by SP Group (SP) to drive the innovation and commercialisation of next-generation energy network technologies for the greater reliability and efficiency of Singapore’s infrastructure. Supported by the Singapore Economic Development Board, the CoE aims to establish SP as a thought leader in the utility industry forefront and build future-ready energy networks and resource capabilities. This allows SP to stay ahead of global trends such as the drive for smarter and greener performance, and to sustainably meet evolving customer needs. About 75F 75F is an award-winning, IoT and Machine Learning company taking a fresh approach to HVAC, lighting and controls in commercial buildings. Founded in 2012, 75F offers data-driven, proactive, predictive building intelligence and controls. 75F is backed by investment groups including billionaire-led Breakthrough Energy Ventures and Oil & Gas Climate Initiative. 75F has delivered hundreds of energy-efficient, comfortable and healthy spaces to enthusiastic customers who rave about the results. 75F launched its operations in India in August 2016 and has been growing steadily since with companies such as Firstsource Solutions, Flipkart, Bennett-Coleman Group, Mercedes Benz, Mapletree, HP, Shell, Smartworks and other leading brands in India, joining US customers such as HOM Furniture, Border Foods, Magnet 360, Rockler and Yoga Fit. 3 Search Search Tan+Sri+Hassan+Marican+to+retire+as+Chairman+of+SP+Group,+succeeded+by+current+Deputy+Chairman+Ms+Leong+Wai+Leng.pdf,+succeeded+by+current+Deputy+Chairman+Ms+Leong+Wai+Leng.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID= Media Release Tan Sri Hassan Marican to retire as Chairman of SP Group, succeeded by current Deputy Chairman Ms Leong Wai Leng Singapore, 28 December 2022 – SP Group (SP) announced that its Chairman Tan Sri Hassan Marican will be retiring from the SP Board on 1 January 2023. He will be succeeded by Ms Leong Wai Leng, currently Deputy Chairman of the SP Board. Tan Sri Hassan has been a director of SP’s Board since February 2011, and Chairman since June 2012. Under his stewardship, the company has been steadfast in maintaining the world-class performance of Singapore’s electricity and gas networks to ensure reliable and secure utilities supply to more than 1.6 million residential, commercial and industrial customers in Singapore. Beyond essential utilities, SP has expanded its services to a full suite of sustainable energy solutions for customers in Singapore, China, Vietnam and Thailand. Tan Sri Hassan has also paved the way for the expansion of SP’s philanthropy and community outreach efforts, from programmes for seniors to initiatives that benefit children and youth from vulnerable backgrounds. Ms Leong Wai Leng joined SP’s Board in April 2021. She is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Temasek Holdings (TH) and Temasek International (TI), and Head of Singapore Projects at Temasek International. With effect from 1 January 2023, she will be appointed President, Singapore Market TI and relinquish her position as CFO of TH and TI. Ms Leong has extensive experience in both the public and private sectors. Prior to joining Temasek, she has held senior leadership positions in public listed companies in the engineering, industrial, hospitality and real estate sectors. In concluding his tenure at SP, Tan Sri Hassan said, “It has been a privilege to serve on the Board of SP Group for close to 12 years, working with my esteemed fellow Board members, and the committed management team. I salute the employees of the company who provide essential and sustainable services to households and businesses, and have been unwavering 1 in their duties especially in the last three years of challenges and uncertainty. I am confident that under Wai Leng’s stewardship as Chairman, SP will thrive and scale new heights in business and service excellence.” Ms Leong, who assumes her role as SP’s Chairman on 1 January 2023, said, “It is my honour to take up the mantle of Chairman and I am grateful to the Directors of the SP Board for their support. I have witnessed the steady progress of SP Group in its transformational journey, making many notable advancements in the engineering, energy and sustainability sectors. I look forward to working with the Board and management in bringing more of these endeavours to fruition.” SP Group paid tribute to Tan Sri Hassan for his leadership and care for people and the community. An established corporate leader in the international business community, SP said that the management and staff have gained tremendously from his vast experience and counsel in achieving several firsts in engineering excellence and building SP’s position as a leading sustainable energy solutions player in Singapore and the region. SP welcomes Ms Leong to her new role and looks forward to her leadership in guiding the company to achieve even more for all stakeholders. - Ends - About SP Group SP Group is a leading utilities group in the Asia Pacific, empowering the future of energy with low-carbon, smart energy solutions for its customers. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and sustainable energy solutions in Singapore, China, Vietnam and Thailand. As Singapore’s national grid operator, about 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers benefit from its world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. 2 Beyond traditional utilities services, SP Group provides a suite of sustainable and renewable energy solutions such as microgrids, cooling and heating systems for business districts and residential townships, solar energy solutions, electric vehicle fast charging and digital energy solutions for customers in Singapore and the region. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at and LinkedIn at 3 Tan Sri Hassan Marican to retire as Chairman of SP Group, succeeded by current Deputy Chairman Ms Leong Wai Leng Media Release Tan Sri Hassan Marican to retire as Chairman of SP Group, succeeded by current Deputy Chairman Ms Leong Wai Leng Singapore, 28 December 2022 – SP Group (SP) announced that its Chairman Tan Sri Hassan Marican will be retiring from the SP Board on 1 January 2023. He will be succeeded by Ms Leong Wai Leng, currently Deputy Chairman of the SP Board. Tan Sri Hassan has been a director of SP’s Board since February 2011, and Chairman since June 2012. Under his stewardship, the company has been steadfast in maintaining the world-class performance of Singapore’s electricity and gas networks to ensure reliable and secure utilities supply to more than 1.6 million residential, commercial and industrial customers in Singapore. Beyond essential utilities, SP has expanded its services to a full suite of sustainable energy solutions for customers in Singapore, China, Vietnam and Thailand. Tan Sri Hassan has also paved the way for the expansion of SP’s philanthropy and community outreach efforts, from programmes for seniors to initiatives that benefit children and youth from vulnerable backgrounds. Ms Leong Wai Leng joined SP’s Board in April 2021. She is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Temasek Holdings (TH) and Temasek International (TI), and Head of Singapore Projects at Temasek International. With effect from 1 January 2023, she will be appointed President, Singapore Market TI and relinquish her position as CFO of TH and TI. Ms Leong has extensive experience in both the public and private sectors. Prior to joining Temasek, she has held senior leadership positions in public listed companies in the engineering, industrial, hospitality and real estate sectors. In concluding his tenure at SP, Tan Sri Hassan said, “It has been a privilege to serve on the Board of SP Group for close to 12 years, working with my esteemed fellow Board members, and the committed management team. I salute the employees of the company who provide essential and sustainable services to households and businesses, and have been unwavering in their duties especially in the last three years of challenges and uncertainty. I am confident that under Wai Leng’s stewardship as Chairman, SP will thrive and scale new heights in business and service excellence.” Ms Leong, who assumes her role as SP’s Chairman on 1 January 2023, said, “It is my honour to take up the mantle of Chairman and I am grateful to the Directors of the SP Board for their support. I have witnessed the steady progress of SP Group in its transformational journey, making many notable advancements in the engineering, energy and sustainability sectors. I look forward to working with the Board and management in bringing more of these endeavours to fruition.” SP Group paid tribute to Tan Sri Hassan for his leadership and care for people and the community. An established corporate leader in the international business community, SP said that the management and staff have gained tremendously from his vast experience and counsel in achieving several firsts in engineering excellence and building SP’s position as a leading sustainable energy solutions player in Singapore and the region. SP welcomes Ms Leong to her new role and looks forward to her leadership in guiding the company to achieve even more for all stakeholders. - Ends - About SP Group SP Group is a leading utilities group in the Asia Pacific, empowering the future of energy with low-carbon, smart energy solutions for its customers. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and sustainable energy solutions in Singapore, China, Vietnam and Thailand. As Singapore’s national grid operator, about 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers benefit from its world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. Beyond traditional utilities services, SP Group provides a suite of sustainable and renewable energy solutions such as microgrids, cooling and heating systems for business districts and residential townships, solar energy solutions, electric vehicle fast charging and digital energy solutions for customers in Singapore and the region. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at and LinkedIn at [20191205] Media Release -Smart building solution by SP Group and 75F News Release SMART BUILDING SOLUTION BY SP GROUP AND 75F HELPS BUILDINGS ACHIEVE MORE THAN 30% ENERGY SAVINGS Singapore, 5 December 2019 – SP Group (SP), a leading energy utilities group and 75F, a building intelligence solutions provider, are offering a micro-climate control solution that can save more than 30 per cent in energy consumption while improving occupant comfort. The solution uses applied Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and Internet of Things (IoT) to reduce energy consumption in a building. It takes into consideration factors like occupancy and weather and optimises air-flow to evenly cool areas. SP partnered with 75F to customise and test the performance and viability of the solution for Singapore’s tropical environment. The solution was trialled for a year at Singapore Institute of Technology’s (SIT) campus at Dover, and the Mercatus Co-operative Limited’s corporate office at One Marina Boulevard in Raffles Place. Both locations achieved more than 30 per cent in energy savings, while improving comfort for occupants by ensuring that the indoor temperature, and air quality were optimal. With the validated outcomes, SP and 75F will offer the solution to customers in Singapore, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Australia. Air-conditioning contributes 60 per cent of a building’s electricity consumption. With buildings consuming a third of Singapore’s total electricity consumption 1 , this new solution will help Singapore reduce electricity consumption and support the goal of cutting national emissions intensity by 36 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030. Mr Brandon Chia, Head, Centre of Excellence, SP Group said: “SP Group has partnered with 75F on this micro-climate control solution that leverages A.I. and IoT. It enables customers to enjoy cooler comfort in buildings while lowering their carbon footprint. We look forward to developing more next-generation technologies to help customers in Singapore and the region save energy and cost.” The micro-climate control solution is a self-learning, intuitive building intelligence system that optimises and regulates air-conditioning in buildings to improve operational efficiency and occupant experience. The system’s central control unit divides large open spaces into smaller 1 Source: The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Super Low Energy Technology Roadmap Report 1 zones that balances the temperature, air flow, carbon dioxide (CO 2) within each zone. It also optimises the air-conditioning operation by using the least amount of energy to achieve the required comfort. Gaurav Burman, APAC President, 75F said: “Both 75F and SP are committed to saving energy and reducing the carbon footprint of commercial buildings. The Asia Pacific market, especially Singapore, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Australia, represent a huge opportunity given their economic growth, rising energy costs and the growing focus to improve occupant experience and operational efficiency. This partnership combines 75F’s award-winning technology with SP’s capabilities and track record in the region, allowing both companies to accelerate our growth.” SP’s partnership with 75F first started as part of SP’s Energy Advanced Research and Development (SPEAR) programme, under the SP Centre of Excellence (SP CoE). SP CoE is an initiative supported by the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), and drives the research, development, and integration of cutting-edge solutions and next-generation technologies for Singapore’s energy infrastructure network. -Ends- Notes to Editor: About SP Group SP Group is a leading energy utilities group in the Asia Pacific. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia, and district cooling businesses in Singapore and China. SP Group is committed to providing customers with reliable and efficient energy utilities services. About 1.6 million industrial, commercial and residential customers in Singapore benefit from SP Group’s world-class transmission, distribution and market support services. These networks are amongst the most reliable and cost-effective world-wide. SP Group also drives digital solutions to empower customers to manage their utilities, reduce consumption and save cost. For more information, please visit or for follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @SPGroupSG. 2 About SP Centre of Excellence The SP Centre of Excellence (CoE) is an initiative by SP Group (SP) to drive the innovation and commercialisation of next-generation energy network technologies for the greater reliability and efficiency of Singapore’s infrastructure. Supported by the Singapore Economic Development Board, the CoE aims to establish SP as a thought leader in the utility industry forefront and build future-ready energy networks and resource capabilities. This allows SP to stay ahead of global trends such as the drive for smarter and greener performance, and to sustainably meet evolving customer needs. About 75F 75F is an award-winning, IoT and Machine Learning company taking a fresh approach to HVAC, lighting and controls in commercial buildings. Founded in 2012, 75F offers data-driven, proactive, predictive building intelligence and controls. 75F is backed by investment groups including billionaire-led Breakthrough Energy Ventures and Oil & Gas Climate Initiative. 75F has delivered hundreds of energy-efficient, comfortable and healthy spaces to enthusiastic customers who rave about the results. 75F launched its operations in India in August 2016 and has been growing steadily since with companies such as Firstsource Solutions, Flipkart, Bennett-Coleman Group, Mercedes Benz, Mapletree, HP, Shell, Smartworks and other leading brands in India, joining US customers such as HOM Furniture, Border Foods, Magnet 360, Rockler and Yoga Fit. 3 SP Group Annual Report FY0708 POWERING ECONOMIES delivering excellence Annual Report 2007 OUR MISSION We provide reliable and efficient energy utility services to enhance the economy and the quality of life. OUR VALUES Commitment We commit to creating value for our customers, our people, and our shareholders. We uphold the highest standards of service and performance. Integrity We act with honesty. We practise the highest ethical standards. Passion We take pride and ownership in what we do. Teamwork We support, respect and trust each other. We continually learn, and share ideas and knowledge. CONTENTS 01 ABOUT SP GROUP 04 FROM THE CHAIRMAN 07 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS A full Financial Statement is available online 08 GROUP STRUCTURE 09 CORPORATE REVIEW 12 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 12 Board of Directors 16 Organisational Structure 17 Ethics & Accountability 20 Senior Management 24 OPERATIONS REVIEW - SINGAPORE OPERATIONS 26 SP PowerAssets 28 SP PowerGrid 34 PowerGas 38 SP Services 42 SP Global Solutions 43 Singapore District Cooling 44 OPERATIONS REVIEW - AUSTRALIA OPERATIONS 46 Stronger Business Model 47 SP AusNet 51 SPI (Australia) Assets 54 AWARDS & ACCOLADES 55 CORPORATE FINANCE & STRATEGIC INVESTMENTS 56 OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE 56 Human Resource 59 Information Systems 60 Risk Management 61 COMMUNITY & ENVIRONMENT 66 FINANCIAL SUMMARY about SP group Singapore Power Group (SP) is a leading energy utility company in the Asia Pacific. It owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Singapore and Australia. International industry indices rate SP’s electricity grid in Singapore as one of the world’s best performing networks. Singapore has among the fewest and shortest power outages of cities worldwide. One of Singapore’s largest corporations, SP recorded revenue of S$5.4 billion and assets of S$29.0 billion in FY 07/08. In Singapore, SP provides electricity and gas transmission and distribution, and market support services to over a million industrial and domestic customers. In Australia, SP owns and operates electricity and gas transmission and distribution businesses in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. It owns SPI (Australia) Assets, a diversified energy utility company, and 51 per cent of SP AusNet, which is publicly-listed on the Australian and Singapore stock exchanges. POWERING ECONOMIES delivering excellence FROM THE CHAIRMAN SP ANNUAL REPORT 2007 “Today we have the scale and competencies, integration and execution skills, strong management and sound business strategy to achieve our vision to be a leading energy infrastructure company in the region.” NG KEE CHOE CHAIRMAN 04 FY 07/08 was a year of significant transformation for the Singapore Power Group. With the acquisition of the Alinta assets and businesses in Aug 07, we took an important step forward to realising our vision of becoming a leading energy utility company in the Asia Pacific region. Our asset base has now increased to S$29.0 billion, with two-thirds of our assets outside Singapore. We have also enlarged our business scale and increased our geographical and business diversification to further enhance the quality of our revenue stream. Our Group portfolio today spans regulated, contracted and non-regulated businesses across several Australian states and Singapore. We provide the complete range of transmission and distribution competencies covering underground, overhead and undersea cables and pipes. We also provide technical management consultancy services to other utility companies in China, the Gulf region and ASEAN. Financial Performance For the financial year ended 31 Mar 08, SP recorded S$1.09 billion net profit, including an exceptional gain from the sale of the Singapore Power Building. Group revenue rose four per cent to S$5.4 billion, while total assets grew 59 per cent to S$29.0 billion, mainly due to the inclusion of the Alinta assets and businesse
Residential Utilities Guide.pdf
COME ONBOARD THE UTILITY JOURNEY! G U I DE B OOK OPENING YOUR RESIDENTIAL UTILITIES ACCOUNT GETTING STARTED UNDERSTANDING YOUR UTILITIES CLOSING YOUR ACCOUNT OPENING YOUR RESIDENTIAL UTILITIES ACCOUNT Who can apply? Only Singaporeans, PRs and foreigners with valid passes aged 18 years and above can apply Application You can open your utilities account through the following channels: Apply through SP Group website or SP App Download via the Apple Store or Google Play Store Apply at Customer Service Centre Please furnish the documents below: ✓ NRIC / FIN Card / Valid Pass / Passports ✓ Completed Application Form for Utilities Account Upon request, customers may be required to share with us the Proof of Ownership / Tenancy Please submit the required documents to our Customer Service Centre at 490 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh #09-11, HDB Hub Biz Three Lift Lobby 1, S(310490) Security Deposit Security deposit will be billed in your first bill Type of Premises Singaporean or Permanent Resident GIRO Customers Non-GIRO Customers GIRO Customers Foreigners Non-GIRO Customers HDB 1 or 2 Rooms $40 $60 $80 $120 HDB 3, 4 or 5 Rooms $70 $100 $140 $200 HDB Executive/ HUDC $100 $150 $200 $300 Flat/ Terrace House Condominium $150 $250 $300 $500 / Semi-Detached House / Private Apartment Bungalow/ Penthouse $250 $400 $500 $800 / Townhouse Turn-on Appointment Turn-on appointment is made during the application. Please allow a 1 week lead time from your application date for your turn-on appointment. A confirmation SMS and email will be sent to you by the next working day. An appointment letter will be sent to you at least 2 working days before your appointment date. For gas supply, please call City Energy at 1800 555 1661 to schedule a gas turn-on appointment after obtaining your account number from SP Services. Arranging for turn-on appointments BTO For HDB BTOs: No appointments are required for electricity and water supplies. For resale HDB and other residential properties: Safety inspection will be done on site before your supplies are turned on. Account holders or a representative must be present for turn-on appointments. GETTING STARTED There are two channels to manage your utility account SP App helps you to • View and pay bills • Manage and update your personal details • Track consumption • Receive notifications and alerts • Submit meter readings • Live chat • Find charging points for your electric vehicle SP Utilities Portal helps you to • View and pay bills • View current and historical utility consumption • Manage and update your personal details • Submit meter readings • Request for payment arrangements • Request for waiver of pink notices and late payment charges What you will see in your bill Scan here to understand your utilities bill or visit this link: Paying your bill Pay your bills with eGIRO for that extra convenience and savings such as: Automated electronic payment service Convenient and paperless Hassle-free monthly payments No set-up fee Avoid pink notices or late payment penalties How to apply for eGIRO Apply for eGIRO through one of the following: • SP Utilities Portal • SP app Approval is instant. You may check the status of your eGIRO application either through the SP Utilities Portal or SP app. Other Payment Modes Payment by credit cards via the SP App DBS/UOB/OCBC Internet banking DBS/POSB/OCBC ATMs AXS stations 7-Eleven stores SP Group Customer Service Centre What to note • Pink notices are issued as a reminder when payments are not made by the due date. A fee of $0.55 (inclusive of GST) applies and will be reflected in the next bill. • If no payment is received after the reminder, a late payment charge of 1% will be imposed on any outstanding balance in the subsequent bill. Meter Reading Meter readings are taken once every 2 months. Readings are estimated on months when the meter is not read. Estimated readings are based on the usage of the past 2 actual readings. Any higher or lower estimation to your usage will be adjusted when your meters are next read. Type XXXX-XX 1P2W 10(100)A 230V, 50Hz CL-1 1000 imp/kWh CAL Phase kWh If you wish to be billed based on your actual usage every month, you may submit your reading on estimated months. Meter readings can be submitted 3 days before and up to 5 pm on the Scheduled Meter Reading date. The window period for submission of meter readings on a non-reading month is reflected on the previous month’s bill. Example: MAY JUNE JULY If your meters are read in May, the next reading month will be in July. Your June bill will be estimated based on the average consumption of your past 2 actual meter readings in the month of March and May. When the meters are next read in July, you will be billed the remaining consumption between the estimated reading month and the month the meter was read. Submission of Meter Reading SP App Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Receive alerts, reminders to submit your meter readings and much more! Important Note: This service is applicable for residential and commercial account under Personal Name. A SP Utilities Portal account is required to use this service. Please note that if there is more than 1 electricity meter, this service is not applicable. SP Utilities Portal Submit your reading online via the Utilities Portal and learn tips on how you can better manage your utility consumption Important Note: A SP Utilities Portal account is required to use this service. This service is applicable for residential and commercial account under Personal Name. Please note that if there is more than 1 electricity meter, this service is not applicable. Email Email a photo of your meter clearly showing the meter reading and meter number to This service is applicable for both residential and commercial accounts. Important Note: For meter reading submissions due on weekends and public holiday, kindly use the SP Utilities Portal or SP app modes. UNDERSTANDING YOUR UTILITIES Understanding Electricity Tariff Electricity tariffs are regulated by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) and revised quarterly to reflect the actual cost of electricity. SP Services buys electricity on behalf of customers and pays the generation companies, transmission licensee and other market players based on the rates of the cost components as approved by EMA. There are four main cost components in the electricity tariff. Market Administration and Power System Operation Fee (reviewed annually) Payable to Energy Market Company and Power System Operator. Market Support Services Fee (reviewed annually) Payable to SP Services. Network Cost (reviewed annually) Payable to SP Power Assets. Energy Cost (adjusted quarterly) Payable to generation companies. About Open Electricity Market • It is not mandatory to switch to a retailer. • You do not have to close your account if you decide to switch. • You will still continue to enjoy U-save rebates. • If you decide to switch, your appointed retailer will work with SP Group in handling the account matters. • If your retailer is a partner of SP Group, you will receive 1 consolidated bill for electricity, gas and refuse. Otherwise, you will receive 1 bill from the retailer for electricity consumption and 1 bill from SP Group for water, gas and refuse. Scan to find out more CLOSING YOUR ACCOUNT ON OFF Ways to close your account SP Utilities Portal SP App Customer Service Centre An online termination form can be submitted via the SP Utilities Portal or via the SP Group website. Customers can also choose to submit the online termination form on the SP App Submit the termination request during your visit to our Customer Service Centre. The Termination of Utilities Supply Forms are available at our service counters. What to note after closing your account The security deposit will be used to offset the final charges. Any credit balance will be refunded to your GIRO account or mailed to you by cheque between 4 – 6 weeks. GIRO arrangement will automatically be terminated after the final charges have been deducted from your GIRO account. Your gas supply will be terminated. City Energy charges a termination fee. For more information, please check with City Energy. Separate gas appliance disconnection fee will be charged if applicable.
Residential Utilities Guide.pdf
COME ONBOARD THE UTILITY JOURNEY! G U I DE B OOK OPENING YOUR RESIDENTIAL UTILITIES ACCOUNT GETTING STARTED UNDERSTANDING YOUR UTILITIES CLOSING YOUR ACCOUNT OPENING YOUR RESIDENTIAL UTILITIES ACCOUNT Who can apply? Only Singaporeans, PRs and foreigners with valid passes aged 18 years and above can apply Application You can open your utilities account through the following channels: Apply through SP Group website or SP App Download via the Apple Store or Google Play Store Apply at Customer Service Centre Please furnish the documents below: ✓ NRIC / FIN Card / Valid Pass / Passports ✓ Completed Application Form for Utilities Account Upon request, customers may be required to share with us the Proof of Ownership / Tenancy Please submit the required documents to our Customer Service Centre at 490 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh #09-11, HDB Hub Biz Three Lift Lobby 1, S(310490) Security Deposit Security deposit will be billed in your first bill Type of Premises Singaporean or Permanent Resident GIRO Customers Non-GIRO Customers GIRO Customers Foreigners Non-GIRO Customers HDB 1 or 2 Rooms $40 $60 $80 $120 HDB 3, 4 or 5 Rooms $70 $100 $140 $200 HDB Executive/ HUDC $100 $150 $200 $300 Flat/ Terrace House Condominium $150 $250 $300 $500 / Semi-Detached House / Private Apartment Bungalow/ Penthouse $250 $400 $500 $800 / Townhouse Turn-on Appointment Turn-on appointment is made during the application. Please allow a 1 week lead time from your application date for your turn-on appointment. A confirmation SMS and email will be sent to you by the next working day. An appointment letter will be sent to you at least 2 working days before your appointment date. For gas supply, please call City Energy at 1800 555 1661 to schedule a gas turn-on appointment after obtaining your account number from SP Services. Arranging for turn-on appointments BTO For HDB BTOs: No appointments are required for electricity and water supplies. For resale HDB and other residential properties: Safety inspection will be done on site before your supplies are turned on. Account holders or a representative must be present for turn-on appointments. GETTING STARTED There are two channels to manage your utility account SP App helps you to • View and pay bills • Manage and update your personal details • Track consumption • Receive notifications and alerts • Submit meter readings • Live chat • Find charging points for your electric vehicle SP Utilities Portal helps you to • View and pay bills • View current and historical utility consumption • Manage and update your personal details • Submit meter readings • Request for payment arrangements • Request for waiver of pink notices and late payment charges What you will see in your bill Scan here to understand your utilities bill or visit this link: Paying your bill Pay your bills with eGIRO for that extra convenience and savings such as: Automated electronic payment service Convenient and paperless Hassle-free monthly payments No set-up fee Avoid pink notices or late payment penalties How to apply for eGIRO Apply for eGIRO through one of the following: • SP Utilities Portal • SP app Approval is instant. You may check the status of your eGIRO application either through the SP Utilities Portal or SP app. Other Payment Modes Payment by credit cards via the SP App DBS/UOB/OCBC Internet banking DBS/POSB/OCBC ATMs AXS stations 7-Eleven stores SP Group Customer Service Centre What to note • Pink notices are issued as a reminder when payments are not made by the due date. A fee of $0.55 (inclusive of GST) applies and will be reflected in the next bill. • If no payment is received after the reminder, a late payment charge of 1% will be imposed on any outstanding balance in the subsequent bill. Meter Reading Meter readings are taken once every 2 months. Readings are estimated on months when the meter is not read. Estimated readings are based on the usage of the past 2 actual readings. Any higher or lower estimation to your usage will be adjusted when your meters are next read. Type XXXX-XX 1P2W 10(100)A 230V, 50Hz CL-1 1000 imp/kWh CAL Phase kWh If you wish to be billed based on your actual usage every month, you may submit your reading on estimated months. Meter readings can be submitted 3 days before and up to 5 pm on the Scheduled Meter Reading date. The window period for submission of meter readings on a non-reading month is reflected on the previous month’s bill. Example: MAY JUNE JULY If your meters are read in May, the next reading month will be in July. Your June bill will be estimated based on the average consumption of your past 2 actual meter readings in the month of March and May. When the meters are next read in July, you will be billed the remaining consumption between the estimated reading month and the month the meter was read. Submission of Meter Reading SP App Learn and manage your utilities consumption, compare offerings from different retailers and choose the right plan for your home. Receive alerts, reminders to submit your meter readings and much more! Important Note: This service is applicable for residential and commercial account under Personal Name. A SP Utilities Portal account is required to use this service. Please note that if there is more than 1 electricity meter, this service is not applicable. SP Utilities Portal Submit your reading online via the Utilities Portal and learn tips on how you can better manage your utility consumption Important Note: A SP Utilities Portal account is required to use this service. This service is applicable for residential and commercial account under Personal Name. Please note that if there is more than 1 electricity meter, this service is not applicable. Email Email a photo of your meter clearly showing the meter reading and meter number to This service is applicable for both residential and commercial accounts. Important Note: For meter reading submissions due on weekends and public holiday, kindly use the SP Utilities Portal or SP app modes. UNDERSTANDING YOUR UTILITIES Understanding Electricity Tariff Electricity tariffs are regulated by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) and revised quarterly to reflect the actual cost of electricity. SP Services buys electricity on behalf of customers and pays the generation companies, transmission licensee and other market players based on the rates of the cost components as approved by EMA. There are four main cost components in the electricity tariff. Market Administration and Power System Operation Fee (reviewed annually) Payable to Energy Market Company and Power System Operator. Market Support Services Fee (reviewed annually) Payable to SP Services. Network Cost (reviewed annually) Payable to SP Power Assets. Energy Cost (adjusted quarterly) Payable to generation companies. About Open Electricity Market • It is not mandatory to switch to a retailer. • You do not have to close your account if you decide to switch. • You will still continue to enjoy U-save rebates. • If you decide to switch, your appointed retailer will work with SP Group in handling the account matters. • If your retailer is a partner of SP Group, you will receive 1 consolidated bill for electricity, gas and refuse. Otherwise, you will receive 1 bill from the retailer for electricity consumption and 1 bill from SP Group for water, gas and refuse. Scan to find out more CLOSING YOUR ACCOUNT ON OFF Ways to close your account SP Utilities Portal SP App Customer Service Centre An online termination form can be submitted via the SP Utilities Portal or via the SP Group website. Customers can also choose to submit the online termination form on the SP App Submit the termination request during your visit to our Customer Service Centre. The Termination of Utilities Supply Forms are available at our service counters. What to note after closing your account The security deposit will be used to offset the final charges. Any credit balance will be refunded to your GIRO account or mailed to you by cheque between 4 – 6 weeks. GIRO arrangement will automatically be terminated after the final charges have been deducted from your GIRO account. Your gas supply will be terminated. City Energy charges a termination fee. For more information, please check with City Energy. Separate gas appliance disconnection fee will be charged if applicable.