Best-in-class customer experience, with a personal touch

Our colleagues inspire us with their talent, dedication and capacity to juggle many hats in their profession, family and the community.

Meet Jacqueline Chew as she gives us a glimpse into her work as the Head of Customer Care and mother to two 6-year old twins. Discover how Jacqueline and her team stayed resilient during the Circuit Breaker, focus on providing best-in-class customer experience and show what it takes to have a meaningful career in customer service.


Jacqueline Chew, Head of Customer Care, is a firm believer of putting customers at the heart of service. Leading a team of 37, she is a familiar face at our Customer Service Centre at HDB Hub, Toa Payoh. 


No two days are the same for Jacqueline. She is a strong pillar of support for her team, including the frontline customer service ambassadors.  

The period during Circuit Breaker called for Jacqueline and her team to be steadfast and agile as they swiftly implemented safe management measures at the Customer Service Centre that remained open. They patiently tended to a surge in customer queries when meter reading services were suspended and bill estimation was in place.  

“The Circuit Breaker period was most memorable. In order to maintain our service and keep the staff and customers safe, we had to re-design how we functioned. I recall not seeing my twins on weekday nights by the time I got home. I turned into a weekend mum! It was really tough on both home and work fronts, but I am glad we soldiered on and got through it.”


Having spent more than 20 years in the service line, Jacqueline has seen how digitalisation has improved quality of life for people from all walks of life. She is constantly observing and thinking of ways to provide a seamless experience and has spearheaded several initiatives.

“Service is not about reacting to issues, but constantly engaging our stakeholders, reviewing and anticipating their needs to meet their demands of tomorrow.”

Beyond the centre, Jacqueline and her team are determined to provide best-in-class customer experience by incorporating technology and re-designing processes. This includes providing a one-stop service with the SP Utilities App at customers’ convenience.


With her hands full, she credits her family and her teammates for empowering her to excel at work and at home.   

“To young children, we mean the world to them. After a long day at work, rallying the team and managing unexpected customer cases, sometimes I wish for a quiet and restful night. When I get home, my twins ‘fight’ for my attention before I can take my dinner and unwind. Like most mums, my me-time only begins when they are asleep.”

When asked on her advice for younger women keen to embark on a career in customer service, Jacqueline shares that this line of work is a good stepping stone to sharpen interpersonal skills through interaction with people from all walks of life. “You can also hone your problem-solving skills, to think on your feet and develop a pulse for the customers’ needs.”